Petition about possibility to unlock bootloader in G3 - G3 General

Hello everybody!
I'm a LG G2 user, but i'm trying to unite all dissatisfied LG users to sign up to my petition, for more informations check my G2 thread ( or just read the quote from it:
I don't know, maybe someone remembers me from P880 forum
Whatever - in that time the 4X HD had locked bootloader which no one was able to unlock it, so I decided to make a petition about it ( We succeed and we could unlock the bootloader via fastboot oem unlock in Jelly Bean update.
Now LG did it again, their G2 and G3 flagships as well as some other devices are locked as hell again. I decided today to reopen my petition and share this message to You guys so maybe we could get the unlockable bootloader again, or at least a way to unlock it like it is for example HTC phones.
Here's the link to the petition:
Let's have at least some hope for it, so we could get easier development and also G3 development could rise.
My reopened petition has 4031 supporters (for now) so it should be a little visible
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Link to petition:
Individual emails have also the meaning. If You have a minute, please send emails to these addresses, also don't forget to mention about our petition:
[email protected]
[email protected]
(to moderators: yes, it's my copy/paste i make on few LG phones' sections, I don't spam, I just share the message to LG users and want to do something for community as I did in the past)


Done, hope it helps LG sit up and pay attention.


nothing to lose i guess... signed

vervester said:
nothing to lose i guess... signed
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Moooooooore signs!

Done... Hope this will help.

Will sign happily

Signed... One thing I think we should start doing is instead of petitioning towards a specific device or brand this should go cellphone wide. One petition that became very popular and is heading toward being signed by the president, is the petition to legally sim unlock our phones. This petition was not isolated to one carrier or one phone manufacturer. This was wide spread for everyone. I think a similar petition aimed towards all carriers (they're usually the ones that enforce bootloader locking... AT&T) and all phones would gain a lot more supporters and would also gain a lot more popularity. Think about it, anyone that owns a phone (android most likely, which there are more android phones out in the wild than any other OS) would sign this petition to have full freedom over their device (almost identical to freedom to use any carrier they want instead of being restricted). Maybe someone could make this petition... I'd do it myself but I'm not as fancy with my words as these petition makers out there
Sent from my LG-D850 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Done. I hope, they hear us!!?
Gesendet von meinem LG-D855 mit Tapatalk

I proudly signed. LG needs to answer the bell call here and provide a unlock method via dev site like htc or moto


Signed! 100% Support this and hope LG here's out the community asking for this.

Done as well.


Petition signed here as well!
Come on LG, let our devices be "OUR" devices!

Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk

+1 done
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Sent from my LG-F400L


Motorola Bootloader Petition (>10K sigs & Moto Response)

Visit Groubal and sign the petition:
Facebook Page:
UPDATE (14th June 2011):
We are now over the 10,000 mark.​
I have now spoken with Motorola and gotten confirmation that Motorola plan to unlock every device that will get an update in the second half of this year. This will include maintenance & firmware updates, but is still subject to Carrier approval.
The promising sign is that Verizon has already allowed Motorola to unlock a device on their network, the Xoom, which utilizes the unlockable/re-lockable model that Motorola intends on using across their devices.
I'm still looking to work with Motorola in the coming months to help see if we can make this a smooth process for Motorola and the community.
You can read the article here:
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
UPDATE (26th April 2011):
We are now at ~8,700 mark.​
Motorola has now responded to me, stating that they are looking at unlocking bootloaders across their devices late 2011.
The article for the story can be found here:
We're still seeking clarity around whether this will be for current devices or only future devices.
I couldn't have gotten this far without the support of everyone here. You guys and girls have been a huge support and help me turn this snowball into a wrecking ball.
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
Previous Update (4th April 2011):
We are now at ~7600 mark.​
We're starting to slow down from our initial boom, so I have now set up a Facebook page to see if we can wrangle in some supporters that don't use Twitter or XDA.
I will need your help getting this out there. So share the facebook page where you can.
I'm also looking to see if anyone is interested in helping me Moderate the page. Please PM if you are.
Original Post:
Hi All,
I have created a Groubal (online petition) to get a response from Motorola on it's bootloader policy.
>>This petition started for the Atrix, but I made sure that it was for Motorola's overall Bootloader Policy. I have reached 200 signatures in 2 weeks, but now believe it's time to expand this out of the Atrix space and into the larger Motorola Dev community.
You guys and your silly petitions. They wont and don't ha e to do anything.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
DarrellRaines said:
You guys and your silly petitions. They wont and don't ha e to do anything.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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What can I say, I'm idealistic.
IMO waste of time.
Moto thinks they're God. Also, odds are your gorilla glass will be cracked before this bootloader.
On the other hand, class-action lawsuit is more appealing. Somehow get a lawyer to argue the users right to UTILIZE the hardware, as moto isn't. Lawsuits are the only thing corporations understand.
I did sign it, but I got no hopes...
tical2k said:
IMO waste of time.
Moto thinks they're God. Also, odds are your gorilla glass will be cracked before this bootloader.
On the other hand, class-action lawsuit is more appealing. Somehow get a lawyer to argue the users right to UTILIZE the hardware, as moto isn't. Lawsuits are the only thing corporations understand.
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While litigation may be the way in the U.S. it is not the way in the land down under. We have Government appointed watchdogs that provide avenues for complaints and comments. If a complaint is sufficiently raised to an Ombudsman the company the complaint is about is charged a fee for every day the complaint is not resolved.
Unfortunately the Atrix is not commercially available in Australia and thus I cannot pursue this in a typical Australian way.
If suing the pants of Motorola is likely to work, then I encourage any U.S. Citizens to do so (but only after carefully considering the cause and affect).
I am simply encouraging everyone to focus their complaints rather than spreading it across so many channels and losing it's potency.
Also: in all honesty, it's not really wasting that much time, since I would normally be wasting this time flashing experimental Roms, which I can't do due to obvious readons.
Signed and linked to on Facebook. It's no more a waste of time than flashing a rom...
edit hehe. You beat me to the waste of time comment
Signed it just a second ago!
I'll sign but this has a much lower chance of succeeding than the AT&T service petition, and I'm not convinced we'll see many results from that one.
CC Lemon said:
I'll sign but this has a much lower chance of succeeding than the AT&T service petition, and I'm not convinced we'll see many results from that one.
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But there's no harm in trying is there?
I think that when compared with the DroidX and Droid2, this phone will be available around the world. Verizon is one of the only carriers that still uses CDMA and thus smaller consumer base for the Droid series Motorola phones.
Once the Global Atrix's are released we should see a lot more attention as well as the European Unions attitude towards anti-competitive behaviour might force an inquiry.
Once again, I'm a tad idealistic and am very keen for your support as well as your constructive feedback.
signed~! but i only put 1% of my hopes in this and the rest 99% in the developers to crack the bootloader themselves!!
I support your cause; I have signed.
irenic said:
signed~! but i only put 1% of my hopes in this and the rest 99% in the developers to crack the bootloader themselves!!
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Well put. I signed.
With the new SBF file available we could start seeing more development, but would still be great to hear something from Motorola.
haha.. as if motorola cares. you already bought, its a done deal! they even promised 1080p recording on the specs sheet followed by "(in the future update)".. i seriously dont think there will be an update on this thing..
before you buy, they promise lots of things, "in the future update".
after you gave buy and after a while try asking for the update.. these f*cktards will just say... "what update?"
my hope leans more on supporting the developers who are working hard to crack this wonderful device.. rather than wasting time begging to motorola after you shelled out that sum.
noblewolf said:
haha.. as if motorola cares. you already bought, its a done deal! they even promised 1080p recording on the specs sheet followed by "(in the future update)".. i seriously dont think there will be an update on this thing..
before you buy, they promise lots of things, "in the future update".
after you gave buy and after a while try asking for the update.. these f*cktards will just say... "what update?"
my hope leans more on supporting the developers who are working hard to crack this wonderful device.. rather than wasting time begging to motorola after you shelled out that sum.
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Completely agree, but in all honesty, I had the time to waste.
The Dev's really are the ones that will get the bootloader unlocked or bypassed before motorola even decides to do anything.
The Dev threads are starting to get really exciting.
Sent from my MB860
Just a reminder to anyone who wants to get an official statement from Motorola to go to
and tweet or facebook to as many as you can.
Continuing the Battle
So we're up near the 200 signature mark now for the Petition. I've been in touch with Motorola about 6 times in the last 2 weeks, not giving up on this one though.
My last response from them was:
Dear Irwin,
I do apologize but there is no definite timeframe yet for the announcement of the bootloader solution for our mobile phones. Updates for the Motorola ATRIX will be posted first at I'm so sorry for that inconvenience.
We hope that you find this information useful and look forward to assisting you in the future.
For information about Motorola products and services, please visit us at
Thank you for contacting Motorola e-mail support.
Best Regards,
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So it's not a flat out denial of an imminent bootloader solution, but we're no closer either.
I will now create similar posts in the other Motorola forums on XDA and see if we can get our Brothers & Sisters to join the party.
I know there are a lot of skeptics, but I will keep trying. I don't have the skill to help the Dev's crack the phone, but I do have the patience to make our voices heard.
ikenley said:
So we're up near the 200 signature mark now for the Petition. I've been in touch with Motorola about 6 times in the last 2 weeks, not giving up on this one though.
My last response from them was:
So it's not a flat out denial of an imminent bootloader solution, but we're no closer either.
I will now create similar posts in the other Motorola forums on XDA and see if we can get our Brothers & Sisters to join the party.
I know there are a lot of skeptics, but I will keep trying. I don't have the skill to help the Dev's crack the phone, but I do have the patience to make our voices heard.
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"bootloader solution" can mean anything. it can even mean staying with their locked bootloader is their solution.
dLo GSR said:
"bootloader solution" can mean anything. it can even mean staying with their locked bootloader is their solution.
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Very concise point, but if you review this statement, then it's in context.
Which is all included in the Groubal.
Signed. Maybe someone should design a B&W 8.5x11 printout that can be posted at universities to drum up support... I'm in a CS program and I'm sure there are more than a couple who would take the 2 seconds necessary to sign- I just don't know any of them personally!

Motorola Bootloader Petition (>10K sigs & Moto Response)

Visit Groubal and sign the petition:
Facebook Page:
UPDATE (14th June 2011):
We are now over the 10,000 mark.​
I have now spoken with Motorola and gotten confirmation that Motorola plan to unlock every device that will get an update in the second half of this year. This will include maintenance & firmware updates, but is still subject to Carrier approval.
The promising sign is that Verizon has already allowed Motorola to unlock a device on their network, the Xoom, which utilizes the unlockable/re-lockable model that Motorola intends on using across their devices.
I'm still looking to work with Motorola in the coming months to help see if we can make this a smooth process for Motorola and the community.
You can read the article here:
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
UPDATE (26th April 2011):
We are now at ~8,700 mark.​
Motorola has now responded to me, stating that they are looking at unlocking bootloaders across their devices late 2011.
The article for the story can be found here:
We're still seeking clarity around whether this will be for current devices or only future devices.
I couldn't have gotten this far without the support of everyone here. You guys and girls have been a huge support and help me turn this snowball into a wrecking ball.
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
Previous Update (4th April 2011):
We are now at ~7600 mark.​
We're starting to slow down from our initial boom, so I have now set up a Facebook page to see if we can wrangle in some supporters that don't use Twitter or XDA.
I will need your help getting this out there. So share the facebook page where you can.
I'm also looking to see if anyone is interested in helping me Moderate the page. Please PM if you are.
Original Post:
Hi All,
I have created a Groubal (online petition) to get a response from Motorola on it's bootloader policy.
>>This petition started for the Atrix, but I made sure that it was for Motorola's overall Bootloader Policy. I have reached 200 signatures in 2 weeks, but now believe it's time to expand this out of the Atrix space and into the larger Motorola Dev community.
signed. good luck!
I would say that cracking the bootloaders would be pretty impossible. 1024bit encryption is pretty tough.
signed. want this locked bootloader madness to come to an end!
Signed, u home we get the real keys
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA Premium App
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA Premium App
Ok guys, we now have nearly 800 signatures, nearly 500 in one night alone.
Keep up the great work everyone, this wouldn't be going anywhere without your support.
Sent from my Atrix (in Australia)
1000+ signs!!!! Wow keep it up!! Spread the word!!!
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA Premium App
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
I am pesimistic and I think Motorola will not unlock bootloaders on their devices, but signed.
I'm not signing the petition because I'm making a statement with my pocket. When my D2 contract is up, I won't be purchasing anymore Motorola products.
UrbanBounca said:
I'm not signing the petition because I'm making a statement with my pocket. When my D2 contract is up, I won't be purchasing anymore Motorola products.
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Why not both?
Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using XDA App
kanek06 said:
I am pesimistic and I think Motorola will not unlock bootloaders on their devices, but signed.
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Unfortunately it seems other device makers are following suit with Moto, like HTC starting to lock down bootloaders. Sad sad sad.
Thank you everyone for your support.
Updated First Post!
Getandroidstuff . Com is willing to help and pulish a post on their blog .
Email them with a description of the article
[email protected]
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA Premium App
Groubal has been attacked again!
Hello Irwin,
Yes indeed...Groubal was hacked once again. We have our technical team and our hosting enterprise working feverishly on this to remedy the problem.
Clearly your petition and all your supporters have touched off serious nerves; and your message has created amazing awareness around the world now.
We will fix the problem and move forward. Please take the time to let everyone know on all the forums what has happened to Groubal.
Thanks in advance,
Groubal Customer Care
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I will update the post when they are back to normal operations.
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but are locking these bootloaders unconstitutional? It doesn't allow us to do absolutely ANYTHING with the product that we bought. I thought I heard something about someone that might actually make a lawsuit about this.
HerroMoto said:
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but are locking these bootloaders unconstitutional? It doesn't allow us to do absolutely ANYTHING with the product that we bought. I thought I heard something about someone that might actually make a lawsuit about this.
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It would be great if someone with a Lawyer friend could look into that one. I read somewhere that Motorola stood by it's decision for the Droid X and as long as they release the kernel source code (which no one could do anything with anyway), they were not in breach of any open source licences.
Updated OP
Signed. I wish Google would refuse to do business with manufacturers that lock the bootloader.
silverfang77 said:
Signed. I wish Google would refuse to do business with manufacturers that lock the bootloader.
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Unfortunately that would breach the Open Source licences and open them to a whole world of hurt.
But where there is a will, there is a way.

Motorola Bootloader Petition (>10K sigs & Moto Response)

Visit Groubal and sign the petition:
New Facebook Page:
UPDATE (14th June 2011):
We are now over the 10,000 mark.​
I have now spoken with Motorola and gotten confirmation that Motorola plan to unlock every device that will get an update in the second half of this year. This will include maintenance & firmware updates, but is still subject to Carrier approval.
The promising sign is that Verizon has already allowed Motorola to unlock a device on their network, the Xoom, which utilizes the unlockable/re-lockable model that Motorola intends on using across their devices.
I'm still looking to work with Motorola in the coming months to help see if we can make this a smooth process for Motorola and the community.
You can read the article here:
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
UPDATE (26th April 2011):
We are now at ~8,700 mark.​
Motorola has now responded to me, stating that they are looking at unlocking bootloaders across their devices late 2011.
The article for the story can be found here:
We're still seeking clarity around whether this will be for current devices or only future devices.
I couldn't have gotten this far without the support of everyone here. You guys and girls have been a huge support and help me turn this snowball into a wrecking ball.
Please share this where you can and keep it alive. I will continue to work with Motorola to see if we can get this thing torn wide open.
Previous Update (4th April 2011):
We are now at ~7600 mark.​
We're starting to slow down from our initial boom, so I have now set up a Facebook page to see if we can wrangle in some supporters that don't use Twitter or XDA.
I will need your help getting this out there. So share the facebook page where you can.
I'm also looking to see if anyone is interested in helping me Moderate the page. Please PM if you are.
Original Post:
Hi All,
I have created a Groubal (online petition) to get a response from Motorola on it's bootloader policy.
>>This petition started for the Atrix, but I made sure that it was for Motorola's overall Bootloader Policy. I have reached 200 signatures in 2 weeks, but now believe it's time to expand this out of the Atrix space and into the larger Motorola Dev community.
If this much effort was put into ROM tweaking we wouldn't need the bootloader unlocked.
rocko73 said:
If this much effort was put into ROM tweaking we wouldn't need the bootloader unlocked.
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Well, since my development skill is negligible (i'm more of an advanced user), I thought I'd contribute the only way I knew how.
Sorry, crappy day, shouldn't have posted it. I too wish they would listen to the masses.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
zwade01 said:
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
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Cheers, love the signature for your above post.
What would be the possibility of creating an app like [email protected] that can share the load and distribute a brute force hacking attempt?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
deathbysnoosnoo said:
What would be the possibility of creating an app like [email protected] that can share the load and distribute a brute force having attempt?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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Could happen, but the 2 key Devs on the Atrix at the moment are looking at bypassing rather than breaking the bootloader.
They have both admitted to not knowing much about Cryptography.
You do know that there about half a dozen of these petitions already circulating.
They get some steam everytime there is an 'event' surrounding the bootloader, and then they die out just as quickly.
Rather than repeating the cycle, how about 'SEARCHING' for one of the other threads/petitions, and breathe some life into it.
Zaphod-Beeblebrox said:
You do know that there about half a dozen of these petitions already circulating.
They get some steam everytime there is an 'event' surrounding the bootloader, and then they die out just as quickly.
Rather than repeating the cycle, how about 'SEARCHING' for one of the other threads/petitions, and breathe some life into it.
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I appreciate the feedback. I did make sure to reference the other significant petition in the Droid X forum, unfortunately the petition on the other one is through an outdated site and Groubal isn't just a petition, once enough interest has been shown for a particular complaint, they have a group that will personally get involved.
Not sure how effective it will be, just thought it was a good approach.
SIGNED! We shall prevail!
Wanna bet?
Thanks for starting this. Signed.
Signed. it is a shame motorola tried so hard to secure something rather than improve it to its fullest potential.
Zaphod-Beeblebrox said:
Wanna bet?
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Lol no not really.
mattmartin77 said:
Signed. it is a shame motorola tried so hard to secure something rather than improve it to its fullest potential.
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I don't care if I have to sign a legal release accepting that my phone is no longer covered under warranty, just as long as I can unlock my phone.
Exactly. Thus chalk up another signature.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Any idea how many signatures we would need to get some attention?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Jon El Canche said:
Any idea how many signatures we would need to get some attention?
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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I think around the 1000 mark, Groubal themselves will get involved. If you look at their home page, you will see that the 2 leading Groubals on there marked "Company Response" had around 1100.
AT&T even committed to the HSUPA fix in April. Not sure how much of that was a direct result of Groubal, but it's all very promising.
That's why I strongly encourage everyone to share this as much as they can.
Even if you're cynical, you spend just as much time discounting this than spreading it.
Consider all the other forums and social mediums you use and get it out there.
Ok guys, we now have nearly 800 signatures, nearly 500 in one night alone.
Keep up the great work everyone, this wouldn't be going anywhere without your support.
Sent from my Atrix (in Australia)

Potential Bootloader Unlock for Non-Dev Edition

UPDATE: See this post on pg 30 for TWRP and ROOT INSTALL
Ok so as some know there has been a somewhat confirmed and discovered way to unlock the bootloader on carrier purchased Moto X/Droid Ultra/Maxx/Mini Devices. I will explain in brief detail what is needed to do. Please understand that I will be providing no links, just a brief explanation of what you can do to attempt this. There are 2 methods.
1 - doing it directly yourself and purchasing the service. (website)
2 - using the service through a 3rd Party (eBay)
The service I found is on a website if you have not heard about it, PM someone here willing to help. Now in order to use the site you need to sign up etc etc and its not in English. Here is where your good ol friend Goggle Translate comes into play.
Now for Method 1
Sign up on the website. The website is called you will need to use chrome and google translate to navigate through the site. you will need to set up and account and payment info etc etc.
Search for a seller selling the unlock codes (Price will no be in USD). Search for xt1080 unlock or something like that. There are many purchase options. Just amke sure it is for your device and read the listing.
Purchase using the sites standard payment method (similar to paypal here) or through credit card elligble for purchases in the country of origin.
*Provide IMEI to seller and receive unlock code.
Usually within 24-48 hours you have an unlock code.
*NOTE - If you do not feel comfortable providing this, then i suggest you stop right away. Always know what you are doing and the risks involved.
Method 2
Certain sellers on eBay will provide a service to do all the purchasing for you and all you need to do it pay the small auction price, and then paypal or transfer them the funds for the sale. They will purchase for you etc etc. You will need to search for taobao on eBay and find a seller. Once this is done then you can work with the seller, provide the link to the item you want and go from there. Please be aware of what you are doing. IN this method you now give your IMEI to not only the person giving the unlock code, but also a person through eBay.
I myself went ahead with method 1 and was successful (see images). Some people have had success and will contest to it. As with any boot loader unlock, please know your warranty is now void and neither XDA, its members, or anyone else including myself is responsible for what you do.
Please use this thread to talk about success or failure using this process if you do. Do not post links to anything or anything that would be frowned upon through XDA. If you want to you can always PM people for more details about things. Not saying everyone bombard me with PM's. I will answer but i also have a normal life and don't want people upset if i don't respond.
Please also note that unlocking the bootloader will wipe your device clean. This includes storage.
If you want more detailed instructions - Go here
Good Luck
UPDATE: IMAGES ATTACHED, I HAVE BEEN UNLOCKED. Sorry for the blurry cam pics, only had a work iPod touch that i could snap quick pictures with
As tempting as this is, I'll likely not opt for it. This phone is not a lifelong device, which, coincidentally, also temps me to, and not to do it. Naw, too risky.
fat-fingered and Maxx-ed out.
My concern is what will be done with all these imei numbers that are collected. It's not like they can't be stolen by company employees before the phone is ever bought... I think the big question would be what is the WORST that could happen by providing your imei if you can prove you legally purchased the device
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I did option 2 yesterday. Just waiting on the codes now. I will update once I get the file and have the BL unlocked.
rmjones2006 said:
My concern is what will be done with all these imei numbers that are collected. It's not like they can't be stolen by company employees before the phone is ever bought... I think the big question would be what is the WORST that could happen by providing your imei if you can prove you legally purchased the device
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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Yea thats the big risk. the other thing to think about to is that at any given time any employee has access to all the IMEI stickers on the boxes. all it takes is 1 person to screw around and thats that. im willing to take the risk for right now. if it works YAY...if not then well i'll get a refund and then probably dump the phone for a new one when something else comes out.
And this thread is the reason this method will not last very long.
People don't seem to understand, talking and making threads about such things in the open cuts down the time things like this are available.
Droid Maxx "Developer Edition"
Franzie3 said:
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May I make a suggestion that you remove the service details - name, origin. Etc. For both methods And request people PM you instead? Pretty please??
The more we keep private the longer this will last.
I am happy that, hopefully, this will no longer consume other threads anymore.
Sent from my XT1080DEV using Tapatalk
Cmon, IMEI is not a secret code you can use to get full access to your phone or something else. It is written on the label of the box of very droid. This way any janitor in Verizon store has an access to the vital information. Seriously? You can generate all droids IMEI on your own, rules are known:
Topsnake said:
And this thread is the reason this method will not last very long.
People don't seem to understand, talking and making threads about such things in the open cuts down the time things like this are available.
Droid Maxx "Developer Edition"
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It was done to unclog the clutter in the root bounty thread. I tried to be very bland with explaining it.
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
CarnivoreMatt said:
May I make a suggestion that you remove the service details - name, origin. Etc. For both methods And request people PM you instead? Pretty please??
The more we keep private the longer this will last.
I am happy that, hopefully, this will no longer consume other threads anymore.
Sent from my XT1080DEV using Tapatalk
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Made some edits.... On mobile now so if you want pm me your thoughts and I'll edit when I get back to work
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
In one thread, the seller pleaded with the OP to shut down the thread..just PM's please..
sent by my 4.3_14.14.14
XT1028 (aka) Moto-G
Donate to HashCode (If you can)
i don t know why but i have a sentiment that someone hiding something...
XDA or that cinese guy who have a method and don twant the 2500 $ or more....
danger2u said:
i don t know why but i have a sentiment that someone hiding something...
XDA or that cinese guy who have a method and don twant the 2500 $ or more....
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One would make a lot more money selling individual unlocks. 60+ sales would cover that. And think of other phones that use this method too. And likely not an exploit that can be released. But maybe a method that should be kept quiet
Sent from my KitKat Ultra
danger2u said:
i don t know why but i have a sentiment that someone hiding something...
XDA or that cinese guy who have a method and don twant the 2500 $ or more....
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Stop just please stop this nonsense. No one is hiding anything what this guy is doing has nothing to do with the bounty. And no one on XDA is hiding anything stop trolling. Either participate or don't but stop with stupid conspiracy theories. I'm tired of all the haters if you don't feel comfortable then don't do it. Were all big boys here and can make up our own minds.
All you ones needing can communicate everything one needs to know, just with PM's only..maybe post results in a simple yes or no, success or not in the thread..if anyone has a question for another..then just click on that ones ID and communicate that way..never giving a clue here..but it certainly is to late for not "spilling the beans" but as of out of respect for that ones request..make the thread unclear to what is happening..or delete it..
sent by my 4.2.2_12.15.15
XT1080MDEV (aka) Droid Maxx DE
Please donate to: jcase & Hashcode (if you can)
NWKENT said:
All you ones needing can communicate everything one needs to know, just with PM's only
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Note that the OP did remove all mention of anything (I.e. sources) from the original post and specifically stated PM someone.
Seems pretty reasonable to me now.
I agree with using this only to report non specific results as well.
Sent from my XT1080DEV using Tapatalk
The OP in its self is a giveaway..that should be included in a PM..
sent by my 4.2.2_12.15.15
XT1080MDEV (aka) Droid Maxx DE
Please donate to: jcase & Hashcode (if you can)
I'm not sure what we are or aren't saying here so I'll just say that I received what I need to unlock my bootloader today, I'm at work unfortunately so I'll have to give it a try when I get home but I will post success or failure. Any questions I suppose you can PM me and I'll answer as soon as I can.
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
OMGoodness..people don't care about long as they get what they want..kick the others into the sideditch that need what that one point is proven in the above post..
sent by my 4.2.2_12.15.15
XT1080MDEV (aka) Droid Maxx DE
Please donate to: jcase & Hashcode (if you can)
I have used the unlock code from the seller. It 100% works. I did refresh my phone which I didn't want to happen. Bad news is he informed me that he is getting out of selling the unlock codes and asked that I not share is information. I will respect his wishes. IDK if there are other people willing to sell the codes.

New e-mail from LG abot boot-loader on G3 09.10.2014. UPDATE

Dear friends I am owner of beautiful gold 32Gb/3Gb LG G3 D855 Eu, on V10h software.
*Last night I have e-mailed LG customer service about our right and our wish for bootloader UNLOCK on our G3, 1 our ago I got reply:
Hi TeaOverclock,
Thank you for your email regarding the G3.
You’re right, we would love to release the boot loader on this phone.
At the moment this is something we are looking into but not something that is a priority I'm afraid. The main assumption here on our side of things is that unlocking this would make rooting the phone much easier, and thus void the warranty on peoples phones. I'm sure you understand that not everyone is as tech savvy as you are and there will be complications as a lot of information is available on the internet which would cause damage to peoples phones if we made it easier to use.
At the moment I cant guarantee that we will unlock it, but as the phone hasn’t been out that long we are more interested in working out the kinks in the software generally than unlocking this. Sorry, maybe in the future we will allow this, and as more and more people are asking for this its becoming something that we may have on our next phone from the beginning. I hope you’re not to frustrated with this answer and that you enjoy the G3 if you have one already.
To reply please click the link for “more questions” at the bottom of the Email by the survey.
I hope my email has answered your query and assisted you today; I would really appreciate your feedback. Please help us to improve our customer service by completing the short survey after this email.
Thank you in advance
Kind regards
Mobiles and G Pad Specialist
Email Team
LG Customer Services
UK: 0344 847 5454 IE:01 686 9454
Mon-Fri 8am to 7:30pm Sat 9am to 6pm Sunday 10am to 4pm
Closed bank holidays
You can even reach us via our Web Chat facility through the LG UK website
As you can see I am afraid that we only can thrust in our devs...... For LG we are just PROFIT!!!
Regards fellas
Thanks for your efforts mate. At least it's not a closed "NOPE" as previous users have obtained from LG. I hope the campaign in and so make LG consider their position.
Well. When i emailed lg Canada 1 month ago they
Just simply said they couldn't tell me and wait for any future announcement.
So im pretty sure every country has a different email response. Some say no no and some say dont know or then the stupid once say dont know what ya talking about.
Sent from my LG-D852 using XDA Free mobile app
Umm don't they know we can root it with an app in 2 minutes....that makes their argument completely irrelevant.
They are saying clear no, this is just positive writing.. damn lg people. rooting is our choice and we are accountable for this..why the hell lg has to worry. I hope developers are working for some kind of bootloader exploit. It's a shame Lg people are just fooling us with no clear answer.
This email stinks. I don't think LG preps/service employees put random Uppercase words in Sentences and fail to write words like can't (cant/can't). Also the way it's written just looks like it's been done by an 17 y/o who makes his first real formal letter to somebody.
I'm not saying it's fake, but this is just a piece of text we cannot rely on.
sprremix said:
This email stinks. I don't think LG preps/service employees put random Uppercase words in Sentences and fail to write words like can't (cant/can't). Also the way it's written just looks like it's been done by an 17 y/o who makes his first real formal letter to somebody.
I'm not saying it's fake, but this is just a piece of text we cannot rely on.
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Do t hold your breathe on LG. I've come to the realization that they are NOT gonna do it. We rely soley in the talented devs of xda.
My dear friends e-mail is NOT FAKE, I have just copy/paste it from my g-mail account.
I have contact LG CS from UK.
I reply them on that mail that I am glad that they have spent some time to wrote me back, but that I am not happy with answer.
*So I took right to my self to suggest them solution: About Boot-loader officially UNLOCKED by IMEI request of each owner.
What do you guys think about my suggestion?
MY first mail was: (Copy/paste)
Received Date : 07/10/2014 21:12 06
The type of inquiry : Software/Hardware updates
Product/Model No. : Smart Phone/Emerging Device/D855
Dear LG customer support center;
We would like to get the opportunity to unlock bootloader in LG phones.
(By we, I think on 90% od LG G3 D855 owners).
After we got the possibility to unlock some LG phones like P880, we lost our freedom again, flagship like G3 is locked again. We need the proper way to unlock our phone, like we can on HTC, Sony or Motorola ones. We pay for the device, we want to have the control over it! You are pushing us to go and find what we paid for at other doors( Sony, Samsung, HTC, Motorola...)
Please think about Your customers.
Most Of Us want 2 Root his G3 .. So wht's Peoblem in That ..?!! It's Up 2 us Not You LG ..!!! Shiiit >_< Every single Person have the right To do whtever he want in his G3 .. !!!
Sent from my LG-D855 using XDA Free mobile app
The reason that LG is so wary about people messing up/bricking their phones & asking for warranty is simple: LG has never implemented a proper root/flash detection mechanism in their phones like HTC/Samsung has. Its way easier to undo everything and make it undetectable for the warranty-checking-guys at the service centre. Had LG implemented some mechanism that they trusted, they would've released official bootloader unlock solution much sooner(if they do eventually).
Bootloader unlock & rooting are essentially rights that the consumer should have if the device has been paid in full but there should also be a way to protect the manufacturer from being held liable when someone does something stupid.
What still continues to baffle me though is that LG having worked on two Nexuses with Google, should really know better about the impact of the dev community & what modding means to us & to Android as a whole by now. I realise majority of the consumer population does not dip into flashing/rooting, but its a very major part of what makes Android special. If LG really intended to make G3 its flagship and had trusted the device, I would've expected to see a Google Play Edition & developer support on the device, especially considering the facts that HTC & Samsung have already done it & LG has a good relation with Google.
Anyway, I really did think that LG would grow into a company that supports the developer community looking at their devices in the past two years, but from their stance on the matter of G2 & G3 I'd say they're not really concerned.
All that being said & ranted, I'm very thankful to our devs here for giving us root so soon and hoping they'll get some breakthrough on an unlock or eventually release a loki-like exploit soon. I keep saying this in many threads, but I still can't wait to run AOSP based ROMs on this beautiful device. When it does come, its going to be amazing.
LG do not understand, knowing what the community wants and who has had apollo and Google nexus.
Quite the same as they told me a bit earlier:
Ain't gona happen guys
Hi TO,
Thank you for your reply regarding the Boot Loader on your phone.
I am sorry that you are not satisfied with the answer that you have received.
The reason we advise against "unlocking" the bootloader, This is "locked" to prevent "third party" software from corrupting the handset and causing you any problems or rendering the unit "faulty". I can certainly feed this back to the relevant department to state that you are unhappy with this, but I am sorry to say at the moment this is something we would advise againt doing.
I hope my email has answered your query and assisted you today; I would really appreciate your feedback. Please help us to improve our customer service by completing the short survey after this email. To reply please click the link for "more questions" at the bottom of the Email by the survey.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards
LG Electronics UK Help desk
LG Customer Services
UK: 0344 847 5454 Ireland: 01 686 9454
Mon-Fri 8am to 7:30pm Sat 9am to 6pm Sunday 10am to 4pm
Closed bank holidays <>
You can even reach us via our Web Chat facility through the LG UK website
Looking for for v10k
Hy, I read that we can change a lot of settings from the Ifound a few ones but any ones tell the changes it ill make. There is no allready maked for the v10k?

