This is silly-S10+ screen dimmer/colours in lower brightness (read my post) - Samsung Galaxy S10+ Questions & Answers

Hello there everyone,
My S10+ Exynos variant suddenly started showing wierd colour bad contrast in lower britgthness. When dimming the phone below 40% , the picture/video quality gets so dimm, pale, also i notest at work, my other two coworkers have same phone, with notisably darker picture, pictures and videos are darker , contrast is wasy better between dark and bright parts of the picture. And i know about all settings, vivid, advanced, visibility enhancments, Themes. Tried em all. I know android very well in stock settings.
Also i have tried factory reset, wipe chache, i even F...uking updates the phone to the very last firmware, and each update even after factory reset didnt change anything. Its still the same. At lower brigthness the screen gets so grenish dimmed and pale, colours lack contrast.
And also another wierd thing... in both of my coworkers s10+,s dark mode (night mode from pie) is amoled dark, pixels turned of, on my phone its not, they are turned on, dark grey colour. Funny thing is, if i take screenshots, they are not, screenshot shows amoled dark. While in phone, pixels are turned on, like its backlight lcd panel and not amoled. Screen failure or something else i can do?

Any tweak app or something to play with contrast ratio in Samsung Galaxy s10+?


A way to reduce backlight brightness beyond default settings?

Hi peoples
Does anybody know of a way of reducing the backlight brightness below the stock settings?
I've tried various screen filters, such haxor Screen Filter, but these apps are rubbish IMO. All they do is apply a grey transparency filter over the screen, they don't actually reduce the backlight brightness The result is a trick, the screen looks darker but it's really only because the white pixels are made grey. The problem with this approach is that it messes up the contrast and colors, and gives a washed out look.
I like to sometimes use my N10 in a pitch black room, which needs a very dark screen. My old Galaxy Tab 8.9 was good for this, because the backlight was able to go much darker than the N10. The thing is, I know the N10 hardware is capable of having a darker backlight because if you don't touch the tablet for a few minutes, the screen first goes dim before it turns off.
I would like to be able to manually activate the very dim screen setting, or better still, have a lower brightness range available in the brightness settings.
mag13 said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks - works a charm!


Can anyone make an ultimate fix for galaxy s4 smearing?
Are you talking about the graphical smearing/tearing that happens when you, for example, scroll?
This is caused by the pixels. In AMOLED devices, when a pixel shows black, it is actually turned off. However, there is a delay when turning that pixel back on. So if pixels have to change from black to colored and vice versa (for example, scrolling through your app drawer if it has a black background), this graphical glitch occurs because of the delay from turning the pixels off and on.
Samsung has rectified this issue on their stock ROMs by eliminating true black, making the pixels always on. This will also negate the battery saving effects of AMOLED displays when showing black. This is the only way I know to fix the problem.
If you were referring to another "smearing" please elaborate and we may be able to help better.
I'm talking about that one that you said.. but in 3rd part apps in 4.3 stock android roms there isn't any fix ,apart Screen adjuster setting contrast -10, i wanted to know if someone can change blacks in very dark grey keeping the other colors , not changing all the colors setting contrast -10 or SmearFix app Have a try!

Does your Screen turn pink-ish at lowest brightness (adaptive screen ON/OFF)

So mine turns pink/reddish when setting the lowest brightness setting (ambient display on) - you have to be in a pitch black or very dark room.
When its off, it still does it but its not that bad.
EDIT: If yours does turn pink, will you RMA?
Mine does this as well. I rarely ever see the brightness go that low so it doesn't bother me that much. However what does bother me, is at 50% brightness unless i am looking at the screen dead center the screen has a redish, bluish, or greenish hue on it. Was very yellow the first day I had it, but the yellowish hue is gone.
I have adaptive on. Last night I set my brightness all of the way down. For the first time I saw a slight pink hue. Increasing the brightness fixed this. I am not sure if turning off ambient would have fixed it. If I see it again I'll try turning it off.
I thought was a known feature of amoled. I'm guessing they will all do it at low brightness.
Mine actually got worse. When I first noticed it, it was acceptable. Now its almost reddish already. Some people say its actually a feature of AMOLED. However, when I tried it on a different AMOLED Screen, Note 3 and 4 - i didnt see it.
No, I tried with adaptive brightness on and off and can find no color changes except maybe a slight blue hue when tilting the device and then almost rainbow effect at close to 180 degrees. Guess I got a good screen.

Colour corruption in display

This morning, my screen has weirdly shifted colours. It looks like the some settings were messed up while I was asleep (no idea how) and now when greys are too dark, they go purplish, and bright colours are over-saturated with white. Not like in the usual AMOLED oversaturation, which to my belief, is just because of software, but everything that was slightly lighter blue, is now this weird, greyish-blue colour.
Is it a hardware defect or can it be solved in software. Already tried wiping data. Didn't help. (I'm gonna try to reflash android later.)

S8 Display turning Yellowish and dark lines with <50% brightness

I am using S8 SM-G950FD on stock android 8.0.0 from year+, all of a sudden the display on the screen has turned yellowish, i have tried the adaptive display option and changed the RGB to max and low and the settings for edge colour but the display is still yellowish.
Also noticed another thing: If the brightness is <50% the yellowtinge with black lines come up but if >50% then the display is fine.
I tried to click photos/ take screen shots but the yellowish is not visible on photo, but the dark horizontal lines on whitebackground are clearly visible. have not dropped the phone but this has begun suddenly.
when the phone is under bright light the automatic brightness increases the brightness of screen and the display is clear, when the phone is moved into low brightness the mentioned issue comes up
Any suggestions on how can i resolve this?
Any help is appreciated, phone is out of warranty. Is there any any replacement circular for galaxy s devices, like FOC?

