..:: WIMAX|BBQ|WTF|STFU on CM/AOSP progress thread ::.. - EVO 4G General

Gonna keep it simple, folks. This thread is ONLY for Toast and Shinzul to share their progress updates on Wimax development for CM, with the community. Nothing more.
If this isn't allowed, then feel free to remove it. Won't hurt my feelings nor will I lose sleep over it.
Thank You.
Drmacinyasha has created an awesome page where we can keep track of twits posted by toast, cyanogen and shinzul. Great way for those that don't have Twitter, to.keep up with their twits. As usual, we can still discuss the progress in this thread.

This exactly what we need....hopefully he can keep the arguing to a minimum.

stangdriverdoug said:
This exactly what we need....hopefully he can keep the arguing to a minimum.
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+1 this is what we should have had all along. Nothing to argue about. Everyone wants shinzul and toast to succeed at this.

Progress Report
So, what is the status?

"Shinzul Wimax status: well I tested the alpha successfully but our other testers aren't seeing the same results... @toastcfh is working on it"
This was shinzul's last official twitter update regarding development. The last thing he mentioned in the deleted post was that he was going to take a break (well-deserved) until Monday. I'm sure the whole group has been playing with it though. We'll definitely hear something come Monday.
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk

Or. People could just look st Toast's and Shinzul's Twitter pages so they aren't hassled with coming here to give impatient people status updates twice by typing it on Twitter and here.
Now if you, Hondacop, want to copy and paste status updates on here for the people too lazy to look on Twitter, then go ahead. But I don't see his anyone can expect this kind of thing from them.

Obviously they will let this thread stay open because the moderators are keeping things clean

its all good, figured i would needle you a little. i personally hope that this can stay open and the trolls will return to whatever it is trolls do in real life ** meter cops ** but i doubt it. wimax for the community by the community is exciting and i hope its implemented Evo wide sense included
HondaCop said:
LMAO I know man, I should have known better. But the line is just too fuzzy when you have guys like you know who, just feeding off our sarcasm and turning it into a big moral issue with XDA. You know what I mean, right bro?
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edit: also a suggestion, if you could post relevant updates from twitter in the OP, that would be great for us non-twitter having folks

xlGmanlx said:
its all good, figured i would needle you a little. i personally hope that this can stay open and the trolls will return to whatever it is trolls do in real life ** meter cops ** but i doubt it. wimax for the community by the community is exciting and i hope its implemented Evo wide sense included
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+1 i hope it comes out soon im itchin lol

you could always **Gasp ** flash a sense ROM ! i know crazy, seriously though, was in an area over the xmas break that had a beast 4G signal, was soaking that bad boy up
+1 i hope it comes out soon im itchin lol
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OK to be as discrete as possible:
Both Toast and Shin have links in their sigs that we can use so there's no reason to
ask questions about a donate link.
As for confirmation numbers ... they also have PMs, so we can use those.
Now for calling a person who posts his confirmation number a troll: Some of us are men of our word ... so if you want to consider reinforcement of our commitment as "trolling" ... that's your problem, and I suggest some serious self evaluation.

the wimax thread was restored, its closed though

xlGmanlx said:
edit: also a suggestion, if you could post relevant updates from twitter in the OP, that would be great for us non-twitter having folks
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Will do that, thx.

I got an idea...
^ News updates on wimax ^
There there are no rules, no talking back, no arguments. It's a one way street. Just information.
When the public alpha is eventually I'm sure toastcf or shinzul will make a thread for reporting issues and receiving feedback. At this point in development, feedback isn't really necessary.

ViViDboarder said:
I got an idea...
^ News updates on wimax ^
There there are no rules, no talking back, no arguments. It's a one way street. Just information.
When the public alpha is eventually I'm sure toastcf or shinzul will make a thread for reporting issues and receiving feedback. At this point in development, feedback isn't really necessary.
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Good point....I would just leave this alone and let Toast start a thread when the alpha becomes available. Then if people want to donate they can provide a link in their signature. Also he has the power to delete posts to keep the thread on track. If you want updates join twitter. That's how cyanogen does it.

ViViDboarder said:
I got an idea...
^ News updates on wimax ^
There there are no rules, no talking back, no arguments. It's a one way street. Just information.
When the public alpha is eventually I'm sure toastcf or shinzul will make a thread for reporting issues and receiving feedback. At this point in development, feedback isn't really necessary.
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Agreed. If the devs working on this wanted/needed a thread, they would surely start one.

Hey folks, enjoy:

Guys relax, HondaCop is not saying you are not allowed to donate to toast and shinzul. He is saying that this thread is not an appropriate place to discuss said donation.
Firstly, why should person A care if person B gave money to person C?
Secondly, that was (arguably) one of the reasons the thread got deleted/locked.
This is simply a place that he was hoping they would come to post things for us non-twitter folks. Personally I don't like twitter either and can't really understand programming lingo used so having a laymans' version would be nice. Granted this sounds like it's simply going to be a "when we have it we have it" deal.
Of course my sense of caring is quite slim as I have to drive a half hour to get 4g, I am much more interested in full HDMI output.

hah, i like how again my seemingly within bounds posts are being deleted and no explination great!

Maybe if we pm each other a secret word instead of "wimax" we could hide it from... ugh never mind.. j/k


[poll] Is anyone interested in town hall meeting with mod participation?

OK u guys...I know everyone is tired of all the drama on here. I have been talking to one of the mods through pm and gave a suggestion for a town hall meeting to discuss the problems as of late. The mod agreed that he and hopefully other mods would be willing to open a thread where we can discuss these issues. There will be no banning for what is said in this meeting but with a mod present and engaging in convo the tone needs to stay clean or semi at least. Failure would result in post being deleted. There will be rules that the mods what followed but its to keep the pease.
Look this cdma community has been split for a little while now. U can feel the tention in some post. Its time to stop the flaming and the trolling. This is not just about the nebs/fixxxer thing even though that's what sent all of this overboard.
The mods only see part of this community and its the ugly side. They are harsh cause they are misinformed about certain people and certain actions. This is our opportunity to have a united voice and share how things really are and ideas on how to remedy them
Its time to reunite as the amazing community this used to be and get back to what really matters.
Feel free to comment. Please keep it clean. The more votes in the poll the better.
The meeting would be at a set time and heavily monitored then closed once alotted time had past. Please join and enjoy.
This is not the meeting. It is just a poll to let mods know we are serious and that we can behaive.
excellent idea
I say let by gones be by gones and drop the whole matter. I find it odd that two members and a bunch of trolls can stir up soo much controversy on this forum. I don't have much more to say other than lets just get back to developing and stop worrying about others and what they do or say.
markus_del_marko said:
I say let by gones be by gones and drop the whole matter. I find it odd that two members and a bunch of trolls can stir up soo much controversy on this forum. I don't have much more to say other than lets just get back to developing and stop worrying about others and what they do or say.
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Only someone who knows they were in the wrong and doesnt want to get called out on it would say that...
Seriously, whats the harm in having an open discussion about things?
If you don't want to participate then don't participate
phenicks said:
Only someone who knows they were in the wrong and doesnt want to get called out on it would say that...
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And your response is the exact reason we shouldn't even discuss it anymore. Just as you think im an impostor, i could say the same for you as you just joined up as well. Any one of us could be neb, fix or bad_dog along with a host of others that caused issues on here. If the mods don't care, than neither should we. That's my point of view, im sorry you don't agree but your right i will not be participating in another thread that will do nothing but finger point and get more members banned.
Can you please stick to the OP's request without fighting?
Did the maturity level around here drop when the price of the Hero did?
egzthunder1 said:
Can you please stick to the OP's request without fighting?
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Thanks for the help. I already spoke to one of them off the site and there will be no more fighting from them. Lets keep the pease and make it possitive. That is all.
gunnyman said:
Did the maturity level around here drop when the price of the Hero did?
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It's more along the lines of more people got the device & with a larger community, brings trolls more likely to pop up and/or friction due to difference of opinions between people. There isn't really anything that can be done, except to report issues ASAP & let the mods do their thing.
The Mods need to start locking threads and banning people on a more regular basis.
To me, this sounds like a great idea! I think we should all openly discuss our problems..
great idea and this is very needed.
Wonderful idea
They should call it HTC Hero CMDA BS General. The perfect fu forum. Bs gets put there and people hafta look for it rather than it showing up in a bunch of different places. People are gonna fight so we might as well make a place for it and the "real" developers will post where they are suppose too.
sent from my phone
dukeoflbg said:
They should call it HTC Hero CMDA BS General. The perfect fu forum. Bs gets put there and people hafta look for it rather than it showing up in a bunch of different places. People are gonna fight so we might as well make a place for it and the "real" developers will post where they are suppose too.
sent from my phone
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A very keen observation young Ladd
The same comment to my post from a different user. I know mods, or losers the way they act here, can check this. This **** NEVER HAPPENED at truckforum.org we were all friends. Not like here.
sent from my phone
Lmfao about the moderator closing the thread about overbearing moderators closing threads
dukeoflbg said:
The same comment to my post from a different user. I know mods, or losers the way they act here, can check this. This **** NEVER HAPPENED at truckforum.org we were all friends. Not like here.
sent from my phone
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I'd also be surprised if you had the same number of users at truckforum.com
This will be a flat out waste of time. I am so ****ing tired of this places dictatorship actions lately that I don't think anything but new moderators would fix. Take your power trip and shove it. We can't even bull **** around here without some ****ing mod with his panties shoved so far up his ass closing the thread for no reason. That's no way to run a site. Run it with some sense and handle things appropriately and you won't have nearly as many problems with it.
Sent from your mom!
The real problem is that there's way to many mods so any whiney twit can find and convince one to do his bidding . There seems to be more mods than members

Public apology

i apologize to any and everyone whose work i have used without getting your permission first i truely truely am sorry. i will be taking everything down that i have posted on xda that has other's work without them giving me permission to use it. and even once i ask them and they deny permission i will be taking the uploads down after that as well. again i'm sorry
as for everyone's comments about my HUGE MISTAKE I'M SORRY ABOUT....
LiquidSolstice said:
I never gave anyone permission to do this. You didn't ask me, you told me after the fact. I was planning on letting guitardoc take over, but this is just unacceptable.
Please take this down.
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i did post a comment on your thread asking you to pm me but you never did and i got impatient and hyped up about things and i just rushed things and posted finished stable builds of your rom without your permission thinking things would be okay if i emphisized 3x on the thread i didn't do anything but finish your rom all credit goes to you for all other work. but again i went about things the wrong way i wasn't trying to take full credit for your rom i thought i made that clear in the first post but i guess saying it 3x still isn't the right way to go about things, glad to see we're working things out (btw everyone check out the title of his thread now ) for the better now bro! so i'd like to say this publicly, SORRY FOR USING YOUR ROM WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION LIQUID! (i wanted to say that on the forum so everyone saw lol ) do you accept my appology liquid? (impaler please ____ , you know what we talked about, after liquid post his reply)
FdxRider said:
Sent from my Pedal to the Metal Hero
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I know i made a big uh oh!
LiquidSolstice said:
Let's get something straight here, because it seems you're all offended right now. You can stop fishing for pity or sympathy, because I have none for you.
"help" would have been PMing me what you tried to do, I could test it, and if it works, the links would get posted on the ORIGINAL thread with full credit to you. Hell, I would have put a goddamn donate button right next to links to you. That's how proper crediting goes. I credit with permission every single person who has tested or fixed something for me with the ROM, and that would not have been any different.
Instead, without telling me, you copied my thread, put up a modified version of my ROM, and told me only AFTER the fact that you did so.
You have some INSANE issues with understanding permission and crediting, and as I understand it, this isn't your first time. It doesn't matter if you put my name in 72 BOLD pt in this thread, you never asked me and you posted a whole damn new thread for it. That's just not ok.
If you really want to be "omg super-hero dev", you need to start earning your fellow dev's respect, and right now, that's not working out for you.
If you're still interested in being credited for this, PM me with the download links, I'll check them out, and if they are ok, I'll put it in my original 2.1.1 thread with full credit to you. That's how it works.
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i really want to earn my fellow dev's respect but i keep screwing up i'm sorry again bro. and i'm reading the forum rules about crediting as we speak right now.
laie1472 said:
LMAO I gotta post on this. Sup kifno man?? How can you post take down jasonmaloney and i's rom??? When in the op man you don't give him credit for anything. You state you have finished up ls's rom not jasonmaloney and you. And come on kifno you didn't even ask the man could you work on his rom??? Wow impressive.
Yea its me Again With the
Modified Hero-
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no i asked to take down jasonmaloney's build and my build (two seperate things) b/c we both posted our build's on liquid's thread without his permission.....which was a big no no....but i made things worse by making a seperate thread....again sorry liquid. so there was no need to credit jasonmaloney, laie i know i messed up big time smh stupid move on my part
TJinWV said:
Not that it matters much, but his ROMs and jasonmaloney's are separate. jasonmaloney just put his in Liquid's original 2.1.1 thread here.
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exactly what i was saying about taking down our build's....
LiquidSolstice said:
At least jasonmaloney did not try to make a brand new thread about it. He would have asked me ahead of time, as a proper dev should.
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again i asked ahead of time on the thread but no reply but i did screw things up worse by making this thread again sorry....
il Duce said:
this is EXACTLY what I was talking about in the NFX rom that you put up as your own, you are officially a KANGAHOLIC, and people have been and should be banned for it. Every thread you posts seems to be less about development and more about popularity, you even say **** like "my rom" which you could only REALLY say if you built it from google source, which you obviously can't do. I sincerely hope liquid reported you to the Scotsman, and appropriate action is taken. you = sick. me = sickened.
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i said in my rom's thread that it was based of nfx rom and i gave him credit, i said what i did. i didn't do what i did with liquid's rom, two completely different things... il Duce ik i screwed up with this rom and again i won't be making any mess ups like this again (me = thinking before my actions from now on xda) sorry
LiquidSolstice said:
it's not even as though I would have minded him PMing me first or even do what Jasonmaloney did (posting it as a reply in the original thread )
My rom (I say that very loosely) is based on nfx, but only with full permission from nfinite and on popular request. Even further I credited (with permission ) anyone who helped in testing or debugging, and that is the proper thing to do.
I'm just disappointed. that's the worst of it.
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again my apologies are given to you, do you accept? i know i screwed up big time bro....smh big mistake here
33hfl said:
LS should be out of this and not to be so ofended or asking for any recognition about what someone did when he walked away from his own ROM.He sould thank this guy for finish what he started and never finished after a lot of promess and excuses
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no bro i screwed up...i can't even agree to anything you just said b/c all i wanted to do was help
il Duce said:
oh my god you cannot be serious. smh
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read what i said
33hfl said:
go kifno good work
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good work = yes did i mess up? = HELL YEAH!
FdxRider said:
FORUM RULES12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission, and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails then you may contact a moderator with clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence you created the work then in the spirit of sharing all work will remain posted on the forums.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
Seek permission <---- What part of that do you or kifno not understand?
Doesn't matterr if it's been dormant for long time still LS's work. Follow the forum rules.
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i am reading and MEMORIZING the forum rules as of now
dpeeps74 said:
Oh man, I'm team Jacob!
Wait, wrong drama
~run, run, as fast as you can, can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man~
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lol wow
33hfl said:
I dont know why LS is crying right now when he wallked away from his own ROM after a lot of excuses and promises.he turned his back on his own son.He should thank this man for the woderful job done.Or he forgot his post.Kifno never took credit for what he was doing,he always gave it to LS
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i did give credit to him 3x throughout the post and said all i did was finish it as he planned to but i went about it wrong....
FdxRider said:
LMAO u sew funneeeeee! NOT!
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ik that was funny right?
jasonmaloney said:
Again with the hostility.
Folks, there is a report post button on every single post on this site. You would all do better to use it than to fill up the development forum with unnecessary drama.
Yes, it wasn't very smart to use LiquidSolstice's work without his permission AND to start a new thread for it with a misleadingly similar title. But the bickering and harassment isn't any more accepted by the rules, nor is it productive in any constructive way. It doesn't really matter who was originally right or wrong; this forum is getting flooded with way too much verbal diarrhea. This is not the XDA mantra.
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again i apologize for doing what i did to even create this drama....this wouldn't have happened if i did things the correct way....sorry
someonenewhere said:
What's the big deal?
The man gave LS credit and he said it "I'm just finishing what LS COULDN'T FINISH"
LS, if you don't want people to finish your ROM. Maybe YOU SHOULD TRY FINISHING YOUR ROM..
You left your ROM out there as a bastard child and that bastard child found a father to take care of it.
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no no i went about things wrong i take full responsiblity for my mistake...sorry liquid
LiquidSolstice said:
Excellent contribution. It must be nice, sitting there just using other people's work and never really taking the time to find out how it all comes together. I'm sure you must be spoiled and basically taking all these custom ROMs you get for granted as most people seem to these days. Just a quick look at any tech blog concerning Android, and you'll find comments such as "oh I'm not worried, XDA will figure it out". People freeload off this place so willingly, paying nothing in either donation or even respect/appreciation (which is all most devs are looking for)
In the meantime, we'll just go with this; my rom = my rom. Whether or not I want to finish it, or whether or not I want it to be finished, or in this case, wehther or not I want someone else to do it, that would be my choice. I put in the hours, I put in the time, you did nothing.
I left the ROM because no one seemed to give a damn about it, and I'm finding out increasingly that I was very wrong about that. If you looked at Chef Central on the Main XDA Forum page, you'll find a few threads by me asking for help with the last bit of cooking, which was the kernel. I didn't notice that Kifno figured it out, and only realized what I needed to fo when jasonmaloney PMed me. I said I had every intention of making it stable, and I was indeed working on it.
Which means that it is my task and my right to put up the final update to my own ROM, not have someone else do it without even letting me know beforehand or asking me, and then posting my exact thread over again instead of PMing me the link to add it in the OP, and then telling me after the fact.
Kifno has already got in touch with me and we're working it out, you guys can relax now.
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again we talked things out and i'm sorry bro. and yes i may just be improving others work (the espreeso 2.1 rom i posted) and changing things, i never took full credit actually most of it goes to nfx b/c everyday i wake up he has a pm in my inbox helping me out with the espresso 2.1 rom, it wouldn't be where it is at without his help. only thing i can take full credit for is my build.prop's thats the only thing i actually did from my own work as for the espresso 2.1 rom that was from the help of many other members on this site, i never took full credit for that rom. i use the term my rom, when i refer to the espresso 2.1 rom, b/c i changed it, not b/c i developed it from scratch and did everything to it on my own, i'm not a super-dev yet lol. i'm just improving other's work and learning along the way and giving them credit and asking permission along the way from now on until i know enough to make something of my own again (besides text files lol) that will be of great help to the community....but for now i'm focuses on improving my rom (AGAIN IT ISN'T COMPLETELY MY ROM MANY OTHERS HELPED ME ALONG THE WAY) and helping others with their work for the hero and problems....first person on the list....liquid!!!!!! (we're pming each other now folks working this out for the better so its alright)
kevphan08 said:
So.....can we use the Rom or No.....Just seems like it was a mistake by the OP to reuse LS's unfinished work without permission, that obviously was a mistake, but if the rom is up and running and "stable" can we just not forgive and forget?
I'm just wondering, not taking a stance/side just a user asking a question.
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we're working on things right now...
You know what man, you're a smark kid, you just take things a bit fast.
You'll grow to understand what it means to command respect here, and I'm sure you'll earn it from everyone. This place is bursting with ideas and creativity, but just PM ROM devs in the future. Every ROM dev needs help, there's no denying that. Sometimes the help you have to offer isn't enough or isn't to their preference, but there's never any harm in PMing to find out.
As far as my ROM goes, with your help, we'll finish this up and finally put an end to all this over exaggerated madness.
E huuuuuuuuug
I think we all learned something here (I sure did), and that's a positive.
I understand you're trying to help, but make it short and sweet. We don't need a full passive - aggressive rundown of events.
I think you would do a great service to yourself (and the people reading your long disjointed posts) if you learned to use some basic English language sentence structure. Your lack of punctuation and your paragraphs of run-on sentences makes you look uneducated and immature.
You're not a bad person, so please take this as constructive criticism.
Kifno,Way to walk this world in man's shoes! I have the most profound respect for you. Make a mistake and own up to it
FdxRider said:
Kifno,Way to walk this world in man's shoes! I have the most profound respect for you. Make a mistake and own up to it
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KIFNO, Admitted he was Wrong!!
That's Big in itself!! It's seems these days, People find it SO MUCH EASIER to just LIE, or BULL**** their way through MISTAKES and basically LIFE in general!
Kifno DIDN'T DO THAT! Instead he owned up to his MISTAKES....
"LIKE a MAN" Should do!
After the Fact, at the End of the Day, All that's Left to come to some sort RECONCILIATION is a TRUE from the HEART a APOLOGY!!
*Sent On My*
Fast as its Ever Been...
"Sprint" Hero... Running My, *ExpressoEnergyHero*ROM, KIFNO's Build.Prop.Tweek, & The XDA.BLUE.apk! "Page:10"of My Thread!!
Hey kifno
Sent from my HTC Hero CDMA using XDA App
U no tjsy myvrnhlo
Sent from my HTC Hero CDMA using XDA App
Wow man great job kifno. It's tough to own up in the face of so many people watching this, you're really just a good person beyond the scope of these forums. I'm proud to call you a fellow human being. I've been watching this escalate and deescalate and I must say it's been a roller coaster ride. I must say some people have been a bit harsher than they should have, but it's understandable when looked at from a different perspective. Kudos to you again.
I'm excited about how the ROM is moving forward at lightning speed right now. Note, LS, that I'm actually using your ROM right now (2.1 stable) and I llllllllooooove it! keep up the good work, I bet it's time-consuming and frustrating to look through and optimize so much code!
~ Jake
Thanks everyone
And I'm not a grammar freak lol I don't treat my post as essays I just type what comes to mind lol that's why my paragraph structure and grammar look bad on the forums just like this very long run on sentence but really constantly working, and school, and keeping 5 roms (mine and ls 4 builds) and my tweak up to date with fixes and new tweaks and optimizations is very time consuming and hard to fit all in one day lol but I just want to help the community and I plan on doing that the right way, LESSON LEARNED HERE, BTW look out for kifno & ls projects in the future
Don't worry about the Grammar police brother. They're pretty tamed here.
Keep up the excellent work! We grow through our mistakes; damn glad you took the initiative. Stay motivated!!!!
Many thanks!!
In the aftermath of all this stuff, I just want to say that truly I appreciate ALL the hard work that you devs put into keeping our Heroes from becoming paperweights. Just the small amount of work I've put into making my own themes for myself makes me appreciate the scope of talent and sheer blood, sweat, and tears it takes to make this stuff work.
oohaylima said:
Don't worry about the Grammar police brother. They're pretty tamed here.
Keep up the excellent work! We grow through our mistakes; damn glad you took the initiative. Stay motivated!!!!
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You forgot a comma between "police" and "brother". You have been warned. The next offence will result in more badgering.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
Lol Ya got me cop'er.
user7618 said:
You forgot a comma between "police" and "brother". You have been warned. The next offence will result in more badgering.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
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Lol.... Good **** Guys, Gotta Nice Laugh Outta Me!!
*Sent on My*
Fast as its Ever Been....
"Sprint" Hero.... Running My, *ExpressoEnergyHero* ROM, KIFNO's Build.Prop.Tweek, & The XDA BLUE.apk!! "Page 10" of My Thread!!
user7618 said:
You forgot a comma between "police" and "brother". You have been warned. The next offence will result in more badgering.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
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Uh oh better watch out for that Guy glad to see everyone getting along and joking with each other
kifno said:
Uh oh better watch out for that Guy glad to see everyone getting along and joking with each other
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Lol, I'm Not Really Sure Why?
But, For Some Reason, It Seems like Some of us Rather Stray Away from the Joking Level, to Instead be Uptight and Insulting!????
Especially when the Majority of us (Members) are Mainly Here to Learn, and Share Knowledge that these ****y Phone Companies Don't want us to Know!!
*Sent on My*
Fast as its Ever Been....
"Sprint" Hero.... Running My, *ExpressoEnergyHero* ROM, KIFNO's Build.Prop.Tweek, & The XDA BLUE.apk!! "Page 10" of My Thread!!
Lol, I'm Not Really Sure Why?
But, For Some Reason, It Seems like Some of us Rather Stray Away from the Joking Level, to Instead be Uptight and Insulting!????
Especially when the Majority of us (Members) are Mainly Here to Learn, and Share Knowledge that these ****y Phone Companies Don't want us to Know!!
*Sent on My*
Fast as its Ever Been....
"Sprint" Hero.... Running My, *ExpressoEnergyHero* ROM, KIFNO's Build.Prop.Tweek, & The XDA BLUE.apk!! "Page 10" of My Thread!!
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Sir, I'm here to confiscate your shift key, and for good measure I'll need your caps lock, too. Capital letters are a privilege, not a right. Don't abuse them.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
user7618 said:
Sir, I'm here to confiscate your shift key, and for good measure I'll need your caps lock, too. Capital letters are a privilege, not a right. Don't abuse them.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Gingerbread-on-Hero action here!
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lmao! --> extra characters because my message was too short.

Thank you for everything.

I want to just take a second and say thanks for ALL the support I have received from most of you since I started out here. I realize that Autism and Android were an unlikely pair but I thought it worked well.
Lately there has been an increasing level intolerance for what I was trying to do here. I know it's a vocal minority but they have become louder and louder. I have become quite disheartened as of late with the direction this forum has taken and I'm going to step back for a while. My ultimate goal is to further the spread of Autism Awareness and hopefully get Android4Autism launched by the end of the summer or early fall and so I'm going to redirect my efforts there.
I honestly had the best of intentions with everything I was doing here but it has apparently run it's course. Aside from asking you to "think about donating your old devices for the Android4Autism project (and I specifically said not until after everything was set up and legit so that everyone was protected) and votes, I never asked for anything. Despite the claims that have been made to the contrary about my intentions.
I want to thank everyone for voting for my blog but as you may notice the thread has been moved after being here for over 2 1/2 months. I realize that it was not "on topic" but it was a positive thread. I thought it was amazing how everyone unified and worked together for a common goal. I suspect that the vocal minority contributed to this and that saddens me. I'm not angry this happened, it's just that fact that some people would take it upon themselves to get this removed from our forums after all this time, instead of just not reading it.
I'm not looking for anything out of this. After all you have given to me, I felt I owed you an explanation for my decision. That's the very least I can do. I'll never be able to repay all the kindness and support you have shone to both me and my family. You have all made a difference in our lives. You have helped to spread awareness and for that I will forever be grateful.
Please don't turn this into a flame war either. I'll close the thread myself. I just want everyone to understand how grateful I am for everything and that my stepping back is my choice. My methods are becoming the target for some people and I won't change the way I'm doing things because I believe in what I'm doing. So the best thing is to just walk away. At least for now.
You all know where to find me and I'm happy to help. Please feel free to contact me through my blog or Google+ if you need anything and I will do whatever I can to help you.
Thanks again for everything. I'm very proud of what we were able to accomplish. Please help to keep this community moving forward.
Keep up the great work , Sir !
Forget about those that complain about everything, what you do is great! Besst of luck to you!
Sent from my SPH-D700
WTG blank HEADS!!!!! another bomb dev/human gone... this is why most ppl stayed at ppcgeeks for so long... tooo much bs and neg energy...
ill miss your work ptfdmedic.. best of luck for you and your growing family!!
Thanks Rob for all that you do. And I hope you don't let this get you down too much. I remember when I first came to this forum and I thought what is this autism stuff all about here but as I took the time to read and learn I appreciated what you were doing and felt it was a great cause. If the bs here isn't worth your time I can hardly blame you. You've been far more generous with it than most would be. I as I am sure most people wish you nothing but the best!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
im sorry to see u go rob will miss you and i hope u and emmett(sp?) and family (sp?)
do well.
Thanks for all your hard work and i know you will be missed i hit thanks for you, goal is to break that thank meter, i really want to see one full
Farewell and best wishes
- David
ptfdmedic said:
I realize that it was not "on topic" but it was a positive thread.
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Not trying to be a **** but this sentence pretty much sums it up.
Thank you for what you have done.
As much as I would like to point fingers at those responsible I will refrain from it because you asked me not to.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
You will be missed. I haven't been on as often as I used to because of all the BS here, but I still lurk and you will be missed!
machx0r said:
Not trying to be a **** but this sentence pretty much sums it up.
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Yes, yes you are.
How hard is it to not click on threads about things you're not interested in?
Keep up the good work brother! Hopefully things will calm down here while you focus on your rom! I sent you a PM a while back... I may have some connections in the school (if you don’t already). Might help in pushing your rom on a local basis. Stay strong, God bless, and good luck in your endeavors!
From one medic to another... you're alright in my book!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
machx0r said:
Not trying to be a **** but this sentence pretty much sums it up.
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Rob asked us to not turn it into a flaming thread, but you sure don't make it easy. Funny how you have been on xda 2 months, but have only posted 21 times and you choose to post on this... why are you trying to start something?
JettMartinez said:
Yes, yes you are.
How hard is it to not click on threads about things you're not interested in?
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+1 no matter how kind and sincere you can be in a post there is always gonna be the one degenerate at the keyboard thinking "How can I dump on this guy."
As for the OP, keep up the good work bro
im not a homer by any means but when my Epic took a swim i was forced to boot my moment up and went back to SDX developers for roms..i REALLY wished the Epic would have caught on over there..just seems like a much better environment....this site has driven away quite a few developers..its a shame..thanks for everything you do rob.not just over here but with your Windows Mobile stuff over at PPCGeeks.if people cant tolerate your Autism Awareness, with all the good stuff you put out for the Epic, then this isnt the place for them..it shouldnt be the other way around...
JettMartinez said:
Yes, yes you are.
How hard is it to not click on threads about things you're not interested in?
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Just as hard as it is to follow the forum rules. Say for instance that I considered the elimination of homosexualaity a "positive cause". Should I be allowed to push that agenda here at the cost of the owners of the site simply because I think this is a positive agenda? (According to some users, yes...)
dnathan13 said:
Rob asked us to not turn it into a flaming thread, but you sure don't make it easy. Funny how you have been on xda 2 months, but have only posted 21 times and you choose to post on this... why are you trying to start something?
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Regardless of what Rob has given to us (the community) why does he not have to follow the rules of the forum? Why is it appropriate for him to come and complain that his thread was moved to the correct forum and he is quitting because he disagrees with the opinion of those that pay for and/or manager this resource to be available to us?
@dnathan13: Regarding your comment on my membership length here... What Android software have you developed in your lengthy membership in these forums?
I got another one for you, like old times: "The best way to fight negative acts is with perseverance, love and the truth"
Stay the course my friend and don't let nobody tell you lies about the truth you cary...
Sent from an Epic with 4G
Pete720 said:
+1 no matter how kind and sincere you can be in a post there is always gonna be the one degenerate at the keyboard thinking "How can I dump on this guy."
As for the OP, keep up the good work bro
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Fail to see how pointing out that we must play by the rules the owners of this site set is "dumping on someone". It's reality, if you don't like it create your own forum and set the rules...
EDIT: I have nothing against Rob's cause and believe the thread is in the correct forum now...
Rob, I've supported you ever since I heard about you and your cause. You are one of the few members here that has gained my respect. I thank you for *Everything* you've done here.
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G.
machx0r said:
Just as hard as it is to follow the forum rules. Say for instance that I considered the extermination of homosexuals a "positive cause". Should I be allowed to push that agenda here at the cost of the owners of the site simply because I think this is a positive agenda? (According to some users, yes...)
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I don't believe any HUMAN being would have a problem with autism awareness.
Like comparing apples and oranges.
Thanks Rob. I've enjoyed reading and learning from you. I've been a member pretty much since the epic launched, lurked and just read alot; lately its hard not to respond to some of this.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Keep that head up Rob we are all still behind you. You showed us a piece of yourself and your family here and became a friend to most of us. Keep in mind one thing, you are dealing with a lot of minors on heee and they cant grasp the idea they are ****ting on you with some of the comments about your intentions. They arent mature enough to see how it comes out. The mature adults will remain on your side.
Never feel you asked for anything or too much. Your community came together to give you what you deserved without you asking for it.
Take a rest man play with those kids, your headed in the right direction with the autism awareness, families will benefit from your sweat!
Sent from my AOSP+ Premium ROM

CM7 Release Candidate soon? (Purely Speculation!)

In the official post for CyanogenMod 7 it says
"There are many devices still in beta status (Pyramid, Doubleshot, Shooter, HP Touchpad, Optimus 3D, several more) that we will be promoting to release or release-candidates in the next few weeks when the code is merged to our main branch."
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Now this is purely speculation as the title says so if anyone gets disappointed when it doesn't happen.
Now i could be looking at this completely wrong so feel free to call me a dumb ass if i am wrong.
Source: http://www.cyanogenmod.com/blog/cyanogenmod-7-1-released
The CM7 project for the Atrix is not being developed by official Cyanogenmod. Just stay tuned to the google code page and follow twitter accounts.
SirFork said:
The CM7 project for the Atrix is not being developed by official Cyanogenmod. Just stay tuned to the google code page and follow twitter accounts.
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Once its in RC don't they give it to the official team for merging? that's what i thought happened from my understanding.
There are many devices still in beta status (Pyramid, Doubleshot, Shooter, HP Touchpad, Optimus 3D, several more) that we will be promoting to release or release-candidates in the next few weeks when the code is merged to our main branch.
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That's from the official Cyanogenmod site, which has no affiliation with the development of CM7 for the Atrix.
Yeah, but the current team is responsible for making the atrix compatible with cm7 (thus, they're doing most of the work). Once that's done, they'll be giving it to the official team so they can support it.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I'm pretty sure the dev team has said all they need to do is get the fingerprint scanner and webtop working then they can submit it to cyanogen mod to try and get official status, since before cyanogen will accept any port it must not break any functionality that the stock rom had
thewarhawk said:
I'm pretty sure the dev team has said all they need to do is get the fingerprint scanner and webtop working then they can submit it to cyanogen mod to try and get official status, since before cyanogen will accept any port it must not break any functionality that the stock rom had
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The webtop might take a while since it seems they have to design their own version of it
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Exactly why this is such an ambitious effort. Some people might not have the fortitude (or the patience!) for this phone's technology to be fully realized. For me, I'm kind of excited to own such a unique device and hope the developers aren't discouraged by such a challenge.
SirFork said:
Exactly why this is such an ambitious effort. Some people might not have the fortitude (or the patience!) for this phone's technology to be fully realized. For me, I'm kind of excited to own such a unique device and hope the developers aren't discouraged by such a challenge.
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I think the devs are more discouraged by the trolls.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
IUH1991 said:
I think the devs are more discouraged by the trolls.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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This is probably a huge factor along with the massive number of idiots who fail to read directions properly and end up with bootloops and blame the dev's for making faulty software.
I installed CM7 on my Atrix and now it's running too fast. I can't keep up with it. Also the benchmark scores are too high, and the battery lasts too long. Plz fix.
Phalanx7621 said:
I installed CM7 on my Atrix and now it's running too fast. I can't keep up with it. Also the benchmark scores are too high, and the battery lasts too long. Plz fix.
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HaHa Good one!!!!
I think a lot of the trolls here are just ungrateful...they constantly complaining about things not work like they want them to work and they are constantly bugging the devs about when when when! These same trolls do not take a mere breath to stop and say thank you to the devs that work hard for free. No one has EVER promised them anything, but they complain like it is the devs duty to please them. Somedays I wish I were back in the Aria forum because the community was very helpful and the devs felt welcomed.
FYI good find OP!
lilhaiti said:
HaHa Good one!!!!
I think a lot of the trolls here are just ungrateful...they constantly complaining about things not work like they want them to work and they are constantly bugging the devs about when when when! These same trolls do not take a mere breath to stop and say thank you to the devs that work hard for free. No one has EVER promised them anything, but they complain like it is the devs duty to please them. Somedays I wish I were back in the Aria forum because the community was very helpful and the devs felt welcomed.
FYI good find OP!
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I don't think you know what that word actually means yet you use it constantly.
edgeicator said:
I don't think you know what that word actually means yet you use it constantly.
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It's actually kinda explained in my post.
lilhaiti said:
It's actually kinda explained in my post.
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Since you still don't realise what the word "troll" actually means, let me clarify for you.
A troll is someone who posts inflammatory extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
ie the very people you are complaining about are not, in fact, trying to provoke people, but rather are just uninformed people asking for help. In fact, you are the one closer to a troll then they are since you keep insulting them instead of directing them to the right answer, potentially provoking them into an outlash of anger.
IUH1991 said:
The webtop might take a while since it seems they have to design their own version of it
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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Sadly I don't think they'll be having Webtop on Cyanogenmod. Last I heard it was too much work.
if cm7 allowed me to play my movies from my phone on tv when i am away from home i would be on it like a fat kid on a smartie!
edgeicator said:
Since you still don't realise what the word "troll" actually means, let me clarify for you.
A troll is someone who posts inflammatory extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.
ie the very people you are complaining about are not, in fact, trying to provoke people, but rather are just uninformed people asking for help. In fact, you are the one closer to a troll then they are since you keep insulting them instead of directing them to the right answer, potentially provoking them into an outlash of anger.
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Nicely put...
Ratchet556 said:
Now this is purely speculation as the title says so if anyone gets disappointed when it doesn't happen.
Now i could be looking at this completely wrong so feel free to call me a dumb ass if i am wrong.
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sanriver12 said:
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We dont sit here and update or post all day because its un needed, exhausting on its own, and frusterating to the point of cursing. I can once a week come to this thread and after going through 20+ pages find maybe one thing worth replying to, like this time and the gentleman that requested a few pages back that i call this kang and not official ?!? Why because we have waited till we deemed ready to merge ? Everything we released has been stable and useable i have not touched another rom in months, we will merge shortly, it will be up todate 2.3.7 or what ever uptodate is than. We are all running 2.3.7 curently , there has not been another release because IOO there has not been enough added fixes that we felt the need to do so yet. Mostly we have been waiting on FP. I have it working 100% fine actually better than stock, but it haz created a bug with calls when enabled for an unknown reason. I have been working on the same bug for over 2 weeks . Once again iwasted more time i could have spent on the bug to reply to those of you that felt i needed to "give updates" to a 170 page hell hole where no one reads in the first place Anyhow we appreciate your all excited , so are we , mostly so we can stop working keep in mind we want itcompleted and working obiously more than you do so either relax and wait or keep yelling inhere like a jakaninny IDGAF, but i will post updates when i am ready as will the other team members. End of story
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I'm going to ignore that for the soul fact I was right. From the CM7 thread.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

No wonder he doesn't post here any more...

Wow. This place is completely ******.
I've donated to jt1134 FOUR times, and I posted a PUBLIC link on a PUBLIC forum. He can refuse to post here all he wants, but I'm completely free to post a link to guide others to the right spot.
Not one reply was necessary, let alone 2+ pages of bull**** FALSE privacy NONSENSE.
The link to JT's rom belongs in the DEV section, not General, because DEV is where people go to find ****ing ROMS. DUH! The whole reason I posted it is so the average uninformed visitor doesn't install Enyo's ICS SDK crap-fest and finds the real daily driver ICS.
gfosco said:
Wow. This place is completely *****.
I've donated to jt1134 FOUR times, and I posted a PUBLIC link on a PUBLIC forum. He can refuse to post here all he wants, but I'm completely free to post a link to guide others to the right spot.
Not one reply was necessary, let alone 3 pages of bull**** FALSE privacy NONSENSE.
The link to JT's rom belongs in the DEV section, not General, because DEV is where people go to find ****ing ROMS. The whole reason I posted it is so the average uninformed visitor doesn't install Enyo's ICS SDK crap-fest and finds the real daily driver ICS.
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Still doesn't belong in the Dev section because the Dev section is used for Devving. No Devving is going to occur in a thread that links to the real post, its an information post.
If random uninformed users flash Enyo's ICS instead of JT's that's on them for not reading.
PS - Nobody gives a **** how many times you've donated to JT, it's not like its some badge of honor that people wield about as weapons. Please put your epeen away.
Its just a phase of high drama that will hopefully pass quickly.
However, when you sit back and don't get involved, it is quite entertaining. / heading to the store for more popcorn.
suppliesidejesus said:
Still doesn't belong in the Dev section because the Dev section is used for Devving. No Devving is going to occur in a thread that links to the real post, its an information post.
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Awesome point.... let's talk about that. How much "devving" goes on in a rom thread? I'm going with none. They are release posts, nothing more!
The donate thing isn't a badge of honor, however I think it's an important point to prove I'm not just some leech. The system doesn't work if people don't support the developers.
gfosco said:
Awesome point.... let's talk about that. How much "devving" goes on in a rom thread? I'm going with none. They are release posts, nothing more!
The donate thing isn't a badge of honor, however I think it's an important point to prove I'm not just some leech. The system doesn't work if people don't support the developers.
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When people don't post garbage in threads, plenty of Devving goes on in Dev threads. Or, at least it used to. That's just one of the plethora of reasons JT no longer posts here.
Nobody called you a leech, so there was no reason to mention it.
schu9120 said:
Its just a phase of high drama that will hopefully pass quickly.
However, when you sit back and don't get involved, it is quite entertaining. / heading to the store for more popcorn.
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Plz to bring me back some popcorn too?
Has anyone seen John Connor?
This thread also closed in 3... 2... (remember what happened the last time I posted a countdown?)
Has anyone seen John Connor?
Yeah, but that was a reported General thread in the Dev section. And I have a spare moment before it gets closed, lol.
skynet11 said:
This thread also closed in 3... 2... (remember what happened the last time I posted a countdown?)
Has anyone seen John Connor?
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Stop kanging me!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
@Gfosco it wasn't Anything personal towards you. You also could have simply pm'd me and we could have spoke about it. I closed it because it turned into pages and pages of bickering, trolling and flaming.....
Sorry for my short reply when I closed it. I was watching my kids also and was having a rough time writing also.
I totally agree with you on the pages of BS. And I'm getting pretty sick of seeing it in the dev section myself also. Trust me I'm gonna do all I can to help man.
Regarding jts Rom, I dunno. Send him a pm and ask him about posting a dev topic over here on it and I will do my best to help keep it clean.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
I have never used profanity in any of my posts nor have I ever sent it in a PM. I don't appreciate nasty, vulgar, f-bomb filled messages sent to me and I really don't like seeing it on the threads either, but since I am not the forum police I don't say much about it unless it's extremely vulgar and abusive, like the PM gfosco sent me. Anyone else who wants to get nasty, vulgar and abusive with me in a PM can expect me to expose the nature of the message for everyone to see. Count on it! /rant
Has anyone seen John Connor?
akellar said:
Stop kanging me!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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Sorry... I had forgotten where I first saw a countdown posted here in the forums
Has anyone seen John Connor?
gfosco said:
Awesome point.... let's talk about that. How much "devving" goes on in a rom thread? I'm going with none. They are release posts, nothing more!
The donate thing isn't a badge of honor, however I think it's an important point to prove I'm not just some leech. The system doesn't work if people don't support the developers.
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I don't think you get it: Did you in any way consult with, ask permission for or notify jt in any way about posting a link to HIS work on this forum? If the answer is yes and he ok'ed it, then I apologize and I will go back to minding my own business. However, I know this is not what happened. You didn't ask his permission in any way and therefore you stepped over the line. Now, is it a really big deal, no. But, many of us are friends with jt (as much as you can be through the internet), we spend a lot of time in IRC together. So, we know his wishes regarding HIS work and we respect that. He has stated in NO way does he want any of his work posted on xda. We would rather not have jt say fu** it and stop posting builds on the forums period because his wishes aren't being considered. That would screw over a lot of people like yourself (who donate to jt) and there would be NO links at all to post, like the one you posted. The conclusion: was what you did, in itself, wrong? No. But you did not ask his permission to post HIS intellectual property on this forum, and that my friend is wrong. Did many of us sort of "attack" you for doing it? In a way yes, but you understand why. Please respect the wishes of the developers, and if you don't know there wishes....ask.
joshkoss said:
@Gfosco it wasn't Anything personal towards you. You also could have simply pm'd me and we could have spoke about it. I closed it because it turned into pages and pages of bickering, trolling and flaming.....
Sorry for my short reply when I closed it. I was watching my kids also and was having a rough time writing also.
I totally agree with you on the pages of BS. And I'm getting pretty sick of seeing it in the dev section myself also. Trust me I'm gonna do all I can to help man.
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@joshkoss I have no issue with you closing the thread.. I would have closed it too.
kidserious said:
I don't think you get it: Did you in any way consult with, ask permission for or notify jt in any way about posting a link to HIS work on this forum? If the answer is yes and he ok'ed it, then I apologize and I will go back to minding my own business. However, I know this is not what happened. You didn't ask his permission in any way and therefore you stepped over the line. Now, is it a really big deal, no. But, many of us are friends with jt (as much as you can be through the internet), we spend a lot of time in IRC together. So, we know his wishes regarding HIS work and we respect that. He has stated in NO way does he want any of his work posted on xda. We would rather not have jt say fu** it and stop posting builds on the forums period because his wishes aren't being considered. That would screw over a lot of people like yourself (who donate to jt) and there would be NO links at all to post, like the one you posted. The conclusion: was what you did, in itself, wrong? No. But you did not ask his permission to post HIS intellectual property on this forum, and that my friend is wrong. Did many of us sort of "attack" you for doing it? In a way yes, but you understand why. Please respect the wishes of the developers, and if you don't know there wishes....ask.
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I don't need to ask permission from anyone to post a link to a thread on Rootzwiki.
Look, it doesn't make sense and I don't believe that JT is that fake-private about posting his work. (And I didn't post or re-share his ROM, only a link to Rootzwiki.) If it's public on Rootzwiki, why is anyone to think it's not straight up ****ing public?
Skynet! post that ****! I want to read what gfosco said!!!!
OK guys. I'm just gonna close the thread before things get to personal here.
Tomorrow morning ill b addressing this issue.
Peace, Josh
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium

