HTC for K3 Note - K3 Note General

Everything About the ROM
All HTC apps
HTC Gallery
HTC File Manager
HTC Launcher
Xposed Pre Installed
Adaway Module
Youtube Adaway
Titanium Backup Pro
ES File Explorer Pro
Contacts FC
You can use third party app

Where's the link??


System App Remover doesn't work

I have rooted my Desire and install System App Remover but I can't move any system app what is the problem?
Want to move Facebook, Twitter and similar and little bit more...but I can't
Got stock ROM 2.2 Froyo...unlocked
And i have Titanium backup (but not Pro) and I have tried with this app but i can't find options to remove apps
You need S-Off.
Thank you very much...
root explorer
Try root explorer and delete the apk's directly (or if you are not sure what you are doing just moove them to another folder) remember to do a back-up before
You could also try my app Install Manager which features a system app removal solution for both S-OFF and S-ON users.


Im using FroyoBread v13 and i want to delete the stock launcher, i mean Launcher Pro, i downloaded Go Launcher set it to default launcher but i can't delete Launcher Pro (OI File Manager).
OI file manager is not a root app. Get yourself super manager or ES file manager (in case of the latter you'll need to set options for root directories first).
I deleted with the Titanium Backup
BTW, to not make another thread: Should i use a task killer ?
I dont think u should use task killer...use fast reboot from market..its more better than task killer for terminate apps..

P8lite useful rooted apps?

Anyone can recommend me any rooted apps for p8lite? Tried using Wi-Fi killer but i get loop error ;/
Sent from my ALE-L21 using XDA Free mobile app
Google search:
AdAway (remove advertising)
Google Market:
Titanium backup root (remove bloatware, ...and yes backup single app & data)
Busybox (shell tools)
OT google market:
floatyfy (notification; goodby emui allowed notification, welcome all gmail...)
Here on XDA:
CM file explorer (root exploring need busybox, after busibox install, in settings you can chose root access)
The most useful app for me, is Root Explorer.
It allows you to browse the entire phone without any problem, can mount internal partitions with read/write premissions, so you can modify your system as you wish.
You can even delete stock applications. For me, the Titanium Backup usually fails to delete the system apps, stuck at Removing..., so on. With this, it's just as simple as delete a folder.*
You have to pay some money for it, but I can assure you, that it'll worth it.
And of course, the two mentioned above.
*I have to warn you, you should always make a backup of the app, before deleting it, easier if you don't delete, but move it somewhere on your SD Card
For me must have is : Root Explorer , Busybox , ViPER FX
Do you know Preferences Manager? It's a tool to manage apps preferences with ease, even if you couldn't through UI.
For instance, you can set Huawei Home for auto rotation, if you like.
Rom Toolbox
(bought pro version)
Total Commander (with available plugins the best root explorer if u enable it)
SD Maid
(bought pro version)
Signal to replace the standard messaging app.
It's end-to-end encryption and free, recommended by Marc Snowden. WhatsApp is crap and not free. Threema has the same functions, but again, Signal is free.
Telegram to send and recieve files (if you don't mind the cloud)
Soma for free calls, video calls and pretty secure messaging
I'm just seeing none of these are rooted apps. They're still useful
Here is one:
3c Toolbox (Pro Version)
This app gave me the most details about my system, it's well worth the money.
ES File Explorer Is the best File Explorer app I have ever used, and it is ad free,
Root Call Blocker
Kernel Toolkit
Drive Droid
Pimp My Rom
Xposed Toolkit

Fix icons green background issue caused by xposed (or any other UI app)

sorry for bad english.
first go to playstore and
download the launcher of your preference
(recommend nova or apex)
install the launcher
download Es File Explorer
on Es File, go to apps page, backup launcher apk,
uninstall launcher
go to system/app
backup HwLauncher6.apk and HwLauncher6.odex
and remove
go to your backup folder, and copy/cut
the downloaded launcher apk
paste it in system/app
rename it to HwLauncher6
now the launcher icon would look like the
default huawei launcher
exit Es File
now your downloaded launcher would be your
default system launcher
(the system thinks thats the default huawei launcher)
huawei themes still work (unless you have xposed resource hook active)
icon packs work too
if any problem or question just ask in comments.
this is no longer a problem on the latest xposed
it is, if you want to use theming modules or any other module that use resource hooks

What are your favorite Magisk/LSPosed modules & Rooted apps?

Could you share your favorite root modules and apps for Note 20 Ultra? These are the ones I use:
YouTube Vanced
SD Maid
Solid Explorer
Font Manager

