[Q] Android App Feedback - General Marketing & SEO

Hi everyone,
I am part of a small tech start up from Manchester, UK and we have recently created an app using Phonegap. Don't know if many of you have used Phonegap before but it has many limitations. However we are using it as a first try whilst we learn how to make a native app.
I wanted to ask for some feedback about the Android app (we've made an iOS app also but Android is something we want to work on more) as I've received mixed reviews about it's appearance etc.
The app is to help users discover emerging music videos. If anyone could take a look and give any feedback/advice I would really appreciate it and take it all on board. Similarly if anyone else needs any feedback or constructive criticism I would be happy to look at other people's apps.
This is the first time I have posted on here but I wanted some developer advice and I hope I haven't broken any rules/guidelines.
The app is called Rormix - just search the Google Play Store
Thanks, Emma.

Your app looks good. My first advice would be to follow the Android Design Guidelines. For example on the the action bar. Those three dots on the left are confusing. Maybe these links can help you


I need to hire a developer!

Howdy, the name's Mike. I've got an idea for a comics app that I think has legs. I want to release it for the Android Market, but I'm a graphic designer and I'm absolutely useless when it comes to code. The App Inventor isn't robust enough for my needs. So, I need to hire someone who can take my graphics, concepts and instructions and make it into a real app.
I'm planning this as a commercial application (~1.99/free with ads), so you will be paid well for your work. Preference will be given to developers who can code for multiple platforms (Android/iOS/WP7), have proven development and Android Market experience, enjoy internet comics, and who can meet in person in north Texas.
I've been lurking on XDA since I got my HTC Touch three years ago, and I can't think of anywhere else I'd like to start looking for talented developers. I supply the ideas, the capital and the interface. You supply the rest. Let's make an app. Email me at aggie20x at gmail dot com to get the ball rolling.
[Mods: If this post violates XDA rules, please take it down and email me to let me seek alternatives. I don't want to make any trouble.]
I was wondering a similar thing, but a search doesn't give much.
I didn't want to make a new post, I'm surprised there wasn't a long list of devs for hire already
Please post here if you might be available. I have a rather simple app request.
AndyCr15 said:
I was wondering a similar thing, but a search doesn't give much.
I didn't want to make a new post, I'm surprised there wasn't a long list of devs for hire already
Please post here if you might be available. I have a rather simple app request.
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Let's hear it.
Basically I just want an app for my site (see sig below) which will give the posts in a list, have a tab for comments and a tab for videos (from our YouTube channel).
My idea was it would be a way for people to say thanks (I would charge 99p for it) and it would maybe help fund further progress of the site...

How to Promote Android Apps?

Hi, I'm a new app developer and I recently published my first app on the android market. Unfortunently I'm not getting any downloads besides those from friends. I've tried posted in app development forums like this one but that did not create an downloads. I also tried running an admob campaign and that did not create any downloads. I've been reading through the forums here and at other sites and it seems people won't download unless you have reviews and other people downloading. If others won't download because no downloads then nobody will download. I would really appreciate any advice. I'm not expecting or hoping for 10000 + downloads but I was hoping for at least 5 downloads since it's been almost 3 weeks now. Thanks for the suggestions.
go to smaller android blogs and ask them to review it. create youtube video and show how it works
This blog post documents my experience in App Marketing
This blog post documents my experience in App Marketing
Submit your app to http://50bestandroidapps.com/
Submit your app to 50bestandroidapps.com
It's a good web site to get your apps promoted. :fingers-crossed:
the_main_app said:
Hi, I'm a new app developer and I recently published my first app on the android market. Unfortunently I'm not getting any downloads besides those from friends. I've tried posted in app development forums like this one but that did not create an downloads. I also tried running an admob campaign and that did not create any downloads. I've been reading through the forums here and at other sites and it seems people won't download unless you have reviews and other people downloading. If others won't download because no downloads then nobody will download. I would really appreciate any advice. I'm not expecting or hoping for 10000 + downloads but I was hoping for at least 5 downloads since it's been almost 3 weeks now. Thanks for the suggestions.
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Increase SEO of app..
In app details, enter large no. of keywords related with the app. Also, enter name of other similar popular apps as keyword.
It'll not just increase visibility in built-in search results, but also on external search engines and curators!
I might be able to help?
If you are looking to get your app promoted, I actually own and operate a website called Droid App of the Day, so if you would like a free app review visit my site (I cant post links as am a new member). A google search won't fail you!
the_main_app said:
Hi, I'm a new app developer and I recently published my first app on the android market. Unfortunently I'm not getting any downloads besides those from friends. I've tried posted in app development forums like this one but that did not create an downloads. I also tried running an admob campaign and that did not create any downloads. I've been reading through the forums here and at other sites and it seems people won't download unless you have reviews and other people downloading. If others won't download because no downloads then nobody will download. I would really appreciate any advice. I'm not expecting or hoping for 10000 + downloads but I was hoping for at least 5 downloads since it's been almost 3 weeks now. Thanks for the suggestions.
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Hello friend, I have the same problem as you! I also have a new android app, but cannot promote it properly. Could you please, share your experience on promoting your app. It would be interesting not only for me Good luck!
I have wrote this guide for people like me. I have wrote almost everything I tried when I was promoting my app.
obscurant1st said:
I have wrote this guide for people like me. I have wrote almost everything I tried when I was promoting my app.
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Great article! Thanks for sharing this
Few words about google play app pronotion
Empirically, I determined that a new application has to be seen through search Google play. Search is all that we have without money for a marketing campaign.
Therefore,application should be optimized in the following order:
Application name in google play. This name may be different from the name displayed on the desktop device. The application name contains 30 characters, they should contain the main application keywords.
Description of the application must be clear and also contain keywords.
Attractive icons are very important.
The application must be beautiful and functional. No need to buy a device for $ 300-500 and install an ugly app. People want a beautiful application.
Publication of forums mentioned above.
Well if you don't mind paying for installations try appbrain. It features an option to pay per installation, for a small number of installations you can go as low as 0,20 per installation. They only allow to promote free apps though, and if your income is from ads you will probably not get your money back.
Other options are going to forums and telling the users about your app. Or contact review blogs. Appeggs usally posts good apps, or try app of the day blogs. But make sure your app is ready for the big public or else you might just end up getting bad reviews,
I wrote a little guide on how to promote your apps http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2225125
I wanted to add that the guide that i've been using (a small one) and that lead our team to initially post a thread here on XDA is: http://karim-ouda.blogspot.kr/2012/05/android-app-marketing-dumping-my.html
Interestingly enough, the author of that guide has posted here as well!
So keywords actually do stuff then? I only tried it in one app, I didn't tell anyone I built or released the app. Not even one or two people and admittedly it has had 200 downloads.
I thought it didn't really do anything. Think I have to add keywords to all my apps descs now.
Be careful with keywords: http://droid-blog.net/2011/06/13/how-to-not-get-kicked-out-of-android-market/
This is also interesting: http://droid-blog.net/2011/07/11/four-reasons-why-your-app-wont-be-successful/
And for tips: http://droid-blog.net/category/aso-2/
Ok. It is all from the same blog but I found it very helpful.
Advertising is one option, the other is to advertise your app on various forums, facebook groups. Making youtube video is also a good practice. It avoids you negative reviews as user has already been aware of all app features.
First of all, I want to say that I have no experience in promoting Android apps. But I did some work in promoting websites for businesses, and I can suggest some things.
Key is a having a functional app. If users download an app which is half done and has disabled functions because they aren't done yet, they are going to uninstall it. Second suggestion, a great design is makes a difference for a lot of people whether they're going to install it or not.
When you have both those things, you can get on with actually promoting the app. I would search for an SEO copywriter to get the description for your app. SEO copywriters are specialized in optimizing texts for Google. And I would look into advertising on Facebook. I think you can actually promote your apps, and advertise only on phones. This way your advertisement will only be showed to people who are using Facebook on their phone. User will probably more tempted to install the app.
My app is now having more 1600+ downloads! I am planning to do a major update which might increase the app exposure!
EDIT: I would like everyone to know that I have started a free review service, so if anyone in the process of promoting thier android app, they could consider requesting a free review from me!
the_main_app said:
How to Promote Android Apps?
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Hello to all.
You can promote your apps at Appsorg.com :good:
Appsorg.com - Helps you share and organize your Android apps from around the web.
ps - This is my first post at xda, but this is not a spam )
I really think this site will be very helpfully to all of us
App promotion
Thanks for all the interesting links and posts on app marketing ideas. We're a new app developer & in the same boat.
It seems that App Store Optimisation along with submissions to as many review sites as possible are good starting points. We started looking at pre launch strategies as well focusing on building up some marketing steam.
Check out pre apps. It's a pretty interesting idea. We also submitted to any app dev competitions and as many journalists as we could. Paid reviews are worth a look at as well if you can scrape a few 100 bucks together but make sure the site has traffic
dinamotxt dot com

Developing a product search app for online store.

Hi guys,
I am starting to develop an app to be used to search for a product on an online store. An similar style/type of app to the eBay apps etc where products can be found under categories and using search filters.
The website for this store already works in this way and has a basic mobile site with all of these features, the latter of which is not aesthetically pleasing in any way, which is my motivation for creating this app.
Just to clear things up - although i am relatively new to app development, this is not my first app, and I am in no way new to android. I am not asking for someone to 'ned hlp pls c0de ths i noob' so i can call it my own without giving credit. I purely want your opinion on the best way to go about this and any other advice you may give.
I want the app to have the same search features as the mobile site, and to parse the results into a much nicer looking interface, including the images and specifications of the product. This is the first time i have needed features like this in an app and am not sure how to go about it, any help would be greatly appreciated.
What do you guys think? Have any of you developed a similar app?

Your great app is not selling. Sounds familiar?

Hi guys,
Making an app successful requires two distinct skill sets including:
1. product development: UI/UX, Graphics, clean code and all that stuff
2. marketing: Tricky business. How do you monteize? Work with Carriers? Pre-load your app? Promote it through blogs? Get good reviews? Create a hype in social media? Paid vs. Free? What kind of in-app purchases? Which ad network and what marketing partners to use etc. etc.?
I have seen many apps on app store that have the ability to be sell like hot cakes but they get dumped under the piles of bad apps which are being marketed properly.
If you guys think that you have an app that have the nice concept, good design and ability to be successful, but it is lacking marketing muscle, please send me a message. I will analyze your app and provide you free advise on what is it lacking. If I find that I can help you making it successful, I will let you know and we can discuss these details more once the key issues are identified.
Sounds like a good offer. My app is in my signature. I posted some info on my efforts in this thread:
What do you think?
Great initiative, here is my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.signedcode.diskovery
Thank you!
Please check your PMs.
have a look
omer205 said:
Please check your PMs.
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Please have a look at my signature this all my apps..
Wow your offer is amazing !
Well, please have a look:
This is a big pain point for app developers everywhere, both during UI and feature design as well as marketing the app. A solution would be to A/B your app features, both for development and for marketing your features. Mobile A/B solutions tend to be cumbersome and code-intensive. But, WYSIWYG tools are also making their appearance (Appiterate, Useartisan)
omer205 said:
Hi guys,
Making an app successful requires two distinct skill sets including:
1. product development: UI/UX, Graphics, clean code and all that stuff
2. marketing: Tricky business. How do you monteize? Work with Carriers? Pre-load your app? Promote it through blogs? Get good reviews? Create a hype in social media? Paid vs. Free? What kind of in-app purchases? Which ad network and what marketing partners to use etc. etc.?
I have seen many apps on app store that have the ability to be sell like hot cakes but they get dumped under the piles of bad apps which are being marketed properly.
If you guys think that you have an app that have the nice concept, good design and ability to be successful, but it is lacking marketing muscle, please send me a message. I will analyze your app and provide you free advise on what is it lacking. If I find that I can help you making it successful, I will let you know and we can discuss these details more once the key issues are identified.
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here is mine at my signature.
look at my signature, advices are welcome
I just sent you a message:
Here is my game =)
Cat Snaps
Hi Please tell me what you think to my app Cat Snaps.
This does sound like a pretty good opportunity, has anyone been able to work with him? If so, any feedback?
I sent you a PM by the way.
unfortunately it does sound familiar :crying:
i have this amaizing app on which my team worked for months and now the marketing is not that good. i mean we all expected it wont be second agry birds but damn app store is like a wild wild west!!!!! luckily ive fouund this forum maybe something here will give me an answer
Great to see this, I hope you will take some time to check my app
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Link: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Souls.Gabber_app
Reasons Why Your App is not showing Conversion
A/B testing is a powerful tool which can be used to exponentially increase your conversions and and thus revenue. However there are certain mistakes one can often make while doing an A/B test. Read more here http://appiterate.com/top-6-mobile-app-ab-testing-mistakes-and-how-to-avoid-them/
omer205 said:
Hi guys,
I will analyze your app and provide you free advise on what is it lacking. If I find that I can help you making it successful, I will let you know and we can discuss these details more once the key issues are identified.
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Thanks for the efforts and your hard work
can you help on my apps
Daily, Everyday start your day with the Best Quotes- Transparent Widget App.
is your Volume button is broken ? Try this very light app (Free & no ads.)
Wow! I agree with the former post, this is a great initiative! My app is called bitmado, it automatically shuffles wallpapers based on your interests. I'll message you the link. Thanks!
Thats true but
richardsd1985 said:
I think you forgot App store optimization. It is best to increase app download as people mostly search app on app stores.
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You are right, but
i observe that in search list google shows the result in below way.
1. first shows the app for which they have got advertisement money,
2. then the app those revenues are high as 30% goes to google.
3. then the most downloaded- reviewd, rate apps
4. then there algorithem goes for rest all...
Again this is my observation and i have not considered google algoritham at all on this.
Hi Omar,
I hope I`m not too late and this post is still active I try to promote my app, it is Astrology & Horoscopes, Feng Shui... I know it doesn`t sound awesome, but it actually is based on Chinesse astrology professional software and lot of people believe in this stuff, so i think my app may be successful. Could you please help me with some advice what should I do to increase it`s downloads? Thank you
• https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dmc.astrology&hl=en
Hi Omer
Here are my 2 latest games
I would appreciate your review and thoughts on what can be improved.

Want to get your app reviewed ? FREE !!!

This is the author or LangLookUp Dictionary on Google PlayStore.
As I just introduce my dictionary tool into Google PlayStore, I would like to invite everybody to try and give review to it.
In return, I will do the same, just let me know you review name on my app once you are done, and your app name so I will review it for you.
LangLookUp is a multi languages dictionary, and a translate tool to serve for your daily convenience usage. Imagine you are watching TV and see a new word popup, don't let it obscure your mind, tap on LangLookUp on your device to unveil it.
Besides dictionary look up, it also translate sentence, allow you to share content to your friends, and it can speak too ! How about having an mp3 file saying "you've got new message sir" assigned to your new message alert ?
Just seach for LangLookUp on Google PlayStore, you won't be disappointed !
Eager to see you app in reply section of this post.
Done !
Pls review for mine
Xperia News
Cinema 360
Thank you and Done !
Hi there, many thanks for that
Already done for your two apps, they are all great (see binh khac nguyen's comment), good luck !
Looking forward to see next developers' visit to my app LangLookUp on Play Store
Reviewed LangLookUp!
I've checked out your LangLookUp and made 5* rating in russian language! You definitely should improve UI design (at least sprites and icons, at most UX). I liked translation examples which can not be found in Google Translate and I find this feature very useful! Also I could not check the feature of inline text translation (I'm using HTC Incredible S + Android 4.0.4). Next, there are some stability issues on my phone (however its old and not very common nowadays).
I'd be happy if you could check out the Epic Ball Game: Space Soccer and support it with 5*
LangLookUp's thank you and done !
Many thanks for your review on LangLookUp, I also found it's UI not good yet but as I am not good at UI myself, I will have to look for someone to redesign it for me soon.
Regarding your game, i searched "space soccer" but it won't shown in my Google PlayStore, then i searched for EpicBallGame and found it. I think this may feed some thoughts on your naming strategy. It seems to me you want to keep both names, and not willing to sacrify one
Very nice EL and good game, I am done reviewing it, check binh's comment
Looking forward to see next developers' visit to my app LangLookUp on Play Store
Best regards
BackMusic - Reverse Music Quiz
It would be very nice if you would also check out my app.
It's a music quiz in which you have to guess your music in reverse.
Just search for "BackMusic" in the Google Play Store
Try LangLookUp
Hi BackMusic
Please try LangLookUp on Playstore first and give it your review and let me know when you are done
I will be ready to try BackMusic then, it seems to me your quiz is a new idea, I hope that will get big success.
Best regards,
codelavie said:
This is the author or LangLookUp Dictionary on Google PlayStore.
As I just introduce my dictionary tool into Google PlayStore, I would like to invite everybody to try and give review to it.
In return, I will do the same, just let me know you review name on my app once you are done, and your app name so I will review it for you.
LangLookUp is a multi languages dictionary, and a translate tool to serve for your daily convenience usage. Imagine you are watching TV and see a new word popup, don't let it obscure your mind, tap on LangLookUp on your device to unveil it.
Besides dictionary look up, it also translate sentence, allow you to share content to your friends, and it can speak too ! How about having an mp3 file saying "you've got new message sir" assigned to your new message alert ?
Just seach for LangLookUp on Google PlayStore, you won't be disappointed !
Eager to see you app in reply section of this post.
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PM me link of your app i will review your app.
I think that we can help mobile app developers better promote their mobile apps by make cool app videos and sharing images what we've learned...While learning some more!
Please check your PM
City Photo Quiz Pro review
City Photo Quiz Pro is the app that invites and challenges you to find out exactly which city you are specifically looking at on your app.
Crusia B.V.’s app is designed to allow you to visit all of the most scenic places and cities in the whole, wide world, all right on your handheld device!
It's available for IOS and Windows Phone devices, and will soon be available for Android too!
This app features gameplay that is the best of both worlds: It is simple and extremely addictive all at the same time. There is also an element of riddle-me-this involved.
You are going to be shown four, unique pictures, and then it’s your job to figure out just which city you are looking at.
Of course, you have a bunch of different tools that you can use in order to figure out what you have to figure out.
If you do get stuck—and, hey, it does happen to the best of us—then just simply fall back on a large variety of hints in order to help you out of your tough guessing bind.
Alternately, you also have the choice to petition all of your friends from Facebook for some extra help.
Please check out this app for review.
Hey I reviewed your app, the review is titled 'Nice app'. If you could review mine too I'd greatly appreciate, the link is here:
Done for bertsy
Hi berty,
Thank you for your rating and review, it's done for you too, please see comment Great
I like this game, really. But you can improve the elasticity feeling of the ball a bit more, it feels like steel ball right from the first level, travel fast.
One more thing, can you made it start by just tapping anywhere on main screen ? currently tapping the pad doesn't fire it start.
Welcome next developers to visit my app LangLookUp on Playstore and give review to it, I will do the same for you once you are done.
bertsy said:
Hey I reviewed your app, the review is titled 'Nice app'. If you could review mine too I'd greatly appreciate, the link is here:
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codelavie said:
Hi berty,
Thank you for your rating and review, it's done for you too, please see comment Great
I like this game, really. But you can improve the elasticity feeling of the ball a bit more, it feels like steel ball right from the first level, travel fast.
One more thing, can you made it start by just tapping anywhere on main screen ? currently tapping the pad doesn't fire it start.
Welcome next developers to visit my app LangLookUp on Playstore and give review to it, I will do the same for you once you are done.
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Thanks for the review and suggestions. For the ball you have to tap above the paddle and where you press is the direction the ball will go. I probably should explain that a bit better in the game
hi, i did it
please do it for our app "iziTalk" too, you can find it on Google Play
Hi from LangLookUp
Have you make reviewed on LangLookUp ? Please let me know your review name when you are done so I can do it for iziTalk.
Very nice EL and good game, I am done reviewing it...
Hi Gary
Hi Gary,
Did you review LangLookUp ?
Just finished a five star review on Google Play.
All in all, it's a useful app that I wouldn't mind keeping as I can see it being used for several occasions. That said, I do agree with a previous poster on improving UI since that's such a critical part.
If you wouldn't mind checking out bitmado as well on Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bitmado

