HD2 Hard to read Quicklink Text - HD2 General

Hi guys, just got my HD2 few days ago,
I haven't modified the rom or anything just applied the following:
Dutty's Taskmanager
DJC Taskbar
Cookie's Home Tab
I don't know how the quicklink or shortcut text looked before but I noticed that the text is not as clear, I mean the white color of the text of homescreen shortcuts is not as clear, I have no problems with reading anywhere else except on the home tab....
The white text is bit hard to read... I don't know if everyone has this problem?... is it normal?... Also is there a way to change the size of the text because I think if I make it like bold text, then it would be much easier to read....
again the Start button text, menu and phone at the bottom (which are quite thick letters) look very fine its just the text of shortcuts and weather temperature...
please let me know if anyone else has similar text that is hard to read..

is cleartype enabled?
settings tab - menu - all settings - system - screen enable cleartype.

samsamuel said:
is cleartype enabled?
settings tab - menu - all settings - system - screen enable cleartype.
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Click to collapse
Hi.... I don't see "Screen" icon when I go into system... ?? Which option are you talking about?
Please clarify
p.s. this issue is the same as one discussed recently about pixelated home tab...
I am using stock rom with Cookie's Home tab....
If anyone knows about any .cab files that can be installed to solve this problem, please let me know.. .thank you.. again the problem is hard to read quick link text and weather text below the clock on the home screen (when I say hard to read It is somewhat blurry but readable.. this is not a serious issue but it doesn't look very good on the huge screen of HD2) any help will be appreciated thanks....

np231 said:
Hi.... I don't see "Screen" icon when I go into system... ?? Which option are you talking about?
Please clarify
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Click to collapse
seems teh screen settings are hidden by default in some roms.
With a registry editor, browse to
HKLM/controlpanel/pen and change the value of 'Hide' from 1 to 0.
Soft reset, then go settings tab - menu - all settings - system and you should see screen settings icon.

samsamuel said:
seems teh screen settings are hidden by default in some roms.
With a registry editor, browse to
HKLM/controlpanel/pen and change the value of 'Hide' from 1 to 0.
Soft reset, then go settings tab - menu - all settings - system and you should see screen settings icon.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You are a life safer! it makes such a huge difference I can't believe it wasnt on by default! amazing!!!! thanks thanks thanks!


Nice, this should go in the tweak list!

While I agree that ClearType makes a huge difference, I second the request to make quicklinks text in Cookie's Home Tab larger or adjustable. ClearType or not, it is quite hard to read as of now.


Remove icons on Today Screen

I am looking to see if anyone knows how to remove the icons on the Today Screen... I'm talking about the small icons in the bottom right corner just above the "contacts" bar... It's not an option in the today screen settings and I freakin hate them.
Remove the Tray Icon from Today Screen:
Registry: \HKLM\init\
Key: Launch92
Action: DELETE
Note: If you want to keep some but not all of the icons:
Registry: HKLM\Software\HTC\TrayApplet
There you'll find listings for each icon (the folders are for the WinWap, MyFaves, and CommManager tray icons). Remove the ones you don't want and soft reset. If you remove the music player settings, you will then have to uncheck the plug-in from Today items.
this was one of the first things i found out about right here on xda. you can almost always find what your looking for with the search feature. Remember if you dont find it at first try to change your wording.
I tried MANY different wordings. This is pretty much the only forum where I truly have a tough time finding what I need..
I take it I need registry software to make this one work
God I'm so glad to see those worthless icons gone! Bloody brilliant, removing the contacts bar and those stupid tray icons... my home plug and today items line up PERFECTLY without needing a scrollbar!!! SWEET!
Thanks for your help.
Any other registry tweaks that could be helpful you think??
Try these two links
Curious, what did you find to be the best pagepool size? I'm at 6mb...
vr24 said:
Curious, what did you find to be the best pagepool size? I'm at 6mb...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i'm on 6mb too. and i think its the most perfect one

Touch HD Home screen

I've just been looking at the Touch HD and the Calendar on the home screen allows more than one entry. Unfortunately I'm not a dev so I was wondering if anyone has a ROM in progress with this feature. I know I'm not alone in thinking this a major loss in M2D. If it could include tasks it would be even better, I like the first screen I see to have all the info I need for that day. I know I can use SecondToday (and do) but that's an extra key press from seeing everything I need on screen 1.
i have the elite 3 rom and i can see 2 entry on the home screen. i think that more is not possible with qvga...
have you tried changing the setting in today screen options/items... selecting calender and chinging the setting there?
Install new Iolite Manila version...
Calender will only show the next, as in one, per default. You can change that in settings for the home screen
so please show us that we must change.
Pciolka said:
so please show us that we must change.
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Would you mind reading the entire topic?
bodelier said:
have you tried changing the setting in today screen options/items... selecting calender and changing the setting there?
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Click to collapse

Font Inconsistencies

Does anyone else have inconsistencies in their fonts in some pages of manila?
There are some areas of the font/letters that appear darker and some lighter, some with thicker lines, etc
I've attached some screenshots of what i'm referring to. It might not be as obvious from looking at the screenshots themselves, so I've marked some, but not all, of the "inconsistencies" with little red arrows).
Im wondering if there's a fix for it or any settings to change it. I've tried changing text size, but that doesnt seem to work... (and yes, I have tried searching the forum and wasn't able to find any previous threads relating to this).
I'm using Dutty's HG V1.2 at the moment.
Any help would be much appreciated.
have you turned on 'cleartype'?
settings - menu - all settings - system - screen - cleartype - enable cleartype
samsamuel said:
have you turned on 'cleartype'?
settings - menu - all settings - system - screen - cleartype - enable cleartype
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Click to collapse
whoa.. thanks mate! that fixed my problem!
Much appreciated!
my pleasure.

Managing Tabs ?

After installing Cookies Home Screen, I believe I lost ability to manage what tabs (Footprints, Stocks, Weather, etc) are visible.
Is there any way to manage those tabs ?
On the same line ... does T-Mobile HD2 have eReader tab and if so, how to enable it ?
bogdatov said:
After installing Cookies Home Screen, I believe I lost ability to manage what tabs (Footprints, Stocks, Weather, etc) are visible.
Is there any way to manage those tabs ?
On the same line ... does T-Mobile HD2 have eReader tab and if so, how to enable it ?
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Click to collapse
On the slider tab
Settings > Personalize > Home screen Tabs
Unfortunately I only see those menu items on slider menu:
Home wallpaper
Cookies Home Tab Editor
Edit Quick Links
Edit Home Layout
Weather demo
bogdatov said:
Unfortunately I only see those menu items on slider menu:
Home wallpaper
Cookies Home Tab Editor
Edit Quick Links
Edit Home Layout
Weather demo
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check attached...
Thanks for the screenshot. It seems you have different ROM. I have US T-Mobile HD2 Stock ROM and whereever you have
Wireless Controls
Sound & Display
Data Services
I dont have those. Mine starts with
The rest is the same.
bogdatov said:
Thanks for the screenshot. It seems you have different ROM. I have US T-Mobile HD2 Stock ROM and whereever you have
Wireless Controls
Sound & Display
Data Services
I dont have those. Mine starts with
The rest is the same.
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Click to collapse
are you reeeealy sure? cos if you leave the settings page list scrolled to the bottom, the top entry is security, , , try sliding down on the list....
OMG. I feel soooo stupid right now
Thanks a lot. Found it.
bogdatov said:
OMG. I feel soooo stupid right now
Thanks a lot. Found it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
don't feel bad....believe me you are not the first (or even the 10th) person I've seen that didn't realize the settings menu scrolled, seriously
Question answered.
Thread closed

Manila 2.5 Issues

I just downloaded the latest Verizon ROM for my HTC Touch Pro 2 which includes the new 2.5 Manila. It's different enough to be... well a bit annoying I can't seem to figure out a few things with the new interface
1) How do I get my calender to show up on the Home screen? I like the quick links thing but I sorta need the calendar more.
2) For some odd reason that 'program selector' thing in the upper right hand corner is gone now. Is this normal on Manila 2.5? I liked being able to see what programs I left open by accident and such.
3) When you read emails in landscape the font is really really weird looking, Very jagged and not smoothed at all. It looks fine in portrait mode. Any thoughts on this? It looks almost like a scaling issue of some kind.
4) Why is "all settings" in a sub menu, when it's the only option there?!!? Just make it a damn button or just replace "Menu" with "All Settings" Seems like a stupid UI decision
Ok what the hell now the 'Font Smoothing' option in personalize doesn't even work anymore! I check the box but the font no longer smooths. I click "Ok" in the upper right, or do "back" in the lower left. Nothing... I'm really beginning to think of going back to the 3.1 ROM if I can.... is this normal?
doyama said:
I just downloaded the latest Verizon ROM for my HTC Touch Pro 2 which includes the new 2.5 Manila. It's different enough to be... well a bit annoying I can't seem to figure out a few things with the new interface
1) How do I get my calender to show up on the Home screen? I like the quick links thing but I sorta need the calendar more.
2) For some odd reason that 'program selector' thing in the upper right hand corner is gone now. Is this normal on Manila 2.5? I liked being able to see what programs I left open by accident and such.
3) When you read emails in landscape the font is really really weird looking, Very jagged and not smoothed at all. It looks fine in portrait mode. Any thoughts on this? It looks almost like a scaling issue of some kind.
4) Why is "all settings" in a sub menu, when it's the only option there?!!? Just make it a damn button or just replace "Menu" with "All Settings" Seems like a stupid UI decision
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Click to collapse
1) Not sure if thats possible. But you can have appointments show..
2) What you're looking for is called Task Manager..
- JD's Task Manager - Get it here
- HTC Task Manager - Get it here
3) Enable ClearType in Landscape..
1. Go to: HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation
2. Change value to 0 (DWORD decimal)
3. Soft Reset
4) Stop Settings from going to Settings Tab..
1. With Total Commander remove settings.lnk from Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
2. Go to :HKLM\Security\Shell\StartInfo\HideSettings
3. Change the default value from 1 to 0
4. Softreset
Cool those tips really fixed up quite a few of my annoyances.
How do you get appointments onto the home page? I can't seem to get a way to get them to show up. Ironically they show up in the lock screen
I'm not sure why the font smoothing is a registry key and disabled in landscape mode. I honestly can't think of why this is so? Mostly just curious.

