[GUIDE] EFS Partitions: What They Are And How To Get It Back If Lost - ONE General

Hello. My name is Poise, and I'm a victim of EFS Corruption.
I know, laugh it up.
Anyways, you're either here because you don't know what the EFS is and you wanna know, you ruined your EFS and you're looking for redemption, or you just wanna see me ramble. Whichever the case, I figured I'd write this so nobody else has to deal with the looming fear of your 300 dollar phone with infamously-bad customer support becoming a worthless, barely functioning phone, if not a big 300 dollar brick.
Before I go on, I wanna mention that this guide applies for most if not all phones, not necessarily just the OPO. So if anyone is losing their mind over a corrupted or lost EFS partition, this should get them on the right track to at least understanding the problem.
EFS stands for Encrypted File System. Imagine the EFS as a big folder containing all of the important stuff that makes the "phone" part of your phone (i.e. what lets you communicate from one person with a phone to another) tick. It contains your IMEI, lots of files revolving around your SIM card and Wifi/Bluetooth (this includes your MAC address for all the radios of your phone), and lots of other things that should never ever under any circumstance be deleted or touched. It's sensitive, it's devastatingly important, and it's a huge pain. If you lose your EFS folder, you lose pretty much any chance of your phone being able to use data, Wifi, Bluetooth, and (in my case) your phone will just not wanna respond and reboot quite a lot.
So, like all nice and important things that we have on Android, we can back this folder up, assuming you're rooted and with a custom recovery (though quite frankly if you're not rooted/installing ROMs I have zero idea how you'd corrupt your EFS). I'd recommend doing it through a nandroid backup (TWRP usually has the option to backup EFS, if not there's an unofficial version for bacon that can), but there are other apps that do the job quite nicely. Backing up your EFS is just as essential as backing up your previous ROM; in fact, backing up your EFS is MILES MORE ESSENTIAL because you can just flash a ROM over a corrupted system to get it working. There is no "flashable EFS"; if it were that easy, it wouldn't be so sensitive, and I wouldn't be writing this guide.
Do it anyways.
I installed a ROM, realized my gapps package was screwed up, restored a CM13 backup, and realized my SIM card wasn't being detected. My phone would lag like hell, and after a while it'd just crash and reboot. I had no IMEI, I had no SIM card detection. I knew exactly what it meant. It wasn't fun to restore it.
If ROM installations were perfect, we wouldn't really have to backup anything. But, sometimes a hiccup will occur, something will touch something else that it shouldn't, and chaos ensues. So, if you don't wanna take 4 hours out of your day to hope to Christ that you didn't royally ruin your phone and the restoring method worked, just back it up. It's like, 3MB and it'll save so much frustration. Honestly.
Congrats, you did it! Don't feel too bad, it happens to the best of us. :crying:
Fixing an EFS on the Oneplus One is pretty easy, but really time consuming and riveting because it might not 100% of the time work. You'll need the following:
Some sort of ADB/fastboot program. I use Minimal ADB and Fastboot, which rarely has any problems, but you can use whatever as long as it'll talk to your device.
Your near-dead Oneplus One.
A few hours of your time.
Some sort of backup of your data, you'll be factory resetting.
OxygenOS. Preferrably, a package that can be flashed in TWRP. I won't find that for you.
An unlocked bootloader. I cannot stress how important this is. If you don't know what this is, do some research before trying to fix your ruined EFS. Again, how you'd have even ruined it with a locked bootloader is beyond me...
TWRP Yes, it has to be this version; this is the only one that can install firmware correctly. The unofficial modified might be able to, but I'm not about to try it.
Competence and good reading skills. Do everything exactly as I wrote it.
Some knowledge on how flashing a ROM works.
A modified persist.img file that we'll be flashing. You can find it in this thread. Download the Never Settle package and take out the persist.img file; we don't care about the rest. Whether this is mandatory or not, I don't know, but I used it and it worked fine so I'll include it. If anyone tries this without the persist file and it works, let me know. Thanks a ton to markbensze for making this, he saved my skin.
Now for how it's done:
To start, we gotta put your phone into fastboot mode. Do this by holding the power button and the up volume button as you're turning your phone on. You'll know it worked when the phone very dimly says "Fastboot Mode".
Plug your phone into your computer. Let it do any driver stuff it has to, then open your ADB/Fastboot program. Type "fastboot devices", if you see a bunch of letters/numbers with the word "fastboot" a few spaces away, you're set.
Seriously, if your bootloader isn't unlocked, you gotta do that. This will wipe EVERTHING from your phone, including any backups. I won't cover that mess, there's trillions of guides for that.
Type the following commands:
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot erase persist
This erases a bunch of partitions that have to do with the EFS. They all regenerate themselves, but as an added precaution we're gonna flash that persist.img you got from the thread in the "what you need" list. In order to do this, enter the following command:
fastboot flash persist [location to your persist.img on your computer]
If all goes well, you'll get a handy success message and you can get out of fastboot mode by holding down the power button until it turns off.
Now, reboot to recovery; do this by holding the power button and holding the down volume button as you turn your phone on, until you see the TWRP splash screen.
How you do this next step is up to you; you can use the built-in MTP to transfer the Oxygen OS file over from your computer to your phone, or you can use ADB sideload. If you don't know how sideload works, just transfer it over.
Factory reset as you would installing a normal ROM, and flash Oxygen OS through the install menu/sideload/however you wanna. Let it fully install.
Reboot. Let it boot, pray to the EFS gods that they'll give you their blessing, and check if your SIM card gets detected.
If it did, congradulations! Your EFS is working. Now, go make a backup while you can.

Very glad that you made a guide about it. I didn't f*** up my phone though, but I truly got the importance of backing up the EFS. Also, got to know about it a bit more.

I have a feeling this is going to come in handy with my project OPO... good stuff man thanks

It worked. After I did this I kept getting boot Loops what was progress on this phone. I did the factory reset in recovery. Let it bootloop some more. Went back to recovery and fixed selinux permissions. Boot Loops again, went back to recovery wipe the dalvik. now it freaking works.

First off, great guide.
But after following this, despite having my IMEI shown previously, my baseband and my imei are now gone. I was told to use this guide to try and fix my data connection problems as it seemed something was wrong with my EFS partition, but it seems following this has left me worse off.
Any suggestions to what else I could do?

Is there a stock oxygen OS file kicking around somewhere? I tried searching for them, but most are modified by other people. One of them hardbricked my phone (the ported Oneplus X oxygen os), so I'd rather not further experiment with other modified ones. I used another OxygenOs file, but despite booting, it didn't fix the baseband or IMEI problem.
I tried doing this but using stock CM13.1.2 instead of OxygenOS, but it didn't fix the problem either. So any other suggestions?
Edit: Nvm, found the official from the OnePlus website, I'm an idiot, going to try doing this with Oxygen to see what happens.

FAILED (remote: Partition flashing is not allowed)
OnePlus 3t with TWRP BlueSpark 3.2.1 recovery.
I am open to flash Roms with TWRP with no problem but I am not able to flash persist.zip (TWRP version) it says it flash but folder doesn't appear and your instructions via fast boot I get the following error.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot flash persist c:\android\persist.zip
target reported max download size of 435159040 bytes
sending 'persist' (344 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.036s]
writing 'persist'...
FAILED (remote: Partition flashing is not allowed) <------ Problem here or or is my partition on my phone messed up?
finished. total time: 0.057s
I any suggestions for fixing my WiFi/Bluetooth problem?

Fastboot commands not working, ADB way of doing it?
PlayingPoise said:
Hello. My name is Poise, and I'm a victim of EFS Corruption.
I know, laugh it up.
Anyways, you're either here because you don't know what the EFS is and you wanna know, you ruined your EFS and you're looking for redemption, or you just wanna see me ramble. Whichever the case, I figured I'd write this so nobody else has to deal with the looming fear of your 300 dollar phone with infamously-bad customer support becoming a worthless, barely functioning phone, if not a big 300 dollar brick.
Before I go on, I wanna mention that this guide applies for most if not all phones, not necessarily just the OPO. So if anyone is losing their mind over a corrupted or lost EFS partition, this should get them on the right track to at least understanding the problem.
EFS stands for Encrypted File System. Imagine the EFS as a big folder containing all of the important stuff that makes the "phone" part of your phone (i.e. what lets you communicate from one person with a phone to another) tick. It contains your IMEI, lots of files revolving around your SIM card and Wifi/Bluetooth (this includes your MAC address for all the radios of your phone), and lots of other things that should never ever under any circumstance be deleted or touched. It's sensitive, it's devastatingly important, and it's a huge pain. If you lose your EFS folder, you lose pretty much any chance of your phone being able to use data, Wifi, Bluetooth, and (in my case) your phone will just not wanna respond and reboot quite a lot.
So, like all nice and important things that we have on Android, we can back this folder up, assuming you're rooted and with a custom recovery (though quite frankly if you're not rooted/installing ROMs I have zero idea how you'd corrupt your EFS). I'd recommend doing it through a nandroid backup (TWRP usually has the option to backup EFS, if not there's an unofficial version for bacon that can), but there are other apps that do the job quite nicely. Backing up your EFS is just as essential as backing up your previous ROM; in fact, backing up your EFS is MILES MORE ESSENTIAL because you can just flash a ROM over a corrupted system to get it working. There is no "flashable EFS"; if it were that easy, it wouldn't be so sensitive, and I wouldn't be writing this guide.
Do it anyways.
I installed a ROM, realized my gapps package was screwed up, restored a CM13 backup, and realized my SIM card wasn't being detected. My phone would lag like hell, and after a while it'd just crash and reboot. I had no IMEI, I had no SIM card detection. I knew exactly what it meant. It wasn't fun to restore it.
If ROM installations were perfect, we wouldn't really have to backup anything. But, sometimes a hiccup will occur, something will touch something else that it shouldn't, and chaos ensues. So, if you don't wanna take 4 hours out of your day to hope to Christ that you didn't royally ruin your phone and the restoring method worked, just back it up. It's like, 3MB and it'll save so much frustration. Honestly.
Congrats, you did it! Don't feel too bad, it happens to the best of us. :crying:
Fixing an EFS on the Oneplus One is pretty easy, but really time consuming and riveting because it might not 100% of the time work. You'll need the following:
Some sort of ADB/fastboot program. I use Minimal ADB and Fastboot, which rarely has any problems, but you can use whatever as long as it'll talk to your device.
Your near-dead Oneplus One.
A few hours of your time.
Some sort of backup of your data, you'll be factory resetting.
OxygenOS. Preferrably, a package that can be flashed in TWRP. I won't find that for you.
An unlocked bootloader. I cannot stress how important this is. If you don't know what this is, do some research before trying to fix your ruined EFS. Again, how you'd have even ruined it with a locked bootloader is beyond me...
TWRP Yes, it has to be this version; this is the only one that can install firmware correctly. The unofficial modified might be able to, but I'm not about to try it.
Competence and good reading skills. Do everything exactly as I wrote it.
Some knowledge on how flashing a ROM works.
A modified persist.img file that we'll be flashing. You can find it in this thread. Download the Never Settle package and take out the persist.img file; we don't care about the rest. Whether this is mandatory or not, I don't know, but I used it and it worked fine so I'll include it. If anyone tries this without the persist file and it works, let me know. Thanks a ton to markbensze for making this, he saved my skin.
Now for how it's done:
To start, we gotta put your phone into fastboot mode. Do this by holding the power button and the up volume button as you're turning your phone on. You'll know it worked when the phone very dimly says "Fastboot Mode".
Plug your phone into your computer. Let it do any driver stuff it has to, then open your ADB/Fastboot program. Type "fastboot devices", if you see a bunch of letters/numbers with the word "fastboot" a few spaces away, you're set.
Seriously, if your bootloader isn't unlocked, you gotta do that. This will wipe EVERTHING from your phone, including any backups. I won't cover that mess, there's trillions of guides for that.
Type the following commands:
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot erase persist
This erases a bunch of partitions that have to do with the EFS. They all regenerate themselves, but as an added precaution we're gonna flash that persist.img you got from the thread in the "what you need" list. In order to do this, enter the following command:
fastboot flash persist [location to your persist.img on your computer]
If all goes well, you'll get a handy success message and you can get out of fastboot mode by holding down the power button until it turns off.
Now, reboot to recovery; do this by holding the power button and holding the down volume button as you turn your phone on, until you see the TWRP splash screen.
How you do this next step is up to you; you can use the built-in MTP to transfer the Oxygen OS file over from your computer to your phone, or you can use ADB sideload. If you don't know how sideload works, just transfer it over.
Factory reset as you would installing a normal ROM, and flash Oxygen OS through the install menu/sideload/however you wanna. Let it fully install.
Reboot. Let it boot, pray to the EFS gods that they'll give you their blessing, and check if your SIM card gets detected.
If it did, congradulations! Your EFS is working. Now, go make a backup while you can.
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Is there a way to replicate your 3 fastboot commands, using ADB? My bootloader is unlocked and running the latest TWRP recovery 3.2.2
My results via fastboot
fastboot erase modemst1
erasing 'modemst1'...
FAILED (remote: Partition flashing is not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.024s

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 phone with a broken logic board. I need to replace, but I may need to change the IMEI of the replacement board with my old phone's IMEI if I buy the replacement board from China.
Does the IMEI number pass to the other phone if I restore my Twrp backup which contains all partitions (more specifically the EFS partition), over this motherboard? Does it solve my problem.

Any chance to get an upload of the file needed??

Same EFS partition over time ? after updating Android ?
Thx a lot, this has saved me a lot of troubles ^^
Was just wondering, is the EFS partition always the same over time ? modemst1 & modemst2 files are the same for all Android/OxygenOS version ?
I've backed up mine under OxygenOS 3.2.8 and I was wondering if i could still use it to restore the EFS partition if anything goes wrong ?
PS : Sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language ^^
---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------
crenshaw1979 said:
Is there a way to replicate your 3 fastboot commands, using ADB? My bootloader is unlocked and running the latest TWRP recovery 3.2.2
My results via fastboot
fastboot erase modemst1
erasing 'modemst1'...
FAILED (remote: Partition flashing is not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.024s
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You can find how to do it on this thread : https://www.theandroidsoul.com/fix-...d-wifibluetooth-issues-restoring-twrp-backup/

EFS / Modem backup option gone?
hey there :]
I want to backup my phone. In TWRP I had the option to backup EFS and modem partitions. I decided to upgrade TWRP, since my version (3.2.x) was older than the most recent (3.4). After flashing the .img from inside TWRP, everything function as expected... however, the option to backup EFS and Modem is gone.
I downgraded to older version of TWRP, but TWRP still does not show the option for EFS and modem backups.
recovery.log, that was created when I made the TWRP backup lists "Unable to locate '/modem_st1' partition for backup calculations."
What did I do wrong? Does bacon require some extra step to unlock EFS and modem access for TWRP?

Does this method work with lgv60 snapdragon 865 unlocked bootloader ?

Whenever I get a new device , on day number one I always backup my efs partitions.. I use termux app from my device and type:
su (push enter)
Then I type these in one by one in termux and grab the two files off my device's sdcard and upload them to a cloud and transfer them both to my PC and/or a thumb drive.
dd if=/dev/block/sdf2 of=/sdcard/modemst1.bin bs=2048
(push enter)
dd if=/dev/block/sdf3 of=/sdcard/modemst2.bin bs=2048
If ever I lose my IMEI these can be fastboot flashed back and restored that way. This info I first came across over on Funk Wizard's XDA guide thread for OnePlus 6t. Works great. Only thing is now I'm a retired crack flasher so my days/years of installing everything available for my device are most definitely over and that's how I always lost mine back in the Nexus days... During an installation of only God knows what back then. Still much better to be safe than sorry and have an expensive paper weight for a phone if ever something does happen.


[Q] Slate 7 Extreme root,flash question

Hi, I am a happy owner of the HP Slate 7 Extreme which is basically the same device as you guys are using.I am still on the 4.2 Jelly bean since HP are not pushing over the air updates with our devices.I want to use the script from the development forum "[Script] [Utility] Nvidia Tegra Note 7 Kitkat Unlock BL, Restore, Recovery, & Root", I want to know if anyone has tried to use it with the Slate Extreme or if it simply should work on the Jelly Bean aswell. Thanks guys.
still have freeze/hang issue..
mofared said:
still have freeze/hang issue..
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What about the 4.3+ ?
crazyhacker202 said:
What about the 4.3+ ?
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i have not test that yet but i believe it should work because i have tested the 4.4.2 and 4.2.2 evga ROM from here using the cwm install from sdcard method..
The only thing that puzzles me now is i am unable to perform a system recovery from HP update.zip using cwm.
So right now i am stuck with 4.2.2 evga ROM all is good and functional.
I have read some post that by updating OTA fix issue in 4.4 but i have no idea on how to get the OTA update.
p/s: This is my first tablet and root attempt...
i found out that rootjunky has already released the 4.4.2 with 2.3 OTA i will give it a try and feedback later
mofared said:
i have not test that yet but i believe it should work because i have tested the 4.4.2 and 4.2.2 evga ROM from here using the cwm install from sdcard method..
The only thing that puzzles me now is i am unable to perform a system recovery from HP update.zip using cwm.
So right now i am stuck with 4.2.2 evga ROM all is good and functional.
I have read some post that by updating OTA fix issue in 4.4 but i have no idea on how to get the OTA update.
p/s: This is my first tablet and root attempt...
i found out that rootjunky has already released the 4.4.2 with 2.3 OTA i will give it a try and feedback later
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First, nope, you'll still get freezing. I've tried all the ROMs.
Second, If you want to go back to HP's recovery, do the following:
Create a copy of update.zip and navigate to META-INF\com\google\android and open up updater-script
Delete the first three lines.
Transfer your new update.zip to your device and flash. Allow it to re-write the recovery partition.
Copy the original update.zip to a SD card and insert it into the device.
Now go to the HP recovery partition that now exists on your device and follow HP's restore instructions.
You're done, the stock 4.2.2 that came with your device is now installed.
Had to figure this out the hard way after I lost my original backup.
To the original poster, you can get it to work, but you need to make modifications to the script's fastboot commands (they will require "fastboot -i 0x03F0" before they will do anything) and you will need to setup your machine for ADB with the Slate 7 Extreme. It won't work out of the box, you can find support for that here: http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Android-Tablets-e-g-HP-Slate-7/ADB-drivers/td-p/2574571
There was an individual who has received the 4.4.2 update from HP on his Slate Extreme over at the HP forums. I believe he stated he received 20 units donated directly from HP and was wondering why only 1 of them received the update. I believe the reason stated is that he most likely received a non-retail unit by accident. Not sure if he ever dumped the ROM or even knows how. I don't know either otherwise I'd try to contact him to get him to do so.
Re-write recovery partition?
Robo_Leader said:
First, nope, you'll still get freezing. I've tried all the ROMs.
Second, If you want to go back to HP's recovery, do the following:
Create a copy of update.zip and navigate to META-INF\com\google\android and open up updater-script
Delete the first three lines.
Transfer your new update.zip to your device and flash. Allow it to re-write the recovery partition.
Copy the original update.zip to a SD card and insert it into the device.
Now go to the HP recovery partition that now exists on your device and follow HP's restore instructions.
You're done, the stock 4.2.2 that came with your device is now installed.
Had to figure this out the hard way after I lost my original backup.
To the original poster, you can get it to work, but you need to make modifications to the script's fastboot commands (they will require "fastboot -i 0x03F0" before they will do anything) and you will need to setup your machine for ADB with the Slate 7 Extreme. It won't work out of the box, you can find support for that here: http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Android-Tablets-e-g-HP-Slate-7/ADB-drivers/td-p/2574571
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I did flash the modified update.zip but CWM doesn't give me the option to re-write the recovery partition. I go straight to "Install from sdcard complete". How is that re-write done?
*Update* All done - Had to select NO to questions on reboot (Replace recovery and root). Thanks so much - back to stock 4.2.2
Belmichel said:
I did flash the modified update.zip but CWM doesn't give me the option to re-write the recovery partition. I go straight to "Install from sdcard complete". How is that re-write done?
*Update* All done - Had to select NO to questions on reboot (Replace recovery and root). Thanks so much - back to stock 4.2.2
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See my HP Slate 7 Extreme Root post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2850893
What am I supposed to open updater-script with?
---------- Post added at 03:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 AM ----------
Robo_Leader said:
First, nope, you'll still get freezing. I've tried all the ROMs.
Second, If you want to go back to HP's recovery, do the following:
Create a copy of update.zip and navigate to META-INF\com\google\android and open up updater-script
Delete the first three lines.
Transfer your new update.zip to your device and flash. Allow it to re-write the recovery partition.
Copy the original update.zip to a SD card and insert it into the device.
Now go to the HP recovery partition that now exists on your device and follow HP's restore instructions.
You're done, the stock 4.2.2 that came with your device is now installed.
Had to figure this out the hard way after I lost my original backup.
To the original poster, you can get it to work, but you need to make modifications to the script's fastboot commands (they will require "fastboot -i 0x03F0" before they will do anything) and you will need to setup your machine for ADB with the Slate 7 Extreme. It won't work out of the box, you can find support for that here: http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Android-Tablets-e-g-HP-Slate-7/ADB-drivers/td-p/2574571
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---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 AM ----------
I downloaded a script editor and deleted the first three lines of updater script but it still fails to flash.
Finally success!
Robo_Leader said:
First, nope, you'll still get freezing. I've tried all the ROMs.
Second, If you want to go back to HP's recovery, do the following:
Create a copy of update.zip and navigate to META-INF\com\google\android and open up updater-script
Delete the first three lines.
Transfer your new update.zip to your device and flash. Allow it to re-write the recovery partition.
Copy the original update.zip to a SD card and insert it into the device.
Now go to the HP recovery partition that now exists on your device and follow HP's restore instructions.
You're done, the stock 4.2.2 that came with your device is now installed.
Had to figure this out the hard way after I lost my original backup.
To the original poster, you can get it to work, but you need to make modifications to the script's fastboot commands (they will require "fastboot -i 0x03F0" before they will do anything) and you will need to setup your machine for ADB with the Slate 7 Extreme. It won't work out of the box, you can find support for that here: http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Android-Tablets-e-g-HP-Slate-7/ADB-drivers/td-p/2574571
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I have the 4450 extreme and one the things that was a little different- is that I had put the update zip on the sd card prior and it did the update on its own... WEIRD but acceptable! rooted and on 4.4.2- thanks man!
I didn't have any luck doing it this way. I ended up getting there by a slightly different avenue.
My s7e was totally non functional beyong fastboot and recovery mode being operational. I ended up downloading tegratools 2.2. Using the fastboot included in that I unlocked my boot loader with fastboot by the command
fastboot -i 0x03F0 oem unlock
(The '-i 0x03F0' is a code relating to the specific model, apparently without this the tablet will ignore your command. Please also remember that the unlock factory resets the tablet.)
It may be overboard again, but I also formatted all the system partitions
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase boot
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase system
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase userdata
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase cache
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase preinstall
fastboot -i 0x03F0 reboot
I uploaded cwm recovery from the above version of tegratools to my s7e as it seems a bit more forgiving with signatures than the stock recovery. I used that to upload a version of update.zip with the "assert" lines removed from META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script. I also self signed the .zip to reduce the likelyhood of my upload being rejected by the tablet, it may not be needed, but I did it anyway.
adb sideload slate7update-signed.zip
when completing the firmware flash, apparently there is a common problem of the kernel not flashing correctly when recovery takes place and giving an "Error 7", this is the problem I think you solved by re-writing the unmodified firmware (but that didn't work for me)
Anyway I had to fix it by dropping back to fastboot and flashing it to "staging", which puts the kernel in a placeholder until the next boot, at which point the kernel will be written to the correct spot. Because of this writing to the correct partition, you will notice a quick double-boot as the updated kernel is written to the correct point in firmware.
fastboot -i 0x03F0 flash staging "c:\fastboot-s7e\blob"
I hope this helps.
Oh and to those curious, the beats version appears incompatible with the standard s7e, I tried modifying a rom in the same way as above and it just went to a blank screen. My guess is they've done some form of sanity check in the kernel, given that every "beats" version I've read about in tablets has been a software-only modification. I've not bothered trying to use the beats version rom with the s7e kernel, I'll leave that for someone else to try in greater depth as I'm just happy that I got everything working again.
Fastboot (previously this): This is a copy of the twrp/cwm roms as well as fastboot & adb taken from tegratools 2.2 mentioned above.
SignApk (Previously this): The java files and self signing certificate I used to sign the .zip file. It was actually a bit of a pain to find a working signapk.jar that had the valid certificates included, most were broken in one way or another when trying to sign on ubuntu 12.04.
slate7update-signed.zip (previously this): A signed copy of update.zip with META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script modified to remove the assert validation lines sanity checks, be careful with this, you could nuke your tablet if you use it on an incompatible bit of hardware.
guide.txt (previously this): A full how-to with a number of things I've omitted from this response.
To those wondering, I collated the above procedure from a dozen different links on a good four or five websites, including a number of threads here on XDA. Thank you to anyone out there that contributed to the information I found, you really made my day so much better in being able to recover my tablet.
It Worked! But...
mike-s said:
I didn't have any luck doing it this way. I ended up getting there by a slightly different avenue.
My s7e was totally non functional beyong fastboot and recovery mode being operational. I ended up downloading tegratools 2.2. Using the fastboot included in that I unlocked my boot loader with fastboot by the command
fastboot -i 0x03F0 oem unlock
(The '-i 0x03F0' is a code relating to the specific model, apparently without this the tablet will ignore your command. Please also remember that the unlock factory resets the tablet.)
It may be overboard again, but I also formatted all the system partitions
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase boot
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase system
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase userdata
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase cache
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase preinstall
fastboot -i 0x03F0 reboot
I uploaded cwm recovery from the above version of tegratools to my s7e as it seems a bit more forgiving with signatures than the stock recovery. I used that to upload a version of update.zip with the "assert" lines removed from META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script. I also self signed the .zip to reduce the likelyhood of my upload being rejected by the tablet, it may not be needed, but I did it anyway.
adb sideload slate7update-signed.zip
when completing the firmware flash, apparently there is a common problem of the kernel not flashing correctly when recovery takes place and giving an "Error 7", this is the problem I think you solved by re-writing the unmodified firmware (but that didn't work for me)
Anyway I had to fix it by dropping back to fastboot and flashing it to "staging", which puts the kernel in a placeholder until the next boot, at which point the kernel will be written to the correct spot. Because of this writing to the correct partition, you will notice a quick double-boot as the updated kernel is written to the correct point in firmware.
fastboot -i 0x03F0 flash staging "c:\fastboot-s7e\blob"
I hope this helps.
Oh and to those curious, the beats version appears incompatible with the standard s7e, I tried modifying a rom in the same way as above and it just went to a blank screen. My guess is they've done some form of sanity check in the kernel, given that every "beats" version I've read about in tablets has been a software-only modification. I've not bothered trying to use the beats version rom with the s7e kernel, I'll leave that for someone else to try in greater depth as I'm just happy that I got everything working again.
Fastboot: This is a copy of the twrp/cwm roms as well as fastboot & adb taken from tegratools 2.2 mentioned above.
SignApk: The java files and self signing certificate I used to sign the .zip file. It was actually a bit of a pain to find a working signapk.jar that had the valid certificates included, most were broken in one way or another when trying to sign on ubuntu 12.04.
slate7update-signed.zip: A signed copy of update.zip with META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script modified to remove the assert validation lines sanity checks, be careful with this, you could nuke your tablet if you use it on an incompatible bit of hardware.
guide.txt: A full how-to with a number of things I've omitted from this response.
To those wondering, I collated the above procedure from a dozen different links on a good four or five websites, including a number of threads here on XDA. Thank you to anyone out there that contributed to the information I found, you really made my day so much better in being able to recover my tablet.
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I was able to unlock my bootloader using the above method and it worked. My s7e rebooted and everything was working normally. I loaded the bootloader again to go in and do a cache wipe and my 3 year old bumped into me as I was holding down the volume+ and power buttons. Now I'm stuck in ADX mode (black screen but recognized by my pc, have tried connecting to charger, volume+ and power, volume - and power, nothing works) . I've read that Advent has released adx files for the Vega Note 7 and you can use Tegra Note 7 Super Tools to restore the Nvidia Note 7. I'm wondering if I can use the update.zip file and the nvflash files from Nvidia to restore my tablet from ADX mode.
Any suggestions?
Mike-S, Thanks for the in depth how-to. I tried to sell my Extreme 4450 and the guy that I sold it to said when he received it was in boot loop. I got it back and it is indeed the one I sent him, however, now I have a bricked tab that doesn't even allow fastboot. I have, like others tried calling HP, tried installing per you instruction and finally considered just throwing away or selling. I almost seems like the recovery was wiped... I can get to uploading from SD and have tried using your info to accomplish with no success. Any suggestions? I hate to smash it or try and sell if I can fix it.
Thank you in advance for anyone's help
som1special2 said:
however, now I have a bricked tab that doesn't even allow fastboot. I have, like others tried calling HP, tried installing per you instruction and finally considered just throwing away or selling.
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Damn, I'm sorry to say that I'm unsure if i'll be able to help much or at all. All i can suggest is look and see if there is any pre-boot subsystem that connects to your pc via usb, similar to the mediatek "preboot mt65xx" which can sort of provide a last gasp chance of recovery.
help with ROM
Hi there,
Need desperate help. I followed the instructions here but ended up with no OS in the s7e. I kept on trying to install a signed ROM via ADB, it reaches 100% senidng but always failed inside TWRP. Not succesful even with CWM. I even tried installing from SD card but no success. Please help, thank you.
Anyone still around here?
Mike S ... not sure you (or anyone else) is paying any attention to this thread anymore (and the HP Slate 7 Extreme at this point is a fairly old device) ... but I can't get any of these methods to work and my S7E (model 4450) is basically useless right now. When cold (i.e. not booted up in prior 30mins or so), I can boot it normally, but within about 10mins, it will "crash" to the all-white HP splash screen and will never recover. Holding the power button just has it go through initial startup, get to the white HP splash screen, and sit there until the battery runs down. I haven't been able to root it yet, so the bootloader still shows "locked". What's ironic is that this device is really all I need -- I don't play high-end games and mostly just stream shows -- but now it's completely unusable. I'm not sure which is easier ... trying to get this to root or just buying something else?
So far, to root, I've tried towelroot and Cydia Impactor, but both of those returned errors as others have reported. I tried following the steps that Mike S put up here, but without my tablet being rooted, adb and fastboot don't even detect my device from the PC (though the PC detects it because I'm able to see it in Windows Explorer and drag files to the storage) ... so it seems like I can't even get to install CWM or anything further.
Maybe the right thing to do is just to dump the paperweight ... it used to work so well but about 6 months ago this stupid HP white screen crash started happening, and since then it's become a regular thing that only takes about 10 mins (at most) before it craps out. I can get to the bootloader and onboard recovery mode, but that doesn't let me load anything.
Not sure where to go next but any advice would be appreciated!
MGrad92 said:
Mike S ... not sure you (or anyone else) is paying any attention to this thread anymore (and the HP Slate 7 Extreme at this point is a fairly old device) ... but I can't get any of these methods to work and my S7E (model 4450) is basically useless right now. When cold (i.e. not booted up in prior 30mins or so), I can boot it normally, but within about 10mins, it will "crash" to the all-white HP splash screen and will never recover. Holding the power button just has it go through initial startup, get to the white HP splash screen, and sit there until the battery runs down. I haven't been able to root it yet, so the bootloader still shows "locked". What's ironic is that this device is really all I need -- I don't play high-end games and mostly just stream shows -- but now it's completely unusable. I'm not sure which is easier ... trying to get this to root or just buying something else?
So far, to root, I've tried towelroot and Cydia Impactor, but both of those returned errors as others have reported. I tried following the steps that Mike S put up here, but without my tablet being rooted, adb and fastboot don't even detect my device from the PC (though the PC detects it because I'm able to see it in Windows Explorer and drag files to the storage) ... so it seems like I can't even get to install CWM or anything further.
Maybe the right thing to do is just to dump the paperweight ... it used to work so well but about 6 months ago this stupid HP white screen crash started happening, and since then it's become a regular thing that only takes about 10 mins (at most) before it craps out. I can get to the bootloader and onboard recovery mode, but that doesn't let me load anything.
Not sure where to go next but any advice would be appreciated!
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Get your device drivers right (try androidsdk if it's still not getting recognised) and fastboot the stock system images (fastboot is not root dependent). By the way why were you trying those weird rooting methods ??? Just flash supersu from cwm/twrp and be done with it.
Thanks ... I'll try androidsdk. I actually am a root n00b and so I was trying to figure out the simplest way to go. I guess I guessed wrong! But of course before I can get that working I need the right drivers ... So I'll try that first. I was thinking the drivers were OK since my PC recognized the S7E when Android loaded (before it crashed to the white screen).
Couldn't get androidsdk to work
Hello again... I never could get androidsdk to work. My computer never recognized the tablet to be able to fastboot. *sigh* As much as I hate to give up, I don't know what else to do.... I might try another PC?
Looking for update.zip for S7E
mike-s said:
I didn't have any luck doing it this way. I ended up getting there by a slightly different avenue.
My s7e was totally non functional beyong fastboot and recovery mode being operational. I ended up downloading tegratools 2.2. Using the fastboot included in that I unlocked my boot loader with fastboot by the command
fastboot -i 0x03F0 oem unlock
(The '-i 0x03F0' is a code relating to the specific model, apparently without this the tablet will ignore your command. Please also remember that the unlock factory resets the tablet.)
It may be overboard again, but I also formatted all the system partitions
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase boot
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase system
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase userdata
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase cache
fastboot -i 0x03F0 erase preinstall
fastboot -i 0x03F0 reboot
I uploaded cwm recovery from the above version of tegratools to my s7e as it seems a bit more forgiving with signatures than the stock recovery. I used that to upload a version of update.zip with the "assert" lines removed from META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script. I also self signed the .zip to reduce the likelyhood of my upload being rejected by the tablet, it may not be needed, but I did it anyway.
adb sideload slate7update-signed.zip
when completing the firmware flash, apparently there is a common problem of the kernel not flashing correctly when recovery takes place and giving an "Error 7", this is the problem I think you solved by re-writing the unmodified firmware (but that didn't work for me)
Anyway I had to fix it by dropping back to fastboot and flashing it to "staging", which puts the kernel in a placeholder until the next boot, at which point the kernel will be written to the correct spot. Because of this writing to the correct partition, you will notice a quick double-boot as the updated kernel is written to the correct point in firmware.
fastboot -i 0x03F0 flash staging "c:\fastboot-s7e\blob"
I hope this helps.
Oh and to those curious, the beats version appears incompatible with the standard s7e, I tried modifying a rom in the same way as above and it just went to a blank screen. My guess is they've done some form of sanity check in the kernel, given that every "beats" version I've read about in tablets has been a software-only modification. I've not bothered trying to use the beats version rom with the s7e kernel, I'll leave that for someone else to try in greater depth as I'm just happy that I got everything working again.
Fastboot: This is a copy of the twrp/cwm roms as well as fastboot & adb taken from tegratools 2.2 mentioned above.
SignApk: The java files and self signing certificate I used to sign the .zip file. It was actually a bit of a pain to find a working signapk.jar that had the valid certificates included, most were broken in one way or another when trying to sign on ubuntu 12.04.
slate7update-signed.zip: A signed copy of update.zip with META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script modified to remove the assert validation lines sanity checks, be careful with this, you could nuke your tablet if you use it on an incompatible bit of hardware.
guide.txt: A full how-to with a number of things I've omitted from this response.
To those wondering, I collated the above procedure from a dozen different links on a good four or five websites, including a number of threads here on XDA. Thank you to anyone out there that contributed to the information I found, you really made my day so much better in being able to recover my tablet.
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Hey Mike, you wouldn't still happen to have that signed update.zip since you've don't have it on Dropbox anymore?

Videotron LG G2 Nightmare

I would like to thank this wonderful community for all the help I have gotten over the years, I think this should be my first post.
For technical details of all I have done and learned on recovering the damn phone, skip to below the line, the rest is more of an introduction + some history.
In the past I have had a Canadian (BELL) Samsung Galaxy S2.5 as I like to call it. Specs similar to the S3 but not quite.
That was fairly easy to root thanks to odin.
Anyways, I have an LG G2 that I inherited from my brother, so I have some emotional attachment given he passed away 2 years ago (Age 36)... Reason why it is critical that I fix it.
I feel it's a great phone with excellent specs, with some flaws.
Hardware wise, this phone's digitizer seems to fail after a few years and stops registering touches.
Failed on my brother after 8 months, he got it replaced by videotron.
8 months after my ownership, same issue. I replaced the screen, which is a pain.
I dropped it a year later and broke the screen, replaced again.
Replaced the battery twice (First replacement battery was DOA) and... The internals of this phone are a pain to work with... to my limited experience at least.
The get to the point line as stated above.
I wanted to flash my 4 year old never reinstalled phone, give it new life.
Researched a bit everywhere, verified in the phone what version it is, even most google results tell me this and the replacement screen is all the same.
it's a D801
After some work and research being clueless about working with this model, I finally installed
Started with getting Dev powers by spamming a specific key, setting usb debugging...
Using some application manager.
From autorec, I installed the twrp and... fastboot... had no idea what that was.
Here I learned how to recover my phone.
This guy... super helpful.
Youtube link removed to post
So in short Download all the necessary drivers to get the android device detected.
Download those
codefi re link removed
I erased and flashed so often now that I scripted it in a batch file
Notepad, save as (not as text) flash****.bat or whatever you want to call it.
fastboot erase boot
fastboot erase aboot
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot erase laf
fastboot erase dbi
fastboot erase modem
fastboot erase persist
fastboot erase PrimaryGPT
fastboot erase rpm
fastboot erase stl1
fastboot erase tz
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash aboot aboot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash laf laf.img
fastboot flash dbi dbi.img
fastboot flash modem modem.img
fastboot flash persist persist.img
fastboot flash PrimaryGPT PrimaryGPT.img
fastboot flash rpm rpm.img
fastboot flash stl1 stl1.img
fastboot flash tz tz.img
Originally, I only did boot aboot recovery and iaf
After that, my phone rebooted to the LG logo and stuck, but the Download mode is working again.
At that point I did flash a twrp recovery and was able to run it using the command abd reboot recovery
I pushed different roms, but no matter what I do, always back to fastboot.
Found this video later on, originally found a thread here but for the life of me I can't find it anymore (too much history) (How to recover with LG Tools the original kdz
youtube link removed
Now... I could not find the correct firmware
I used this
T-Mobile KitKat D80120A_00
IT worked, my phone restarted as it was before my adventures, but under a tmobile d801
Here I am happy, I get the proper D803_AutoRec.apk
Install the recovery again...
Now I really broke my phone.
Retried the steps above of flashing aboot and so on...
Refuses to work.
So I figured, hey, I recovered it under D801 tmobile... I probably broke it with the D803 recovery.
Back to the download site, made another folder and downloaded all the D801 img's
Ran my script (well that's when I created it from being sick of typing it)
Now I boot Tmobile but it's stuck to All Auto Test - FTM Mode
SUrprisingly on wifi,, shows missed calls and picking up exchange emails...
When I try to Flash as I have before under download, it fails.
SO hey, it found a 300MB tmobile update... why the hell not at this point.
Can anyone link me the proper software I can try to recover the LG Tools ?
csmgdl link removed
csmgdl link removed
Don't seem to work
Did I mess it up beyond repair ?
Any recommendations ?
I am hoping for one of the following
If I get tmobile OS working
Retry the D801_AutoRec.apk given it matches the tmobile recovery that somewhat works and then attempt the original goal of setting up CloudyFlex_2.8, CloudyStock_2.7 or cm-12-20150325-UNOFFICIAL-d803
Pretty sure up there, most of those wont work, I just want a working twrp
All I want is this phone wiped with a clean efficient rom to use as a reliable daily.
All I do is phone, text, exchange, camera, some apps... nothing too fancy.
I am off to sleep
Whatever I do, I can't get out of All Auto Test = FTM Mode
Reboot, hold volume up
Up and down
Power up
Power down
Power vol up and down...
Always to all auto test.
Swipe down, get to options, general, do a full factory rest...
Same thing. Grr
Okay dude, take it slow. There's only one way to correctly root/install recovery on this device - that seems to work for everyone.
Tell me if this works. Plug a usb cable from the phone into your PC. Shutdown the phone holding power, release power, hold up. Keep shutting it down and doing this again until you get into "Download Mode". Tell me if you manage this.
Turbine1991 said:
Okay dude, take it slow. There's only one way to correctly root/install recovery on this device - that seems to work for everyone.
Tell me if this works. Plug a usb cable from the phone into your PC. Shutdown the phone holding power, release power, hold up. Keep shutting it down and doing this again until you get into "Download Mode". Tell me if you manage this.
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I have gone to download mode before to recover an oem image.
Now, I can't get to download mode after trying a number of times.
Ill give it another go tonight. Yesterday I got tired from the research, trial and error.
Thanks for your reply
With a calm mind, I fixed my issue.
Press and hold power + Vol up and tap normal boot.
Didn't understand that at first.
Now let's see if I will break it again.
Still unsure if I should root it using D801_AutoRec.apk or D803_AutoRec.apk
Reason why I hate this phone.
Videotron LG G2 writes that it's a D801 but I read in other sources that it's a D803.
Now however, it's been restored to a Tmobile Firmware...
Okay, take it really slow. I've just completely rooted, put a custom recovery on and am now on Android N. There's many things which can go wrong - requiring you to restart the process.
Treat it as a D801, as the T-Mobile firmware booted. AutoRec does not root the device. Are you on KitKat or Jellybean? If you're on KitKat, do the following.
You must use IORoot to root the device - it does it in such a way it'll accept custom recoveries.
(You already have the phone's USB drivers obviously)
1) Download IORoot V25 from here.
2) Extract the file.
3) We need to unlock USB debugging, so make sure the phone is not connected to the pc. Settings -> About -> Software -> Tap on "Build" like 8 times fast. Go back into settings and you'll see "Developer Options", tick USB debugging. Now if your device freezes up like mine did when tapping build, then download an app which lets you go directly to developer options.
4) Hook the phone up to the PC, make sure it's not in lock screen.
5) Double click "root.bat" normally (not as admin). Keep going through this process until it brings you to the stock recovery area where you can flash over ADB.
6) It'll walk you through the process where it boots back into Android.
7) Open SuperSU, which it installed.
8) In the settings somewhere, make the grant always accept rather than prompt. My device was bugged not allowing root unless it was forcefully granted like this.
AutoRec - Recovery Install
1) Copy the contents "bumpboot-v1.0-blastagator-signed.zip" and "busybox.apk" and "flashify.apk" onto your device. Download here.
2) Download TWRP for T-Mobile from here, extract recovery.img and copy that onto your device.
3) Copy AutoRec KitKat for T-Mobile here.
4) So you should now have "D801_AutoRec.apk", "recovery.img", "busybox.apk", "flashify.apk", "bumpboot-v1.0-blastagator-signed.zip" on your phone.
5) Proceed to install "AutoRec.apk", ticking unknown sources. Let it boot into recovery. Now reboot.
6) As my recovery didn't stick, install and open "busybox.apk", click install in the program itself. Install and open "flashify.apk", flash recovery, browse using flashify to the location of "recovery.img", let it reboot into recovery. This is where I had to flash "bumpboot-v1.0-blastagator-signed.zip", otherwise I couldn't boot into the OS. So flash that file.
7) Reboot back into the OS. Until we flash lollipop, there wasn't any other way for me to reliably get into TWRP recovery without repeating step 6.
8) Copy over the Bootstack and Stock Rom from here. Don't worry about SuperSU or anything else.
9) Repeat step 6 to boot back into recovery.
10) Wipe everything except internal memory in TWRP.
11) Flash the lollipop bootloader.
12) Flash the lollipop stock rom.
13) Reboot.
14) Now you're able to get back into recovery any time by holding the power + volume down combo, releasing when the screen goes on - and holding it down again.
15) Feel free to flash LineageOS 14.1 or anything afterwards. Make sure to backup your EFS partition at some stage before this - just incase you can't connect to cell towers in the near future.
As you can see, I had to improvise a bit. No guide was good enough to just work in 2017 for my D800. These should work fine for your D801.
Thank you so much for such an amazing and detailed response !!!
After quite a bit more research and work, I got it rooted and got TWRP working.
Once done I uploaded cloudyflex 2.8
Installed it and of course, me being me, chose the wrong install when prompted. It asked Tmobile, other and Canadian 803.
I chose Canadian and after that got back to fast boot.
After that I simply erased boot, aboot and laf, getting ready to restart from scratch but it rebooted on a clean cloudyflex 2.8.
At this point, the phone is running better then stock and I am very happy with it
Your walkthrough is great and I will certainly redo my phone soon again.
For one, practice makes perfect and I certainly like that with your instructions, I will be able to call on the recovery when I want it instead of asking my way into it by adb command.
Thank you again for your time
This community rocks !
Feel free to thumb me. I also have a request for you, I'll PM.

Stuck in fastboot loop-HELP!

I was in the middle of a restore in twrp and the phone shut off in the middle of the restore (while restoring recovery), and had such, my android system will no longer boot, nor can I get into recovery. It simply goes into fastboot mode and that's all. Is there a way to flash twrp (Archlinux?) using fastboot/adb?
Thank you in advance!
533y4 said:
I was in the middle of a restore in twrp and the phone shut off in the middle of the restore (while restoring recovery), and had such, my android system will no longer boot, nor can I get into recovery. It simply goes into fastboot mode and that's all. Is there a way to flash twrp (Archlinux?) using fastboot/adb?
Thank you in advance!
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Depends on what variant you have. If its a dirtysanta one while in fastboot do
fastboot flash recovery (twrpimgnamehere).img
and it will install the twrp image you have downloaded. If you are on TMO you need to revert to stock using a KDZ and then re root.
Fastboot commands aren't working on the H918? My model... -_-
What's the difference between recowvery and dirtysanta?
OK. So let me ask this then. If fastboot commands don't seem to do much on the H918, then how does one go about backing up the internal storage before being formatted? Is there like a dd command to copy everything over? Or will the phone still attach storage to the PC when attached, even in fastboot?
In other words, how can I backup my internal storage before reseting to stock?
533y4 said:
Fastboot commands aren't working on the H918? My model... -_-
What's the difference between recowvery and dirtysanta?
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The difference between recowvery and dirtysanta is multiple things. One thing is the fact that recovery goes after the recovery directly and dirtysanta replaces the bootloader itself. IF you use dirtysanta on a H918 you WILL BRICK. non recoverable. Dirtysantas boatloader is a debug bootloader that has full access to the phone. H918 bootloader only has limited commands available.
The other difference is how the methods goes about actually doing everything. Jcadduonos recowvery attacks recovery uses scripts to start a factory recovery installer/updater but makes it install a temp root instead of a recovery then the device has access to fully install a twrp image. Dirtysanta skips that and attacks the bootloader directly by replacing a higher level function of the phone temporarily that has access to the phones bootloader(for some unknown reason) and replaces it with the debug one. Once the debug one is in the device is able to be rooted like any other device with an unlocked bootloader since it has full access.
533y4 said:
OK. So let me ask this then. If fastboot commands don't seem to do much on the H918, then how does one go about backing up the internal storage before being formatted? Is there like a dd command to copy everything over? Or will the phone still attach storage to the PC when attached, even in fastboot?
In other words, how can I backup my internal storage before reseting to stock?
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You don't. you can copy everything manually but If you backup the data partition(which has your internal storage inside) it will not be usable on the device after you root. If you do manage to back it up then restore it afterward since the device itself is normally encrypted and is now decrypted the settings and stuff will cause crashes and force closes.
me2151 said:
The difference between recowvery and dirtysanta is multiple things. One thing is the fact that recovery goes after the recovery directly and dirtysanta replaces the bootloader itself. IF you use dirtysanta on a H918 you WILL BRICK. non recoverable. Dirtysantas boatloader is a debug bootloader that has full access to the phone. H918 bootloader only has limited commands available.
The other difference is how the methods goes about actually doing everything. Jcadduonos recowvery attacks recovery uses scripts to start a factory recovery installer/updater but makes it install a temp root instead of a recovery then the device has access to fully install a twrp image. Dirtysanta skips that and attacks the bootloader directly by replacing a higher level function of the phone temporarily that has access to the phones bootloader(for some unknown reason) and replaces it with the debug one. Once the debug one is in the device is able to be rooted like any other device with an unlocked bootloader since it has full access.
You don't. you can copy everything manually but If you backup the data partition(which has your internal storage inside) it will not be usable on the device after you root. If you do manage to back it up then restore it afterward since the device itself is normally encrypted and is now decrypted the settings and stuff will cause crashes and force closes.
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Very interesting how different the two are and how they work. Very interesting indeed.
As for the data partition, mine is already decrypted as is (was rooted already and tried to install a cm rom to test; ended up glitches during restore). But I have no intentions on restoring an backups. I simply want my photos, saves, books, etc off the actual internal SD storage (not my external SD card, obviously).
My question here I guess is, will the internal storage mount while in fastboot mode the same as if the phone was on normal (adds a new drive (win)/mtp link (unix))?
I just want to copy and paste all the files off the internal storage on to my unix desktop. Then format the whole phone and start fresh again.
I have tried to access the SD card while in fastboot mode. Absolutely nothing I do can make the PC see the internal storage on my V20. I have some files for my job on my internal SD card (NOT my external SD card, but the actual built in storage), that I absolutely, positively cannot afford to loose. These files are for my job. If I loose these files, I will loose my job.
Please, can someone tell me how to access the SD card in fastboot mode? It's really really important.
If anyone, at all, has any clue or any ideas on how to access the internal storage or how to restore my v20 without a full reset, then please please please help. Hell, I'll even be willing to donate some money to whoever can figure this out for me. Seriously, it's really that important that I get my files off the internal storage.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
P.s. I have access to Windows and Linux computers.
533y4 said:
I have tried to access the SD card while in fastboot mode. Absolutely nothing I do can make the PC see the internal storage on my V20. I have some files for my job on my internal SD card (NOT my external SD card, but the actual built in storage), that I absolutely, positively cannot afford to loose. These files are for my job. If I loose these files, I will loose my job.
Please, can someone tell me how to access the SD card in fastboot mode? It's really really important.
If anyone, at all, has any clue or any ideas on how to access the internal storage or how to restore my v20 without a full reset, then please please please help. Hell, I'll even be willing to donate some money to whoever can figure this out for me. Seriously, it's really that important that I get my files off the internal storage.
Thanks to anyone who can help.
P.s. I have access to Windows and Linux computers.
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can you let it boot up and will it just hang on the lg logo or is it rebooting into fastboot?
really my only advice would be try letting it hang on lg logo and see if adb is present, furthermore you can get a adb always moded boot.img and push that to the phone using fastboot then see if adb is a option.
If so you can do the adb commands to pull the userdata portion off the device the same way the system dumps are done i believe, but the sad fact is its probably all currupted anyway from your restore you were trying.
The other option is push recovery again to device, and then try a dirty flash of the stock rom, in hopes it can get the system partition back up and running,
furthermore, worst case wipe all and flash the rom, once its back up and running, download diskdigger from playstore and see if it can recovery the deleted stuff, or try the phonedoctor program for windows that runs against your internals and trys to recocvery stuff..
The biggest question is why were you flashing your device without saving stuff thats "soooo important and can cost you your job" ? seems like a oversight on your part really, and a lesson learned. Backup work stuff always, and dont play with roms during work days lol, not to be mean but really, why risk your job and lively hood over some unsaved stuff?
I did actually have a back up on my S6, which I dropped and broke a mere hour before this. So it's not at all an oversight. There were backups in place. And it won't boot at all or I'd had been able to get adb Atleast. ADB won't see the v20 and I tried to flash recovery using fastboot flash recovery recovery.img command. It says unknown.
How can one going about flashing such a boot.img in the H918? Where can one find such things? I assume you mean a kernel of some sort, right?
I truly appreciate the reply. Has I said, it's not like I didn't have backups. I did. It really is an issue of bad luck. : (
i tried this it worked https://forum.xda-developers.com/v20/help/lg-v20-access-to-fastboot-t3557328
Have you tried power on and volume down to go through the factory reset screens.
A bunch of us had this problem and it was because an update downloaded on it's own and the bootloader snoops it out and forces recovery to boot.
Just do the volume down + power button - as soon as you see the lg logo release power only then immediately re-press power and continue holding power and volume down until the factory reset screen pops up. Select yes and yes, (don't worry - if you have twrp recovery it can't reset). It will boot you into TWRP and I'm pretty sure it will delete the update files in fota folder.
In TWRP select reboot - system and it should boot normally like nothing happened.

Severe Issues after uninstalling Magisk - Motorola XT1926-7 G6 Plus

I will try to be as brief as possible, but explain in detail what happened to my moto g 6 plus XT1926-7.
I was running the stock firmware from the:
Channel from march 27, 2019:
I unlocked the bootloader using the info provided by motorola.
I used a TWRP installer which I found in this website and successfully installed twrp 3.2. I quickly realized that this version did not decrypt the data partition.
No problem, using the boot command in fastboot, I can load TWRP 3.3 which does decrypt the data partition.
I installed magisk V19.2
I then installed 2 magisk modules:
Viper equalizer
Pixel 3 ( something ) which makes the UI a little nicer.
The phone worked with no problems for months until the July OTA "update unsuccessful" nag screen started showing up every 10 seconds.
I read from several sources that an unlocked bootloader phone from motorola won´t take OTA updates. Fine. I lived with it for a couple of weeks until the nagging screen became unbearable.
I decided to unroot, relock the bootloader get the OTA and move on with my life.
I uninstalled magisk from the magisk manager and the phone immediately went into boot loop.
I´ve been using TWRP for years now with several phones, and each time i´ve had a problem, i just restored from the last backup ( which i do at least once a month ) and move on.
This time i used the full twrp backup from a couple of weeks ago, but it didn´t work.
The phone still bootlooped. It either rebooted at the "verity disabled" screen or it went straight into TWRP 3.2
I decided to use the original backup i did several months back when i first installed magisk and it didn´t work either. First time in years that a TWRP backup didn´t work.
I read in several threads on several websites that the only thing left to do was to flash stock rom from motorola in fastboot basically file by file.
So I did it and flashed the original stock rom for my device from the RETLA channel:
The phone booted into android but both IMEI and wifi mac address were gone. So no carrier signal and no wifi.
I read from several threads that a backup from the EFS and persist partitions would solve this, so I tried both backups of these partitions i had, but nothing worked.
fastboot would read the IMEI number with the get vars command, but android would not recognize them.
Then i found a post here from a couple of days ago of a person who had the same problem and by flashing the latest stock rom fixed this.
So i downloaded:
from the RETLA channel and again proceeded to flash via fastboot file by file.
this time android booted and it did load the both IMEIs and the wifi mac address BUT, wifi disconnects every 10 seconds and the carrier signal is worse.
I then tried the lenovo assistant as suggested in another thread in this website and used the flash / recover feature. Same thing happened. android boots but wifi signal is lost every 10 seconds and carrier signal gets cut off at regular intervals and is very weak.
This has rendered my phone basically useless. I had been using a Moto G2 for many years with no problem and i bought this one just a couple of months ago.
I don´t mind flashing the phone again, and i´m good at following step by step procedures.
It would be super cool if someone would point me in the right direction on how to fix this.
Thanks in advance
This is how I managed to fix my Moto G6 plus
I was able to fix my phone so I will reply to my own post:
It took me almost 4 days to fix the phone. It took a lot of reading and MANY hours of trial and error, so I´m going to describe what I did in order to help anybody with the same problem to save themselves a LOT of time.
As it happens, I found out that a lot of people have run into the same problem of bootloops after uninstalling magisk and then even after flashing the stock rom, had no wifi and no carrier signal. Hence, a useless phone.
Prerequisites for this solution:
Be able to boot your phone into bootloader mode.
If you don´t know what bootloader mode is, do your research. It´s very simple to get to it. Just power off your phone and then press the power and volume down buttons simultaneously for a couple for a couple of seconds. How to use it is another matter entirely. Again... do your research.
1. Before disaster strikes... Do not use an installer script to force install TWRP on a phone which has A / B boot slots. If you plan to install Magisk later, do not force instal TWRP. Moto G6 Plus is such a phone. This is written very clearly in the Magisk troubleshoot wiki. I wish I had read this before.
If you want to use TWRP ( and you should ), load TWRP 3.3 or newer temporarily from fastboot with the boot command. It will be able to decrypt your phone´s data. TWRP 3.2 does not.
To decrypt you will need to have a pin or pattern unlock set previously on your phone.
I used a script to force install twrp 3.2 to my phone. It´s useless since it can´t decrypt the phone and it was surely the cause of all this mess.
I´m not blaming TWRP or Magisk. This mess was all my fault. I´ll tell you about it later.
2. I have a TWRP 3.3 full decrypted backup of ALL the partitions of the phone from last week. I always do regular backups. I´ve been using TWRP for years and it has always served me well. This time it didn´t. My bad, not TWRP´s. I flashed the backup to the phone and it kept bootlooping. I flashed the backup about 20 times!
3. If you´re in this mess already because you forced install TWRP and you uninstalled magisk and your phone is bootlooping, you will probably have to wipe your phone and flash the stock ROM appropriate to your model. Trust me, if you´re not an android / linux guru, your only way to get your phone back will be to wipe your phone completely. I realized this the hard way.
Don´t flash the original ROM for the G6 plus ( android 8 ). Use the latest build. It seems motorola took note of so many people having the "no carrier / no wifi signal" problem, so they have included a fix for this in the latest android 9 releases. This has worked for other people, It worked for me. I don´t know for sure if it will work for you.
4. Here´s one important piece of info. For motorola phones it is very important to have a backup of these two partitions:
I´m not 100% percent sure of all the info they have or the entire purpose that they serve, but I now know 1 thing. These two partitions have critical and unique information about your phone.
They provide the unique IMEI info. Wifi Mac address info. Baseband info, which is all the technical carrier signal communications stuff, etc..
How do you back up these partitions? Use a custom recovery like TWRP or similar. If you want to mod your phone, please do your research on the software you are going to install. I usually do it, this time around I just winged it, and look where it got me.
5. Here´s another important piece of information to take note of BEFORE disaster strikes. Write down on a piece of paper and store in a safe place ( a txt file on your pc will do ) the following:
Your phone´s exact model Nº. Mine is:
Go to settings: tap System, tap about phone and write down which software channel you are on.
Mine is: RETLA
This is important because it determines which stock ROM you will need to download, as not all ROMS for this device are the same. The XT1926-7 is a dual SIM phone so NO. Not all versions of the stock rom will work.
6. In order to download the correct stock ROM for your phone, on your computer, go to:
mirrors .lolinet .com /firmware/moto/evert/official/
This website is one of several which offer stock roms for motorola phones. You can use this one or search around for another one.
The website will show you a directory structure of all the different software channels available for the motorola Moto G6 Plus. Choose the folder appropriate for your phone.
Remember mine was the RETLA channel?
These are the only channels which offer stock roms for the XT1926-7
If your phone is factory unlocked you will probably have to use the RETLA versions.
Within the correct folder, look for the latest ROM for your model. Pay close attention to the name of the rom. The first section will indicate what model it´s intended for. For example, in the RETLA folder there´s ROMS for 2 different models:
The correct file for my phone was:
Please do your research and download the right file for your phone. If you´re not careful, it will lead to bigger problems.
Please also download the original factory version of android 8 ( oreo ) made for your phone. you´re gonna need 2 files from that ROM. In my case the file was:
The stock roms are about 2 gigs in size.
6. Next you´ll need to download the right tools to flash the stock rom to your phone.
I´m assuming you have downloaded and installed the latest motorola USB drivers for your computer and installed them. If you haven´t. The time is now.
The internet will tell you to download the Android SDK platform tools. This package will give you fastboot and ADB.
Don´t download it. The "vanilla / run of the mill" version of fastboot won´t help you.
Motorola created a modified version of fastboot for their phones, which flashes a motorola phone in specific ways. It´s called: mfastboot
I saw the procedure differences while running mfastboot in the DOS window. In the end I was able to fix my phone because of the differences which mfastboot offers. You´re gonna have to trust me on this one.
Since the motorola version of fastboot is small in size, i´m going to attach it to this comment. Look for the attached file named:
7. Create a folder on your hard drive. It doesn´t matter how you call it. Just remember where it is. Unzip / decompress the entire contents of the file:
you just downloaded to that folder. it should look like this:
Then unzip / decompress the entire contents of the:
to the same folder. it should look like this:
Now we will need just 2 files from the:
Unzip these two files to the same folder where you have unzipped everything else:
8. It is now time to boot your G6 Plus into bootloader mode. With the phone turned off, press the power and volume down buttons simultaneously for about 5 seconds.
You´ll get a black screen with the android robot laying on its back. At the bottom of the screen you will see a piece of text which reads:
Connect USB Data cable.
Do it. Connect the usb cable to your computer and then connect it to the phone. the connect data cable message will change to a green sentence which reads:
Transfer mode: USB connected
9. On your computer, return to the folder where you placed all the files. Look for a blank space with no files within that folder and press the shift key + mouse right click. out of the context menu you get, select:
open command window here
You will get a black screen with a white prompt.
Now let´s make sure your phone is connected to your computer. In that black window type:
mfastboot devices
The result should be your phones serial number followed by the word fastboot.
If you got nothing or any sort of error it means you phone is not connected properly or some drivers are missing. troubleshoot that and come back when your phone is actually connected.
10. OK... let´s start flashing the files. The following series of commands I copied from another post in this website. I did not come up with this set of commands and I will repeat that i´m no expert. This worked for my particular situation and by no means i can guarantee that it will work with your phone. All I´m saying is that if you´re desperate and at the current moment you have a soft bricked phone, go ahead and try this.
In that black window, start copying these commands 1 by 1. Wait for them to execute and get an OK message from the phone. If you get an error try that command again. to paste the command in the black window ctrl + v does not work. you have to right click your mouse on top of that window and paste the command that way. When you´ve pasted the command, press enter to execute.
These are the commands:
mfastboot getvar max-sparse-size
mfastboot oem fb_mode_set
mfastboot flash partition gpt.bin
mfastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
mfastboot flash modem_a NON-HLOS.bin
mfastboot flash fsg_a fsg.mbn
mfastboot erase modemst1
mfastboot erase modemst2
mfastboot flash bluetooth_a BTFM.bin
mfastboot flash dsp_a dspso.bin
mfastboot flash logo_a logo.bin
mfastboot flash boot_a boot.img
mfastboot flash system_a system.img_sparsechunk.0
mfastboot flash system_a system.img_sparsechunk.1
mfastboot flash system_a system.img_sparsechunk.2
mfastboot flash system_a system.img_sparsechunk.3
mfastboot flash system_a system.img_sparsechunk.4
mfastboot flash system_b system_b.img_sparsechunk.0
mfastboot flash system_b system_b.img_sparsechunk.1
mfastboot flash oem_a oem.img
mfastboot flash oem_b oem_other.img
mfastboot flash vendor_a vendor.img_sparsechunk.0
mfastboot flash vendor_a vendor.img_sparsechunk.1
mfastboot erase carrier
mfastboot erase userdata
mfastboot erase ddr
mfastboot oem fb_mode_clear
press power button on the phone and restart it.
It might take a while to boot, but if and when you see and hear the "hello moto" greeting, it means your phone has been fixed.
You might end up with a restored phone, but no wifi and no carrier signal. Then what you will need to do is to flash the backup of your EFS and Persist partitions using TWRP, and then retry the whole procedure again.
This is the way I fixed my Moto G6 plus.
It wasn´t a perfect fix for me. Since I had forced installed TWRP 3.2 with an installer script, that did something to the boot partition and now even after reflashing the entire phone I don´t have any type of recovery.
No stock recovery of any kind. It´s not a problem since we can boot TWRP temporarily from mfastboot and in bootloader mode just like the procedure we did with the stock rom. All the rest is back to perfect working condition.
I was also able to make a new full phone backup.
I will tell you this, now I know that all this mess is not TWRP´s or Magisk´s fault. They are fine programs. It was my fault due to a lack of research. I shouldn´t have mixed them both in the way I did.
I forced installed TWRP to my phone because it was what I was used to and I didn´t read any instructions for Magisk which I had never used. I come from the SU era.
I hope this wall of text will be of help to anyone going through the same situation with a Moto G6 plus.
Unfortunately nobody replied to my original post so I had to solve this on my own. The good thing is that I did manage to fix it.
I will repeat it one more time. I´m not an android expert. Not by far. I´m not saying this procedure will work for your particular problem. I´m only sharing what worked for me and I hope it will work for you. If it doesn´t. Keep looking and researching.
hello, i have the exact same problem but my stock rom dowes not have any system_b file ( my rom is RETAR) what should i do?
Edit: sorry, i had another update file, pien not oreo. On oreo zip it appears
---------- Post added at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------
Ok, so now i followed your guide exactly as you did it but it doesn't boot. It bootloops
Do you know what's happening?
juampapo546 said:
hello, i have the exact same problem but my stock rom dowes not have any system_b file ( my rom is RETAR) what should i do?
Edit: sorry, i had another update file, pien not oreo. On oreo zip it appears
---------- Post added at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------
Ok, so now i followed your guide exactly as you did it but it doesn't boot. It bootloops
Do you know what's happening?
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Sorry for spamming the thread, i got out of the boorloop by installing again the oreo stock rom (with no imei nor mac). After doing it i did the whole procedure again and it booted but still having the wifi/mobile data resetting. I will redo everything againand if after several times i get to nothing i will post another question here.
Sorry and thank you
Still doesn't work
juampapo546 said:
Still doesn't work
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Do you have a backup of your EFS and Persist partitions from when the phone was in working condition?
You could use those to restore you Emei and wifi mac address and then flash Pie again.
lcmp said:
Do you have a backup of your EFS and Persist partitions from when the phone was in working condition?
You could use those to restore you Emei and wifi mac address and then flash Pie again.
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No, I don't have one. I thought that in this guide I didn't need the backup but apparently there is no solution for now if there is no backup.
Thank you
juampapo546 said:
No, I don't have one. I thought that in this guide I didn't need the backup but apparently there is no solution for now if there is no backup.
Thank you
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Like I said in my post, i´m not an expert. I just posted the procedure which worked for me.
I did have a backup of those partitions and I used them several times and it did not work. Are you using mfastboot instead of regular fastboot?
I would try the procedure several times.
Buena Suerte.
lcmp said:
Like I said in my post, i´m not an expert. I just posted the procedure which worked for me.
I did have a backup of those partitions and I used them several times and it did not work. Are you using mfastboot instead of regular fastboot?
I would try the procedure several times.
Buena Suerte.
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I tried it several times but as I said previously there is no point doing it with no backup ( not my words, I talked to a guy that develops most of the g6 Plus roms and told me for now there is no solution without the backup, it was over the Spanish telegram group. I highly recommend it, if you want to join talk to me at the PM because I can't share social network on posts)
Thank you for your advise, if I am able to solve it I will let you know
lcmp said:
Like I said in my post, i´m not an expert. I just posted the procedure which worked for me.
I did have a backup of those partitions and I used them several times and it did not work. Are you using mfastboot instead of regular fastboot?
I would try the procedure several times.
Buena Suerte.
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I screwed up my efs/persist and didn't have a backup (a few months ago).
So can I please have a copy of the backed up efs and persist partitions? I should be able to go through and replace any ids (mac address and imei) with my own. If I figure it out, I'll write a guide on it too .
I have the same device model as you (XT1926-7 RETLA).
I've also been looking at this (https://forum.xda-developers.com/razr-i/development/pds-partition-fix-risky-faint-heart-t2813292) which is for a different problem with a different phone where someone posted their pds/persist partition, but it looks like the data in those partitions are just stored plainly in binary.
stevendoesstuffs said:
I screwed up my efs/persist and didn't have a backup (a few months ago).
So can I please have a copy of the backed up efs and persist partitions? I should be able to go through and replace any ids (mac address and imei) with my own. If I figure it out, I'll write a guide on it too .
I have the same device model as you (XT1926-7 RETLA).
I've also been looking at this (https://forum.xda-developers.com/razr-i/development/pds-partition-fix-risky-faint-heart-t2813292) which is for a different problem with a different phone where someone posted their pds/persist partition, but it looks like the data in those partitions are just stored plainly in binary.
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Well yes, but actually no. You can't use another's device efs/persist because these files can only be read by the device that created them
However I found a magisk module that fixes several persist issues. It is called PIXELARITY
However I found a magisk module that fixes several persist issues. It is called PIXELARITY
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Does this actually fix the persist issues permanently? Or does it just work around them while it is installed? I am in the same boat as others without a proper backup of efs/persist. If it fixes anything I will be happy.
Also, how are you getting the Magisk module installed? I have no wifi or cell service so the Magisk app can't download the module. Tried just downloading the module repo .zip file and manually installing from that, but magisk is not recognizing it as a valid module. I almost never install Magisk at all let alone modules, so I am a bit in the dark on the general procedures.
Edit: Wound up getting it installed with a USB ethernet dongle to get some form of connection. But the PIXELARITY mod did absolutely nothing in my case. Flashed stock and I have IMEI and Wifi MAC Address back, but they are now both cutting out in the same way as yours. The Magisk module did nothing there either.
I forgot to post it, for mi actually it just partially worked ( permanent). I said partially because I lost my IMEI.
I am now trying to use the efs that doesn't have an IMEI to patch it up with mine and maybe make it "universal" and share it to other people and they just patch their IMEI.
However it is quite complicated and I am not having a really advanced progress on this.
---------- Post added at 12:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ----------
I have just seen the edit.
What worked for me I believe it was a chance and I can't recall exactly what I did before it "workerd", I did a lot of things, as I believe you also did.
I would try following the guide up here and installing the module, maybe that's what I did.
Fixed the signal drop with no backups here the link

soliciting support

soliciting support, sorry for long post
never had to ask for help, rooted/cm/lineage/degoogled fdroid since 2012, linux user since 2005, salvaged many different devices for many people over the years using the knowledge base on xda. always been able to solve the problems by reading the forums. right now life is smacking me, and i just dont trust myself to find and recognize the info i need.
been running rooted los on op6 for 1.5 years. att kicked me off the network(volte)(twice, second time after playing the imei game and having volte), bought a used op6t a6013 fajita, figured the phone was so similar itd be easy to transfer. but life fried my brain.
op6t was running oos 10.3.12 when i received it. i fastboot installed twrp 3.5.2 img and installer, magisk 23, rebooted to oos. all good, root, recovery solid with oos 10.3.12
then wrecked my process.
went back into recovery, flashed oos flashable 10.3.5 (a downgrade) twrp 3.5.2, rebooted to recovery. flashed oos 10.3.5, realized i should be using mauronofrios twrp, flashed mauronofrio 3.4.0-11 fajita. rebooted to recovery, flashed oos 10.3.5 and mauronofrios 3.4xxx again. to get it on both slots. then did the same, los 18.1, mauronofrios twrp, on both slots, flashing magisk 23 after the second.
ended up with a soft brick, bootlooping lineageos recovery, which i never installed. phone was not readable in adb or fastboot by my linux box. messed around with virtualbox for awhile, but was unable to easily get it going with windows 10 for msmtools to restore stock. probably because im close to braindead.
decided to do a factory reset in lineage recovery before posting here and continuing with virtualbox config. factory reset, reboot system, what! lineage os 18.1 boots! linux adb and fastboot reads op6t when its in appropriate mode in lineage recovery!
i can now boot stock fastboot from advanced reboot lineage menu, but not with hardware buttons. although ive never been good with that, so its probably just me, i must have tried at least 100 times with op6t today. i can boot to lineageos recovery from advanced reboot.
currently running los 18.1 august 19 nightly, los recovery, on i dont know which slots with i dont know what firmware. terrified to do anything at all. maybe i should just be upgrading to 11. please help. i thought i was capable with the terminal. happy to post any outputs. goal is to run los, twrp and magisk.
on the level, xda has helped me save so many peoples phones over the years, keep them running and out of the landfill, keep them from having to buy a new one. this place is amazing. i never could afford to kick out the cash, but i figured i was doing my part by helping people learn, getting them into linux and cm/lineage, salvaging hardware for people who couldnt afford it.
a great big thanks for all yalls work, the devs especially but the users too. the person at this keyboard has read the words of hundreds of users about at least 20 different devices. an amazing place ;-)
live.edge.biped said:
soliciting support, sorry for long post
never had to ask for help, rooted/cm/lineage/degoogled fdroid since 2012, linux user since 2005, salvaged many different devices for many people over the years using the knowledge base on xda. always been able to solve the problems by reading the forums. right now life is smacking me, and i just dont trust myself to find and recognize the info i need.
been running rooted los on op6 for 1.5 years. att kicked me off the network(volte)(twice, second time after playing the imei game and having volte), bought a used op6t a6013 fajita, figured the phone was so similar itd be easy to transfer. but life fried my brain.
op6t was running oos 10.3.12 when i received it. i fastboot installed twrp 3.5.2 img and installer, magisk 23, rebooted to oos. all good, root, recovery solid with oos 10.3.12
then wrecked my process.
went back into recovery, flashed oos flashable 10.3.5 (a downgrade) twrp 3.5.2, rebooted to recovery. flashed oos 10.3.5, realized i should be using mauronofrios twrp, flashed mauronofrio 3.4.0-11 fajita. rebooted to recovery, flashed oos 10.3.5 and mauronofrios 3.4xxx again. to get it on both slots. then did the same, los 18.1, mauronofrios twrp, on both slots, flashing magisk 23 after the second.
ended up with a soft brick, bootlooping lineageos recovery, which i never installed. phone was not readable in adb or fastboot by my linux box. messed around with virtualbox for awhile, but was unable to easily get it going with windows 10 for msmtools to restore stock. probably because im close to braindead.
decided to do a factory reset in lineage recovery before posting here and continuing with virtualbox config. factory reset, reboot system, what! lineage os 18.1 boots! linux adb and fastboot reads op6t when its in appropriate mode in lineage recovery!
i can now boot stock fastboot from advanced reboot lineage menu, but not with hardware buttons. although ive never been good with that, so its probably just me, i must have tried at least 100 times with op6t today. i can boot to lineageos recovery from advanced reboot.
currently running los 18.1 august 19 nightly, los recovery, on i dont know which slots with i dont know what firmware. terrified to do anything at all. maybe i should just be upgrading to 11. please help. i thought i was capable with the terminal. happy to post any outputs. goal is to run los, twrp and magisk.
on the level, xda has helped me save so many peoples phones over the years, keep them running and out of the landfill, keep them from having to buy a new one. this place is amazing. i never could afford to kick out the cash, but i figured i was doing my part by helping people learn, getting them into linux and cm/lineage, salvaging hardware for people who couldnt afford it.
a great big thanks for all yalls work, the devs especially but the users too. the person at this keyboard has read the words of hundreds of users about at least 20 different devices. an amazing place ;-)
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I somehow bricked my op6t, but managed to recover it with this steps, which i will paste here, these aren't mine, copied to a txt file then here i will help you mate. After this process, you must restore IMEI, and AFTER THIS WHEN YOU WILL LOAD ANY OTHER OOS IT WILL APPEAR A MESSAGE: "INVALID NV's...."
Also i must specify that i had MODEM_A&B, MODEMST1&2 BACKED UP, I RESTORED THEM BUT THE "INVALID NV's...." persisted..... Good luck!
"The only solution is to use smt mode inside msmdownloadtool, which will restore persist partition, but with some disadvantages.
Be aware that you WILL LOSE YOUR IMEIs and WIDEVINE L1, use it at your own risk.
If you decide to do it (remember you WILL LOSE YOUR IMEIs and WIDEVINE L1!) follow this:
1.- Run MSMDownloadTool.
2.- Click on Verify and wait till it says "MD5 Check OK!".
3.- Then click on SMT Mode.
4.- Then click on Start like you would normally do with upgrade mode.
5.- The you need to enter as password "te123" and select your phone's capacity.
6.- If it says something like "Port disabled by user", go to the top left corner and click on "SMT", "COM Setup" and check everything, then click on the left button, and retry steps 4-5.
7.- When the process finishes the phone won't reboot, so you'll need to hold VolumeUP+Power until it powers on, then wait around 5 minutes and your phone will be back to life!!
8.- If you have an IMEI backup, just follow this guide (https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-6t/how-to/guide-oneplus-6t-unlock-bootloader-t3851789) (I don't know if this is the correct way to post links)
I hope you get your phone fixed.
Restoring an EFS Backup?
If by chance you end up with a corrupt EFS partition all you need to do is flash the files back to your device using fastboot.
Boot into fastboot mode (power + volume up) and connect your phone to your PC via usb cable.
Keep modemst1.bin and modemst2.bin (backed up earlier) on your desktop and open command window there.
These fastboot commands will restore the files:
fastboot flash modemst1 modemst1.bin
fastboot flash modemst2 modemst2.bin
Reboot your device.
fastboot reboot
Now disconnect phone from PC. Your IMEI should be back.
Making an EFS Backup
All too often, we've seen folks who have a corrupted or missing EFS Partition. This results in your IMEI being lost and no cellular activity on the device at all. This can be a royal PITA to fix, and some folks haven't been able to fix it at all. You can take a precautionary measure to safeguard yourself against this by taking a couple of minutes to back up your modemst files.
Download & Open up Terminal Emulator on your phone from here
Once it's open you'll be greeted with a command line prompt, in which you can enter text commands, the first thing you need to do is enable root access by entering this line (press the enter key on your on-screen keyboard after each command to issue it):
If this is the first time you've used Terminal Emulator a Superuser or SuperSU popup will appear, make sure you grant root access.
Now enter these two commands:
dd if=/dev/block/sdf2 of=/sdcard/modemst1.bin bs=2048
dd if=/dev/block/sdf3 of=/sdcard/modemst2.bin bs=2048
This will place two files (modemst1.bin & modemst2.bin) on your internal storage.
Make sure you copy them to your PC and Cloud immediately so that you have a backup there to use if you need to restore it in future.
That's it !! In case you ever need to restore Nanroid or EFS Backups, please continue and follow the next post..."

