[S433] List of system apps - K3 Note General

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
S433 without root, now we can disable many of bloatwares and system apps
I will add more details soon. Please make suggestions for improvement.
strike = Useless app that we can disable.
Calendar (com.google.android.calendar)
Chrome (com.android.chrome)
Cloud Print (com.google.android.apps.cloudprint)
Device Policy (com.google.android.apps.enterprise.dmagent) - Use in enterprise. Config by admin.
Drive (com.google.android.apps.docs) - Cloud
Exchange Services (com.google.android.gm.exchange)
Gmail (com.google.android.gm)
Google App (com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox) - We can use Chrome to search.
Google Keyboard (com.google.android.inputmethod.latin)
Google Play Books (com.google.android.apps.books)
Google Play Games (com.google.android.play.games)
Google Play Movies (com.google.android.videos)
Google Play Music (com.google.android.music)
Google Play Newsstand (com.google.android.apps.magazines)
Google Play services (com.google.android.gms)
Google Play Store (com.android.vending)
Google Text-to-speech Engine (com.google.android.tts)
Google+ (com.google.android.apps.plus)
Hangouts (com.google.android.talk) - Use the other app
Maps (com.google.android.apps.maps)
Photos (com.google.android.apps.photos) - Use the other app
TalkBack (com.google.android.marvin.talkback)
YouTube (com.google.android.youtube)
ConfigUpdater (com.google.android.configupdater)
Android System WebView (com.google.android.webview)
Google Account Manager (com.google.android.gsf.login)
Google Backup Transport (com.google.android.backuptransport)
Google Contacts Sync (com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts)
Google One Time Init (com.google.android.onetimeinitializer)
Google Partner Setup (com.google.android.partnersetup)
Google Services Framework (com.google.android.gsf)
Market Feedback Agent (com.google.android.feedback)
Setup Wizard (com.google.android.setupwizard)
Calculator (com.android.calculator2) - Use the other app
Clock (com.lenovo.deskclock)
Compass (com.lenovo.compass) - Use the other app
Contact Manager (com.lenovo.ideafriend)
File Browser (com.lenovo.FileBrowser) - Use the other app
Gallery (com.lenovo.gallery) - Use the other app
Radio (com.lenovo.fm)
Recorder (com.lenovo.recorder)
SYNCit (com.lenovo.leos.cloud.sync.row) - Lenovo cloud backup
User Guide (com.lenovo.phoneguide)
Video (com.lenovo.videoplayer) - Use the other app
Lenovo ID (com.lenovo.lsf)
Device Service (com.lenovo.lsf.device) - Lenovo Store use for remote install app.
Lenovo Weather (com.lenovo.lewea)
com.lenovo.weather.theme.dreamland (com.lenovo.weather.theme.dreamland)
com.lenovo.weather.theme.hotmove (com.lenovo.weather.theme.hotmove)
com.lenovo.weather.theme.plus (com.lenovo.weather.theme.plus)
Static Wallpapers (com.lenovo.ideawallpaper)
Android Live Wallpapers (com.android.wallpaper)
Live Wallpaper Picker (com.android.wallpaper.livepicker)
Black Hole (com.android.galaxy4)
Bubbles (com.android.noisefield)
Phase Beam (com.android.phasebeam)
com.android.wallpaper.holospiral (com.android.wallpaper.holospiral)
com.android.wallpapercropper (com.android.wallpapercropper)
Dolby Atmos (com.dolby.daxappUI)
Dolby Service (com.dolby)
AssistTouch (com.lenovo.assistivetouch)
Call settings (com.lenovo.callsetting)
Ceramic Speakers (com.lenovo.ceramicspeakey)
com.lenovo.notifier (com.lenovo.notifier)
EasyImage (com.lenovo.easyimage)
Engineering Code (com.lenovo.EngineeringCode)
External Display Controller (com.lenovo.tvcontroller)
Factory Settings (com.lenovo.factorysettings)
FactoryMode (com.lenovo.factorymode)
Lenovo Launcher (com.lenovo.xlauncher)
Lenovo SNAPit (com.lenovo.scg)
LenovoAutoTest (com.lenovo.lenovoautotest)
LenovoGesures (com.lenovo.gesture)
LenovoLocationService (com.lenovo.locationservice)
LenovoSimLock (com.lenovo.simmelock)
LockScreen Settings (com.lenovo.keyguard.settings)
NotificationCenterPlus (com.lenovo.systemuiplus)
Power manager (com.lenovo.powersetting)
Quick Snap (com.lenovo.lenovosnapshot)
Scan (com.lenovo.wifi.wifiqrscanner)
SD Card cleaner (com.lenovo.clearBuildInSDcard)
Secure Zone management (com.lenovo.seusersettings)
Setup Wizard (com.lenovo.setupwizard)
SIM management (com.lenovo.geminisettings)
Smart scene (com.lenovo.lenovosmartscene)
string/app_name (lenovo)
System Daemon Service (com.lenovo.systemdaemonservice)
System Update (com.lenovo.ota)
Theme Center (com.lenovo.themecenter)
User Experience (com.lenovo.ue.device)
Wide touch (com.lenovo.widetouch)
WlanBindingLocation (com.lenovo.wifiswitch)
Yellow page (com.lenovo.google.engine)
Android System (android)
Auto Dialer (com.example)
RawDataTest (com.goodix.rawdata)
com.magic.googlesearch.widget (com.magic.googlesearch.com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox)
Bookmark Provider (com.android.bookmarkprovider)
Calendar Storage (com.android.providers.calendar)
Call Log Backup/Restore (com.android.providers.calllogbackup)
com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks (com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks)
Contacts Storage (com.android.providers.contacts)
Download Manager (com.android.providers.downloads)
Downloads (com.android.providers.downloads.ui)
Media Storage (com.android.providers.media)
Phone/Messaging Storage (com.android.providers.telephony)
Search Applications Provider (com.android.providers.applications)
Settings Storage (com.android.providers.settings)
User Dictionary (com.android.providers.userdictionary)
Basic Daydreams (com.android.dreams.basic)
Bluetooth MIDI Service (com.android.bluetoothmidiservice)
Bluetooth Share (com.android.bluetooth)
CaptivePortalLogin (com.android.captiveportallogin)
Cell Broadcasts (com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver)
com.android.backupconfirm (com.android.backupconfirm)
com.android.carrierconfig (com.android.carrierconfig)
com.android.managedprovisioning (com.android.managedprovisioning)
com.android.sharedstoragebackup (com.android.sharedstoragebackup)
Certificate Installer (com.android.certinstaller)
Documents (com.android.documentsui)
External Storage (com.android.externalstorage)
Fused Location (com.android.location.fused)
HTML Viewer (com.android.htmlviewer)
InCallUI (com.android.incallui)
Input Devices (com.android.inputdevices)
Intent Filter Verification Service (com.android.statementservice)
Key Chain (com.android.keychain)
Local Calendar (com.android.localcalendar)
MmsService (com.android.mms.service)
MusicFX (com.android.musicfx)
Package Access Helper (com.android.defcontainer)
Package installer (com.android.packageinstaller)
PacProcessor (com.android.pacprocessor)
Phone (com.android.phone)
Phone (com.android.server.telecom)
Photo Screensavers (com.android.dreams.phototable)
Print Spooler (com.android.printspooler)
ProxyHandler (com.android.proxyhandler)
Settings (com.android.settings)
Shell (com.android.shell)
System UI (com.android.systemui)
Trusted Face (com.android.facelock)
USIM Toolkit (com.android.stk)
VpnDialogs (com.android.vpndialogs)
BSPTelephonyDevTool (com.mtk.telephony)
com.mediatek (com.mediatek)
com.mediatek.atci.service (com.mediatek.atci.service)
com.mediatek.batterywarning (com.mediatek.batterywarning)
com.mediatek.fwk.plugin (com.mediatek.fwk.plugin)
Data Protection (com.mediatek.dataprotection)
DRM Protected Content Storage (com.mediatek.providers.drm)
EngineerMode (com.mediatek.engineermode)
FTPreCheck (com.mediatek.ftprecheck)
LocationEM2 (com.mediatek.lbs.em2.ui)
Mobile anti-theft (com.mediatek.ppl)
MTK NLP Service (com.mediatek.nlpservice)
MTK Thermal Manager (com.mediatek.thermalmanager)
MtkFloatMenu (com.mediatek.floatmenu)
MTKLogger (com.mediatek.mtklogger)
Omacp (com.mediatek.omacp)
Scheduled power on & off (com.mediatek.schpwronoff)
Turbo Download (com.mediatek.hetcomm)
VCalendar (com.mediatek.calendarimporter)
YGPS (com.mediatek.ygps)

Perl script to fetch and generate data.
Don't use aapt.exe v24.x.x otherwise you can't get a valid label.
open(DOS,"adb.exe shell pm list packages -f -s |") || die "Failed: $!\n";
while (<DOS>)
$line = $_;
if ( $line =~ m/package:(.+)=(\S*)/ )
$aNAME = '';
$pPATH = $1;
$pNAME = $2;
$pull = `adb.exe pull $pPATH S/${pNAME}.apk`;
print "\n$pNAME\n$pPATH\n";
@result = `aapt.exe d badging S/${pNAME}.apk`;
foreach my $line (@result)
if ( $line =~ m/application: label=\'(.*?)\'/ )
$aNAME = $1;
$aNAME = $pNAME if ($aNAME eq '');
print "$aNAME\n";
print TXT "$aNAME ($pNAME)\n";
print TXT "$pPATH\n\n";

Disable option is not enabled on my k3 note? What should i do?


[APP] Fastest search app with best tools

// What is new :
* Better UI
* Voice Command
* Bug fixes
* Ability to send\share App's apk files directly
* Faster Search
* Ability to open musics with other players
* better ongoing notification
Hi guys, I am working on android app, it called pro assistant .
This app has two features : Search - Tools
Search :
With search engine, you can search anything on your device with incredible speed (usually less than .20 second !)
You can search and run apps , search and play musics , open contacts,search files,messages texts, calendars , ...
the best feature of this app that make difference with search tool like Google Search is it's speed .
For example you want play fray music, you only need to search for fray and after you found music, play it instantly with lyrics
Tools :
Music Player :
* Search and play musics directly
* Rate musics
* Load music lyrics Automatically
* Get music Album-art
App Manager :
* Search App
* Sort Apps by (location,name,install date)
* Uninstall multiply app
* Backup Apps
* List backup-ed Apps
* Get all APK files on your device
Contact Manager :
* Message some contacts once
* Block Contact call
* Add contact(s) to Groups
* Send Contact(s)
Call Blocker :
* Block Contact
* Block Number
* Add a Group to blacklist
* Specify a message for each number (message will be send after call blocked)
* Block Unknown call
* Block All Calls
* Log Blocked Calls
* Set Hangup Delay for blocking
Music Manager :
* Most played musics
* Rated musics (like 4 start musics)
* Recently played musics
* Playlists
* List all songs based on modification date(useful when you want get last musics you have stored on your device)
Message Backup :
* Backup all messages
* Restore messages
* Restore messages that you do not have already on device
Location sender :
* Someone asks you send your location to him in order to navigate your location,with this tool, you can find your location with GPS automatically and send him as a message,he will receive your location as a link and navigate your location on Map!
App Support :
*If you need support, we have provided you useful tool to communicate with us more easily.
Download Link : play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.matchseller.proassistant
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
thanks for share
Thanks, it works great!
Will there be a dark theme?
Bug:when searching for APK sources, it only finds apk files in the rootof my sdcard, but I also have some in /downloads and /AppBackups which it does not find
But great app already! Rated it 5 stars!
Nice just put it on
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda app-developers app

What is the lowest you managed to get your used RAM to, on stock?

As above. I got this:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
jimbo.levy said:
As above. I got this:
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
don't have a screenshot but i deleted everything samsung related, bloatware and other stuff i don't need.
around 450mb - 500mb ram usage
Can you please list everything you removed/froze?
sab742 said:
Can you please list everything you removed/froze?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
well i can give you a list of what is left after deleting everything I don't need.
i'm not responsible if something doesn't work after this.
animated photo
assistant menu
badge provider
basic daydreams
best face
bluetooth share
browser (aosp)
calender storage
certifacte installer
clock 3.0
clock (digital)
color adjustment
communication notifications
contacts storage
dialer storage
exchange services
factory keystring
factory keystring
fused location
google account manager
google bookmarks sync
google contacts sync
google partner setup
google play services
google play store
google services framework
html viewer
input devices
interaction control
key chain
manage accessibilitymedia storage
mobile tracker
mtp application
my files
network location
nfc payment
nfc services
package access helper
package installer
resource manager
security storage
service mode
service mode ril
settings storage
setup wizard
system ui
task manager
tasks provider
usb settings
user dictionary
vodafone services
get Nokia 3310 :silly::silly:
yahyoh said:
get Nokia 3310 :silly::silly:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hehe no thanks
i'm pretty happy with my s4 and the way it works.
i just like it fast, stock and clean...
so i'm not doing it for more free ram, there is enough ram available anyway.

[ZOOPER] Android Auto

Android Auto on Zooper
Android Auto Phone
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Android Auto Home
Android Auto Music
Android Auto Stats
Note 2 - 1280x720
Launcher and Widgets:
Nova Launcher Prime:
-Desktop Grid: 6x5
--Width Margin: None
--Height Margin: None
--Scroll Indicator None
--Resize all widgets: Checked
--Widget Overlap: Checked
--Overlap when placing: Checked
--Enable Dock: Unchecked
-Look and feel:
--Screen Orientation: Auto Rotate (locked on landscape) or Force Landscape
--Show Notification Bar: Unchecked
Zooper Widget Pro
--Landscape Mode (beta): Checked
Main Zooper Widget:
-Android Auto Home: Full Screen on Landscape
--Navigation Icon: Module OnTap to Google Maps (No setup if Maps is installed)
--Phone Icon: Module OnTap to 2 Popup widgets: Android Auto Phone and Simple Dialer Widget
--Home Icon: Module OnTap to Google Now widget (No setup if Google Search/Now is installed)
--Music Icon: Module OnTap to Android Auto Music Popup widget
--Stats Icon: Module OnTap to Android Auto Stats Popup widget
Popup Widget 2
- Create Popup widgets for Android Auto Phone, Music and Stats Zooper Widgets:
--Set title accordingly
--Auto Close: Uncheck
--Close by touch: Checked
--Animation: Fade In
--Customized position: Checked
--Input position: x: 0, y: 0
--Duration: 200
--Reflection Effect: Unchecked
--Fit in Screen: Unchecked
--Width: 1280
--Height: 600
-Simple Dialer Widget
--Input position: x: 130, y: 100
--Width: 980
--Height: 510
--The rest as above
-Google Now Widget:
--Input position: x: 0, y: 90
--Width: 1280 (Ideally, the width should be less, for the sake of consistency and looks, but I simply get more info from the cards when in full width)
--Height: 535
--The rest as above
Adjust according to your device and/or preferences.
Simple Dialer Widget
-Main Background Color: White with Transparency (Sorry, I don't remember the exact color value and unfortunately I can't check for it once the widget is finished)
-Text Color: Black
-Show Dialer Tab: Unchecked
-Show Call Log Tab: Unchecked
Adjust according to your preferences.
Media Utilities
-Application Integration:
--General Broadcast
-Experimental features: All checked
Google Now Widget
Module OnTap Apps:
-Google Voice Search (Mic Icon)
-Google Maps (Navigation Icon)
-Google People/Contacts (Phone screen Menu Icon)
-Google Play Music (Music Screen Menu Icon)
-Google Now (Home Screen Icon)
Note about the Android Auto Stats Widget:
-I'm going to leave the three rectangles Module OnTap to Zooper configuration so you can adjust yours accordingly, as my setup is specific to my phone/account.
-My choice/suggestion:
--First rectangle is linked to a Contact Shortcut which happens to be a Road Assistance company that I subscribe to.
--Second is linked to a Google Drive shortcut (a Sheet I've setup with Oil change and Service info - It takes a while to load though)
--Third is linked to a Tasker shorcut that simply displays my cars next MOT test date.
-Possible lag.
--On Zooper's account maybe too many Module OnTaps and the Background bitmaps.
--Media Utilities Cover Art and overall function?
--Maybe too many Popup widgets?
I don't know but bitmaps and Cover Art are partly responsible.
-Battery icon shows as full when at 10% level.
-I'm not entirely happy with Media Utilities and Simple Dialer Widget. They haven't been updated for 6 months and 1 year respectively.
Possible Improvements:
-Reduce lag.
-Fix battery icon.
-Dock Icons to change from grey to colored when pressed instead of being always colored.
Credit to Socko'Pack for his Cell and Battery Iconset.
Dedicated to the obsessive compulsive's everywhere
Nice work. Pls edit your img links like this:
[img]Android Auto Phone[/img]
CopKiller76 said:
Nice work. Pls edit your img links like this:
[img]Android Auto Phone[/img]
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've pasted your code but it won't show.
Sry my fault. It should look like this:
[URL=http://i.imgur.com/FKgPzMo.png]Android Auto Phone[/URL]
Ok, I know the pictures can be shown in a web browser (Chrome) but not in Tapatalk.
How do i fix that?
BTW, Socko'Pack has fixed his battery iconset.
You can grab it here:
Great Idea!
Just a FYI, a few of us have been actively trying to develop stuff for this Android Head Unit.
This would be a great fit for an overlay on the device. I think some users took a look at this post. (Because I linked it on there) and are struggling to make it fit due to the resolution difference. Unfortunately.
Just wanted to let you know.
usafle said:
Just a FYI, a few of us have been actively trying to develop stuff for this Android Head Unit.
This would be a great fit for an overlay on the device. I think some users took a look at this post. (Because I linked it on there) and are struggling to make it fit due to the resolution difference. Unfortunately.
Just wanted to let you know.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check out the one I made for KLWP.
Free on the Play Store:

[Asus memo pad 7] ME176C / ME176CX Battery life improvements

Alright, after tweaking for the last 10 days I found the perfect battery life setup.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The big thing that eats up battery are the background processes. I found that app "Recently" by Chainfire and CF Lumen eat up my battery in the background - 5-10% overnight (8 hours sleep);
Multiling Keyboard
NoFrills CPU Control
Fing - Network Tools
FX Key
FX Root Access
GPS Status
Khan Academy
List My Apps
MX Player
My Boy!
My Study Life
MyScript Calculator
Office Lens
Remote Desktop
Rotation Control
SD Maid
SD Maid Pro - Unlocker
Street View
Titanium Backup
Videoder Beta
Wifi Analyzer
WiFi Automatic
XDA Labs
List made using List My Apps
Frozen Apps:
Asus Services
Asus ZenUI Services
Asus_Air_Status 5.0-WW_K013-
Google Backup Transport 5.0.1-1602158
Google Contacts Sync 5.0.1-1602158
Deleted apps: Almost everything with Asus in its name except (these are NOT deleted):
Asus System VebView
Auto-start Manager
digital media service
File Manager
Fota Service
Input Devices
power saver
power statistics
setup wizard
task manager
update launcher
Disabled Services (using any app, like DisableService):
Asus_air_Status -> AirStatusService
Google Backup Transport -> BackupTransportService
This is the better battery stats view:
I used it for twitch streams, youtube videos and some facebook along with web browsing (web browsing is max 30 minutes);

How to delete 2nd account from Google Play Store on Fire HD 10?

I added a 2nd Google account to my (rooted) Fire HD 10 via Gmail, and added it to Google Play Store.
Now, I want to delete this 2nd account, and cannot find a way to do it, since there is not the Android "Users and Accounts". There is also no "Remove" option under devices in account management.
I tried deleted cache and data from Google Play Store and Google Play Services. Did not work.
All suggestions welcome! Thanks.
sam10000 said:
I added a 2nd Google account to my (rooted) Fire HD 10 via Gmail, and added it to Google Play Store.
Now, I want to delete this 2nd account, and cannot find a way to do it, since there is not the Android "Users and Accounts". There is also no "Remove" option under devices in account management.
I tried deleted cache and data from Google Play Store and Google Play Services. Did not work.
All suggestions welcome! Thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Removing [deactivating] a second account is most easily accomplished via the Google Accounts Security tab. Login to the account in question (via web browser), navigate to the link shown below then select/delete the device in question.
Davey126 said:
Removing [deactivating] a second account is most easily accomplished via the Google Accounts Security tab. Login to the account in question (via web browser), navigate to the link shown below then select/delete the device in question.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
After removing the HD 10 under Google Accounts Security for the (2nd) account concerned, it remains in Google Play. Without a normal Android "Users & Accounts", it seems impossible to easily delete it.
I wonder if "Google Account Manager" can somehow be used to accomplish the deletion.
sam10000 said:
After removing the HD 10 under Google Accounts Security for the (2nd) account concerned, it remains in Google Play. Without a normal Android "Users & Accounts", it seems impossible to easily delete it.
I wonder if "Google Account Manager" can somehow be used to accomplish the deletion.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Google Play will remember every device you have linked for several years (not sure of the current time interval). You can hide devices by unticking "show in menus" under the gear icon in the web interface for Google Play. Might take a few hours and reboots for the change to propogate to all associated gizmos. A most annoying characteristic which becomes an even larger headache for developers and device testers.
uninstall / remove
Google Account Manager (Google Login Service)
Google Services Framework
reboot, and re-install.
You can open "Android Accounts" via Activity Launcher (de.szalkowski.activitylauncher)
But it's not working.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
You have a Google Contacts Sync app installed in your Fire HD 10

