Won't upgrade my phone - EVO 4G General

Hey, I don't post much as I mostly can find everything I need by searching, but I just wanted to say I'm not upgrading my phone until I know which phone all these great dev's are going to go to next. Where you go I go Devs

go for the phone, don't follow a dev, the ones we have now won't stay and they all won't be getting the same phone upgrade, there are many talented devs out there on another phone that will get the phone you upgrade to, be assured that whatever phone you choose, you will have great devs supporting it
fwiw I too hope they all get the evo2 also

I imagine these guys have no idea where they will go next. What if the Evo 2 comes out and they make the security even more hardcore than the G2? Will the devs move to that device if there isn't much they can do on it easily? Pick which phone you want, move there. If it isn't XDA, there will be some devs somewhere else for whatever phone you pick.


New Rom Developer

Hello all, after toying arround a little bit with themes and everything definatly have become really confident in modification of the G1 file system. I am currently in school for Computer Science with East Stroudsburg Universty figured that I would lend my hand into rom development. Have been reading alot on android development toolkits and stuff and have recomplied some other ones to support ext3 and you guys are right much more reliable. Seems like there is already great 1.5 roms that are complete and great i don't know how that I would be able to improve on them other then putting on some of the HTC programs. The Ion is a great build trying to copy some things from Hero to Ion and not playing well going to try and tweak Hero maybe but need some help like where to find more information about possibly getting Bluetooth working I think it may just be as simple as changing a device ID. Did make Hero a little bit but there is the watermark thing to worry about so that i won't make available yet and especially is still glitchy and no bluetooth. Just looking for direction on what can be done further. Trying to take place of haykuro and see if can lend a helping hend although I know I won't be able to fill his shoes and all. But I also wanted to take a crack on Hero build if anyone might be able to give me a lending hand and point the right direction I want to try and get that running with the Rosie UI and Bluetooth but need some files and help. Anything would be greatly appreciated can pm me anytime. Looking forward to being a biger contributer here. So just any points towards rom development would be appreciated again. Sorry though if this is the wrong section.
The thing i like most about hero beta 4 is the exchange support. i'd love to see the exchange support on the ion rom with all its speed goodness.
I don't think any of us would be able to help you with files for Hero, and the Rosie UI. If you manage to get a Hero build with the Rosie UI somehow and then make it usable without any traceable files then that should be a start for making a name for yourself, but as you can see getting a Hero rom with the Rosie UI would be quite difficult.
This great if you take a look at the "He didnt do it! I did!" thread you can see the people who helped haykuro. I would say to try to get in contact with these people.
I support you all the way.
Why dont you try contacting haykuro himself. Though I would be surprized if he was whilling to give up that info its worth a shot.
Yeh The traceable data in Hero is a big problem and I don't think that there is one currently without it yet. I understand how it is I am just unsure of how to get arround it. I don't have the Rosie data and that would be a future thing anyway. Looking over code from google there is alot to understand and I have a basic concept of most of it just need to know how that they interact with each other a little better. As far as exchange support that uses alot of HTCs stuff so on a Ion build would be hard since you would need to have the HTC binaries instead which is a little difficult.

General rant

I'm an intermediate (Windows) PC user and slightly more technically inclined than most of my friends and family. I bought the Dream because of it's tight integration with GMail and the promise of untold useful apps. I have some awesome apps such as 4 Timers, My Tracks, Wireless Tether, which are useful in my everyday life, and they were all free (although I donate to developers when i think its justified).
My Dream is a vastly better phone in many ways than my last (Nokia N85) and at first I enjoyed flashing new roms and the ability to change my phone in different ways.
I'm currently running Cyanogen 4.0.2 which is a great rom, but to get the most out of it and actually have a sweet running phone it seems almost required to keep up with the changes on the Dream Dev forum, read hundreds of posts, learn how to install scripts and tweek settings, add ext partitions on your sdcard for swap files, know what compcache is, etc etc.
I realise that the devs are doing everything they can to give us the best performance from our phones, and i am very grateful and applaud it. I just wish it was a little easier to keep my phone being the best it can be.
What I am really getting at is that the Dream has its obvious hardware limitations (lack of RAM and rubbish battery life being the most obvious) and I'm kind of getting to the point where I want a new phone that doesn't require so much work.
None of the recent Android phones that I have heard about offer a full 5 row qwerty keyboard. That's what i want, along with perhaps a flash on the camera and a battery that lasts a couple of days with moderate use.
I will not jump ship and go elsewhere, as I love Android, but i think a manufacturer would clean up if they released a phone with the above specs and perhaps 512mb RAM - I know i would buy it in a second, and at any price within reason.
Anyone else feel this way?
setspeed said:
I'm an intermediate (Windows) PC user and slightly more technically inclined than most of my friends and family. I bought the Dream because of it's tight integration with GMail and the promise of untold useful apps. I have some awesome apps such as 4 Timers, My Tracks, Wireless Tether, which are useful in my everyday life, and they were all free (although I donate to developers when i think its justified).
My Dream is a vastly better phone in many ways than my last (Nokia N85) and at first I enjoyed flashing new roms and the ability to change my phone in different ways.
I'm currently running Cyanogen 4.0.2 which is a great rom, but to get the most out of it and actually have a sweet running phone it seems almost required to keep up with the changes on the Dream Dev forum, read hundreds of posts, learn how to install scripts and tweek settings, add ext partitions on your sdcard for swap files, know what compcache is, etc etc.
I realise that the devs are doing everything they can to give us the best performance from our phones, and i am very grateful and applaud it. I just wish it was a little easier to keep my phone being the best it can be.
What I am really getting at is that the Dream has its obvious hardware limitations (lack of RAM and rubbish battery life being the most obvious) and I'm kind of getting to the point where I want a new phone that doesn't require so much work.
None of the recent Android phones that I have heard about offer a full 5 row qwerty keyboard. That's what i want, along with perhaps a flash on the camera and a battery that lasts a couple of days with moderate use.
I will not jump ship and go elsewhere, as I love Android, but i think a manufacturer would clean up if they released a phone with the above specs and perhaps 512mb RAM - I know i would buy it in a second, and at any price within reason.
Anyone else feel this way?
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You can always just load a rom that is stable and one you like and leave it. Your not forced to always update. If you always want the newest and greatest then you have to update, we all knew that when we started doing this.
The unfortunate thing is that ALL roms i've tried have problems with them - things that dont work, bugs introduced when things are changed. And the devs fix some of the probs in the next release, but then new bugs become apparent.
I know this is the nature of development, and I understand this is only way devs can work to push things forward. But it means living with bugs or upgrading the rom to the next version.
I've not found a rom that has the stabililty/simplicity i really want to just use the phone, and not have to mess around with it all the time, or get annoyed because it wont keep programs like the browser running when you change to do something else, or put up with not being able to rely on the phone for its core function of making and receiving calls and lagging left right & centre.
I think that Android's true requirements are beyond the Dream's hardware - and much as devs try, they will never get past that fact, they will just find progressively better workarounds which "sort of" do the job.
If I were you I would go with an older build instead of a newer one that still has bugs. I'm still on Cyanogens 3.9.5 and have no problems with it at all, no bugs or nothing and happy with it. There is also old dude's builds that I use to be on a long time ago that was stable with no bugs also. But of course since those are older builds it might be hard to find, but if your wanting to take a step back and go to something stable and no bugs let me know I still got all roms on my pc at home.
I am running cyan 4.02 and have no problems whatsoever from it, you really don't have to stay on top off it at all times since you are more technical than most as you say, you can turn around and read the first post and the change log and have a good idea of what is going on. You might have a problem with the costant devolpment but I find it great that people are taking the time to get the android platform better than it was in the beginning, don't be suprised if people from google are on here taking ideas and hard work to make the general source better. The better android gets will only get better with more devolpment, remember the magic and hero just came out still basiclly running the same base as we are. Oh and some of us just got into new contracts and just got their phones and don't want to run out and buy a new phone just cause it has better specs, I want my phone to live up to it's upmost performance possibe by these work arounds so that the next android phone that I get will be 100 times better and more efficent on that hardware
I think you're right - I've just restored my cyanogen 3.6.5 backup and I forgot how decent it is, using swapper it does respond quite well. To be fair, the only reason i upgraded past 3.6.5 was because I was always having a problem with the HTC_IME - it would never stay on "phone keypad" rather than "qwerty", and it also interfered with my physical keyboard by turning on the "enable prediction for qwerty keyboard" option. Other than that I never had any problems with it. This problem is a BIG annoyance though...
Oh - and the fact that the phone rings (silently) about 3 times before anything is shown on the screen or a ringtone is heard. Forgot about that one...
Also, I'd just like to add that I am in no way bashing cyanogen - i have found his roms to be the best/fastest/most stable out all i have tried, hence why i am using them. I have used a few other roms that were just a joke, with force closes all over the place, and much more serious bugs/errors than i have mentioned here.
Overall, for me, i think cyanogen is the best dev out there, consistently pushing the boundaries of performance, and regularly updating his rom. That much is obvious from the popularity of his roms' threads.
update withdraw
I agree with you that cyanogen is a great devolper but so are jac and drizzy and those other guys that are putting a ton of work into hero, maybe soon we will have a good working rosie but in the mean time I could rant how those are buggy and lag a lot, but even with a cupcake rom you have to break a few eggs to make an olmet and that are the bugs that we are gonna have to live with, truthfully I am addicted like a drug addict to all the constant update from cyan to see what is next to come, just the fact the I have been on 4.02 for a couple days is making me go through update withdraw, I flash a hero rom just for the hell of it just to see the progress, it was on my phone for maybe a whole 10 minutes before I booted my nandroid backup of 4.02
gridlock32404 said:
I am running cyan 4.02 and have no problems whatsoever from it, you really don't have to stay on top off it at all times since you are more technical than most as you say, you can turn around and read the first post and the change log and have a good idea of what is going on. You might have a problem with the costant devolpment but I find it great that people are taking the time to get the android platform better than it was in the beginning, don't be suprised if people from google are on here taking ideas and hard work to make the general source better. The better android gets will only get better with more devolpment, remember the magic and hero just came out still basiclly running the same base as we are. Oh and some of us just got into new contracts and just got their phones and don't want to run out and buy a new phone just cause it has better specs, I want my phone to live up to it's upmost performance possibe by these work arounds so that the next android phone that I get will be 100 times better and more efficent on that hardware
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I do appreciate what you're saying - that i want to have my cake and eat it! I suppose that's true in some respects. I can honestly say that my Dream is the best phone I've ever had, and the efforts the devs make to push the envelope are just amazing! Their knowledge and skills are something special - and to do it all for the love of it (and of course the respect of the community!) is definitely to be applauded.
I do also hope that google devs do read these forums, and incorporate the work into the official roms! I think they should pay the devs on xda, as they clearly do a lot of work that google ought to have done!
I hope that google does donate to these devs because they have done an amazing job with what they have to work with, I just wish I understood programming better and had the patience for it, I think my phone is better than my computer now, wait anything is better the my computer right now since I burned out my power supply. By far this is the best phone I have ever owned and now I am a android lifer because of the devs. When I first got my phone, it was worthless to me before I rooted it, good thing I found xda back when I had my wing so I knew right where to go and by the end of the first day I had it, it was already rooted
If google pays the devs or give them jobs then we will have to wait long time for our update and cool stuff, they need to just donate lots of money to them so they keep hooking us up first at xda and not the general masses all at once, I don't think they could handle the general awesomeness
setspeed said:
I'm an intermediate (Windows) PC user and slightly more technically inclined than most of my friends and family. I bought the Dream because of it's tight integration with GMail and the promise of untold useful apps. I have some awesome apps such as 4 Timers, My Tracks, Wireless Tether, which are useful in my everyday life, and they were all free (although I donate to developers when i think its justified).
My Dream is a vastly better phone in many ways than my last (Nokia N85) and at first I enjoyed flashing new roms and the ability to change my phone in different ways.
I'm currently running Cyanogen 4.0.2 which is a great rom, but to get the most out of it and actually have a sweet running phone it seems almost required to keep up with the changes on the Dream Dev forum, read hundreds of posts, learn how to install scripts and tweek settings, add ext partitions on your sdcard for swap files, know what compcache is, etc etc.
I realise that the devs are doing everything they can to give us the best performance from our phones, and i am very grateful and applaud it. I just wish it was a little easier to keep my phone being the best it can be.
What I am really getting at is that the Dream has its obvious hardware limitations (lack of RAM and rubbish battery life being the most obvious) and I'm kind of getting to the point where I want a new phone that doesn't require so much work.
None of the recent Android phones that I have heard about offer a full 5 row qwerty keyboard. That's what i want, along with perhaps a flash on the camera and a battery that lasts a couple of days with moderate use.
I will not jump ship and go elsewhere, as I love Android, but i think a manufacturer would clean up if they released a phone with the above specs and perhaps 512mb RAM - I know i would buy it in a second, and at any price within reason.
Anyone else feel this way?
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its like you read my mind

BOUNTY) for first flashable android rom!

okay after doing some hard thinking about my next upgrade and realizing i don't have a ton of money to spend on a real hero phone right now. id love to see one of the devs on here create the first fully functional android rom for our touch vogues. i know i seem to be the one on here who has no luck with most of the builds so far but something keeps bringing me back to android.
so heres the deal, i will offer $50 or more via paypal to the first dev who can make this happen. id like to see others join in and lets make this bounty worthwhile. it would be a ton cheaper for me to just buy another vogue even brand new rather than spend $300 on a hero or other android phone. i may even be willing to donate my old vogue for testing. im also hoping others may join in on this. i see some of the devs have stopped development or will by moving to real android phones. i think the vogue is a solid phone and a rom like this would really keep interest going and the community going strong. hell maybe even xda will give us our own dedicated android section for the vogue if we can do this. also since we have godzon who is very talented at skinning, maybe he can start creating themes we can use on the rom? just a thought but really the possibilities are endless IMO.
so my questions are:
who is up for the challenge?
can this be done legally without google getting upset?
which build should we use as a base? hero, xrom, ion , cupcake or tattoo?
can we root our phones after we create a rom so we can have full potential as a real android phone user?
so i ask you guys to join in with me in making this task/project worthwhile for one of our talented devs on here.
sorry i created another thread on this but lets keep all discussions about this in here from now on.
"forgot to mention, my offer stands until the first week in november. if i don't see any interest or beginning development ill withdraw and cave in and buy a real hero."
thanks, fixxxer
fixxxer2008 said:
okay after doing some hard thinking about my next upgrade and realizing i don't have a ton of money to spend on a real hero phone right now. id love to see one of the devs on here create the first fully functional android rom for our touch vogues. i know i seem to be the one on here who has no luck with most of the builds so far but something keeps bringing me back to android.
so heres the deal, i will offer $50 or more via paypal to the first dev who can make this happen. id like to see others join in and lets make this bounty worthwhile. it would be a ton cheaper for me to just buy another vogue even brand new rather than spend $300 on a hero or other android phone. i may even be willing to donate my old vogue for testing. im also hoping others may join in on this. i see some of the devs have stopped development or will by moving to real android phones. i think the vogue is a solid phone and a rom like this would really keep interest going and the community going strong. hell maybe even xda will give us our own dedicated android section for the vogue if we can do this.
so my questions are:
who is up for the challenge?
can this be done legally without google getting upset?
which build should we use as a base? hero, xrom, ion , cupcake or tattoo?
can we root our phones after we create a rom so we can have full potential as a real android phone user?
so i ask you guys to join in with me in making this task/project worthwhile for one of our talented devs on here.
sorry i created another thread on this but lets keep all discussions about this in here from now on.
thanks, fixxxer
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lol most likely the ion build.
zenulator said:
lol most likely the ion build.
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so you up for it zen? im serious here.
wouldn't the tattoo build be the best?
well donut. tattoo still has trouble with force closes on start. some incompatibilities with our ril because of proprietary code. so donut would be a great option once audio gets fully functional. i'm not about to brick my only phone......
zenulator said:
well donut. tattoo still has trouble with force closes on start. some incompatibilities with our ril because of proprietary code. so donut would be a great option once audio gets fully functional. i'm not about to brick my only phone......
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well whatever build you guys think would be best. i just thought this would be a great idea for us vogue users. why buy a android phone when we can have fully functional rom on our vogues? then we could work on rooting, themeing and all that good stuff.
what do you think zen, would you be interested in this? would you need a spare vogue to try this out on? i might be willing to donate mine or hopefully someone else will too. im sure i can pick up a spare vogue for cheap.
I like this idea espcially since us Sprint SERO guys don't have a viable Android option to use as of yet.
I'ld paypal $50 for a version that completely ditches WM off the phone and works well. It doesn't matter which version, once someone pioneers the trial others will follow.
gedster314 said:
I'ld paypal $50 for a version that completely ditches WM off the phone and works well. It doesn't matter which version, once someone pioneers the trial others will follow.
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+1...i really hope this thread doesn't die and i hope a dev will take this offer up.
Already said this in another thread, but I've got a spare Vogue (blacklisted ESN, I think) and, while I'd like to retain possession of it, I will blindly flash whatever a dev puts out for testing.
fixer you should summarize who all are offering what amounts.
I am willing to offer $20 for this!!
if you can make it work, meaning build a rom based on hero or ion, i am willing to give the person 300, which is more than getting a tmobile plan with the my touch which i also do have, but i dont wanna get rid of my vogue, its been so good to me, i have it on metro, and for some reason market dont work when i am in android. still the bounty from my end will be 300 for a flashable android rom
i'd donate $50 as well..... im a huge fan of Android and would like to see this really happen
Before we go over to make a flashable rom we should look to get all hardware working for 100%. At the moment i think the risk to brick your phone is enormous. We should ask some of the spl people if they could help
I suppose it all depends, do you guys still want to have winmo? If not than it's not too terribly far away. Right now I can make my vogue start to boot the linux kernel, it totally wrecks the winmo everytime though. And there are some challenges to overcome..
Dual boot would be too cool, if ever possible....
were up to $470 right now to the first dev to make this possible.
and to mission....were talking about a fully flashable rom like winmo. i don't really see why this cannot be done with some hard work and teamwork. as i said my offer stands until i can get the hero which may be up to a month away yet.
sricke said:
Dual boot would be too cool, if ever possible....
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not really what were talking about here man. right now technically that's what we already have. android/vogue is nothing more than a program, we want a fully working operating system that can be flashed like real android users can. once again i cannot see why we can't make this happen. ive seen a ton of talented devs on here. i wish i could do even half of what they accomplish.
JeckyllHavok said:
Before we go over to make a flashable rom we should look to get all hardware working for 100%. At the moment i think the risk to brick your phone is enormous. We should ask some of the spl people if they could help
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agreed, you devs should get together and discuss this. hell maybe all of you can even split the money. ive posted this thread at a couple other places on the net, im sure the pot will grow.
mssmison said:
I suppose it all depends, do you guys still want to have winmo? If not than it's not too terribly far away. Right now I can make my vogue start to boot the linux kernel, it totally wrecks the winmo everytime though. And there are some challenges to overcome..
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If one was to flash completely to android would one be able to flash back to winmo later or would that option be wiped away with the pure android flash.
Also we need a bootloader like grub for our phones so that we could install multiple os's and choose which one too boot at startup, although that might be easier to do starting from an android phone.
i think that if you want dual boot and all that junk, stick with a computer.
i would like an flashable android ROM to get rid of winMo for good.
i would donate also if it gets done.

[Q] LG G2 questions for everyone.

Now the LG g2 is looking VERY nice to me, battery, screen, camera, design, etc everything basically.
Now looking at the gpro thread, not too many developers are working with that phone, i know its sort of a dumb question,but does anyone have any info or idea how development for the g2 is going to be?
Out of the note 3, sony z1 and all the other phones announce, i want this one, but not if developments going to be very minimal.
When looking at a new device. The only development that you can count on is the work your willing to put into it. Some times device get little to none and some come along later as it gets cheaper. If you like it and it does what you want/need it to do. Them get it and be happy. Then if it needs something you can search around and maybe learn to do it.
Wayne Tech Nexus
zelendel said:
When looking at a new device. The only development that you can count on is the work your willing to put into it. Some times device get little to none and some come along later as it gets cheaper. If you like it and it does what you want/need it to do. Them get it and be happy. Then if it needs something you can search around and maybe learn to do it.
Wayne Tech Nexus
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i would love to learn on how to create roms

Will this device get any new development, support, or love? And anyone need testers?

I have a G550T T-Mobile US unlocked, and I am trying to find stuff like custom ROMs, tools and packs for this phone. Problem is, since this device wasn't launched properly by Samsung or did it ever get any attention, no one seems to own this so there just is not anything I can find on XDA.
My question is, will this device be able to get any attention? The best I can do right now is be a tester for it as I'm not a huge phone user so if I break my phone, I'm perfectly fine as I don't need it, but would love to make this my every day phone soon. I have no carrier. I am trying to learn Java and Android Development and Hacking so I can contribute to this device.
Thanks c:

