Abnormal Battery Drain on MIUI.eu 12, can't find the cause - Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Questions & Answers

I have installed MIUI.eu 12 on my Redmi Note 7. Using GSam Battery Monitor, I get 3.2%/h of battery consumption, SOT = 2h41. Most app that consummes energy is system. In the details, Significant Motion Detector consumes a lot of time.
Any way to correct this behavior??

I am also facing this issue after updating to miui 12

Same problem here! Often battery consumption reach more than -750mAh (even -1200mAh!) even when I'm just scrolling homescreen!
What about yours consumption when screen is off? Mine are pretty good, like around -0,5% per hour.


[Discussion]Android 6.0 Doze Mode

This thread is actually meant for discussion about how doze works, whether it works (debateable), setup and everything.
My suspicions is that doze does not work for custom ROM or any Android OS that is not certified by Google. My reasoning behind this is quite simple.
What I did:
1. On various 5.x ROM, if I were to leave my phone overnight and even with wakelocks, I have never lost more than 3% of battery.
2. On kitkat, the situation is similar and I have never also lost more than 3% overnight.
3. On multiple MarshMallow ROM, leaving the phone overnight drains more than 4%.
To make things clear, on Kitkat and Lollipop, my phone was left idling for more than 8hrs. But on MarshMallow, I have only left the phone for 6hrs and I lost more than what is on Kitkat and Lollipop giving me the idea that doze does not work. I have checked the battery graph in settings and it shows that there's barely any wakeups for the device but battery was dropping quite noticeably.
I have attached a image of my stats today in school. If you take a look closely, there's a certain period of time where under the "Awake" section, there's no wakeups, my battery was still dropping and doze was not even kicking in at all. And I can assure you, that was over a period of 2hrs as I did not touch my phone during class time.
For those that are interested in configuring Doze to test whether my words are accurate or not, I've have the necessary apps linked below.
Doze Settings Editor: http://goo.gl/02bkYl
NapTime: http://goo.gl/AMQdOx
For those that are interested to chip in the discussion, feel free to do so. Uploads screenshots of your battery graph to backup your words for better and more fruitful discussions to come. This is not about battery life related like SOT, standby etc. It's mainly for discussion about doze whether its working for you or not. Or if doze is actually working and not a gimmick. I don't know.
Bobbi lim said:
For those that are interested in configuring Doze to test whether my words are accurate or not, I've have the necessary apps linked below.
Doze Settings Editor: http://goo.gl/02bkYl
NapTime: http://goo.gl/AMQdOx
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As far as my experience goes with MM and KK ROMs,
I completely agree what you told about battery life in KK.
However, that was KK! Battery life in MM is much better than that in LP. I agree that KK was much optimized. But forget about it for now as ALL the Custom ROMs based on MM are still in ALPHA stage.
It means that you can expect better battery life than current scenarios once CM provides STABLE builds
Regarding Doze Mode, yes it works for me
These are my today's battery life stats https://www.imgur.com/a/PC2V4
good call man,
I have notice that too. I tried all thats MM roms alpha in Xda. even in oficial Cyanogen nightly the battery life is something like good and not awesome like promised.
until now the best battery life in all Roms between KK , LP and MM is in Paranoid Android Stable Rom.
PS.: I have use Greenify in all that ****.
Mr hOaX said:
As far as my experience goes with MM and KK ROMs,
I completely agree what you told about battery life in KK.
However, that was KK! Battery life in MM is much better than that in LP. I agree that KK was much optimized. But forget about it for now as ALL the Custom ROMs based on MM are still in ALPHA stage.
It means that you can expect better battery life than current scenarios once CM provides STABLE builds
Regarding Doze Mode, yes it works for me
These are my today's battery life stats https://www.imgur.com/a/PC2V4
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Hi there! I would like to know if u r using V4A FX on ur phone? I have seen people complaining about the battery life using the same ROM that u r using.
As for what i have noticed that earlier when there was no workaround for the r/w system remount error there was no way of making V4A work which is why i was only using the default audio fx and at that time i was getting almost the same battery stats as ur's sir. I just believe that V4A could be the reason of the drain as while installing it warns us firsthand about the battery drain it can cause.
I know that what i am saying is not the case with either kitkat or lollipop. This could be because V4A hasn't been exactly made for Marshmallow yet.
Using doze settings editor to have doze kick in instantaneous whether in motion or not I have noticed I no longer receive emails through gmail if my screen is off. If I'm using my phone I'll get a notification but if the screen is off I won't get a notification until I open the app.
Also my battery life is better than ever. I'm not getting ridiculous sot or anything but standby is great. Off the charger at 6am and back on around 12am I'm left with 20 -30% left on average where as on lp it'd be dead by 8pm. Averaging 5.5 sot. Using official CM13. Just switched to Sultans CM13 and battery already seems much better.
tekanina said:
Using doze settings editor to have doze kick in instantaneous whether in motion or not I have noticed I no longer receive emails through gmail if my screen is off. If I'm using my phone I'll get a notification but if the screen is off I won't get a notification until I open the app.
Also my battery life is better than ever. I'm not getting ridiculous sot or anything but standby is great. Off the charger at 6am and back on around 12am I'm left with 20 -30% left on average where as on lp it'd be dead by 8pm. Averaging 5.5 sot. Using official CM13. Just switched to Sultans CM13 and battery already seems much better.
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I've tried multiple MM ROM - from AOSParadox -> BrokenOS -> Omni ROM -> SlimSaber (Omni-based) -> CM13 CAF/ CM13 Nightlies and with or without configuring doze using NapTime or Doze Settings Editor, I can easily get past 2 days of standby with 6.5hrs of SOT which in comparison to Lollipop is much better overall.
But no matter I set doze to kick in 5mins, 10mins, 15mins or 30mins, I don't see much doze really doing wonders during deep sleep. And to make my test consistent, I had left the phone in airplane mode over 2hrs and my standby loss throughout that 2hrs was 2% which compared to Lollipop is quite bad as placing the phone in airplane mode can result in 0.3-0.5% battery loss in 2hrs.
Bobbi lim said:
I've tried multiple MM ROM - from AOSParadox -> BrokenOS -> Omni ROM -> SlimSaber (Omni-based) -> CM13 CAF/ CM13 Nightlies and with or without configuring doze using NapTime or Doze Settings Editor, I can easily get past 2 days of standby with 6.5hrs of SOT which in comparison to Lollipop is much better overall.
But no matter I set doze to kick in 5mins, 10mins, 15mins or 30mins, I don't see much doze really doing wonders during deep sleep. And to make my test consistent, I had left the phone in airplane mode over 2hrs and my standby loss throughout that 2hrs was 2% which compared to Lollipop is quite bad as placing the phone in airplane mode can result in 0.3-0.5% battery loss in 2hrs.
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I kinda am getting the same if not similar impressions. I've tried most of the super alpha builds of most 6.0 Roms until Sultan Started his CAF CM13 builds which is what I've stuck with since then.
Battery life seems to be Marginally better than LP, I haven't used any KK roms on my phone so I don't really have a baseline to go off of for getting ridiculous battery life. I am however getting an average of about a solid day and a half on a single charge. 5 hours SOT is the most ive been able to achieve. Nothing to complain or gripe about, I can get a full day of heavy usage without worrying about plugging in to make it to the end of the day so I'm happy.
The one thing I CAN say however, is Marshmallow definitely feels so much more fluid and snappier than LP, and RAM management seems to be much better. I have apps still in memory from like the previous day, and when I open my app, its right where I left off, versus reloading the app. So I call that a win :good:
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Betterbatterystats isn't reporting many wakelocks at all on MM, (even without amplify or xposed). All I've got are Greenify and Naptime by Franco. The main thing waking up my device is Google Play Services Alarms, (related to Google Cloud Messenger) and that's understandable, as Google Play Services is the only package that is 'not optimised' by doze in the battery optimisation menu. The CPU states say that my device is in deep sleep almost the entire time that the screen is off, which means that doze really is doing its job. Only thing left to be desired is a rom + Kernel setup that is battery friendly during screen on, but that will come as MM roms exit the Alpha stage.
All this being said, I feel that MM does a much better job with battery than majority of LP roms. Only thing that's come close in LP for me is a heavily optimised setup with Sultan's CM (+Greenify, xposed, amplify, etc etc).
By how Google advertised Doze, you should not be losing much battery when its in Doze mode but that isn't the case. We are able to enter deep sleep on our devices but we are not able to enter Doze.
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I'm on stock cm 12.1 not rooted and I loose only 2% battery at night.. Very rare its 3%. By what you guys are posting, I think I'm better off with stock rather than marshmallow
I have not test MM roms
But from my little expirience from donut android version to lollipop
you testing different various settings
Any upgrade hide new hardware support
First was
better camera like dslr
After was cpu cores and power
Greenify, amplify was growing up fast beacause older or middle range devices could not handle upgrades
MM has bluetooth standby wifi standby fingweprint standby
Even if you switch off code is there and system kepp reading
All rhis various hardwares consumption without this new feature without simmilar tricks will conssume your bateery in half time
Even to lollipop if you switch off wifi stand by will gain 2%more at standby
I think DOZE isn't included in 6.0, or isn't optimized. In CM12.1 I lost 1-2% overnight, in CM13 I lose 4-5% overnight. DOZE is a Google / Android trade mark lie.
you guys should try Omnirom, I think they got it working
I'm running omni and pretty sure it is working. after leaving it off charger the other night, I lost 1 percent and it checked out in bbs .2%/hour drain. the best I had on lollipop was .5% and that was without Google installed. but I normally charge overnight so I don't have much more data, also been working overnights lately and use always on VPN, so need to keep watch on stats some more but that is my experience so far.
Bobbi lim said:
I've tried multiple MM ROM - from AOSParadox -> BrokenOS -> Omni ROM -> SlimSaber (Omni-based) -> CM13 CAF/ CM13 Nightlies and with or without configuring doze using NapTime or Doze Settings Editor, I can easily get past 2 days of standby with 6.5hrs of SOT which in comparison to Lollipop is much better overall.
But no matter I set doze to kick in 5mins, 10mins, 15mins or 30mins, I don't see much doze really doing wonders during deep sleep. And to make my test consistent, I had left the phone in airplane mode over 2hrs and my standby loss throughout that 2hrs was 2% which compared to Lollipop is quite bad as placing the phone in airplane mode can result in 0.3-0.5% battery loss in 2hrs.
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Something must be different in your set up cause overnight on Omni MM I get 1/2% battery drain overnight. As far as my usage dictates battery life at least in standby is much better than KK and LP. I don't use Naptime/doze editor or any random apps for triggering doze instantly. It's easy to make sweeping statements like you did in the OP and in subsequent posts but your experience isn't representative of everyone else's but its a discussion thread so I guess it ok.
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That is weird, it is troublesome to check battery life consistently cause I'm flashing very frequently, but what I have observed, I was on Sultanxda's CM13 build, probably last week, checked battery level, it was 46%, aggressive doze was on through Greenify, and I usually do a lot of tweaks here and there to increase battery life, woke up 6 hours later, and guess what, 46% !!! Probably it was at the beginning of 46th % before I went to sleep and by morning it was edge of 46th % but that's less than 1% in 6 hours. WiFi was on, and selected 3-4 syncs were also on.
devlamania said:
That is weird, it is troublesome to check battery life consistently cause I'm flashing very frequently, but what I have observed, I was on Sultanxda's CM13 build, probably last week, checked battery level, it was 46%, aggressive doze was on through Greenify, and I usually do a lot of tweaks here and there to increase battery life, woke up 6 hours later, and guess what, 46% !!! Probably it was at the beginning of 46th % before I went to sleep and by morning it was edge of 46th % but that's less than 1% in 6 hours. WiFi was on, and selected 3-4 syncs were also on.
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You're right probably just means you lost less than 1% during that period which isn't strange in my experience. The norm on MM is 1% or less IOW flat battery graph in stats
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Renosh said:
You're right probably just means you lost less than 1% during that period which isn't strange in my experience. The norm on MM is 1% or less IOW flat battery graph in stats
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Yep, flat battery graph in stats indeed. But it still takes a substantial hit due to mobile radio active bug, what I notice, it is more severe in some ROMs and less in others. So, yes, I believe doze is working, is it so great as per the hype ? Yes, cause Google only spoke about idle battery drain, and the idle battery drain is really less.
Probably tonight I'll check how good it does with 3G on and WiFi off, how much it works with mobile radio active bug.

For those getting +5 hours of SOT, what are your current ROMs and kernels?

Also, how's performance for you?
I'm running a build of Exodus 5.1 with the boeffla kernel, and I'm getting around 3 hours SOT from 100% to 0% battery. That said, I have it set up in a way where I have zero lag (not using performance governor) and I'm getting 76206 on Antutu. with. I've also got Greenify and Amplify.
Just as a side note, how is your charging? I'm getting around 200mAh in (from my best cable and charger) boosted to around 650mAh using boeffla settings. Isn't that a bit low?
Atleast for me and my OPO, only the original charger and cable gets reconized as AC Charger, everything else i plug in as USB Charge, thats why the chip is force values around 200-650mA.
Boeffla Kernel can show u that, if the app says "Ac Charger" + a mAh value then u'r good, if it's not and just shows only a mAh value instead, the Cabel and Chager are reconzied as USB Charger therefore the IC Power Chip limits the throughput.
Sultanxda's 5.1.1 caf rom. Can easily bit 6-7 hours sot. Stock kernal
Before switching roms you should try wakelock detector and/or better battery stats to see if something is keeping your phone awake and killing your battery.
I don't worry too much about benchmark scores, focus on how your rom runs for everyday usage. Performance is just fine for me, but I don't play any heavy games on my phone though
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Stock ROM and Boeffla Kernel, 6 hours of SOT with a battery friendly configuration (light undervolt, small underclock and balanced governor), but performances are still great with no lags. However with the stock kernel I never went below 5 hours, which is already a great result
used to have 8h SoT on KitKat. any lollipop / MM rom gives me max. 4h.
Darkobas best battery for me. Around 6 hrs. Then Herna's Omni and RaCyan: more than 5hrs.
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slimsaber 0r Omni 6.0.x and sultan CM 13 06/12. CM 07/12build all giving 5+ hrs SOT for me.
I got about 5.5hrs on data (mostly LTE) yesterday across about 14-15hrs usage.
Sultanxda CM13 rom. Everything stock. No greenify and amplify and stuff. Turn of keep awake and wake up for google play services.
recently switched back to kitkat after realizind nobody was gonna fix the sitty battery life on 5.x and upwards. Not regretting my decesion. Bear in mind this is a one and a half year old phone that has seen daily usage, almost half of it was on 5.x, waiting for a battery drain fix. When it didn't come, I came back to 4.4.4 and I'm happy to say my battery is still healthy (was a bit worried all those months running a battery draining rom would have strained my battery). Cant tell you anything about charging since im using stock kernel on official CM11S with a stock charger, other than the fact that it charges really fast. Performance is so good that i decided to try and undervold (to 1950~) and im seeing no noticeable difference. Device is nice and snappy. I'd wholeheartedly suggest a switch to kitkat for the time being for anyone that wants to max out battery usage.
Note: These screenshots were taken after only the 2nd battery charge cycle so the battery still isnt calibrated all the way. After a few more charge cycles, i could probably get back to what i was used to on kitkat in terms of battery life: namely 8h screen time.
Darkobas ROM lightning kernel stylo king smartmax profile 1st charge cycle
My phone running on stock COS12.1 and can get around 7-8 hours of SOT with WiFi in 1 day usage. On 2 days usage SOT 5 to 6 hours. But on Mobile Data I getting a 4 to 5 hours of SOT. For charging I using Apple's wall brick from old Ipad and original OPO cable - 0 - 100% in less then 2 hours.
Sultan cm13 nov build. Getting constantly over 5hr sot with LTE. Standby time 12-16hrs.
Disable the wakeup for google play services.
I'm on sultan's 01/01 cm13 build. Currently have 1:43 sot and am at 78%. Was at 92% after upgrading. So that's 7.357 minutes per 1% battery, or 12.26 hours SOT. Wakelocks are not an issue here because this is continuous use on about 30% brightness, wifi and lte on, sync on, Web browsing and YouTube only (no gaming). Completely stock build with no power saving bs. Sultan for president!
TLDR; depending on your useage, 12 hours SOT on cm13 is possible.
4.4 with cm11s
I've never had more than 2 hours SOT with any rom (stock, sultan's caf, exodus, and others), do I have a battery problem?
5,5-6h SoT with Fusionjack's SlimSaber 6.01 which is based on OmniROM Sources. I'm using this ROM without any modifications, like custom kernel or xposed, neither i'm using things like greenify or similar. I've just tuned the power profiles to save battery while screen is off and limited max cpu frequency to 1958MHz to prevent heating. I'm using Facebook+Messenger and WhatsApp, which are by far the biggest battery hoggers and running Google Now with on Tap with GPS at hight accuracy the whole day. So the reached SoT is absolutely nice. Calculatory that would mean, without Facebook, WhatsApp and deactivated GoogleNow and GPS i could easily reach 8h SoT, but i prefer the comfort over the battery life, coz that's why i'm having such a smartphone.
Sultanxda CM12.1 rom w/ the kernel it comes with. With LTE/WiFi mixed use all day, getting 5-ish SOT and 24 hours battery life total. Installed Greenify but have it limited to hibernating 3 apps only. Likely going to fool around with profiles to see if I can squeeze an extra 3-4 hours out of it.
nikhil18 said:
Darkobas ROM lightning kernel stylo king smartmax profile 1st charge cycle
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Hi, I'm running the same setup as you, I was just wondering about the level of screen brightness you are using? Is your phone running on full brigthness, 10%, 50%, 70%? And are you using apps like greenify, nap or anything similar?
I'm getting good battery life with your setup but not as good as you. My screen brightness is always set to full and I'm sure that could drain my battery faster. So I'm just curious to about what level of screen brightness everyone is using approximately to get these kind of great screen on times. I'm just super impressed and hats of to you and everyone who achieves this lenght of usage!!
Arju007 said:
Hi, I'm running the same setup as you, I was just wondering about the level of screen brightness you are using? Is your phone running on full brigthness, 10%, 50%, 70%? And are you using apps like greenify, nap or anything similar?
I'm getting good battery life with your setup but not as good as you. My screen brightness is always set to full and I'm sure that could drain my battery faster. So I'm just curious to about what level of screen brightness everyone is using approximately to get these kind of great screen on times. I'm just super impressed and hats of to you and everyone who achieves this lenght of usage!!
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I got best battery with Darkobas, but my best is around 6. It depends on alot of things: your battery, your signal, your usages... I think my battery is old and the signal here is weak. So you can only compare to your battery life with other roms, other kernels...
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anbinhv said:
I got best battery with Darkobas, but my best is around 6. It depends on alot of things: your battery, your signal, your usages... I think my battery is old and the signal here is weak. So you can only compare to your battery life with other roms, other kernels...
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I definitely understand that and the factors there is. But I was just wondering if those who are receiving 6+ SOT have their screen brightness turned down or if their screen brightness is fully turned up.

What's your battery life?

Guys, please post your battery life screenshots. Mine is fine :laugh:
Dont have screenies but my SOT is 3 and half hours . Pac rom Lp 5.1 Caf D802 .
There is already a thread about battery life where users posted their screens...anyway your screen in the first post is useless to determine battery life. Dont mean to be rude but it really is useless, because if you barely use the phone, you can reach 120h+ easily. You have to give more information. Even the screen on time is not accurate to determine battery life, because there are some users who use their phone like an e-reader and get massive amounts of screen time that are impossible to reproduce when using the phone on normal conditions. Not everyone uses the phone in the same conditions. A good way to determine it would be the screenshot like you gave, another one with the apps showing consumption, another one with screen time and a screenshot of cpu spy or any other cpu measuring app(because this will make it easy to spot how those e-readers get so much sot, usually their lowest cpu frequency is used a LOT, unlike normal users)
always 6-6.5 hours sot. can hold up to 3 days or more with light usage using Cloudyg2 2.2.
Fyi, cloudy g2 is not the reason you get 6h+ sot... unless you're significantly reducing performance and/or screen brightness. No rom can beat physics(and logic).
I average 5h sot over 2-3 days with wifi/data/sync/auto brightness on. Can easily go a week in standby if check it a few times a day. Running stock sprint lollipop with latest zvi update.
Well that's depressing....I have a battery life of maybe 4 hours with 1 to 1,5 hours of screen on time........I made a post here http://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g2/help/battery-messed-t3297770.
If anybody has a suggestion I would be more than pleased. Been using the phone for +2 years. And looking at the screenshots of yours, I hadn't had that in a loooongloooong time
At full charge, plugging in earphone and listening to music or videos on youtube , i get like 3 and half and sometimes 4 hours depending on the rom. Screen is set to the lowest. I dont install much app, especially which connects to the internet silently in the backgroud. Disable location services and all too helps. At idle with wifi on and phone radio is 90% or more good signals, it lasts for about 3 or 2 and half days (depends on kernel too) . What rom you using @deereper ??Have you tried reducing google service battery drain via script and all ?
deereper, and anyone else getting under 3h sot, your battery is shot. I had similar battery performance until I replaced it. In my experience custom roms/kernels may make a very minor difference but have much worse performance and stability.
Yeah, I ordered a new battery.
I really don't want to but a new phone just for the battery.
And yes, with those battery stats it doesn't matter if you run stock or aosp
It's D802 btw, auto brightness 0%, wifi data gps always on. SOT 6-6.5hours only with continuous usage, if add in standby SOT average around 4.5-5 hours

[Q] Is this battery usage normal?

I'm having 3 hours Screen-On-Time, and while I think it's "acceptable" I read about some people with 5-8 hours of SoT. I was having some problems with battery drains on Ressurrection Remix and Temasek and the best rom I found for me was Purify. With it, I don't get crazy battery drains and I finally had 3 SoT again, but I find it strange that on the battery usage chart the screen percentage is closely followed by the Android Operating system, not only that, Purify's developer said that he can get 8 hours of SoT (For me this is just impossible).
I'm using Better Battery Stats and GSam battery Monitor to check but there are some stats that I don't know how to interpret, as I don't know if it's normal system usage or a wakelock.
Thx for reading and thx for helping.

Battery statistics - X800

Hi. I created this thread so that we can all share our battery stats and comments on how battery life can be improved.
I've been using this phone for 6 days now and i can honestly say the battery life isn't great!
I noticed that during use, the battery % will go down by 2% instead of 1% like every other phones do.
Below are my current stats. It didn't even last for 24 hours!
FYI - i am on CN ROM EUI 5.8.017s (not rooted)
Battery life on this phone is just ridiculously awful!
my battery life is awfull
I've tried a lot of different things but keeps being pretty bad , the one that got the best result was setting the CPU to a lower frequency , but that only gave like half a day more.
Agree on the low battery, must be a combination of the processor + the 2k screen
With Android 6 update, I have not noticed any battery duration improvements. Is it possible LeTV has not 'activated' the doze option?
The Duration and good, I do most 3 hours of screen, which uses settings? app?
the battery duration is not very good if you will be using the phone with screen on, you will have a max of 5-6 hours, with full light a max of 2-3 hours.
But if you use it normally, not heavy, it will go throught one day

