3G upload cap fix to be rolled out this week! - Epic 4G General

Taken from the official Sprint thread here:
"Good news - an update will be released tomorrow 9/30. It will be rolled out over a 4 day period so not everyone will get it on day 1.
I will have the standard MR information (fixes included, rollout schedule, etc) available tomorrow morning and will post it in a new featured thread."

yea, the day after the 30 days is up for people that bought on the first day, so not really that awesome, lets just pray it fixes the problem. I'm not really optomistic to be honest. Just to convenient to hold off like this.

Second update since release. I do have to admit, it's kind of nice to see Samsung actually supporting a phone for once.

This is great news! And we are getting Cyanogen Mod 6! I couldn't be happier. :-D

robl45 said:
yea, the day after the 30 days is up for people that bought on the first day, so not really that awesome, lets just pray it fixes the problem. I'm not really optomistic to be honest. Just to convenient to hold off like this.
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While I understand where you're coming from, I agree with styckx that it's just good to see them doing something about it. I do wish they'd acted on this more quickly, but better to roll out a fix now than wait months to release one or not release one at all.

It's crazy to hear people complain about updates from Samsung from my perspective. I'm a Touch pro 1 owner that basically received no updates from Sprint/HTC. And previous to that was the Mogul that went months without an advertised feature (Rev A/GPS). I'm way more wary about HTC than Samsung.
Epic ordered finally here. Was waiting for 10/1.

fooo1 said:
It's crazy to hear people complain about updates from Samsung from my perspective. I'm a Touch pro 1 owner that basically received no updates from Sprint/HTC. And previous to that was the Mogul that went months without an advertised feature (Rev A/GPS). I'm way more wary about HTC than Samsung.
Epic ordered finally here. Was waiting for 10/1.
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It stems from Samsung's history, mainly with the T-Mobile Behold 2. They advertised that it would be getting Android 2.x then never delivered on their promise and stranded users with 1.6. While HTC has probably been the best manufacturer in terms of supporting their Android phones.

I had a launch day Hero, and I don't think support was the fastest for that either. Most everything I did through XDA and androidforums.<---alot faster than waiting for the manufacturer/carrier to roll out and update.
Just my thoughts...

cswee1932 said:
I had a launch day Hero, and I don't think support was the fastest for that either. Most everything I did through XDA and androidforums.<---alot faster than waiting for the manufacturer/carrier to roll out and update.
Just my thoughts...
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I've read a lot about Samsung after purchasing my Samsung Moment. I found they had a nice history of let downs and lack of support. Then the Moment went on and on without a mention of a fix, or patch, or anything. That was a complete lemon of a phone (data lock ups and unfixable GPS) that Samsung all but abandoned less than a year after launch and still to this day the Moment forums are mainly filled with people trying to fix data lock ups and the GPS. It's ashame really.
Epic was going to be my last run with Samsung, and despite some bumps in the road I've been pleased so far as they are at least taking initiative with this phone it seems. I personally think they have no choice. It's one thing to piss off 1 carriers customers, and another to piss off multiple carriers customers by not supporting a phone.
Hope the support continues.

so you guys are excited that they put out an update that fixed nothing and screwed up the phone? thats great, all it meant is I had to go and uninstall the mediahub crap so my battery life didn't suffer, the gps issue remains, the upload issue will likely remain after this update as well. so that really equates to them doing nothing in my eyes.

I've never experienced a upload cap on my phone. Does anyone know if this update includes other fixes other than just the 3g upload cap?

crajee16 said:
I've never experienced a upload cap on my phone. Does anyone know if this update includes other fixes other than just the 3g upload cap?
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Have you ran the Speed Test app on 3G? I've yet to see anyone get over a stable 150kbps (sure it bounces upwards towards 200 on occasion but then levels out). From working in hosting it shows exact throttling behavior, as it uploads it jumps past the 150 mark to around 170-180 and then down to a stable 150 almost immediately. It's hard to believe this to be some sort of coincidence since it's able to be replicated in many different 3G markets across the country.

punzada said:
Have you ran the Speed Test app on 3G? I've yet to see anyone get over a stable 150kbps (sure it bounces upwards towards 200 on occasion but then levels out). From working in hosting it shows exact throttling behavior, as it uploads it jumps past the 150 mark to around 170-180 and then down to a stable 150 almost immediately. It's hard to believe this to be some sort of coincidence since it's able to be replicated in many different 3G markets across the country.
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Lol, mine actually goes to like 6000+ for a little while, then dips down to under 50 kbps. Yes, under 50! I have some SpeedTest results that have come in under 20 kbps upload!
Even my 3G speed is horrible. Never over 500 download. I'm looking forward to this. Luckily I am usually either in a WiFi zone or a 4G zone.

punzada said:
From working in hosting it shows exact throttling behavior, as it uploads it jumps past the 150 mark to around 170-180 and then down to a stable 150 almost immediately.
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It may seem to be throttling behavior. Ultimately though, those of us aware of how a data radio and associated software *actually works* know full well that it's because the dwarf hamsters spinning in their wheels are, in fact, unionized. Because of the upload tragedy of 2009, in which millions of poor hamsters perished on the Touch Pro 2 because of faulty speed governors installed in the cages, strict regulations were put in place for the Epic, dictating that no hamster may run unsupervised in their wheels, and that they must trade off shifts every 128kB with their spotting partners. It's this switching that causes the fluctuations you observe during the speedtest runs. You may have noticed a bit more heft in the Epic vs say, the Captivate. You might mistakenly believe it's the keyboard, when in fact it is the added weight of the supervisory hamsters.
Another shortfall in communications speed arises because Samsung, to save weight from the added hamsters, decided to use smoke signals as a databus between the CPU and the baseband processor. This was chosen over the "flashing mirrors" approach due to cost and weight issues. This compounds the upload cap problem because as the phone rests in your pocket, it accumulates moisture. The soot particles from the smoke then seed rainclouds, which can interrupt the dataflow between baseband and CPU as the receiver operators duck for cover at a nearby tavern.
So, you see, this is clearly a compound problem. Obviously, this week's update will include a staff of more hamsters, more wheels, and dehumidifiers, all so your phone can shuttle data more efficiently. This is a brilliant feat of engineering, I might add. So, expect your phone to weigh more by the end of the week, though how much more, nobody knows. And please, do post the truth about how the phone's internals really work, punzada... anything else would be a blatant disservice to the hard-working bit-crunchers in your phone.

^^ wat
Also from that thread:
I'm on the phone right now with tier 2 support to try to find out what's in the update because this is my last day if I'm going to return the phone and I'm being told that they don't see anything about the battery life, GPS, or this data upload issue in this release.
I know you said that you're putting that information up tomorrow, but I have to make a decision today.
The tech is saying there is NO FIX FOR THE CAP ISSUE FROM SAMSUNG yet or anything to improve the battery.
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Desi's (admin) reply:
The 3G upload issue is definitely in the release.
I doubt the GPS issue is since I just forwarded input from this forum over to engineering for further analysis.
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I guess we will have to see if it actually fixes anything. But it seems like tier 2 is at least finally aware of (or admitting to) the problem with the upload. Doesn't sound like there will be anything for the battery or GPS though.

GlassGorilla said:
I guess we will have to see if it actually fixes anything. But it seems like tier 2 is at least finally aware of (or admitting to) the problem with the upload. Doesn't sound like there will be anything for the battery or GPS though.
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Battery and GPS are (for me, anyway) easy workarounds. 3G upload cap is what it is; there's no getting around it other than using wi-fi or 4G (which I can also usually do, but not everyone can).
I'll be happy to have that upload cap fixed if for no other reason than people will quit using it as an excuse to post "should I return my Epic for an Evo?" threads here and elsewhere.

My feeling is the amount of pressure on Sprint had an affect on how hard they pushed samsung.
That and the fact that until a few days ago users were being told for weeks running that no one but they were reporting the problem exacerbated the problem.
So it s a cause for celebration that they are pushing out a fix, but I don't think it is at all established that this would have occurred so soon if it where not for all the noise.
As far as GPS, not only are there problems, but the "advice" given by Sprint: use the unrelated "wireless networking" is an absolute laughable and patronizing dodge.
As others have noted, working around with cold starts or manual resets does fix the main issue.
I have been in contact with the moderator of eh Sprint forum privately some time ago, and he put me in with ADP (ADP, not ADS) on this issue. They are diagnosing it, and have not come to any conclusion other than they have seen the issue themselves.

aero1 said:
My feeling is the amount of pressure on Sprint had an affect on how hard they pushed samsung.
So it s a cause for celebration that they are pushing out a fix, but I don't think it is at all established that this would have occurred so soon if it where not for all the noise.
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Well. Apparently we have a voice, which is a good thing.
I'm hopeful, but I am not holding my breath. I think it is likely the vast majority of Epics were pre-ordered or bought on launch, 08/31. 30 days would be 09/30. The announcement could be an attempt to get people who bought on launch that were going to return it on the last day to keep their phones, and then when the update doesn't "may increase" or "possibly enhance" or whatever the legal gymnastics statement said, those people can't return the phone any more and Sprint isn't really under any obligation to fix it.
Whether it's an angleshoot or a genuine attempt to fix it, I am anxiously awaiting the first reports tomorrow.

GlassGorilla said:
I think it is likely the vast majority of Epics were pre-ordered or bought on launch, 08/31. 30 days would be 09/30. The announcement could be an attempt to get people who bought on launch that were going to return it on the last day to keep their phones, and then when the update doesn't "may increase" or "possibly enhance" or whatever the legal gymnastics statement said, those people can't return the phone any more and Sprint isn't really under any obligation to fix it. .
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Sprint is serious exposed to class action liberality, which involves not just awards, but legal costs, and more importantly really bad press.
I have a written note from ecare from last week saying no one has reported this issue. Hundreds of users seem to have been told the same thing. Not that the speeds are normal, but that they were low speeds but unique to the customer. That presents a legal liability for Sprint right here.
I think we will all know in a few days.

You guys should probably take a chill pill on the conspiracy theories already. I'm sure it would cost Sprint much less money and hassle just to fix this software issue rather than go out of their way to "conveniently" tell you that there's a "fix" that doesn't really exist but they used their "legal gymnastics" to trick you into holding onto your phone past the 30 day mark. They are a company that wishes to exist more than 2 more years, why would they go out of their way to screw you and guarantee you leave in two years when a couple of patches could save them and Samsung a ton of customers?
Its not like fixing this issue requires the recall and replacement of every phone, and them fixing this problem is not an incredibly inconvenient issue. You know why they're telling you the day before your 30 days that the update is coming? Because telling you after you return the phone wouldn't do anyone much good. Why didn't they tell you sooner? Because these things, while not impossible or some ludicrous endeavor, do take time.
I'm not even meaning to take their side really. Sure, they should have caught the issue before launch, and they should have addressed the issue in public... but if you're only gonna sign onto networks willing to do either of those things then you're not going to be purchasing a cell phone in America. I mean, Steve Job's stance on Antennagate is still "Shut up whiny babies, this issue doesn't exist, but I'll give you a free case if you shush and go back to fellating me..."


EVO EECB I sent to Sprint and HTC

I sent the following today to the following email addresses:
I am a brand new customer that came over from AT&T to buy the HTC EVO 4G.
I have been mostly happy with the phone, but very unhappy about the 30 FPS cap on the graphics ... the Nexus One runs on the same hardware and is able to push 60FPS or more. To add insult to injury, my EVO's screen is starting to separate at the bottom of the device, which means I am going to have to either return it or exchange it for a new EVO prior to the 30 day limit. At first I was content to just exchange my EVO for a new one, but here are my concerns:
1. Are these problems going to be fixed? If I get a new EVO, will HTC/Sprint ever fix the graphics problem? Will I have another instance of hardware failure (screen separation)? Further reading on this topic here: (links removed due to XDA policy)
2. I bought and paid about $30 to have a ZAGG shield installed on the face of the EVO (lifetime warranty permanent screen protector) ... if I exchange my EVO, there is another $30 I am paying. What happens if I keep having hardware failures? Do I have to pay $30 each time to have my ZAGG shield replaced? Unacceptable!
3. Screen Responsiveness - The top part of my EVO is not very responsive, possibly due to a improperly grounded screen. Yet another reason I have to return it. Unfortunately, there are none in my area so I have to wait until they come in. Will the new one have the same problems?
4. WiFi strength on the EVO is lackluster at best. More reading here: (Link removed due to XDA policy)
5. Evo 4G is the first 4G phone - too bad you can hardly ever get 4G reception and when you do, the speed is not nearly what Sprint has advertised. This is not a dealbreaker because this phone has so many great qualities, but the speed tests that I and others have done show that the speed on the 4G is not that great, not even better than AT&T's iPhone 3GS speeds much of the time. Very sad.
I would like to say I am going to be a loyal Sprint and HTC customer for many years, but with all these issues I am seriously considering returning my phone and cancelling my service within the 30 day window.
Can you help me understand how these problems will be fixed? What is your time frame for fixing them? Are the Sprint and HTC teams even aware of these issues and are you looking into them? I have found I love Android phones now, but I can just as easily cancel my contract and move to T-Mobile who supports a wide variety of Android phones (Nexus One, anyone?). Please help me understand why it is best to stay with Sprint and HTC. I *want* to be a loyal customer, but I need to know that my concerns are being heard and addressed.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Tim D.
Also - Mods - can I get verified? How do I make that happen? Thanks, Tim.
At least you didn't ***** about the 10 dollar Premium Data. That + former AT&T customer = nice letter
Thanks ... I tried to keep it as positive as I could. I have had pretty good luck getting things accomplished with EECB's that are positive. (I recently had my Dell XPS m1730 repaired out of warranty after I aired my concerns to Dell)
I hope we can find a resolution. The EVO is a GREAT phone plagued by a few problems that hopefully can be resolved one way or another.
Edit: Perhaps if some other forum members would like to write up their own letters and send them, maybe we can get some movement on this.
Pull your ZAGG screen off and then get a warranty replacement for $5 shipping. They replace it free if you replace your device.
Thank you for that tip about the ZAGG shield - I was not aware of that... I will have to wait until the last second though to make sure I actually get a new EVO from Radio Shack
Maybe if we all send nice letters, we could MAYBE at least get the source.
Nobody else has sent an EECB? might be a good way to get some much needed attention for these problems...
I was planning to and then got side-tracked. I shall later tonight. Much thanks for bringing it to my attention again!
timkdodson said:
Nobody else has sent an EECB? might be a good way to get some much needed attention for these problems...
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My only complaint is the serious lack of WIFI, and even when i do have it the speeds are terrible. also 4g isn;t official in my area but i get it sometimes 1 or 2 bars max (only in 1 spot outside my house its kinda odd). The speeds are hitting close to 4mbps for me. I hope they finish installing 4g in the boston area.
So are those all the email addresses I need to email? Are they all .com?
Well, I just EECB'd them, putting a particular slant on the issue of releasing the source. I have a gut feeling that HTC is working to do this, but it would be really nice to get a straight answer out of them. (So, be nice to HTC.)
Hello, and to whom it may concern:
Like many other potential smartphone customers, I've been looking forward to the release of the HTC EVO 4G. I've been using prepaid phones for too long and had myself set on finally becoming a Sprint customer with an EVO.
As someone who was lucky enough to get an EVO from Google I/O this year, I've been using the phone for the past three weeks or so. While the phone has almost lived up to my expectations, there is one major flaw that I find unacceptable: the artificial graphics performance cap on the phone.
At Google I/O, Google and their partners showed off many different Android phones, both new and old. Most of the higher-end phones, including HTC's own Nexus One, have great performance. Games run speedily and smoothly and the interface positively flows. That, however, is not the case with the EVO. The EVO, even with its top of the line hardware, is artificially capped at rendering 30 frames per second. I find this very unfortunate, as a side by side comparison between the Nexus One, EVO, and iPhone will show that the Nexus and iPhone run their respective UIs and games much more smoothly than the EVO. I expected 3D performance to be a selling point with such a gorgeous phone—I guess not.
I, along with many others, have contacted HTC about this issue. HTC's official line is that the 30 FPS cap was intended to "improve battery life" and they have no plans to change this. While this is disappointing, it is HTC's right to build their firmware how they want. However, I ask HTC: please make this fact more public. This cap was a rude surprise to developers and has made many of them unhappy, even leading to some phone returns, as evidenced by the discussion on prominent phone dev boards: http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=620. (I've come close to wanting a refund—but my phone was free, so I have no hard feelings.)
In addition, I'd like to ask HTC to expedite the release of your Android kernel source so that developers like me can remove this cap. I'm sure many others will do the same, even if it does void their warranty and is not officially supported. It would be nice to have a phone that actually works as advertised.
HTC makes good phones; there's no reason to artificially limit the EVO from becoming HTC's best.
Thank you for your time and for listening to my concerns.
[My Name]
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redct said:
Well, I just EECB'd them, putting a particular slant on the issue of releasing the source. I have a gut feeling that HTC is working to do this, but it would be really nice to get a straight answer out of them. (So, be nice to HTC.)
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nicely written
redct said:
Well, I just EECB'd them, putting a particular slant on the issue of releasing the source. I have a gut feeling that HTC is working to do this, but it would be really nice to get a straight answer out of them. (So, be nice to HTC.)
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GREAT JOB. Very nicely written.
On another note, I have been reading about what may be Sprint's 2nd 4G phone, the Samsung Galaxy S Pro... I am thinking of returning my EVO and waiting for the Galaxy to drop... too many problems with the EVO. The sad thing is I have to do it within the 30 day money back timeframe, so I am quickly going to be coming up on a hard stop.... ARGH!
Instant response: f**k yeah!
EDIT: Got an reply from Dan Hesse's office saying that they'll reply w/more info within the next day or so.
Hello _______,
Thank you for providing us with the request for the sourc code for your EVO 4G, to which I understand you are entitled. I also understand that in the legal information of the phone it says to contact Customer Service with this request, although that is not entirely correct. From Technical Support, we can only pass along your request to the appropriate department, and as they do have your request it will be posted. This is not a gambit of any sort nor a desire to keep anything from our users; as to why it is not available yet, I do not know, nor do my supervisors. If we at Technical Support did have access to either send out the code or post it on the website, I would be more than happy to do so as I understand that you are anxious for it and I would love to be able to provide it.
I agree; the phone is great and I am fairly excited myself to see what you and the rest of the developers come up with.
The request has been made to the appropriate department, and when the code is posted it will be available at developer.htc.com. I apologize that it is not available at this very moment, and I thank you for your patience in this matter. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us again. You can find additional support at support forums at community.htc.com. There is also a customer satisfaction survey for you to take if you are interested.
HTC Technical Support
www.htc.com www.twitter.com/htc
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WAY TO GO! that is freaking awesome!!
Instant response: f**k yeah!
EDIT: Got an reply from Dan Hesse's office saying that they'll reply w/more info within the next day or so.
Hello _______,
Thank you for providing us with the request for the sourc code for your EVO 4G, to which I understand you are entitled. I also unders
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redct said:
Instant response: f**k yeah!
EDIT: Got an reply from Dan Hesse's office saying that they'll reply w/more info within the next day or so.
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I wouldn't be surprised if Phillip is a lurker or even a member on XDA
timkdodson said:
WAY TO GO! that is freaking awesome!!
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
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That was from mid-tier customer support, so we'll also see if Sprint/HTC exec level people reply. Also, time to wait for the source code.
...looks like it's a waiting game now.
This is great news. Good job!!!
I registered just to say that this is great news. Hopefully it leads to a resolution.

How long before involving Consumer Product Liability Law?

Consumer Product Liability Law quote
"Products that malfunction or cause harm due to design flaws, manufacturing errors or inadequate warnings or directions are considered defective."
How much more time should we, consumers, give Samsung before asking Feds to help us? I personally would like to believe that consumers have rights, a concept that Samsung is not willing to accept.
For the curious ones, this post has to do with Samsung recalling the broken phones for the purpose of fixing them. For the ignorant ones, pat yourself on the back for accomplishing nothing again.
I suppose the other thread with people whining was not adequate?
You didnt even address what you are upset about? I assume GPS.... which is funny since the VAST MAJORITY on here have absolutely no issues.
Lawsuits and such
Krzysiek_CK said:
Consumer Product Liability Law quote "Products that malfunction or cause harm due to design flaws, manufacturing errors or inadequate warnings or directions are considered defective." How much more time should we, consumers, give Samsung before asking Feds to help us? I personally would like to believe that consumers have rights, a concept that Samsung is not willing to accept.
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I'm assuming based on your other postings that this relates to GPS issues. I'll try to address your questions with as little drama as possible:
How much more time should we, consumers, give Samsung...
- After you have exhausted all other remedies. In some cases, never. Were you aware of the issue in the time window when the product could still be returned or exchanged?
...before asking Feds to help us?
- There is no "Asking Feds" to help. You can file complaints with the FTC or maybe another federal organization, or with your state attorney general. As you probably know, your likely success in this area will be close to zero.
I personally would like to believe that consumers have rights, a concept that Samsung is not willing to accept
- you do have rights, but from a civil law perspective, what are your damages? Do you think a reasonable person on a jury would find Samsung liable for anything, when 98% of the phone functionality works just fine, and as for GPS, it works fine for some significant percentage of the consumers? You should be asking yourself what is your personal responsibility in this... did you keep the phone past the initial return period in hopes of a fix coming out? Did Samsung do due diligence and provide a fix eventually, that appears to have work for the vast majority of users? (Yes).
I know it frustrating, my device is the second one I had, the first one was crap, and this one the GPS works but is occasionally flaky. I'll get over it, and I have not relied on any assertions of Samsungs that caused irreparable harm. Generally, you cannot sue for grief (and while we as a country seem to have drifted that way, thank god that's still basically true). You will have this phone 1 to 3 years of what is hopefully a 80+ year life. You will make better buying decisions in the future, and do more due diligence when buying a phone. And this assumes you just don't sell this one on e-bay and buy another one.
So my long ramble is summarized, and aiming at all the other class action ninnies, into this one short sentence: "Get a life".
Mike (Who obviously has to much time on his hands today)
I'm confused by all of the people who complain about the GPS. Mine has always worked fine from stock through the latest ROM I am on. It seems like there are dozens of ways to fix the issue that have worked for many people. Are there still people out there who have exhausted every lead and STILL cannot get it to work? Whenever I read a complaint about GPS, people don't specify what they have tried and what has failed.
s15274n said:
I suppose the other thread with people whining was not adequate?
You didnt even address what you are upset about? I assume GPS.... which is funny since the VAST MAJORITY on here have absolutely no issues.
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I am seriously tired of seeing this response to people who are suffering with GPS issues to no avail. I don't really care about how the"vast majority" isn't having issues. I care about my phones issues. Obviously there are phones out there with a non functioning GPS. I am one of them, so is my wife. Even if 70%-80% of the phones had a functioning GPS that still leaves 20%-30% SOL.
Did I notice the GPS issue when I bought the device? Yes. Did I notice that a good number of others had the same problems? Yes. We were advised by tmobile to wait for a patch. The patch came well past the return date.
If your GPS is working that's great, that doesn't mean that everyone's is working. There are people that still have major GPS issues. If you don't like the complaints don't click on the thread.
I have tried all of the fixes btw. My wife and I still have extremely inconsistent performance and locking issues.
velocd said:
I am seriously tired of seeing this response to people who are suffering with GPS issues to no avail. I don't really care about how the"vast majority" isn't having issues. I care about my phones issues. Obviously there are phones out there with a non functioning GPS. I am one of them, so is my wife. Even if 70%-80% of the phones had a functioning GPS that still leaves 20%-30% SOL.
Did I notice the GPS issue when I bought the device? Yes. Did I notice that a good number of others had the same problems? Yes. We were advised by tmobile to wait for a patch. The patch came well past the return date.
If your GPS is working that's great, that doesn't mean that everyone's is working. There are people that still have major GPS issues. If you don't like the complaints don't click on the thread.
I have tried all of the fixes btw. My wife and I still have extremely inconsistent performance and locking issues.
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you should try AXURA if you havent, my GPS never worked until then, its a few feet off, but i dont mind that.
@OP, why is the only reason that you people think vibrants suck is the GPS?
WOOPTIDOO! a gps doesn't work.
Think of it this way, would you take a IPhone from which your calls would drop, and wouldn't be able to call anyone half the time? or not be able to use your dang brain to read the street names and figure out where your going.
So basically the op didn't do his research before buying a product and now wants to cry foul. I bought my Vibrant in August, bought two, after researching it for a good two weeks. I compared it to most of the other offerings from all carriers with the exception of iPhone. I was fully aware of the gps issue before hand, very well documented. I even went so far as to have the work around sitting on my computer when I brought the thing home. One of the first things I did was apply the work around.
All that said maybe you should take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself who really needs to be blamed for you owning a product that doesn't work to the abilities that you think it should.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
And I'm REALLY tired of people coming to a development forum making posts about class action lawsuits.... Heaven forbid they use an existing thread (there was one on the very same page when the op created this thread).
There is nothing wrong with the vast majority, this can't be denied. There are a ton of ways to try and correct the problem.
H,eck send me your phone and I'll create a video of YOUR phone navigating me to the local bar so I can celebrate one less annoying "let's sue... For something" thread.
bigragu said:
I'm confused by all of the people who complain about the GPS. Mine has always worked fine from stock through the latest ROM I am on. It seems like there are dozens of ways to fix the issue that have worked for many people. Are there still people out there who have exhausted every lead and STILL cannot get it to work? Whenever I read a complaint about GPS, people don't specify what they have tried and what has failed.
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While the OP is kind of a tool (yeah, the Feds are going to leap in and fix your phone...), these "My GPS works great!" posts are almost as ridiculous.
It isn't as if a bunch of us got together and pretended to have insurmountable GPS problems.
In my case, the GPS has become usable after the second Eclair update. My wife's still doesn't work but she doesn't use it, so she doesn't care. The other two in the house now work normally. So just in my house, we pretty much cover the range.
Just because it isn't affecting you doesn't mean the rest of us are merely delusional.
And since you asked, yeah, I have tried pretty much eveything that was suggested here on XDA, short of some of the more recent ROMS (which I don't want for a variety of other reasons).
xriderx66 said:
you should try AXURA if you havent, my GPS never worked until then, its a few feet off, but i dont mind that.
@OP, why is the only reason that you people think vibrants suck is the GPS?
WOOPTIDOO! a gps doesn't work.
Think of it this way, would you take a IPhone from which your calls would drop, and wouldn't be able to call anyone half the time? or not be able to use your dang brain to read the street names and figure out where your going.
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So you recommend medication for a person with hardware problems. That says more about your condition than that of the person you're replying to.
Maybe people are upset because the Vibrant was advertised as having a GPS, and a GPS is a huge part of Android's functionality? Just because your GPS works, or because you don't use it, doesn't excuse you coming in here and acting like a jerk.
Col.Kernel said:
So you recommend medication for a person with hardware problems. That says more about your condition than that of the person you're replying to.
Maybe people are upset because the Vibrant was advertised as having a GPS, and a GPS is a huge part of Android's functionality? Just because your GPS works, or because you don't use it, doesn't excuse you coming in here and acting like a jerk.
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No. My GPS never worked until I found the Axura rom it worked on all 3 of my vibrants.
Try the rom if you want the GPS so dang much. Is all I'm saying.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
This is not legal advice, but:
As far as a lawsuit goes, the best argument would be that product was "not fit for the particular purpose for which it was sold." Most jurisdictions have some form of breach of warranty laws that could provide the basis for a suit if the product was advertised or represented as having working gps. However, Samsung/T-Mobile would have the defense that when you purchased the phone, the gps didn't work but you kept it anyways (past the 14 or 30 day buyer's remorse period). In other words, by not returning it, you accepted the non-conforming goods.
As for the "Feds" stepping in, I wouldn't count on it. Your best bet would be to find an attorney that would take on a class action suit in hopes of a big fee award. Usually if there is any merit to a claim like this, attorneys are jumping at the chance to sue, b/c at the end of the day the settlement is usually something like pennies for the consumer, a promise by the company to play fair in the future and a big award of attorneys fees.
All that being said, I would think that if you sent Samsung/T-Mobile a well drafted demand letter under your jurisdiction's consumer protection laws, they would make an offer of a return or exchange of the phone to avoid the hassle. Better yet if you had an attorney friend that would do it for you.
Well, as someone with GPS issues, I'll say that something like a class action is largely useless.
I also think that "oh, just try another ROM", while valid in some cases, is also completely ridiculous. One shouldn't have to modify their phone and void a warranty in order to have functional hardware (note I've done both ).
I know it's frustrating. For me, no update or work around worked. I had to crack open my phone and bend up the contact on my GPS Antenna (which plenty of us are trying here) and now it works great. Is my SNR the strongest? No, it doesn't really go above 40. But I get 10-14 satellites to lock and it holds a signal even inside the house.
Yeah, it's insane to have a problem with something so basic on a smart phone these days. But the reality is that the vast majority of smart phone users never even turn on GPS. Out of the ones that do, a small percentage have issues. That means that there's only a small fraction of SGS users experiencing GPS issues and the people that tend to be the loudest are the ones that have problems. Samsung doesn't care. Neither would HTC or Motorola.
They also know that the average length of time the average user keeps a phone is 20 months. That number decreases with smart phones AND with people that are tinkerers. I'd imagine it would be a rarity for a lot of people here to keep a phone longer than 16-18 months. All of these manufacturers know that you'll move on to the next device long before you get a class action lawsuit going.
I may be an exception, but my time is worth more money than a class action over a device that is 97% functional.
"Plaintiff asserts that Defendant's product is 'laggy', as such term is commonly understood within the North American phone nerd community; and even the use of third-party measures such as 'Ryan's OCLF' did not transform the product into the 'buttery-smooth beast' that Plaintiff had intended to purchase..."
If you have tried the workarounds and have got all the current updates and your GPS is not working, walk into a T-Mobile store or call customer service and complain. Every day people are getting replacement phones and if they tell you that you are out of your return window, explain that you kept getting told to wait by your local rep.
This is a basic customer service issue, no need to get all bent out of shape. If yours doesn't work, ***** up a storm with T-Mobile for a replacement.
xriderx66 said:
No. My GPS never worked until I found the Axura rom it worked on all 3 of my vibrants.
Try the rom if you want the GPS so dang much. Is all I'm saying.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I couldn't agree more and that was the point of my earlier post. I understand there are people who have issues that others don't. (I had the hardware lock issue). It just seems that there ARE ROMs out there that have fixed the problem. If you need GPS that bad (and I do), try them until you find one that works.
I jusy don't get peaple...Just call Tmobile and tell them your issue like some other user and they will replace your phone...

Finally...some good news

Hello fellow DVP owners, I've been following all the issues we've had pretty closely and stalking DellCares twitter quite a bit. I know everyone has been focused alot on the issues with it but this is the first official word we've had that Dell is looking to address some of the issues.
emed795 Hi Erik, just wanted to let you know that DVP memory and other issues to be addressed in future sw update. No ETA yet. Thanks, AB 6:00 PM Jan 13th via CoTweet
im_thatoneguy Software update for DVP camera in progress, no ETA on it yet. Let us know how troubleshooting steps worked for you. SV 5:39 PM Jan 6th via CoTweet
Hopefully WiFi is also included in this update........
Saw the Twitter post. Hmm, well, another promise. Hope they do something. Of course, we'll have to go through the long, long wait, but this sort of goes with Dell's MO--problems addressed (in part) in the future. At least in my experience with them. It'd be nice to avoid problems at the get-go, but as they say, "Remaking the world, now that is folly."
At least they're not being adamantly silent about it.
Too little too late and still no mention of an international release. I've given up on that phone and everyone should at least until MWC. There are alternatives if you can't wait and if you can there will be stuff at MWC.
Peew971 said:
Too little too late and still no mention of an international release. I've given up on that phone and everyone should at least until MWC. There are alternatives if you can't wait and if you can there will be stuff at MWC.
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The phone works fine for me, can even use wifi with a workaround so I'm quite happy with it. With the DVP being one of only 2 options for T-Mobile US users there really isnt much of a choice if you want a WP7 phone. You guys in Europe have more options to choose from, but if the issues are resovled it will be one of the best WP7 devices. And again MWC may bring new devices but I doubt they will be US bound so again the DVP still looks like a good buy to me. Even the camera can be made to produce good pictures with some adjustment of the settings, so this update will definitely be a plus.
efjay said:
The phone works fine for me, can even use wifi with a workaround so I'm quite happy with it. With the DVP being one of only 2 options for T-Mobile US users there really isnt much of a choice if you want a WP7 phone. You guys in Europe have more options to choose from, but if the issues are resovled it will be one of the best WP7 devices. And again MWC may bring new devices but I doubt they will be US bound so again the DVP still looks like a good buy to me. Even the camera can be made to produce good pictures with some adjustment of the settings, so this update will definitely be a plus.
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What has the tech world come to when we pay for a premium product and we are forced to accept work arounds to get it to work. I understand that some fixes are always needed but most are usually software related (WP7 being new) but this device seems to have more issues that are directly related to the unit itself.
I have to say every time I hold one I am drawn to it but I have a hard time with a unit that costs this much and has these kinds of issues.
I hope that Dell can get the fixes out there quick so that we can get more of these in people's hands.
gshocker said:
What has the tech world come to when we pay for a premium product and we are forced to accept work arounds to get it to work. I understand that some fixes are always needed but most are usually software related (WP7 being new) but this device seems to have more issues that are directly related to the unit itself.
I have to say every time I hold one I am drawn to it but I have a hard time with a unit that costs this much and has these kinds of issues.
I hope that Dell can get the fixes out there quick so that we can get more of these in people's hands.
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I understand your point but is there a perfect device? Even the phone to rule all phones (iphone) has issues (bumper anyone?), the WP7 OS itself has a reproducable bug on every handset with the MP crashing, yet we still use it. Problem with the Dell was the high expectations of the device since it was first leaked, then we had to deal with the release delays, shipping issues, virtually no communication from Dell and then after finally getting the device bugs that affected what could be considered fundamental functions. Probably led many to either give up and purchase something else or return it after receiving it and feeling it didnt live up to the expectation.
However the fact that I am happy to use a workaround does not mean I have accepted the faults and overlook them, I and others have contacted Dell and told them about the issues and as any decent company would they have responded with an upcoming fix (more than we can say for HTC and the pink camera bug on the HD7). This is what I would expect of any company and since Dell has responded I'm OK with a workaround till the fix is released. If there was another bug free device available to me I would have switched to that, but there isnt on my carrier so I still use it as I personally have no other option on T-Mo US. This whole saga could have gone better and will obviously be a factor in any future decision about purchasing a Dell smartphone but for now I feel satisfied with the choice I made, all things considered.
I think I am willing to be a bit more forgiving, given that I used to be a Software Developer. I understand the qualms of getting bugs fixed ASAP, but the SDLC doesn't allow it all the time. I am also willing to cut Dell some slack because the guys in the Mobility team have been awesome. Sure, customer service at Dell, as a whole, sucks monkey balls, but once they have you transferred to the right team, they're quite helpful. I think a huge issue for a lot of people is that they don't like talking to people from India, and then that's where all the bashing starts. I guess it depends on your tolerance level?!
If it is a concession, I spoke to someone in the Mobility team yesterday evening and they confirmed that these issues (camera, bluetooth, WiFi, etc.) are known and have been escalated. She did not know about how soon the update would roll out.
I think if they continue to communicate with us early adopters and roll out a software update to address some of these core issues, they'll at least have one happy camper on their side.
I am pretty patient with my devices these days, and with purchasing a first gen device (from a company with little experience in mobile) I am even more forgiving. Worst case scenario, I sell the phone and buy something else, lesson learned. From my experience with Dell (currently and past) they get fixes out, it just takes some time.
I won't be making any of those decisions on this phone until we see the issues with memory and camera fixed (WiFi is much less of an issue for me because I'm in a "4G" zone.) For now, I love the form factor, and I get more questions and "wow's" than anyone else when they see me pull the thing out with the giant DELL logo on the back (teh sex).
I'm generally happy; I have very few problems. The worst one was Monday the phone locked up while charging overnight so my alarm didn't go off.
I'm much more irritated by Dell's almost total silence on what issues they're aware of, which are being investigated, etc, etc. Heck, the twitter feed is the only confirmation we have that they even consider the RAM reports from the WP7 API an issue to investigate!
Still, the device is very responsive and performs very well as I suck its battery dry on Xbox Live, so I'll hang on to it and wait patiently for updates.
Thanks for pestering Dell for us!
efjay said:
The phone works fine for me, can even use wifi with a workaround so I'm quite happy with it.
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can you describe the workaround and what it fixes for you?
xthing said:
can you describe the workaround and what it fixes for you?
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I disable 3G in the Cellular settings, but I have had 1 crash with that turned off so it may not be a consistent fix.
That just made my week. Hopefully it comes soon.
efjay, I've been trying your workaround and I think it's working. Thank you!
Saitek009 said:
That just made my week. Hopefully it comes soon.
efjay, I've been trying your workaround and I think it's working. Thank you!
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Good to hear, don't know why it doesn't work for me anymore but hopefully Dell's fix won't be long.

AT&T Rumor, Focus Update Monday???

Hey my friends. There is chatter that AT&T is rolling out both the Pre Update & the NoDo Update this Monday. Fact or fiction???
I'm so disappionted with this whole situation. I hope I'm wrong but you have to look at the obvious. First update on Feb.21, no one got. Then MS said they pulled it for Samsung issues, but then they said they didn't pull it. Day later, MS says they pulled it for Samsung. Cool, no other ATT phone got the update! People asked if ATT was blocking the update, MS said no of course not. Meanwhile, MS issues a statement how 90% of phones got the update. Taking a look on the message boards, shows no one on a US carrier got an update. Since the US makes up about 60% of their phones sales, something is up. Fast forward a week, we have more denials of the update being blocked. Now yesterday, like a kid caught in the cookie jar, we hear that ATT did block it but we really get it this time. Really? Really indeed. Considering this is probably the only update we will ever get, this is disappointing.
I think both are true. When MS got reports of problems they stopped the updates. Now that Omnia 7 & Focus owners outside the US are reporting getting the update I think it's all AT&T causing the delay. I got the original update the first day it was out on Rogers.
bennyj71 said:
I'm so disappionted with this whole situation. I hope I'm wrong but you have to look at the obvious. First update on Feb.21, no one got. Then MS said they pulled it for Samsung issues, but then they said they didn't pull it. Day later, MS says they pulled it for Samsung. Cool, no other ATT phone got the update! People asked if ATT was blocking the update, MS said no of course not. Meanwhile, MS issues a statement how 90% of phones got the update. Taking a look on the message boards, shows no one on a US carrier got an update. Since the US makes up about 60% of their phones sales, something is up. Fast forward a week, we have more denials of the update being blocked. Now yesterday, like a kid caught in the cookie jar, we here that did ATT block it but we really get it this time. Really? Really indeed. Considering this is probably the only update we will ever get, this is disappointing.
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Agreed all around. I gave up on WM years ago because of the appalling update "cycle" imposed on users by Microsoft and carriers. IF you got an update for your expensive device at all, it usually caused more problems than it solved and was so loaded down by carrier garbage that, more often than not, I'd end up either using a custom system or rolling back to the original. I bought a Focus SOLELY because Microsoft claimed this time would be different. This time updates would be timely and relevant and carriers wouldn't be able to block them simply because they want to sell you another phone and blah blah blah. Well you can sure throw the "timely" bit out the window. According to Microsoft's timetable, the first real feature update will be released Q3 of 2011. That means the carriers will get it Q3 of 2011, not you and I, and that's so far away that it really means that Microsoft has no idea when it'll be ready. It also means that my Focus will be at least a year old by the time the first feature update arrives. I would bet a paycheck that it won't be eligable for the update, too. Why?
Because Microsoft and the carriers have done this before, several times, and it looks like they have every intention of doing it again.
I bought the Focus the day they went on sale. It had a sim card in it for two weeks before I couldn't take it's overwhelming lack of features and stuck it in another phone. I haven't even turned it on in almost a month. Given the constant backpedalling and outright bull**** being put out by Microsoft lately, I think monday is when I finally cut my losses, throw the thing in the trash and be done with it. Enough is enough. I will never again buy a Microsoft mobile device.
Looks like I clicked on the wrong link, I appeared to have accidentally stumbled upon the whiny *****es club.
Tim.Smith said:
Looks like I clicked on the wrong link, I appeared to have accidentally stumbled upon the whiny *****es club.
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Thanks, I needed that, it made me smile and I haven't smiled much through this entire fiasco. Am I frustrated, sure. I have a battery icon that flashes and beeps every second and won't allow the screen to shut down. ATT tells me it will be fixed in the update. So I wait and probably have more reason than most to want the update. But, if ATT held this up because of the problems experienced by their Focus owners, then Thank you ATT.
JamesAllen said:
Thanks, I needed that, it made me smile and I haven't smiled much through this entire fiasco. Am I frustrated, sure. I have a battery icon that flashes and beeps every second and won't allow the screen to shut down. ATT tells me it will be fixed in the update. So I wait and probably have more reason than most to want the update. But, if ATT held this up because of the problems experienced by their Focus owners, then Thank you ATT.
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Damn that sucks dude. You have a legit reason to complain. Hope you get this update soon and get that **** sorted out. One of the downsides we'll experience jumping on a new platform from the beginning.
Bleeding Edge
Tim.Smith said:
Damn that sucks dude. You have a legit reason to complain. Hope you get this update soon and get that **** sorted out. One of the downsides we'll experience jumping on a new platform from the beginning.
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I have developed and launched Customer Service for bleeding edge products and services for almost 40 years. I know what to expect and do my homework. I like this phone and OS and will put up with a lot of things to get where it could go. But, in my mind, MS needs to step it up a bit and more importantly, take the influence of the carriers out of the update process and deal with us directly as customers.
JamesAllen said:
I have developed and launched Customer Service for bleeding edge products and services for almost 40 years. I know what to expect and do my homework. I like this phone and OS and will put up with a lot of things to get where it could go. But, in my mind, MS needs to step it up a bit and more importantly, take the influence of the carriers out of the update process and deal with us directly as customers.
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I think that is easier said than done. AT&T has the cards and the leverage over the OEM and OS. Unless you're Steve Jobs/Apple. Then you've got the leverage over AT&T.
Honestly, I would gladly pay $500 for an unbranded Samsung Focus so I won't be at AT&T's mercy. Unfortunately, AT&T probably forced Samsung to give them a year-long exclusitivity agreement for the U.S.
You wouldn't believe the BS requirements that AT&T has for some of these phones...
Me, personally, I'm in no dire need for the update so I'm not at all concerned about when it gets released as much as I am knowing that there will be one. It would certainly tick me off if AT&T blocks future updates and would definitely encourage me to go back to unbranded phones.
JamesAllen said:
Thanks, I needed that, it made me smile and I haven't smiled much through this entire fiasco. Am I frustrated, sure. I have a battery icon that flashes and beeps every second and won't allow the screen to shut down. ATT tells me it will be fixed in the update. So I wait and probably have more reason than most to want the update. But, if ATT held this up because of the problems experienced by their Focus owners, then Thank you ATT.
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dude that sounds like a serious issue, why didnt you just ask ATT for a replacement instead of hoping for an update to fix it?
PS. 3/7/2011 12.55PM EST and still no update for my Focus
cbebop7 said:
dude that sounds like a serious issue, why didnt you just ask ATT for a replacement instead of hoping for an update to fix it?
PS. 3/7/2011 12.55PM EST and still no update for my Focus
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I did my troubleshooting thing with Samsung, then went to the warranty support group at ATT where they confirmed it was a known MS issue, they were addressing it in the next update, many Focus owners have it. I agreed to wait, see if the update fixes it, if not, return it under warranty.
BTW, there is a video on YouTube of someone with exactly the same symptoms, but his Focus ended up with a melted mini uSB cable connector and a melted mini USB port. The images are startling and the symptoms leading up to the meltdown were exactly like mine.
bjfcm said:
Hey my friends. There is chatter that AT&T is rolling out both the Pre Update & the NoDo Update this Monday. Fact or fiction???
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Fiction. Microsoft is making a "big" announcment on 3-15. I don't see it being released before then.
Michael-Dallas said:
Me, personally, I'm in no dire need for the update so I'm not at all concerned about when it gets released as much as I am knowing that there will be one. It would certainly tick me off if AT&T blocks future updates and would definitely encourage me to go back to unbranded phones.
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Like you Mike, I've given up. If it comes out great, but I'm not expecting it any more.
What will be funny is when this update finally does get released, no sooner than 10 years down the road(sarcasm), and it doesn't even meet the requirements of what most people are expecting.
Tim.Smith said:
Looks like I clicked on the wrong link, I appeared to have accidentally stumbled upon the whiny *****es club.
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LOL, so true so true, maybe I am just lucky, my phone actually works, I only 24gig of ram and not the 40 I want but hey, its a start. My only real complaint is not being able to connect to hidden networks and PCAny has not release a app for it yet.
On the update side, if it gets real bad, we can go old school, go back to flashing devices. I don't care what OS you have, there will be issues and slow and in some cases no turn around for fixes.
There are plenty of issues with the Samsung Focus and WP7 in general, ranging from charing the battery, the battery icon flashing after removing the MicroUSB cable, audio problems with the headset and Bluetooth, SSSLLLLOOOOWWWW performance after exiting an app, etc. just to name a few.
I am trying to keep an open mind about this whole update process. While MS hasn't come out saying that carriers have or have not blocked any update, there are plenty of controdictions being made from MS sources. Some have said that the NoDo update has been done since Dec, yet WP7 needed a "minor update to make sure future updates go more smoothly" and that 90% of phones have recieved the update. Well, I have 3 Samsung Focus phones, none of which has recieved any update thus far. THere are plenty who have said that no one on AT&T has recieved the update, yet Rogers, Orange, etc. users have recieved the update. Carriers are blocking the update in some fashion, and this is what I was affraid of when MS announced this policy. Hell, doesn't anyone remember when Microsoft said that any carrier included software must be NON-Trial, Free, must be run without Internet connectivity, yet none of that is true with AT&T phones???
I want this platform to succeed, yet the first two updates thus far have recieved SSOO much attention, and under such a microscope that MS cannot move at the speed they want to without losing customers. Yeah, you can make all of the comments about how Apple and Google went through the same things, MS needed to learn from their mistakes and how to not make them. It seems that MS is no History Major.
chrislynch said:
There are plenty of issues with the Samsung Focus and WP7 in general, ranging from charing the battery, the battery icon flashing after removing the MicroUSB cable, audio problems with the headset and Bluetooth, SSSLLLLOOOOWWWW performance after exiting an app, etc. just to name a few.
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That's funny, I don't have a single one of these issues. Not a single one.
Guess I lucked out then
chrislynch said:
.Hell, doesn't anyone remember when Microsoft said that any carrier included software must be NON-Trial, Free, must be run without Internet connectivity, yet none of that is true with AT&T phones???
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The only thing I remember MS saying about this was that all bloatware would uninstallable. I have never heard of the other things you mentioned
Andrew725 said:
That's funny, I don't have a single one of these issues. Not a single one.
Guess I lucked out then
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Hahaha, me neither, add me to the lucky list.
My focus runs as smooth as the day I picked it up. This update drama is entertaining though.
Tim.Smith said:
Looks like I clicked on the wrong link, I appeared to have accidentally stumbled upon the whiny *****es club.
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Yep, your mistake. We'll call if we need your opinion on anything important. See ya.
TOA Duck said:
Hahaha, me neither, add me to the lucky list.
My focus runs as smooth as the day I picked it up. This update drama is entertaining though.
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None of those problems for me and my Focus either, with the exception of the bluetooth connection in my car being lousy. All in all, I love the Focus. Following the update drama, but not letting it get to me.

Froyogate page

Just started this page, like it if you do. I will update tomorrow. I know it wont do much, but it makes me feel better. If anyone wants to help, PM me here or on Facebook.
Why worry about this when you see things progressing? You're wasting your time, watch development and you will be happier than you would be with stock froyo anyway.
I see things progressing because off our devs, not because of verizon or samsung. I'm tired of big business getting away with anything they want. I get your point, but I'm still trying to get answers.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Quite frankly, no one will care about a Facebook page. Even if everyone on XDA with a Fascinate liked it, it still wouldn't be anywhere near an impressive number.
And Verizon/Samsung haven't really 'lied' to us (not counting their lower level reps, but no one should be trusting them anyways), they've never officially promised any sort of release date AFAIK... meaning long as they eventually release it, they'll have kept their promise (things like 'soon' are totally subjective, which is why they say them).
Verizon/Samsung have, simply put, just given us terrible support. We're low priority for them- we're basically an offbrand (i.e. not a Droid) phone, with a relatively small userbase. We're small fish in a big sea. Taken on top of Verizon & Samsungs already poor support, it really shouldn't be a surprise to us that we're still waiting for Froyo (unfortunately that's a lot easier to realize in retrospect... if I'd realized it back then, I'd have likely gone with the Incredible).
It is so sad that we are considered "not a droid". The one thing that attracted me to my Fascinate was the nice hardware, sweet screen, and the Android OS. I don't know what I would do without the devs around here. It's a shame that we have been swept under the rug by Samsung and VZW.
Sent from my ComaVolted Fascinate running SC 2.9.2
KitsuneKnight said:
Quite frankly, no one will care about a Facebook page. Even if everyone on XDA with a Fascinate liked it, it still wouldn't be anywhere near an impressive number.
And Verizon/Samsung haven't really 'lied' to us (not counting their lower level reps, but no one should be trusting them anyways), they've never officially promised any sort of release date AFAIK... meaning long as they eventually release it, they'll have kept their promise (things like 'soon' are totally subjective, which is why they say them).
Verizon/Samsung have, simply put, just given us terrible support. We're low priority for them- we're basically an offbrand (i.e. not a Droid) phone, with a relatively small userbase. We're small fish in a big sea. Taken on top of Verizon & Samsungs already poor support, it really shouldn't be a surprise to us that we're still waiting for Froyo (unfortunately that's a lot easier to realize in retrospect... if I'd realized it back then, I'd have likely gone with the Incredible).
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Agreed, but if we never take any action, the corportations will continue as usual and we will get even less actions. Corporations already run this country. Its not we the people anymore, its whatever corporate america buys in our congress.
Just like it! Is that a lot to ask?
Just vote with your wallet and don't buy samsung phones anymore.
Also, always make it a habite to tell anyone shopping for a phone about how bad samsung is and why they shouldn't buy a samsung phone.
It's amazing how many people are complaining about froyo, yet they get really excited when they hear about the Galaxy S 2 that's coming out soon!!!!
modus81 said:
Just vote with your wallet and don't buy samsung phones anymore.
Also, always make it a habite to tell anyone shopping for a phone about how bad samsung is and why they shouldn't buy a samsung phone.
It's amazing how many people are complaining about froyo, yet they get really excited when they hear about the Galaxy S 2 that's coming out soon!!!!
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I will NEVER buy another samsung phone, Eff the Galaxy S2. It's too bad, the fascinate has some great qualities, but I refuse to give money to someone who doesn't care. I was burnt once, not gonna get me again. I'm debating if I leave Verizon, quite honestly.
I completely agree with you about voting with your wallet!
I will always argue that you should make your decisions based on the hardware. Not the software, not the manufacturer, not the carrier. Hardware will always win out, and Samsung makes great hardware.
Kevin Gossett said:
I will always argue that you should make your decisions based on the hardware. Not the software, not the manufacturer, not the carrier. Hardware will always win out, and Samsung makes great hardware.
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I used to say the same thing, based upon past experience with numerous WinMo phones.
I no longer agree. Not in the least. I had a Samsung WinMo, but my last two WinMo phones were HTC. Compared to this Samsung.....
a) The Samsung pulls 300ma max from the PC USB port. That is fine. It only pulls 650ma max from a 5 volt adapter. The phone can consume well over 650ma to operate as a car GPS (screen bright, downloading map data, etc). So, the battery can rather quickly die even plugged into a high rate charger in the car. I have never seen an HTC phone do that. If the operating current goes up, the HTC pulls more current from the charger. Usually up to about 1 amp. So if it is plugged into a high rate charger, the HTC phones will never drain the battery even in the worst conditions. Charge rate FAIL.
b) In total darkness, it is too bright. In bright sun, it is too dim. You can go to manual mode, and adjust to a good level, but that misses the point of having the AUTO sensor... Auto brightness adjust FAIL.
c) On my phone, when used for a long while on charge at high brightness (car again), the four bottom buttons appear to be pressed randomly. The phone becomes a worthless brick. According to Verizon, this is fairly normal for the generated heat and there isn't anything I can do but not use it when it is charging. FAIL button sensor sensitivity. (though I believe this is just my phone being defective, and I can't get it fixed)
d) Charge plug. Who designed that piece of garbage. Pretty much every plug I have, and I have a lot of them, had to be cut up in the front side to allow it to fully seat in the Samsung jack. FAIL plug placement.
e) No notification LED. What??? FAIL.
f) Minor items like the mediocre loudspeaker placement, no camera button, and slippery back cover add up to another FAIL IMHO.
I used to think highly of Samsung devices from my past experience. This device has tarnished that image. I would only recommend this phone to someone because I thought they might want to buy this one that I have.
So, I sent an email to verizon, and this is what I got....
Good afternoon Mr. ****,
Thank you for contacting Verizon Wireless through our website. My name is Nicholas and resolving your issue is my top priority. I sincerely apologize that you are dissatisfied with the new froyo software update not being available for the Samsung Fascinate. I can recognize the importance in having the newest, most sophisticated software when purchasing new equipment. Despite all, I'm eager to assist with all of your concerns today.
Mr. *****, I can understand your urgency in regards to this matter. However, before new software is released, it must be approved by the manufacturer ( Samsung ) and Verizon Wireless. Therefore, based on this process I'm unable to provide a definitive answer as to when the froyo software update will be available for the Fascinate. This information is not readily available for the public. Nonetheless, if or when it becomes available you will receive a text on the handset prompting you to update your phone.
Additionally, based on your inconvenience I've issued a $ 50.00 courtesy credit on the account. The total credit amount of ( $ 50.00) , will appear on your next billing statement, ( Apr. 26, 2011 ), and will include an additional adjustment for taxes if applicable. You can check your revised balance immediately by dialing from you wireless device, # BAL and the SEND button. You will be connected with an automated system which will relay your account balance as a free text message to your wireless phone. You may also continue to listen and follow the voice prompts to receive the information airtime-free. You will be provided with the amount and date of your most recent payment, as well as your current balance due.
Lastly, I am also pleased to offer you the option of obtaining a new device with the software update currently, if it doesn't become available for the Fascinate. This offer will not extend your contract nor upgrade date. If you wish to take advantage of this option, you may contact me directly at ( 803 ) 231 - 1825 / Mon - Fri / 2:30pm. - 11:00pm. For your added convenience, below I've listed a link that includes our available device line - up. I hope you find this information to be beneficial:
So it does pay to continue to fight the good fight! I suggest you ALL email verizon and let them know your unhappy!!!
My old Samsung dumb-phone was wonderful. I took crap care of it, and it took a beating (I'd frequently toss it), I'd never give a single concern for maintaining the battery, it got great signal pretty much everywhere (when I went to the woods with a bunch of people, the people on AT&T would have a paper weight, the other people on Verizon would have occasional signal, and I'd have consistent, albeit poor, signal), and I'd easily go a week on a charge.
Occasionally I'd get hit by a software bug, like once ever several months, but over the several years I had the phone (5+ I think?), those were quite few in number.
My Fascinate, on the other hand, other than the screen the hardware seems moderate at best. The processor/GPU don't matter a lot long as they're at least as good as what 'most people' have, since generally programs are designed to be used on the more common phones. Now the GPU could have been leveraged on Gingerbread, but, we don't really have Gingerbread, although people like PK are working on it.
There's also 'only' 384 MBs of usable RAM in the phone, meaning less apps can be kept asleep in the background, causing apps to have to save their state & be restarted more often (IIRC, all the other Galaxy S phones have 512 usable!).
Then there's the GPS. It was flat out broken when Samsung released this phone, and I still have a horrible GPS- the other day it took ~25 minutes for the GPS to lock (even after downloading AGPS data, and getting the no help that cellular triangulation and wifi location services provides), just in time for us to miss the turn to our destination! (resulting in everyone agreeing that my phone "sucked").
No notification LED... we've had to work around that with 'No LED' and BLN- hardly ideal solutions... more like clever hacks. 802.11N also doesn't support the 5Ghz band, apparently... lovely. The battery life is also nothing to write home about. And there's quite a number of other shortcomings with this phone's hardware.
Is the Fascinate's hardware horrible? No, with the exception of the screen (which is quite good), most of it's around par, some above, some below. But the Fascinate's problem is it's crippled by horrible software! Our Devs will fix that, you say? So how's that CM7 working for you? MIUI? AOSP? Your options, at this point, are either use a hacked up Samsung ROM, or lose various hardware support. Is it because our devs suck? Hell no, they've long since shown they're damn good at what they do- but even so they can only do so much at a time. Take the best hardware in the world, but put **** software on it, and you've got ****. Bad software will ruin any hardware.
Good software on bad hardware, though, can at least make the hardware bearable. Next time, I'm picking my phone based off which actually has a fully custom ROMs ported to it, like MIUI or CyanogenMod- that should be a good indicator of how good the software support should be- then I'll go by hardware.
Edit: New post while I was writing... Does "obtaining a new device" mean, "trade in for a phone with Froyo"? If so... that's quite surprising, and it'd be interesting exactly what phones are available for that. Although, at this point, I just feel like taking it until my renewal comes around- all the phones are going to be far superior by then, and, with any luck, this sort of BS will have been reined in by Google.
Im going to call tomorrow and see what that means....but its a start. 50 bucks off my bill is nice!
modus81 said:
Just vote with your wallet and don't buy samsung phones anymore.
Also, always make it a habite to tell anyone shopping for a phone about how bad samsung is and why they shouldn't buy a samsung phone.
It's amazing how many people are complaining about froyo, yet they get really excited when they hear about the Galaxy S 2 that's coming out soon!!!!
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but look at the specs on the galaxy S2, at least here in america its gonna have the samsung Exynos chip that is a 1.2 Ghz Dual Core, 1 GB of RAM a super AMOLED+ screen and does FULL HD VIDEO </Sarcasm>
sounds nice but knowing samsung it won't receive any support i've only had this phone since thursday and i really, really don't like it and wish that even with the locked bootloader i had gone with the droid X simply because i'd like to have gingerbread instead of eclair, though putting the miui alpha on it sorta make the fascinate worth while
420fan said:
So, I sent an email to verizon, and this is what I got....
Good afternoon Mr. ****,
Thank you for contacting Verizon Wireless through our website. My name is Nicholas and resolving your issue is my top priority. I sincerely apologize that you are dissatisfied with the new froyo software update not being available for the Samsung Fascinate. I can recognize the importance in having the newest, most sophisticated software when purchasing new equipment. Despite all, I'm eager to assist with all of your concerns today.
Mr. *****, I can understand your urgency in regards to this matter. However, before new software is released, it must be approved by the manufacturer ( Samsung ) and Verizon Wireless. Therefore, based on this process I'm unable to provide a definitive answer as to when the froyo software update will be available for the Fascinate. This information is not readily available for the public. Nonetheless, if or when it becomes available you will receive a text on the handset prompting you to update your phone.
Additionally, based on your inconvenience I've issued a $ 50.00 courtesy credit on the account. The total credit amount of ( $ 50.00) , will appear on your next billing statement, ( Apr. 26, 2011 ), and will include an additional adjustment for taxes if applicable. You can check your revised balance immediately by dialing from you wireless device, # BAL and the SEND button. You will be connected with an automated system which will relay your account balance as a free text message to your wireless phone. You may also continue to listen and follow the voice prompts to receive the information airtime-free. You will be provided with the amount and date of your most recent payment, as well as your current balance due.
Lastly, I am also pleased to offer you the option of obtaining a new device with the software update currently, if it doesn't become available for the Fascinate. This offer will not extend your contract nor upgrade date. If you wish to take advantage of this option, you may contact me directly at ( 803 ) 231 - 1825 / Mon - Fri / 2:30pm. - 11:00pm. For your added convenience, below I've listed a link that includes our available device line - up. I hope you find this information to be beneficial:
So it does pay to continue to fight the good fight! I suggest you ALL email verizon and let them know your unhappy!!!
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If you dont mind me asking, what all was in your email? It may be beneficial to know the way you went about contacting them if there are those (like myself wishing to get a tbolt lol) that want to go this route. Also what email address did you send the complaint to?
Neuman.Tim said:
If you dont mind me asking, what all was in your email? It may be beneficial to know the way you went about contacting them if there are those (like myself wishing to get a tbolt lol) that want to go this route. Also what email address did you send the complaint to?
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yea, I emailed and they called me back. They offered to give me a new phone line instead... I would also have to pay for another phone... Bogus... What did you tell them?
I've looked for the email on yhier website and all and I can't find it. Anyone got a quick link to it?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
is the page I used.
Email I sent
Why am I still waiting for my fascinate to be updated to froyo? All the other galaxy S phones have received it, Samsung has given you the code, now I am curious as to why we still don't have it. I was told when I purchased the phone that it would be 'soon'. I did a lot of research and am tired of being lied to by your company. Your contract states that I can't lie to you, but your are not held responsible for what an agent tells me. WTF is that?? You will probably loose my business when my contract is up, and maybe even before if I can sell this phone. Why won't you take care of your existing customers? Too busy trying to sell 4G when its not even in my area. I was told 'soon' about that too! I understand that the email I will get will say Im sorry for the delay, but we are working hard at it....BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!
420fan said:
I see things progressing because off our devs, not because of verizon or samsung. I'm tired of big business getting away with anything they want. I get your point, but I'm still trying to get answers.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
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I'm afraid I have to disagree with you. While it's very true that our devs are to be applauded for their efforts, the very reason that we have working Froyo roms like SuperClean (aside from jt's AOSP, which still is lacking a few features) is because of leaked builds from Samsung/Verizon. Our devs did not make those, only released them and cleaned them up a bit. We have three leaked builds total now, so there is no longer any basis upon which to claim that the official update will not be released. They would not be putting that much work into builds for this phone if they did not intend to release it once it's complete. Also, I think we should be grateful that they are taking the time to properly fix issues like GPS, which the new radio does, instead of rushing a new release with more bugs.
I too am disappointed at the time it's taking for them to get this release out, but it is clearly coming, and soon, if the last leak is any evidence at all, so I think we all just need to remain patient for a little bit longer. However, I do have one question. We have had working Froyo roms here for quite some time now. If you're posting here on XDA, I can only assume you're interested in modifying your phone, as opposed to leaving it stock, since that is, after all, what XDA is all about. If that is true, why are you still complaining about the lack of official release? Just install SuperClean or your rom of choice and move on.
Sent from XDA Premium on my Super Clean Fascinate

