Portable Android Dev (jPortable Method) (Windows Only) - Android Software Development

Saw a method a while ago for creating a portable android dev environment, however, i decided that i would post my method which i have used. So far, it seems to work rather well. I have not fully tested it though, and i will post any problems i find with it.
1. Create a directory for all files and folders (for instance, "Android_Dev")
2. Inside of that folder. Create a 2 more directories, one should be called "CommonFiles", and the other something sensible like "AndroidSDK"
3. First things first, download jPortable from here and install it to your "Android_Dev\CommonFiles" location
4. Now, Download Eclipse Portable from here and simply set it to install to "Android_Dev"
5. Finally. Head over to the google dev page right here and download the latest ADT bundle. DO NOT EXTRACT IT YET
6. Once you have downloaded the bundle, open up the .zip file, and copy the contents of the "sdk" folder to your "Android_Dev/AndroidSDK" folder
7. Now everything should be configured. Just open up the eclipse installation (Android_Dev\EclipsePortable\EclipsePortable.exe) and let Eclipse load
8. If it doesnt ask you to point to an Android SDK, just go to Window>Preferences>Android and point to the AndroidDev\AndroidSDK folder
9. You should now be able to access the Eclipse SDK manager and download the rest of the resources you will need through that!
DISCLAIMER: I have not extensively tested this, I simply installed it into my laptop (needed the software, didnt have admin rights). It may or may not work for you, if it works, drop a thanks! If it doesn't, reply below with the problem, or any fixes if you find one!

Doesn't use the latest Eclipse version


Portable Webserver for APK files

Hi guys,
I have just been playing around with the idea of hosting a webserver on my machine that my phone could connect to to download apk files after performing a wipe.
Iv been thinking about this as everytime i wipe my phone i connect back to the market and download appmanager to install apps direct from sd. So instead of having to do that im looking at having them all in a directory on my PC/Flashdrive (as this will be portable) using XAMPP.
Before any gets any wrong ideas this is not intended for any illegal doings. Its just to make my life easier. I thought i would share what i have started to see if this will help out anyone else.
So far i have it working (very rough). But i dont know any coding so this is a bit of a hack job.
I am using XAMPP as stated aswell as a PHP script that will automaticly populate the page will all files within a particular folder.
I have attached the index file i am using.
if you wish to use this please make sure you do a few things.
Install XAMPP
From where you installed XAMPP. In the HTDOCS folder create a "APK" Folder
Place the index.php in the HTDOCS folder
Edit the index.php file to change the path of the APK folder (currently set to D:\\Dream\\xampp\\htdocs\\APK) keep the double slashes "\\"
Start the Apache webserver from the XAMPP control panel
Now connect to Localhost, any files you place in that folder should now appear
Anyone wishing to use this, edit this, whatever you feel like. Go ahead
If you would like to help and change the look and feel of the page it would be greatly appreciated. If you do post the files back up here for all to use
Hope you guys like
Can I ask why you wouldn't just backup your apps to your sdcard (use something like MyBackup) and be done with it?
You can always copy them from your sdcard to your flash drive (and back from flash drive to sdcard temporarily if you need to re-install).
I'm all for experimenting, learning and even playing around a lot. But this seems like overkill. First off, your apps will surely get outdated quickly, and you'll end up upgrading lots of apps. You'll end up spending an enormous amount of time managing your own local library.
Personally, I think you're wasting your time unless your trying to learn how to do something in the process. Maybe you are, and in that case, go for it. Otherwise, enjoy your phone and let the Market do the management for you.
Or you can just have all your .apk's in a folder and use adb to install all of em at once. But like the above post you might have to get updates for alot of em.

Need Mac Beta Testers: Interface for Pushing Files

I need beta testers running Mac OS X to test a new application.
This application is for people who are either uncomfortable or unwilling to use Terminal and ./adb for pushing files to their device.
This first beta version is just to test how it works on different computers. It pushes the file to the sdcard of the phone using ./adb. The only input needed from the user is to select the file.
Later releases will let the user choose which folder on the device to copy to, but the next release will probably just involve pushing .apk to the /system/app folder.
Please let me know the results.
Beta 2:
Change Log:
Added option to choose the location that the file is to be pushed to.
Added Recovery application
Added Reboot application.
Planned Updates:
Pull File - Done
Device Backup - Testing (having issues)
Device Backup w/SD - Testing (having issues)
Install .apk - Done
Uninstall .apk
Restore Backup - Needs Device Backup
Restore Backup w/SD - Needs Device Backup
Flash ROM - Need help, PM me
I'll test it Downloading it now.
Works fine, I look forward to seeing it progress. I'll probably just use adb when I need to push something, but I'll keep testing whenever you update.
I've updated the first post with a new beta. This new beta includes:
Push file to specified location.
Reboot device
Reboot device into recovery.
derekwilkinson said:
I need beta testers running Mac OS X to test a new application.
This application is for people who are either uncomfortable or unwilling to use Terminal and ./adb for pushing files to their device.
This first beta version is just to test how it works on different computers. It pushes the file to the sdcard of the phone using ./adb. The only input needed from the user is to select the file.
Later releases will let the user choose which folder on the device to copy to, but the next release will probably just involve pushing .apk to the /system/app folder.
Please let me know the results.
Beta 2:
Change Log:
Added option to choose the location that the file is to be pushed to.
Added Recovery application
Added Reboot application.
Planned Updates:
Pull File - Ready
Device Backup - Testing
Device Backup w/SD - Testing
Install .apk
Uninstall .apk
Restore Backup
Restore Backup w/SD
Flash ROM - Need help, PM me
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nice this looks like it could be the underpinnings of droid explorer for Mac.
gunnyman said:
nice this looks like it could be the underpinnings of droid explorer for Mac.
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It could be, but I'm going to need someone to help me create the UI for running the scripts. Right now they are all just separate applications
derekwilkinson said:
It could be, but I'm going to need someone to help me create the UI for running the scripts. Right now they are all just separate applications
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Perhaps, since it's free, you could build the whole thing to run as a Safari extension? I don't know how feasible this is, just spitballing ideas.
Well I just finished the app to install applications. This could be especially useful for newbies who want to install custom applications. All they have to do is select the .apk and it installs.
The .apk installer is now ready for download.
Just downloaded... I'll give it a try, thanks
Something very similar is being developed or Windows and Linux, maybe you can use it or work with the developer to get a working port to MAC. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=683223
As a Mac user, it's very much appreciated that people like you put an effort to developing for our platform. Resources are very scarce and people new to Android are often discouraged with the more advanced stuff of the OS.
srkmagnus said:
Something very similar is being developed or Windows and Linux, maybe you can use it or work with the developer to get a working port to MAC. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=683223
As a Mac user, it's very much appreciated that people like you put an effort to developing for our platform. Resources are very scarce and people new to Android are often discouraged with the more advanced stuff of the OS.
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Great idea, it would be nice to allow users to browse the device for files. Right now, unless an app is being installed, they have to know the name of the file and location

Alternate Way of Sideloading apps: Sideload Wonder Machine

For those of you who are uncertain of how to use adb commands or are afraid of editing their db check out the link below for more details about the app.
This is a quote from the site below explaining what it is:
"It's a Windows application that lets you sideload apps on ANY Android device, on any carrier, without the Android SDK installed. And you DON'T HAVE TO BE ROOTED"
Sideload Wonder Machine
***Note I am not the developer of this app or have any connection to it other than the fact that I happened to see the post and figured I would spread the word to everyone here. I have tested it on a ATT Captivate (which was already rooted) and it works as described.
so does this mean you can load any .apk file from the web into this Sideloader program and when the Captivate is plugged into the computer it will install it without issues?? and no need for modifying the no-market value settings thru root explorer?
Sticky Needed.
I tried this program yesterday and can confirm that it works
so its a cleaner way to install apk files into the captivate instead of editing the dbsettings file?? do I just save the apk file to my computer then just plug the captivate into the computer then select the file and run the program?
This lets you sideload any app (.apk file - android app file extension) that you can download on your computer, and it does not require rooting.
You need to download the samsung drivers for the phone (sammy website), upgrade to .net 4 (google search), download the wonder machine program from the beginning of the thread, and turn on usb debugging on the phone (settings>applications>development>usb debugging on)
Download an .apk somewhere on the net (I chose bansai blast as my first one). MOVE THAT FILE INTO THE FOLDER WITH THE UNZIPPED WONDER MACHINE. If you don't then you will get a "loader.bat" not recognized error when you hit go. Next, plug in your phone, pull down the notification tap and mount your sd card to the computer (I know that the instructions on android central say to keep your phone in charge only mode, but then the program will not find your phone if you don't mount the card). On the wonder machine hit choose file, and select the apk file you downloaded (again, in same folder as wonder machine program). Hit ok. Then hit go. It should pull up a dos looking command window and display your serial number (If you have a firewall like zonealarm, be sure to let the program access the net and your trusted zone - serial won't display if you don't) and a "press any key to continue." Do that and it should take a second to say "install successful. press any key..." Check your phone and the app should be in your apps list. Hope this helps, as it took me a while to figure all this out.
droid explorer offers better functionality. still, good find
with droid explorer am I able to copy the dbsettings file directly to my micrsd card then open SQLite from my phone edit and paste back into the origin dbsettings and overwrite it? or does that have to be done thru the comp??
I can confirm too that this program works great.
Sorry for the late responses but here they go:
poulosjr said:
so its a cleaner way to install apk files into the captivate instead of editing the dbsettings file?? do I just save the apk file to my computer then just plug the captivate into the computer then select the file and run the program?
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That is correct, plug in your phone, place the apk anywhere on your comp, and browse for the apk thru the app. this then installs the apk directly into your phone.
poulosjr said:
with droid explorer am I able to copy the dbsettings file directly to my micrsd card then open SQLite from my phone edit and paste back into the origin dbsettings and overwrite it? or does that have to be done thru the comp??
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With this app you do not have to edit the db, the only down side of this app is that you have to install the apks via your comp.
systoxity said:
droid explorer offers better functionality. still, good find
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You are right, with this app you lose a bit of flex ability since this method installs via your comp. But for those people who dont want to edit or use the adb push method it could not get any easier. I personally end up installing apks when i am on the road all the time so i prefer the permanent methods on my phones.
this works awesomely!
just make sure to put the .apk's in the same folder as the sideload program
+1 to this. Not the most convenient method but quick if you have your computer with you
i hate logging into windows. I'd love a mac version!
but I do have this on my windows ( i believe it is an androidcentral.com app ) and i used it a lot until i started messing with my phone and learned about adb.
I just wanted to say thanks for the quick guide. I was concerned about messing around with the db settings and screwing stuff up. I have absolutely NO problem installing non-market apps through my pc--thanks a lot dude!
I've been using it. My phone is unrooted. I used it to add 2 apps. A live wallpaper and a need for speed game demo.
Thanks to all of you !!
by following all that you posted I was able to root with super user , save with rom mgr , load wireless tether which was my goal.
Just to update were i screwed up must remember with super user (update zip) put the whole zip file on phone as a stand alone not in any folder . With side loader must be in the same folder as side loader to work , of course with micro net 4 installed, on the pc and debugging enabled , samsung usb driver installed on pc and superuser must installed to use side loader
thanks for all you help !!!

{TOOL}APK_TOOL_v1 [8-5] Linux only

This is a little tool I put together after a post I made on the Rom Customizer thread.
This is only for linux only at the moment, but its simple enough that i may be able to get a batch file for you windows guys.
it comes with everything needed-including the option to install java if you dont have it
What it does is this
1. pulls the specified apk
2. takes a baskup -you can restore to the backup by running the restore script.
3. replaces an image file in drawable-mdpi with the one you provide.
4. re-zips and re-signs the app
5.pushes the app back to either /system or /data
this has only been tested on pre-installed app, ie no market apps.
Its pretty simple but it could be helpful, so let me know what you think.
Extract the working folder to your desktop please.

[Tool] Android Adb File Explorer

I'm an Android Developer and I need a tool support push pull data to mobile base on ADB commands. I search xda forum and found a tool at here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1821601 .
But it have some problem and i developed a new tool with some advance features:
Attacted new adb version, high speed transfer for Android 7 or newer.
Support push, pull for multi files/folder.
Show more information of files/folders and sort data by name.
Don't freeze with large data.
Note: Current only support Windows.
Download: AndroidAdbFileExplorer.7z
XDA:DevDB Information
AndroidAdbFileExplorer, Tool/Utility for the Windows 8 General
Version Information
Status: Testing
Current Beta Version: 1.1.1
Created 2017-05-12
Last Updated 2017-05-12
Thank you for your app. Works very good.
Needs multi-file pull.
I tried to access /data so I clicked 'back' and everytime I choose a folder it trims 3 firsts symbols from selected folder.
I select folder named 'system' and in path I get /tem
I select folder named 'misc' and in path I get /c
I select folder named 'config' and in path I get /fig
I cannot edit filepath as it is not editable.
Please fix this
this is the only such application works!
broken and unusable. keeps thinking date and id is a path variable on every command,
This tool is lovely! Used it to move a ton of files from my Pixel on Pie to my PC so that I could do a full wipe and install of Android 10, then moved the files back. The speeds seem to be at least 10x faster using this than MTP over USB. Thank you so much!!!
works great for android tv.
Thanks broman
Thanks a TON !!!!!!!!!!
I used this software to backup various folders from the internal storage of my Moto G5 Plus and it worked flawlessly.
And the copy speed is too good to be true (but it is)
God bless you
This is the best method to transfer big amount of data from your phone. I had 35GB of photos and videos and this app transfer that quick and without any data corruption. MTP is not even close to that method. Thanks a lot!
FYI: I think this tool unfortunately doesn't really work under Android 11 any more, probably due to the new restricted storage access design by google.
Running an Pixel 2 with Beta RC3 and some files and folder won't be shown. For example the "camera" folder under "dcim" wont show at all.
Other files under downloads: some show, some don't.
Maybe you could look into it and fix it with an update? Was immensely usefull for copying pictures.
Thanks for your great work
Link/url is not working.
If can fix please.
Or if any other better File explorer after 3 years.
A new link would be great for me, too.
Anyone saved a copy of this? Also looking for a link
giant59 said:
Anyone saved a copy of this? Also looking for a link
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Found it on an old computer for you.
I still prefer using this app instead of "Android Studio", especially if I'm only using Android Studio just for file transfer (overkill 800+ megabyte download) whereas "Android ADB File Explorer" is less than 1 megabyte. I also find it a lot easier to move directories with subdirectories with "Android ADB File Explorer".
Android ADB File Explorer MEGA download link (file is untouched from original download in 7z): https://mega.nz/file/vhpFiQwb#PngUnnspu6VA2enWCN9t06kGYcWkugsA1qWXswKjbTY
I've converted the original 7z file to ZIP for attachment to this post. No other changes were made.
Edit: I don't have any issues on Android 11 moving multiple files and directories with this. Much, much faster than MTP
Edit 2: I encountered the Android 11 issue with missing subdirectories. I just copied the parent folder and the subdirectories that weren't displaying in "ADB File Explorer" still copied over anyways.
ninjæon said:
Found it on an old computer for you.
I still prefer using this app instead of "Android Studio", especially if I'm only using Android Studio just for file transfer (overkill 800+ megabyte download) whereas "Android ADB File Explorer" is less than 1 megabyte. I also find it a lot easier to move directories with subdirectories with "Android ADB File Explorer".
Android ADB File Explorer MEGA download link (file is untouched from original download in 7z): https://mega.nz/file/vhpFiQwb#PngUnnspu6VA2enWCN9t06kGYcWkugsA1qWXswKjbTY
I've converted the original 7z file to ZIP for attachment to this post. No other changes were made.
Edit: I don't have any issues on Android 11 moving multiple files and directories with this. Much, much faster than MTP
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MD5 Hash Matches
Hash: 22c12aaa9c47bee6e5ed0f3887969883
Is it still being maintained? I hope someone can add in the option to connect to ADB over WiFi (probably just another input field for IP address and change the adb connect command)
HRSE said:
Is it still being maintained? I hope someone can add in the option to connect to ADB over WiFi (probably just another input field for IP address and change the adb connect command)
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The developer of this utility hasn't logged into XDA in over four years, so my guess is that this isn't being maintained. However, "codinginthebigcity" has updated their "Watch Navigator" app in the Google Play store as recently as February 2021. So they may still be active in Android development. Their email [email protected] is listed in that app description if you want to pose your feature request directly to them.
Well the link is dead, so much for this.
Toothless_NEO said:
Well the link is dead, so much for this.
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Did you try the re-uploaded link or attachment four replies up?

