Battery calibration.. to charge or not to charge..? - Vibrant General

Edit2(example): have you ever recalibrated your battery, and after charging it completely, turned the device off and it will charge for another hour or two before it says it is full while off? I have..
I have found numerous posts here and other sites that aren't very clear about the exact process for CORRECT battery calibration.. but none were absolutely clear about anything besides "delete battery stats file" and "discharge fully" and "charge fully".
What many agree upon is that the battery stats file is recreated when you reboot the device, which I will not argue. What no post/article/link has said is whether to charge the device while powered on or off.
So you killed your device after deleting the file.. you plug it in.. unless you have the bug that exists with cm7 on some devices that will power on the device when you plug it in, you have a choice. Plug it in and turn the device on, or turn on the device after it is fully charged or sometime while it is charging..
I only bring this up because I spent the day killing the battery after deleting battery stats, plugged it in a few hours ago, and just realized that I didn't turn it on when I plugged it in, and it is now half charged..
So which is the CORRECT way? Charge it to max while powered off after deleting the battery stats file, or power it on as soon as you plug it into the charger, then re-creating the battery-stats file?
I imagine this should matter since some devices using cm7 have no choice but for the device to power up when plugged in, and many users might plug it in and not turn it on until it is charged.. So which is the RIGHT method? What method do YOU use? I have read tons and tons of posts/articles about this, but I can't remember ONE that specifies this.. and even if it does, WHY is which method correct?(or does it even matter?)
Edit: There are so many variables when it comes to these things that DON'T have a firm answer(I have seen) that I think questions like this matter. Here is a post on our brother device(sister?) captivate about slow charge versus fast charge As a fun fact, at least in this post, users are claiming over 30 hours of use with gingerbread roms(on vibrant's not so distant cousin device), and no one seems that surprised(until someone claims over 90 hours worth of battery)..
So does how you charge the device when calibrating make a difference? Usb versus ac adapter? All of these factors MUST make some sort of difference, and we should do our best to make sure we know which does.
I am so sick of seing "each user gets different results" or your results may vary.. there MUST be reasons that aren't just hardware, a bad solder versus a good one.. other devices don't have such widespread differences as ours seems to have(most claim between 10-28 hours with some claiming days of charge depending on the rom)..
So when you calibrate, do you immediately turn on the phone upon plugging in? When you calibrate do you charge via usb(slow charge) or ac power? Has it ever made a difference to you that you have noticed?


Battery drains way too fast

Ok I am a new member to this whole PocketPC thing since I just purchased my first PocketPC which is an i-mate JASJAM. I honestly think that it's a great product with a lot of features and potential. My problem though, lies in the fact that I haven't had the chance to enjoy it for a full day yet. Ever since I bought it, I always charge it for like 7 to 8 hours, even though it fills up after like 3, but i leave it on charge anyway, because I was told that "that's what you should do!".
Anyways, no matter how long I leave it on the charger, once i take it off the battery begins to drain like there's no tomorrow. I'm talking about going from 100% to 0% within 5 hours, while on FLIGHT MODE. If I turn the screen off then it might last for an extra hour.
Surely this can't be something normal, and I have been beating my brain trying to find a solution. As far as ActiveSync goes, I did the tweak that stops its automatic scheduled syncs, hoping that it would be the problem, but to my disappointment, no luck. Also made sure that no programs were running in the background. It came with a battery with a capacity of 1300mAh and then I bought another one hoping it was a problem with the battery. The new one had a capacity of 1350mAh, not much of a difference but it was all I could find. But there's no difference between them whatsoever, when it comes to battery life.
My first question is whether it is possible that this may be a software issue rather than a hardware issue (such as a power leak)?
If it is, then would upgrading the ROM or Radio or upgrading to WM6 make any difference?
Problem's that I don't have the phone on me right now so I can't give ROM or ExtROM versions etc., but I do know that it is running WM5 with AKU 2.3 and Radio is either 1.21 or 1.31.
N.B.: Until I get this issue sorted out, I am using a Nokia 6680 which has an average battery life of 3 days (72 hours), so should I be expecting something in the vicinity with my i-mate?
Well it sounds as if you've done all the obvious things. There is a power saving registry tweak in the wiki somewhere but that should not be necessary just to bring it to normal power consumption. If I don't use mine much (not on flight mode) I'll get a couple of days at least.
A ROM change might help a little but if you have a warranty I'd be tempted to use it. Radio change is unlikely to change things if you have been testing in flight mode.
Anybody else got ideas?
The only problem that I have with getting it fixed or replaced under warranty is that I have to send it to another country. So I am trying everything I can do before going through that hassle. So is there any test that I can carry out at home, or a certain diagnostics software that can test the phone for me?
Would a digital multimeter help if i can measure the current being drawn from the battery? What should the current rating be for the phone, is it 1A? Because there is one other interesting thing i found while just snooping around, there is a sticker that just has 5VDC and 1A written on it, and it's stuck to the phone under where the battery goes. I can only imagine that this is the voltage and current rating for the phone. The interesting part is that the battery that came with it, as well as the one i bought are both 3.7V batteries.
Best to just update your phone.... But becareful! read and research on flashing b 4 you do it... VERY IMPORTANT... USE only softwares for your phone...
I wanna make sure that anything i do doesn't void my warranty as well.
Used their offical update for your phone... However, my friend brick his phone and sent it back to the company and they replace it for him... I dunno if you would have that luck however... if ur careful and read all the information... and ur computer is stable... you shouldnt worry about it bricking ur phone...
jlaham said:
The only problem that I have with getting it fixed or replaced under warranty is that I have to send it to another country. So I am trying everything I can do before going through that hassle. So is there any test that I can carry out at home, or a certain diagnostics software that can test the phone for me?
Would a digital multimeter help if i can measure the current being drawn from the battery? What should the current rating be for the phone, is it 1A? Because there is one other interesting thing i found while just snooping around, there is a sticker that just has 5VDC and 1A written on it, and it's stuck to the phone under where the battery goes. I can only imagine that this is the voltage and current rating for the phone. The interesting part is that the battery that came with it, as well as the one i bought are both 3.7V batteries.
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The ratings you see written inside and the battery ratings are just standard - nothing unusual there. You could test current draw etc but even if you find it a little high it doesn't really help you to pin down a problem save to say it's the phone and not the battery. However as you have two batteries it's fairly reasonable to say it's not the battery. (reasonable but not impossible of course that two batteries are not working as they should).
Unfortunately we do not yet have our hands on the test file that HTC use.
I guess I have no choice but to get it shipped back. Thanks for your help guys.
Are you using a wall charger or a trickle-charger such as the USB Cable? The wall charger is the only way to truly charge it to full.
If you are using a USB charger or other trickle charger, after the device says it is fully charged remove it from the charger for about 2 minutes and then reconnect it. It will then charge (most of) the rest of the way.
If you don't do this, the problems gets worse and worse. After 1 day, the trickle charger may get you up to a 90% charge. After two days, 80%, etc. After a week you'll only be holding half a charge, even though the device is reporting a full charge while on the charger.
Another tip I have found is to perform a soft-reset after removing it from the charger, particularly if it has been plugged in for a long time at full charge (more than an hour or so). It seems like the device doesn't always detect that it has been unplugged and tries to suck down juice as if it were still plugged in. If you have noticed that your device gets pretty hot when the battery drains quickly, this is probably what is happening to you.
You also haven't mentioned the programs that you are using during the day. Some programs, particularly chat clients, will drain the battery in about 5 hours, though obviously you're not using anything like this while in flight mode.
One more thing. You noted that you were told that leaving it on the charger whenever possible is the thing to do. This is incorrect. The more the battery is exercised in this way, the shorter the lifespan of the battery will be. With any PocketPC device we're all bound to charge it every night, but once it is charged you want to take it off the charger. A battery being fully charged is just as bad as a battery being fully drained, so you want to keep it somewhere in between as much as possible.
My battery doesn't last either.
I've ordered an extended life battery with its own back.
I've also ordered a car charger.
I also carry my old hiptop with me when I need to switch sims.
Apparently touchscreen phones that do so much, ie. bluetooth and wifi, eat batteries.
Doom Tints said:
Are you using a wall charger or a trickle-charger such as the USB Cable? The wall charger is the only way to truly charge it to full.
If you are using a USB charger or other trickle charger, after the device says it is fully charged remove it from the charger for about 2 minutes and then reconnect it. It will then charge (most of) the rest of the way.
If you don't do this, the problems gets worse and worse. After 1 day, the trickle charger may get you up to a 90% charge. After two days, 80%, etc. After a week you'll only be holding half a charge, even though the device is reporting a full charge while on the charger.
Another tip I have found is to perform a soft-reset after removing it from the charger, particularly if it has been plugged in for a long time at full charge (more than an hour or so). It seems like the device doesn't always detect that it has been unplugged and tries to suck down juice as if it were still plugged in. If you have noticed that your device gets pretty hot when the battery drains quickly, this is probably what is happening to you.
You also haven't mentioned the programs that you are using during the day. Some programs, particularly chat clients, will drain the battery in about 5 hours, though obviously you're not using anything like this while in flight mode.
One more thing. You noted that you were told that leaving it on the charger whenever possible is the thing to do. This is incorrect. The more the battery is exercised in this way, the shorter the lifespan of the battery will be. With any PocketPC device we're all bound to charge it every night, but once it is charged you want to take it off the charger. A battery being fully charged is just as bad as a battery being fully drained, so you want to keep it somewhere in between as much as possible.
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Wow, I am very surprised to hear some of these. First of all, are you sure that using the usb charger kills your battery capacity so fast? I mean, I almost always charge my phone with the usb charger and it seems to be quite fine. Of course once in a while I charge it with the wall charger when I am in a hurry. But I was thinking that charging it with the usb will be better as it charges slowly.
Also I usually keep my phone plugged to the usb. Indeed, I already ordered a desktop cradle so that I can see the screen while it is being charged. Is it a bad idea to keep it cradled all the time? This is what I did with my Dell Axim all the time and it was quite happy with it.
The process of charging/draining modern batteries won't shorten their lifespans. However, having a chargable battery at full charge or at no charge are both bad and both will reduce the lifespan of the battery.
So no, you shouldn't leave it plugged in/cradled all the time.
The problem with trickle chargers is altogether different. They just won't always charge a battery to its full capacity -- so in this way they are actually better for long-term battery health. This is why I said that if you want to get a full charge off of a trickle charger, you have to (usually) take it off the charger and put it back on when the device reports that it is fully charged. After unplugging the trickle-charger you'll get a new battery reading on the device which will usually be anywhere between 60% and 90%. You can then put it back on the charger until it shows full again.
Deleted, invalid, i didnt read the whole post.
Well, it seems that i was just unlucky with my buy. Thanks to all of you first of all for all your support it really did help me learn more about PPC's in general, and it also made me sure that there is a problem with the phone. I sat through what i like to call a debugging session, just following the phone's every "move". I know, sounds kinda crazy but i was just that determined. What i realised was that whether i performed the soft-reset or not, it still had a problem, even though the solution did sound very promising.
This is what happened, charged it to 100%. I also tried charging it a little more later, but that was it, so i'm pretty sure that the capacity was right. After detaching it i performed the softreset, hoping that it would help. Then i just left it over night on flight mode. Next morning it had only decreased to 90%. GREAT! And it felt rather normal, but then about an hour later, it jumped down to 80%, 70%, 60%, then 50%. Then when I held it, it felt pretty hot, i figured that whatever was the problem earlier, just happened again. So I turned it off for a few hours then turned it on again and it started off on 40%. As before seemed to be performing quite normal, then within a minute it heated up again and jumped down to 20%. And that was when i just lost my nerve and packed it to send it back to my retailer.
I am now convinced that the phone is faulty!
Yes, it very well might be.
My device has drained suddenly a few times, with the exact same heat problems that you're describing when it happens. A soft reset for me when this occured fixed it -- and it hasn't happened for months.
But as we all know the same solutions don't work for all people with HTC devices.
I just had the same sort of problem. I've been using my TyTN for several months now under Dutty's WM6, and only just flashed Schaps 3.60 a few days ago.
It worked fine the first couple of days, but now I'm having the dreaded 5hr battery life too.
I had had that a couple of times before, but it was always related to some software, and a soft reset would cure it like Doom Tints said above. The problem is that here, either this or a power-off and reboot doesn't change a thing.
It's clearly a software problem too. I use UpTime Meter from AE, and I can see that the PocketPC simply doesn't turn into standby mode, but only deactivates the screen. In UpTime, the power on time will always be equal to the time since last charge, which means the PocketPC is on all the time. In that case the 5h battery life makes sense.
Would there be a way to find out why it doesn't enter standby mode (which software blocks it up), or force it into it? It would be good to find something as I'm nearly sure this is the reason for most if not all of the cases of short battery life we see around. Without having the meter there's simply no way to realise that the thing just stays on...
Doom Tints said:
The process of charging/draining modern batteries won't shorten their lifespans. However, having a chargable battery at full charge or at no charge are both bad and both will reduce the lifespan of the battery.
So no, you shouldn't leave it plugged in/cradled all the time.
The problem with trickle chargers is altogether different. They just won't always charge a battery to its full capacity -- so in this way they are actually better for long-term battery health. This is why I said that if you want to get a full charge off of a trickle charger, you have to (usually) take it off the charger and put it back on when the device reports that it is fully charged. After unplugging the trickle-charger you'll get a new battery reading on the device which will usually be anywhere between 60% and 90%. You can then put it back on the charger until it shows full again.
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Your good man, Phone has been charging for about four hours and it didnt go up more than 40% so I unpluged the phone and turned it off and on and then it went up to 80% and now its recharging it again. Thanks
Battery discharge and heating up
kilrah said:
I just had the same sort of problem. I've been using my TyTN for several months now under Dutty's WM6, and only just flashed Schaps 3.60 a few days ago.
Would there be a way to find out why it doesn't enter standby mode (which software blocks it up), or force it into it? It would be good to find something as I'm nearly sure this is the reason for most if not all of the cases of short battery life we see around. Without having the meter there's simply no way to realise that the thing just stays on...
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Since I had my hermes, a few times it would get very hot and discharge the battery, and I assumed I was turning it on in my pocket and running a program. But now it does this continually. As soon as I take it off the charger it discharges and gets hot. This even happens if the phone is powered off.
I have borrowed a battery of someone else and the same thing happens
I have also hard reset it and have nothing installed extra, so it can not be software problem.
Must be a short circuit inside the phone? Does anyone have any ideas? I can't send it back as it is a Cingular and I live in the UK and have no support contract.
I managed to investigate and find the culprit - A2DP Toggle in my case. Whenever its Today plugin is enabled, it will prevent the phone from entering standby. Deactivate it - no uninstallation needed - and it returns to normal. Weird as it had been working perfectly for about a week, and I haven't done any change when it started acting weird.
Now it kinda defeats the plugin's purpose if I have to deactivate it everytime...
@simkin: If it drains the battery even powered off completely that's most likely a hardware problem. Does it happen too if you remove the battery and put it again without turning the phone on (as opposed to having the phone on and turning it off with a long press on the the power button)?
There could be a slight chance that the phone actually starts booting and gets stuck there draining power. As a last solution I'd try flashing it with a different ROM, but if that fails it's most likely a hardware fault.
I'm having battery trouble too, I switched to WM6 with a full battery that lasted for about 24 hours and it became 7-8 hours, so I switched back to my previous ROM and Radio ver and it still says I only get 7-8 hours average, I'm gonna try to hard reset it on more time, and then i'm just gonna try a new battery.

How to set Legend to not charge while it is connected to USB port?

Hi, do you have any workaround how to set my Legend to not charge the battery while it is connected to PC's USB port?
When I want only to transfer some files to SD card and plug the device into USB, it starts to charge. It is very important for me because it continuously damages battery if this happens several times only for some minutes. In Windows mobile there is a great option to not charge when device is connected to USB. I hope there is an option to do this also on android.
pe3ksve3k2 said:
Hi, do you have any workaround how to set my Legend to not charge the battery while it is connected to PC's USB port?
When I want only to transfer some files to SD card and plug the device into USB, it starts to charge. It is very important for me because it continuously damages battery if this happens several times only for some minutes. In Windows mobile there is a great option to not charge when device is connected to USB. I hope there is an option to do this also on android.
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I'm pretty sure the batteries today doesn't take any harm of this type of charing. Correct me if i'm wrong
arxx said:
I'm pretty sure the batteries today doesn't take any harm of this type of charing. Correct me if i'm wrong
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Hmm, on the hand way I am pretty sure that it harms the battery ... 1minute chargings are not good for battery...
I am also certain it DOSEN't damage the batteries...
However.. There are several reasons to disable charging when connection to a PC.
For instance, using a USB hub without additional powers, the drain the phone will put on the hub, will make the rest of the stuff connected to it stop working.
Or simply just to preserve the batteries when using a laptop. The batteries on laptop is bad enough as it is, so no need to put more drain on them...
Interessting reading:
*replace ! with .
Lithium-based batteries (like those used in basically every single mobile phone now) love to be topped up constantly. In fact, they suffer permanent damage to the lifetime of the battery if they are ever empty. Don't worry about charging them for a few seconds are a few hours, as long as you don't let them go flat.
Lithium batteries will only work best for a few years from the day they are manufactured (not their sale date, by the way). You'll notice if you have an old mobile phone or iPod that they'll start to run low faster and faster the older they get. This is just a consequence of the chemicals they are made of. It's also why some people refuse to buy Lithium-powered devices that don't make it easy to replace the battery (like iPods, for example).
Also, Lithium batteries don't hold their full capacity right away. They have to be charged for 300% of their capacity for them to be running at peak, although you do not need to do this all at once. This is why some devices come with advice that you discharge them completely a few times right at the beginning. I never do this, because as I advised earlier you do not want to let them go flat. Instead, I charge it up to 100%, use the device down to 50%, charge back to 100%, over and over, since each of those charging sessions contributes to the total 300% necessary.
Nickel-Cadmium batteries were the old sort of rechargeable batteries used in other sorts of devices (toys, remote controls, etc). The best care advice for them is to leave them in the charger until they are needed, and use them until they are completely flat before charging again.

phone thinks it is charged.

I dont know what caused this to happen, because i havent flashed anything new on my phone or made any changes for like a week now, but today when i got home from school and plugged in my phone, a few seconds later i get the messaged telling me that it is fully charged, even though the battery on the status bar says it is at 20%. i tried wiping the battery stats in cwm but it didnt fix it.
Possibly dirty usb port/connector. Otherwise, turn the phone off to charge it. If it still doesn't charge right, it could be that the battery went bad.
oh lol i cant believe i didnt realize this. i just got a new keyboard and i had my phone charger plugged into the usb port that is on the back of they keyboard, i shouldve known it cant charge off of that i was being stupid hah. plugged it into the computer and it works fine.
thefunkbot said:
oh lol i cant believe i didnt realize this. i just got a new keyboard and i had my phone charger plugged into the usb port that is on the back of they keyboard, i shouldve known it cant charge off of that i was being stupid hah. plugged it into the computer and it works fine.
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The phone will say it is charged when you plug it into a USB port with too low of a current rating.
I do not know what the cutoff threshold is, however I have a variety of USB ports and adapters that I charge my phone off of and some of them work great, but a couple of them have extremely low current ratings and the phone just says "charged" because it is not seeing enough power go into the battery.
This might be considered a bug, if there was a way for the hardware / charging drivers to measure the strength of the USB port the phone is attached to instead of solely looking at the current flowing into the battery.
Hrm. Weird that it would report charged when it doesn't get enough current to properly charge.
On a related note - I would also recommend doing a deep drain / charge cycle about once per month, to calibrate the battery charge sensor.
- Charge your phone to 100%.
- Then discharge it down to 0%.
- Then charge it back up to 100% via the OS.
- Turn the phone off, and keep it plugged in to the charger. A green battery icon will appear, and indicate when the battery is fully charged to 100%.
- Reboot the phone into recovery, and wipe battery stats.
Doing this about once per month for any Li-Ion battery will help calibrate the battery charge sensors on the device, giving you more accurate battery charge stats.

Brand new Atrix won't charge. Green LED.

I installed/flashed Gingerblur yesterday and it was working fine for the whole day. At night, I put it back into it's case because I'm still waiting for my New Screen Protector and Case to come. I take really good care of it. Then I did not use the phone for the whole day. After having a really bad day, I started up my brand new Atrix for some fun and it was already at around 5% battery left so I went ahead and tried to charge it. I noticed plugging it into the computer did not work, so I tried wall charging it and that also did not work.
To sum it up,
-Green Led for 2-3 seconds when I hold down the top main button then shuts off led. Note: Only happens/works if the phone is plugged into the wall.
-Green Led for 4 or more seconds if I plug in wall charger then shuts off led.
-No visual image on screen after battery drained out at all.
What can I do? I don't think I bricked it since it was working perfectly yesterday. Is there anything I can do? I have tried removing battery with no avail, it is plugged in to the wall charger still for the past hour.
This is a very weird problem and I don't know the exact answer..I just know i bricked my atrix before (failed to flash on a full battery) and couldn't charge the dead battery even on AC.
I ended up buying a universal battery charger from radioshack and then returning it once I got my battery fully charged and flashed the rom. Haven't had any battery problems since.
Hope this helps
Thanks, I will try this but it is night time right now. I hope someone else has had experience of this before and can guide me to any other directions.
I did not fail a flash, unless the flash can fail even if Gingerblur was working 100% before it failed. I don't know if thats possible.
Are you using the usb cable/charger that came with the phone?
I know it sounds ridiculous but the phone does NOT charge on any of my existing MicroUSB cables or wall chargers (used to have a nexus one). Pretty bummed about that :/
Yeah I am using the one that came with it.
I also want to update that I've tried my sister's HTC Inspire charger and an old Samsung charger I have left around.
Both are USB to wall Adapters (I am not using the same wall power adapter for each charger) so I wonder if I need the one that plugs directly into the wall?
Yeah, you probably just have a dysfunctional battery or charger, either way, you're going to have to diagnose which one is the problem (fingers crossed that it isn't the phone)
it sounds like its not the charger, from your most recent post.
I think your phone is the problem, it's not processing how to charge the battery from the cable.
Common problem. You need at least 850mA to charge the phone, so older usb ports wont work. The wall charger is actually working. Pull the battery out, put it back in, plug in the wall charger(don't press any buttons!) and let it sit for about 30min to get a decent charge. Should boot up after that.
designgears said:
Common problem. You need at least 850mA to charge the phone, so older usb ports wont work. The wall charger is actually working. Pull the battery out, put it back in, plug in the wall charger(don't press any buttons!) and let it sit for about 30min to get a decent charge. Should boot up after that.
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Hm, it's been charging for over an hour now and still hasn't turned on. But I did not do it exactly as you said. I unplugged the battery acouple times but I always try to hold the "fingerprint" on button right after plugging it in. I'll try not pressing anything this time. Thanks, I'll post back if I get any results.
The phone should turn on if charging, you don't need 850mA either. Standard USB is 500 and it just charges slower. I know this for a fact as I just charged it like that.
Take it into a store or contact where you bought it from.
Plugging in phone while off: Green LED for a bit, moto logo, battery icon
Power on, no charger : green light for a bit longer, moto logo, boot animation.
Try an at&t stores charger and see if theyll let you charge the battery.
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G on the network with the most backhaul, whatever that is. This post might have errors as I hate touchscreen keyboards.
Mgamerz said:
The phone should turn on if charging, you don't need 850mA either. Standard USB is 500 and it just charges slower.
Take it into a store or contact amazon support.
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 4G on the network with the most backhaul, whatever that is. This post might have errors as I hate touchscreen keyboards.
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With a dead battery you need 850 mAH. The phone needs 850 mA ti boot and it needs to boot to charge (strange yes but software controls the charge).
I would suggest trying all the chargers you can (the Moto one may be giving you to little amps) and if that does not work you can try to either 1) make a dev cable (post on how to in the dev section, though it requires soldering and such so you may not be able to do it if you don't have supplies) or 2) get a charger for the battery (one to directly charge the battery vice through the phone).
The battery method did not work, I did not try to hold the main button until 1 hour later to no avail. I'm going to Best Buy tomorrow for a replacement.
Edit: Oops..Too late to the party! I had the same issue that was fixed when I used a good quality micro-usb charger!
850ma? You sure?
I've charged and booted my phone from dead on a 700ma charger and 500ma usb on numerous occasions.
U need not worry .. put it in a wall charger .. and let it sit dere for atleast an hour .. the green led will come up when charge level reaches around 50% or more .. be patient ..
LivingChampion said:
I installed/flashed Gingerblur yesterday and it was working fine for the whole day. At night, I put it back into it's case because I'm still waiting for my New Screen Protector and Case to come. I take really good care of it. Then I did not use the phone for the whole day. After having a really bad day, I started up my brand new Atrix for some fun and it was already at around 5% battery left so I went ahead and tried to charge it. I noticed plugging it into the computer did not work, so I tried wall charging it and that also did not work.
To sum it up,
-Green Led for 2-3 seconds when I hold down the top main button then shuts off led. Note: Only happens/works if the phone is plugged into the wall.
-Green Led for 4 or more seconds if I plug in wall charger then shuts off led.
-No visual image on screen after battery drained out at all.
What can I do? I don't think I bricked it since it was working perfectly yesterday. Is there anything I can do? I have tried removing battery with no avail, it is plugged in to the wall charger still for the past hour.
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I had the exact same issue the other day. I forgot to put my phone on charge at night, and it was dead in the morning. I plugged into the wall with my Moto charger, the phone turned on and went right to CWM. I rebooted from there, the phone showed 5% battery level, and within 10-15 minutes was at 20%.
I thought it strange my phone went right to the old Tenfar CWM even though I uninstalled it after unlocking my phone and installing the latest CWM from Tenfar.
It does seem that the shut off with the battery is 5%. I am assuming this is the safety factor built into either the Android OS, or the batteries themselves, as they do have circuits in them much like mini computers to shut them off before 100% discharge, as this will kill a Lithium Ion battery.
Some simple facts regarding the Lithium Ion batteries:
•They start degrading as soon as they leave the factory. They will only last two or three years from the date of manufacture whether you use them or not.
•They are extremely sensitive to high temperatures. Heat causes lithium-ion battery packs to degrade much faster than they normally would.
•If you completely discharge a lithium-ion battery, it is ruined.
•A lithium-ion battery pack must have an on-board computer to manage the battery. This makes them even more expensive than they already are.
•There is a small chance that, if a lithium-ion battery pack fails, it will burst into flame.
What I would like to know is why some people have problems getting a charge back in the Atrix after a complete discharge. There I was at 20% after 10-15 minutes using the Moto wall charger, while other people can't even get their phones to turn on after an hour on the wall charger.
I have the same problem, tried everything and finally found a solution
Get a warranty replacement.
The phone won't turn on, so they don't know what you did to it.
Got my new phone today, popped the dead battery in and voila, it charges !
Sometimes it's like people say, it's because of the charge, but your phone probably have issue, just get a replacement
I let it charge all night and it still has the same symptoms. Going to Best Buy in an hour when it opens.
When I get my new phone, should I Gingerblur it again or am I going to face this same issue? Was this software related or hardware?
Gingerblur was relatively easy to do, but I don't want to risk killing my phone a second time.
UPDATE: Got a replacement phone. Complementing whether I want to Gingerblur it again because that's the only thing that could have caused the battery issue other than it being hardware related.
LivingChampion said:
I let it charge all night and it still has the same symptoms. Going to Best Buy in an hour when it opens.
When I get my new phone, should I Gingerblur it again or am I going to face this same issue? Was this software related or hardware?
Gingerblur was relatively easy to do, but I don't want to risk killing my phone a second time.
UPDATE: Got a replacement phone. Complementing whether I want to Gingerblur it again because that's the only thing that could have caused the battery issue other than it being hardware related.
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You can try it again should work fine for you. If not...
You can always use their phone and your "dead battery" and visa versa theirs into your phone. Then if same issue happens. Just warranty the phone. If your in warranty do it. I've had g1's for no reason not charge. Led says it, os says it, yet NONE of my working batteries were getting any charge off the phone. Especially when the phone was 3 days old. Warranty.... if its free do it.
tehrules said:
850ma? You sure?
I've charged and booted my phone from dead on a 700ma charger and 500ma usb on numerous occasions.
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Well, according to motorola it needs that much... so you never know
Ciloteille said:
You can try it again should work fine for you. If not...
You can always use their phone and your "dead battery" and visa versa theirs into your phone. Then if same issue happens. Just warranty the phone. If your in warranty do it. I've had g1's for no reason not charge. Led says it, os says it, yet NONE of my working batteries were getting any charge off the phone. Especially when the phone was 3 days old. Warranty.... if its free do it.
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Yes if warranty then ok .. But we are here to do the impossible.. I just reconditioned a new battery just so it can turn phone on in same instance for a friend. So yes batteries and phones new can have charging issues.
There is an issue with smart-phones and batteries and has been since day one. If you are here then evidently you either love these phones and want to mod them or you are like me and love playing with electronics. Real simple if you in the smart-phone world there are a few rules of thumb..
1.) Never begin working without a fully charged battery (some say 51% or better I say 100% )
2.) Buy , borrow , get an external battery charger and/or stronger wall charger
3.) Extra batteries are always good.
4.) Read the damn stickies and wiki's ... People have taken plenty of time creating them. Those who know me know I have written some myself.
5.) The biggest problem is located between the chair and the keyboard .... (lol)

Phone wont charge over 85%

Hi all.. My Evo Shift 4G seems to have developed a charging issue.. I'm not sure if the phone is not reading the voltage from the battery properly or what.. Basically, my phone will not charge over 85%... In other words -- it never reaches 90%+ on the phone, which would typically cause the charging indicator to change from amber to green.
I've watched what the phone supposedly sees with 'Battery Monitor Widget'. Currently, the phone has been on the AC charger for about 7 hours... The phone reports 77% charged, 32.1 degrees C for the battery, 4024mV. I've watched it during the charge cycles, and when the battery is low, the current is definitely being applied to the battery -- around 500-600 mA. When it gets close to 70%, however, it starts ramping down the current.. Right now, at that 77% level, it is showing 0mA being applied to the charging circuit.
I have 3 batteries -- two HTC original batteries, one about 2 weeks old, the other from March.. I also have a 3rd party battery.. All of the batteries behave the same in MY phone.. If I throw the batteries into a couple of friend's HTC phones (one has a Hero, the other a MyTouch 4G) -- their phones report the charge at 100%.
I also have an external charger -- if I charge the batteries in that fully, my phone shows 85% charge, while my friend's phones will show the batteries at 100%. Likewise, if I put their batteries in my phone once theirs are fully charged, my phone will show it at 85%.
Anyone know how or if I can correct this?
Have you tried clearing the battery stats and re-calibrating?
Ron Overdrive said:
Have you tried clearing the battery stats and re-calibrating?
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I would suggest you do that.
Your phone would have to be rooted though.
Enraged21 said:
I would suggest you do that.
Your phone would have to be rooted though.
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It is rooted.. I get the same behavior on CM7 or the rooted OTA 2.3 update by x99..
I've tried clearing the battery stats.. That has not worked.. I believe it comes down to a problem with how my phone is reading the voltage of the battery..
Worked for me...
I had the same problem but the it could charge to 93ish% percent, not 85. I fixed by clearing the battery stats, setting the screen to never go off, and left it on overnight (while I'd been using it all day), recharged it to full while it was off the next morning, and unplugged the charger and reinserted it until when I could plug it in starting with the light green. Following, I turned it on while it was still plugged in, downloaded the battery calibration app from the market, and calibrated it.
Afterwards, I've been able to get the same outrageous battery life that others claimed they got on roms like evervolv and miui, and been able to charge to full. See if this works for you.
Have you tried a different charger? Say if you are using the wall try a usb or if using a usb try a wall. Just a suggestion don't know if it'll work.
EDIT: Looks like I need to follow my own rules and read everything fully. Sorry for the ignorant post it'll prob be no help!
FdxRider said:
Have you tried a different charger? Say if you are using the wall try a usb or if using a usb try a wall. Just a suggestion don't know if it'll work.
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I've tried charging via a number of different chargers:
1) HTC AC Charger (5V/1A)
2) Computer USB (5V 500mA)
3) Palm Pre AC Charger (5V/1A)
4) Palm Pre Car Charger (5V/1A)
5) Aftermarket AC Charger (5V/1A)
I think there may be a problem with CWM. I tired the wipe battery stats a few times (7) and it seems like it didn't do anything. Then I downloaded an app from the market called battery calibration, wiped with the app. I think it actually worked with the app, as my run times went from about 8-9hrs to well over 24. Hope this helps - Viperspike
From what i understand, charge to 100%, turn phone off and charge a little more, reboot, wipe batt stats and unplug. Run all the way down to zero (phone shutdown) and restart one more time (it should immediately turn off) Then plug in the charger, and reboot. Once on the charger make sure it charges uninterrupted until it reaches 100% the first charge.
Thats the problem.. I can never get anywhere near 100% -- 85% is the top.. At that point current drops to 0mA and the charging circuit turns off.
I did send a support request to HTC.. This is their response:
You were having issues with the battery life on your HTC EVO Shift 4G. You mention that you have tried another battery but you cannot get the LED indicator light to turn green or the charge percentage to go above 85%. You state that you have tested your two batteries in a friend’s MyTouch 4G and HTC Hero. Both devices show 100% when there is an indication of a full charge. Unfortunately, there might be another hardware related issue causing this to occur so I would suggest you consider a repair request for your Android device.

