[Q] Resynching IMAP folders? - Epic 4G General

I can't figure out how to refresh IMAP folders in the mail client. I created a new folder in my desktop mail client. I actually want to do a subfolder too. But I refreshed on my phone and no new folder. Go to accounts and refreshing is no dice too. Force-quitting the email app and reloading in/refreshing doesn't work either. I haven't found any advice on the web either, except that HTC Sense does it better.
Anyone figured out a way to refresh your IMAP folders?

I found that after trying for 20 minutes, then installing K9 (which failed for exchange support), I came back to the default mail client and it had refreshed, with the sub folder working even.
I guess it decides to refresh on "it's own damn schedule".


I want to be alerted when subfolders receive mail.

My work, unfortunately, uses Groupwise and I'm gonna get no support in getting a Groupwise mobile server or anything setup, so I'm stuck with syncing local for contacts and appts and tasks. I am, however, using and IMAP access to get my emails, and this works pretty well with the default Pocket Outlook email client.
One thing missing is that I have a couple of subfolders where I have rules that automatically direct emails from like my Boss or other people into the folder so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of other stuff. However, I'm not getting notification when new emails are pulled into those folders. If I go into my email program I can see that I have new emails there, but I get the buzz or message icon that I have new emails. Is there anyway to make it so when new messages get pulled into the subfolders that I also get notified?
Ideally I'd REALLY like to stick with the default email program as I'm also using Mobile Shell and mobile shell apparently only integrates with the default email app.
RedRamage said:
My work, unfortunately, uses Groupwise and I'm gonna get no support in getting a Groupwise mobile server or anything setup, so I'm stuck with syncing local for contacts and appts and tasks. I am, however, using and IMAP access to get my emails, and this works pretty well with the default Pocket Outlook email client.
One thing missing is that I have a couple of subfolders where I have rules that automatically direct emails from like my Boss or other people into the folder so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of other stuff. However, I'm not getting notification when new emails are pulled into those folders. If I go into my email program I can see that I have new emails there, but I get the buzz or message icon that I have new emails. Is there anyway to make it so when new messages get pulled into the subfolders that I also get notified?
Ideally I'd REALLY like to stick with the default email program as I'm also using Mobile Shell and mobile shell apparently only integrates with the default email app.
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I would like the same.
I have never found a fix to this issue and IIRC it is a limitation of the software.
I am using gmail so I just set up forward rules and dummy accounts. So I had account X with sub directory Y I have the email intended to Y get forwarded to account A and set A as a separate account. I dont know if this would work with mobile shell ( if it only looks at the outlook account)
tedet said:
I have never found a fix to this issue and IIRC it is a limitation of the software.
I am using gmail so I just set up forward rules and dummy accounts. So I had account X with sub directory Y I have the email intended to Y get forwarded to account A and set A as a separate account. I dont know if this would work with mobile shell ( if it only looks at the outlook account)
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It is indeed an Outlook issue. It only sends alerts on mails in the inbox. On my exchange server, the emails are redirected on the server before Outlook ever sees that they touch the inbox and thus no alert.
The only solution is some sort of third-party app, that would be nice.
If you're using Groupwise as your mail server, what is the email client you run on your workplace computer? And your workplace computer OS?
If your accessing Groupwise mail through Outlook on your work computer, your rules can be setup as client side instead of server side rules. If Groupwise behaves like a MS Exchange then your client side rules would only process when you're logged into your Outlook client. So when you're not in front of your PC, you wouldn't move your mail from your Inbox. Thus making them invisible to Pocket Outlook.
Or you could setup some special notification or delayed move rules. Again assuming you're using Outlook. Ornic InboxRules can be used to create some complex rules if you go that route. I haven't personally used it, but I used the predecessor to it called CaTrap to parse the sender, subject, and parts of the body into a another email and forward that via SMS to my phone.
If you can manage to get stuff to your Pocket Outlook Inbox, there are a few good tools that will give you advanced notification options on your phone. See this thread for details. Hope this helps to get you started.
You can see on http://www.magica.ro/pda_pocket_checkmail.php an application which solves your problem; it works together with ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile in order to alert users about unread mails in Inbox and Subfolders.
You can test it by downloading the demo version.
We published version 2.0 of CheckMail application.
New features are:
- displays messages on "Today Screen";
- audio alert when new messages are received;
- audio reminder if the new messages where not read (the interval when these verifications are made is selectable by user);
- by taping on CheckMail application, user can open Messaging application (Outlook);
- user can select in CheckMail application not to check Inbox (only subfolders).
Visit http://www.software.magicashop.ro/pda_pocket_checkmail.asp to see details and demo application.

Disappearing emails with Gmail(workaround)

I was having some setup issues with Gmail pop; I’ve found a workaround so thought I’d share it.
I like to check my email regularly with the HD2 throughout the day, but manage the majority of these through Outlook when I get home. So on my HD2 I set up a pop mail account to check my Gmail at regular intervals (5 mins), get the entire message but leave a copy of the message on the server so I can still access these with Outlook later.
Problem was whenever the HD2 downloaded an email despite the setup being configured to leave the message on the server these mails were marked “as read” by Gmail and archived, presumably because my Gmail account was set to “archive emails that have been accessed through pop”. This was clearly overriding the “leave a copy on the server” setting. So I’d get an email on my device, this was then automatically removed from the Gmail inbox and archived, 5 minutes later the HD2 would check again, see the inbox was empty and therefore delete the email from my device. Outlook never got a look in as when I got home all the emails had been archived so it was seeing no emails at all.
Hence the disappearing email problem.
Firstly I tried changing the Gmail setting to “keep Google mails copy in the inbox when it had been accessed by pop”, this worked to a degree but I found it slightly irritating having to go in and manually erase all the emails in my Gmail inbox once I had downloaded them.
I then tried enabling imap in Gmail and binning pop access altogether, i.e., accessing all my emails through imap both on the HD2 and on Outlook. Again this worked to a degree but I have Outlook set up a particular way and I found that imap didn’t really work for me in that regard.
Eventually I sussed getting it to work the way I want, I set up both pop and imap access in Gmail. I had the HD2 accessing mails through imap, and Outlook accessing through pop (with the setting for ” archiving emails once accessed through pop” enabled in Gmail). So the HD2 would accrue all the emails that I received throughout the day and keep these in the Gmail inbox so when I fired up Outlook at home these were still there to be downloaded. Of course once I had retrieved these emails through Outlook these were automatically archived by Gmail and only then were they removed from the HD2 then next time it checked the server, which was fine as they had been dealt with and were no longer required, perfect!
So that’s been my weekend really, hope it helps anyone that wants a similar setup.
POP is the wrong method for your interest.
POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it.
You only need to use IMAP method to leave a copy on the server.
Just that easy.
You could have saved a lot time if you only setup imap in your email settings in the phone.
All other stuff was completely too much. Sorry
Im using that method since i had the Touch HD and still use it with Gmail on the HD2 and my mails stay on the huuuuuuge google servers too.
Undoubtedly imap has its advantages, certainly on the phone its working well for me.
You did raise a point:
"POP catches the mails from your server and deletes em from it"
Should this happen when the you have set-up an account on the device thats configured to "do not delete messages from the server"? Because despite my account being set-up this way my emails were being deleted (or archived, either way, disappeared!) nevertheless. That's specifically why i wanted to detail why I did what I did as I'm sure this issue could catch other people out.
POP is designed to catch mails AND clean up your email account on the server.
This makes sense when you have limited storage space (i have an arcor account too and have only 25mb on there).
From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option.
This is mostly the reason that the emails get deleted when using POP.
IMAP is designed to give you the opportunity to have a look at your emails like on the server.
When you read an email on your pda the mail will be automatically flagged as read on the server too.
It is some kind of sync.
There are these two well known ways just to give you the opportunity and fulfil your needs. Just use the one that serves you well.
In your case this will be IMAP
"From my knowledge the client and server must support the "leave emails on server".
Look in desktop Outlook you have the opportunity to check a box with this option.
In our pda version of outlook we dont have that option"
When i was setting up the account on the HD2 I was ticking this option to leave message on server upon deletion (see screen shot), although it seems i was misunderstanding this function.
Yeah the function you checked was only for the deleted mails.
It just tells the server what to do with the mails that you deleted on your device.
Sounds good, I'd just replace imap access on the HD2 with activesync, even better.
I'm interested in what your "weird configuration in outlook that makes you not able to use imap" is though.

HTC Mail App and Gmail: IMAP problems

I like the HTC mail application that comes with Sense, but I'm having one issue. I use it with two Gmail accounts. Whenever I delete an e-mail, it moves it to "[Imap]/Trash" instead of the normal trash folder. There's also an "[Imap]/Sent" and an "[Imap]/Drafts" where the respective e-mails go. Is there a way to disable this and get it to go to the proper Trash/Sent/Drafts folders?
I had the same issue and started using the Gmail app instead of HTC Mail. On iPhone there are specific settings to avoid this behavior. Maybe someone will post a solution. Btw what are you using for Contacts and Calendars? Is there an HTC app for those? I know for sure that I didn't get contacts and calendar to sync using HTC Mail app. With Gmail app they do sync fine.
Since this is the first Android phone I've owned, I'm not really sure if the calendar app is different, but I know the contacts app is. It's called people, but both it and the calendar app seem to work fine syncing with their google equivalents. Mail is the only one I've had issues with.
Well, I didn't manage to fix it completely, but I set up a partial work around. If you remove all mail from the visible folders for IMAP and set up the advanced imap settings to either move mail to the trash or delete it forever after it's expunged from the last visible imap folder, it will do whichever behavior you chose when you delete it from your trash folder in HTC mail. That does mean that you need to use the Gmail application for archiving mail, though, but it's at least a temporary fix.

[Q] HTC Mail IMAP folder deleted message transfer

I am currently using default HTC mail app, and I really like it all in all.
Currently it's set up with two IMAP accounts, each on different server.
I am having issues with one of them.
While my private one works great, the issue that I have with work one is that when I delete msg from Inbox it disappears from everywhere.
So if I check phones Trash folder only msgs from my private one are there, my work ones have disappeared into thin air.
I opened another test account on my work email server and the behavior is the same.
Did any1 have the same issue, or maybe has an idea how to fix this?
I see no place to set up IMAP folders on HTC Mail app.
iPhone had great configuration options when it came to folder organization.
Also, K9 and Improved Mail handle deleting emails off that account with no problem...it shows up in their internal own Trash folder.
I like the look of HTC Mail very much, that's why I don't want to switch...

Increase emails in Email program from 25

I use ICS CM9 email (not gmail). Have not found a setting to increase how many emails should be kept in the program. So if I check my emails and have 30 new all the old ones will disappear. There has to be a setting for this? Why can't I have a few hundred emails there?
Would all so like to know this answer please.
Check sync options. And change days to sync from automatic to however long you want messages to show.
hkgrob said:
Check sync options. And change days to sync from automatic to however long you want messages to show.
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There is no "sync options". There is General settings and the email account settings. In email account settings, there is "incoming settings" but no setting for days (for IMAP. it might be if you're using exchange).
My conclusion is that this is not possible to increase from 25 emails for IMAP or POP. Which makes me wonder, how do everybody get by this? Reload older messages all the time? or everybody use K-9?
Android mail programs don't keep email messages.
You should set your mail account for keeping mails
on the server for xx-days before deleting them.
If you open your mailbox on your pc, it will by default
wipe your mails from your server, nd the next time you sync
/check with your phone all older messages wil be deleted
friedje said:
Android mail programs don't keep email messages.
You should set your mail account for keeping mails
on the server for xx-days before deleting them.
If you open your mailbox on your pc, it will by default
wipe your mails from your server, nd the next time you sync
/check with your phone all older messages wil be deleted
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You misunderstand!
Android email program DOES keep email messages stored locally. The ICS Email app keeps 25 emails. When you get new emails it deletes the older ones locally. you can reload them from the server if you have the patience to wait and if you are online.
Is it really only me and REVHE4D in the whole world that are annoyed by this issue?
If I remember correctly, the Samsung email app does have settings for how many emails to store locally.
I have the same issue.. The Samsung ICS email client doesn't work that well for me, it doesn't delete emails properly.
The stock ICS Email app seems to have like no settings. Why don't they just let us use the GApps Gmail client for our own private imap/pop3 servers as well? The interface is slick, its integrated into the widgets/homescreen... It's so stupid that we're unable to add our own personal accounts to it.
No Nick5000, you are not the only one annoyed by this. I am too, especially because I clearly remember that on my old Galaxy S2 when I was running gingerbread, it kept all my emails up to 500. I don't know why they changed it down to 25.

