Nook Tweaks Voltages... - Nook Color Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey all, really simple here, just curious as to what settings people have when undervolting their cpu's. Thanks in advance.

1200 - 1.2875
1100 - 1.25
800 - 1.1875
600 - 1.0
300 - .8125
I think this is about the norm.

cm7 n155 / conservative / 16 bit / nenamark1 22.9 neocore 29.9 quadrant 2642
300 @ .8125v
600 @ 1.0v
800 @ 1.1625v
1100 @ 1.2375v
1200 @ 1.2875v


Shouldn't my Bell HTC Touch (CDMA) be running at 400 MHz?

I just installed HomeScreen PlusPlus Ver. 1.06.337 rc1 and it shows my Touch running at 300 MHz. Isn't it supposed to be at 400 MHz by default?
It is a duo core 300MHz for PDA and 100MHz for phone.

DOSBOX Game List

I think it would be very useful if we compiled a list of the games that run in Dosbox on the HTC Wizard.
Please state the name of the game, the CPU clock (overclocked or ordinary 180 MHz?), the emulator used (PocketDOS or n0p's DOSBOX. I'm using the CVS ARM version from n0p.) and the number of cycles you've got it set to, and say whether it's playable or not, comment, blah.
I will be posting some of mine later today, I hope, so feel free to post your findings and I will compile a big list.
0.63 CVS ARM n0p's Dosbox [F/SKIP = 4] [SOUND EMULATION = NONE]
Hugo's Haunted House 216 Mhz 600 Cycles Playable.
Populous 240 Mhz 900 Cycles Playable. A tad slow.
Alone In The Dark 240 Mhz 1000 Cycles Too slow.
Eye of The Beholder 240 Mhz 900 Cycles Playable.
Jetpack 180 Mhz 500 Cycles Playable. Excellent.
Cadaver 180 Mhz 800 Cycles Playable.
Sokoban 180 Mhz 200 Cycles Playable. Excellent.
Dangerous Dave 180 Mhz 300 Cycles Playable. Excellent.
Pushover 180 Mhz 1000 Cycles Playable. Excellent. Long intro, though.
Klax 180 Mhz 400 Cycles Playable.
Special thanks to everyone who's PM'd me with their results, keep it coming!
hi... can u mail me and tell me how you did it ; ) ? i was tried to launch mario old dos game and i had 3 - 4 fps;/ [email protected]
btw: you are from poland ? if yes my gg:4827328
Email sent!

Amazing Gpu performance -underclocked cpu benchmarks

Our phones cannot display more then ~56 fps due to vsync
Test settings: JM2, samset 1.8, mimocans ext4 fix + dalvik cache sent to nand, 8gb class 6 sd, all benchmarks were only run once.
200mhz : 36.8 fps
400mhz : 56 fps
800mhz : 56 fps
1000mhz : 56 fps
Yes, with our cpu reduced by 80% we still beat the nexus one and other froyo omapp/snapdragon cpu's in neocore.
Quadrant: (world & moon, the others are more difficult to test)
200mhz : 40fps : 410 Quadrant
400mhz : 56fps : 789 Quadrant
800mhz : 56fps : 1532 Quadrant
1000mhz: 56fps: 1762 Quadrant
Fps2d is 56 fps at all cpu settings.
Due to the nature of vsync we have no idea what fps we could be getting, Generally when you scale down cpu performance the bandwidth available for the gpu decreases dramatically as the processor cannot handle the new frames to keep up with the gpu. What this is showing us is that in neocore at 1000mhz we only require 20% of the cpu to get 36.8 fps and somewhere around 300mhz to get to the 56fps vsync cap. For all i know the gpu might only be able to output 70 fps without vsync at 1,000mhz, the question is by how much does reducing the cpu speed effect the available bandwidth to the gpu
This shows us:
1. Our gpu is largely held back by the frame-limit, the cpu also has an impact on the gpu performance.
2. We need better benchmarks to test only 3d performance, many of the 3d tests in quadrant are either heavy on the cpu, or are 2d tests. And neocore is simply not taxing enough on our gpu.
3. Need to find a way to remove vsync
4. Its a powerful beast! looking forward to froyo
Look foward to GLbenchmark 2.0
Even currently in 1.1 it's showing some impressive results, even though it's not supported very well on latest-gen gpu's (SGX530/535/540 mostly)
*off topic*
Would you please link / pm me to the Sd card you are using?
Its a Samsung 8gb class 6
would underclocking the cpu to 600mhz for example help increase battery performance, or it it mostly the screen that drains the battery?
its mostly the screen
But really really great research there !
Its nice to know.. Hehe..
The next thing i would like too see is quadrant tests where the SGS has undergone the Lagfix and then with different SD cards

Benchmarks, Performance, Settings and Stuff

Hey Guys,
what about having a thread, dedicated to Benchmarks, Performance Settings, Firmware, Tweaks and other Drugs you are on
So here is what I'm using:
- Stock ROM
- Unlocked BL
- Rooted
- Android Tweaker -> Autotweak
Quadrant Score:
- 5032
CPU: 9789
Memory: 8727
I/O: 3439
2D: 1000
3D: 2206
Antutu Benchmark:
CPU Integer: 1536
CPU Float: 2260
2D: 1087
3D: 2801
Database I/O: 555
SD-Card write: 149
SD-Card read: 191
AnTuTu 3dRating:
3d Score 2899
Off-Screen: 820
Feel free to post your Settings and Benchmarkresults
Greetz Esok

What are all the clock speeds of the Switch?

These 3 are given:
Balanced = 1 GHz CPU / 468 MHz GPU
Quick = 1.4 GHz CPU / 768 MHz GPU
Performance = 1.7 GHz CPU / 920 MHz GPU
However, it has two other, low-end settings.
Power Save:
These two lower settings do save on battery, but you can't even emulate PS1 games with them properly. It makes me wonder what the clock speeds for those two are, though.
KernelTasker allows for more, if you are rooted.

