Best Backup program - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi guys, I like my phone the way it is at the minute and its taken ages to setup (the handwriting settings and stuff).
Anyway, I need a good backup program that will make an exact copy of my phone on my computer (like Activesync 3 did - how I miss it) so that I can feel free to try new apps without having to worry about them screwing my fone and having to hard reset from scratch.
I tried some kind of Sprite thing once that seemed to pretty much kill my phone so I don't want that again :/ Any ideas?

Hi mike, couple of prev threads here on same topic - inc my comments

Cheers dude. This forum moves so fast that I can never remember where threads are, and I never have much luck with the search function :/
Anyway, can SPB copy to PC? It's just that I don't have a memory card (My wizard fried my memory card in under a week and the replacement still hasn't got back from Hong Kong).
I don't trust Sprite after last time and it's too heavy/complex of an app for what I need. Any other ideas?

mike freegan said:
Cheers dude. This forum moves so fast that I can never remember where threads are, and I never have much luck with the search function :/
Anyway, can SPB copy to PC? It's just that I don't have a memory card (My wizard fried my memory card in under a week and the replacement still hasn't got back from Hong Kong).
I don't trust Sprite after last time and it's too heavy/complex of an app for what I need. Any other ideas?
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Spb doesn't write directly to PC but a full backup takes less than 16mb. You can copy the exe to pc after it's finished.

sorted. the spb site was unclear. cheers

Sprite backup writes directly to the PC and/or the memory of the phone. So far it has saved my A$$ twice!


I have performed a full data backup and restore on the K-JAM
Read on!
So basically you used software that everyone already knows about and are surprised it worked?
I dont see whats ground breaking here ;p. Its pretty obvious it would work, even with WM5.0 since its just backing up files and restoring them to the place they were when you backed up... which wont be any different if you're using persistant storage or not.
I guess its at least confirmation.
Thanks for killing the hype.
Just kidding. Just glad something worked, when it was common knowledge previously that no backup solution was available for Windows Mobile 5.0.
Sprite Backup and Spb Clone both lock up during the preparation to restore or backup.
Sunnysoft was a surprise to me.
Hehe... I prefer Sunnysoft to Sprite. Have you ever tried getting support from Sprite? They treat you like a total retard. I had issues with Sprite Clone just disconnecting when it got to about 90%. They kept saying "Are you sure your USB cable is connected?" "Have you got all the latest updates from Windows Update?" "Have you turned off power saving?" blah blah blah... all of these questions I had answered in my initial post. I gave up with them in the end and got my money back!
Thnaks BTT.
I had forgotten Sunnysoft even existed.
I found that if you have the backup on your storage card all you need to do is have a copy of bkpmgr.exe on your storage card as well, and replace it in the windows doiectory, after a hard reset and Sunnysoft works. It does not restore email, or contacts, but that's easy enough to replace....thanks
Thanks bbt it was news to me. and I just picked up a copy.

Backing up (Via Activesync) - Am I missing something ?

Please forgive me if am missing something obvious - but I have tried several searches , but seen no mention of this anywhere - on this forum or anywhere for that matter !
I have had an XDA , XDAii , QTEK S100 & A BSQUARE POWER HANDHELD before getting my Exec
Now on all the aforementioned , I am sure Activesync gave me the option to completely Back up / restore my device
Whereas on the Exec this just isn't available as an option :?
Am I missing something REALLY obvious or what ? Please enlighten me !
zoidster said:
....Am I missing something REALLY obvious or what? ...
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No, you're not missing something. M$ removed the facility from ActiveSync v.4.x.
Thanks for that !
Riggghhhht ! OK then .... :roll:
Who's idea was that ? hope they got a kick up the ass
The Micro$oft design requirement for all WM5 devices to have so-called "Persistent Storage" (flash memory) removed the threat of memory loss with a dead battery.
It appears the backup function is still within ActiveSync v.4.x, but it functions differently depending upon whether a WM5-device or an earlier is detected. With an earlier device, the backup function is there. However, still no excuse for not providing the function for WM5 devices for when the dreaded hard-reset is (too often) *essential* to overcome Microsoft and third-part bugs.
I'm currently using Sunnysoft's Backup Manager. Works reasonably well, but doesn't perform a complete clear then copy back. Instead puts the backed up files on top of what's there now, so you still have to remove the operator's crud that gets put back by the hard-reset.
I'm apalled by microsoft removing the ability to backup a wm5 device. It just stinks!
Does anyone think/know if its possible to fool activesync into doing a backup?
anyone interested in a petition to microsoft, to restore this functionality?
ActiveSync/WM5/backup problems
I have the same problem, you cannot back-up your files with WM5 and Active Sync 4+!! Also it will not automatically allocate memory as in WM3.
I've just bought WM5 and loaded it on my XDAII, looks like I'll have to go back to WM3. Problem I will have of course is restoring my previous settings. Anyone help!
Anyone thinking of upgrading to WM5, have a serious think first. I wish I had!
ActiveSync/WM5/backup problems
Problem solved! Thankfully 02 have a WM3 update on their site which will load over WM5. I was then able to restore my back-up file via ActiveSync 4. So goodbye WM5. I'm back with good old WM3. I think I'll wait until I can back-up via ActiveSync 4+? before I look to load WM5 again.
I've learned my lesson, always have a good think first before you update your software!
astage said:
zoidster said:
....Am I missing something REALLY obvious or what? ...
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No, you're not missing something. M$ removed the facility from ActiveSync v.4.x.
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Thats retarded, what if your phone gets stolen? Will installing ActiveSync 3.8 work?
The best way of backing up in my experience is to sync the device with a PIM such as Outlook. This is because if you backup using activsync, should you need to restore after a ROM upgrade, it oftern doesn't work. You are ok if the file stucture on the device is the same after the upgrade, but if this changes the restore will likely fail!
My guess is this is why MS have pulled this feature.
My advise is to sync with PIM and pull anything else of manually!
Sounds like a workable way of backing up just a few problems:
1 The registry
The cemail.vol seems impossible to copy and it looks like the path is hardcoded to the root of the device leaving no SD options or anything.. I was absolutely gutted when I saw no backup option in ASync4.1.
MS really need to get this sorted in their next revision of ASync.
Will installing ActiveSync 3.8 work?
Not with a Windows Mobile 2005 device.. only Async4.x :roll:
Guys I just bought Spb Backup for WM5. Its fantastic. Does everything including texts MMS/Registry bla bla.
Puts everything back just the way it was before a hardreset!
Well worth £11!

Back-ups --- Quick fix needed please!!!

My screen decided to crack for no real reason. Honest.
So o2 being the lovely people they are are sending me a new phone (exec).
It arrives tomorrow and I have to send my broken one back.
Quick question needing a quick fix (ie next hour or so...?!?!):
I would like to save / download my texts before sending the phone back. Now I know there have been loads of posts like this, but I am at work and simply do not have the time to trawl through the posts to find the answers. :roll:
Can anyone take 5 mins to tell me where I can find a simple to use, free program that can save my texts? Please???
try spb backup. I use this and THINK it does text messages.
or copy each text message to notepad
orsend each text message to a friends phone
or try sprite backup
I had same problem and for me SPB didn't work correctly Soo, I'm not impressed with SPB.
It can backup texts and all the rest, but have some problems restoring them ;(
I've tried 4 different backups
Good luck!
Sprite have just released a new version of their software (v5.1) and solves alot of issues with wm5.
Might help.
Spb Backup (latest version 1.1.2) works perfectly for me - no problem whatsovere backing up and restoring sms text messages. emails, etc.
Thanks everyone I'll get onto it!
got my new qtec 9000 but it seems slower than my XDA exec, whats up with that????
anyway is there a way to backup everything!!!
so say i need to hard reset i can just load my backup and it will put all my progs, reg hacks etc settings all back to the way it was before the hardreset? without having to do any reinstalling etc????
I know it's probably too late by now but just in case...
You could use Jeyo Mobile Extender which is an add-on for Outlook - this will sync all your SMS messages into Outlook - it's on the top of my list for software to buy in the future the demo is fully functional for 14 days i think and should do exactly what you want.
SPB does this perfectly, and i have had any problem with its usage, even during beta. others prefer sprite... whatever turns you on.
for SPB, yes, you can do a full back up, completely hard reset your device, and do a full restore and walla back to original condition, only question is, why did you hard reset it if you want it back to original condition.
so i have created:
1. virgin device - settings, tweaks, hacks and over bare bones device, with absolute essential software installed, registered and licensed such as Resco, SPB backup and other mission criticals.
2. perfect device - all desirable applications, settings, folder and software preferences, licensed, registered and running, but no active sync
3. two backups automated per week so that if i accidentally drop it, or do something stupid like dodgy software, I have a choice of 4 restore points (last two backups, perfect or virgin) depending on what i want.
hope it helps.
great info mte!
i need a backup coz my first xda exec had to be returned due to dead cam light, my current qtec one wont active sync until iv done a hard reset so m guessing its not liking something iv done, plus thats going back as iv noticed the camera has around 30 dead pixels.
hwever if i make a bacup of my device now will it also take the problems with it? ie the activ sync problem?
oh and i ant decide wether i like the silver or black qtec 9000 whats ur guys thoughts? currently on a black one with red keyboard leds
oh and if u aint noticed iv got a brand new imate k jam for sale incase anyones interested

Werid? see this thread

help!!! all expert
My dopod 838 pro hangs sometimes once per day or on alternate days. Other than tat its working fine.
Will hard reset solve the prob>?? Will hard reset damage the phone? coz as everything is working well i don wan to do hard reset tat will worsten the phone function...
Anyone? help
You can hard reset your device as many times as you wish, it won't damage your phone at all.
Just be aware that all your personal information and all programs installed by you will be erased.
In other words, it will be returned to factory defaults.
juninho_10 said:
help!!! all expert
My dopod 838 pro hangs sometimes once per day or on alternate days. Other than tat its working fine.
Will hard reset solve the prob>?? Will hard reset damage the phone? coz as everything is working well i don wan to do hard reset tat will worsten the phone function...
Anyone? help
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Welcome to the board juninho, Rayan is right hard reset will not harm your device. I would not be rushing to hard reset though. A hang can be caused by many different things, but folks on this board cannot make very targeted suggestions unless they know:
when the hangs occurs
are you running any particular application,
do you have a few today plugins running,
do you fully close apps when you are not using them,
have you taken steps to stop active sync running by itself,
what apps are installed,
what mail eg push mail options do you run?
is device connected to the PC at the time it hangs,
does the hang occur at night or when on charge
does it occur when a notification or an alarm is due
etc, etc, etc
In short I'd try pinning down the cause or else a hard reset may only temporarily fix the problem until you re-create the problem again.
PS Avoid attention grabbing thread titles and make the title as descriptive as possible. This helps people who are searching by thread title, I doubt anybody searches for the word "weird" if they are trying to get an answer to a specific question.
oh ok thanks .
My applications are as follows:
1) Pocket plus (cant use)
2) Spb dairy
1) Lexisgoo english dictionary
2) sprite backup(cant use)
3) transportation bus guide
4) spore map
Those cant use i just delete prog wit files left. ( I don tink i wan use registry editior)
Tot of buying spb backup - any recommanations???
and phone hangs most of the tme after normal usage. The backlight went off wit the todays screen showing- then all the rest freezed
Well there are one or two things that concern me. It appears you uninstall by deleting files and not the add remove programmes facility. This can leave a messy load of unused files in the system/memory and it also makes the registry untidy/slow.
There are a couple of programmes that you say "can't run" but they are ones that should run. In fact sprite backup should be fine and is a good backup facility. (I use SPB however and find it excellent if you backup regularly and keep say most recent 5 backups + one done immediately after a hard reset. I then delete one of the oldest ones for every new one I create. I keep more than one because it's quite likely you backup thinking ebverything is working fine and then find later there's some application that used to work but you've saved after it went wrong - so you can see it's good to have a few backups going back maybe a couple of months.)
I think you have a choice here. Try to pin down what is causing the hang - could take a long time. Or go for a hard reset. In your case I fancy the hard reset because you have only a few things installed.
This may not cure your problem - in fact it lkely will not - but it will clean your system. This done you can then start doing some of the standard things listed on this forum to avoid hangs - I can pint you in the right direction if you need it.
Throughout this process take quite a few backups i.e after every installation you make. - boring I know but eventually you can reduce the number of backups you do.
Last alternative - just live with one hang a day. Soft reset does not take long. Could be very annoying though!! In normal use I think from experience that a hang once a week to two weeks is about normal!!
wow thanks for e good advice!! ya think i just maual delete the prog tat don work and leave the files behind(i m afraid of deleting files tat will cause the phone harewire.
I tink i am goin to get the spb backup. I dwnloaded the trial version but cant backup everything cause tink somtin cause the hang prob. If after i do hard restart i will onli dwnload those prog which works and which i need.
i can keep my fingers crossed and see wat happens next.if it still hangs i will do a hard reset.
And any video player which i can use for dopod 838 pro to play music video to recommand?
hELP....I finally did my hard reset-& dwnload essential prog - but it got worst! hang near to 3 times per day! wat shld i do>????
Right nw i got:
Phone memory- Pocket Plus
Spb diary
Card Memory- Spore digital map
Lexisgoo English dictionary
Pocket Xpdf
Spb backup
Transportation guide
Pls help
Did you take my advice and create a backup after EVERY installation you made? Indeed did you take a backup before the Hardreset?
Hi Juninho,
anyone of the apps you mentioned could be the root cause of your freeze issues.
It would be wise if you install a single app at a time and then rigourously test the stability of your device before installing another app.
I guess you might have to repeat the hard reset and start from scratch and remember take a backup after each app installation so ou can easily "roll-back" to a known current working state (this will save you future manual re-installations).
juninho_10 said:
hELP....I finally did my hard reset-& dwnload essential prog - but it got worst! hang near to 3 times per day! wat shld i do>????
Right nw i got:
Phone memory- Pocket Plus
Spb diary
Card Memory- Spore digital map
Lexisgoo English dictionary
Pocket Xpdf
Spb backup
Transportation guide
Pls help
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U mean every prog b4 installation do a backup? if i do , hw am i suppose to kw if which prog cause e hang? i mean- tat means i will have to install one prog, backup- then use it for few days to see if it hangs- then dwnload next prog- and the process continues???
right on the money...
I did i hard reformat but did not do single dwnload+ backup coz all my prog quite impt to mi.
However i found out one solution. Whenever after i used my phone, i just press the standby button everytme- this solved the hang prob
Thus tink it hangs coz it got prob goin into standby mode- anyone can help?
(even if i find out which appication hangs my phone-wat can i do>? don install? pls advice)

Best way/software to disc image the Touch ?

Well, my Touch's screen alignment has gotten so bad that I need warranty repair. Of course, it happened 2 months after I got it, and Sprint will only do a exchange within the first 30 days. I did not get the insurance because I am covered for "all risk" on my homeowners insurance (also, I got the stupid insurance, at $7.50 per month, with the last phone and they only gave me a "refurbished" unit).
Anyway, can the Touch be disc imaged/restored just like a PC and what is the best solution ?
anywhereanytime said:
Well, my Touch's screen alignment has gotten so bad that I need warranty repair. Of course, it happened 2 months after I got it, and Sprint will only do a exchange within the first 30 days. I did not get the insurance because I am covered for "all risk" on my homeowners insurance (also, I got the stupid insurance, at $7.50 per month, with the last phone and they only gave me a "refurbished" unit).
Anyway, can the Touch be disc imaged/restored just like a PC and what is the best solution ?
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Sounds like you're referring to a hard reset. This will clear everything on your windows mobile device and restore it to factory default settings.
Warning make sure to back up anything you want to save because this will clear EVERYTHING on the phone.
if you can get into the settings menu under the system tab select Clear Storage and follow the instructions there. If not then hold both the Call and End Call buttons (green and red) then hit the reset button with your stylus under the touch next to the usb port (this is kinda tricky to do). Your screen will go off for a sec then you'll see a white screen with hard reset instructions. At this time you can let go of the Call and End Call buttons and then press the Center/Action button to hard reset or the Camera button to cancel.
If your only issue is the misaligned screen then it sounds like a hardware problem and this probably won't help but it's worth a shot.
Good Luck
EliteXen said:
Sounds like you're referring to a hard reset. This will clear everything on your windows mobile device and restore it to factory default settings.
Warning make sure to back up anything you want to save because this will clear EVERYTHING on the phone.
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You misunderstood - I know all about a "hard reset" and that is NOT what I am looking for !!
HTC tech support basically said that a hard reset will not fix this. One way or another, I will probably have to send it in to HTC for repair - I already talked to them. The HTC repair depot is in Long Island and the whole process takes 2 to 3 weeks complete turn-around.
Is there a way to disc image EVERYTHING just like cloning a PC ??
SPB Backup (or Sprite Backup)
anywhereanytime said:
You misunderstood - I know all about a "hard reset" and that is NOT what I am looking for !!
HTC tech support basically said that a hard reset will not fix this. One way or another, I will probably have to send it in to HTC for repair - I already talked to them. The HTC repair depot is in Long Island and the whole process takes 2 to 3 weeks complete turn-around.
Is there a way to disc image EVERYTHING just like cloning a PC ??
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OK i get it now. You're just looking for a backup software. There are tons out there, Spb Backup is probably one of the most popular
Thanks guys, like most I have added software programs, have a call history, contacts, etc.
Will either of these essentially "clone" my entire Touch or are these primarily "file backup" utilities.
I will find them and read the blurbs ... but do you know from personal experience ??
This sure looks like what I am looking for - just I don't need 20 licenses.
I have learned that "backup" and "clone" are different - I need clone but maybe in the WM6 world backup will completely restore to a new device.
SPB Backup is definitely the best. As long as you use the same ROM when you get it back (if you never flashed you'll be fine) you can just run the exe it makes and you won't even know the difference. Restores contacts, calendar, software, reg keys, the whole works. Just like a disc image.
Red49er said:
SPB Backup is definitely the best. As long as you use the same ROM when you get it back (if you never flashed you'll be fine) you can just run the exe it makes and you won't even know the difference. Restores contacts, calendar, software, reg keys, the whole works. Just like a disc image.
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What would you use "if" you flashed the ROM - I have not yet.
Thanks for the input - I am currently leaning toward this app which makes the "cloning" software. I emailed their tech people asking about the functionality and am awaiting a reply.
Anyone with Sprite Backup experiences ?
anywhereanytime said:
What would you use "if" you flashed the ROM - I have not yet.
Thanks for the input - I am currently leaning toward this app which makes the "cloning" software. I emailed their tech people asking about the functionality and am awaiting a reply.
Anyone with Sprite Backup experiences ?
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You would use either that or nothing Ive upgraded ROMs and run a restore sucessfully before, but its a your mileage may very situation
I am DLing Sprite Backup eval and found this, so I will share - it shows a comparison with SPB (obviously biased, but the screenshots are great)
If ur still lookin, SPB clone is a good one. It' s use to clone company phones so they don't have to install every software and settings on each phones they use. I tried it and it restore everything on my phone. Call logs, sms, settings etc. I cloned my phone for buckup reasons. I accidently clear my storage. I did a hard reset. retore the clone and everything is back. It will clone just the phone memory and storage though. It will not clone your storage card. U can easily copy paste the card contents anyways.
anywhereanytime said:
What would you use "if" you flashed the ROM - I have not yet.
Thanks for the input - I am currently leaning toward this app which makes the "cloning" software. I emailed their tech people asking about the functionality and am awaiting a reply.
Anyone with Sprite Backup experiences ?
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I just evaluated this yesterday. Here is what I had problems with:
1. I learned they have a setting to wipe existing data on restore...I only did a one directory restore. Had to hard reset, then restore again.
2. It won't do your Messages. They have a seperate app for that SpriteArchie for $14.99. I use pimbackup after setting up my e-mail accounts.
I think an app like this should restore your e-mail settings and e-mail. I dumped it.
SPB Backup is great - does a complete backup/restore of your phone including the registry and all system/user files.
The problem with restoring after a flash/rom update, is that every version of the O/S will have version specific registry entries and system files that will be overwritten upon backup.
So if you're swapping out your phone for one with the same version of the rom, Spb is "the cat's meow" whereas the only reliable solution after a rom update, is to manually reinstall all of your apps/settings...
anywhereanytime said:
What would you use "if" you flashed the ROM - I have not yet.
Thanks for the input - I am currently leaning toward this app which makes the "cloning" software. I emailed their tech people asking about the functionality and am awaiting a reply.
Anyone with Sprite Backup experiences ?
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I'm also wanting to clone my rom. I have a Bell phone and like the way it's setup. I would like to save the my original rom and experiment with new ones, especially when/if the gps and video drivers are released.

