gameloft nova anyone else have control problems - EVO 4G General

I am have weird problems with nova when action gets crazy sometimes i random turn like 90 to 180 degrees... and i know there is a 180 degree spin setting but i have it off. and i tried diff control settings but i still am having issues. . No other game that i have has issues like this. its just this.

i have been playing this game and haven't had this issue, though the controls are a bit finicky and take some getting used to and tweaking
i would say try tweaking the sensitivity and playing around with the different control layout options until you find one that works best


QWERTY Keyboard Issue

One of the main reasons a friend of mine & I puchased the HTC PPC6800 from Alltel was that we intended on loading up Roms & Emulators from the original NES. However, while you can put an emulator onto the phone & run it, the QWERTY keyboard only allows you to push one keystroke at a time!! Anyone familiar with gaming, reguardless of the platform, can understand just how unplayable almost every game is without the ability to run & jump! You can run.. You can jump. You just can't do both simultaniously.
If there are any known fixes for this, please help.. I'm desperate. I'm guessing it's a software issue as there are already keys on the keyboard that support multi-button pushing such as the shift and function keys. I imagine there must be a work-around of some kind out there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading!
Turn the 6800 on it's side(closed) like a psp and use the d-pad for direction and the e-mail and internet buttons for A and B. From what I understand those buttons don't suffer from the one keystroke limitation.
The only issue with that is the emulator, and subsequently every emulator I've tried after for NES doesn't support the sideways resolution for whatever reason. The loading screen for booting a rom with turn just like any other window would but the second the actual game loads it flips back up vertical. SNES emulators seem to handle the horizontal resolution just fine but the controller on the SNES had 6 buttons so mapping just 2 really doesn't cut it.
I currently try to play on the tiny little controls at the bottom and none of them seem to be effected by the two buttons at a time issue but the Ok button can't be mapped so playing around it is unbearable to the point of just not wanting to play. Not to mention it kills the WOW factor of showing someone when you have to play the game with a controller that's the size of a quarter.
Good call. I forgot to mention the landscape resolution thing. I ran into this thread shortly after reading yours. If you haven't seen it check this one out. I believe one or more of those emulators address the landscape abilities (MorphGear and SmartGear). Hope that helps.
The program is really slick for emulation, I'll give you that. lol. It's pay for use so I'm just messing with it in the 5 min demo mode but so far it looks like it'd definitely be worth buying.. I'm still however running into the multi-key issue on the QWERTY. NES is fine without using the QWERTY as it only requires an A & B button but the SNES had 6 buttons that need to be mapped and getting them all in an accessable spot on the face of the unit just isn't happening.
Has anyone heard anything about a possible fix for this?

Touchscreen Lag when playing games

So I noticed the other day that when I was playing NOVA HD on my 10.1 tab, sometimes the control stick would not move immediately when I moved my thumb. I thought it was a problem with NOVA but I just saw it happening again while playing Galaxy on Fire 2. The weird thing is that I can tell that the tablet is registering my touch because the stick lights up slightly to register movement, but it just doesn't move.
Has anyone else experienced this? Anybody know of a fix?
I have experienced lag of touchscreen in almost every graphical application. Just download e.g. writepad and try to draw something. This looks like a severe bug in touchscreen driver in the kernel. I would say that it looks like the touscr3n sampling frequency is too low
Just my 1 useless eurocent
Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk

Problem with Scroll Lag

Hello friends.
I need your opinion about the scroll lag i am facing in alot apps and in settings menu too.I changed a ton of roms always with clean flash and in matter i always have a little lag at the end of scrolling..I think it is hardware related no other explanation can give.
What about you?Are anyone else has this problem ?
I will apriciate any kind of help
The scrolling lag issue is most likely not because of the hardware or the rom that you are running but because of the kernel. What's happening is that you will have smooth scrolling as long as you touch the screen or when you first touch the screen due to the processor ramping up the frequencies, and when you let the screen go the processor downclocks. What you can do to help reduce scrolling lag is by tweaking your kernel for a bit more performance.
HesThatGuy said:
The scrolling lag issue is most likely not because of the hardware or the rom that you are running but because of the kernel. What's happening is that you will have smooth scrolling as long as you touch the screen or when you first touch the screen due to the processor ramping up the frequencies, and when you let the screen go the processor downclocks. What you can do to help reduce scrolling lag is by tweaking your kernel for a bit more performance.
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Ahaa Sounds good to me your explanation:fingers-crossed:
Any idea what to tweek? I use pure nexus rom with flash kernel
You could tweak the input boost frequencies or the input boost ms(this affects how long the boosted frequencies are held).
As a warning to you, doing this can lead to faster thermal throttling so i would also recommend that you also modify your thermal engine file to allow the phone to run hotter before turning off the big cores.
I'm running stock android 7.0 and I have this problem too. When the screen is scrolling quickly and I put down my first to stop the scroll there is a huge lag before the scrolling stops. Almost half a second. It seems to occur in all apps. It's driving me nuts. I never have this problem with my iPad or my ancient nexus 4. The odd thing is that if instead of just putting down my finger I drag my finger slightly (in any direction) then the lag almost disappears.
KyriaZ said:
Hello friends.
I need your opinion about the scroll lag i am facing in alot apps and in settings menu too.I changed a ton of roms always with clean flash and in matter i always have a little lag at the end of scrolling..I think it is hardware related no other explanation can give.
What about you?Are anyone else has this problem ?
I will apriciate any kind of help
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Try switching to f2fs. A few of the fan boys have said it helps with scrolling aswell as the read/write speed inc.
Won't help a ton, but might a little
I found the source of my scroll lag issue. I sometimes enable the magnification gesture in the accessibility settings (because I often use a particular transit app that has insanely small icons). I realized that when I have this setting turned on the scrolling gets laggy. Turning off the magnification gesture seems to solve the problem completely. Not sure if there's any workaround other than disabling the gesture setting.

Few observations

First off, the screen is beautiful! As is the phone, it feels great in the hand too. Battery life seems good.
Charging speeds are amazing, sound quality is amazing, usb c port is great to have!
But, I hate that you can't hide the soft keys. i.e home and back button while playing games, I wish there was an option to auto hide them, so I get full screen gaming experience! Also, I downloaded GTA 3 for it and noticed there is some noticeable lag, even when on lowest settings, what is going on there?? Also it doesn't matter what resolution I have the phone running at.
Other than that it is a great phone, hopefully it'll last me a few years!! Hoping the battery degregation fact they said during the announcement is right too!
No soft keys showing for me, they auto hide.
Crombi said:
But, I hate that you can't hide the soft keys. i.e home and back button while playing games, I wish there was an option to auto hide them, so I get full screen gaming experience! Also, I downloaded GTA 3 for it and noticed there is some noticeable lag, even when on lowest settings, what is going on there?? Also it doesn't matter what resolution I have the phone running at.
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Have you tried going into settings and searching for "Full Screen Apps" and turning it on for the games where it's happening?

Unmentioned Feature: Velocity Sensitive Screen

Just something that was never mentioned in reviews (or at least personally never saw it anywhere).
Noted this after playing around with the SoundCamp app, mucking around with the "drums" section.
The screen adapts to "hard" and "soft" taps within the app using fingers only without the S-Pen (there is no "range" between light and hard). I don't know if other applications take advantage of this, have not tested others.
Could it be using the accelerometer to pick up the vibrations caused by your taps?
Killa357 said:
Could it be using the accelerometer to pick up the vibrations caused by your taps?
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The touch events include force, angle, and radius values where supported by the hardware, the accelerometer would also work but perhaps not as well since hands would dampen or enhance the values in strange ways depending on how you hold the tablet.
You mean Tab S3 got inbuilt support for force touch?
Here I thought the title was making a joke about the screen being sensitive to high velocity impacts such as drops or being thrown across the room. :cyclops:
This feature is even in iPads. In GarageBand, when you slowly tap on a piano key, it plays softer. If you tap faster, it plays louder. It's not about 3D Touch.

