I want to disable all incoming calls while using hotspot. Any ideas how? - LG G6 Questions and Answers

Since I'm using straighttalk's verizon sim, I don't have HD calling, which means when I get a call, my phone loses data connection to take the call. This disconnects me from the internet.
Any ideas on how to disable incoming calls? Would seem like an easy fix, but I can't find a solution at all.

Use tasker or macro droid

Delete all your Friendships ?

force LTE only. so your phone wont switch to 3g or 2g it will only use 4G. https://forum.xda-developers.com/v20/help/how-to-force-lte-lg-v20-t3660122


Incoming calls go to voicemail with active data connection

I've got a T-mobile UK touch plus.
Currently, if I am using the data connection then all incoming voice calls are being sent to voicemail. This occurs with a GSM connection, which is part of the spec and is fine, but also with the 3G connection, which should allow the incoming voice call through. I have spoken to t-mobile and they acknowledge this problem and say they are working to fix it.
Is it likely there will be a fix for this? Is there a radio ROM already available that fixes the issue?
Sorry if this has already been covered - I searched with a pretty wide variety of terms and didn't find anything conclusive.
I have the same phone, same network... and it still rings while i have the "3g connected" symbol (3g with two arrows pointing left and right) showing.
Havent tried while connected to GPRS cuz im not sure how to force it into G mode while im near a phone.
Sorry, I should have been clearer - the phone will ring with an unused 3G connection, but not when data is actually being sent/received. This is the behaviour you would expect from GSM, but the 3G spec should allow voice calls through regardless of data - my Vodafone v1605 has no problem with this. T-mobile say it is the device not the network, I just wonder how likely I am to get a fix for this? It could be a problem with activesync using the data connection quite frequently.
A good way to test it is with google maps, or something that will maintain a constant connection, then call your phone. 3G should put the call through, but it will be rejected to voicemail instead.
FYI to put into GSM mode;
Settings>Phone>Band>Set top option to GSM, leave bottom on Auto
same problem here. but i only expreienced that randomly
i know that gprs can not handle data and voice. but 3g should, right?
Yes, 3G should be able to run voice and data streams simultaneously without any problems. I'm surprised there is not more interest in this because it seems to be a pretty major problem with the device if you cannot receive calls while browsing or otherwise using the data connection.
Me too
I experienced this too. I have an direct HTC Touch dual rather than the t-mobile branded version but I'm using a t-mobile sim. I use Exchange Activesync and am missing calls all the time.
fwiw, i experience the same with a Nokia e61 on 3-AT network with exchange active.
It seems that T-mobile have fixed their network today to allow calls while using data. Bonus.

tethering and phonecall concurrently

the HTC support tells me, that you canĀ“t surf (with and without tethering) and make a phone call at the same time.
Is there a hack or patch to do this at the same time?
P.s. Somewhere i saw, that iPhone can do this with a hack.
You can do it if you're on 3G or WiFi.
If you're on GSM you can't do it.
That sounds great!
But when im on gsm in internet, does i still get incoming calls?
That is very importent for my business...
No, only on 3G. GSM supports only call or data, not both at the same time. If data is connected but not actively transferring stuff, incoming calls will go through, but if you're downloading at that moment the call will just sound busy/go to voicemail. That's a network limitation.
kilrah said:
No, only on 3G. GSM supports only call or data, not both at the same time. If data is connected but not actively transferring stuff, incoming calls will go through, but if you're downloading at that moment the call will just sound busy/go to voicemail. That's a network limitation.
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Actually it is not a network limitation.
There are Class A devices out there that can handle simoultaineous voice and data sessions.
GSM is not a network connection like GPRS and other. GSM is like old 56k modem which dials up a number and holds the line. Therefore, you cannot connect to GSM and make a call. This is a network limitation, not related to phone (unless you have 2 sims).
GPRS, EDGE are extensions of GSM... and today's general use of "GSM" includes those... GSM = not 3G

Disable GSM + SMS, only use 3G .. possible

I want to use my HTC HD2 as a internet only device with 3G.
Is there a way to disable GSM + SMS and only use 3G ?
In the phone settings you can force use of WCDMA (3G) and no GSM, but you'll still have SMS and phone, I don't see the point, apart from reducing your network coverage. If 3G is there it will always use it preferably, if it switches to GSM it's because there's no 3G coverage...
kilrah said:
In the phone settings you can force use of WCDMA (3G) and no GSM, but you'll still have SMS and phone, I don't see the point, apart from reducing your network coverage. If 3G is there it will always use it preferably, if it switches to GSM it's because there's no 3G coverage...
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Ok let me try to be more clear
I dont like the phone function of the HD2, I prefer a full QWERTY device.
So I have a dual sim
1. Nokia E72 for calling & SMS
2. HTC HD2 for internet
I want to receive my calls on my E72 and use the 3G internet on my HD2.
So I have to disable incoming phone calls and SMS on my HD2....
Yes, it sound stupid I know
Hmm I don't think that's possible...
But doesn't your operator do that automatically? I have a dual SIM too, but have to set one as active, and only the "active" one will receive call and SMS, the other can be used to place calls and use data but won't receive anything... it wouldn't play nice if your 2 phones received the same SMSs or rang at the same time when called...

No Calls come in if on Sprint LTE network and browsing internet

I have new S5. NO CALLS come in if are on LTE/CDMA network browsing internet and someone is trying to call you in the same time. Sprint had me changed to CDMA and in that case calls do come through. Anyone else has this problem?
syavik said:
I have new S5. NO CALLS come in if are on LTE/CDMA network browsing internet and someone is trying to call you in the same time. Sprint had me changed to CDMA and in that case calls do come through. Anyone else has this problem?
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I have same problem.
More info here:
As i understand, the problem is if 4G network doesn't support voice over LTE (4G is only for data). And when you receive call, the phone that is on 4G network, it must switch to 3G. And at this switch error happens. that's why you don't get call, that's why i get SMS with notification of missed call.
Been testing between network modes "LTE/WCDMA/GSM" and "WCDMA/GSM".
When i am on "WCDMA/GSM", i have no problem..

Using the whatsapp calling feature

I'm using the whatsapp to make calls. When on a call and I receive another call from my carrier it disconnects the whatsapp call. Is there anyway I can prevent that from happening and just send the incoming call to voicemail?
magedassad said:
I'm using the whatsapp to make calls. When on a call and I receive another call from my carrier it disconnects the whatsapp call. Is there anyway I can prevent that from happening and just send the incoming call to voicemail?
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I can take a guess but I'm not positive this will work. I am going to guess that you are not using "advanced calling" on your phone. What's app is using data to make the call. When you receive a regular call, your phone shuts down the data and switches to the 1X system for the regular phone call. Without advanced calling activated, you cannot have data access while on a call. If you turn on advanced calling, it may work because your phone will allow the data connection to continue while the traditional call comes through. Your phone no longer switches to 1X and drops the data connection.
You will also need to be close enough to a cell tower for the advanced calling to work. (decent 4G signal)

