[Pet Peeve] ADB? What's that? Oops I bricked my Xoom, HALP! - Xoom General

If you don't have the first clue what ADB is or the intellectual curiosity it takes to learn about it you should not root your Xoom and definately should not try to put custom ROMS on it.
This has been a public service announcement.

Have to learn somehow.

If you dont know what adb is, this helps me out
After you read it and you still havnt a clue what it is stop hacking or read it again and again.

Yes, it seems like there is a new "did I brick?" question each and every day.
Read first, read again, and make sure that you fully undestand the process first. It certainly saves time and frustration later. I am certainly no pro, but I was able to successfully unlock, root, install CWM, upgrade to 3.1, install all of BRD's kernels (now on 1.4.4), and set-up USB tether by reading the excellent information here on XDA.

I bet if more people made one click root methods this wouldn't be a problem...
Sent from my Xoom

bwcorvus said:
I bet if more people made one click root methods this wouldn't be a problem...
Sent from my Xoom
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It appears that a fair number of people tried real hard to brick their WiFi Xoom using the 3g section of one-click root.

Well, it took me to completely stuff my Xoom, to get how adb works. Yay!
Is there a way to flash official Moto images if my PC won't recognise my Xoom via the usb cable? I can get into CWR, and even reboot via adb, and that's it.

To be honest "you have to learn somehow" isn't a good defense, because you can do your research before actually trying and you'll probably avoid a lot of the problems that we see here.
It's not like the only choices are "do it blind"/"don't do it at all".

Some people learn the hard way, I'm a glowing example. Just make sure you read until you get really confused, grab a coffee, and read until it makes sense. If you don't understand what you are trying to do, but you want to give it a go, make sure your your prepared to have the worst happen.
BTW. I finally figured how to restore my system to factory! YAY!!!
Now the fun part of trying it all again....

Learning is great, however blindly trying something that you do not understand can be disastrous. Root, wiping, flashing, etc are all tasks that modify or rework the basic functions of a device. The devs who find these ways to help us do this are simply amazing, but it is NOT for everyone. Too often we see "Help!!!!, or What now???" because people simply see a thread and jump into rooting, and flashing without knowing what they are doing.
I am not an ADB expert, but I do believe that if you take your time and follow the posted instructions to the T, you will be fine. Again, people often report back, myself included that something doesn't work right or it is not doing what it should. After looking back I noticed that I skipped a step or did something out of order because I "thought I knew what I was doing".
I do caution people who are new to the XDA forums and new to Android. I would lurk for a but, gather some knowledge, then try a few things. If you have some issues, PM a member who you see has some good skills or knowledge in the area. This is a forum to help each other and too often it turns into a flame session.
Again, I am no expert I just try to offer some helpful advice.

dubie76 said:
Learning is great, however blindly trying something that you do not understand can be disastrous. Root, wiping, flashing, etc are all tasks that modify or rework the basic functions of a device. The devs who find these ways to help us do this are simply amazing, but it is NOT for everyone. Too often we see "Help!!!!, or What now???" because people simply see a thread and jump into rooting, and flashing without knowing what they are doing.
I am not an ADB expert, but I do believe that if you take your time and follow the posted instructions to the T, you will be fine. Again, people often report back, myself included that something doesn't work right or it is not doing what it should. After looking back I noticed that I skipped a step or did something out of order because I "thought I knew what I was doing".
I do caution people who are new to the XDA forums and new to Android. I would lurk for a but, gather some knowledge, then try a few things. If you have some issues, PM a member who you see has some good skills or knowledge in the area. This is a forum to help each other and too often it turns into a flame session.
Again, I am no expert I just try to offer some helpful advice.
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Well said, don't forget irc zoom channel.
Sent from my Xoom

Thanks for "getting" the spirit of my post. I wasn't trying to be mean at all just saying... there's so many "help me i screwed up my xoom" posts and what concerns me is that too often the advice given around here is "just go root and and load a custom rom". Well that sounds real attractive until you realize that you have no idea what's going on and your Xoom won't turn on. Then your heart sinks and you don't have many places to turn to, fortunately there is this forum but I just hope that people will take more time in the future to understand what it is that they are getting into or at the very least be absolutely willing to set fire to six to eight hundred bucks

there is no such thing as a bricked xoom. Ill prove it. Send me your bricked xoom along with a $100 PayPal unbricking fee. Ill send you back a restored factory state xoom. If Its truly bricked Ill send the xoom back to you and give you back $120 for the trouble. Any takers, contact me.

gnackattack said:
To be honest "you have to learn somehow" isn't a good defense, because you can do your research before actually trying and you'll probably avoid a lot of the problems that we see here.
It's not like the only choices are "do it blind"/"don't do it at all".
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dubie76 said:
Learning is great, however blindly trying something that you do not understand can be disastrous. Root, wiping, flashing, etc are all tasks that modify or rework the basic functions of a device. The devs who find these ways to help us do this are simply amazing, but it is NOT for everyone. Too often we see "Help!!!!, or What now???" because people simply see a thread and jump into rooting, and flashing without knowing what they are doing.
I am not an ADB expert, but I do believe that if you take your time and follow the posted instructions to the T, you will be fine. Again, people often report back, myself included that something doesn't work right or it is not doing what it should. After looking back I noticed that I skipped a step or did something out of order because I "thought I knew what I was doing".
I do caution people who are new to the XDA forums and new to Android. I would lurk for a but, gather some knowledge, then try a few things. If you have some issues, PM a member who you see has some good skills or knowledge in the area. This is a forum to help each other and too often it turns into a flame session.
Again, I am no expert I just try to offer some helpful advice.
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It wasn't really a defense just a "it's what happens" type of thing. Yes people can be smart and read up. But the reality is that most people won't (rather it be because of stubborness or lack of time). Something happens, then you have the "ok i gotta fix this, let me look up..." or "oh noes I brokes it. I'm going to join a forum to whine about it to the people so they can help me. I mean it's their job right?".
Thing is that rooting is most misunderstood to be the equivalent to jailbreaking. Just as jailbreaking is most misunderstood as only being useful for free games and apps. Some people just never want to look into what these type of things really are, because they don't care unless it's the means of getting something for free.

bigrushdog said:
there is no such thing as a bricked xoom. Ill prove it. Send me your bricked xoom along with a $100 PayPal unbricking fee. Ill send you back a restored factory state xoom. If Its truly bricked Ill send the xoom back to you and give you back $120 for the trouble. Any takers, contact me.
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Sounds like some money to be made here

bigrushdog said:
there is no such thing as a bricked xoom. Ill prove it. Send me your bricked xoom along with a $100 PayPal unbricking fee. Ill send you back a restored factory state xoom. If Its truly bricked Ill send the xoom back to you and give you back $120 for the trouble. Any takers, contact me.
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I'm sure there's at least one taker out there. Its likely the guy who started the 'Motorola refused to fix xoom' thread. At http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1107488

bigrushdog said:
there is no such thing as a bricked xoom. Ill prove it. Send me your bricked xoom along with a $100 PayPal unbricking fee. Ill send you back a restored factory state xoom. If Its truly bricked Ill send the xoom back to you and give you back $120 for the trouble. Any takers, contact me.
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So how would you fix the partitioning of a xoom through cwm? That seems to be the most common "i bricked my xoom" thread.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

I feel that the best way to go about things is to read all you can about ADB, how the Xoom works and the specific root method or kernel you want to use. Then, if something goes wrong, search, search then search some more to try and find someone who had a similar problem as yours and try to learn what went wrong and how...then solve your own problem. If you are REALLY stuck, PM a user who seems to know what they are doing and appears to be patient, or post a question that includes all the details and ask politely for help. Take the knowledge you are given, add it to your own, then try to help other people in the same pickle.
If you look up the word EDUCATION in Websters, odds are the picture will look something like the paragraph above.
Personally I am not cheesed off too badly by the people who do things without sufficient knowledge. The ones that drive ME nuts are the ones who do that, then come into the forum and demand that someone hold their hand and personally walk them out of hell step by step...or better, blame the hardware/software and then angrily return it to the store, pretending that it just suddenly died.

rschenck said:
Personally I am not cheesed off too badly by the people who do things without sufficient knowledge. The ones that drive ME nuts are the ones who do that, then come into the forum and demand that someone hold their hand and personally walk them out of hell step by step...or better, blame the hardware/software and then angrily return it to the store, pretending that it just suddenly died.
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Exactly what I was trying to say. And I know what specific thread you're talking about lol



I'm really tired of all the complaining and bickering going on in this forum lately.
It's getting out of hand.
Especially from **** heads that didn't show their faces until after the hard work was done. Those that don't show up when the forum needs something but only show up when they need something.
Where were you when we were collecting money?
Instead of complaining, did you ever think to ask some of the leaders in the forum, what you could do to give back?
Where were you when we were testing? All we needed was $5 from a few people but all I see is more cheap bastards that want free stuff and expect it to be PERFECT. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Think of it this way...if you bricked your device after 20 other people have successfully "patched" it, then something else is wrong. Work with people in the forum to figure out what. Keep a cool head. We know how tough it is to spend high dollar on a device then have it not work...but you use solutions here at your own risk so it's not the developers fault IT IS YOUR FAULT. Learn to post based on other postings. Don't yell and start complaining. I'm not a developer myself but contribute in other ways. If I was a developer I would leave this forum because of the verbal abuse. STOP COMPLAINING ALREADY!
Read the forum. Most of the **** has already been done. I'm not upset because people are asking questions due to not understanding something along your research. Don't get me wrong, the forum is here to help people and it's helped me a lot. I'm upset because of all the bashing going on lately. It's getting out of hand. I'm also upset because many of you that are actually benefitting from these solutions didn't show your faces until all the hard work was done. Don't tell me you couldn't afford a measly $5 or to contribute your time in some way or ask the people involved...what can I do to give back to the community I leech from.....you get my point.
Note, I'm not going to respond to ANYONE regarding this thread. Just chill the out and let's work together. If your device breaks, READ and try to educate yourself first instead of blaming the developer who took time to contribute their knowledge and provided us with a solution we needed or wanted. If you don't like how things are going....GET INVOLVED WHEN YOU NEED TO...DON'T COMPLAIN BECAUSE YOU'RE USING A SOLUTION SOMEONE WROTE ON THEIR FREE TIME TO HELP YOU OUT! MY GOD PEOPLE!
If you think you might get upset, mess your phone up, or otherwise...JUST DON'T USE THE SOLUTIONS POSTED ON THIS FORUM PERIOD.
If the above doesn't make sense...oh well. Needed to get that off my chest. I'm not a writer either so if it's all mashed together, oh well. If you're smart enough you'll get my point. If not, then just ignore the thread and go on.
Well Said ltxda. If only people would listen could curb their emotions a bit and apply logic sometimes....but then we are emotional beings.
Well I agree anyway. Everything is done at your own risk in these forums...and while we are at it...you know complaining about complainers and so forth...
..has anyone actually bricked their device (rendered it 'dead' or incapable of being restored somehow)...you know killed it?
I don't recall anyone having had that experience since... say...Olipro's unlocker. Point being...it's safe for all...and that was the intention of the SPL patch in the first place..whether simple to use or not.
C'mon friends...let's close the divide eat some humble pie together and get back to the business of progress and development...I'll leave that last bit to the devs.lol
If it helps I'll go first...Sorry if I offended anyone of late.
I meant that BTW. If it it's not good enough..sorry the offense ran so deep...sorry again.
OK...back to business
Developer Midget_1990 should be getting his X7500 within the next few days hopefully. We wanted different variants of the Athena to ensure there any and all solutions would definitely work across the board.
Custom ROMs coming soon.
Why don't we put our heads together to finalize/agree on the wish list of software that should be incorporated into the ROM/Vanilla ROM?
Has anyone found any VGA converted files for the Kaiser plug-in .cabs? That would be nice.
well said lt.. well said...
Agree with all these comments and want to add my take on the situation. All of us were newbies at some point (except for Oli I guess), and we have all been there. I remember sweating the first time I made a registry change.
1. We need to be a little patient with newbies. We want them to become a part of the community, not drive them away.
2. Saying "Just use search" or "See the Wiki" isn't always helpful. Sometimes relevant threads are 20+ pages, hard to sift through all that and figure out what is really the **** and what is some lame-ass crap from some poor soul who is as clueless as me. And have you actually looked at the Athena Wiki lately. Not much there. I would feel more sympathetic to the dismissive tone if the Wiki were more up to date. (I know, that's me too!)
** Tip for newbies, go to Advanced Search, select just the Athena forum, and search by post not thread. That may help narrow things down.
3. I'm pretty cautious in making major changes. Flashed my Wizard ROM probably 4 times in over a year... and still waiting to flash my Advantage. I appreciate the brave souls who will flash weekly or more, I learn a lot from you guys. But I don't have the time to constantly set things back up over and over, so I wait for an upgrade that I feel confident will do what I want. Plus I know my limitations, if something really terrible happens I'm not smart enough to quickly recover. I read everything there is to read before doing anything major.
SO WHY IS IT THAT SOME PEOPLE TAKE HOME A NEW DEVICE AND FLASH AWAY WITHOUT READING A DAMN THING? Then cry that they bricked their phone? (probably not) How can we get the message of BE CAREFUL across? Look before you leap, etc. Maybe there needs to be a sticky at the very top explaining who should be messing with what. Maybe every link to a ROM should have a warning label. Something.
Sorry to go on. I really appreciate the expertise on this forum and enjoy being able to contribute in some small ways. But we need a more civil tone. I hate to see things deteriorate.
"I was once like you are now, and I know that its not easy,
To be calm when youve found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything youve got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not...."
Cat Stevens...
I think XDA-DEV is the best forum I ever seen about HTC devices. So many
thoroughbred horses here, and everybody involved in management knows how hard is to keep them working together ... Forget Customer Relationship Management
Keep this discussion clean (language, flaming et.al.). I understand the frustration, but bickering in the forum (or anywhere) is pointless.
jwzg said:
Keep this discussion clean (language, flaming et.al.). I understand the frustration, but bickering in the forum (or anywhere) is pointless.
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Agreed. Sorry I lost it again.
thx for cleaning up the unlocker threat.
It took a while before the Hermes forum to start getting crazy. I don't have my device for a week yet and there is already a lot sh*t among members already. For the Athena, I thought this would not happen until WM7. Anyway, let's get along people.
Bickering and namecalling
I think some of the newer guys should also look in the historie of things. The hermes forum had simmilar issues with jasjamming. For lot of the developers it not just someone asking a question, but another one asking the same thing. It's can be very frustrating, and some handle it better than others. I think it's safe to say that Olipro doesn't hadle it very well, and vents his frustration at the one asking the question. Wether i agree with him or not i do understand him.
As for the people asking questions. First search if your question hasn't been asked before... If you can't find it search again.
Give as much information as you can. Be specific about versions you use. Give the output of the software you get.If you're aked to give information you have given before, just give it again. Remember you are the one wanting help, so make it easy to help you, don't make the other one search for information.
And remember one thing: Free software is often provided "as is". No guarantees and no support. Assume that if it goes wrong, that you are on your own. Any support given is a bonus. Having said that, you'll find that there are enough people willing to help as long as you are patient and polite (or at least civil).

If you've bricked your phone

Okay... we're getting too many threads here with the same problems.
If you think you've bricked your phone or can't figure out what you've done or are stuck, you need to search the forum. There is a LOT of information already here that can help you.
Honestly, if you feel like you could easily get to this point you should probably do more research before doing any modding of your phone.
If you can't find anything, then go to the #Samsung-Continuum channel on IRC ( http://webchat.freenode.net/ ) And see if anyone is there to help you. If not, wait.
If you cannot wait, then search again using different terminology.
Then, if you haven't gotten a fix, you should post your problem within the thread for whatever it was you were trying to do when you messed up your phone.
This will keep our forums usable and the important information where everyone can see it.
[DEV] Continuum DataBase
Also files to help get u back running
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium
u should sticky this thread to lol.
Yeh... unfortunately I'm not our forum moderator... not sure why they just stick us on random devices instead of the ones we use...
I'll send a note to our mod, see if he'll do it.
Weudel said:
Yeh... unfortunately I'm not our forum moderator... not sure why they just stick us on random devices instead of the ones we use...
I'll send a note to our mod, see if he'll do it.
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Somehow I ended up with my device, and a bunch of other random forums... like this one .
I am happy they gave me my device tho .
Directions are not good....
I started downloading the files, but honestly guys - I've repartitioned harddrives on a desktop before, reformatted them from DOS into a Windows OS, I've assisted in networking (using windows home based server) a small office (4 people). Your directions to do this are so vauge, I'm not even gonna try in fear I screw it up. I appreciate everything I read on your forum, but not even a google search of all this is helpful, cuz all that's found, is you guys, and your directions are far from step by step. YOu wouldn't be having people post with so many issues if you laid it out for those who are not all that great with technology. Being quite in depth and knowledgeable myself, I know that if it were laid out a little less "techy", even those unfamiliar with these processes would be able to get done without so many issues. Sorry, I don't mean any disrespect, you guys are awesome, helpful, and plain extremely smart, and for those who arise to understanding all the tech lingo and can get themselves partially through this process without a step by step, more power to them. Just thought it would be helpful since I see so many "I screwed up my phone posts".
thank you.
[oldrant] omitted on behalf of users pride [/oldrant]
[newrant]why would you use your first post on whatever that was?
question? statement?
none of the above
if u have read the "i screwed up my phone posts" or been in Irc, you would find out that most were failed flashes found on other sites,
our directions do not "brick" phones, when did our post start pointing guns at the reader?
though I'm wondering why not after your post have fun with 2.1 [/newrant]
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium
That said (I agree)...join us in the IRC and we'll get you up and running.
TazRun said:
I started downloading the files, but honestly guys - I've repartitioned harddrives on a desktop before, reformatted them from DOS into a Windows OS, I've assisted in networking (using windows home based server) a small office (4 people). Your directions to do this are so vauge, I'm not even gonna try in fear I screw it up. I appreciate everything I read on your forum, but not even a google search of all this is helpful, cuz all that's found, is you guys, and your directions are far from step by step. YOu wouldn't be having people post with so many issues if you laid it out for those who are not all that great with technology. Being quite in depth and knowledgeable myself, I know that if it were laid out a little less "techy", even those unfamiliar with these processes would be able to get done without so many issues. Sorry, I don't mean any disrespect, you guys are awesome, helpful, and plain extremely smart, and for those who arise to understanding all the tech lingo and can get themselves partially through this process without a step by step, more power to them. Just thought it would be helpful since I see so many "I screwed up my phone posts".
thank you.
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This is a DEVELOPERS forum. It's that simple. If you're not up to speed on modifying your device it is not our job to get you there. Read and re-read until you understand and if that doesn't happen then DON'T TRY IT.
That said there are a lot of people around here who would be more than happy to try to help you. Just use the PM function or the IRC chat, please. ;D
it annoys me when people post sounding threads all frantic saying i think i bricked witch is a term thrown around far to much these days because the fact of the matter is, is its almost impossible brick a samsung device

[UPDATE:16.10.12]ATRI Atrix ThatRom Installer v2

hello, i've made an Automated Atrix ThatRom Installer.
This script will help noobs to do everything without any troubles.
The file is a rar archive with all firmware files + installer.
here is a link http://www.mobile-inform.com/content/view/1148/1/
this is early alpha. you take all responsibility on yourself. I do not recommend you to use this rom, but if you still want to use it - here it is
UPD Updated To ThatRom v2 (AtrICS)
all thanks to the author of ThatRomv2 (AtrICS), i made only the Installer!
With best regards
I don't think that it's a good idea to make an automatic installer of something that it's no stable for someone who doesn't even know how to use fastboot nor flash a zip. Maybe when this finally reaches the stable "level", then you should do the Installer.
BravoMotorola said:
Maybe, until you're not annoying, you should stfu. Seriously stop trying to tell people what to do.
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Wow dude, that was really uncalled for. He is actually right because now the op has put himself in a position to be harassed by anyone who tries this and messes up their phone even though they should and do know the risks. He was just trying to be helpful, he wasn't attacking the op for making it.
I agree making an unstable, untested, developer test build easily available to newbies is a very bad idea. If they can't at the VERY least learn how to use fastboot and adb, they should come nowhere near this ROM. Unless of course you really want to be held responsible for dozens of bricked and/or unusable phones, and be expected to provide extensive support at all times.
if they are noobs - it is their problem. Everything is written befoure me.
Everyone takes responsibility for their actions.
There were several noobs who were crying about ICS even if they do not know what to do. and they are happy now, despite the bugs.
I am not, but i made for those who are. I am not going to tell anyone to install it, i did only help, but i suggest nobody to install it.
It doesn't work and you know it. It's as if there was some paid software that people want, and you made a crack/patch for it, and then you say you don't advise using it. Do you really think people will stay away just because you advised so? No, they won't. In fact in that case your disclaimers make no difference whatsoever, you are equally at fault for making it available as they are for using it. Why do you think all anti-piracy companies always go after crack makers and distributors and not so much after users? I mean many crack makers also advise against using their cracks. But people are stupid and never listen, and in in the eyes of many crack makers are the original offenders.
Or if you want a different analogy - go find a mentally unstable person who can't really think straight (may seem offensive but noobs who want test builds on their phones clearly do not know what they're doing), then place a bottle of some drugs and a fresh needle within easy reach, and then tell them you advise not using it. Observe what happens.
IMO this kind of things are best dealt with preemptively, by not even making the potentially controversial stuff easily available.
you see, i've made first script of unlocking the boot a year ago. a lot of peole thanked me. they were happy - they unlocked once and than used other ways to change the firmware. They were noobs, but happy noobs. 18 000 downloads (i think some of them were same persons, for example me - while i was testing, or when i was unlocking for my friends), but only 4!!! broken phones. 2 of them caused by bad motherboard and 2 of them by ignoring the manual and all the warnings.
This one is more easy one. less questins. less work. just use it.
and if person already have unlocked boot there will be no problem with this FW
and i want to mention it again some users are happy enought with this fw. Some do not have reboots, some have but for them it is ok.
You should tell everyone that this is a very alpha rom. It does run without multiple reboots for most people per the forums. I personally have tried all methods and cannot get it to run.
I appreciate your efforts but this is not something that noobs will get any value from. You should be very clear upfront.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
agurzhiy said:
hello, i've made an Automated Atrix ThatRom Installer.
This script will help noobs to do everything without any troubles.
The file is a rar archive with all firmware files + installer.
With best regards
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Thanks agurzhiy!
I am a proud noob who used your unlock script and will use this one.
For all the pros which have a problem with this- you have the same approach as Motorola - "It's complicated you can't understand this". It's my choice what to do with my phone and agurzhiy providing us noobs with a possibility to participate in the effort to make it better.
The bottom line is instead of criticize why don't you spend this time and energy on creating and helping the community. Remember you were ones noobs too.
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
e07015 said:
You should tell everyone that this is a very alpha rom. It does run without multiple reboots for most people per the forums. I personally have tried all methods and cannot get it to run.
I appreciate your efforts but this is not something that noobs will get any value from. You should be very clear upfront.
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i think everyone knows that it is alpha rom. nobody is going to install a script if if nobody knows what's inside. But i will add that it is alpha
ComX said:
For all the pros which have a problem with this- you have the same approach as Motorola - "It's complicated you can't understand this".
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You're missing my point entirely here. But that's okay. I don't want to argue anymore.
Is this just a fastboot script or an bootloader unlocker and ram fix etc etc
ravilov said:
You're missing my point entirely here. But that's okay. I don't want to argue anymore.
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I do not think that this is an argument. It is more like sharing different views on a subject.
I know what you mean, you want to prevent (or at least warn) noobs from taking the risk of bricking their phone and you are right 100%. But let me ask you how many of XDA readers are dumb enough to download some thing like this without reading at least a bit about it(*). Give ppl a little credit, most of us will stop on red light although it is possible to continue. Take me for example: I wanted to use nebtop but had a difficulty to understand how to root. Than mramirezusa came out with Automatic bootloader for noobs like me and boom - now I'm using the atrix as a streamer and without this tool I couldn't do this on my own. My point is that having a possibility to do stuff is highly appreciated.
* Ryan Dunn: If You Gonna be Dumb - You Gotta Be Tough.
this is a fastboot script to make it faster and easyer for a noob
added the 32 bit version for x86 Windows
agurzhiy said:
added the 32 bit version for x86 Windows
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Dude, you've only been thanked here 7 times... Stop thinking so highly of yourself.
Unless you are going to stick around the forums helping these guys out when they have issues with your release, because they won't have anywhere else to go, and because other devs are busy with their own stuff, than you should probably refrain from posting anything that makes it easier to flash dangerous software.
Unless you're willing to help "guy xyz" (since quotes seem to be in) on "page 74" when he asks again, "why am i having video issues after flash", because your main post lacks important details and explanation and your web link is not multi-lingual, please refrain from posting content which could be perceived as harmful to use.
Any good software community recommends first releasing to a smaller test group in order to work out major bugs and minimize any potential impact the software may have on the device... And, any good service community would recommend first releasing to a smaller test group in order to create a base to compare full deployment scenarios against... In no cases would they make it easy to install buggy software on devices of users who can not adequately report issues during alpha stages of software.
Why is it so hard to understand how that applies here?
Zeljko1234 said:
IMO, you should stop spending so much time here on the forum arguing with people. Don't get me wrong but your posts are usually quite offensive (example what I saw today). You post almost in every thread, smartassing noobs, playing to be moderator... If you know something, share it, if post or thread is against the rules, report it.
Now you're arguing with guy who made first script of unlocking the bootloader and in the same time insinuate that many of xda members are just dump.
Forum, especially xda, is about sharing knowledge not giving useless advise/comment or to google it.
Sorry everyone for off topic.
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We try not to feed him, Zeljko1234... Just let him be.
Your point is well deserved; but don't feed the trolls.
knigitz said:
Dude, you've only been thanked here 7 times... Stop thinking so highly of yourself.
Unless you are going to stick around the forums helping these guys out when they have issues with your release, because they won't have anywhere else to go, and because other devs are busy with their own stuff, than you should probably refrain from posting anything that makes it easier to flash dangerous software.
Unless you're willing to help "guy xyz" (since quotes seem to be in) on "page 74" when he asks again, "why am i having video issues after flash", because your main post lacks important details and explanation and your web link is not multi-lingual, please refrain from posting content which could be perceived as harmful to use.
Any good software community recommends first releasing to a smaller test group in order to work out major bugs and minimize any potential impact the software may have on the device... And, any good service community would recommend first releasing to a smaller test group in order to create a base to compare full deployment scenarios against... In no cases would they make it easy to install buggy software on devices of users who can not adequately report issues during alpha stages of software.
Why is it so hard to understand how that applies here?
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Why don't you argue with epinter or any other person who put ThatRom?
Why are you arguing with me?
i made the thing easier, but i am not responsible for the uncomplete software. some people are lazy to use fastboot, but they know how to use it (i have flashed my phone 3 times while testing some of options to find out how it works)
other do not have enough knowledge to flash, but it's thair dream to have it, they are ready for the bugs and they alwas can ask me to help them to flash any other FW. And if they have unlocked boot - they can use CWM.
And the last group - the people who are just afraid to install after a lot of information about locking bootloaders. In russian community forums i've read 10 such questions from people who i know, from people who know how to use fastboot.
And if person do not want to install it - he may not install it!
I'm thankful to everyone who share knowledge. Even if I don't use everything, I usually download or read just to learn how. Without such guys, Internet itself will be mostly useless.
Do not blame anyone (especially epinter) for your mistake. He and many others guys spend a lot of their private time to figure how to do something, developing, supporting... and then sahre for free! As I can see, very rare they get donation. Almost never for the most loudest complainers which just wait that someone else will do something for them.
As I explained, as long as you are willing to stick around and help people with issues they encounter after flashing this, and provide more detailed instructions that people can read in your first post, it's not an issue.
Low thank count makes the more seasoned members cringe, as people release stuff that brick phones then disappear (it happens), leaving the community in a state of unrest trying to figure out the full impact of an unmaintained release, how many users were affected by the release, and a common way to fix the issues, and it leaves it up to other developers to explain to every xyz person to read this thread, read that thread, or flash this to fix.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] i know nothing

hi all. there appears to be a real lot of seriously patient and helpful people here. i am really hoping so. if any of you have helped who you think is a complete idiot with the Nexus7, believe me, you haven't yet. i am about to change all that.
i have the wifi 32gig old Nexus 7. i have been lucky from the point of view that a friend of mine is much more knowledgeable than i could ever hope to be who has always helped when things went a bit awry. however, i would like to be able to learn to do some things myself. the new update seemed like a reasonable place to start. wrong!
anyway, i have the nexus7 described above running Android 4.2.2 and has TWRP installed. i didn't know that it wouldn't accept the 4.3 update OTA so had the issue that after downloading (i assume it has) the update, it asked to reboot. upon doing so, the TWRP screen appeared. i had no idea which option to choose so just selected 'Reboot'. it promptly did so and i found it is still on 4.2.2. that is where i am at the moment. i have looked around the forum but as i dont know what i am looking for, dont know if i have found it.
is anyone willing to take my life in their hands and try to educate 'a willing to learn but know nothing atm' newbe? even pointing me perhaps to some real idiot-proof info pages so i can at least read a bit would be a start. info on how to get from where i am (running 4.2.2) to where i would like to be (running 4.3) would be better, but hey, a start is a start
many TIA
I know nothing
come on guys. please help out here. we weren't all born with the knowledge to do these various tasks. we all have to begin at the beginning! i'm sure someone helped you out to start with
Read the stickies. Going back to stock. Its not hard and someone else has already done the hard part of spelling it all out for you.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Prettygrim said:
come on guys. please help out here. we weren't all born with the knowledge to do these various tasks. we all have to begin at the beginning! i'm sure someone helped you out to start with
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I read everything I could about my devices. Search for my issues, here and on Google. Why wait for answers here when I can find just about every issue and fix on earth very quickly.
It's the best way to learn. Posting back and forth on here with people can take a lot of time to solve an issue....searching can solve it in minutes.
Just my two cents.
Sent from my cell phone telephone
I know nothing
tnx for replies guys, but the problem is as i stated in my first post, i dont know what i have got to read. i looked on here and on Google. i am quite capable of using the search, but when i dont know exactly what i am searching for, it is a problem. i asked if someone could point me to what i needed to look at, i am not asking for someone to sit down next to me and do the job, unless i get in a muddle and i would then say.
I told you what to read. THE STICKIES!
They exist for a reason. More specifically you want information found here:
But there are other threads that cover it as well.
Read the stickies
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Pirateghost said:
I told you what to read. THE STICKIES!
They exist for a reason. More specifically you want information found here:
But there are other threads that cover it as well.
Read the stickies
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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You can lead a horse to water...
No offence intended, but I would leave your device alone until you have done all your research and understand exactly what you're doing. Otherwise you will very easily end up with a shiny paper weight.
Happens all the time here. And why? People did stuff without reading AND understanding what they were doing.
kj2112 said:
No offence intended, but I would leave your device alone until you have done all your research and understand exactly what you're doing. Otherwise you will very easily end up with a shiny paper weight.
Happens all the time here. And why? People did stuff without reading AND understanding what they were doing.
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Wise advice indeed... I had a long winded explanation ready to go... then I read this.
There already seems to have been a higher-than-average number of hardbricks (broken bootloaders) since the rollout of 4.3.
@Prettygrim ...
Stick with 4.2.2 until you know what you're doing... but in the meantime, read everything you can find on fastboot and ADB.
Pirateghost said:
I told you what to read. THE STICKIES!
They exist for a reason. More specifically you want information found here:
But there are other threads that cover it as well.
Read the stickies
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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you telling me to read the Stickies means absolutely nothing if i dont know what stickies to read or where they are. being a developer has done nothing as far as having some patience is concerned. i venture to say that you were not born with a nexus 7 hanging out your backside and an inbuilt knowledge of what to do. i also venture that you had to be shown and have explained procedures to you as well before you became competent at doing anything. your second post of 'Read The Stickies at least has a link so i know what to look at.. thanks for that!
They are literally at the top section of the ****ing forum. Links? I gave you a damn link to start with.
No I wasn't born with the knowledge of the system, but thanks to the fact that lots of people already documented tons of this stuff I didn't need to have my hand held.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
many tnx Ged. you have told me what to look for and what to read. i have an idea now where to begin. appreciate the help
i know nothing
Pirateghost said:
They are literally at the top section of the ****ing forum. Links? I gave you a damn link to start with.
No I wasn't born with the knowledge of the system, but thanks to the fact that lots of people already documented tons of this stuff I didn't need to have my hand held.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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your first reply had no link at all
if i were you mate, i'd get out of here. the pressure is obviously too much for you.
as for the holding the hand bit, i am glad you had sufficient knowledge to be able to do it without. unfortunately not all of us have that. one thing i am not though, is an ignorant ****ing arsehole like you who thinks he's the dogs bollocks and treats new people like they are something that the cat dragged in!! what an attitude!!
oh, and dont bother to ban me, i ban myself!!
Hi, guys...
Can we all just take a step back here a little...
This whole thing is becoming a little intense.
You know your stuff, most decidedly... and I understand you're a little irritated by people who don't seem to want to be bothered....
But I don't think that's the case with with @Prettygrim. My instinct tells me he has approached XDA with the desire to learn (by his own admission, he knows nothing) ..... and is willing. Not everybody can hit the ground running.
XDA can sometimes seem to be a little unforgiving, particularly for beginners (you're thrown in at the deep end, with guys who have thousands of posts and years of experience under their belt), but slinging insults around is not the best way of helping yourself.
Do a bit of Googling... searchphrases : Nexus 7 4.3 OTA zip... Nexus 7 fastboot... Nexus 7 ADB.
There's a whole shed load of interesting stuff out there... and it's your's for the taking. BUT IT'S UP TO YOU TO DO THE TAKING.
It's almost become a cliche, but it also happens to be true... Google is your friend.
Use it.
Peace everybody .
Lol. I'm the ignorant asshole because I know how to read and search?
Ged, yes I get extremely irritated at people who don't even bother searching before they post. It was horrible of me to assume that by hinting at what sticky he needed to read that it was enough. I didn't provide a link for him, therefore I'm the horrible person.
The agitation really kicks in high gear after a new android release. There is so much stupid in these forums the weeks following a release that after wading through thousands of worthless posts I tend to snap on at least one of them. I tried being nice and directing him to the stickies but it wasn't good enough. He wanted to be spoonfed the info. There are rules here that so many people break just by hitting that new thread button without doing any due diligence. Its ridiculous.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
tnx Ged, for having a little bit of patience. i am willing to learn. i can read IF i know what to read! now i've been pointed to 'fastboot' and 'adb' i have a starting point and appreciate that.
pirateghost, if anyone wasn't reading it's you. i already said i had looked around. before being able to do something you want to do for the very first time, you have to know how to do it. before you can learn how to do it, you need to know what information to look for. that in itself isn't always easy or as straight forward as it perhaps should be. it seems to me that instead of of giving advice, encouragement and information, you use this forum as a personal 'have a go at some other thick ***ker'. you may well be extremely knowledgeable but you were not, under any circumstances, born with the knowledge inbuilt. you had to be taught. and i hasten to bet that whoever taught you had to have a bit of patience and a bit of forgiving. you didn't get it all right all the time, let alone the first time, so start cutting people a little slack, eh? one day i might be able to do this stuff by myself but it sure as hell aint gonna be yet a while and i know it! slagging people off, making them feel like the inferior beings that, at this moment, they (me) obviously are doesn't exactly lead them to wanting to be bothered to learn. that is a shame because one of those you ridicule could become really good and be of benefit to the whole community
Prettygrim said:
tnx Ged, for having a little bit of patience. i am willing to learn. i can read IF i know what to read! now i've been pointed to 'fastboot' and 'adb' i have a starting point and appreciate that.
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Do you know what a sticky is in the forum?
Its where there is lots of relevant information that applies to a particular device and is denoted by a thumbtack image. It is always at the top of the forum section and threads can't be bumped above them unless they themselves become stickies or announcements.
That is where you start your reading. Along the way you will notice keywords that need to be explained. Those keywords are usually explained in the sticky but if they aren't then there is this awesome search provider called Google that will assist you in any way it can. Its really cool and you should give him a shot sometime.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Pirateghost said:
Lol. I'm the ignorant asshole because I know how to read and search?
Ged, yes I get extremely irritated at people who don't even bother searching before they post. It was horrible of me to assume that by hinting at what sticky he needed to read that it was enough. I didn't provide a link for him, therefore I'm the horrible person.
The agitation really kicks in high gear after a new android release. There is so much stupid in these forums the weeks following a release that after wading through thousands of worthless posts I tend to snap on at least one of them. I tried being nice and directing him to the stickies but it wasn't good enough. He wanted to be spoonfed the info. There are rules here that so many people break just by hitting that new thread button without doing any due diligence. Its ridiculous.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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That is correct. The rules do say to search first.....and that somehow seems impossible for some.
Sent from my cell phone telephone
I think it's sad that we have someone who wants to learn more about their device, and get's treated so badly. What some of you need to understand, is that the knowledge regarding these devices doesn't come so easily to everyone. What you were able to learn so easily is like a foreign language to someone else. I just ask that we all try to have some patience with members who are less experienced and knowledgeable than we are.

Notice! You will brick this device...

I know everyone is eager to set up their KF HDX how they want it & many of you are new-ish to XDA, so you have been able to rely on tools to automate everything, making it easier to accomplish what you want, but not so great for learning the basics of Android & the core development & debugging tools that are used in the automated processes like the various toolkits you find throughout the forum threads.
At any rate, I am writing a warning about this device ONCE AGAIN. If you really have no idea what the sdk is or how it is used, the HDX is not something you want to start messing with. You know who you are. If you aren't running Linux, or at the very least a dual boot distro like Unbuntu via wubi & you have never installed or used the Android SDK, PLEASE think twice about whatever you are contemplating.
The Kindle Fire HDX is not like other device you have maybe played with, or owned. It is a low level development device that uses an oddball system for updating & while it is vulnerable to several exploits, the bootloader is 100% locked. Complicating this issue is the fact that the device does not have fastboot access & messing with certain system files or permissions CAN & WILL cause issues ranging from wifi & 4G connectivity to a full on hard brick. There are also checks in place that will prevent adb access if you remove or mess up certain binaries or drivers. Some of these things CAN & WILL lead to loss of ADB access. Without ADB access, anything you break CANNOT be fixed.
This is NOT the device to get your feet wet on when it comes to rooting or modding. In the last two days alone, I have had 8 requests from people with devices that are having issue because of something that was done inadvertently or because something was done in the wrong order. I am willing to help WHEN I CAN, but I am an engineer, not a developer, with a busy schedule & a family, so taking care of my responsibilities comes before anything XDA related, for myself, or anyone else.
If you decide to ignore all of the posts about people bricking their devices & you ignore this warning, the SECOND SUCH WARNING, well, fine. After all it's your device & you can do whatever you want to it. Just don't expect to find an easy fix or someone there 24/7 to hold your hand through the process of trying to recover it. After all, this is a development forum, where you are expected to have a certain degree of knowledge, or be in the process of gaining that knowledge & it's not something you are going to learn by osmosis or be able to cram into a panicked couple of hours because you messed up your device.
So, you have been warned. Again. Unless you want a $300 - $700 project you may never finish, read BEFORE you do. Learn about what you are trying to accomplish & just deal with the Amazon only device until you can understand at the very minimum how to use adb & know how to apply all of the various adb commands. The absolute worst time to try to learn anything is when you are panicked & grasping at straws.
Don't be this guy:
I think that http://towelroot.com/ is a good place to start as the apk can be side loaded and should provide root access. I still have root on my Kindle Fire HDX 7" so I dont have any need for this root method, but according to the CVE-2014-3153 most versions of android are affected including 4.2.2. I would say if your a noob and not comfortable with adb and command line then this is your best bet for gaining root. Once you do have root I would suggest installing a firewall app and block everything except the apps you want to have access to the internet this should stop any updates from hitting your device. Have Fun!!
cdub50 said:
I think that http://towelroot.com/ is a good place to start as the apk can be side loaded and should provide root access. I still have root on my Kindle Fire HDX 7" so I dont have any need for this root method, but according to the CVE-2014-3153 most versions of android are affected including 4.2.2. I would say if your a noob and not comfortable with adb and command line then this is your best bet for gaining root. Once you do have root I would suggest installing a firewall app and block everything except the apps you want to have access to the internet this should stop any updates from hitting your device. Have Fun!!
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Not helping. Yes, anyone can root there device by installing an apk & clicking a few buttons. The ISSUE is what they do AFTER they root, because now they have access to do things like overwrite graphical drivers with ones that are 4 years old, erase directories from the system partition or just completely WIPE the system partition. These are three examples of things that people have done in the last 24 hours with root. I'd go thru the other 5 from PM's but frankly I don't remember the exact issues, most were some form of the previously mentioned mistakes. But hey, since you are telling people that "aren't comfortable with adb..." they should root, I'll start a brick master thread for you to take care of. :good:
gsleon3 said:
not helping. Yes, anyone can root there device by installing an apk & clicking a few buttons. The issue is what they do after they root, because now they have access to do things like overwrite graphical drivers with ones that are 4 years old, erase directories from the system partition or just completely wipe the system partition. These are three examples of things that people have done in the last 24 hours with root. I'd go thru the other 5 from pm's but frankly i don't remember the exact issues, most were some form of the previously mentioned mistakes. But hey, since you are telling people that "aren't comfortable with adb..." they should root, i'll start a brick master thread for you to take care of. :good:
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well said and repeated!
GSLEON3 said:
Not helping. Yes, anyone can root there device by installing an apk & clicking a few buttons. The ISSUE is what they do AFTER they root, because now they have access to do things like overwrite graphical drivers with ones that are 4 years old, erase directories from the system partition or just completely WIPE the system partition. These are three examples of things that people have done in the last 24 hours with root. I'd go thru the other 5 from PM's but frankly I don't remember the exact issues, most were some form of the previously mentioned mistakes. But hey, since you are telling people that "aren't comfortable with adb..." they should root, I'll start a brick master thread for you to take care of. :good:
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Come on though, this XDA forums, isn't it? Anyone reading these threads should be well aware of the risks involved. With towelroot app rooting the device is simple, and not going to brick your tab. Being reckless and doing some of the other things you mention, well, sorry, but like Clint Eastwood says in Magnum Force, "A man's got to know his limitations".
sent from hdx+ with tapatalk
Lol. When the vroot method was posted a couple days ago the hdx forum was quite silent...
Then BOOM!
good warning for noobs.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
I used the towelroot, then used a ota update blocking script and kindlefree, that's it. I bet people are out there installing safestrap, Roms and whatnot.
GSLEON3 said:
Not helping. Yes, anyone can root there device by installing an apk & clicking a few buttons. The ISSUE is what they do AFTER they root, because now they have access to do things like overwrite graphical drivers with ones that are 4 years old, erase directories from the system partition or just completely WIPE the system partition. These are three examples of things that people have done in the last 24 hours with root. I'd go thru the other 5 from PM's but frankly I don't remember the exact issues, most were some form of the previously mentioned mistakes. But hey, since you are telling people that "aren't comfortable with adb..." they should root, I'll start a brick master thread for you to take care of. :good:
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To think that everyone who roots their Kindle is going Brick their device is laughable. Most people want to root to install google play store and stop future updates. There are always going to be people that are going to brick their device by pulling a bone head move. People know the risk, but if you can make rooting less risky by just installing an .apk sounds like a no brainer to me.
---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ----------
jimyv said:
well said and repeated!
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Please people root phones all of the time and I would say 99% of people dont run into any issues with having root.
sounds like
cdub50 said:
To think that everyone who roots their Kindle is going Brick their device is laughable. Most people want to root to install google play store and stop future updates. There are always going to be people that are going to brick their device by pulling a bone head move. People know the risk, but if you can make rooting less risky by just installing an .apk sounds like a no brainer to me.
---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ----------
Please people root phones all of the time and I would say 99% of people dont run into any issues with having root.
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You just sighned up for brick duty... Where was your energy and sarcasm Friday when Chinese root hit the forum? But yea thx and for chiming in though.
jimyv said:
You just sighned up for brick duty... Where was your energy and sarcasm Friday when Chinese root hit the forum? But yea thx and for chiming in though.
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Wow. Suggesting people use a simple apk to root their device earns you "brick duty"? And talk about sarcasm, your last sentence is a good example.
What's the point of XDA if we're afraid to do anything to our devices?
sent from an Elix-R nexus 5
move_over said:
Wow. Suggesting people use a simple apk to root their device earns you "brick duty"? And talk about sarcasm, your last sentence is a good example.
What's the point of XDA if we're afraid to do anything to our devices?
sent from an Elix-R nexus 5
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I don't want anybody to be afraid but I expect them to do their own homework and when they cut their sh*t up not come on here acting like a rotten punk and not willing to do any work to help themselves out.... Which is exactly what a 1-Click Apk breeds.., It tells them yay they were good enough to root device.. And they just dive into making other modifications especially on a device that has no fastboot capabilities and a locked bootloader I just don't think they should make anything that easy for a unit that is this hard to recover.. Because obviously you're not going to be here to help the ones that were ignorant enough to get an application to root device but not educated enough to accomplish any other modifications without bricking their units and then come back here implying that it's anybody else's responsibility but their own.... I'm sorry but most the ones here Bricked right right now can't even run batch application without asking how to double-click thre times ... Much less run ADB commands so stick around and help please... if this device had fastboot or unlocked bootloader. I personally would not give a damn
Well, towelroot was made for a variety of devices and just happens to work with the hdx. So are we supposed to pretend it doesn't work just because some people are not able to know what they can and can't do?
Another movie quote :
Forrest Gump "Stupid is as stupid does".
Don't be stupid with your expensive tablet, if you are it's your own damn fault.
sent from an Elix-R nexus 5
tokenpoke said:
Lol. When the vroot method was posted a couple days ago the hdx forum was quite silent...
Then BOOM!
good warning for noobs.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk
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I made my toolkit to help people avoid bricking issues by waiting for proven methods that work and that I tested. I made it a menu and not a stooped down click and auto run installer. I wanted to give people the choice what they wanted to install, without risk bricking.
I guess people go outside the box for the "easy fix" to a complex problem. People and jobs are like that, doing some half assed thing to keep the wheels turning. I'm just blabbing now.
Be safe when messin' with the hdx. I play with stuff while on a rom slot to avoid a stock rom brick.
move_over said:
Come on though, this XDA forums, isn't it? Anyone reading these threads should be well aware of the risks involved. With towelroot app rooting the device is simple, and not going to brick your tab. Being reckless and doing some of the other things you mention, well, sorry, but like Clint Eastwood says in Magnum Force, "A man's got to know his limitations".
sent from hdx+ with tapatalk
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Obviously "anybody reading blah blah blah", isn't the case, as evident by the brick posts & my PM inbox. Sure, this is xda, but it's not the XDA it used to be. Part of that is because of the ease with which one can obtain root. You used to have to do everything manually, so you actually had to read, sometimes info for a completely different device, and then spend time figuring out how to apply it to your particular device. I am not saying nobody should root, frankly I do not care either way. What I am saying is that it is probably a bad idea for some people. Seriously, you think the guy that had no idea what Linux was, or the guy that thought you double click on the adb.exe to make it magically unbrick a device are good candidates for having unrestricted world writable access to a device? No. All you have to do is read some of the posts to know it isn't a good idea for some ill-prepared people & they obviously DIDN'T understand the consequences, otherwise they wouldn't have tried doing things that even the newest well informed member would ever try doing.
At any rate, this is what I think of now whenever I think of XDA, particularly the HDX forums lately. LMAO....
Say what?
Do any of you have anything useful to add besides your nanny pandering bull****? It's funny when you start digging for info on rooting a Kindle Fire HDX and this one of the first things you run across, a bunch of nannies moaning about it being too easy? Don't do it because you might break your toy because you are an idiot? Seriously? Is this a day care or am I missing something?
GSLEON3 said:
Obviously "anybody reading blah blah blah", isn't the case, as evident by the brick posts & my PM inbox. Sure, this is xda, but it's not the XDA it used to be. Part of that is because of the ease with which one can obtain root. You used to have to do everything manually, so you actually had to read, sometimes info for a completely different device, and then spend time figuring out how to apply it to your particular device. I am not saying nobody should root, frankly I do not care either way. What I am saying is that it is probably a bad idea for some people. Seriously, you think the guy that had no idea what Linux was, or the guy that thought you double click on the adb.exe to make it magically unbrick a device are good candidates for having unrestricted world writable access to a device? No. All you have to do is read some of the posts to know it isn't a good idea for some ill-prepared people & they obviously DIDN'T understand the consequences, otherwise they wouldn't have tried doing things that even the newest well informed member would ever try doing.
At any rate, this is what I think of now whenever I think of XDA, particularly the HDX forums lately. LMAO....
Having Root does not cause any issues. People create the issues, but who are you tell tell everyone not to root. Its their device if they want to root by all means root it. EVERY ROM and RECOVERY I have ever flashed or created states that in the terms of use that there is a potential they could brick their device. Who cares about your PM's. If you dont want to help them dont help, but dont create a thread just to complain about people bricking their device.
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I'm not a developer....nor a hacker....nor a ...whatever.....just someone who enjoys reading and learning all that I can about my phone and Kindle Fire HDX....have rooted a variety of phones and Kindles through the years - first "mod" was to be able to download music and my own ringtones to a first edition Razr back in the day. I know there are so many people smarter than me - in some areas...not all - and I gratefully use that info and knowledge I get AT MY OWN RISK....as most people do, I think....the XDA site has over 5 million members - will there be some idiots who don't read or throw common sense and caution to the wind and screw up their devices?...sure....shame on them.
But if others with that knowledge have an elitist attitude about the rest of us - well - shame on them too. If someone knows how to make it easy for someone to be able to get the most of their device - while knowing the risks - BUT WON'T SHARE because they feel we don't 'deserve" that info - please....don't post! Just keep it to yourself and enjoy the fruits of your own labors.
PS...think it's a bit of a coincidence that when the romaster root surfaced - from a Chinese developer - all he** broke loose....it seems others had the knowledge but didn't want to share....oh well.....and please...this is just my humble opinion.
I appreciate all the efforts of the developers and testers who make it easier for people like me to really get the most out of their devices - but I think there is a reason that most of the major companies lock down theirs....to stop the ones who will stupidly brick the device and blame the company....thanks for reading.
I have
revircs said:
I'm not a developer....nor a hacker....nor a ...whatever.....just someone who enjoys reading and learning all that I can about my phone and Kindle Fire HDX....have rooted a variety of phones and Kindles through the years - first "mod" was to be able to download music and my own ringtones to a first edition Razr back in the day. I know there are so many people smarter than me - in some areas...not all - and I gratefully use that info and knowledge I get AT MY OWN RISK....as most people do, I think....the XDA site has over 5 million members - will there be some idiots who don't read or throw common sense and caution to the wind and screw up their devices?...sure....shame on them.
But if others with that knowledge have an elitist attitude about the rest of us - well - shame on them too. If someone knows how to make it easy for someone to be able to get the most of their device - while knowing the risks - BUT WON'T SHARE because they feel we don't 'deserve" that info - please....don't post! Just keep it to yourself and enjoy the fruits of your own labors.
PS...think it's a bit of a coincidence that when the romaster root surfaced - from a Chinese developer - all he** broke loose....it seems others had the knowledge but didn't want to share....oh well.....and please...this is just my humble opinion.
I appreciate all the efforts of the developers and testers who make it easier for people like me to really get the most out of their devices - but I think there is a reason that most of the major companies lock down theirs....to stop the ones who will stupidly brick the device and blame the company....thanks for reading.
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LOL I have noticed everybody that has chimed in about any complaints going on here have not been here to help recover in any of these devices last few days .. Trying to help people that refuse to help themselves.... I mean really we can only feed them so much info and babysit so much and get told please help please hello please help me . And when you attempt too. they have absolutely no clue of what you are talking about or what you're trying to get them to do it just looks too complicated so they keep asking for help... Expecting somebody here to make an easy one click.. To salvage their mistakes and keep their mommy and daddy from finding out they bricked their tablets.....and btw if this device wasnt soo fn locked down.. We would not be having this discussion because recovery of a brick would be easy with fastboot capabilities and unlock bootloader click click done. So I call BS honestly over the last few years out of all these devices I've been here in xda tinkering with.. The only time see false warranty claims are always on devices that are locked up tight.
If they refuse to help themselves then don't help them. Claiming that something shouldn't be easy and the fear mongering and elitism aren't helping anyone. Instead of trying to be a nanny document the known problems and work arounds if there are any. If you don't want to do that then don't. Save the other BS for your significant other cause no one else worth concerning yourself with wants to hear it. This thread is pointless, people here want to root their devices for any number of reasons; they why's don't matter and if it goes south it's not your problem.
jptros said:
If they refuse to help themselves then don't help them. Claiming that something shouldn't be easy and the fear mongering and elitism aren't helping anyone. Instead of trying to be a nanny document the known problems and work arounds if there are any. If you don't want to do that then don't. Save the other BS for your significant other cause no one else worth concerning yourself with wants to hear it. This thread is pointless, people here want to root their devices for any number of reasons; they why's don't matter and if it goes south it's not your problem.
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I understand your point and this thread was not started as a wine fest it was supposed to be started for a fair warning I can't help it if he had a sarcastic tone to his voice from trying to help ignorant people all weekend and I think it's hilarious how people are chiming in complaining about our complaints but none of them have been here to help all the ignorant folk ... I'm just saying as one that has been here for the last five days repairing brick or trying to help that is ... Is a lot of and uneeded tension here I understand .. And it is turning" quite the Flamer thread ... So instead of chiming here to complain about our complaint and tell us to keep our complaints to ourselves as you are here complaining your self .. Please go to the general section or the troubleshooting section and start helping people... For example help him http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2783591

