[Q] I'm thinking my phone's hardware is bad. Asking for opinions. - Epic 4G General

Edit: Problem might be solved, thanks to kennyglass123.
I never thought that my battery could be the problem, since I got a replacement phone, but I had forgotten the battery was transferred from the original, malfunctioning phone. I'll be trying this solution as soon as I get paid.
Original Post:
For starters, I've had the Epic since it was originally released. I'm on my second Epic, as the first one needed to be replaced after the speakerphone speaker went out. (I hardly even used it outside a moderate ringtone.)
Here's my issue with both:
Every time the phone get's warm to the touch, while I'm in a warm environment, and I'm using the phone heavily, everything starts to force close like crazy. This includes completely bone-stock ROMs, and I definitely don't overclock, as I'm having issues already. This has happened to me on Froyo and Gingerbread, leaked, official, and custom ROMs, to include RFS/EXT4, and journaling on or off. This has happened to me 5-10+ times over the course of a year.
Every time it happens, my first instinct, after having to pull the battery, since so much is crashing, I go straight into CWM and I wipe dalvik cache or even cache/dalvik. Sometimes, I'll even wipe completely and reload everything from ground up, to include not recovering with Titanium and downloading every app one by one.
No matter how stable I get any ROM working on my phone, this problem occurs when I'm in a warm environment (server room, restaurant kitchen, or summer day), and I'm using the phone very heavily (heavy multitasking, installing lots of apps in market, etc).
Is this me being way too demanding on an older phone, or is this my hardware needing to be replaced? I'm curious, because I would have already gotten a faster phone to suit my needs, but I just now found a better job, and I haven't had extra spending money to throw down another $700; not to mention, I can renew my contract Jan 1, 2012.
Out of all the random issues I've had with all the different ROMs, especially leaks, this problem seems to be very consistent in the conditions I stated, across all ROMs. When I reload my phone from Odin to CWM flashing, now, I do it very slowly, in a cold room, with cool air being blown over it from a fan. I then slowly reload all 40+ apps from the market, one by one, and it takes forever.. every time. I hope some of you can imagine how frustrating this is, being I paid the $650 out of contract price for a top-of-the-line phone, and I've had issues like this over the past year. My phone organizes my whole life, including a full-time job, a part-time job, full-time school, my social life, and everything else. I can't have it crap out on me every time I need it most; and, it does.
Is this my Epic, or is this just all of them? I'd like to not think so, since I see so many people running them overclocked. I really hope I'm not just going crazy.
Thanks in advance for any constructive input in my situation. I'm not sure if it's because I'm at school, but my searches weren't pulling up any results at all.

If it's happening consistently with different ROMs, I would say it is a problem with your hardware. I have an annoying issue with my phone, 'Stay Awake' in Development doesn't keep. Such a minor annoyance compared to what you have to deal with.
If you can document it, you have a case for a replacement phone. But then, your contract renews in two months.....

Have you tried other batteries? I say definitely hardware given the info you provided. It may be a flaky battery causing some intermittance then the FCs. Although that shouldn't happen on completely stock RFS. So probably phone memory is bad.

I'll be trying this possible solution.
kennyglass123 said:
Have you tried other batteries? I say definitely hardware given the info you provided. It may be a flaky battery causing some intermittance then the FCs. Although that shouldn't happen on completely stock RFS. So probably phone memory is bad.
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You know, when I got my replacement phone, the original battery and cover were moved over to it. I can't believe I never thought to buy a different battery.
I've been wanting to try the suggestion I read about a new Epic Touch battery which is slightly higher capacity, and it still works great. I'll be sure to read up on exactly which one it was before I purchase.
Either way, I suppose it's going to be try a new battery and cross my fingers for two months, because I know how fun the local Sprint store always is. Thanks for the input.

toolegit said:
If it's happening consistently with different ROMs, I would say it is a problem with your hardware. I have an annoying issue with my phone, 'Stay Awake' in Development doesn't keep. Such a minor annoyance compared to what you have to deal with.
If you can document it, you have a case for a replacement phone. But then, your contract renews in two months.....
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The stay awake when charging not working was changed back in one of the first Gingerbread releases, if I recall correctly. It's unfortunate, because it bugs me too, but that was something I thought Samsung did on purpose in the newer ROMs.


New level of dissapointment from my HD2...HELP

Well ive had my hd2 since it came out and for me the only times its truly worked right is the 10mins after its been hard reset
last night i updated to 1.72 from 1.66 and if anything its slower, even with no apps installed and all my music files off it
. 1- from 9am to 10.30am it managed to use 35% battery even tho i hadnt touched it or left an app running in the background after a full nights charge
. 2- the signal is still intermittant, when its on the table it get full signal but as soon as i pick it up signal drops to 0 bars
. 3- sms types about 1 letter per second and randomly jumps the typing line about
. 4- it still thinks at 3am i want to be on the internet during my sleep so stays connected for 8 hours
. 5- the interface is sluggish (slower than winmo normaly) and even moving the unlock slider is a game to get it to actually work
. 6- when i hang up a call the screen does not change for over 1min
. 7- my contacts that are linked with facebook randomly change image to those that others have
. 8- when i press the power button to turn it on from stanby the key backlights come on but thats about it, 2mins later the screen comes on
sometimes i wonder if the phone thinks its a jam sandwich as it acts like one 90% of the time
their are brief points in the day when its working at 100%
but the rest im being forced to use a Nokia 3210i which tbh is far beating my HD2 as a phone at the moment
if you can help i would be much appreciated, otherwise im going to have a chat to vodafone about where i stand with returning it for a phone that works ok all the time, rather than brilliantly on occasion
how about trying a custom ROM there loads better, (a new radio will help with the signal)
there is quite a few ways to just turn your data connection off (cabs)
No 7,. the facebook thing, i have 4 facebook contacts who every few weeks, always the same 4, their 'display as' email names get swapped around.
that is a pretty comprehensive list of all the faults common to hd2 stock roms to a greater or lesser degree. You just seem unlucky enough to have them all.
It also bears the hallmarks of a bad flash, i'd be tempted to task 29 and reflash it. ( I had one myself just today, perfectly normal flash, did mtty and everything, and it was just clunky - menus taking ages to open, screens taking ages to close, etc.
I wiped it and flashed again, and problems gone.)
Sometimes it can just happen like that, same with PC's, sometimes the instal just doesnt take.
get it back
really take it back to where you bought it, your problems are not software related, it is still in warranty right ?
i cant risk flasshing it to a cooked rom due to it voiding the warranty (i know it 99% of the time doesnt but i dont want to take the risk)
as for the not taking right, i thought that aswell
im on my 10th hard reset easily, and its the same all the time
its been like it from day one, if i didnt like the phone so much it would have gone back to voda within 24hours
tudorlv said:
really take it back to where you bought it, your problems are not software related, it is still in warranty right ?
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its still under htc warranty, aswell as vodafone insurance
im covered up the ying yang, just their idea of a fix is to reflash it and send it back a week later even though its reflasshed with the same as what i sent it in with and have reflasshed with myself
be a shame to drop it, so requiring a warranty replacerment rather than a fix...
Sense is just horrible. It simply does not function on the HD2. The phone isn't worth anything without a custom rom. Unfortunately most peoples ROMs are butt ugly kid ****.
If your looking for a functional phone that is going to work with some degree of reliability you should get rid of your HD2. Its not really for adults or anyone who has to accomplish stuff with a personal data assistant. You will spend more time reseting than actually reading a text message or being productive with this device. Its that simple. HTC cant program their way out of a wet paper bag.
Like you said, the phone will work for about ten minutes before all the whack programming has the system in knots.
It reminds me of those bootleg Ipods that you see in gas stations for like 35 bucks.
samsamuel said:
be a shame to drop it, so requiring a warranty replacerment rather than a fix...
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i was thinking more of a wood chipper......
well since i made this topic ive had to softreset 3 times and had services.exe crash over 10times
everyone i know that have had htcs have all comented on the interfaces being poor
i bought the hd2 because i didnt want to join the hordes of people willing to blow steve jobs for an apple sticker
but ill give the iphone its dues for working as a phone atleast!
If its that bad why buy it, the rest of us seem to be having a damn good time with this phone, most phones are crap from a store they have all there software on it, you're on voda uk there one of the worst for it, ( i dont no if you have any on there)
the HD2 is all about tweaking and testing with custom ROM's i can assure you with a custom ROM you will be much happier the thing is nothing stock, yes i no all to well it should be awesome out the box but its not so what you gonna do about it lol, you can always put the stock ROM back on and take it back, and it wont void your warranty,
@Topofnewyork i just looked at your posts i thought i recognised the name near enough everyone of your comments is *****ing about this phone, if its that bad why you still here??
I dont see how anybody would have a WM device and have it stock
Yup, I will never buy HTC again, Im done I actully despise the company now. Its gotten that bad. The device cant remain stable at 40% capacity. The idea that it cant function with 60% of its resources free is like a total and utter failure. What is the point of this device? It cant use any of its hardware?
I hate Apple fan boys too but the bottomline is we need devices that have some level of reliable functionality. This thing gets worse every single day. Every day a new problem every day its a little slower every day its more and more ****ed up. Takes about 5 minutes to boot up to and when you are reseting ten times a day thats like an hour of my life each day just on resets. Real people with real jobs dont have time for toy devices, that cant even handle an incoming sms let alone multiple sms messages forget it the phone goes completely bonkers. Cant play music, cant play video and music in synch.
I hate the HD2. Like I cant express it enough how much I despise this device. Im ready to throw it out the window. I cant stand it anymore.
I have insurance, im sure I can get a warranty claim but even the process of having to go through that has me ready to lash out and slice the neck of the next person who sees me taking the batter cover off to reset bc the phones slider simply will not work. I cant believe they managed to mess this device up as bad as they have. I dont understand why people do reviews all they do is slide the slider tab and then presto chango, its a great device look how fast it is....test the thing by making calls bombarding it with emails and texts, and actually using it as it was 'designed' and watch the thing crash and burn. Its garbage. HTC is chinese garbage.
@demon_man I wont hikjack the threads anymore just gonna do the walk of shame through the warranty process and go back to AT&T or Verizon, the only saving grace is that I am not under any contract so I can ditch phones no problem. I usually make good choices and I am happy with each device for a year at least. I really cant believe I let HTC get me this bad on this device. I was wrong about everything with this device.
TopOfNewYork said:
Sense is just horrible. It simply does not function on the HD2. The phone isn't worth anything without a custom rom. Unfortunately most peoples ROMs are butt ugly kid ****.
If your looking for a functional phone that is going to work with some degree of reliability you should get rid of your HD2. Its not really for adults or anyone who has to accomplish stuff with a personal data assistant. You will spend more time reseting than actually reading a text message or being productive with this device. Its that simple. HTC cant program their way out of a wet paper bag.
Like you said, the phone will work for about ten minutes before all the whack programming has the system in knots.
It reminds me of those bootleg Ipods that you see in gas stations for like 35 bucks.
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Man HD2 kicks rear ends!
Yea, maybe in Spainish high school students. I have a feeling I expect way more from a device with this much fire power than you do. Either that or you are someone who has all the time in the world to tweak this device. I love working on my car too but I just dont have the time required to troubleshoot and go through all the permutations. At its price point and superior specifications (to almost any phone currently available), this device requires way to much maintenance for busy american professionals who take **** seriously and dont have time to quibble with a slider. Your playing with a toy I am trying to conduct business w a half cooked device.
With all those problems surely its a faulty phone. Ive just flashed the new 172 Rom but the way your describing your phone is nothing like mine. Mines faster smoother and dosent have any of the faults your describing and I use the phone a lot!
Im really confused by this thread. How can your phone be so crap?
yesterday it locked up 6 times and all i used it for was sending the odd txt message
i got it before their was news about the os faults, voda said it would be updated soon and everything would be fixed
the return time passed and their lies became obvious
on 1.66 i had 10 apps added and it worked okish
now on 1.72 with nothing but what it came with and it can barely unlock itself without crashing
will try reflashing it tomoz, also im getting shocking battery times on 1.72
yesterday it was on charge over night 8am to 10am and it was down to 35% battery, i had to go home on my lunch break to get my charger!
cba360 said:
i was thinking more of a wood chipper......!
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i LOL'd so hard i nearly fell off my chair!
sounds like a dud unit to me! send it back and make a stink of it too, you'll get a better deal
sorry to hear about your troubles, i had the tmob uk 1.43 rom, it had pretty much all the problems everyones been describing, then i flashed the updated tmob uk 1.72 rom and 90% of the issues have dissappeared. sometimes the bluetooth goes bonkers, and sometimes it'll take me to a random text message rather than the one i just recieved
imo it just needs to mature abit, perhaps in the near future you'll return to a HTC device?
i must admit when i read these threads re how bad someone is finding the HD2 i wonder why they are having such a problem?? the only answer i see is that they have a faulty phone as opposed to the HD2 being a bad phone.
i have had mine since the end of dec 2009 and its the best phone i have had so far. last phone was a i900 and before the HD2 i thought that was great too.
films run great (got avatar on there at the mo) books are read easily (cheers fredabooks), music plays well and the album interface works perfectly.
gps is excellent! i use copilot for road use and memory map for off road use.
i have a few games on there and they all seem to work excellently.
the only thing i havent got working properly is the ps1 emulator and that is probably me lol.
apart of really broken devices (hardware) I guess most of the users reporting instability, freeze etc have a lot of creepy software and tweeks installed. Sometimes freeware sometimes payware. So before bashing the phone one should try it with a Stock ROM for some days without any tweaks. If the phone is still not stable there is a hardware issue so bring it back and get a new one.
I used the UK Vodafone stock ROM for months, and was entirely dissapointed with the phone and wanted to sell it. When barely using the device during the day at work, the battery would drain by sometimes 60%, all the other bugs you mentioned, especially slowness when typing texts was AWFUL.
So one day, I took the courage (and took away the warranty), and put a cooked rom on it. I haven't looked back. All functionality works, all text messages now send (and are speedy to type) and my battery (even with the phone being used and WIFI'd) will last between 2 and 3 days. Even charging via usb is much quicker.
If you don't mind losing your warranty, go for a cooked rom, read up and DO IT, I'm a very happy chappy now.
Sven424 said:
apart of really broken devices (hardware) I guess most of the users reporting instability, freeze etc have a lot of creepy software and tweeks installed. Sometimes freeware sometimes payware. So before bashing the phone one should try it with a Stock ROM for some days without any tweaks. If the phone is still not stable there is a hardware issue so bring it back and get a new one.
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stock original rom = problems
1.66 stock rom no apps = problems
1.72 stock rom no apps = problems
in my experience hd2=problems
i can see how it would be a really good phone...just wish mine worked!
dont wanna use a cooked rom as it should work from day one
ill see what voda can sort out, may end up with an iphone unless i can get nexus
TopOfNewYork said:
Its garbage. HTC is chinese garbage.
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LOL. As opposed to?
I was following you until this point, then you just reeked of ignorance.

Okay so I take it all back

I'm usually that guy that rolls his eyes at crying about 2.2 being released. I make jokes about your phone not automatically dispensing cash after you update it. I tell people to sit on it, it isn't that big of a deal.
Well I take it all back.
I've been running DK28 since it is was available on google (update zip). I switched to various versions of Bonsai, I've run TrulyEpic. I've been pleased with all of them.
The only problem I really have had was on all DK28 based installs, I end up with messaging locking up every 20 or so texts, and it will stick at Sending... until I reboot the phone, then it will send the queue after 45 seconds or so. No big deal really, just a nuisance, and I've seen many others with the issue.
Well two days ago I started getting the 'no audio' phone calls where you have to speakerphone on/off to hear anything. That I can't deal with. I know several have had it happen, but that is just something that can severely affect my productivity and must be stopped.
After fooling around with reflashes a bit I decided to go back to stock(ish). I odin'd back to DI18.
I figured CWM2.5, get my root explorer going again, organize everything how I want and just sit tight until we go official. Learned my fav GTG doesn't work correctly with 2.1; no problem, we'll use LauncherPro and suck it up some more. So I get everything organized how I like it and ready to go.
Crap this sucks. 2.2 really is nicer. Everything is more fluid. Menus are more welcoming in appearance. There is significantly less jitters moving between apps (I'm looking at you, Market). USB connectivity issues are resolved (I totally forgot how finicky 2.1 was with USB cord connecting).
And benchmarks? Yeah forget about them, the difference is depressing.
So yeah, sorry. We really do deserve 2.2 on this phone. It'd just been so long I forgot I'm still keeping 2.1 on it for now... possibly until update (2012 is just around the corner). I thought it might be nice to have a back-and-forth perspective for a change, as I haven't seen many people go back to 2.1 with intention of staying.
Went back to 2.1
Misses 2.2
Still TL;DR:
People keep saying 2.2 is faster. I've put 2 epics side by side one with DI18 one with DK28. Froyo is slower, not by a little, by a lot. Some small things operate a little faster, but in whole the entire user interaction is slower than eclair. I've tried several times, even swapped what phones had what OS, results never changed.
I went back to 2.1 and also think it is faster and a lot quicker to response. 2.2 seemed pretty sluggish to me. The 2.2 Roms were nice but I did not like Ext 4 so I just reverted back to 2.1
xjman said:
People keep saying 2.2 is faster. I've put 2 epics side by side one with DI18 one with DK28. Froyo is slower, not by a little, by a lot. Some small things operate a little faster, but in whole the entire user interaction is slower than eclair. I've tried several times, even swapped what phones had what OS, results never changed.
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See that's strange because I went back and forth several times for about 3 hours last night making comparisons and on mine, it was just the opposite :/
Agreed, there are lots of little things in Froyo that are faster (transitions and stuff), but those I discount because they aren't really indicative of the speed of the phone so much as the way the transition is designed to appear.
Over all though, much less lag between applications on 2.2... the Market being one of the worst to open showing obvious jitters etc.
Funny as it is, I can live with that stuff; the things that really bother me are the totally superfluous things like cosmetics and the simplicity of sticking a usb cable in and the phone figuring out what I want to do on it's own and not asking me to unplug it, change a setting, replug it, etc.
Anywho.... I'll see how long I stick it out
I've been back on stock for almost a week now after trying various ROMs, and I've decided to tough it out until an official update if one comes at all. It's not a bad experience at all for me.
been running Baked Snack 1.6(DI18) over here...... crazy fast! especially on wifi. i like the idea of building a house on a good foundation, so sticking with DI18 for now.
DK28 is a POS... My 2.1 run faster and smoother then any DK28 I've tried... IMO developers should save their energy till we get the official release.
Quantum is nice and fast I got a live wallpaper and it's doing well
I keep switching back and forth between 2.1 and 2.2 Nebula with Ext4 and I have to say that overall, 2.1 with xtreme kernal and Syndicate is just as fast with great battery than the froyo roms. Although Nebula is performing great for me and I do have the occasional glitch from time to time, I think I'm gonna roll with it at least for another week
Vertig0 said:
DK28 is a POS... My 2.1 run faster and smoother then any DK28 I've tried... IMO developers should save their energy till we get the official release.
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Here here....
My wife was on baked snack 1.6 and i was running one of the dk28 roms my phone was smoking her phone. just saying. much quicker load times, better gps and battery.
pipskicks said:
Quantum is nice and fast I got a live wallpaper and it's doing well
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Quantum is buggy. Probably not the developers fault, as most of the issues are DK28, but I have been running Quantum 2.7 since it came out and I certainly wouldn't use the words "nice" or "fast" to describe it. Also, some of the bugs are absolutely not DK28. I am trying to be very careful not to insult the developer, but the issues that his rom has makes me want to do awful things to my phone sometimes.
I know how you feel OP. I can barely stand using my Epic anymore cause of the sickness it causes. I feel I've been cheated by just buying the phone, thinking that it was gonna be updated with some sort of quickness. It's just depressing knowing that when you spend that much money and are stuck behind 2 O/S upgrades. Hopefully we will get something soon, but I'm not holding my breath.
heathmcabee said:
I know how you feel OP. I can barely stand using my Epic anymore cause of the sickness it causes. I feel I've been cheated by just buying the phone, thinking that it was gonna be updated with some sort of quickness. It's just depressing knowing that when you spend that much money and are stuck behind 2 O/S upgrades. Hopefully we will get something soon, but I'm not holding my breath.
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The way people are around here the last month or so, I'm not sure if that first sentence is sincerity or sarcasm
I actually had no care or consideration for 2.2 when I bought the phone. Wasn't the least of my concerns. I just wanted the newest Sprint smartphone, and I couldn't use an Evo because A) needed a slide out keyboard for certain things that the popup wouldn't work and B) Evos are far more moisture sensitive due to their construction and it wouldn't have lasted a week for me.
Having tried 2.2 out though, it just feels more natural to me. Everyone is back and forth on the speed thing, and that really isn't it for me. 2.2 feels more natural in a lot of respects, both in form and function where 2.1 feels more half-completed. Like comparing a spiral staircase to an aluminum ladder.
My point was that it really does, as far as feeling like a completed unit, -make- the phone. There are glitches etc that aren't part of my consideration as I expect them to be Beta related. No doubt 2.1 is more solid and probably faster at some things than others... speed isn't really an issue for me unless you count the App lag and jitters... they suck.
But yeah, now that i've done side-by-sides of it, 2.2 (in a completed non Beta state) really is what the phone deserves. I'm hoping it does eventually happen.
It's nice to know that the grass isn't necessarily greener on the other side. I'm sitting at stock and just waiting for 2.2 to drop. I have no problem rooting (I did the G1 bunches), but I just don't want to go to the trouble of rooting to find a different set of problems. As best I can tell that's what would happen. Even CM Beta 0 is buggy right now. I'll take the devil I know at this point. Thanks for sharing your story.
How is Quantum buggy? I use Quantum 2.1 here without ext4 and I'm not getting any bugs. It's the best rom I've found to date. Froyo is way smoother on basically every single thing I've tried to do than the stock rom ever was.
hazridi said:
How is Quantum buggy? I use Quantum 2.1 here without ext4 and I'm not getting any bugs. It's the best rom I've found to date. Froyo is way smoother on basically every single thing I've tried to do than the stock rom ever was.
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When I tap the power button to put the phone to sleep, it turns off the screen, pauses a second or two, then turns the screen back on with the lockscreen being displayed. It does this about 50% of the time. No other DK28 rom has done this for me, so its not DK28 that is causing this. The wifi toggle in the notification drop down causes errors probably 30% of the time with Wifi never turning on. There are SMS issues where it will freeze and not send messages. Friends have received multiple messages from me over and over for some reason.
I could go on, but I won't.
muyoso said:
When I tap the power button to put the phone to sleep, it turns off the screen, pauses a second or two, then turns the screen back on with the lockscreen being displayed. It does this about 50% of the time. No other DK28 rom has done this for me, so its not DK28 that is causing this. The wifi toggle in the notification drop down causes errors probably 30% of the time with Wifi never turning on. There are SMS issues where it will freeze and not send messages. Friends have received multiple messages from me over and over for some reason.
I could go on, but I won't.
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The power off issue happens to me all the time, and I am running stock dk28, so I wouldnt rule out it being just quantum.
Go Ducks! Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G
i had the power button issue on dk28, quantam and bonsai, until i tried ext4. i havent had the issue since.
rangerover_95 said:
The power off issue happens to me all the time, and I am running stock dk28, so I wouldnt rule out it being just quantum.
Go Ducks! Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G
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Interesting. I ran stock DK28 for a few weeks and it never happened to me. Maybe the bugs I thought were from Quantum were just DK28 being buggy. Its not that big of a deal, yet it infuriates me. Can't wait for official Froyo to be done. Please Samsung, please.

I am so done with Android

I have been using Android since cupcake and it's going to end with my Nexus One. Reasons:
These are problems I've had with various roms, most stock roms, some MIUI:
- The Camera, no matter which ROMS I get when I try and take a picture it reboots the phone after freezing. I cannot use my 5MP camera at all because of this.
- After leaving the phone charging for awhile then going back to it when I push one spot on the screen it thinks I've pushed a completely different spot. I require a full reboot to fix this.
- My keyboard, stock keyboard, sometimes turns all white. You then cannot see what you're typing and there's just this big white bar.
- To fix the above I got Better Keyboard. It force closes often, and sometimes when I try to type with it what I'm typing doesn't get inserted into the selected input box.
- I got five hours of STANDBY (not using phone at all) battery life on Gingerbread. I had to downgrade back to froyo to get normal battery life back.
- After ten seconds or so if you don't use your screen it's supposed to DIM. Regardless of whether or not I'm using my phone it still dims after ten seconds.
So as far as Android goes come October when my three year Bell contract expires I'll be selecting an iPhone. I am done with Android problems of all kinds. That's not to say there's not a lot of things I like about Android but I can't just keep on going with it whilst experiencing these annoying problems, when I've never experienced any problems of any sort on my jailbroken iPad.
Did you ever try using your warranty? Really sounds like you had a dodgy handset.
Sounds like your phone is a lemon. I experience none of that....don't think anything you mentioned is a problem of android itself, you just got unlucky with your phone
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Sounds like some bad flashing you been doing to your phone
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
You must be holding it wrong, those are some crazy problems you are experiencing ... I've never had any of those.
Macmee said:
- The Camera, no matter which ROMS I get when I try and take a picture it reboots the phone after freezing. I cannot use my 5MP camera at all because of this.
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Not related to Android in the slightest. You're having a HARDWARE problem.
- After leaving the phone charging for awhile then going back to it when I push one spot on the screen it thinks I've pushed a completely different spot. I require a full reboot to fix this.
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Not related to Android in the slightest. You're having a HARDWARE problem.
My keyboard, stock keyboard, sometimes turns all white. You then cannot see what you're typing and there's just this big white bar.
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In all of my time with Android, on multiple devices, I have NEVER once seen this issue. Something is wrong with the custom rom you're running... which btw, YOU flashed on your phone.
To fix the above I got Better Keyboard. It force closes often, and sometimes when I try to type with it what I'm typing doesn't get inserted into the selected input box.
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So some janky app YOU installed is causing a problem? Uninstall it and find something better.
I got five hours of STANDBY (not using phone at all) battery life on Gingerbread. I had to downgrade back to froyo to get normal battery life back.
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Did you try and diagnose this at all? Were you having a wake lock issue? Was some app freezing?
I go all day on Gingerbread, especially if I don't even use it...
After ten seconds or so if you don't use your screen it's supposed to DIM. Regardless of whether or not I'm using my phone it still dims after ten seconds.
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Again, this sounds like either something wrong with your rom or a hardware issue. I have never seen this issue.
Yeah, you're an idiot. Sorry, but you're blaming problems that either you have created or hardware problems on Android, the operating system.
But go ahead and leave Android. It sounds like you're not really technology capable of much more than an iPhone (and really, this is probably going to be pushing your technological limits it seems), so that is probably what you should stick to.
I won't be as harsh as the others
The only problem you mentioned that is N1 related is the screen, rest are probably rom related. If your flahsing all those roms you already know they are not guaranteed to work on all phones.
If you want to try another phone, try the new Sensation or equivalent. Android is still much better than Apple. IMHO. That said, my son and his wife have been Apple users for 20 years or as long as I can remember. They have used nothing else. So, I think the iphone is a good phone, just not for everyone. As android is not for everyone. I once thought Blackberry was unbeatable, I was wrong bigtime. When I first started using them, they may have been. But, not any more.
You are probably like me and get an itch to try something different. I am currently running RCADSmix Sense rom with a number of issues. But, I like it so much, I will put up with the issues. Probably means my next phone will be the Sensation or it's future quadcore brother.
Enjoy whatever you get, I still remember when a six transistor am radio was an upgrade. These are great tech times--
If you really can't realize that the problems you are experiencing are hardware related...it's probably better you get an iphone. Bye and don't let the door hit you on the way out
So as far as Android goes come October when my three year Bell contract expires I'll be selecting an iPhone. I am done with Android problems of all kinds. That's not to say there's not a lot of things I like about Android but I can't just keep on going with it whilst experiencing these annoying problems, when I've never experienced any problems of any sort on my jailbroken iPad.
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Im just guessing here but your in Canada with bell? bell doesn't offer the nexus one. how are you on a contract? Ill also agree with everyone else your problems are not android related. Sounds like a hardware issue. Good luck with the iPhone my brother loves his. I like the design but that's it.
Just flashed cyanogen latest version. New problems:
1. Sometimes when turning on the phone the lock screen doesn't show up, just my background displays and nothing else. Reboot required by pulling battery out in order to fix.
2. Display menus don't show up sometimes.
3. Already experienced this one, but the keyboard is yet again going completely white.
Anyone want to point me towards an actual working rom without any problems or does such a thing exist
wsrider said:
Im just guessing here but your in Canada with bell? bell doesn't offer the nexus one. how are you on a contract? Ill also agree with everyone else your problems are not android related. Sounds like a hardware issue. Good luck with the iPhone my brother loves his. I like the design but that's it.
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I bought it outright two years into my contract when I had a vogue.
Babydoll25 said:
If you really can't realize that the problems you are experiencing are hardware related...it's probably better you get an iphone. Bye and don't let the door hit you on the way out
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Because not all of these problems are with the hardware and you, or myself are incapable of diagnosing them without more extensive investigation to the handset.
Roms work fine. Your phone doesn't
Most people have no or little problems with these roms
Most if not all issues are improper flashing or incomplete wipes--like not wiping system and data and caches multiple times
Check md5s
Or, not properly partitioning sdcard
If still issues then the phone has too many bad blocks for the rom and kernal
After reading your first post again, I think it is your phone and not common issues. I have never had a bad camera unless specifically noted on the OP page of an alpha type rom.
I can tell you how I do my sdcard and prepare for a new rom if you like. If my procedure doesn't work you will never have any better luck flashing with that particular phone.
I'm with Telus on my N1 and i've never ever seen any of the problems you mentioned. I've also flashed alot of different roms/kernels/apps/etc and nothing like you had mentioned.
I did however have an issue that resembles your camera issue. Mine was the GPS causing my phone to reboot every time i used it. I didn't really notice it much until i started using it for GPS nav and such. Tried flashing different roms, going back to stock and issue still came up. Called HTC and sent my phone back under warranty. They told me they replaced the board and i have not seen the problem ever since.
I strongly recommend giving HTC a call and see if you can send your phone in for repairs.
That's what iPhone is for. To protect incompetents like yourself from themselves.
You should be nowhere near a rooted phone.
I have the exact same camera issue. The reason is a date of my beloved Nexus and my washing mashine. So it might be a hardware problem for you as well. Sometimes with some roms the camera seems to work 1 out of 10 times.
Bluetooth, fm radio died as well but everthing else is just fine. Some roms seem to check/use camera, radio or bluetooth during a reboot. Then the rom won't start at all or it makes random problems.
This phone is a beast. 20 minutes in the washing mashine at 60°C couldn't really destroy it. Even between screen and digitizer there was water and I had to disamble the phone three times and dry the parts for one week in a rice bowl to get it to work again.
xManMythLegend said:
That's what iPhone is for. To protect incompetents like yourself from themselves.
You should be nowhere near a rooted phone.
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sent from SGS Captivate 2.3.4 with CM7 or MIUI using Escapist or TKglitch
- The Camera, no matter which ROMS I get when I try and take a picture it reboots the phone after freezing. I cannot use my 5MP camera at all because of this.
- After leaving the phone charging for awhile then going back to it when I push one spot on the screen it thinks I've pushed a completely different spot. I require a full reboot to fix this.
- My keyboard, stock keyboard, sometimes turns all white. You then cannot see what you're typing and there's just this big white bar.
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Got this also, annoying but I'm quite sure it goes along with flashes. Pretty sure it will be normal on stock rom.
Actually mate I think you should upgrade your radio...
I used to have this issue with the camera before, get the latest radio and ur camera issue will be solved.
and the battery as well i guess
as for the keyboard and all the other problems just go to rom manager and flash cm 7.1 rc1 from there, make sure you wipe cache, and dalvik cache
it should solve ur issues
Android is a more technical platform, it is by default that the user likes going technical before getting an android

I have to say, the stock epic 4g is a great phone

With all due respect to the great developers we have here, the Epic 4g, just as stock, not even rooted, with either launcherpro or my current favorite: go launcher ex, plus whatever apps you want is a very good phone.
If I hadn't rooted my phone, the main difference is that I wouldn't be able to use titaniumbackup to make sure if my phone crashes, I can get my app, calls and messages back. I also restart faster because of my root restart button, but that's both minor and almost the full extent of what my phone can do that the next person on stock cannot do.
Oh, I have a bunch of battery and performance tweaks that I don't even understand in my rom. So my phone probably runs smoother and longer for a given intensity of usage than it did out of the box.
But while I am very thankful to the developers for making this phone much better, I'm also thankful to Samsung and Sprint for giving the developers a lot to work with.
If a person around me pulls out an iphone 4s, it has a smaller, duller, more fragile screen, no keyboard, not as good sound since I have voodoo (that too). For me, my phone that came out a year earlier is just better. In fact, I pretty much have the best phone available with a keyboard. Other than its newer clone on Verizon.
I also think 4" may be the optimal screen size for a phone for me. I'm not excited about my next phone two or so years from now having a 4.5" or bigger screen.
On top of that, not everyone does, but I have my phone on Boost mobile (thanks developers here) and pay $45 a month for unlimited 3g, talk and messages. I'm in cell-phone nirvana by 2011 standards.
Sprint and Samsung got me 75% there and the developers at xda brought me the rest of the way home.
Not incorrect on many counts. I was stock until after Froyo except my 1 month test of DK28. Mainly, I'm in agreement that rooting allows you to tidy up the place and put in fresher decorations.
The Root said:
Not incorrect on many counts. I was stock until after Froyo except my 1 month test of DK28. Mainly, I'm in agreement that rooting allows you to tidy up the place and put in fresher decorations.
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Being I came from WinMo to the Epic, it was nice to see that you didn't have to run a custom rom just to have the phone work.
shane6374 said:
Being I came from WinMo to the Epic, it was nice to see that you didn't have to run a custom rom just to have the phone work.
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Exactly !!! I came from TP2 Windows straight to epic and i loved stock, but with the great developers on here i love all the hacks and mods and roms they do!!!
I still don't have a compelling enough reason to switch from rooted stock EC05, although I've tweaked it plenty. I'm sure many roms are great but there's no killer look or feature that's lured me. The phone will be even better once stock GB hits.
I switched back to stock a few weeks back. A few observations:
Battery life is better than it was with any of the ROMs I was running, particularly the ROMs that weren't SRF 1.2. Signal strength is also better than it was with most of the ROMs.
On the other hand, I've noticed an odd issue where my Epic randomly vibrates (like, two quick pulses) and then either crashes or restarts the launcher. Dunno what this is about or why it happens but it's pretty annoying.
I just recently made the switch back to stock as well.. Sometimes you just miss it.
dead78 said:
I switched back to stock a few weeks back. A few observations:
Battery life is better than it was with any of the ROMs I was running, particularly the ROMs that weren't SRF 1.2. Signal strength is also better than it was with most of the ROMs.
On the other hand, I've noticed an odd issue where my Epic randomly vibrates (like, two quick pulses) and then either crashes or restarts the launcher. Dunno what this is about or why it happens but it's pretty annoying.
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Mine would do that without crashing sometimes on stock.
dead78 said:
On the other hand, I've noticed an odd issue where my Epic randomly vibrates (like, two quick pulses) and then either crashes or restarts the launcher. Dunno what this is about or why it happens but it's pretty annoying.
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i get this on stock and custom. i think it may be related to the sd card?
The Root said:
Mine would do that without crashing sometimes on stock.
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enter260 said:
i get this on stock and custom. i think it may be related to the sd card?
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I don't really recall this happening while rooted. Also, this is a problem that's started happening relatively recently. I was initially running stock for at least six months before ever rooting and I don't recall the Epic ever crashing. I got a bit tired of some of the other issues with ROMs and went back to stock again last month. Maybe I'll get the thing checked out at a Sprint store.
Yes, the Epic is a great phone stock, but a large percentage of your reasoning still great came from modified content.
What I took from your post was was: the stock Epic is a great phone, and the devs at XDA provide the few needed tweaks to fix anything that isn't already perfect with it. That's my opinion as well.
dead78 said:
I don't really recall this happening while rooted. Also, this is a problem that's started happening relatively recently. I was initially running stock for at least six months before ever rooting and I don't recall the Epic ever crashing. I got a bit tired of some of the other issues with ROMs and went back to stock again last month. Maybe I'll get the thing checked out at a Sprint store.
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make sure you take it to the one that "accidently" loads Gingerbread on it

[Q] Nexus 4 Random Power Off

As the title states. Nexus 4 random power offs. Has anyone seen anything like this?
Here is the background info:
My parents have Nexus 4 phones as do I. All of our phones were ordered at the same time about 2 months or so ago when they became available again. All phones are the 16GB version. All phones bone stock with just OTA updates, not unlocked or rooted other than how they are shipped. All using T-Mobile prepaid plans.
My phone and my father's seem fine. My mom's however seems to shutdown on its own. It is random. Initially I thought that it may be an issue where she isn't used to a smart phone and isn't charging it enough. It happens though at times while it is connected to the charger. It also has happened while carrying it off the charger.
One odd thing is that when they got the phone they brought them to my house and dropped them off to have me set them up. One had the plastic screen protector with the printing on it from the factory the other didn't. I don't know which is which though now. It is a 50/50 shot if this is the one.
I have been around android since the G1 days and run the same phone. I can't think of a setting on the phone that would power it down at a certain time or period of time. She really doesn't have much for apps and is a very light user.
Not sure what to try but I was thinking about doing a wipe of the phone to see if it helps.
Anyone else have any ideas? If the wipe doesn't help the only other thing I can think of is that there is a physical issue with the phone.
I haven't seen this on my phone but there was a period of time where HD Widgets on my N7 would cause a reboot. That was fixed with an app update. This isn't a case where the device reboots. It is a complete shutdown which I find odd. So I have seen an app cause issues kind of like this. For the most part the apps that she has on her phone, I also have on mine. Well I have way more but there really isn't anything on her phone that I am not also running.
I should add that she has the phone in a TPU case. As we all do. My case design is a little different than theirs but they have cutouts for the buttons. So it isn't a case where the case is pressing on the power button. That could be an issue with my case as it covers the power button but I haven't had that issue.
Sounds like it might be a defective battery...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
BigDig said:
Sounds like it might be a defective battery...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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That is what I am kind of thinking. Either the battery or the smart battery chips. I think I will try a wipe first but like I said but it is odd.
sennister said:
One odd thing is that when they got the phone they brought them to my house and dropped them off to have me set them up. One had the plastic screen protector with the printing on it from the factory the other didn't. I don't know which is which though now. It is a 50/50 shot if this is the one.
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That sounds kind of questionable (fishy) to me... I also have the 16GB version, and I also did the OTA when I got it. But to be honest the stock OS lasted only about an hour before I rooted and started trying out custom ROMs I have not had the issue you're describing though. How are the results from your factory reset?
Also, would you consider putting on a stock-based custom ROM (such as rasbean vanilla) for your mother's phone? If the problem is software based then a reset or a new ROM might yield different results. But if the problem persists it might be hardware and I'd suggest you contact Google about servicing.
amartolos said:
That sounds kind of questionable (fishy) to me... I also have the 16GB version, and I also did the OTA when I got it. But to be honest the stock OS lasted only about an hour before I rooted and started trying out custom ROMs I have not had the issue you're describing though. How are the results from your factory reset?
Also, would you consider putting on a stock-based custom ROM (such as rasbean vanilla) for your mother's phone? If the problem is software based then a reset or a new ROM might yield different results. But if the problem persists it might be hardware and I'd suggest you contact Google about servicing.
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I don't want to root and have my mom run a modified ROM. They live about a half hour from me so I haven't tried a wipe of the phone yet and because of the distance I don't want to deal with the issues that sometimes come up when you go with modified ROMs when I am not there. She is a very basic user and this is the first smartphone for my father and mother. Keep in mind they are in their early 70s and not really that strong on the tech side of things. I have to get some time to run over there and take a look at it. Maybe later next week.
I was just wondering if anyone else has had this issue. I think if a wipe doesn't help I will talk to Google. A search really didn't show much other than some people that were seeing a random reboot issue. I have seen apps doing that.
I have been through their warranty replacement process and it is a bit of a PITA. I am on my 3rd Nexus 7 due to hardware issues with the first 2. My N4 and my fathers have been rock solid.
While I have run custom ROMs in the past, I usually run stock until I find a need that requires me to root. Eventually I will probably root and go with a custom ROM on my N4 but
sennister said:
She is a very basic user and this is the first smartphone for my father and mother. Keep in mind they are in their early 70s and not really that strong on the tech side of things.
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Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm giving my parents my old LG P990 phone and I just put an AOKP rom on it. I also installed Nova Launcher for them and configured it so there's just one texting app and one calling app the one and only one homescreen. No dock either, just in case they click something by accident or get lost in the app drawer
Since you have the same phone as your mom, a self-less workaround would just be to give her yours (pre-configured), and then you can fiddle around with the problematic one until you find a decent solution. :good:
amartolos said:
That sounds kind of questionable (fishy) to me... I also have the 16GB version, and I also did the OTA when I got it. But to be honest the stock OS lasted only about an hour before I rooted and started trying out custom ROMs I have not had the issue you're describing though. How are the results from your factory reset?
Also, would you consider putting on a stock-based custom ROM (such as rasbean vanilla) for your mother's phone? If the problem is software based then a reset or a new ROM might yield different results. But if the problem persists it might be hardware and I'd suggest you contact Google about servicing.
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amartolos said:
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm giving my parents my old LG P990 phone and I just put an AOKP rom on it. I also installed Nova Launcher for them and configured it so there's just one texting app and one calling app the one and only one homescreen. No dock either, just in case they click something by accident or get lost in the app drawer
Since you have the same phone as your mom, a self-less workaround would just be to give her yours (pre-configured), and then you can fiddle around with the problematic one until you find a decent solution. :good:
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Hmm. That is a good idea. The PITA part would be to get everything loaded from my phone to hers. I really wish I could run Titanium backup without root as it would make it super easy to move the apps over. Though I don't have that much loaded on my phone. Things that are a pain to set up have configuration export methods like Tasker. It would rule out the end user being the source of the issue. I don't think that is it though. If we swap and it goes away, then I can consider the wipe as the solution. If the problem moves to me then it is a physical issue and call Google. If the problem persists with her, I load all her apps on the phone I carry as well to see if I start to have the issue or it becomes a training issue. The thing I like about this the most is that it is a clear process to rule out several things. I can go over there and sit with the phone but if it doesn't power off when I am there I don't gain much other than spending some time with my parents.
I don't think this is an issue but I did have to provide my IMEI# when doing the activations. In the past though on T-Mobile I have handed phones down to others and all we did was a SIM swap. I would imagine that is the case here.
Oh and one thing I did leave out. They were using their old cell phone chargers on the N4 phones. I told them to swap chargers and use the ones that came with the phone. The old ones may not put out enough power and the phone could in theory run down to the point where it shuts off and slowly charge from that point and I don't think it would turn back on. Keep in mind a retired user who just had a knee replacement so she is at home more often than not.
Did you find out the cause? I have the same issue happened twice today
The random shut off either charging or not happens to me but as mentioned before in a related thread, a lot of the times it also happens on Wi-Fi, and having WiFi optimization on.. purple were turning that off and some fixed the issues. This is my second nexus 4, so I right id give it a try and not use wifi and hasn't happen since I received mines on the 4th of may
Sent from my Nexus 4
noodles2224 said:
The random shut off either charging or not happens to me but as mentioned before in a related thread, a lot of the times it also happens on Wi-Fi, and having WiFi optimization on.. purple were turning that off and some fixed the issues. This is my second nexus 4, so I right id give it a try and not use wifi and hasn't happen since I received mines on the 4th of may
Sent from my Nexus 4
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So you're saying it's a software issue?
Looks like it.. Turning off optimization or not even using WiFi at all worked..
Sent from my Nexus 4

