Android Iterations - Nexus S General

How many updates did the Nexus One have from its release last year up until now? In general, how many updates can we expect from Google in a year's time? One of the biggest draws of the Nexus S is undoubtedly the direct Google updates, so I'm just curious to know how many we're estimated to get before the next Nexus comes out, presumably around this time 2011 (basically a year's time).


New release Schedule

Sony announced a new release time table...
I'm a little disappointed that it is delayed, We're getting ours late May early July.
Also what is your opinion on the Beta ROM?
I will put my money on that the play will be discontinued before there ever is an official ics release, not including beta.
A full year is pretty old in a cell phones life. A new one comes out every few weeks. I think they are becoming so heavily produced, they are almost at the point where high end phones are disposable.

Do you think the Nexus-Five will be a big upgrade over the N4 ?

You can call me a Nexus fanboy I have owned all four Nexus phones every year, liked them all, some more than others. Right now I find the Nexus 4 a good upgrade over the Galaxy Nexus, the N4 has better battery life, a nicer screen once calibrated, and hardware wise much faster and smoother. But at the end of the day, the two phones are not night day radically different.
But some years a Nexus phone is light years ahead of the previous Nexus, I don't feel that with the Nexus 4 over the Galaxy Nexus. Just going on basics, the shape and design of the GNex and N4 are pretty much the same, from afar they look almost the same, and OS wise, not a major difference either, GNex launching with the all new 4.0 ICS, and N4 with JB 4.2, but still, both look pretty much the same with the Holo design etc..
For me the major jaw dropping difference was going from my Nexus-S to Galaxy Nexus, that felt like a major leap forward. The Nexus-S launched as 4" low res screen with Gingerbread, and the Galaxy Nexus launched with the all new ICS 4.0 with a 720p display. When I first got the Galaxy Nexus, and turned it on, I was blown away by it, the high resolution was amazing for the time, and ICS was a huge update over the Nexus-S Gingerbread, it was an amazing big difference in just one year. The two phones were night an day apart.
Again I am comparing them, at what they looked liked, and came with at launch originally. The Nexus-S compared to Galaxy Nexus was HUGE difference, the Galaxy Nexus compared to Nexus 4 not as much.
So what do you think is in store this Fall with the Nexus-Five ? A major leap forward like the N-S to GNex ? Or more of a minor update like GNex to N4 ?
Depends on who the partner is, if HTC I will probably snap the 5 up as HTC know how to make beautiful phones however the N4 is beautiful itself. But I'm assuming it will be faster, etc etc than the current N4 although this phone will last ages to be honest. However tech does move on and whatever the next Nexus is it will be better for that time period boasting newer tech.
I think could go either way. The Nexus-Five could be a major upgrade like N-S to Gnex or just minor like GNex to N4.
I am leaning towards thinking more of a major upgrade due to; Nexus-Five will have a 1080p screen, most likely 4.8" to 5", that's a big update, over the last two Nexus phones both having 4.7" 720p screens. And it will have the all new next generation Android 5,0 Key Lime Pie. Should be a big update there, being a whole new point release. And lastly rumors of the N5 having 3100mAh or so sized battery, that alone would be a huge upgrade in battery life.
Also the big question is, who will be the manufacturer of the new Nexus-Five ? Way to early to say now, but strong rumors of LG again, based off their Optimus Pro phone, but with updated internals, and a 5" screen. Or would not be surprised to see Sony get a shot at making it, and a distant third is getting HTC back into the Nexus game.
Yay, more Nexus 5 rumors and speculation. There are no hard facts that can be added to this discussion. If another Nexus released, it's going to be an upgrade from the current Nexus 4. This is a given, considering it will be another year after the Nexus 4 released that technology has had to improve, become more cost effective, etc. Aside from that, we cannot really say for sure whether Google is even planning on releasing another Nexus device (although it is extremely likely), much less what it will be like.
Release month ? All Nexus phones have been released Nov / Dec, in the Fall. But with rumors of Android 5.0 KLP being shown off at this May's Google I/O, some are saying that 5.0 might be released shortly after, in June ?
Do you think we will just get an early preview of 5.0 only, not a nearby release, with the official 5.0 release set to launch with the all new Nexus-Five in the Fall ? Or could Google surprise us, and have the Nexus-Five with 5.0 ready for an early Summer release ?
Zorachus said:
Release month ? All Nexus phones have been released Nov / Dec, in the Fall. But with rumors of Android 5.0 KLP being shown off at this May's Google I/O, some are saying that 5.0 might be released shortly after, in June ?
Do you think we will just get an early preview of 5.0 only, not a nearby release, with the official 5.0 release set to launch with the all new Nexus-Five in the Fall ? Or could Google surprise us, and have the Nexus-Five with 5.0 ready for an early Summer release ?
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If I were to speculate, I would say a newer version of Android, which may or may not be Android 4.3 or 5.0 or w/e they decide to number it (it doesn't matter at all), would be released at I/O as they usually do. Or they may not. Once again, it doesn't matter. Google doesn't release a new phone every time a new version of Android is released.
Jan 2010 - Android 2.1 Eclair released on December 6, 2010 was first used on the Nexus One
May 2010 - Android 2.2 Froyo, no device
December 2010 - Android 2.3 Gingerbread, Nexus S
February 2011 - Android 3.0-3.2 Honeycomb, Motorola Xoom (not that it really counts, in my book)
October 2011 - Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, Galaxy Nexus
July 2012 - Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, Nexus 7
November 2012 - Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, Nexus 4
Going by history, a new version of Android is fairly likely, with a possible tablet (maybe an update to the Nexus 7). With three straight Nexus phones being released in Q4, a new phone is more likely towards the end of the year. However, this goes back to being entirely speculation and conjecture, and none of us are privy to Google's plans for the future. We can only look at the past, which shows that about twice a year Google releases major updates to Android, with one phone a year, in between October and January.

When do you think we will get updated to M?

How long do you think we will need to wait?
Next year probably knowing Samsung. They support their flagships for about 6 months before they're completely forgotten about.
They're still rolling out 5.0 to some of their devices. The problem with Samsung is just last year they released 56 different mobile/tablet devices - How do you continue support for all of those?
It's the one thing I love about Apple - One device for the whole world, one device to update, nice and simple!
Agreed, and I am aware of their track record. I have seen a new urgency to get updates done quickly however, and given this will be their newest device I am hoping the ups are will drop quickly.
after the s7 comes out prob

Now that 6P has been EOLed till when can we expect updates?

Google has removed 6P and 5X from its store.
I suppose this signal a specific clock that starts ticking now.
What's the official policy?
By the way, I read that 7.1 won't come as final version till next year. So much for speedy updates Google. Way to betray customers trust.
Simple search would give you this on EOL.
So Security updates till September 2018 and major releases till September 2017.
I guess 7.1 will be the end of it.
Actually no. O will be the final Android OS update officially from Google. You will need to rely on the community starting from P.
XDA will save the Day!
Both the Nexus 5X & 6P will be stuck on the back burner now while Google put's all it's effort into these new overpriced phones of theirs, so much for having a Nexus for speedy updates as that will now be a thing of the past, we have to wait for 7.1 & it wouldn't surprise me if we probably get a half hash chucked together version aswell.
In another post I said i was going to keep my nexus 6P till it either dies or looses it support, I'm actually tempted now to get a Note 7 one that doesn't explode which is cheaper than a Pixel XL
I pondered getting a 6P (from an S7 Ege) until now. Not sure it's worth it now that The Google Pixels are out. Software support for the Nexus devices will probably be an afterthought now.
Will then rather go for a Note 7. I'd rather wait 6 months for a OS update while rocking a phone with some pretty decent features...and that S Pen...! GIF mania!
What I won't do is walk around with a phone that people would continuously think is an I Phone.

Will the update situation be better this time?

Hi everyone,
I'm currently still on my beloved Nexus 5 but it's slowly dying. As Google gone off the deep-end into Apple price territory, I was considering the OnePlus. Especially because I heard the update situation is better. But then I read about the OnePlus 2, which was barely supported for a year.
Is there any reason to hope that the whole situation is much better this time around? Will we get 2 years of updates? And will those updates arrive speedy?
I hope it's not too much of a shameless plug, but I compiled a list of devices and their update times, to get a better overview of how different maintainers support their devices. So far I only added Google & OnePlus but I'm considering Motorola next, as they also have rather good update support: (the generation of the table and the data behind it is all open source, if anyone wants to tinker with it just click on the octo)

