NFC advanced settings menu... - Sprint Galaxy S 5 General

Anyone have any use for this? Was messing with some .xml files and found this...


Removing Icons from Settings wm6

I was checking around for any specifc ways to remove or hide icons from the settings area. As i understood it right the settings is just like windows control panel with CPL files. Basically in wm5 you just enter HKLM\Controlpanel add a d-word HIDe = 0 to hide the icon.
But with these new Wm6 feature i cannot find the encryption. Anyone know where the cpl is stored for teh encryption?
Or know any other way of hiding that icon in the settings area.
Ok. I was looking for it on wm 6.1, and no find an exact answer.
Anyway, I delete the WmTsk: delete the exe and ink (maybe dll) and edit
You have to delete the strings and correct the number of applications.
Hope this help you
humrod said:
Ok. I was looking for it on wm 6.1, and no find an exact answer.
Anyway, I delete the WmTsk: delete the exe and ink (maybe dll) and edit
You have to delete the strings and correct the number of applications.
Hope this help you
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Where you found the WmTsk file? And how u actully remove the ink from settings. Trying to find the locations of where they store the ink files for settings havent found it.
On the XML i dont have quite the same view of xml files but i look see if any provision xml is for the encryption. So far only found for certificates.
well, i make all this changes when cook and modify my fact i delete the clear storage files (ClearStorage.exe, ClearStorage.exe.0409.mui, ClearStorage.htm and ClearStorage.lnk), and work in the mxip_Oem_Translation_0409.provxml file.(modify the Nº of applets, and delete the lines of clear storage), all with Neokit (cook tool located in prophet links)
As I know is the only way, because the config is in the rom, and you can't delete the files, either modify the provxml

Changing Background

I am trying to change the background on an HTC Polaris.
I found the file used in the background in the /windows folder, it is called HTC_Grey. How do I find the registry setting that corresponds to this? Does anyone know where this is called in the registry?
why don't you just go to:
Start menu / Settings / Today
and select the new background you wanna use? =)
Because I added a new file in the /windows folder and want to point the registry to that new file. Anyone know what the registry address is that points to this?
Aas you wish...
If you don't find the registry key that needs to be changed, why dont you just replace the "HTC_Grey" file by yours (using the same name) ^_^
Just a random though since i never tried to do since before =)

Where is the contacts.exe or similar?

Hi Folks,
i want to rename and replace the right softkey (currently used for Programms)
I want to change it into a shortcut to Contacts, but i can´t find the contacts.exe or similar to write the right path into the registry
Could someone help me please?
You do it by pointing to the contact.lnk file in your start menu directory. If you wonder which program that links to , look at the property.
By using resco Explorer with enabled Data-endings i´ve found it in: \windows\Startmenü\Kontake.lnk
Thx for your help.....

ROM flashers - do you cab your personal info?

I'm toying with the idea of putting together a cab with my owner info, local area code, alerts and notifications settings, etc. Has anyone else done this? And if so, which keys did you grab? What are your thoughts? How well did it work? I'm using CERegistryEditor and WinCE Cab Manager - any better tools for the job?
I know this can be done with Sashimi, in fact that's what gave me the idea to do some provisioning... I just thought a cab in the UC folder would be quick and painless.
I made provXMLs/cabs of my email accounts, power saving settings, and auto light sensor settings, which get installed by XDA User Customization on the first boot. The easiest way to do this is to use the XML maker in sashami (makisu), then save the .xml file onto your SD card. For any settings found in Schapps' Advanced Configuration Tool, you can export them as .XML files which are usable with UC. Then, in your SDConfig.txt file, use the XML: command (as opposed to CAB:) and specify its file path as you would with any .cab file. For any settings found in Schapps' Advanced Configuration Tool, you can export them as .XML files which are usable with UC. Then, UC will import the registry entries from the provXML on the first boot.
Or if you really want .cab files, I believe you can import provXMLs as registry settings with WinCE Cab Manager since your provxml is identical to _setup.xml (which contains registry settings) found in the root of any modern .cab. Then, you can create the .cab file, and it'll install all your registry settings. If that fails, you can still use the official Microsoft .cab SDK and cab up the XML, as detailed here. It may seem like a lot of work, but it'll be completely worth it once you've automated everything.

Control panel exe/lnk?

Can someone upload the .exe files for all the settings located in the start menu? Or can anyone tell me the registry name for each of the settings like ctplmain--- I have already tried control panel to exe but for some reason, it crashes when creating the exes for most of the settings. Thanks
check this post !
Thatexactly what was looking for! Thanks so much!
i know... same things last week...
You can also use this tool:

