[Q] (PLEASE HELP)Problems With Installing new ROM on htc hd 2 - HD2 General

okay so basically i woke up this morning and decided i wanted android on my htc hd2 .. i had windows 6.5 which is ****ing horrible . i followed all the steps and got the point in the process where the phone ask you to pick the zip file from ypur sd card .. and then it wouldnt work from there ... someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME.

pkola629 said:
and then it wouldnt work from there
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totally useless sentence, , with zero detail no one can help.
which rom?
what exactly does 'wouldnt work' mean, , , flashed but wouldnt boot, flashed but hung booting, started to flash and failed, what?
what cwm partition size?
we arent mind readers

samsamuel said:
totally useless sentence, , with zero detail no one can help.
which rom?
what exactly does 'wouldnt work' mean, , , flashed but wouldnt boot, flashed but hung booting, started to flash and failed, what?
what cwm partition size?
we arent mind readers
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Ha ha ha ha I sympothize with you Sam, but cut them a little slack man it is their first post.Oh and good to see you posting in the forums again, you are one of the best to guide someone out of a jam they got their self into because of noob mistakes.
Now at the OP, Sam is right we need more information to go on like what ROM you are trying to install, what version of Clockwork Mod Recovery you have installed, what version HD2 you have (EU or TMOUS), and if you have your SD card formatd fat 32 or not. You know spacifics. The more info the better your chances to get a solution to your problem.

lol sorry guys about . but basically when it was a gingerbread android 2.3 rom . well atleast it was was supposed to be , my first thought was that the file was bad because it was the part of the process where im supposed to pick the zip file from the sd card .. the update started then it said installtion aborted or file not found . i think i either didnt downloaad the right rom or i did something wrong during the process .
the site i got the rom download from looked kind of iffy .
where can i get a reliable android 2.3.3 rom or a windows 7 rom because i basically have no idea where to.
by the way im new to this so please bare with me on the lingo and stuff like that .. im basically panicing .

pkola629 said:
lol sorry guys about . but basically when it was a gingerbread android 2.3 rom . well atleast it was was supposed to be , my first thought was that the file was bad because it was the part of the process where im supposed to pick the zip file from the sd card .. the update started then it said installtion aborted or file not found . i think i either didnt downloaad the right rom or i did something wrong during the process .
the site i got the rom download from looked kind of iffy .
where can i get a reliable android 2.3.3 rom or a windows 7 rom because i basically have no idea where to.
by the way im new to this so please bare with me on the lingo and stuff like that .. im basically panicing .
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OK that is easy just go to the Android NAND development forums for the HD2. You can find the original NAND Android ROM there if you want. But for real all the ROMs there are reliable ROMs.

thankkss that worked perfectly ! , now do you know where i can find a windows 7 rom

pkola629 said:
thankkss that worked perfectly ! , now do you know where i can find a windows 7 rom
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Ha well to be honest it is not hard to find if you look for it in the HD2 forums. I mean it is labeled HD2 Windows Phone 7 as the name for the WP7 forums for for the HD2. I also know I will probably catch some flack from other members for linking it for you . But hey what can I say I am a nice guy.
Go to the HD2 Windows Phone 7 Development forums for a WP7 ROM and instructions on how to flash it. I also have a guide link in the guide in my Sig if you want to check it out. Also make sure you have a known compatible SD card to use with WP7 before you flash it as you might run into unwanted side effects if you do not. Go to the HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q &A and General thread to find a link to the thread that can do that. Also you might want to check out some more of the threads linked there as they are very informative.



ok so I have been using the stock rom and all the stuff on my phone but it keeps getting bugged out of the screen gets unlocked randomly and does stuff when its in my pocket which is very annoying and a friend told me android just kills winmo..
but im looking at this forum and its just overwhelming..i see errors i see solutions i see roms i see this that ...I have NO IDE where to start!
so I got a little list with questions
1.if I instal any android version, do I lose all my programs,contacts basically information i have ?
2.how much better is it for an average user to go to andoid? average i mean i dont tweak it that much just used cookie home tab and bsb to upgrade performance but that is it..
3.how do i go on about installing apps on my android? i mean does it use bsb and cht? or like games from windows marketplace? how do i instal stuff like poker games and all the nonsense?
4.where do i get the most easy tutorial on how to put andoid on my phone? I dont want to read a whole page long of explanations on how to's i just wanna instal all the necessary apps or whatever and be done with it(i know im lazy)
so yeah any1???
if any1 would have the time to help me on msn id appreciate it ALOOTTT
[email protected]
Don't do this if you're too lazy to do some reading. You can potentially brick your phone if you are not 100% sure of what you are doing, and I know it's overwhelming the first time, but it's worth reading all these technicalities.
Just follow the stickies, or stick with winmo.
thanks for the tip..but updating my rom was way more easy then they showed..thats what i meant sorrry...
like when i first got the phone i went here and was like WOAH so many stickies etc...then i just downloaded the stuff i needed (hspl) and did what i thought made sense and it all worked perfectly...so the reading isn't all that needed imo..thats why i want a link to some basic introductions on what to do
shows an easy step by step how too
its all installed on an SD card so it doesnt touch your current set-up (windows mobile)
install 1 see how you like it if you dont just reboot your phone back to windows easy
and i mean easy just follow the steps like im sure u did with hspl and trying different roms.
huh so andoid is installed OVER winmo? not instead of? this got me confused!
yeah so if u dont have an sd card u cant run android! best of starting with a nicely formatted sd card with only the android files on it, just remember to choose the right radio
hmmmm but why doesnt it run instead of winmo if i may ask? wont that make it way faster? :O but damn that sucks haha my sd card is full of stuff i need i guess ill put it all on my pc for the time being then! so how do i go about choosing a right radio? i never understood that haha i think ima just use the latest one i read on the tutorial
now that i thnk about it..you have to boot up android EVERYTIME you turn off your phone? that sucks :/
but at least if you run android you might just like it wayyyyy better???? enough to put up with booting after windows is loaded, try n see buddy,,, try n see
Check this thread.
damn i hate that i have to download radios, roms etc as well for this to work :/ arggg...i just want a freaking stock rom etc lmao darnit i guess i have alot of trial and error to go trough
any1 got msn? :/ spamming this forum is kinda useless if any1 can help me within the matter of minutes on msn xD
little offtopic but im flashing a new radio on it along with the guide you guys gave me for andxoid and it gives me [ERROR260] connection
it says it cant connect or something after like5mins of the program running..i have enough bat life(89%) so thats not the problem :/ any1?
bumpy bumpy
Buddy if you need to be spoon-fed you are in the wrong forum. How do you come in here and give orders how you want to be helped. Sorry xda is not for lazy people. You gotta read bro. If you are that lazy plz buy an iphone. I can see above you have been given the must read links but you ignore.
And its not like you are a total noob here looking at your status. So then dont read. Go ahead and brick your device and run to your momma crying how custom roms and android killed your phone.
Mods please close this thread before someone gets hurt!
lunaticz0r said:
hmmmm but why doesnt it run instead of winmo if i may ask? wont that make it way faster? :O but damn that sucks haha my sd card is full of stuff i need i guess ill put it all on my pc for the time being then! so how do i go about choosing a right radio? i never understood that haha i think ima just use the latest one i read on the tutorial
now that i thnk about it..you have to boot up android EVERYTIME you turn off your phone? that sucks :/
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no it doesnt run from the phone, you have to manually start it eeach time you reboot the phone, if that is too much hassle then to be honest, you are best off either sticking to winmo or selling the phone and getting a proper android phone
PlayStation said:
Buddy if you need to be spoon-fed you are in the wrong forum. How do you come in here and give orders how you want to be helped. Sorry xda is not for lazy people. You gotta read bro. If you are that lazy plz buy an iphone. I can see above you have been given the must read links but you ignore.
And its not like you are a total noob here looking at your status. So then dont read. Go ahead and brick your device and run to your momma crying how custom roms and android killed your phone.
Mods please close this thread before someone gets hurt!
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well here there whine * i did read the must red thread BUT i came across some problems which is why i asked what or how to fix the code 260 error with RUU, if that is fixed then I'll be able to install a new radio and a new rom AND after that run the android ....i tried running A now but it just freezes and dies because i do not have the latest/best suited rom and radio to do the job...sorry if i do not know how this forum works the first few times i use it im not a nerd I agree, i do not know allot about pc's and phones and how the exactly work but I THOUGHT thanks to a forum dedicated to sharing and helping I could gain skills and knowledge so I do not have to ask new stuff the next time.
so if you wanna help please be my guest if you're going to cry about me then gtfo

[Q] Q FEb 1. Regarding Android GIngerbread 2.3 flashing?

I know this may sound stupid but I just cant get the gingbread 2.3 to work. I have the MDJ_GingerBread_HD2_v.1.0_RC5_RAM_STOCK . I don't have data.exe but have data.img will that work? I am new to this and have been trying to get this to work for the past 4 days. I have zImage and initrd.gz do i need those on my sd card? any help would be so greatful....
Go here and read instructions. If you cant follow them it means you haven't read any of the guides in stickies.
You dont have to manually put a "Q" or put the date in your topic title.
TheATHEiST said:
Go here and read instructions. If you cant follow them it means you haven't read any of the guides in stickies.
You dont have to manually put a "Q" or put the date in your topic title.
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Don't be so hard on newbs man....
TheATHEiST said:
Go here and read instructions. If you cant follow them it means you haven't read any of the guides in stickies.
You dont have to manually put a "Q" or put the date in your topic title.
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Thank you I am re-reading instructions and guides. Hopefully I get it this time Im just not cell phone savy thats why im not getting it...sorry hopefully this time around i will
jalshah05 said:
Don't be so hard on newbs man....
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How in the hell was that "hard" are you on crack or something?
Get off your high horse dude.
bunnysface said:
Thank you I am re-reading instructions and guides. Hopefully I get it this time Im just not cell phone savy thats why im not getting it...sorry hopefully this time around i will
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The "best" way to learn bud is to do some real reading. I know it can be a bit daunting at first but honestly its the best way. Been walked through something is too easy and you wont pick up valuable information as much as you would if you worked it our yourself.
There is some really good guides to follow, have a look through them and have a go.
i cant see this page
who i can do to this content???
marcocr05 said:
who i can do to this content???
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Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
it is a lot of reading ! I have logged several hundred hours of reading to get to the point that i'm at !
Struggling while installing Android 2.3 Gingerbread on HTC HD2 (NAND)
Thanks guys for your prompt replies. This my situation: I installed Android 2.2 on my HTC HD2 with
HSPL 2.08
Android 2.2
Everything works great. Recently, I wanted to upgrade to Android 2.3 Gingerbread so to I upgraded successfully the MAGLDR1.11 to MAGLDR1.13.
Now, I spent a longtime reading your replies to the other users and it seems my case is a bit special, therefore I have 2 questions:
1- The MAGLDR113_DAF file I downloaded contains the ROMUpdateUtility (that you advise users to use) and also has a DAF file. I can see clearly at system start up that my MAGLDR is 1.13. So, does this mean am good? or do I still need to open the DAF through the tri colour screen bootloader, as some have suggested? Please help clarify my confusion.
2- I downloaded Android 2.3 Gingerbread on HTC HD2 (NAND) and extracted it to my 8GB SD card root, when I open the Android folder on my HD2 and tap on CLRCAD.exe, I get "file type exe not found" message, I tried with haret.exe as well but I always get the same message. Could anyone advise what I am doing wrong?
By the way, I used first a 2GB SD card, after being formatted, in vain then formatted a 8GB SD card, copy, paste Android folder on root, in vain. always same message.
Thank you very much guys and once again, I really appreciate your time and patience with us.
well if you're going for NAND you should not been able to toutch the CLRCAD.exe/Haret.exe wich probably means that you've downloaded a SD build.
you should go to the NAND section of this forum and find a rom there.
the instructions for installing a NAND rom are in de first few post by the dev himself.
Struggling while installing Android 2.3 Gingerbread on HTC HD2 (NAND)
Thanks XthelordinatorX for your prompt feedback . I will try your suggestion and share my findings.
Need help with installing Android 2.3 Gingerbread on my HTC HD2
Hi XthelordinatorX, I have to admit that Mobile technology is not my strong point. I am not sure what rom to install. could you advise what's the best one you recommand for HTC HD2 Leo.
I am open to your suggestions guys! your help is highly appreciated
I have right now Android 2.2 Nand on my HTC HD2 with
HSPL 2.08
Android 2.2
Thank you very much

[Q] hi guys u r bro is asking for some help plz hekpp me out

heyy guys i have htc hd2 from t mobile ..i dont want to loose my offcial win 6.5 rom bt i had flashed andriod on nand bt i didnt note my radio etc etc now i want that offficial rom to turn my phone just like new so tell me abt that if u had the same thing what u will do ....and second thing tell me that what is the best andriod rom on htc hd2 which is like original one whether ginger bread or froyo ... i really like nexus one rom so tell me abt that andriod rom must be that one on wich alll the thingssss are working with no issues thnx from asterixhashir plz help me out i m so sad
Sure, coming right up my lord. Anything else for you?
PS. Do your f**kin homework, trollface.jpg?
azer0 said:
Sure, coming right up my lord. Anything else for you?
PS. Do your f**kin homework, trollface.jpg?
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Do a search!
Guys, no need to be mean...
If you want official WinMo ROM you can download it directly from HTC website, Radio is included.
The Android version you are looking for it is called NexusHD2 v2.7. It is very stable and compiled from source of Nexus One.
I'm ok to explain smth to a man who just don't understand how things work. He should try first.
BTW see the name of the thread. He didn't bother reading any rooles.
zach.antre said:
Guys, no need to be mean...
If you want official WinMo ROM you can download it directly from HTC website, Radio is included.
The Android version you are looking for it is called NexusHD2 v2.7. It is very stable and compiled from source of Nexus One.
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heyyy dude problem is that when i type my serial no. of mobile and submit it then it says that this not for u r mobile some thing like that so tell me what to do plz post some direct link to download both andriod and windows mobile roms ok and i m asking for that rom for andeio which works smoothly and has no clause ok plz help me .. i also read the forum bt i cat understand all the things ok i m so worried for my mobile
This is like trying to decode a secret message!
Holy sh*t even his name looks like a run-on sentence. This thread is giving me a headache.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
asterixhashir said:
heyyy dude problem is that when i type my serial no. of mobile and submit it then it says that this not for u r mobile some thing like that so tell me what to do plz post some direct link to download both andriod and windows mobile roms ok and i m asking for that rom for andeio which works smoothly and has no clause ok plz help me .. i also read the forum bt i cat understand all the things ok i m so worried for my mobile
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If website say that it not a ROM for your telephone then you are doing something wrong.
Make sure you select the right phone from list in htc website or that you enter the right code number.
You can not have both installed in NAND. You can find NexusHD2 if you just search. If you want to have both install WinMo and find an SD Android version to put in your SDcard.
It is not easy for us to explain you in 1 post what we have learned by reading countless times the threads here.
If you can't find any solution by yourself then try finding some friend of yours who understand better and help you.
Else you can always find someone to pay to fix your device.
Without wishing to appear rude it is a tad difficult to understand you.
Ii believe you are unable to download the correct official rom for your device. this is sometimes the case that your serial number is not accepted by htc as they offer different roms for different carriers.
try getting YOUR official rom off of this thread. good luck.
There are no tmous roms on HTC site at all. Only on T-Mobile.com, and it will ask for your IMEI not serial.
yeah i have flashed from tmobile site bt it is not that much smooth
asterixhashir said:
yeah i have flashed from tmobile site bt it is not that much smooth
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that is why this site offers custom roms.
Am I the only one who thinks this dude is a troll?
i dont no more abt this phone bcz i m using for 3 to 4 months ok and i m not always bzy in these kinds of things ..tel me where can i find the official rom not the custom one ok and tell m eabt the best andriod sd rom for hd2
asterixhashir < you can flash back to the original rom that was intended for your hd2.
don't mess around with android roms if you don't know how to do your own homework.
download the the original rom for your t-mobile hd2 and open the exe file with winrar - extract the file "RUU_signed.nbh" and rename it "leoimg.nbh" - copy this file to the root of your sd card - restart your phone while holding on to the volume down button - then follow the steps and your back home with windows mobile. - then you can sell your hd2 and buy a android phone.
hey tell me abt the best wp7 rom and best way to unlock it plzzzzzz last time i unlocked bt it didnt happen . tell me the complete procedure of both
asterixhashir said:
hey tell me abt the best wp7 rom and best way to unlock it plzzzzzz last time i unlocked bt it didnt happen . tell me the complete procedure of both
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1 - go to wp7 section
2 - ask there.
asterixhashir said:
hey tell me abt the best wp7 rom and best way to unlock it plzzzzzz last time i unlocked bt it didnt happen . tell me the complete procedure of both
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Adding on to the post above:
3. Learn how to type fully and clearly, using proper punctuation and grammar. There is a reason languages have this stuff, it makes it much clearer to understand. I genuinely struggle to read your posts properly.
4. Use the search button.

[Q] HD2: Switching ROM to ROM

So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
To make a build work from the SD card, you need to have Windows Mobile OS.
If you want Android working from Nand, just boot into MAGLDR, hardreset your NAND memory, this will wipe the NAND;
Then enter USB Flasher mode in MAGLDR and either you can flash a new ROM or flash CWM Recovery - a tool from which you can install zipped ROM files from your SD.
Basically, chose the ROM you like to install on your device, and follow the steps provided there, those steps will be sufficient to wipe the previous ROM and install the new one.
beans_p_ said:
So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
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Start here..
Continue here...
Then decide if u want a SD or NAND build from here
voncrane said:
Start here..
Continue here...
Then decide if u want a SD or NAND build from here
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Dude, you're a duchebag. Why would I come to a forum (not just a forum, but a Q&A forum) if I havent already looked. Thats why I hate XDA, jacka**es like you and every other "senior member" on this dang website. I come here for help and get insulted by you.
Now who looks like the dumba**? The person that actually needs help or the person that takes to time to not only point out that your a "noob" but also gives you links the the forum that I was already on.
I wish that there was another webiste other than XDA that was interested in HELPING PEOPLE. Rather than just putting them down. The "senior members" need to take a look at themselves and come off their high and mighty cloud and actuall take the time to help the ones that need it.
Wow, no need to be so harsh. And if you keep that up you'll just help turn this into a flame thread, hence the lock down of this thread by a mod. Look at the second link he gave you, it contains links to all the useful information about a HD2, and the answers to your question.
Anyways, look at this thread,
That thread will give you all the answers, read, read, read, I'm dead serious, it has all the answers.
Read the whole thing.
Best of luck.
beans_p_ said:
Dude, you're a duchebag. Why would I come to a forum (not just a forum, but a Q&A forum) if I havent already looked. Thats why I hate XDA, jacka**es like you and every other "senior member" on this dang website. I come here for help and get insulted by you.
Now who looks like the dumba**? The person that actually needs help or the person that takes to time to not only point out that your a "noob" but also gives you links the the forum that I was already on.
I wish that there was another webiste other than XDA that was interested in HELPING PEOPLE. Rather than just putting them down. The "senior members" need to take a look at themselves and come off their high and mighty cloud and actuall take the time to help the ones that need it.
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Any1 can type on the keyboard but not every1 can control what they type on it...U asked for help and LINKS...i pointed u in d best directions u'll ever get...XDA is a developers-based site hence its url and not some cry-baby forum..Grow up, read up and come back...Then u'll get help...
beans_p_ said:
So I purchased an HD2 from someone and it already has android ported to it. I dont like the ROM that is currently on it and i'm wantign to change it to the Desire HD ROM but I'm sorta stuck.
What steps do I have to do in order to do this? Do I have to remove the current ROM and install the new one? Can I just install the new one on the SD card and *BAM* thats it? do i have to clean the traces of the old ROM?
I have a million questions basically. Can SOMEBODY give me step by step instructions of how to do this or give me a link on how to do this?
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Start by going to the windows mobile 6.5 dev thread and in the sticky you will find the task29 without mtty thread, get it. Check what radio you're running and if you don't have the 2.15.50, get it from the same sticky. Now come to android nand dev and find the latest MGLDR and get that too, find a rom you would like to use, find the partition size for such rom and get it.
Now start by task29.
Flash 2.15.50 radio if you don't have it.(if you do skip it)
Flash MGLDR- Either thru DAF or RUU.
Flash Clockworkmod recovery with needed partition.
Copy all your SD card content to pc and within clockworkmod advanced settings, format SD card to 1024mb with 0 swap.
Drop into the SD card the rom zip only and flash it, once done you can transfer the rest of your stuff back to the SD card from pc.
I hope this can help you a bit with your learning of android flashing in the hd2
Sent from my HyperDroidCM7 HD2

How to Dual Boot Android and Windows mobile 6.5

hello sorry I don't know where to post this, I read hundreds of threads now so I won't need to start a new thread, but I really can't understand what to do sorry I'm a noob I'm new to this actually I get used to apple so this thing's very new to me,
Let me stop the introduction, Here's what I want to do I want to dual boot my htc hd2 with Windows mobile and Android ( I want the AmeriCanAndroid ) can you tell me the step by step procedures what to do first to successfully do that to my phone?
I read about the HSPL,Radio, and dual boot apps but I can't understand anything can you make it easy for a noob like me to understand it?
thank you very much!!!
blazer345 said:
hello sorry I don't know where to post this, I read hundreds of threads now so I won't need to start a new thread, but I really can't understand what to do sorry I'm a noob I'm new to this actually I get used to apple so this thing's very new to me,
Let me stop the introduction, Here's what I want to do I want to dual boot my htc hd2 with Windows mobile and Android ( I want the AmeriCanAndroid ) can you tell me the step by step procedures what to do first to successfully do that to my phone?
I read about the HSPL,Radio, and dual boot apps but I can't understand anything can you make it easy for a noob like me to understand it?
thank you very much!!!
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Go to the HTC website and flash the latest stock ROM 3.14 for HD2. After this all you need to do is download a ROM from the SD Android section, place the Android folder on the root of your SD card (i.e. not in any folders), go to file explorer, in Android run CLRCAD and then HaReT.
Nigeldg said:
Go to the HTC website and flash the latest stock ROM 3.14 for HD2. After this all you need to do is download a ROM from the SD Android section, place the Android folder on the root of your SD card (i.e. not in any folders), go to file explorer, in Android run CLRCAD and then HaReT.
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thank you for your reply, but I have a question when I go to the htc website it shows that the page that I'm looking for is not available, and can you tell me please how to upgrade my stock rom? thank you very much. sorry if I demand too much.
blazer345 said:
thank you for your reply, but I have a question when I go to the htc website it shows that the page that I'm looking for is not available, and can you tell me please how to upgrade my stock rom? thank you very much. sorry if I demand too much.
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go there...click hd2
the give them ur imei(verification, dont worry)...download.
then do what that other guy said
I just want to say thanks to both of you now I'm running my htc HD2 on Android! YAY!
You might also like to use this app (Android Loader), to assist your dual boot...
If you do use & like it, don't forget to Thank the author.
For the life of me i cannot find anythimg for my UK o2 HD2. Anyone suggest wher i can get 3.14 from?
is it possible to Switch between Android and anohter Android rom?
Like NAND and SD
djdigitald said:
For the life of me i cannot find anythimg for my UK o2 HD2. Anyone suggest wher i can get 3.14 from?
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Luckily I'm on O2 UK so I may be able to attach it. I've never tried this though so sorry if it doesn't work.
You tell me if it worked.
EDIT: clearly it didn't. You can try this one though.
Ok, i think it´s not possible.

