Someone That works for sprint - Hero CDMA General

Can someone that works for sprint get a hold of me? I need some help here, or sprint (the company) can kiss my rear end.

jerry43812 said:
Can someone that works for sprint get a hold of me? I need some help here, or sprint (the company) can kiss my rear end.
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Whats going on? I do not work there but you have peaked my curiosity.

danknee said:
This is the owner of Sprint here, what can I do for you?
We have a Q&A section now....please use it.
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Pretty general thread if you ask me, bud.

1-800-927-2199 if you want to talk with someone with brains at Sprint.

I still have a question to ask someone who works at sprint and has some brains in their head.

jerry43812 said:
I still have a question to ask someone who works at sprint and has some brains in their head.
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Maybe you're not asking the right way. How about "Is there anybody at Sprint at isn't a complete f&%^head?"
That should get people interested in helping you out.
As long as I'm here, can you be more specific about the nature of your question? There are employees...and then there are customer care reps. Only one of these groups can access your account info.

Here's a rep for you,I heard he's the best in town,he even designed the samsung instinct and told me it would kill the iphone!
Dan Hesse
you can find him by screaming that the iphone is infact comming to sprint.

You can't expect people to help you if you don't tell us what the problem is, give us the information, and we'll do what we can to help you.
Unfortunately, we won't be able to help you with anything that concerns changes on the network side, but we will be able to point you in the right to direction to find a resolution to your problem.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

ThatGuyFromSprint said:
You can't expect people to help you if you don't tell us what the problem is, give us the information, and we'll do what we can to help you.
Unfortunately, we won't be able to help you with anything that concerns changes on the network side, but we will be able to point you in the right to direction to find a resolution to your problem.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
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I've been communicating with someone about this and am currently trying to get it resolved as we speak. To all who have their panties up in a bunch, sorry, might wanna check into getting that fixed, and to all who have offered any assistance, I appreciate it.

jerry43812 said:
I've been communicating with someone about this and am currently trying to get it resolved as we speak. To all who have their panties up in a bunch, sorry, might wanna check into getting that fixed, and to all who have offered any assistance, I appreciate it.
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You come to a dev forum of a phone looking for assistance with sprint. This is not the place to do that. If you have an issue with the advice we may be able to offer device but any customer care and or network related issue cant be resolved here and its kind of ridiculous to think so.

you do know the sprint has forums of their own if you wanted to demand assistance...coming here and demanding someone 'from' sprint to tend to your need is a pretty ***** move if you ask me.....especially without giving any information about your problem....
just my $.02

Oh thats great, everyone can ***** this guy out for making a demanding thread yet my post gets deleted.....


2.1 leak OFFICIAL root status thread.

Since nobody else has created this thread, thought it might be a good idea to have this 1 around.
Lets get this thing rooted
Edit:: Devs working on the 2.1 Leak root, please contact me via PM. It would be great to know who all is working hard on this
I believe the individual responsible for rooting the Legend is coming back from vacation tomorrow (IF the big ass ash cloud permits flying again), and there might be a chance it can be replicated onto the ERIS. So yeah, it's a good idea to put it all in one area.
I hope it can but im not holding my breath.
Sent from my Eris using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Wonderful! Hopefully this will encourage more users to post progress of the rooting.
Perhaps a mod can sticky this thread?
Please sticky this thread
anom69 said:
Please sticky this thread
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And please, please, please can we keep it clean and on topic! Hope to see some stuff happening here. Go root!
Bump...waiting for the root of the 2.1 leak also...I will donate to the guy or team who does..
Well its good to know they overlooked us.
anom69 said:
Well its good to know they overlooked us.
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If they did its because of ungrateful people like you.
Most of the devs dont have Eris' anymore let alone an Eris with leaked 2.1 to test with. Te guy who rooted the desire/legend in one fell swoop was notified and has shown interest in helping. So keep your pants on, if you have 2.1 leak its your own fault for jumping the gun.
For the record I jumped the gun too, but acquired a new Eris which is now rooted.
Sometimes minor frustration sounds ungrateful. I'm pretty sure what was being commented on was the fact that no devs addressed the subject. And, I bet the OP'er was really just trying to get the subject back up in the first page.
My conscience won't let me turn in my Eris for a mistake I made. The rest of the folks who can't or won't turn their phones in for replacement are having to hope for the best, same as me and the OP'er.
Nothing personal, meant here (more like an implied question) but I find myself curious about why someone who's already rooted, and is not apparently a dev is even reading this thread..
Nothing personal, meant here (more like an implied question) but I find myself curious about why someone who's already rooted, and is not apparently a dev is even reading this thread..
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I try and stay current with all things eris. just tired of reading the same.old bump complaints
Sent from my Evil Eris v1.1 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
*sigh* I hear ya. Your gripe is totally valid. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk.
As someone in the same position as anom69, I was glad to see this thread started.. if nothing else, then to toss out a line and see whether anybody was still plying at it.. I keep picturing the "real" hackers not bothering with the cheap/free/not-so-impressively-spec'd Eris and getting, instead, (what they might term) "real" phones.. basically echoing what you stated earlier..
The story of Legend-rooter dude sounds promising. It'd be awesome of it turns into something.
It's more like "geez i can't stand to hear these people whine, maybe I will get an iphone instead".
or a motodroid.
It was kinda annoying seeing a signature that says I have root, but I'm not going to share it too. Like, why be a d!ck if you figured it out? If you don't want to share it or be bugged, don't say anything.
I do tutorials and write-ups for a truck forum. If I didn't want people PM'ing me, emailing me, or asking questions in forums all the time I wouldn't have done them in the first place. Seems simple enough: don't want attention then keep your head down.
If someone is running leak version one and doesnt mind taking a chance, come hit me up on #droideris
piercedtiger said:
If I didn't want people PM'ing me, emailing me, or asking questions in forums all the time I wouldn't have done them in the first place. Seems simple enough: don't want attention then keep your head down.
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Good advice.
Scratch my last request, I will keep my head out of it. Let someone else figure it out.
Awaiting piercedtiger's how to on leak rooting.
jcase said:
Good advice.
Scratch my last request, I will keep my head out of it. Let someone else figure it out.
Awaiting piercedtiger's how to on leak rooting.
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Okay, so your going to let one dude ruin the work that would help loads of people like me???? Personally, I'm amazed at the work all the devs put into these forums and thankful.
since I have started coming here for all my information on rooting and whatnot I have noticed one major theme that pops up over and over, there are a few devs here with a holier than thou attitude, if you are doing this for fun and nonprofit as you claim to, then deal with us noobs who can't do this stuff on our own, you cry and whine when someone asks a question, like we are intruding on your personal space, we only ask because we don't know how to do this ourselves and are kinda stuck sitting watching and waiting, and when all we see are threads about new roms and such for rooted users, it kinda leaves us wondering, what about me, yes you are right we jumped the gun with installing the leak, but who told us it was ok, it was you guys, we aces our trust in you devs because we trust what you have to say, leaving is now high and dry because everyone jumped ship and got a replacement phone or a Droid or whatever, so doors that make us the bad guys because we want to know, what about us?
and a second thing, I've read a couple threads where devs are kinda claiming responsibility for obtaining root, but when in reality, while it was "obtained", it was not done so in a legal, nor reproducable manner, as I heard someone hacked HTC and found a prerooted file, so while we do hold the devs in high reguard for being able to do what we cannot, please do not be so full of yourselves and forget that you are human just like us
sorry for the rant, but getting tired of some things around here
and also, not everything here applies to all the devs, but I won't name names here
jcase said:
Good advice.
Scratch my last request, I will keep my head out of it. Let someone else figure it out.
Awaiting piercedtiger's how to on leak rooting.
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Honestly, after the way you acted last time someone "bothered" you about this I never expected to hear from you again about this let alone a solution.
So forgive me if I don't get upset about you bowing out again when someone speaks up.

Desire HD stuck on HTC screen

Hi to all.
I just got a HTC desire HD from a client ant it's stuck on HTC screen.
Unfortunately I an kind of new in the android world so I would like some help please.
Thank you.
Nycu said:
I just got a HTC desire HD from a client
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Is the client paying you to fix the handset?
Ehm, return to htc? Problem solved, close this tread.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA App
Wrong section.
If your being paid then maybe offer money for help outside of xda, making money off the help people give for free is immoral.
However, it sounds like a bootloop. Has the client been flashing/rooting?
Search the forum for bootloop.
Sent from my Motorola 8500
andyharney said:
Is the client paying you to fix the handset?
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That matters, why?
@OP: Take battery out, then put in and turn on while holding volume down and let us know if you get a white screen with writing on it.
Look for S-ON or S-OFF. If it says S-OFF then you can fix this really easily.
Edit: As everyone is say "ZOMG CLOSES THIS THREADS OMG I AM TEH AWESOME!!!111ONE!!!!1111ELEVENTY". If some mod comes and closes it, because you dared to ask for help. Then feel free to PM me.
PartTimeLegend said:
That matters, why?
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It matters because I'm not willing to spend my time and help someone who is being paid to help someone else.
Edit: As everyone is say "ZOMG CLOSES THIS THREADS OMG I AM TEH AWESOME!!!111ONE!!!!1111ELEVENTY". If some mod comes and closes it, because you dared to ask for help. Then feel free to PM me.
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Where in this thread do you see that? Who said there awesome, and what does "1111ELEVENTY" have to do with anything.
If you're not willing to help people. Then don't spam up threads in which you're not willing to help in.
If the guy is getting paid, then good for him. He didn't come here and say "Client is asking me to fix this for money". You came here enquiring about money.
If you're so desperate for cash, go do something productive with your life.
Sorry? Have I offended you?
Spamming up threads? That must be what I'm doing with my time these days then.
As for doing something productive, you know virtually nothing about me, nor how much money I earn. If I was desperate for cash I'd probably have a "Donate to me" button next to my username and spam up threads.
I apologize if me asking for you assistance made other people argue but I am just a employee in service that repair mobile phones and other electronics. Witch means that I am not paid directly by the client. My kind of work might make me discover other solutions to other problems I would not have any problems sharing them to other people without caring why they need it.
I am sure that everybody in this forum works somewhere and many of you in the mobile business so many of you are being payed to do this.
andyharney said:
Sorry? Have I offended you?
Spamming up threads? That must be what I'm doing with my time these days then.
As for doing something productive, you know virtually nothing about me, nor how much money I earn. If I was desperate for cash I'd probably have a "Donate to me" button next to my username and spam up threads.
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You sir are pure win.
I don't know what's the point of the whole argument.
A guy posted a question asking for help on how to fix a client's phone. Who knows how many members of the xda are community are working on repair shops, who of course ask for money in return of their services?
If you're not willing to help then do yourself a favor and quit bashing the guy. Don't act as you're the only all-knowing guy who could fix his problem.
Nycu said:
I apologize if me asking for you assistance made other people argue but I am just a employee ........ I am sure that everybody in this forum works somewhere and many of you in the mobile business so many of you are being payed to do this.
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There is no need to apologise as you have done nothing wrong, aside from posting in the wrong section which wasn't a crime last time I checked.
I was never my intention to turn this thread into an argument, nor do I think I did. I never bashed the guy. If you read through 99%+ of my posts I do try to help people. Not act like an obnoxious child.
We (the community) would need more information to help you. Do you know how to access the bootloader? Did the client tell you what had happened prior to this problem. Has he/she rooted / modified the handset.
HERE is a similar thread from the info we have so far. The problem was solved. Try following this thread to see if that solves your problem too.
leeston2379 said:
Wrong section.
If your being paid then maybe offer money for help outside of xda, making money off the help people give for free is immoral.
However, it sounds like a bootloop. Has the client been flashing/rooting?
Search the forum for bootloop.
Sent from my Motorola 8500
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It turned out that the owner of the phone had been playing (flashing/rooting) with the phone.
So yes it was a bootloop and I fixed it.
Thank you for your help.

Trying to provide Teamovercome with a CMDA Tab

Dear Teamovercome,
What does us CMDA'ers got to do to get shown some love? Do we need to get you you a CMDA Gtab? I am just curious...I know that deep down you would love to spread your overcome love to us guys/gals that are left out in the Seriously...this may have been asked of you before, but if there is anything that I can do to get the ball rolling...Let me know
-Thanks \oo/
neo4uo said:
Dear Teamovercome,
What does us CMDA'ers got to do to get shown some love? Do we need to get you you a CMDA Gtab? I am just curious...I know that deep down you would love to spread your overcome love to us guys/gals that are left out in the Seriously...this may have been asked of you before, but if there is anything that I can do to get the ball rolling...Let me know
-Thanks \oo/
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Hi neo...
There's one simple reason why there's no Overcome development directly on the CDMA-based Tabs, and you've hit it right on the nail: AB86 doesn't have a CDMA unit to work, and no one on the team has one either.
However, if I'm not mistaken, and there is someone whose trying to work it out for CDMA Tabs. Not sure if it's Gingerbread-based though, as the kernel currently available is for GSM-based Tabs only.
Sent from my Overcome-Powered Tab!
thepittbull said:
Hi neo...
There's one simple reason why there's no Overcome development directly on the CDMA-based Tabs, and you've hit it right on the nail: AB86 doesn't have a CDMA unit to work, and no one on the team has one either.
However, if I'm not mistaken, and there is someone whose trying to work it out for CDMA Tabs. Not sure if it's Gingerbread-based though, as the kernel currently available is for GSM-based Tabs only.
Sent from my Overcome-Powered Tab!
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Well if that it all the teams needs, I need to call out the CMDA community and get some tablets donated, even though that is easier said than done :0. Well when there is a will there is a way.
neo4uo said:
Well if that it all the teams needs, I need to call out the CMDA community and get some tablets donated, even though that is easier said than done :0. Well when there is a will there is a way.
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Since its you who seems to want it that badly why don't you donate one?
TheATHEiST said:
Since its you who seems to want it that badly why don't you donate one?
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That's what it may come to, but would rather hear feed back from the devs first . Then I can go from there
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I think we need AB86's view on this. I know he helped someone port an older [Froyo] version of Overcome to CDMA although I am not absolutely certain how functional it actually is on CDMA.
AB86 will definitely have glanced at the idea though so he will be the best one to give us an idea of what's possible and what's not
MK is right on. AB86 did help a CDMA tabber port some overcome goody to CDMA tab and this is farthest that tabber got:
@ the OP,
Can I suggest that you change the title of the thread to something a little more descriptive of the topic.
Its just that sometimes these kind of threads can turn into "If you want it, do it yourself" / "stop harrasing the dev's" type flame fests....
And from just glancing at the thread title it looks as if you have some kind of problem with the Overcome devs.
I appreciate that your only asking for info and not making demands, just want to make sure that someone doesnt see the title and decide to start rage posting without even reading.
I would be more than willing to work on a CDMA tab, given I had one That's the biggest set back really. I did help the other member try and get Overcome running on it, but its extremely difficult and slow to develop on a device I don't physically have in hand.
conantroutman said:
@ the OP,
Can I suggest that you change the title of the thread to something a little more descriptive of the topic.
Its just that sometimes these kind of threads can turn into "If you want it, do it yourself" / "stop harrasing the dev's" type flame fests....
And from just glancing at the thread title it looks as if you have some kind of problem with the Overcome devs.
I appreciate that your only asking for info and not making demands, just want to make sure that someone doesnt see the title and decide to start rage posting without even reading.
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Changing the title now...Maybe it was offensive for some or alter...if it was I apologize
alterbridge86 said:
I would be more than willing to work on a CDMA tab, given I had one That's the biggest set back really. I did help the other member try and get Overcome running on it, but its extremely difficult and slow to develop on a device I don't physically have in hand.
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That will be my project. I will contact a few sources and see what I can get going. I just wondered if you would be even willing if we could get you a tab. It sounds like you are
neo4uo said:
Changing the title now...Maybe it was offensive for some or alter...if it was I apologize
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I'm sure nobody found it offensive... perhaps just too general
mkhattab said:
I'm sure nobody found it offensive... perhaps just too general
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Exactly, its clear you didn't mean to be offensive it's just that some people have a habit of posting before reading
Swyped from my shiny new SGS2....
conantroutman said:
Swyped from my shiny new SGS2....
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Thank you for everything.

I want to just take a second and say thanks for ALL the support I have received from most of you since I started out here. I realize that Autism and Android were an unlikely pair but I thought it worked well.
Lately there has been an increasing level intolerance for what I was trying to do here. I know it's a vocal minority but they have become louder and louder. I have become quite disheartened as of late with the direction this forum has taken and I'm going to step back for a while. My ultimate goal is to further the spread of Autism Awareness and hopefully get Android4Autism launched by the end of the summer or early fall and so I'm going to redirect my efforts there.
I honestly had the best of intentions with everything I was doing here but it has apparently run it's course. Aside from asking you to "think about donating your old devices for the Android4Autism project (and I specifically said not until after everything was set up and legit so that everyone was protected) and votes, I never asked for anything. Despite the claims that have been made to the contrary about my intentions.
I want to thank everyone for voting for my blog but as you may notice the thread has been moved after being here for over 2 1/2 months. I realize that it was not "on topic" but it was a positive thread. I thought it was amazing how everyone unified and worked together for a common goal. I suspect that the vocal minority contributed to this and that saddens me. I'm not angry this happened, it's just that fact that some people would take it upon themselves to get this removed from our forums after all this time, instead of just not reading it.
I'm not looking for anything out of this. After all you have given to me, I felt I owed you an explanation for my decision. That's the very least I can do. I'll never be able to repay all the kindness and support you have shone to both me and my family. You have all made a difference in our lives. You have helped to spread awareness and for that I will forever be grateful.
Please don't turn this into a flame war either. I'll close the thread myself. I just want everyone to understand how grateful I am for everything and that my stepping back is my choice. My methods are becoming the target for some people and I won't change the way I'm doing things because I believe in what I'm doing. So the best thing is to just walk away. At least for now.
You all know where to find me and I'm happy to help. Please feel free to contact me through my blog or Google+ if you need anything and I will do whatever I can to help you.
Thanks again for everything. I'm very proud of what we were able to accomplish. Please help to keep this community moving forward.
Keep up the great work , Sir !
Forget about those that complain about everything, what you do is great! Besst of luck to you!
Sent from my SPH-D700
WTG blank HEADS!!!!! another bomb dev/human gone... this is why most ppl stayed at ppcgeeks for so long... tooo much bs and neg energy...
ill miss your work ptfdmedic.. best of luck for you and your growing family!!
Thanks Rob for all that you do. And I hope you don't let this get you down too much. I remember when I first came to this forum and I thought what is this autism stuff all about here but as I took the time to read and learn I appreciated what you were doing and felt it was a great cause. If the bs here isn't worth your time I can hardly blame you. You've been far more generous with it than most would be. I as I am sure most people wish you nothing but the best!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
im sorry to see u go rob will miss you and i hope u and emmett(sp?) and family (sp?)
do well.
Thanks for all your hard work and i know you will be missed i hit thanks for you, goal is to break that thank meter, i really want to see one full
Farewell and best wishes
- David
ptfdmedic said:
I realize that it was not "on topic" but it was a positive thread.
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Not trying to be a **** but this sentence pretty much sums it up.
Thank you for what you have done.
As much as I would like to point fingers at those responsible I will refrain from it because you asked me not to.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
You will be missed. I haven't been on as often as I used to because of all the BS here, but I still lurk and you will be missed!
machx0r said:
Not trying to be a **** but this sentence pretty much sums it up.
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Yes, yes you are.
How hard is it to not click on threads about things you're not interested in?
Keep up the good work brother! Hopefully things will calm down here while you focus on your rom! I sent you a PM a while back... I may have some connections in the school (if you don’t already). Might help in pushing your rom on a local basis. Stay strong, God bless, and good luck in your endeavors!
From one medic to another... you're alright in my book!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
machx0r said:
Not trying to be a **** but this sentence pretty much sums it up.
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Rob asked us to not turn it into a flaming thread, but you sure don't make it easy. Funny how you have been on xda 2 months, but have only posted 21 times and you choose to post on this... why are you trying to start something?
JettMartinez said:
Yes, yes you are.
How hard is it to not click on threads about things you're not interested in?
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+1 no matter how kind and sincere you can be in a post there is always gonna be the one degenerate at the keyboard thinking "How can I dump on this guy."
As for the OP, keep up the good work bro
im not a homer by any means but when my Epic took a swim i was forced to boot my moment up and went back to SDX developers for roms..i REALLY wished the Epic would have caught on over there..just seems like a much better environment....this site has driven away quite a few developers..its a shame..thanks for everything you do rob.not just over here but with your Windows Mobile stuff over at PPCGeeks.if people cant tolerate your Autism Awareness, with all the good stuff you put out for the Epic, then this isnt the place for shouldnt be the other way around...
JettMartinez said:
Yes, yes you are.
How hard is it to not click on threads about things you're not interested in?
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Just as hard as it is to follow the forum rules. Say for instance that I considered the elimination of homosexualaity a "positive cause". Should I be allowed to push that agenda here at the cost of the owners of the site simply because I think this is a positive agenda? (According to some users, yes...)
dnathan13 said:
Rob asked us to not turn it into a flaming thread, but you sure don't make it easy. Funny how you have been on xda 2 months, but have only posted 21 times and you choose to post on this... why are you trying to start something?
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Regardless of what Rob has given to us (the community) why does he not have to follow the rules of the forum? Why is it appropriate for him to come and complain that his thread was moved to the correct forum and he is quitting because he disagrees with the opinion of those that pay for and/or manager this resource to be available to us?
@dnathan13: Regarding your comment on my membership length here... What Android software have you developed in your lengthy membership in these forums?
I got another one for you, like old times: "The best way to fight negative acts is with perseverance, love and the truth"
Stay the course my friend and don't let nobody tell you lies about the truth you cary...
Sent from an Epic with 4G
Pete720 said:
+1 no matter how kind and sincere you can be in a post there is always gonna be the one degenerate at the keyboard thinking "How can I dump on this guy."
As for the OP, keep up the good work bro
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Fail to see how pointing out that we must play by the rules the owners of this site set is "dumping on someone". It's reality, if you don't like it create your own forum and set the rules...
EDIT: I have nothing against Rob's cause and believe the thread is in the correct forum now...
Rob, I've supported you ever since I heard about you and your cause. You are one of the few members here that has gained my respect. I thank you for *Everything* you've done here.
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G.
machx0r said:
Just as hard as it is to follow the forum rules. Say for instance that I considered the extermination of homosexuals a "positive cause". Should I be allowed to push that agenda here at the cost of the owners of the site simply because I think this is a positive agenda? (According to some users, yes...)
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I don't believe any HUMAN being would have a problem with autism awareness.
Like comparing apples and oranges.
Thanks Rob. I've enjoyed reading and learning from you. I've been a member pretty much since the epic launched, lurked and just read alot; lately its hard not to respond to some of this.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Keep that head up Rob we are all still behind you. You showed us a piece of yourself and your family here and became a friend to most of us. Keep in mind one thing, you are dealing with a lot of minors on heee and they cant grasp the idea they are ****ting on you with some of the comments about your intentions. They arent mature enough to see how it comes out. The mature adults will remain on your side.
Never feel you asked for anything or too much. Your community came together to give you what you deserved without you asking for it.
Take a rest man play with those kids, your headed in the right direction with the autism awareness, families will benefit from your sweat!
Sent from my AOSP+ Premium ROM

Who is most deserving?

Okay, I was able to file a complaint through a channel that not only has allowed me to order the Nexus 6 I wanted, but also have it sent via free overnight FedEx to be delivered tomorrow... yes, on Saturday.
I was going to post how I did this, but felt it [maybe] unfair to the people who made it happen for me.
So, this leads me to the question: Of all of the people trying to buy this phone, who would truly benefit this community if they were able to get one? Also, who would keep this information confidential and not repost it for the whole community?
Now, I'm not saying this is guaranteed, but from the time I initiated contact, I had a call back within a few short hours, and was able to place an order over the phone.
Are there any developers who have been unable to get it, who would undoubtedly do some serious good by having one?
I hope no one takes this the wrong way. I have zero developing skills, and this is just a tiny way for me to do something for someone deserving since I've benefited so much from this community.
I see what you are trying to do OP.... Might be best to just send a pm next time
Sent from my NEXUS 6
I am not asking for donations. And this thread has been taken all wrong anyway.
wvcadle said:
I am not asking for donations. And this thread has been taken all wrong anyway.
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Ok, I would vote for @franciscofranco. I believe he is still waiting for his and is supposed to be shipped Dec 15 from the UK.
obsanity said:
Ok, I would vote for @franciscofranco. I believe he is still waiting for his and is supposed to be shipped Dec 15 from the UK.
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Thank you! Ask him if he's willing to wait or if he wants to go this route and I'll PM him. Hell, I've used his kernels more than any other.
@franciscofranco is waiting for his to arrive, @rascarlo cant afford one. and he is a great deserving rom developer.
This thread breaks no rules that I am aware of.
If you do not like it, do not read it.
I understand what the OP is getting at.
He has not solicited thanks or donations, if he does then report the thread.
Thread cleaned. Now keep it clean please
simms22 said:
@franciscofranco is waiting for his to arrive, @rascarlo cant afford one. and he is a great deserving rom developer.
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I cannot afford to buy a 2nd one for someone, but am willing to share how I got mine. I know franco is direct and upfront with his words. I don't want to offend him by offering him this info. But if anyone who knows him wants to let him know to contact me, I couldn't think of many more deserving than him.
Edit: thread was cleaned.
MOD EDIT @gregbradley
Please watch your language. If this thread goes pear shaped I will close it. I am watching
I agree with offering the info to Franciscofranco cause he makes a hell of a kernel and keeps it well updated! I'm sure he'd like to get started.
I'd contact CarbonROM or Slim. Last I heard Carbon said they'd only support n6 if they won a phone as no maintainers had money for it.
Skripka said:
I'd contact CarbonROM or Slim. Last I heard Carbon said they'd only support n6 if they won a phone as no maintainers had money for it.
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Please understand what the OP is saying
He does not have a phone to give away
He just knows a way for people to get hold of one quickly, you still have to buy it. He is not selling his own phone.
This isnt even really ground breaking news, all he did was complain up the chain of command and like most execs they dont want to deal with it so in order to make the client happy they just take care of them. You mention they told you not to post online, yet you are doing just that. I honestly dont see the point of this thread, why dont you PM a few of the top developers and see if someone is interested. Its like you are playing a game and somehow you have to be entitled to get your super top secret information.
If it were up to me i would contact someone from Slim team, CM team, PA team, and OMNI team as those 4 are actually doing real development and dont just kang/piece together bits and pieces from every other rom out there.
Circaflex said:
This isnt even really ground breaking news, all he did was complain up the chain of command and like most execs they dont want to deal with it so in order to make the client happy they just take care of them. You mention they told you not to post online, yet you are doing just that. I honestly dont see the point of this thread, why dont you PM a few of the top developers and see if someone is interested. Its like you are playing a game and somehow you have to be entitled to get your super top secret information.
If it were up to me i would contact someone from Slim team, CM team, PA team, and OMNI team as those 4 are actually doing real development and dont just kang/piece together bits and pieces from every other rom out there.
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Well, you have every right to feel that way, even as wrong as you are. The last thing I need to do is justify anything to you or anyone else. I've got a temper, and it has shown on here, but I'm not game player. Like others have said, if you don't like the post, leave it alone.
Well OP im no Dev but if youre willing to shed some light on just how you managed that you'd be the coolest person on xda.
why the sudden change of heart though? you originally said you'd share the info if the phone did indeed ship now you wanna have some sort of vote on who to give the info to?
wvcadle said:
Boom! Anyway, check back here Friday evening. Once I see my 64GB MB N6 "en route", as in "having left the care of its sender and in the hands of the carrier", I'll post how I got someone to listen to, respond, and sell me a phone, all within the same day.
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just sayin
How bout sharing it with a fellow WV native?
Somehow the thought of a smartphone in West Virginia is surreal to me.
Circaflex said:
why the sudden change of heart though? you originally said you'd share the info if the phone did indeed ship now you wanna have some sort of vote on who to give the info to?
just sayin
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Yes, you're correct. I was overly excited and hadn't had time to think about it. And then.... I thought about it and how awesome this person on a small team was to me, and decided against it.
I have no problem with this thread being closed. It's obvious aside from the few who "got" what I was trying to do and posted suggestions, the rest have just whined or bickered on here.
In Desolation said:
Somehow the thought of a smartphone in West Virginia is surreal to me.
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As opposed to Tennessee...? Lol!
wvcadle said:
As opposed to Tennessee...? Lol!
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Born and raised in WV, moved to Tennessee 2 years ago. Grew up in Ravenswood.

