Any way to get reminders for missed calendar events? - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

Love the samsung calendar for the fact I can dismiss reminders without having to unlock and enter a pin
My main issue is sometimes I leave my phone on my kitchen table and a reminder will go off but I am not present to hear it/see it
The issue is after a few min the LED will no longer blink and no notification is seen showing the calendar entry
Basically is there any way to either keep the notification going or have a repeat reminder for calendar entries that where not dismissed

Anyone? Suggestions?


No Vibrate on incoming text messages

I was screwing around in HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Inbox/Svc trying to delete my outlook account, and when i deleted the folder i noticed that my phone stopped vibrating when i received text messages or emails.
I have since updated the ROM from the HTC website and the outlook account has come back, but i'm still not getting any vibration on messages.
Does anyone know how i can get it to vibrate again?
And i'm still looking for a way to remove the outlook safely - any ideas?
i know this is simple but is worth a shot if you havent already;
check sounds and notifications (in settings)
check in the notifications tab using drop down menu
Yeah - i have vibrate checked there. it totally sucks because i have to keep looking at my phone to tell if i have a new message
Try installing third party apps like phone alarm and use their profile settings to set vibrate - see if that works.

Outlook Calendar Meeting Notification

The outlook calendar never notifies me about the upcoming meetings though i can see the meetings on the Today screen.
On Settings --> Sounds and Notifications --> Notifications tab
for Event = Reminders I have all options checked
Play Sound : Notify
Display message on screen
Flash Light
But no notification comes up.
Make sure the appointment itself has the Reminder option selected - 1 min, 2 min, 15 min...
Might be too obvious OR you may have a more serious issue!
Yes. The appointments do have 15min reminders. PC's outlook pops up reminders window.
In that case it may be that your notifications have built up, or that there are duplicates in there.
First make a full backup. Then:
Get Checknotifications (free but basic) or Memmaid or SK Tools and check the notifications. Use the software to remove all duplicates, then look carefully at the remaining notifications which start with Calendar or Clock. Make sure that they all occur in the future. If any past or obviously strange notifications are there, then delete these. Don't delete notifications where you don't know what they do.
Then see if your reminders work properly again.
WLM alone puts 2+ duplicate notifications on my device on every soft reset.

Calendar reminder dismiss doesn't

Hi, most of my calendar events are set with a 15 minute reminder. When the reminder pops up, I click dismiss. Then at the event time I get the reminder again. It seems that all the dismiss option does is snooze the reminder. In outlook, and on older Win Mo devices that I've used, the dismiss option actually dismissed the reminder completely, not snoozing it.
Does anyone else experience this, or know how to prevent it?

Stopping Those Persistent Notifications

I have paintstakenly set all of my events (including birthdays) to have a notification of NONE. However, the Incredible seems to flash the screen and "loud ping" every 10 minutes to notify me of these events anyway. I have had to resort to running Timeriffic to turn off all sounds until I wake up.
I am wondering if there is a way to get birthdays (which I believe are the problem) to actually NOT notify if you have set them to NOT notify. I dont want to completely disable notifications in case I do have a meeting or something, but this is somewhat ridiculous.
None of my events make any sounds if they are not set to notify.
Ummm ... ok ... so from that response I take it that you are unable to answer my question but replied anyway.
If anyone can actually answer it, I would appreciate any suggestions. I suspect that this may be more for events which recur yearly; perhaps those are prone to the problem.
Events can come from many sources, Google calendar, exchange, etc...
In exchange there is no difference between a birthday or any other event, they are just events.
Not sure about Google Calendar.
in addition i was wondering if its possible to make calls a notification so they dont bother me all the t ime when i am playing games. i cant do airplane mode cause i still need data and need to see who is calling but i hate that i have to mute it and then do the task swkitcher and go back to my game, i wish it was just a notifcation or an option for that or an app? anyone know of one?

[Q] LED notification bug?

This related to my S4 active, but I'm hoping the S4 is similar in this respect. I get a calendar reminders all day, and I don't dismiss them immediately as I often attend to some of them a bit later.
So for me the LED notification is useful to alert my that a new calendar reminder has gone off, but after I unlock the screen, swipe down the notification bar and select calendar notifications to see the list of notifications, and then lock the screen, I expect the blinking LED to stop, until a new reminder comes along.
Unless I'm losing my memory this has been the case with the S3 and other similar phones I've owned, where if you swipe done and look at the notification then lock the screen, the blinking stops. I tried it with email, and that works, if I just swipe down to see that there's an email notification and without dismissing lock the screen, the blinking stops, so not sure why it doesn't work with the calendar. Any ideas?
I also noticed the blinking is fast for the calendar and slow for gmail, is that on purpose?

