Invert screen colors - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Anyone an idea how to programatically invert all screen colors on WM6.5? Wouldn't it be cool to have a button to quickly invert for better readability outside? Maybe there's a way to get access to the LUT or GPU.


How Can The Lock Screen Clock Style Be Changed With AOD Off?

Easy question right. But there is no way to change the lock screen clock style but possibly by using a Samsung Theme.
Totally wondering about this as well. I prefer the functionality of AcDisplay over AOD, so I'd like to be able to change the Lock Screen clock style from that disgusting vertical clock to something more traditional...

Turn navbar to black while keyboard is up

Anyone figure out how to make the navbar black when the keyboard is activated? Setting the color to Black in the display settings does not help.
Yes I used the Navbar Apps. Set to static black and added an exception to the launcher so it's still transparent on there. Looks so much better.

Moto display shows different colors on lockscreen?

Has anyone noticed that the battery ring on the clock widget on the lockscreen shows different colors? Sorry for being late but I got this phone a few weeks ago and I had only seen blue and grey colors until today, I saw red too. Why does the color changes? Can't it be just black with white text like in G4 Plus? Is it using light sensor to show a contrasting color according to the ambient light?
Update: NVM, it's because of the wallpaper color. Apparently the lock screen battery ring color changes according to the wallpaper gradient (or something)
noticed this also. Kinda cool feature but would be nice if you could toggle this as an option.
At stock wallpaper and everything, mine changed according to battery.
After I changed the wallpaper, it changes according to the accent color of your wallpaper. Sometimes when changing wallpapers it changes to a weird color, but at least in mine, that's how it changes.

How to change the backlit colour of the 'physical' button?

I would like to ask if I could change the backlit color of the 'physical' buttons?
I found the setting in Car Settings app, but changing it has no effect whatsoever to the color of the backlit.
Now it is always blue and I found it very ugly (not match with the dashboard color of my car...)
I know how you feel. I found the color settings hidden in the settings menu but when I try to adjust the colors, it doesn't do anything just stays on ugly blue. Guess that's why it wasn't in the apps section on radio.

Make AOD notification icons black and white instead of color and low-constrast ?

Hello everyone,
It seems that Samsung has really botched the AOD implementation lately for those that really need it for notifications. Specifically they introduced color icons, which have a very low contrast and cannot be seen.
Is there any way to make those icons black and white (or at least - black and grey) ? I even used their ClockFace app (or plugin - whatever it is) but while I can change the clock styles (useless feature anyway) I can't seem to be able change the notification icon colors. Or maybe I am missing a hidden setting ?
I hate the lack of a notification LED. But at least I need large, black and white AOD notification icons.
Thanks for any advice on this !
Good question

