The tale of how I replaced my digitiser... - Desire HD General

I bought this phone on Ebay and instantly fell in love with it. It was pretty much perfect for me, I loved the big screen for my big sausage fingers, I loved how responsive it is, etc. The only thing I wasn't in love with was the battery life, but I got used to it too.
Like any responsible owner I ordered a screen protector and a flip case the day I bought the phone. Unfortunately they did not arrive as quickly as the phone did (within three days).
So I was at work one day and had put the phone into my top shirt pocket. As there was a big spider on one of our cameras, I decided to grab a stick and remove it. I found a nice stick that I liked and threw it up in the air while walking towards the camera whistling. It was a nice sunny day and I was in a good mood, what a perfect morning. Or so I thought.
I threw the stick a little too ambitiously into the air and couldn't quite manage to catch it. It dropped on the ground in front of me. Still in good spirits and still whistling, I bent down to pick it up.
All of the sudden my good mood was gone and I'm pretty sure a dark cloud swiftly moved in front of the sun.
My new shiny Desire HD was lying on the ground. Face down.
I stood there for what may have been twenty seconds, but felt like an eternity, not sure whether I dared picking up the phone. Finally I summoned enough courage to do so. To my disappointment I had to realise my worst fear, the digitiser on the phone was smashed into a hundred pieces.
For the remainder of the work day I was in a very foul mood and really quite angry with the guiltless spider.
When I arrived home karma had played a cruel joke on me and had delivered the screen protector and flip cover in my absence.
I soon started researching how to replace the digitiser and finally found a disassembly guide on the internet. It seemed somewhat complicated and had a very annoying voice doing the narration, but I ignored these signs of impending doom and pushed on. Some of my conviction that I could do it stemmed from knowing that I was quite nimble (with the exception of stick throwing).
I ordered a digitiser off Ebay and checked my mailbox twice daily for the next two weeks or so. Finally it had arrived.
I had the majority of the tools ready thought I would need, the rest I would improvise. I did not have a metal strip as was mentioned that I would need, but I found an old floppy disk and cut up the metal cover which gave me something that looked remarkably similar to what was in the video.
It took a lot of effort and a lot of pausing, rewinding and replaying the youtube video but I finally got to the stage that I had removed all parts except for the LCD and the broken digitiser.
I put the metal strip into it as demonstrated in the video. The tactile response was poor and I hoped that I had cut what I needed to cut. I spent a good half hour doing this. Then, as I did not a have an oven that I could regulate perfectly, I decided that I would take two new condoms. I washed them and dried them to get rid of the lubricant and put the screen assembly first into one and then into the other. I started the kettle and made sure that my water had exactly 60 degrees. I then dropped the wrapped package into it and let it sit for 10 minutes. I took it out and tried to remove the digitiser to no avail. Back in it went at 65 degrees for 10 minutes. Still nothing.
Then I had the idea that it might be easier to take the digitiser out piece by piece. I took a very small screw driver and took out piece after piece. This must have taken me at least an hour, but I finally got the top layer of it out. When this was done, I had a little more space to play with and I decided that I would try to cut it out from the top. It was looking really quite good and the entire assembly started moving out, but on my final cut, I noticed that I had severed the LCD cable.
After this I continued to try and cut it out, but I realised that I hadn't been as close to getting it out as I had thought. I put it into the oven which was around 70 degrees, just as an experiment. I could still not get the glue to relinquish its hold of the LCD screen.
Grumpily, I took a larger screwdriver and levered the LCD screen out. It bent but didn't crack in the process. Maybe this is what I should have done in the first place? (Not that I would recommend it)
Back on Ebay I went and ordered a new LCD screen.
Today it finally arrived. I attached the new digitiser to the new LCD screen and then started the video yet again to see how to reassemble the phone. Unfortunately it was very hard to do this as the video was in the wrong order. I downloaded the video off youtube and reversed it. Interestingly the voice was much less annoying in reverse.
During the reassembly process I wanted to blow some lint off the screen that had landed on it, along with the lint I blew the box of screws off my desk. After a good ten minutes of searching I had found all but one of the screws. I figured that it had been swallowed forever by the carpet as even my rare earth magnets couldn’t find it, or the underpants gnomes had taken hold of it somehow.
If I had thought disassembling the phone was hard, I was in for a rude awakening. Reassembling it was extremely difficult. After using what felt like a good metre of sticky tape, I finally managed to get everything back together. I figured that the missing screw probably wasn’t doing anything important anyway.
The only problem that I appeared to have was that I hadn’t glued the digitiser back in place and it was constantly in danger of falling out of the phone. I decided that I would the phone into another case that I had bought while waiting for the first one. This was a silicon case and should force the digitiser to stay inside the phone.
First I wanted to test the phone however. I put in an old sim card, my memory card and started it up. My heart nearly skipped a beat when I saw “HTC” appear on the screen. Strangely it stayed there for some time. I sighed loudly and took the battery cover off.
Checking it, I couldn’t see anything that I had done wrong. So I put it all back together and turned it on again. Again the “HTC” appeared and after a while the booting logo followed. The phone simply took a while as it was a new sim card.
When android started up, I tested features and they all seemed to work except for the reception, I just couldn’t get any. I already saw me having to buy a new phone, but then realised that I was being an idiot and that I should put my current sim card into it.
After doing so, everything worked perfectly. I was very happy. Even my plan to keep the digitiser affixed to the phone with the cover worked well.
In Conclusion: It is possible to replace the digitiser (along with the LCD), but it is very difficult.

Nice story

Damn that spider ;p
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

Wow.... That's quite an epic tale. Glad it had a happy ending... Thanks for sharing - hope I never have to come back to this post!
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

I hate it when I drop my phone. Once while laying hot asphalt my blackberry landed face down on it for a few minutes before I noticed.

Ahaha 'sausage fingers', great tale and glad you got it sorted ;-)
Sent from my Desire HD on the moon...

Id be in floods of tears.. you poor man haha.

You made me laugh and cry at the same time.


Dropped my hermes in the toilet

Hi, dropped it in the toilet today.
Been drying it off for 7 hours in front of a heated fan. Tried to turn it on, the HTC screen comes up but it's really faint so I took the battery out straight away.
What are the chances of it working again?
ethos84 said:
Hi, dropped it in the toilet today.
Been drying it off for 7 hours in front of a heated fan. Tried to turn it on, the HTC screen comes up but it's really faint so I took the battery out straight away.
What are the chances of it working again?
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So you took the battery out after the 7 hours? - Not good in such cases the first thing to do is always to take out the battery - However I had a similiar problem a while ago - but with a nokia phone - local electronics store took it to repair it for free but **** happens I sim unlocked it and they told me I had to pay 200 bucks for the repair - I googled a bit and found that you should take the whole device apart and try everything seperated then put every single part into ethanol (I think it was ethanol not shure :S) over night and in the morning let it dry - repeat up to 5 times - if no hardware was fried everything should work again - my phone worked again
No, I took the battery out after like 20 seconds.
I then took it apart and wiped it off and put it in front of a heated fan for about 7 hours!!!!
I dropped my 8125 in a cup of Vodka and Sprite and took the battery out right away. Let it dry out for 12 hours, turned it on and got a white screen. Took the battery out again and decided to order an 8525 to replace it thinking it was dead. Hours later, I tried to start the 8125 again and it magically started working. Guess it was a long hangover but just shows that given enough time, it might come back.
WELL... left it in the airing cupboard overnight.
It now turns on fine, the screen is working but I can still see a little bit of water but other than that it all works fine.
Going to leave it in front of the heater again today to hopefully clear the last of it up.
To my home fish tank
My old sony eriksson drop into my fish tank.!!!
Initially it don't work.
I put phone and battery apart inside a big cup and covered it with rice and voila..., after two days it was like new.
It was an old trick form my mother.
Hope it help
Hints and tips available.
The best way to recover a water damaged device is to get yourself a good denture brush and some denatured alcohol. Take the device apart down to its base components. The board, LCD board components for your soft keys ect. The biggest problem that I've experienced is that it sometimes fries out the flash for the camera which will stay on. Now with your denatured alcohol and your brush just gentle scrub the board components and the connections this will absorb the moisture upon evaporation. Also its always good to have a nice heat gun thats also a good way to reflow contact points on the board say you have connection issues with your mini USB port. I've been doing electronics repair on PDA and cell phone devices for sometime. So anyone who has questions feel free to ask. I hate hearing about people who dump 200 dollars for a repair that you can fix by spending 5 dollars.
I would like to start a thread but since my membership is at the junior status I dont see it being read. But I will post it anyway.
C Brown said:
...I would like to start a thread but since my membership is at the junior status I dont see it being read. But I will post it anyway.
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Sorry, I don't follow your logic. Post up what you know, based on your experience. I assure you it will be gratefully received.
Do a separate thread though, so it can be turned into a sticky by the mods.
Give it more time. I say 2-3 days to completely dry then try.
C Brown said:
The best way to recover a water damaged device is to get yourself a good denture brush and some denatured alcohol. Take the device apart down to its base components. The board, LCD board components for your soft keys ect. The biggest problem that I've experienced is that it sometimes fries out the flash for the camera which will stay on. Now with your denatured alcohol and your brush just gentle scrub the board components and the connections this will absorb the moisture upon evaporation. Also its always good to have a nice heat gun thats also a good way to reflow contact points on the board say you have connection issues with your mini USB port. I've been doing electronics repair on PDA and cell phone devices for sometime. So anyone who has questions feel free to ask. I hate hearing about people who dump 200 dollars for a repair that you can fix by spending 5 dollars.
I would like to start a thread but since my membership is at the junior status I dont see it being read. But I will post it anyway.
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+1, the best way to clean your water damaged device and have hope of it working again.
It may take a while to work properly again; my 8525 went into water not once but twice! The first time I thought it was dead--lights on but only white screen. Had instantly removed battery and opened it up as much as I good and took some canned air to it. Kept checking it over the next week without success so went and bought another.
Anyway, about 3 weeks after the dunking I put the battery back in and on a whim turned it on and surprise!, works fine. This became my back up phone that I later took to Africa with me where I proceeded to drop it in a toilet. Since the air temp was 130 degrees it didn't take long to dry out and it's still kicking!!! Important point is to immediately remove the battery, take the device apart as much as you can, dry completely over a few days then attempt to turn on.
Hope this helps,
Mine went into the toilet this morning. I have disassembled it according to the directions ( and put it all back together after cleaning surfaces and connectors with alcohol.
It powers up now, which is far better than it was doing just after I fished it out of the pot. USB connection works, speaker phone works, etc.
However, touch screen does not. If I hold the screen at a certain angle I can see a faint outline of where water has creeped into the screen about 1/2 of the way across. Touch screen worked decently on first power up but now it does not work at all. All buttons work okay.
I am going to disassemble again after work and inspect the screen more closely. Hopefully will save me from having to replace the machine!
speckledpig said:
I am going to disassemble again after work and inspect the screen more closely. Hopefully will save me from having to replace the machine!
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...and if its just the screen that doesnt work, thats a cheep, easy fix!
I just reassembled after cleaning again and touchscreen works.
I am going to evaluate tonight and we'll see!
Those disassembly photos were EXTREMELY helpful; thanks MUCH to whoever originally posted them.
I managed to spill an entire beer on mine, turned it off and let it dry as above,. everything worked great but the scroll wheel started to get confused as to which way i was scrolling it, cleaned as above with alcohol and no problems. Actually I have found that the scrollwheel on my tytn gets hinky every couple of months or so and have taken to cleaning it regularly, onve youget over the inital fear of opening up your baby it's a breeze.
That reminds me of my old Siemens SX1 *chuckles* i went swimming in the sea and i forgot i had it in my pocket.. after 15min i suddenly felt it.. I dashed to the shore and pulled it out of my pocket.. And it was still running! While water was dripping out!
And to be honest, i never cleaned it afterwards. i just let it dry in its current state.. but hell that SX1 has endured some hazzards, and its still working ^^
Altho a bit oldfashioned now
Anyway this is pretty offtopic i know sorry bout that
Hmmm. The keyboard doesn't work. It worked yesterday. Neither does the screen rotate when I slide.
I guess it will have to come apart again.
The connector had popped loose, or maybe I didn't connect it at all yesterday.
Anyway, works great, and the water in the backlight is noticeably less. It is drying on its own.
Fully functional 8525!! YAY!!!!!
O dropped my Atom in a mop bucket once.
Took battery out and tried to dry but was FUBAR. Sold it on eBay for $90AUD =D used that money to get a Hermes for $400AUD
ethos84 said:
Hi, dropped it in the toilet today.
Been drying it off for 7 hours in front of a heated fan. Tried to turn it on, the HTC screen comes up but it's really faint so I took the battery out straight away.
What are the chances of it working again?
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Did you flush before dropping the phone? If not, make sure to clean out all the "brown bits"

Dropped my HD2 from +1.5m (5feet) to concrete

Hi. So story goes like this.
While going to biking I was going to put my Defender case on my HD2, but tried it and found out that these invisible shields and this cheap one i got make it that much bigger otterbox defender dont fit. so I left defender in.
When going out of the door one hand on bike and one with HD2 with sportypal finding satellites, tried to close the door and doing that dropped my precious HD2 to concrete floor from around 1.5m or 5feet. I saw it dropping and I was like NOOOOOO, but my music didnt stop playing from my bluetooth headset so I knew atleast it didnt break fully.
Well what do you expect happened to HD2 with gorgeous 4.3" glass display..
Pictures tell everything:
Better quality pics: HERE
Well nothing really happened, except little dent on the corner, it looks worse in pictures. I was so sure that I broke my precious HD2's screen but no.
You might notice that theres no invisible shield/other plastic wrap around, thats because I took those off so I can use my otterbox defender again!
Earlier, 2months ago defender case saved my HD2 from mud where it fell when I stumbled in darkness using HD2 as my flashlight
Anyone else had these lucky or not so lucky moments with your HD2? Post your stories and pictures if any.
Lucky git, I've kicked mine a few times as when I drop it I try to stop it hitting the floor so stick my foot out, most of the time it lands on my foot then falls on the floor but a few times Iv'e kicked it a good 4/5 foot :lol:
Feel lucky this is what I got when I dropped mine from 3 feet.
my HD2 survived a 1.20m flight on stone - even the battery-cap jumped away - but the display and the handy was without any problem - puuuuuuh
I had my hd2 about 3 days and a friend was holding it while i took off my motorbike helmet. she dropped it about 1 meter and all it did was ding the side...
must admit i was bricking it..
Mine has fallen from the top of the toilet onto the floor... My wife came running in when she heard me scream, she thought I'd has an accident. LOL
Incidentally zero damage.....
Very lucky!
I think I would spontaneously combust if I dropped mine...
Oh I had dropped that one several times and not once did it break. Most of the times it fell it landed on it's back or side. The one that did it in was a face shot (lol), It dropped and landed face down for the most part. It landed on the bottom right corner first blowing out the bottom then slapped down all the way killing the upper half. I used to keep it in that gell case and had Invisishield on it as well before. For some reason I stopped using the gell case and the Invisishield started to peel in one corner, so it came off as well. I believe with the use of the Invisishield alone it would have helped in keeping the phone from breaking. That stuff rocks.
There is always that feeling when you get a shiny new phone. You know that you're going to drop it at least once.
The first time I dropped mine from 3 feet ish, it landed on the screen. But as I tried to grab it from falling I just ended up propelling it towards the floor. Then I got that sinking feeling as I went to pick it up. Just as I turned it over I expected the screen to be smashed (it didn't land on a flat surface) but nothing. Just a small scratch on the screen protector.
Also as someone mentioned before, I've done the whole "use your foot to stop it falling but end up kicking it further thing" still in perfect condition. Awesome phone.
Mine has survived a 30 km/h swipe
i was getting to sleep, it was dark and i forgot that my HD2 was lying on bed
when i was sweeping my bed with a pillow, i felt that i've just swiped a heavy metal thing on the ceramic floor , n i heard a glass-metal sound :O
brightened the light, and it was my HD2 without even a minor scratch
the glass-metalic sound was from the back cover being popped out
I droped ine once in a carpeted room...I went to walk out and it slipped out my hand and flew out... the sound of it hidden the wood under the carpet was enought to scare the **** out of me... I didnt scream...I was breathless the moment it left my fingers..
The other day my sister bought a new phone and went to me to show me and so i can open it up for her... Once she picked it up for the first time, she dropped it. You would think she dove for it. Nope she screamed and walked away... So i laughed and gave it to her.
Wil Badger said:
Feel lucky this is what I got when I dropped mine from 3 feet.
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I've just sent my device to my insurer this afternoon, dropped from taking out of pocket and having butter fingers, this is the second replacement screen I'll be getting, looked the same as yours although the ENTIRE glass front was shattered into what was a rather cool looking honeycomb effect haha, and the row of buttons at the bottom were dying to fall off too, it's been 4 hours and I miss my device already, using a nokia 6300 at the minute!!!
My replacement was one dayed to my house. It would also appear to brand new and not a remaned unit. New one came with a new memory card,charger, the whole box. I also kept my 16 gig card, battery, and rear cover from the broken one,lol.
I have the amazing wallet-phone! (there's thread on here about it) My HD2 jammed into a faux-leather case, with space for cards and money as well. I've thrown my phone place to place and never had a problem thanks to the protective cushion. It might be bulky but the trade-off is I have all my things together, the phone's protected, and when I take my 11-month phone out it looks shiny and new. So there's an alternative for people with the same butter-fingers I have
Link: The XDA Thread for Wallet phone - it's about £4!
Trig0r said:
Lucky git, I've kicked mine a few times as when I drop it I try to stop it hitting the floor so stick my foot out, most of the time it lands on my foot then falls on the floor but a few times Iv'e kicked it a good 4/5 foot :lol:
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Yeah that really can save your phone if you have chance to do that. did that with my old Touch HD few times, also found out that if timing isn't right it can go really far away on flat floor
Wil Badger said:
Feel lucky this is what I got when I dropped mine from 3 feet.
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ouch :/ haven't seen that bad crack before, most of em have only screen kind of smashed. I cancelled my full insurance during summer because I thought I can keep it nicely have had luck with these two incidents.
No one was near me when dropped mine, someone probably would have thought Im crazy or something when dropped it and yelled fooock..
Had a incident myself posted the info here
but the end result is this
Im still crying inside
Edit : im gonna now go with the idea smeddy has just tring to find your post now re the case wallet
The first time I dropped mine was on my desk at work. It hit the table 2 twice very fast. I almost dropped it twice in my kitchen on solid hone But I have quick hands and I caught it just in time. The only time I really dropped it was on a carpet from a relatively small height. Those cracked screens look horrible, I hope I never have to see something like that ever again. When I bought it, it didn't have the original case, but another one. I try to keep it in that case most of the time. My problem is not butter fingers, I am not always careful when holding things
My OtterBox Defender has saved mine from 2 drops. Not a bit of damage.
I know the invisible shield type things are popular, but they don't do a damn thing if you really drop your phone.
My wife dropped her HD2 into a bucket of water once. The power was on and she was even on a phone call when it happened. Fortunatly she retreived it quickly and had the Otterbox Defender case on. After removing the battery and making certain it was throughly dry it is working fine to this day!
seeing all these broken HD2's upsets me, though i dropped mine at the bus stop as i was getting it out of my pocket, and the screen smashed at the top left, it still works perfectly fine though.
the next day, i did it again, but as i was walking and the phone went flying forward into a curb and smashed the camera and made the top right of the screen go black!
i've got insurance, but the phone is quite battered, with scuffs everywhere, so i dont want to claim in case they just repair it and give me back my scuffed phone!
and ive never claimed insurance before haha, i feel a bit silly claiming.
i cant post photos because i lurk instead of posting and im yet to be verified ;(

[Q] Cracked screen -> fast battery drain now

I cracked my screen pretty badly this weekend and am planning on ordering the replacement parts this week (debating the just glass or the new glass/LCD options). But I've noticed since then(last 2 days) the battery has drained pretty fast. Normally I get 2 days from a charge, today I pulled the phone off the cord at 8am and now at 3pm I got a pop-up saying <10%. The phone has only sat on the desk. No calls, no emails, no text, no web surfing.
Maybe the screen is getting mixed signals, being cracked and all.
Any ideas?
mattlikesbikes said:
I cracked my screen pretty badly this weekend and am planning on ordering the replacement parts this week (debating the just glass or the new glass/LCD options). But I've noticed since then(last 2 days) the battery has drained pretty fast. Normally I get 2 days from a charge, today I pulled the phone off the cord at 8am and now at 3pm I got a pop-up saying <10%. The phone has only sat on the desk. No calls, no emails, no text, no web surfing.
Maybe the screen is getting mixed signals, being cracked and all.
Any ideas?
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I am not really knowledgable about the exact interworkings of the HD2's internal hardware. But I do think it would be a pretty fair assumption that the cracked screen could be the cause of the sudden battery drain. You know your HD2 better than anybody else would as far as daily functionality of your HD2. So if it was not having a battery drain before you cracked the screen. And now you do after and this is the singular change in the state of the HD2 be it hardware wise or software wise. Then logic would say that is it.
Have you thought any about it might not just be the screen that is cracked. What about the internals. How hard did it hit, and how hard was the object the phone hit????
One last thing, be nice to your HD2, it is nice to you. ha ha ha....... But really take it easy on the hardware.
I trimmed the tape on it down to only covering the glass (finger protection mostly) and got it off the edges and out from around the back. This seemed to really help. I've noticed from the beginning of owning this phone that there are some sensitive spots on the sides that when pressure is applied the phone acts like a button was pressed etc. So I must have been causing this. Even with the screen off it was still reading a button push and having to process this action, using power.
I need to find a hard shell for the phone. The rubber thing that came with it is useless as it sticks in your pocket, I need smooth hard plastic I guess. The phone slipped out of my hand as I was getting out of the car and landed face down. Pure accident.
mattlikesbikes said:
I trimmed the tape on it down to only covering the glass (finger protection mostly) and got it off the edges and out from around the back. This seemed to really help. I've noticed from the beginning of owning this phone that there are some sensitive spots on the sides that when pressure is applied the phone acts like a button was pressed etc. So I must have been causing this. Even with the screen off it was still reading a button push and having to process this action, using power.
I need to find a hard shell for the phone. The rubber thing that came with it is useless as it sticks in your pocket, I need smooth hard plastic I guess. The phone slipped out of my hand as I was getting out of the car and landed face down. Pure accident.
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I too have notice the same thing about my HD2 that ertain areas around the edge are sensative, like you said almost like you were pressing abutton of some sort. I am glad you figured something out that helps stop the battery drain. I know that can be agrevating as hell.
If you have a T-Mobile HD2 like I do you could try the Body Glove. I have one on mine, it is a two piece hard plastic cover you HD2 slides up in. ig has a pull out kickstand on the back also, I really like it. It has help protect my HD2 several times when I accidently dropped it out of my hand. I do warn you though after having it on your HD2 for awhile it will make to little scuff marks of the clear coat on your battery cover. Also I have notice I have to make sure I have a ferm grip on it when I pick it up cause the plastic cover is a little slick not like when gou have the rubber case on it. I attached two photos of the cover, oh and you can buy it from T-mobile store or from the T-Mobile website. I suggest website it is cheaper there.

Don't drop your transformer onto concrete...

I've had my TF101 for three months now, and the more I use it, the more I love it. Tried a few ROM's, got some games, watched some video I'd converted to HD mp4, played some old text based adventures. Spent time bonding.
The relationship hit a bump in the road yesterday. The Transformer fell out of its protective case (I shoulda closed the zip) and landed on the corner closest to the power button. The bezel popped away from the screen a little, there's an ugly dent, and now I can't use the power button. I push, pull & tweak it, but nothing happens, it either doesn't work at all, or locks on.
I've called Asus (in Sydney) and got an RMA number for it... guess I'll wait and see what happens. The warranty clearly states that it doesn't cover accidental damage or misuse.
Already having withdrawals.
yeah sorry about your mishap for sure!!!
i ve had my tf101 for about 2 and a half or 3 months as well and just about a week ago i had it pluged in and using it on my lap basically. thre fone rang and when i jumped up i fumbled the tab and it took a fall onto the stone infront of the fireplace. it hit on the tab and dock the corner by headphones jack and the corner by the docks sd card. Its dented and scratched in a few places but i got extremely lucky and even though it fell a good 4 ft and hit with some force it functions as intended still (knock, knock, knock) on wood.
surprised me really, seeing ive heard and seen so many people crack a screen from a 2 ft drop onto surfaces much softer than what mine hit.
i have an OG IPAD that i let the rest of the family abuse now, but when i had it i forgot it on the roof of my blazer one day and took off....At about 45 mph i looked in the rearview and watched as it hit the dirt road and bounced and slide about 30-40foot......OUCH!!!!....And it survived without a scratch the case was scuffed up a bit but that was it....
My Point is....basically these little things can be pretty tough really.
I got mine during the US launch, and had not dropped it ONCE since then ... until last week. Had it under my armpit in the Asus-branded rubbery case while toting a bunch of crap to my car. Forgot that it was under my arm when I opened the car door, and when I reached in the car to put my bag in, it fell from under my arm SMACK onto the driveway. I looked down in horror, tears welling in my eyes, quivering in terror (OK I exaggerate). Picked it up, and the only problem was the back had popped off a bit on one edge. Snapped it back into place, and all was right with the world. I was lucky that it fell flat, rear-side down, instead of on a corner I guess.
Squire-au said:
I've had my TF101 for three months now, and the more I use it, the more I love it. Tried a few ROM's, got some games, watched some video I'd converted to HD mp4, played some old text based adventures. Spent time bonding.
The relationship hit a bump in the road yesterday. The Transformer fell out of its protective case (I shoulda closed the zip) and landed on the corner closest to the power button. The bezel popped away from the screen a little, there's an ugly dent, and now I can't use the power button. I push, pull & tweak it, but nothing happens, it either doesn't work at all, or locks on.
I've called Asus (in Sydney) and got an RMA number for it... guess I'll wait and see what happens. The warranty clearly states that it doesn't cover accidental damage or misuse.
Already having withdrawals.
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After reading the thread title I was about to post a witty comment about not telling me what to do but then I dropped my transformer onto my wood floor. (karma, right?) and then I read the thread. Gosh that really does suck. Mine landed side-of-the-dock down first so my SD card shot out and got lost somewhere under the couch... I really hope they will fix it for you. From my experience Asus is really good with RMA stuff if you can talk with a real asus employee rather than their phone people and explain what happened. I had an amazing motherboard which shorted out after a month of use and they had stopped selling that exact model (sabertooth gx or somethng like that) so, instead, they gave me a better, more high end replacement for it. They also fixed my dock even though I lost my serial number (I had to pay for shipping but it was worth the 30 bucks). Like I said, good luck and I hope they don't charge you for the repairs
Squire-au said:
Don't drop your transformer onto concrete...
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Sorry to hear about the problem, but this is just common sense...
****s happened!!!
I've dropped it on concrete from about 4 feet high.
Case took most of the impact but got a little dent.
Beside my cell phone the tf get handle a lot so sooner or later
it get dropped.
If the actual button isn't screwed up, you can probably insert a flat head under the bezel (easier in BACK!) and pry it up a little, and reseat the button (hold it with the button facing the ground) and pop the bezel back. Give or take the beds.
I'm really glad I don't have formica floors, or concrete...I keep mine in a backpack when on the go, just in case lol.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
really sorry man.
got mine for a week now
i dont want to drop it
thats why i bought case and screen protector for it.
i love this thing way too much. i dont wanna break it
Dropped mine off the arm of the sofa onto carpet, it was docked and inside its neoprene case at the time. Result = screen cracked into 2 seperate peices
Guess its all down to luck in terms of damage done in accidents like this, mine is still useable but I thought the Gorilla glass would be much tougher.
Would be very interested to hear what happens with the RMA for the OP, I haven't dared contact ASUS uk for fear of the number of digits in the bill.
Had a similar incident with a happy ending
Squire-au said:
I've had my TF101 for three months now, and the more I use it, the more I love it. Tried a few ROM's, got some games, watched some video I'd converted to HD mp4, played some old text based adventures. Spent time bonding.
The relationship hit a bump in the road yesterday. The Transformer fell out of its protective case (I shoulda closed the zip) and landed on the corner closest to the power button. The bezel popped away from the screen a little, there's an ugly dent, and now I can't use the power button. I push, pull & tweak it, but nothing happens, it either doesn't work at all, or locks on.
I've called Asus (in Sydney) and got an RMA number for it... guess I'll wait and see what happens. The warranty clearly states that it doesn't cover accidental damage or misuse.
Already having withdrawals.
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I had the same incident 3 months ago. I dropped the transformer with dock in my office parking lot. It fell flat. When I pushed the power button it would not turn on. As it was an accidental drop I was sure ASUS warranty would not cover it. Still sent it to ASUS and was happy it was repaired under warranty.
Thank you so much for this warning, I was just about to try this with mine.
Low023 said:
Thank you so much for this warning, I was just about to try this with mine.
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Stop flaming the OP ffs, he was just telling us what happens if dropped on concrete and how sturdy it is.. Jog on if you have nothing useful to say.
blickmanic said:
Stop flaming the OP ffs, he was just telling us what happens if dropped on concrete and how sturdy it is.. Jog on if you have nothing useful to say.
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I dropped mine once in uni flew 2 meters across the room and was thankfully ok
I hve never dropped it again since or let it leave my sight so to speak
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
Thanks for all the good wishes. I rang the service centre (Dingotech, cool name) and a very sympathetic young lady told me all I need to do to get it RMA'd. I told her what had happened, she didn't think it would be done under warranty. Ahh well. Anyways, I couriered it out to them, and they'll ring me with the quote sometime. NOT looking forward to it. So I'm forced to play with my old Advent Vega, with its cruddy viewing angles and bluetooth dropouts. I knew there was a reason I didn't sell it.
I'll keep you posted.
Squire-au said:
Thanks for all the good wishes. I rang the service centre (Dingotech, cool name) and a very sympathetic young lady told me all I need to do to get it RMA'd. I told her what had happened, she didn't think it would be done under warranty. Ahh well. Anyways, I couriered it out to them, and they'll ring me with the quote sometime. NOT looking forward to it. So I'm forced to play with my old Advent Vega, with its cruddy viewing angles and bluetooth dropouts. I knew there was a reason I didn't sell it.
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Yeah, they can hardly be expected to cover it. Your choices are either to buy insurance with accidental damage cover yourself, or just tell yourself that accidents happen, and when they happen it just means it's time for an upgrade.
I heard ASUS charges US$75 for the labor & bezel.
The same happened to my transformer. I dropped it on the corner and ruined the bezel.
However, I was able to hammer it out with a small ball peen hammer after carefully removing the bezel (which was a more difficult task than banging out the bends & dents).
It's very thin and flexible so I was just as easy to fix as it was to break.
After I put the bezel back on the only noticeable damage left were some scuffs on the metal from the fall. I just sanded them down a bit to smooth them out and it's good as new to me.
The entire process took about 15 minutes.
I once had my transformer in my bag (docked) with a steel water bottle. It was raining, and i went to jump over something, slipped, and landed on a pointy edge.
The aluminium water bottle was mangled but my transformer was fine (though i later realised that at full brightness, on a black screen there is pressure damage.)
I suppose it saved my back though.
Only dropped mine on to carpet (given, it was from four feet up), but no damage.
On the other hand, I just finished a screen/digitizer replacement for a friends iPad 2 - he had it under his kids stroller and it fell, only about two feet, on to asphalt when he went to load the stroller in to his car. The drop mangled the corner where it impacted and totalled the screen.
I hold onto mine like it's my child. I will never ever drop this... And now I'll be more careful because I probably jinxed myself.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
I dropped my onto concrete from about 6'. It damaged the bezel something fierce, but I have bent it back into shape. It could use some super glue to hold it into place a bit better, but I was pleasantly surprised that it is still 100% functional. My EVO 3D hasn't received nearly this type of abuse and is hardly usable.
I do agree though, don't drop it on pavement.

Accidentally wet my LGv20

Alright, so today I decided to go swimming with my family, put on my swimming trunks, put my phone in my pocket and went outside to have a little cookout. Me being completely distracted and not realizing I had my phone in my pocket, I sat on one of the first step of the pool which is only like half an inch deep at most and quickly within a second realized I had my phone in my pocket and it got somewhat wet (Thank god it didn't submerge, just some water seeped through) and when I left my phone in the table to dry up as it was one hell of a hot day, I decided for whatever reason "The water will evaporate from the heat, should be fine later on", so I decided to go on with the day. Now about ~7-9 hours later I turned on my phone and thank god it is responsive and works, but the screen is quite white (I can still do normal things just fine, I can browse the web, watch videos kinda, and play games, just the screen is quite white now, so it makes it harder to see), so I was wondering what I could do to possibly fix this? Thanks.
Clysic said:
Alright, so today I decided to go swimming with my family, put on my swimming trunks, put my phone in my pocket and went outside to have a little cookout. Me being completely distracted and not realizing I had my phone in my pocket, I sat on one of the first step of the pool which is only like half an inch deep at most and quickly within a second realized I had my phone in my pocket and it got somewhat wet (Thank god it didn't submerge, just some water seeped through) and when I left my phone in the table to dry up as it was one hell of a hot day, I decided for whatever reason "The water will evaporate from the heat, should be fine later on", so I decided to go on with the day. Now about ~7-9 hours later I turned on my phone and thank god it is responsive and works, but the screen is quite white (I can still do normal things just fine, I can browse the web, watch videos kinda, and play games, just the screen is quite white now, so it makes it harder to see), so I was wondering what I could do to possibly fix this? Thanks.
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Oh and also, yes I did remove the battery and case and left it separated from each other to evaporate any remaining water (Cleaned it off with my shirt lightly as we had nothing really to actually dry it with that was soft)
Also, the water damage sticker is still normal, not red or anything.
I'd say it's a waiting game, hoping maybe over the next few days it dries out fully. To me it sounds like there's still moisture in the screen and / or digitizer.
Did you do the usual, placing it in a bag with raw rice. Supposedly it helps pull out the moisture.
I've had many phone take a complete dip, and only once did one not survive.
Good luck!
RojasTKD said:
Did you do the usual, placing it in a bag with raw rice. Supposedly it helps pull out the moisture.
I've had many phone take a complete dip, and only once did one not survive.
Good luck!
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No, we sadly for whatever reason did not have rice.
Also, it's mostly just a large vertical line probably like 3-4cm in width and covering the entire screen.
You might be okay, you might not. My LG G3 got a tiny bit of snow in the headphone jack and it thought headphones were attached even hours later when it was dry. In attempting to use isopropyl to clean the contacts, some must have got under the screen which caused the screen to have a lighter section in it permanently, although it did get much better with time. I am going out on a limb but I think your white section might improve in the next few weeks but I won't say it will go away completely. However, if it bothers you, the screen digitizer housing assembly is under $100 and very easy to replace with a small screwdriver and something to pry the plastic apart. I used etradesupply for phone repair because I've found that they have parts that are indistinguishable (for the amateur like me) from OEM parts.

