Does Google Now work hands-free? - Nexus 10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

As the topic states, does Google Now on the Nexus 10 work hands-free?
Like, i'm on my couch watching a movie and I'm too lazy to stretch my arms out 3 feet to touch my tablet can I be all like,
"Computer, search for the lowest priced airplane ticket to Okinawa, Japan."
and it'll work?

No, you need to be in the Google Now app already to then be able to say "Google" followed by whatever you want. There may be a mod or app you can find though that would make the mic always turned on and when you say Google it could launch Google Now.

EniGmA1987 said:
No, you need to be in the Google Now app already to then be able to say "Google" followed by whatever you want. There may be a mod or app you can find though that would make the mic always turned on and when you say Google it could launch Google Now.
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If that's the case then, doesn't Nexus 10 allow multiple apps to be open at the same time, as is standard for like everything nowadays? So therotically I can just leave the Google Now always on and just yell at it with the prefix "Google" whenever I want to ask a question even if I'm in the kitchen and it's in the living room, right?
All the YouTube vids I found only showed people having to press the mic button on the screen before they could ask a question...

The mic button within Google Now? Or a mic button on the homescreen? Cause ya you can do it either way, but I have never done that. When inside Google Now you can simply say "Google" and it will go into search mode. And entering Google Now is easy since all you do is swipe up from the home button.
As for leaving Gnow open in the background, I am not sure if that will work or not. The app *probably* is required to be the foreground app in order for the talking functionality to work.

Even though I tried to make it "resident" using Xposed, Google Now wouldn't listen to its Keyword while in background. The closest you can get to hands-free would be a custom target on the unlock-ring. This is possible with CM10.1 and AOKP.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Also note that I didn't test CM10.1 on the Nexus 10 myself, so it is an assumption that AOKP took it over from there.

Thx for the help you two.
Sucks that it doesn't work completely hands free. Here's hoping it will though in a future update to the app/Jellybean/OS.

I dont know if it ever will. The reason is because it would have to be a constantly open process, that would take additional CPU since it is always trying to listen for things. Plus there could be security concerns because the mic is always on and listening. At best I would hope that someone makes a mod to allow Google Now to always be in listen mode.


Genius Button....Anyone Actually Use It ?

Anyone actually use the Genius button on a regular basis ?
Anyone else find it to be a stupid useless waste of space like I do ?
Discuss/your thoughts on it.
we have a Genius Button??? i havent even touch it once! USELESS for me, would love to find a way to remove the function and put something else that is usefull.
There is a thread in the dev section IIRC on how to remap it. I've tried it a few times, but it does not seem entirely useful or time saving.
I used it in the car when running stock. At the moment I'm using cm7 and it's mapped to Google Voice Search, which is similar in capability.
HTC Glacier running CM7 #28
Never used it while I was stock. In CM I have it remaped.
going_home said:
Anyone actually use the Genius button on a regular basis ?
Anyone else find it to be a stupid useless waste of space like I do ?
Discuss/your thoughts on it.
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I used it to quickly while in the car call someone over bluetooth...but since i switched roms too desire HD rom I dont have that luxury anymore =_(
I use it in CM7 for Google Search.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I use the hands free mode all the time. Since I learned you can use it to open apps, change settings and more, I've used it a lot more, I just wish it wasn't so slow. It would be my favorite app if it was faster!
going_home said:
Anyone actually use the Genius button on a regular basis ?
Anyone else find it to be a stupid useless waste of space like I do ?
Discuss/your thoughts on it.
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I use the Genius button fairly often and allthough you are entitled to your opinion, it is not a stupid useless waste of space. It is a nice app with alot of function.
msong06 said:
we have a Genius Button??? i havent even touch it once! USELESS for me, would love to find a way to remove the function and put something else that is usefull.
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There are plenty of ways to remove it and you can actually use that button to open any app you want. Interested in how? Check out the button mod thread in my signature.
Genocaust said:
There is a thread in the dev section IIRC on how to remap it. I've tried it a few times, but it does not seem entirely useful or time saving.
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There are threads in the dev section and app section here in the MT4G forum that tell you how to do it or do it for you. Remapping the button can be extremely usefull and time saving. Interested how? See the button mod thread in my sig.
nexus9988 said:
I used it to quickly while in the car call someone over bluetooth...but since i switched roms too desire HD rom I dont have that luxury anymore =_(
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You can add Genius to any Desire HD rom and most other roms by visiting my thread HERE or HERE
CyberStorm98 said:
I use the hands free mode all the time. Since I learned you can use it to open apps, change settings and more, I've used it a lot more, I just wish it wasn't so slow. It would be my favorite app if it was faster!
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If you are having a problem with it verifying your contact list often try this:
When it activates and asks you to speak push the menu button. It will pull up the Settings and from there you can turn off the contact verification by going into Phonebook Updates and selecting manual. Or make some other adjustments to help speed it up a little.
I tried it and it worked well, but it takes 20 seconds for it to startup initially, and isn't very fast even after that.
So I remapped the keys so a press gives me search and a press-hold gives me voice search instead of the Genius Button app. Now I use it and find it useful. I'm tempted to see if I can turn it into a dialer button so I can always get to the phone app, since this is a phone....
using it to activate google voice search is better for me.
excarnate said:
I tried it and it worked well, but it takes 20 seconds for it to startup initially, and isn't very fast even after that.
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Dude, what are you talking about? It dont take more than one second to open. I press the button and it opens just as fast as google voice search would. You need to go into Settings/Phonebook Updates and set it to manual. Then it wont try to update your contacts every few times you use it.
TrueBlue_Drew said:
There are threads in the dev section and app section here in the MT4G forum that tell you how to do it or do it for you. Remapping the button can be extremely usefull and time saving. Interested how? See the button mod thread in my sig.
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To clarify: I did not mean to infer the threads on how to remap the button were not helpful or time saving, but rather that I do not find the button very helpful or time saving for my own use.
I always use google voice in the car. Works great!!!!
TrueBlue_Drew said:
Dude, what are you talking about? It dont take more than one second to open. I press the button and it opens just as fast as google voice search would. You need to go into Settings/Phonebook Updates and set it to manual. Then it wont try to update your contacts every few times you use it.
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When we mentioned it taking forever to open, we weren't talking about the contact list updates. Mine has been on manual since I bought the phone. The app opens right away, but it doesn't actually start listening for commands, for at least 30 seconds, if not sometimes more. It isn't scanning or doing anything else you can turn off, it's just VERY laggy to start listening.
CyberStorm98 said:
When we mentioned it taking forever to open, we weren't talking about the contact list updates. Mine has been on manual since I bought the phone. The app opens right away, but it doesn't actually start listening for commands, for at least 30 seconds, if not sometimes more. It isn't scanning or doing anything else you can turn off, it's just VERY laggy to start listening.
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Hmmm...wierd, I dont have that problem at all. It starts listening as soon as I hit the button and the app opens. I even just tested it again and timed it with my stop watch.. From the time I longpress my button and it vibrates to open Genius it took 3.7 seconds for it to open and say "listening", me say "open rom manager" and it repeated it back to me and opened it. That is total time from the button press to when Rom Manager was actually open.
I am not sure what rom you guys are running or if you are rooted or not but if it is taking 5, 10, or 20 seconds for it to accept a command from you, then u got something going on. I am on CM7.
I am not here to argue with anyone over the opinion of a app. To each his own. But what I dont like to see is someone calling a app a useless waste of space, when it isn't. It is just like any other app, some people use and like it and some dont.
TrueBlue_Drew said:
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"weird", not "wierd". took 3.7 time
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Mine took:
20 seconds the first time, 4 seconds the second time (I found the shorter time didn't last all that long in actual use). Yes, I had it on the default setting of updating contacts automatically. I don't see why I should have to change a default and give up the functionality for it to work. Still, I changed the setting, since I don't care about it, and rebooted my phone. 2 seconds to prompt me. I tried to open "Timer" and it kept opening "Camera" but that's a different topic. Nice to know it can be reasonably fast (thank you for the tip!), but the Google voice search is faster still and lets me call all contacts, even new ones.
I am not sure what rom you guys are running or if you are rooted or not but if it is taking 5, 10, or 20 seconds for it to accept a command from you, then u got something going on. I am on CM7.
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No, *I* don't have something going on, the phone does. It did this from stock, it did this on several phones (I kept trying til I got a good screen), it does this rooted.
If the automatic update of contacts is so tough for it, it was a poorly chosen default, but it hardly constitutes my having something going on.
I am not here to argue with anyone over the opinion of a app. To each his own. But what I dont like to see is someone calling a app a useless waste of space, when it isn't. It is just like any other app, some people use and like it and some dont.
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You are getting way too worked up over this. He didn't say it is a "useless waste of space", he asked if anyone else found it to be a "useless waste of space like I do", which is quite different. Even so, it would clearly be his opinion.
I generally find the Genius Button app to be accurate, not withstanding the above, but the Google voice search does nearly as much and works out of the box. It isn't worth my time to re-edit the keys to bring the app back.
Please note, I said "my time", not "your time" or "everyone's time"
Anyone, I don't suppose there is a way to make the physical "genius" button a general 'Find' like it is on my wife's Droid X?
Google voice search seems too be more intuitive, less intrusive, and launches much faster in my opinion. I've remapped genius button to launch google voice search.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
hey excarnate,
1st...thanks for correcting my spelling
2nd...dont assume that I am worked up over something so trivial as if you or anyone else likes, wants to use or doesn't want to use a app. I could really care less and was only trying to let people know there are settings that can be adjusted to make it faster.
3rd...While I think that Google voice search works great I don't think it has all of the capabilities that Genius does but Genius has all of the ones that Voice search does. So to compare the two is a little harder than just saying that Google voice search is better because it is faster. Genius wins hands down when it comes to the amount of things it does in comparison to Google Voice search. Try telling Google voice search to "turn on wifi", "Open Settings", "turn of GPS"
4th...I am not sure what the "find" feature is on the droid phone but since you have taken the time to remap your genius button you can use the app called Button Shortcut (free in market) or Launchkey (free on xda) to open any other app with the long press of Genius/Search button.
Not sure why you decided to try and pick apart my post, but its all good.
TrueBlue_Drew said:
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Heh, I have smilies adblocked so didn't notice til I hit reply. I'm just glad you didn't use "lol" as punctuation.
4th...I am not sure what the "find" feature is on the droid phone but since you have taken the time to remap your genius button you can use the app called Button Shortcut (free in market) or Launchkey (free on xda) to open any other app with the long press of Genius/Search button.
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Originally I used Button Shortcut to launch the Genius Button app, but after rooting my current phone (with a good screen!) I gave up on Genius Button. If I knew I could have turned off one of the defaults to make it perform acceptably, I would have made it the long press default. Maybe I still will, if I remap the button for any other reason.
Find, is simply find within the current app. If I'm in contacts, the find button lets you find something in contacts. If I'm in a webpage, I believe it lets one search in the webpage (I don't use her phone much so I'm not sure about this).
[mini rant about the contacts app on the MT4G deleted]
So my new take on the Genius Button is: it is worthless out-of-the-box. If your contacts are stable, disable automatic updates and only remap the long press (if desired). If your contacts aren't stable and are important, dump it for the Google search & voice search.
[New information: Even with manual updates of contacts it is very slow to start when on hands free (hands free mode or not). I plan to freeze it in Titanium Pro.]

[Q] Difference between S-voice and Google Now

Sorry if this is the wrong place but:
What's the difference between the S-Voice from the S4 and Google Now?
I watched sum comparison videos on youtube, but they seem a little bit inaccurate. For example, it said that "google voice" can't open apps, but it can on my Nexus 4.
S voice is Samsung's own personal assistant developed for Galaxy devices . I guess it has been used in GS3, Note 2 and GS4 as well.
Google Now is vast new concept started by Google. It's more than just a personal assistant. It's like improved version of Google Voice..
for ex. if you are entering any highway, GN will warn about traffic
you are entering into a tube station, GN will alert you about the next trains lined up..
Google voice can certainly open apps.
Google now is better .S voice sucks that's the difference. Half the time s voice doesn't function right or gets s##t wrong that you ask for.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
imeem said:
Sorry if this is the wrong place but:
What's the difference between the S-Voice from the S4 and Google Now?
I watched sum comparison videos on youtube, but they seem a little bit inaccurate. For example, it said that "google voice" can't open apps, but it can on my Nexus 4.
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S-Voice is like another apps on Samsung Device that begins with "S", and i prefer to put S as Silly except Samsung
Silly apps that u can find all of them for free in play store but samsung preinstall them on galaxies device!!! on Android OS that it has its own preinstalled apps......................!
of course Google Now is better.
Ok, this is turning into a fanboys sort of thread.
Back to the OPs question:
Essentially, theyre the same thing. Its like iOS' Siri versus Google Now, theyre both designed to do the same things but by different companies
And S-Voice is part of a proprietary framework called Touchwiz, so it can only be installed on devices running a Touchwiz ROM. Google now on the other hand, relies on no underlying framework and so could be installed on any Android device, as long as the Android version supports it
thx for the reply. The reason i ask this question is i installed S Voice on my Nexus 4 from here:
Is there any reason to have both? I just downloaded it for fun.
With further testing, it seems like the Google now can't open sum apps. Such as PPSSPP, CloudOn, Office Suite, and GTA Vice City. While S voice.apk from the S4 can do this and can do stuff like "turn off wifi" and "turn on bluetooth".
imeem said:
thx for the reply. The reason i ask this question is i installed S Voice on my Nexus 4 from here:
Is there any reason to have both? I just downloaded it for fun.
With further testing, it seems like the Google now can't open sum apps. Such as PPSSPP, CloudOn, Office Suite, and GTA Vice City. While S voice.apk from the S4 can do this and can do stuff like "turn off wifi" and "turn on bluetooth".
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Not really, just use whichever is best for what you do, no point in really having 2 of the same sort of utility app
And obviously one will have more features than the other, it just depends on which features are most important to the user
Question, did the s-voice install properly and isnt giving you any force close issues? Strange because I was sure it would rely on the Touchwiz framework
CNexus said:
Not really, just use whichever is best for what you do, no point in really having 2 of the same sort of utility app
And obviously one will have more features than the other, it just depends on which features are most important to the user
Question, did the s-voice install properly and isnt giving you any force close issues? Strange because I was sure it would rely on the Touchwiz framework
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Nope. It installed properly. It only crashes when i go to language & input , select samsung for voice recognizer, and then press voice search.
imeem said:
Nope. It installed properly. It only crashes when language anD input , select samsung for voice recognizer, and then press voice search
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Interesting....thanks, gonna check it out now!
It would seem that it would rely on the TW framework since its an assistant sort of app...
imeem said:
Nope. It installed properly. It only crashes when i go to language & input , select samsung for voice recognizer, and then press voice search.
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How are you getting it to work? For me it kept saying "network connection error"?
CNexus said:
How are you getting it to work? For me it kept saying "network connection error"?
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Did u turn on ur wifi or data? It needs internet. Other than that, i didnt do anything
imeem said:
Did u turn on ur wifi or data? It needs internet. Other than that, i didnt do anything
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Tried with both. Could you upload yours since i know it's working? Thanks
CNexus said:
Tried with both. Could you upload yours since i know it's working? Thanks
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what phone do you have?
imeem said:
what phone do you have?
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Evo shift, I'm on AOSP 4.2.2 though, so it should be fine. Strangely, that's where I downloaded it from and no luck.
CNexus said:
Evo shift, I'm on AOSP 4.2.2 though, so it should be fine. Strangely, that's where I downloaded it from and no luck.
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try your evo 4 g
CNexus said:
How are you getting it to work? For me it kept saying "network connection error"?
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I used it for a day then got the network connection error also. Samsung (actually Vlingo/Nuance) reads the incoming device ID and blocks the connection if it's a mismatch with the device ID the app's intended to work with. Same thing happened when people were using bootleg copies of the SGS3's S Voice APK before it was released.
As for S Voice vs. Google Now I use S Voice more. To send a text message for example, Google Now opens up the recipient from the address book but you can't dictate the message, at least not from within Google Now. Same thing with e-mail. Dialing's also kind of clunky where if there are multiple options for your request you have to pick one manually. S Voice also repeats the number back before dialing where Google Now just dials and can miss digits you dictate pretty easily. Using a BT headset you can pretty much completely accomplish things hands free with S Voice while quite a few require a second manual action with Google Now.
Here are some examples
If you're in an app like the browser you also can't get Google Now to launch from the menu key because it's now serving the open application and doesn't recognize the "long press" command to open Google Now. Some people have disabled S Voice and remapped the home key to either Google Search or Voice Dialer. S Voice allows you to post to FB and Twitter too. Also, a lot of Google Now's neatest features (flight departure, package shipping, etc.) require you to use Gmail because Google's servers scrape your messages looking for pertinent data. I don't use Gmail and don't like the idea of Google's servers searching my data, even with my permission so to anyone not exclusively on Gmail certain feature don't mean very much.
Voice controls are also tied to S Voice. I use them pretty frequently; especially with the camera, music player, and to launch apps from the lock screen by voice.
I played with Google Now for a short time when I got my N2 so if it's improved or I'm being too hard on it someone speak up.
CNexus said:
How are you getting it to work? For me it kept saying "network connection error"?
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i think my S voice stopped working, says no network connection
imeem said:
i think my S voice stopped working, says no network connection
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It's being blocked because the device ID from the APK you downloaded doesn't match the device ID the server's reading from the actual device.
I love Samsung devices but I can't stand S voice. Unless there has been MAJOR improvement over the S3's/Note2 S voice I will still dislike it. First thing I do when I set up my Galaxy phones is disable it and get rid of the home button delay.
I think google now is better, faster, much more accurate and much more unique ( S voice is a clear copy of Siri).
barondebxl said:
I love Samsung devices but I can't stand S voice. Unless there has been MAJOR improvement over the S3's/Note2 S voice I will still dislike it. First thing I do when I set up my Galaxy phones is disable it and get rid of the home button delay.
I think google now is better, faster, much more accurate and much more unique ( S voice is a clear copy of Siri).
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Yup. HTC Speak is on its way as well.

Make some noise people! OK google! Fix this

Many of you already know that Samsung or Google, neither is taking full credit has removed the ok Google from any screen option. This is utter bull crap. The fact that our phone is being crippled without any explanation or reasoning is unacceptable. we as the Android community need to be loud about this. Whether you use the Service or not isn't the issue. You should at least have the option. We need to be loud about this. Bombard them with our inquiry as to why this feature is no longer there. Below is a few links to get you started. I'm still working on finding a direct contact number for Google so that we can call them. the squeaky wheel gets the oil!!category-topic/websearch/issue-search/xGiV6D4PMS8
I frankly couldn't care less about that feature but I understand your concerns. I'm pretty sure Google will eventually return the feature after they make some tweaks.
msavic6 said:
I frankly couldn't care less about that feature but I understand your concerns. I'm pretty sure Google will eventually return the feature after they make some tweaks.
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To me it's like is suddenly Gmail no longer had a spam folder. yes you still have gmail. and it essentially function the same. But a feature, and maybe a key feature to some people is removed and its only for one particular phone. now it's already been established that spam folder works just fine. But without any reason or explanation its just gone. most people wouldn't care. just a few more emails you have to delete. But to the few that really want it it's a big deal.
I Drive a lot. A lot of us do. And that hands-free experience of okay Google is essential. It actually might become a deal breaker for me. its not there yet but it might be . let's hope I don't have to make that decision and google just fixes this
Your problem is not a Google problem. You will be barking up the wrong tree. Install Nova launcher and see for yourself. It is Touchwiz that is lacking the feature. Talk to Samsung about it.
BCSC said:
Your problem is not a Google problem. You will be barking up the wrong tree. Install Nova launcher and see for yourself. It is Touchwiz that is lacking the feature. Talk to Samsung about it.
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Samsung can't remove it. And didn't. They may have influenced Google to do it but google is the only one that could turn that feature off. Remember, it was on for the first few weeks. Then it was randomly turned off with out any app update or software.
What a logic. If a different launcher brings it back, it's Samsung's fault, otherwise it's Google's fault.
BCSC said:
Your problem is not a Google problem. You will be barking up the wrong tree. Install Nova launcher and see for yourself. It is Touchwiz that is lacking the feature. Talk to Samsung about it.
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I don't think you understand how the feature is supposed to work. Turning Nova's feature on only gives you listening when you're on a home page. The full Google feature listens from any screen, no matter the app (and from screen off if you're plugged in).
Nova's feature was rolled out before Google's came to all devices and they're not really related.
That the feature is missing has nothing to do with the launcher.
This is a pretty big issue. I suspect the latest update broke it. I liked having the "From any screen" and from a locked screen feature.
Humm looks like a Samsung tweak to me and coincides with the battery drain fix we got through Samsung Services app. I'm really not a fan of always on Hot words and the like id rather my device was saving its battery than slamming its self listening for a word.
The choice should be their though but my guess is the battery hit just wasnt worth it for the very small number of users who want / need the feature. as other have said new launcher or root/rom and fix the problem yourself
Chances of Samsung "Fixing" this very very very very very very small.
Samsung definitely removed it. Just got my phone last Thursday and I had the option on the phone, as soon as I received the Samsung push for the battery drain it was gone.
I personally couldn't care less about it but hey, if you need it you need it. I don't feel as my phone is "crippled " , didn't even notice it.
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I've actually started using S-Voice now (don't kill me) and it's actually really nice. The fact that I can activate it from the lockscreen with the screen off, NOT charging, is a big win too.
¿Will-it-Blend? said:
I've actually started using S-Voice now (don't kill me) and it's actually really nice. The fact that I can activate it from the lockscreen with the screen off, NOT charging, is a big win too.
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Hotward detection while the screen is off is the one feature I miss most from the Nexus 6.
JLishere said:
Hotward detection while the screen is off is the one feature I miss most from the Nexus 6.
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I would give S voice a try. I'm liking it more than I thought I would. It's just on par with Google in speed and it has more functionality.
Perhaps i am weird (or maybe its working in an office), but i have never had the urge to yell at my phone to search.. or do things.... Ill admit i have used my wear to do some texts in the car, but even then i feel pretty silly.
That said, i am not a fan of removing features, but i also air on the side of caution. If an update removed it, i would suspect it was for a cause less nefarious than an evil samsung, and more likely to fix a bug or battery issue. But till we hear something official, its only really guessing...
I'm really ticked off about it. I left my Moto X 2014 for the S6 because of the camera. I probably wouldn't have if I had known that I wouldn't have the full Google Voice functionality on this phone; I typically use Google Voice to interact with my phone several times a day. What really gets me upset is that I didn't realize it until the DAY AFTER my 2 week return period... Luckily, I have a Moto 360 that I can use Google Voice with. This was a crappy move by Samsung. I hope they bring it back.
Google now from any screen fix
Hi Guys, as its one of the features I use a lot especially when driving I uploaded a YouTube video showing a work around
Link below. Hope it helps.
It works in Nova launcher now from any home screen. No widget needed.
Japultra said:
It works in Nova launcher now from any home screen. No widget needed.
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Works on Apex too, under advanced settings
Japultra said:
It works in Nova launcher now from any home screen. No widget needed.
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Painless001 said:
Works on Apex too, under advanced settings
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Those are not what the thread is referring to. OP is referring to "OK Google" from any screen (not just launcher home screens) - for instance, you could trigger Ok Google while in Gmail, Maps, etc - any app really, without needing to go back to Nova or Apex.

Google now cant access microphone

So i use "ok google" a lot and have on all of my phones. But i constantly am having issues with my Nexus 6p, it will simply not work and when i press the mic button on the google search widget it tells me "cannot access microphone" a reboot fixes it or simply waiting a little bit then it will work again. It's anyone else having this problem??
Haven't seen this one personally. That sucks sorry.
I had that problem when I had cortana. It had taken priority. Prior phone though.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
dislplin01 said:
So i use "ok google" a lot and have on all of my phones. But i constantly am having issues with my Nexus 6p, it will simply not work and when i press the mic button on the google search widget it tells me "cannot access microphone" a reboot fixes it or simply waiting a little bit then it will work again. It's anyone else having this problem??
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Unless you specify what is installed on the phone, what ROM, etc.
It's difficult to help.
I would start disabling the apps I installed prior to this happening.
tech_head said:
Unless you specify what is installed on the phone, what ROM, etc.
It's difficult to help.
I would start disabling the apps I installed prior to this happening.
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Yea sorry, stock no special add ons and minimal app, facebook, instagram, ect very simple i have other phones and tablets to play i keep this guy stock for now
i have this problem too occasionally. a reboot fixes.
as someone else already mentioned, i suspect some other program is taking over the mic but i haven't figured out which one yet.
what's weird is that only okay google and the home screen search bar mic is busted when this happens. i can still use the mic to search in chrome and to do anything else (like write a text or whatever).
anyway, keeping an eye on this thread in case anyone figures out what the guilty app is.
May try going to app settings for the Google app (press and hold on it in the app drawer and drag it to app info is the fastest way)
And then go to permissions. Mic should be on. If it's not turn it on. If it is on, try turning it off then back on?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Do any of you have Smart Lock with Trusted Voice enabled?
Same Issue
I also have this issue. My phone is non rooted. Only broken through the search widget. I was using nova launcher. Now using google launcher to see if that cures the issue. So far so good. Will now download my common used apps and see if anything breaks it. I really hope it was'nt Nova. I'll cry. I did speak to Google and they will replace the phone under warranty but I am going to test first anyways. I won't be returning my phone to google anytime soon as they want to pre authorize another charge on my credit card to ship me the device well behold I don't have enough available credit for a pre auth. Said they have no other options. So if your phone is under warranty and needs to be replaced make sure you have a good credit limit. I even offered to send them my phone before they sent me the new one but they said I cannot do that. So upset with google right now and their returns.
I had the same issue as OP, as recent as this past weekend. I was stock/normal rooted, no special launcher, no cortana. Microphone worked fine for speakerphone, but i could not use voice search on Google now on my phone, my moto watch, or android auto in my car. Weird how one issue spans three devices.
google searches yielded nothing. i deleted tons of apps and nothing. i went ahead and just flashed the whole stock rom, and it works normal now.
Check the permissions settings.
I am having the same problem as the OP. Glad to know I'm not alone.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Reading the thread, had anyone solved this problem? I took the advice on checking the permission settings and found that all permissions are allowed except for storage and camera (or was it contacts? I don't remember exactly, both of them are lcoated closely). Anyhow, I decided to just allow all permissions, walla it seemed to have solved the problem, I pressed my finger on the microphone at the back of the phone and said "ok google" and it responded. Can anyone else try to see if this works?
This new permission structure has its fair share of problems, I have plenty apps crashing because of only partial permission allowed, Skype being one of them

Remove the bleepin Google Assistant from the 6P

It was with great horror that I discovered that Google is now forcing the effin' Google Assistant down our throats. Home long press now launches this abomination of an app. Quickly figured out how to disable the crapware, but nowong press of home does nothing. So Google, of you are reading this....
Is there a way to recover the old functionality? I want long press to launch the old style Google app. If no, what is the version of the last update that does not include this POS software? I had not updated for a while and now this...
Apologies for fuming, it is just so freaking invasive on Google's part to ot even ask if I want to opt in.
PS setting ro.opa.eligible_device=false does NOT do the trick. Grrrr, this is getting more annoying by the minute
Someone on Reddit says you can change your language to US Virgin Islands to get the old now on tap back if that's what you're wanting. I haven't tried this myself though.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA Labs
swallowingled said:
Someone on Reddit says you can change your language to US Virgin Islands to get the old now on tap back if that's what you're wanting. I haven't tried this myself though.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA Labs
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Click to collapse
Yes, this works, the original source may be here
Unfortunately editing the build.prop does not seem to do the trick for me. I have to wonder how long before Google screws up that workaround.
I am curious, is there ANYONE out there who wants to ALWAYS talk to their phone and have the phone talk to them. Say you are in the middle of a meeting and want to quickly check on something. What is Google thinking? Or am I missing something?
GroovyGeek said:
Yes, this works, the original source may be here
Unfortunately editing the build.prop does not seem to do the trick for me. I have to wonder how long before Google screws up that workaround.
I am curious, is there ANYONE out there who wants to ALWAYS talk to their phone and have the phone talk to them. Say you are in the middle of a meeting and want to quickly check on something. What is Google thinking? Or am I missing something?
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Click to collapse
You can still type in searches using the Google search bar without talking. I prefer Google Assistant to the old functionality but I guess everyone uses their phone differently. Most people likely consider GA an enhancement rather than an intrusion like you do. Many people were unhappy that it was only offered officially on the Pixel but you can't please everybody.
All you have to do is turn GA off within settings.
boxcar8028 said:
All you have to do is turn GA off within settings.
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Click to collapse
Sadly this is not true. When you disable it in settings and long press home it pops up and says, Google Assistant is currently disabled, would you like to enable it? Options for yes or no. Yes pops up with assistant and no just disabled the window with no further actions. It doesn't revert to the old now on tap functionality.
i want to delete Google Assistant permanently, any clue ?
I'm surprised this thread doesn't have more attention. Before I had assistant I was trying to get it early on my device but now I am trying to go back to now on tap just because of the ease of use and time it takes to get to google.
The best workaround I found was this SwipeUp utility app. You can press and hold either your home button or fingerprint scanner to open straight to the Google app instead of the popup assistant (which is basically a blank screen until you say something or press on the keyboard symbol to type a search) it works really well.
No solution's to this yet? This is absurd.
@tolol @applePhx in this thread someone recommends deleting the Google Home App folder from /system using twrp to get completely rid of Google Assistant. Haven't tested it though

