Change the device id - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

i want to install a not register hebrew application and i can not because a bad device id.can i Change the device id.


DeviceData.txt needed for Imate Jam

I need the Device data.txt file from windows that you get after running GetDeviceData. Upgrade changed my operator ID so I am no longer able to upgrade without country code errors. Help Please. Or if someone is familiar with how to change to operator ID back to CDL on the device itself, your help would be appreciated.

Device ID

How does one obtain the device ID of a wizard?
Don't know if this is what you want, but take a look at Start->Settings->System->Device Information -> Identity
If that isn't what you want Try Settings -> about -> Device Id.

changing device name

When I connect to my home network via WiFi, i can see in my router's menu the device name of the PPC. that name contains somehow my last name. how can i change that name?
thanks for all the help..
Start->Settings->System->About->Device ID

Can the model no. on an iMate be changed

Is there a way to change the model no \ Device ID as indicated in Device Info > Identity ?
Did a search but could not find any info on it.
Model Number can be changed, it is help in nk.exe In the XIP and in the SPL.
The DeviceID is the IMEI, So yes technically (this is in the CID block) but its a damn dodgy area and you can easily get locked up for altering it.
Thanks for the reply. I have no interest in changing the IMEI number. I am hoping there is a way to change the hardware" id. Leaf ( has a free navigation software programe but only for PDA's id'd as HTC. They do not want to support Imate's as they do not have the support contract for Imates.

how to change serial number ?

if we want to change the serial number (not imei) of a dumped rom , how can we do it? i mean how can i change the serial number of hp rw6815 ?
Does it even store the serial number in the dumped ROM? I thought that was hard-coded into the device??

