Too fast charging to 100% - weird battery behavior? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Yesterday I've notice it for the first time [1 month old device] - I plug the device on charger when it was ~60% after 1h I came back, turn screen on and notice its 'Charged' - 100%, while it still on charge I've played a little bit with the device and notice the battery is on 65%!
I looked at the GSAM battery logs [of all the battery indicator precents] and notice that it jump from 60% [when I put it on charge] stright to 100%, then it goes down under 60 [while I played with it], also weird thing - at the GSAM graph it shows that the screen was on all the 1h charging time [I can tell the screen was off!].
After reconnect to the charger it went fine [maybe it was fine right after its relized the real precents/indicator].
Anyway - today I've notice a little different thing: while it charges the battery indicator shows 93% for a while, while I'm playing with device [still on charger] then it jumps to 100%.
I looked at GSAM battery indicator history [log] and notice something strange - when the indicator went to 82 it goes up to 83 then goes down to 82, then 83 again, 84, 83, 84, 85, ....93, 100.
At this case seems like the indicator has right on the jump to 100% - I checked it and seems it decreases linearly as it should be.
Don't know why is it happening but at other early log of cherging [on gsam] I notice that other charge had something quite similar - on 81 up to 82 down to 81 up to 82 and continue regular....
- I'm on stock 4.2.2 [no root or other stuff], using only the original charger [1.2A], the battery wasn't heat at all and everything seems fine.
Does any one have any idea why is it happens or any reason for that?
I can say its the first [and second] time I notice it, so its not happens all the time.

BTW - could this behavior damage the battery [for the long term]?
Maybe this is one of the reasons for too many [people in here and outside] having problems of 'damaged' battery, because of not noticing it and keep it in charge while the indicator stuck on xx% but the battery is full (100%)...
Anyway if you are not following the battery indicator- charging/discharging history you'll never notice it.

Had this thing again - few days ago.
I put the charger and notice it jumps stright to 100% 'charged', reconnect the charger and its back charging as usual...
Anyone notice it and/or have any idea why is it happens sometimes ?


Another battery drain problem - driving me CRAZY!!

I know there are already a lot of discussions on battery drain and believe me, I have read every single one of them. However, I think mine is slightly different:
When fully charged and using WIFI for 10 minutes, 10% of juice will be used. Listening to MP3 for 1 hour will also use another 10%. Overall, battery life is really bad but the key is it only happened suddenly. It have been very good up till now.
I have tested this on another battery and have exactly the same results so it is not battery related. I have also hard reset the phone and tested the battery with nothing installed and it still drains. A full charge only lasts me like 4 hour of very light use.
I installed Battlog and the power consumption is around 90 which I think is pretty low, but at times, even with this low consumption, I can see the battery usage literally falling before my eyes, like 5 % in 5 minutes.
I have also tried the HTC battery test, i.e. fully charged the battery, turned on plane mode and full brightness. After one hour, it only used 8% which I thought is normal. However, if I start using the phone by just simply clicking around, it will start dropping.
I believe the phone is fine on standby but once it starts doing things, even simple operations like moving around folders, it starts consuming a lot of power.
This all happens after an overnight charging episode when I noticed that the light stays amber in the morning and the percentage stays at 80%. I soft reset the phone and it immediately show 100%. This has never happen again but my battery usage is never normal since.
All in all, I think it is somehow hardware related, like the battery gauge is bad or the charging is never complete but it still shows green. It is still under warranty but I think will be very difficult to convince the service centre that there is something genuinely wrong with the phone.
P.S. Should also mentioned that I am using the stock telstra rom and have also cycled through the batteries twice before testing.
I had the same problem...
You should try resetting you battery:
1: let your battery drain to 0%
2: fully charge your battery while keeping your phone off!
this solved the problem for me..
Fenixz said:
I had the same problem...
You should try resetting you battery:
1: let your battery drain to 0%
2: fully charge your battery while keeping your phone off!
this solved the problem for me..
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I had actually "reset" the battery but only drain it to 5% before recharging as I have read that it is not safe to drain to 0%. I'll try to completely drain it tonight and recharge. Will report back.
btw, I noticed that when the battery is charged to 100%, the led stays amber for about 15-20 minutes before turning green. Is this normal or should it turn green immediately after reaching 100%?
Tried completely draining the battery and charge overnight but have no effect. The problem persists. So this is definitely not a battery problem.
I guess the last thing I can try is charging the battery with a standalone charger or another HD to see if there is problem with the charging mechanism in my phone.
The latest Telstra rom seems a bit better on battery
led amber
The led amber must turn to green
immediately after unplugging.
some thing is wrong with your charge
system .
aidinali said:
The led amber must turn to green
immediately after unplugging.
some thing is wrong with your charge
system .
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aidinali, can you please explain what you mean? I thought the led will go off if you unplugged the charger. My problem is that after reaching 100% as indicated on the phone, the led stays amber for another 15 minutes before turning green.
Well , I'll correct & explain more....
1-when you reach %100 ,the led will turn to green immediately (if you’r phone is plugged in).
2-if you unplug ,the led will turn off (as you said ).
The problem is that since the battery meter in HD has not been defined by percentage , it doesn't match with
Apps like battery level or battlog .so when you see %100 on them , it' s not "real % 100 ".
I believe there is something wrong with the phone as the percentage usage and charging status do not match. However, since the basic HTC software does not have any battery usage in percentage, it’s hard to convince the service centre that something is wrong.
Any software that shows the battery as a percentage all have the same reading, so I assume they all rely on the mainboard for that information. There is obviously something wrong with either the charging process of the phone or draining more battery than it needs during usage.
I have 100% exactly the same problem as in the original post.
Does anyone else?
I have also tried 2 batteries and had exactly the same results with both, so I also know it is not the battery. The only app I have installed other than Dutty's 6.5 rom is Tomtom which does not need to be run for any of these issues to occur.
Any chance on warranty? I think it's software...
Try a different ROM. I've been having the same problem. I just flashed a new ROM about an hour ago (partly because Dutty's 6.5 kept freezing). I'm hoping both problems will be solved now.
i've found the latest radio rom to make a big different to battery life.
the previous radio rom (1.13?) did suck the juice and made battery last 2 days less than 1.14
Try charging with a different charger. Ie. connect a USB cable on your PC and charge it from there.
I've had very similar problems with the stock charger a month after i got my TouchHD, and ended up testing with my old P4350 charger and all problems went away.
I've had similar drains even witch WiFi off, no emails, exchange or 3G access...
Now i'm getting a whole day's usage and i'm left with 30-40% battery, with 2 hours average talk time
I've tried with a number of chargers.....battery still sucks.
I've just switched from Dutty's to Energy ROM, radio is 1.14
If drains more quickly than Dutty's
It says it drawing 350mA
Ok, I've used Energy ROM but now using Dutty's Leo. The only thing I've loaded so far is Battery Guard which say it's drawing 98mA when on standby(ie....backlight goes off). That'sa massive difference on the 250mA readings I used to all I have todo is figure out which program I'm loading that is killing my battery.
That still only equates to 12 - 13 hours on a good standard battery with no use at all.
samlives said:
Ok, I've used Energy ROM but now using Dutty's Leo. The only thing I've loaded so far is Battery Guard which say it's drawing 98mA when on standby(ie....backlight goes off). That'sa massive difference on the 250mA readings I used to all I have todo is figure out which program I'm loading that is killing my battery.
That still only equates to 12 - 13 hours on a good standard battery with no use at all.
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Standard battery should last longer. Sounds like your battery may be slightly faulty. Make sure you let battery drain fully before charging, and always try charging with device off. Should help improve strength.
I had same problem when i flashed miri's rom, hd got warm and didn't last, it cooled down in standby, the answer to my problem was that the wifi was not set to save battery mode, once i set it to save power everything was ok
Used 8% in 24 hours
Fallen Spartan said:
Standard battery should last longer. Sounds like your battery may be slightly faulty. Make sure you let battery drain fully before charging, and always try charging with device off. Should help improve strength.
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Have been trying that for a month now....something seems to have suddenly worked It only used 8% of the battery in 24 hours! I live in the rainforest with no service so cellular was turned off...wifi on, but I only accessed it about 6 times......still,nothing has changed. The same conditions would leave me with a dead battery in 7 hours previously.
Time will tell if it keeps up this well.
By the way....Thanks
So basically you're saying people should drain down the battery to 1% or so and not to 0% (device dies when battery is out) to get a better battery strength?
Seems to be the general consensus. I'm still not sure if that's what made the difference for me but previously,I would put my device to standbye when I went to sleep at 10:30pm and it would be dead by 6am

HD2 WP7 Battery issues

Okie dokie, ive had a wee look about and whilst there are several posts on battery issues i dont see much on this one ive come across.
Ok, first things first, battery usage seemed a bit high but nothing too major, still got me through a day, then it got worse, bit by bit it was lasting less and less time. so ive done a few wee tests with flashing other WM roms and WP7 and i think i have a good explination.
It seems if you leave it on charge all night it may not quite fill up, if you unplug it when the green light comes on then plug it back in it fills up propperly, if however you unplug it when the green light is on and isnt full, plug it back in again and then unplug it again before its full it reports on wp7 as being full, which it isnt, then it looks like your battery is draining like a comet falling out of the sky which of course it isnt, just just your battery isnt full to start with.
anyhow, it seems to get worse if you dont notice it not filling up, so if i fill it up to say 80%, then use it, and at some point during the day plug it in briefly but not enough to fill it up fully it then takes that level as the battery max, the next recharge doesnt fill it up until a restart.
So yes, thats all rather complicated and probably makes little sence to anyone but me but the point is this, for one reason or another WP will think the battery is full when it isnt, which makes it look like the battery usage is massive, which it isnt, it just appears that way because as far as WP is concerned, under the right circumstances your battery is perhaps half the size it really is
I'd support dazza9075 in his articulation of this undocumented 'feature'. Without having given it the same levels of consideration, I've had similar experiences where I have had a phone on the green light - I unplug it, take a short call, plug it back in and it stays on amber for another hour or more.
Elsewhere in similar threads there was a suggestion to soft reset at bedtime. I haven't done so rigorously, but the once or twice I have done, it does seem that there is more battery left in the morning.
Of course, in the absence of hard data from a battery percentage meter - assuming it is accurate - this is all subjective speculation anyway. But it is reasonably safe to say that WP7's battery reporting is immature at best.
Aye, not having propper access to battery stats is a bit of an oversight. Just to add to my ramblings just charged the phone, green light, unplug, icon suggests 100%, plug in an amber light pops on, unplug an Icon dropped to around 80%, plug in again and leave phone on standby it will charge, but as I type on here battery icon gone straight to full an green light on.
Lesson of the day, charge and don't use phone, keep repeating unplug an charge to get full charge back
Good stuff guys! Indeed; i noticed the same thing! Although when it says Low Battery i can assure you that the phone will still work for a day like mine.. i charged it yesterday morning; at night it said battery low and still now i am using it! Weird stuff but as we know WP7 is not meant to be on HD2! Someone here (member or dev) will fix the problem some day like Android OS... This is just the Beginning!
I can completely agree with the observations written above regarding the battery charging in our HD2s.
Just install the Battery Tool from the HTC test package found here:
Then when you open the program, for fully (I mean really full battery) there must be the following lines there:
Weight: 1000
RARC: 1000
Voltage: 4196 (+/-, different, this is mine battery)
Current: 0
Full: 1230
ACR: 1230
Last one (ACR) and Weight (1000) are the most important, so that ACR == FULL. After that I can use the phone for 2 and half days with moderate usage.
When the usually charging appear, after the green light, when I open the application it says:
Weight: 686
RARC: 686
Voltage: 4196 (???)
Current: 30 (it appears still charging with small amount of amperage)
Full: 1230
ACR: 840
For me here the battery is 2/3 full, but is strange that it reports full voltage, although ACR << FULL. If I unplug the charger, then just right after some minutes I'm starting to see how the battery indicator decreases fast.
EDIT: It seems that after green light, If I unplug the charger and plug it again, the above settings change dramatically, as well as indicator, showing 2/3 full battery:
MS_Percent: 69
PA_Percent: 69
Weight: 686
RARC: 686
Voltage: 4196
Current: 75
Full: 1230
ACR: 845
Then after 2-3 minutes it's becoming green again and MS and PA pointing to 100, BUT Weight and RARC = 686.
The question is, is really battery 2/3 full or is just wrong determination of charging percents (battery indicator levels) as noted above?
ah, very good tool
I think that just proves what i suspected, the phone dosnt have a clue what its doing, to get a full charge, simply unplug when green light comes on, keep screen off on standby and replug-in,red light appears until it thinks its "full" repeat process until ACR is full. A reboot will have the same effect it seems
Failer to do so makes phone results in incorrect battery stats and can result in the phone appearing to have a much hight battery usage then it really does
hd2 wp7 battery tips
I struggled a lot initially then I did the following changes which made my battery last for 3 days, yes you heard it right.
1. Remove all live & Facebook (active) tiles from the home screen
2. Turn data/WiFi off when not in use.
yes, use the battery tool from htc to read and charge your battery to 100%...though it says 100%...charge until ACR reading and FULL reading are same or the battery current says zero....similar to current widget in android where the phone can be charged till the current is 0ma..meaning no current is passing between the phone and charger
Where do we get the battery tool from htc?
Edit: Foud the link in the above posts .... Thanx
Not exactly related but I have the same problem with charging, if I plug into my laptop it starts orange and turns green when its 100% but what it looks like to me is that when it thinks its charged it turns off the charger and the light still stays green.
So my battery starts draining but still showing green, if I unplug and plug back it will go to 100% but the same happens again.
Getting annoyed with this I got one of these...
Its tedious taking my battery out but now I get over a full day without having to charge.
P.S. the battery tool is in this thread
I'm a huge fan of this particular little battery-related nugget. And I'll be a monkey's uncle: it works.
My personal habits call for a soft-reset at bedtime (while it's plugged in) and a little video camera shoot when I wake. This yields about 18 hours of battery life for me with constant 3G and/or WiFi usage. I average ~12,000 texts per month.
GameDr04 said:
I'm a huge fan of this particular little battery-related nugget. And I'll be a monkey's uncle: it works.
My personal habits call for a soft-reset at bedtime (while it's plugged in) and a little video camera shoot when I wake. This yields about 18 hours of battery life for me with constant 3G and/or WiFi usage. I average ~12,000 texts per month.
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which version of WP7 and radio rom are u using ? Presume its a EU HD2

[Q] Wireless Charging Drain

So I did the touchstone wireless charging mod and about 2/3 of the time, everything works great. For the remaining 1/3 of the time, something weird is happening that I'm wondering if anyone has any insight into.
In these instances, I'll put the phone on the palm base and it plays the sound and gives me the notification message saying it's wirelessly charging. However, the battery continues to drain. For example, I put it on at 44% battery life and I came back 3-4 hours later with the phone at 41% battery life. The notification bar showed it was indeed charging.
When I look in SystemPanel, it shows "System Processes" as using a major amount of battery for those 3-4 hours. Inside of it, it says "irq/343-max7769" as the top system process hogging CPU power. When I look at CPU usage, it was fixed at 30% for the entire time I was charging. Soon as I took it off the charger, the CPU usage immediately went down.
Anyone have any ideas?
For reference, I'm running ForceROM 2.3 (yes I know I haven't upgraded yet) with the "KT SGS4 (6/10/13)" kernel.
Anyone have any thoughts?
As a side note, I've noticed if I touch the screen for a few seconds after wireless charging starts the problem doesn't appear to happen. I'm going to test some more to see.
None of this happens when charging with a cable.
Never mind, just a placebo effect. Back to starting point.
Attached are two pictures of the same screen (one just scrolled down). You can see on the battery graph how it continued to drain even after charging started and at that same point it was a solid 30% cpu in the other screenshot.
1-2ish hours later the battery shot up.
Edit: dumb client wouldn't let me attach the second image...

[Q] Battery overheating event - detailed case study

Historical phone performance:
Battery usage (slide 1) – phone uses up 21% in 9 hrs incl 1hr screen-on time and 23 minutes talk-time.
Charging (slide 2) - phone reaches peak battery temperature 105F as voltage increases past 70%, then battery temperature lowers. Max charging current 1500 – 2000 millamps, decreases back to zero causing the temperature to falls. Max voltage 3,450 millivolts.
Phone is rooted and generally operates great with very few problems.
The overheating event (slide 3)
9:50pm – placed phone on charger, using phone screen
10:30pm – stopped using phone, left phone on charger (normal routine)
11:20pm – batter reaches peak temperature of 110F as voltage increases past 70% and then battery temperature starts decreasing. Everythign seems normal at this point.
1:45am – battery temperature starts increasing again and increases to peak of 145F battery temp at 2AM. Bounces around in the 140-145F range.for the next three hours
NOTE – Even though at first glance it seems like a battery/charging problem, the current and voltage behave very similar to the previous normal charge. This seems to rule out battery/charging problem (?)
4:40AM – alarm goes off and I awake and find hot phone and unplug it from charger immediately. Took screenshot (slide 7) showing battery temp 135F and cpu temp 174F. (by the way in other screenshots, cpu temp is on the far right of my notification bar, battery level is on far left of notification bar, and battery temp is 2nd from left on notification bar... the battery temp showing on the notification bar in this particular screenshot is not updated yet because I just turned the phone screen on).
From this point on battery temperature drops significantly (in response to unplugging presumably). Note that GSAM battery monitor battery stats are wiped by unplugging charger, can’t retrieve what they were before.
04:52 – took GSAM battery stats approx. 12 minutes after unplugged. (slide 4) - Battery is down to 95% already and 56% used by apps (even though I have had screen on continuously). The two apps sucking up all the juice are Lookout and Mapquest. Lookout has been on for 13 minutes which is the entire time since the stats were reset when the phone was unplugged. Mapquest only shows as being on 10 minutes at this point. I checked GPS at this point and it was definitely enabled (I normally leave it enabled without any problem). I am not positive whether I disabled GPS at this point or not. I didn’t stop the apps… curious to see how they would behave. Turned off phone screen and left it alone approx. 05:05 until..
05:40 – took GSAM battery stats approx. 1 hour after unplugged. (slide 5) Battery is down to 79% (huge drain… I normally get 9hours plus before I get to 79%). Biggest users are again Lookout and Mapquest. Battery temp is 95F (in an ambient temperature around 70F) which is high considering the phone was not being used and not being charged.
05:45 - Uninstall lookout. I may have turned GPS off at this time (if I hadn't already done it at 04:52... not sure). Reboot. After reboot I did note GPS was disabled and Mapquest was not running. Phone has operated normally since (normal battery drain, normal temperatures).
Hypothesis – Rogue apps Lookout and Mapquest? But they didn't overheat much after battery was removed from charger (even though they continued to use abnormal battery). Maybe it only overheats with the combination of both the rogue apps plus the charging?
Also, would seem too coincidentl to have two different rogue apps show up at the exact same time. Maybe at least one of the rogue apps went rogue as a result of the high temperature.?
What do you think?
Update: charged overnight the following night and everything was normal, just like slide 2.

Battery Health or Seemingly Random Drain off the wall

Hey all
I've noticed something of late with my OP6T. When I charge it to 100% and take it off the charger, it drops ~5% very quickly seemingly without any wakelocks/alarms that cause it. Does anyone else experience this? Is there something I can do about this or is the battery just on it's way out? It's a little strange as the device is only 1yr old. I bought it around 9 Nov.
Here are some of the screens from BBS attached. As you can see it doesn't look out of the ordinary.
Another strange thing is that once it reaches around ~95% then it will start to act as normal, so it takes MUCH longer to go from 95 downwards.
What's going on here?
Other things tried:
- root and run battery calibrate
- factory flash fastboot images
- use custom kernel
All show the same issue so far. This did not happen at all until recently. Any help would be appreciated!
UPDATE: I let the battery drain completely and had the phone self-power off, then powered it up a couple more times until the "Battery too low, charge before use" sign started coming up. Once that happened, I plugged the phone into a slow charger, turned it on and left it to charge. I plugged it out when I went to bed (at 100%) and it seems to be all good now. Woke up 6 hours later with the phone at 98%.
Just in case anyone else is having the issue, give that a try.
Banshee1221 said:
UPDATE: I let the battery drain completely and had the phone self-power off, then powered it up a couple more times until the "Battery too low, charge before use" sign started coming up. Once that happened, I plugged the phone into a slow charger, turned it on and left it to charge. I plugged it out when I went to bed (at 100%) and it seems to be all good now. Woke up 6 hours later with the phone at 98%.
Just in case anyone else is having the issue, give that a try.
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Battery percentage is a estimate. Discharging it fully and charging it only makes the estimate a bit more precise. I remember on my old phone that it could drop 40 percent in 15 minutes and when you put the device away in your pocket it could go up about 5 percent.

