Dead Hermes 100, Dopod 838, How did it happen?? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have this weird phone, I should say BRICK. My phone stopped working this morning after I cleaned the screen with a piece of cloth....the phone was in standby mode, when I did this.
Here is the story so far:
I was having problems with the hardware buttons, (messaging, internet explorer, the call and hang up buttons) the ones that everyone is been having problems with; so i decided to dismantling the unit following the steps shown on a Japanese website, basically by just looking at which screws to remove. By doing this all buttons functionality come back to normal so I had I fully working phone for about 3 days.
Now, all of a sudden the phone stopped working and refuses to go pass the "loading" message on the screen.
I decided to carefully dismantling the unit again, (I am now and expert in dismantlig dopos) but the problem persist.
I have also tried a hard-reset by pressing and holding the power button, the right/left soft keys and the reset buttong located in the lower part of the phone.....and still NOTHING.....
The phone was running Windows 6.1 (the stable version)....and now I am PHONE LESS...This is just incredible.....
Any help would be much appreciated....

If you are getting a message on screen saying "loading", taht does not go away, then your problem is not hardware but software.
The thing to try here is a full Hard Reset. (not a soft reset, have you tried this?)

Is this a Full Hard reset??
I have also tried a hard-reset by pressing and holding the power button, the right/left soft keys and the reset buttong located in the lower part of the phone.....and still NOTHING.....

Hard reset:
Press and hold the Left SOFT KEY and Right SOFT KEY, and at the same time, use the stylus to press the RESET button at the bottom of your device. You will be presented with a menu saying 'press R to reset, X to exit', if you press R Your device will be set back to factory default settings.

I have done the hard reset, however the Soft keys do not work, hence I dont get a menu saying 'press R to reset, X to exit' it basically continues directly to CRC's ROM loading message...just as before...and it gets stuck there......
I tried the other option,....Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus, and this options does work, but there is no mesagge only a screen with 4 color bands, red, green, blue and white...and nothing else.

If you don't get the message to reset yor phone then you didn't hard reset.

Oh well....thats what i the problem is since the soft keys dont work, then I cant do a hard reset....and the more i try the battery gets and will eventually run flat, (since the phone is not recharging either) in another words my dear dopod is slowly dying.....

Well the reason it's probably not booting up and the fact the keys don't work are likely the same problem. One of the flexcable connectors is most likely not seating in fully. I'd dismantle and take great care with all of them. Make certain of the central one - the one with the tape on it.

Exactly .....but i dont really know why these phones have this I said before I did clean up the contacts about a week ago and presto...everything started working fine again, but after 24 hours the buttons started playing up it is impossible that things will change in such a short time......
anyway coming back to my current problem, I tried and tried to hard-reset the unit and this time I pulled the keyboard out and pressed hard on the softkeys and after a while it did work I managed to hard reset the only had 14% left in the batterry.....lucky me!!!! I went home and started carefully adding all the extra bits needed, and guess what???? right in the last update the phone, again, did lock up........Luckily now I have a degree in dismantling dopos....anyone would like to hire me???? and I am an expert in hard-resetting dopos with actitude.......
I am happy now with my resurrected doppo but I am still a bit weiry about the soft keys not working......
FINALLY ......A big thanks to you guys for your help and comments.....


Soft reset, won't restart again

OK, I've not read a word of the manual, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. When I soft reset (stylus in the hole) the screen fade away and then it won't for the love of god restart. The first time I did this, I went a little pale. however, if I take out the battery for around five minutes and then plug it back in, it starts up again. Is this wrong?
Also, never quite been able to hard reset the damned thing. I press and hold the two "__" buttons whilst performing the reset, but the same thing happens and I'm never prompted for screen calibration or anything else I'd expect from a hard reset. SOMEBODY HOLD ME
Can someone please talk me through the EXACT and DETAILED procedure and result both a soft reset and hard reset?
For me, on my MDA Pro:
Soft reset: Insert tip of stylus into "reset" hole briefly. Screen fades away to blank and the machine then acts dead. No buttons will bring it back to life. Take the battery out and plug it back in, still dead. Come back after 30 minutes, still dead. It needs the battery removing for at least 5 minutes, maybe more like 10, then reinserting and it springs back to life.
Hard reset: Hold down the two "__" keys (above the 4 and 9 keys) whilst inserting the stylus tip into the reset hole briefly. Exactly the same thing happens as a soft reset - no hard reset is performed.
I'm pretty sure this is all wrong and my device is "special"
Not Right!!!
Xiasma: This is very wrong indeed. I've got access to the jasjar and Pro and neither one displays what you mentioned on yours. The procedure you described for both types of resets is correct. Try one more time holding down the 2 soft keys '_' for half a second then whilst holding them down push the stylus in the soft reset hole in at the back of the device (if in laptop mode).
If you still don't get a hard reset, I'm quite certain you have a faulty unit.
Let us know how you get on :?
Thanks, your reply is very much appreciated. Well, looks like it's a faulty unit, then. It doesn't really affect my day-to-day use, so I'm tempted to keep it until there's an official rom upgrade, RAM hike or something :wink:
have you tried turning the power off (using button!) before poking at the reset button...see if that makes any difference?
Any joy with your MDA Pro hard or soft resetting?
xiasma: Have you had any luck with your MDA Pro either soft or hard resetting? I'm interested in knowing for personal reasons also, as I have had to exchange 2 units with t-mobile already, due to what I believe is a very buggy ROM, but I could be wrong and it could be something else. :?

Problem with my TYTN

Hi everyone.
This just started 2 days ago. This never happened before
When i turn on my phone everything is ok the screen is fine, but hen once it loads up its starts to lag. memory on the phone is not an issue. the scroll on the left side doesnt allow me to scroll down or up , the wheel moves but the on the screen nothing moves. Now the worse part is the screen.
When i turn off my screen and then turn it back on.. the colours are all messed up. the screen is a pinkish blue coulour and almost unreadable. i tried a soft reset and the screen goes back to normal but once I turn off the screen and turn it back on , i get the same problem.. Now do you think a hard reset would fix the problem?
I had this start last weekend. I had the screen issues and the hardware buttons were very sporadic in function. Most of the time they just didn't work.
I flashed back from Black Satin to the T-Mobile rom and sent it off for repair. Should hear back next week as to the outcome.
Is your under warranty? Just send it away.
Only downside is I've only got a Blackberry Pearl as a backup at the moment.....
The above advice is good. Before going for warranty repair though you should do a hard reset to rule out a software issue.
No its not under warranty. I have no idea what rom is on it. I-MATE ROM is what shows up when it boots up. So it sounds like a hard reset will be the first choice. im not very familiar with these things so pardon if i sound a bit off. i wouldnt even know how to flash or anything like that.
Well i tried to hard reset and it it seems not to be letting me do that.
just hold the left and right soft key and press the reset button at the same time and wait for a prompt to pop up.. nothing it just soft resets.. now im getting a bit frustrated.
Cakez said:
No its not under warranty. I have no idea what rom is on it. I-MATE ROM is what shows up when it boots up. So it sounds like a hard reset will be the first choice. im not very familiar with these things so pardon if i sound a bit off. i wouldnt even know how to flash or anything like that.
Well i tried to hard reset and it it seems not to be letting me do that.
just hold the left and right soft key and press the reset button at the same time and wait for a prompt to pop up.. nothing it just soft resets.. now im getting a bit frustrated.
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Well, I assume you have tried a few times. It's difficult sometimes to get them all simultaneously pressed. Incidentally, just in case there's any confusion - the soft keys are actually the hard keys with dashes on the D-Pad.
Another way is to go to Sart>Settings>System>clear storage icon.
Just bear in mind that if there is a major problem it may fail completely and you end up with even more of a problem than now - but I guess there is no choice really.

Do I need to hard reset my xv6800 ?

I just installed the BatteryStatus today plug in and it was working fine until i turned on the option to show the CPU speed. Then it just hung up. Now when I soft-reset it hangs when loading the today screen. Some of the plugins load but it hangs before BatteryStatus loads, probably while loading it. Any way I can get to my system to change that setting? I would prefer to not do a hard reset. But if I do, how do I do a hard reset?
Sounds like a hard reset to me....Hold down the two keys with the dot's on them next to your phone buttons and hit the reset button while pressing the reset switch and hold them down for a second or two longer. If you have a Memory card in on the 6800 I hear you may want to take it out if you don't want it cleared as well...good luck.
hmmm I went to do a hard reset... saw on another site that you press all the buttons and press reset. I pressed all the side buttons OK, Voice, On, Comm, Camera and hit the reset.
It went to a screen with red, green and blue (i think) bars and said USB at the bottom. Then I unplugged it from the USB and it switched to say serial. And it just stayed there. I didn't know what to do so I just soft reset it at that point. It then booted up and was working fine. Looks like the changes I made since the last soft reset had been cleared (I think) and it was now working fine and all my stuff was still on my phone (it doesnt look like it did a hard reset).
Was that not a hard reset that I did? or was it something else?
Sounds like you entered bootloader mode. I'm surrprised that a SOFT RESET took you back.......
You just did a Soft Reset from Bootloader mode, which to my knowledge is exactly the same as a regular Soft Reset.
A Hard Reset wil completely reset your device to original ROM status and wipe out all of your info/contacts/mail... ect.
If the Soft Reset fixed the problem then good deal.
I installed same app, had same problem and did hard reset. My problem was getting phone service working again. About 15 min. with VZW connection tech, entered a 26 digit number authentication key through EPST.exe system program to get my phone service back.
I also had the same problem as well. With a battery status deal like what your describing. All i did was soft reset a **** load of times and plug in my pw real fast and it came back. I have a scrolling task now that display all of it with 0 problems. I have it if you want it. Pm me your email.
Weird, I had tried a soft reset a few times and it kept coming back with the same thing, hanging halfway through loading the today screen. Maybe I just got lucky that time.
try this, i like alot with 0 problems

phone won't hard reset!

I have tried and tried to do a hard reset but the phone only soft resets.
i press and hold both soft keys under the screen (the "-" key above the Q and the "-" key above the P) and then i poke the reset button on the side of the phone. It will only soft reset. I've tried this when the phone was turned on and turned off.
I've even tried pressing the left soft key first and then the right, I've reversed the order . . .
Nothing I try will let me do a hard reset!
Any ideas?
No doubt you're doing it, but you have to push both soft keys at the same time as when you push in the stylus. Push both keys extremely hard with your right hand, and enter the stylus with the other.
Otherwise you could just try flashing one of DCD's rom's. That ought to get it to the hard reset status you want anyway right?
hey scotcha12345,
I tried pushing both keys at the same time too (then poked the reset). But it still won't hard reset.
I would like to do a hard reset because I'm sending this phone back to vzw.
I just want to clear the memory of any personal stuff.
I did the Settings>System>Clear Storage thing but I want to be REALLY sure that everything is gone and a hard reset seems like my best bet. (But, of course, the phone won't hard reset.)
Since it does not look like I'll be able to hard reset can anyone confirm that the Clear Storage thing does what a hard reset would do at least in terms of clearing anything personal and getting rid of programs that vzw might not like? (It has the stock ROM so I'm good there.) From what I can tell, I should be ok with Clear Storage but I would still rather do the hard reset.
and just to be clear, I've tried pushing all three (both soft keys and reset button with stylus) at the same time, too.
hard reset
2 other suggestions:
Scroll down to: Downgrading -- Official Carrier ROMs & associated radios with flashing guides
You could reflash with that. It's the original ROM and radio, so there should be no problem, thus avoiding any warranty deal breaking. (fairly quick and easy)
I'm pretty sure in the past I've seen a program that has a button that you can just push that does a Hard Reset...looking for it.
I've never done the Clear Storage, so I'm no help there.
Have you tried using the soft keys on the face of the phone? The ones above the windows and ok buttons. I've only used these and never the ones on the keyboard.
try doing it by pressing the two softkeys obave the send and end buttons and then prees the reset button with the stylus BUT KEEP PRESSING THE TWO SOFT KEYS, DON'T RELEASE THEM UNTIL YOU SEE THE HARD RESET SCREEN...
btonetbone & nelsongruebr
Thanks, that did the trick.
(Sorry for the long response time. I was in a coma for the last 6 months.)
to answer your earlier question about the "clear storage" method... yeah, that does the same hard reset as when you press the two softkeys (on face of phone) + reset button.
The "clear storage" is the only method for the xv6900 users to hardreset since they don't have softkeys.
Ive hardreset both ways on my xv6800 with the same result.

Stupid Problem with P3452

Hi all
first post and i got an interesting problem with my phone which i qualify as stupid. It all started when when my virtually keyborad started becoming unresponsive and when i tried to do a factory reset, i could not enter the 1234 number to start it. i left the phone for a while and then i could not get into the setting even . But i could receive calls but i could not call since i could not access any numbers on the dial pad( by pressing on the numbers of coruse but from dial log screen i could)
Anyway long story short while fiddling with the phone , i thought the lock feature was on that is why some of the touch functions was not totally responsive but to my sadness, i activated the lock and now the phone is stuck on the front page and i cannot access anything since i must press unlock at the far corner of the down screen but stupidly, while pressing on the unlock, since it is unresponsive, i cannot unlock the phone to get to the normal menu and so on.The only thing working is the square pad which tells me to press cancel then unlock to free the phone for normal use
By the way the lock feature is the one that blocks the phone so that you do not accidentally press on the touch screen and activate a program and not the lock thing operators put to limit your phone
I want to know if anyone can help me unlock the screen so that i can reset the phone or alternatively any other method via usb to reset my phone to factory settings. Any special buttons on the phone i can do to do that?
I tired leaving battery out for 24 hours but that did not work to unfreeze the touch buttons
Was thinking to reload the windows mobile completely via the micro card (which i read here) but i am not sure it will work or i fear it might brick my phone
Any suggestions will be welcome please.... thanks
Use myMobiler to control device from Pc through usb
Good luck
Ps: you'll probably have to change digitiser afterwards
Well tried the mobiler but the thing is that it asks the phone to allow the program to conenct and i cannot press yes on the touch screen since it is frozen or something so i am stuck again.
Very strange, it doesn't ask anything on my device...
Why don't you hard reset: press green and red buttons and while pressing, poke the stylus shortly in the reset hole then release the 2 buttons. It will ask something that you probably won't see, just press the action button and wait for it to restart.
Don't flash another on just yet - it may well cause issues as it sounds like your digitizer is broken. Don't hard reset either
Does it pick up anything at all? Have you tried tapping all over the place in that region to try and get a response, sometimes just under the screen also works. Do you use a screen protector? If not, try it with one, if yes, try it without, it may be interferring with it, or it may help the touch be picked up by the phone (Stupid, I know, but this is something I found to work before with my elfs, and omnias)
When it is locked, is activesync picking the phone up? You may be able to put the remote.exe into the windows folder (for myMobilier) and do it that way.
A digitizer costs about £6-£10. But due to the age of this device, as sad as it is, I would suggest trying a new phone out if funds allow for it.
ok so far i tried the hard reset (red button and green and pressed the on off button but nothing. When i press on off button alone it switches off but not hard reset. I did not know i had a reset hole at the bottom of the phone.I did that with red and green button but nothing. Only when i poke the hole alone it does a hard reset i think but when i switches back on it is still unresponsive and locked screen
I tried poking under screen protector nothing. Also i think screen is still responsive because when i tap on it, the screen lights brighter
I tired putting remote exe file on the phone( active sync is working and i can read files on the phone) but i have two remote files..which one to use ? the one that ends with 40 one or 50 .Also where to put it specifically..which folder.I tried my windows mobile based device but nothing.Also tried program files and data application nothing.
Mobiler cannot connect since from pc alone because it asks my phone permission
and i cannot tap yes to accept program.
so any more suggestions please
Maybe I wasn't clear enough, here's the exact procedure, it should work since you have to use only hardware buttons:
Hold down send/reject buttons (green/red at the front) and reset with the stylus; release the stylus but keep holding the buttons till you get 'this will erase all your personal data' message, then press 'action' (big front button) to hard reset.
If Hard reset doesn't work then your device hardware is faulty.
If he hard resets he will liekly not be able to align the screen on initial setup tito12.
Avanisha. If you try to run one of the remote.exe it will say this is not a valid windows application, thats the one that needs to go into windows on your phone.
captainstu72 said:
If he hard resets he will liekly not be able to align the screen on initial setup tito12.
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Hi captainstu72, i was under the impression that he messed up something in his system so a hard reset would hopefully solve the problem. In case he still can't align the screen after HR then he has to replace the digitiser. Mymobiler will not solve anything, pls read the 1st post: he wanted to do a factory reset. He just have to sync before HR.
thks tito 12..problem was solved with your help.J ust did not get the steps of hard reset right. Phone is working ok now and screen is ok as well as tap function. thank god i don't need a digitizer. thanks to captainstu72 for the help as well .You were right tito..seems i ran a program and then all hell broke on my phone. I wanted to factory reset but as you know the pad was locked.
Glad I could help, enjoy your device
Ahh okay, guess i mis read something! Sorry
Glad its all sorted though, I was just concerned he may end up in an annoying align screen loop

