Stopping Those Persistent Notifications - Droid Incredible General

I have paintstakenly set all of my events (including birthdays) to have a notification of NONE. However, the Incredible seems to flash the screen and "loud ping" every 10 minutes to notify me of these events anyway. I have had to resort to running Timeriffic to turn off all sounds until I wake up.
I am wondering if there is a way to get birthdays (which I believe are the problem) to actually NOT notify if you have set them to NOT notify. I dont want to completely disable notifications in case I do have a meeting or something, but this is somewhat ridiculous.

None of my events make any sounds if they are not set to notify.

Ummm ... ok ... so from that response I take it that you are unable to answer my question but replied anyway.
If anyone can actually answer it, I would appreciate any suggestions. I suspect that this may be more for events which recur yearly; perhaps those are prone to the problem.

Events can come from many sources, Google calendar, exchange, etc...
In exchange there is no difference between a birthday or any other event, they are just events.
Not sure about Google Calendar.

in addition i was wondering if its possible to make calls a notification so they dont bother me all the t ime when i am playing games. i cant do airplane mode cause i still need data and need to see who is calling but i hate that i have to mute it and then do the task swkitcher and go back to my game, i wish it was just a notifcation or an option for that or an app? anyone know of one?


[request] App to turn SMS receive off

I like to have my phone plugged into my car cradle, but don't want my passengers to read my SMSs over my shoulder.
Could someone please program an app to turn toggle SMS reception whilst leaving the phone active?
I know that this might be the ugliest of hacks, but my privacy is important to me.
Sounds like you want to disable access to the Inbox, not receipt of SMS right?
If so, there are some options floating around to disable access to the inbox.
If you really want to do what you describe, and prevent receipt of sms, I can write something to do that I think, subject to time pressures
Can't promise though.
But I'd suggest going for an inbox locker before an SMS blocker.
Thanks for the reply Vijay =)
What I need is to stop the phone from popping up the message in a notification. Going to the inbox isn't a problem as long as there isn't an alert or a notification.
I'll PM you the reason.
PReDiToR - from your pm, I think really you just need to disable notifications for SMS. I think if you also check the registry there's a registry key for received SMS (I may be wrong. There is one for message sent).
If you're still having troubles, I'll think about a 3rd party solution, but my thinking is it's quite complicated... but I need to think about it anyway

Disable notifications?

I have to wade through so many notification messages every time I switch on my phone, its so annoying and there's no apparant way to stop them. Right infront of me, we have email notifications, sms notifications, alarm notifications, calendar notifications, and a battery warning notification! arrggh!! I can't access the calendar hardware button without clearing all these notifications first.
So, into 'sound and notification' settings and disable them right?
Wrong. It doesn't seem to make any difference. I've gone through each event such as 'Messaging: New email message', and 'Messaging: New text message', etc, and taken the tick out of 'display message on screen' but still I can't access the hardware button on the today screen without clearing the notifications first.
The search criteria required for answers to this problem online is too vague, you just hit on other subjects regarding notifications that are nothing to do with this. Can anyone offer some suggestions?
Which ROM are you running?
RE: annoying notifications
I couldnt agree more!
This happens with every ROM i have used including 2003, wm5 and now wm6 black 3.5.
The one I really want to get rid of is the battery low notifications.
Jees, it drives me mad.
Surely just altering a reg key?? I did a search in there but wasnt sure exactly where to look!
Hi, I'm having the same issue. I want to get rid of the missed call notification messages that pop up all the time. The missed call icon is enough, I don't need the message as well! It's very frustrating.
it's the notification queue
..and it's a known issue. hard reset will definitely cure it, or you could use scarybear's "check notifications" or similar to clear it.
I really hate the low battery warning icon nagging me when 40% of battery is still left!! help !

No Vibrate on incoming text messages

I was screwing around in HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Inbox/Svc trying to delete my outlook account, and when i deleted the folder i noticed that my phone stopped vibrating when i received text messages or emails.
I have since updated the ROM from the HTC website and the outlook account has come back, but i'm still not getting any vibration on messages.
Does anyone know how i can get it to vibrate again?
And i'm still looking for a way to remove the outlook safely - any ideas?
i know this is simple but is worth a shot if you havent already;
check sounds and notifications (in settings)
check in the notifications tab using drop down menu
Yeah - i have vibrate checked there. it totally sucks because i have to keep looking at my phone to tell if i have a new message
Try installing third party apps like phone alarm and use their profile settings to set vibrate - see if that works.

acknowleding an alarm without dismissing it

I'm using phoneAlarm to ensure I'm not missing alerts - phone, vmail, sms, as I really need to not miss anything work related. I have my profiles set to repeat endlessly until I acknowledge them.
The problem I'm running into is that I don't always want to deal with an event when I acknowledge it - for example, I have a new voicemail, I know who it's from, and I can respond in the morning rather than at 2AM. I don't really want the alarm going off every 20 seconds until then tho. I don't want to completely dismiss the alarm, because I want the visual reminder until I deal with the alert.
Is there anything I can use that will let me acknowledge an alarm, thereby stopping the vib/ring/flash, without dismissing it?

Do Not Disturb blocking visual notifications too?

For starters, I am not a Do Not Disturb fan. This is an extremely overbuilt solution for a problem that did not exist. Simply having a toggle for silent/vibrate/ring is all that is needed. But now that Google has forced this on us, I need to make it work for me as best possible.
I have already tried numerous apps that do the silent/vibrate/ring. They all work relatively well, but when each put it into 'silent' mode, it engages Do Not disturb. Which is fine, except that it stops me from receiving visual notifications. By this I mean, my notification drawer does not show me notifications. This is not universal, some do get by, but for the most part it stops me from getting my normal Gmail, hangouts etc messages unless I go manually checking for them.
Has anybody found a work around? I need silent mode for many scenarios, but I am still utilizing the phone. These notifications are important to me.
have you set each apps notification setting(s) to 'treat as priority' ?
Unfortunately if I do that, then the audible alarms will come through as well and I cannot have that. I wondering if it's not the do not disturb but in fact the doze feature? I'm seeing that Gmail is not syncing as often as normal. Perhaps the 2 combined?
I would flash a rom that restored silent mode and removed dnd

