HD2 will have a official Windows Mobile 7 ROM update by HTC - Not confirmed by MS - HD2 General

That is it. It is being confirmed to people asking about WM7 rom update on the device. This info is given through HTC Iberia email support (Italy, Spain, Portugal) and will probably will be disclosed through other support centers shortly. So fear not, now if only someone could make it triple boot 6.5.3/7/Android.
Oh well...carry on.
EDIT: email confirmation from HTC Iberia Support a part of HTC Europe.

This has happened before, in Russia - and that time HTC head office rushed to contradict what HTC Russia tech support was saying. So you'll have to forgive me if I wait for an official announcement before cheering....

You are forgiven . I am not talking about a tweet by a russian that decided to jump the gun. This is a confirmed HTC email support that can be tracked through support number. If you are a owner you can contact them through email support and you will probably get the same awnser. This information is now available to all users though a date is not set, it will happen.

i will try and see

ronkra said:
That is it. It is being confirmed to people asking about WM7 rom update on the device. This info is given through HTC Iberia email support (Italy, Spain, Portugal) and will probably will be disclosed through other support centers shortly. So fear not, now if only someone could make it triple boot 6.5.3/7/Android.
Oh well...carry on.
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can you giv us a link for the reply

That would disclose HTC Global ContactUs System user login info, so no way.
But please contact Support and tell them HTC Europe is giving this info out and you can get your own response.

Can you paste the contents of the reply you got from HTC?

Google translator does a bad job at it, but you will get the picture. And I don't really feel like this is proof of anything, a liar would make up the text and put it here anyways, you folks are really jaded here ain't'ya...but just so you people turn those frowns around here it goes, this is the important part of the text HTC support sent me through email:
Prezado Cliente,
Obrigado por entrar em contato com o nosso centro de atenção ao cliente.
Estamos dedicados a fornecer-lhe o melhor serviço de qualidade e atendimento para todas as suas dúvidas e preocupações.
Você recentemente escreveu-nos sobre uma questão.
Quanto a sua Solicitação, gentilmente informamos que estamos trabalhando estreitamente com a Microsoft e planejando em trazer uma Atualização da ROM Windows Mobile 7,mas por enquanto não temos as informações de quando sera lançada.
Translates to "Thanks for contacting us. We are determined to be of service to you bla,bla,bla. As for your question, we inform that we are working along with Microsoft and plan to bring a update ROM for Windows Mobile 7, as of now we do not have a release date", this concerns the HTC HD2. OK? How happy are ya now?

i thought ms just announced there will be no upgrade for our beloved hd2?

Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting our center customer.
We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and care for all your questions and concerns.
You recently wrote us about an issue.
As for his request, kindly inform that we are working closely with Microsoft and plan to bring a ROM upgrade Windows Mobile 7, but for now we do not have the information when it releases.

jamieeeee - no they did not. Some people there are just way too tweet happy.
EddyOS - That is what I meant with; Google translation does a poor job at it.

jamieeeee said:
i thought ms just announced there will be no upgrade for our beloved hd2?
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In MS's words (or there abouts) they have always stipulated that there are no current plans to update any window 6.x mobile devices to WS7P (including the HD2)
No where in any statement that I have read does it say that it will not happen, it's always that there are currently no plans (that they want to allow in the public domain). Until they do this they I would not definatly rule it out, however I still wouldn't keep your hopes up.

jrrigney - the belief that it would not happen was based on a tweet by WP7 dev team and some sites picked up on it. That along with the Microsoft rep that made the three buttons remark constructed the case.
Microsoft also said it was up to the makers to give a path to WM7, that was discarded for the most part on most sites.
Now HTC support is able to give the same information I state on the first post. This information is now status quo and released through their support team in Europe. If you own one get in touch with them. If you get a conflicting reply please state so. This is not hope related as of now. As of now you all have to keep the pressure on them and let's not allow that they do an "Adobe" on us.
Not that I really am in any way bothered by 6.5 pm the HD2, this thing rocks and visual studio, basic4ppc and openplug allow me to do whatever I want with it.

i asked in three different locations in europe and wating for answer
i asked now in all europe regions with all languages even i asked in the us support for the tmobile version

I sent a message too. I hope this one is really true; it's not the interface of WP7S that I want (looks not as good as Sense to me), but new apps is really really important.

hoss_n2 - cool. I hope they are speedy.
ozkaya - always good to have options ain't it.

are we going to have topics about whether HTC/MS will give us WM7 over and over until WM7 comes out?
Even if they say yes, we still have to wait so why can't we just wait. They could say yes today but in 3 months MS could change some code that might make it impossible for WM7 to run and they have to say no again.
It's far too early to be going round in circles with the yes/no debate.
Sorry for sharing

i got my firstr reply now wating for others
Thank you for your enquiry about Windows Mobile 7.
The HTC HD2 was released to the market with the Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system. HTC is unable to confirm that this or any device will receive a future firmware update which will involve an upgrade to the operating system.
We are excited about future developments and are working closely with many partners and will post further information on our website.
We are unable to comment further on current developments in mobile technology. Please review the latest news announcement below regarding Windows Phone 7 Series

hoss_n2 said:
i got my firstr reply now wating for others
Thank you for your enquiry about Windows Mobile 7.
The HTC HD2 was released to the market with the Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system. HTC is unable to confirm that this or any device will receive a future firmware update which will involve an upgrade to the operating system.
We are excited about future developments and are working closely with many partners and will post further information on our website.
We are unable to comment further on current developments in mobile technology. Please review the latest news announcement below regarding Windows Phone 7 Series
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I received exactly the same reply letter by letter when I contacted them a week ago. Maybe (and I really hope that) the location you have contacted hasn't updated the info yet. (It was UK for me)

ozkaya said:
I received exactly the same reply letter by letter when I contacted them a week ago. Maybe (and I really hope that) the location you have contacted hasn't updated the info yet. (It was UK for me)
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uk also for me


Linux on PPC-Phone has anyone try this distribution?

i found this linux distribution for ppc devices and ppc-phone devices.
Has anyone try it?
They do not sell or share the code unless you buy their hardware!
I am working with HTC ( the OEM maker for Wallaby) to get a device with Linux in it or at least the ROM with the US RIL( radio stack layers) for US.
I have seen a device with it running and it is Great!
NTT DOCOMO is making a call to open source OS in all their devices! So there will be some interesting developments in this area!
Isn't it made for 3G (CMDA) SmartPhones?
So there is no way to kill my ppc-windows and install this minix-linux on my mda-II?
(I don´t like this buggy windows)
WOW, the screen shots sure looks good! 8)
ahh, salvation from MS?
I e-mailed those MIZI guys... they probably don't have anything for us now, but notice, they sell some version of the OS for ipaq's on handango. So, obviously they do market their software.
If they get enough inquiries, they may be persuaded to implement something for us poor lost souls?
Ask them!!!! It's like voting, together we can affect them, most likely.
ronin said:
I am working with HTC ( the OEM maker for Wallaby) to get a device with Linux in it or at least the ROM with the US RIL( radio stack layers) for US.
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Hi... just a matter of interest, what do you mean by you're "working with HTC to get a device with Linux in it?"
As a few people including me are working on porting Linux onto the XDA, is there anything that might help us? :wink:
emailing and maybe calling is the best thing you can do.
Technically, this is a club. I ran a car club for 2 years (www.2gstratus.org if anyone is wondering, i created it, then sold it)
in our situations, we werent looking for operating system, gps or what ever, but we were looking for big ticket items (super chargers, body kits, etc...)
members emailed, called, what ever, and eventually, companys that normally would over look us, eventually began to develope $3000+ products for us
the more interest, the better ur chances.
there is a linux distrobution out there. friendlylinux.com i think
its form ARM. more specifically, the ipaqs
i had tried to install a version of it on my viewsonic v35, but it didnt work, the bootblaster kept crashing on me.
thats all i know
It is really a shame for us to PAID for a LINUX disturubtion.......
Linux should be free, right? :twisted:
Linux - Familiar
There is familiar. XDA II & HP22XX long way off. Could be sooner, but NDA=$$$$
MIZI / Linux Response
Here's what the Mizi guy had to say (somebody more technical than me please convince him that it's a great idea to make this thing work on the XDA):
Hello Rene,
My product doesn't currently support T-mobile with following reasons;
- To support a certain target, it requires lots of engineerings as for a
commercial level.
- To support a certain target, it requres detailed HW information.
I love to support Tmobile however the chance isn't come yet
Michael Lee
VP of Marketing / MIZI Research, Inc.
9F Sambo Bldg, 88 Samsung Dong,
Kangnam Gu, Seoul 13-090, Korea
Tel: +82-2. 538. 0230 (137)

I think it's time to send out "the letter..."

With E-TEN M500 getting all the goodies, from Voice Command via BT Headset, good technical support, and now Windows Mobile 5.0, I think it's time that we get some serious damage control from i-mate.
Please take as much as 30 seconds out of your life to copy and paste the following letter and send to [email protected]:
Hello, Mr. Morrison,
I am writing to you in reference to the recent press release on Windows Mobile™ 5.0 from Microsoft®, and your position to support it on existing devices such as the i-mate™ JAM and the PDA2k.
As I am aware of now, there are conflicting reports from your technical support groups to your public interviews as to whether or not current i-mate™ owners will be able to upgrade their i-mate™ devices to Windows Mobile™ 5.0. As a relatively new i-mate™ customer, yet a rather trusted, public individual on various websites, forums, and support groups, I am hoping that I can get a firm answer from you or another trusted, definitive, and reliable source at i-mate™.
Since the announcement of Windows Mobile™ 5.0, manufacturers and companies have stepped up to announce that their existing Windows Mobile™-powered devices will be provided with a firmware upgrade, either paid or free, and within a reasonable amount of time. Most recently, E-TEN Corporation, whose M500 Windows Mobile™ Phone Edition device is in direct competition with the i-mate™ JAM, have firmly announced that they will have a Windows Mobile™ 5.0 upgrade solution in the near future.
Your continued support with your existing product line is just as important as your innovation and development of new devices, such as the yet-publicly-unnamed HTC Universal model. From a technical standpoint, the i-mate™ JAM and PDA2k are fully capable of satisfying the minimum requirements of Windows Mobile™ 5.0. I am also sure you are aware of the unofficial development of Windows Mobile™ 5.0 installed on an older-generation HTC Himalaya model with much success, which further proves that the JAM and PDA2k are more than likely candidates to accept such an upgrade.
I implore you to consider your current customer base in providing Windows Mobile™ 5.0 upgrade support for the JAM and PDA2k, and hope that you can reply with a firm response as soon as possible, as they both will surely reflect on your stance regarding customer service and support, with which many existing and potential consumers will definitely take into account when purchasing their next mobile device.
Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter, and I hope to hear from you very soon.
Your Name Here
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Good luck to us all.
Good idea would be to post this message to other forums as well
If you get something back, put it in here
great idea... done ofcourse.
edit: could somebody inform ppcw.net / msmobiles.com and all other news sites about this community movement so we will get even more users to join us
BTW... I think it would be a good idea to ask i-mate for widcomm bluetooth stack.. instead of the crappy M$ one....
done! :twisted: :evil:
I worte to him 2 weeks ago and this is the letter I got back pertaining to the crappy customer service and hopeless ROM updates that tend solve some problems only to create more.
Dear Mr McClure,
Thank you for taking the time to write to us. I apologise that your experience hasn't been first rate.
Certain areas of our products do develop over time and we feel it important that new features an improvements are given to our customers as soon as they are available. Windows Media 10 became available firstly on the i-mate JAM, and we are now rolling this functionality onto our other device platforms. Similarly with video MMS capability on the JAM, improvements in camera software and post processing. New Bluetooth devices continue to enter into the market and occasionally we need to provide patches to ensure correct operation with our devices. We also receive service releases from Microsoft which we endeavour to release to our customers. We do try to stagger releases so that customers are not overloaded with patches and updates. Some critical updates we do release as patches, but we prefer to roll them up into single updates. We do perform stringent quality assurance on new builds to ensure we don't introduce new issues. This is far from our intention.
Best regards,
John Williamson
VP Technology
Office No. 207-213
Building 11
PO Box 500085
Dubai Internet City
Dubai, UAE
Tel: 00 971 (0) 4 390 1989
DDI: 00 971 (0) 4 367 8501
Fax: 00 971 (0) 4 390 4428
Mob: 00 971 (0) 50 550 8879
The camera still sucks.
johnannie said:
I worte to him 2 weeks ago and this is the letter I got back pertaining to the crappy customer service and hopeless ROM updates that tend solve some problems only to create more.
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Shouldn't you address HTC? I don't think that I-Mate (or other third brands) have anything to do with the software implementation.
Besides that, I don't know why everyone wants Mobile 5. What do you know exactly about it that is so interesting for the Magician?
done.. i hope they read it though!!!!
Dandie said:
Shouldn't you address HTC? I don't think that I-Mate (or other third brands) have anything to do with the software implementation.
Besides that, I don't know why everyone wants Mobile 5. What do you know exactly about it that is so interesting for the Magician?
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I would think htc will only do it if imate, qtek, o2, orange, t-mob etc. etc. pay them to develop and 2k5 rom for upgrade.
Why would we want it? Well persistant memory alone would be enougth for me. Seriously, we will all be looking back in a few years and saying "remember when we had PPC's and the battery run out and wiped the memory. What the f*** was that all about??!"

Response from O2 re: Blackberry on Exec

Thought I would share this update I received from O2 Data Support regarding Blackberry availability since I'd been chasing them regularly for the XDAIIs.
Still unsure whether or not to invest in the Exec, but if they can get Blackberry going on it then I think it would be a winner for me.
Thank you for your e-mail.
Blackberry Connect software is at this moment in time being developed
for the EXEC, unfortunately we cannot give any timescales on the release
The reason on this not being released on launch with the device, is due
to the EXEC carrying the WM 5.0 O/S and the present Blackberry Connect
software only being compatible with WM 2003.
When details of release are available, these will be posted on our XDA
web site www.my-xda.com
Sorry we cannot be more precise with our answer, but if you have any
further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be more
than glad to help.
Kind regards
Technical Helpdesk Advisor
Customer Technical Support
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If your company using Exchange 2003 with SP2, it can be used as a blackberry device.
numanoids said:
Thought I would share this update I received from O2 Data Support regarding Blackberry availability since I'd been chasing them regularly for the XDAIIs.
Still unsure whether or not to invest in the Exec, but if they can get Blackberry going on it then I think it would be a winner for me.
Thank you for your e-mail.
Blackberry Connect software is at this moment in time being developed
for the EXEC, unfortunately we cannot give any timescales on the release
The reason on this not being released on launch with the device, is due
to the EXEC carrying the WM 5.0 O/S and the present Blackberry Connect
software only being compatible with WM 2003.
When details of release are available, these will be posted on our XDA
web site www.my-xda.com
Sorry we cannot be more precise with our answer, but if you have any
further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be more
than glad to help.
Kind regards
Technical Helpdesk Advisor
Customer Technical Support
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Remember, it took O2 and RIM nearly a year to get it right; given RIM haven't got a 3G device yet I'd say it will be this time next year when we see it on Exec.
Sad but true - O2 is at the mercy of RIM, and the RIM Connect team are at the mercy of the RIM Core team
We do run Exchange 2003 - not sure what our plans are to implement SP2 and we are a Blackberry house already. Need to have a word with our global messaging team to find out what the plans are.
Also, when I last looked at AUTD notifications for Exchange 2003 Sp1, O2 said that they didn't support AUTD which rendered the technology useless if you were on O2.
I'd sincerely hope that seeing as they are selling a device that has the capability, O2 would have the foresight(?) to look at accomodating customers who was to take advantage of it.
I don't think Rim will take that long to develop a client - given the current state of affairs in the states they'll be looking to increase their userbase with or without their own hardware and what better way that to incorporate support for newer clients? They'll know the Universal supports the Exchange push technology, but while its still being brought into production why not jump in and keep hold of existing RIM customers by accomodating their new devices.

Agile Messenger for WM 5.0

We will be releasing a new version of Agile Messenger for WM5.0 both PPC and Smartphone versions, that is a complete re-write from the ground up. The BETA will be available in the next week or so, and will be posted publicly on this forum for all of the members to download.
Your feedback is appreciated, and we are quite confident that you will be happy with the new Agile Messnger for WM5.0.
Thanks for your continued support.
Agilemobile.com Ltd
Good news indeed! Will it utilise the video cam functionality.....?!
Well one can dream....
Can you give us a preview of the screens, or expected functionality?
Really want to see what I'm waiting for!
daliancer said:
Good news indeed! Will it utilise the video cam functionality.....?!
Well one can dream....
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No ... a good point and a definative reason to use it instead of Messenger.
Great! Thanks
Cool, I actually just tried to put agile on my wizard yesterday. Everything was lookin good. I signed on AIM and could recieve message, but the ones I sent never made it through. It would also disconnect when the device was in standby for a minute or so, but that was probably the fault of the rom. Use of softkeys would make this program really nice.
great news...
i found that agile did work on my jasjar but the today screen plug in always gave an error..
is there any voip features??? or google talk???
im so hapey im tring not to cray :,-) i love Agil, sethmw can u add support for cam on Qtek 9000 and Qtek 9100 can u?
sethmw said:
We will be releasing a new version of Agile Messenger for WM5.0 both PPC and Smartphone versions, that is a complete re-write from the ground up. The BETA will be available in the next week or so, and will be posted publicly on this forum for all of the members to download.
Your feedback is appreciated, and we are quite confident that you will be happy with the new Agile Messnger for WM5.0.
Thanks for your continued support.
Agilemobile.com Ltd
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You were mentioning that Agile is free, but according to the agile mobile website, you have to pay for Agile messenger. So what's up with that? :?:
To: Sethmw
Will be the new version QVGA ready?


Not to be a stickler, but you mentioned the same "Agile rewrite" story in a few weeks and offered me to be part of a beta in a private message... which I still have, dated October 24, 2005, and you haven't responded to any of my emails or PMs since then.
While I'm glad there's finally some apparent progress, I would have hoped to be part of that development to make sure the next version that comes out isn't going to be riddled with bugs that we'd have to wait weeks at a time for updates...
IM+ seemed to have stopped at 4.04 back when I purchased it in December and I, too, have been emailing them with a bunch of bug fixes and feature requests, also without response.
Let's hope someone pulls through with a decent IM for the Pocket PC platform, finally.
BeyondtheTech said:
Let's hope someone pulls through with a decent IM for the Pocket PC platform, finally.
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Here, here! This is the one area where windows mobile just doesn't have a really good piece of software at any price.
It's a bummer that it sounds like the promise of a revamped version of Agile hitting open beta soon might be an empty one...
Agile Beta
The reason for the delay in the Beta is the fact that it was an entire re-write. Agile Messenger has been in development for over 3 years now. To expect us to re-write the client for WM 5.0 in 3 weeks is a DREAM.
The new client has been in development since late September and will be available for public Beta in the next couple of weeks. Sending PM's asking for it today is a waste of time, because we do not want to release the Beta until we are internaly satisfied with it as a release candidate. The purpose of the Beta is to work out bugs, not to release a version that is not ready to be used publicaly.
Everyone on this forum will recieve the Beta at the same time, which as I said will be available here in the next few weeks.
Agile Messenger for Symbian phones currently has a license fee in certain markets as we develop our billing network.
Agile Messenger for Windows Mobile will be free for the time being and will eventualy be a licensed product as well.
As I said we have a team of developers that have been working on Agile Messenger for over 3 years now, and we currently support 4 operating systems and over 40 unique devices. I like to think that we provide a product that is better then any of the other solutions out there, and we would like to continue to do that. Therefore at some point it is neccesary to charge a license fee, as unfortunately we can not support a staff of developers over an infinate period of time as a charity.
We appreciate your continued support, and intend to continue to provide a solution that is second to none.
For those of you that expect special treatment and early Beta's it is simply not possible as we intend to provide it to the entire community as soon as our internal devlopment team and quality controll is satisfied that it is ready for public release.
Thanks again, and we look forward to your feedback.
Agilemobile.com Ltd.
In response to the question regarding QVGA, we hope to be releasing a version for WM 5.0 Smartphone devices at the same time as the version for the WM 5.0 PPC based devices.
The new version should support:
Push To Talk
Image Transfer
Group Management
Typing Notification
Support for AOL, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, and Google Talk
Amongst a number of other new features, and an entirely new interface.
There have ben a number of internal builds over the past few months, and we expect to be releasing a Beta very shortly.
Agilemobile.com Ltd.
Will the new version of agile support HTML links and message text copy?
sethmw said:
The new version should support:
Push To Talk
Image Transfer
Group Management
Typing Notification
Support for AOL, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo, and Google Talk
Amongst a number of other new features, and an entirely new interface.
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Does the fact that you are posting on Universal’s forum mean that there will be a version of Agile messenger specialized for the Universal?
For instance on Nokias you have the option Send picture from new, meaning that the software is aware of the camera on the mobile. The other thing that I was always missing on my Nokia, I believe that on PPCs it is even more needed, is the FILE TRANSFER. Will you make this possible?
Can anyone post the new version here as soon it's released. Thanks

Confirm from Verizon wm6.1 for 4/15/08

I spoke to a representative at Verizon and was told to check out verizonwireless.com for a link for you to connect via your phone to update wm6.1. Don't know how true that is from the representative ...I have the i760
Thanks for the info, been wating for this!
Me too! I just hope the information is accurate.
I looked at the VZW site and found nothing pertaining to the 6.1 update....
I even tried the windows update under settings on the phone.
If anyone finds out anything PLEASE POST!!!!!!!!!
slyaii said:
I spoke to a representative at Verizon and was told to check out verizonwireless.com for a link for you to connect via your phone to update wm6.1. Don't know how true that is from the representative ...I have the i760
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I asked this:
"As you can tell by your records, I have the VX6800. I am waiting for the upgrade to WM 6.1. Is there a projected date of release for WM 6.1? Thanks in advance."
Got this for a reply:
Thank you for contacting Verizon Wireless through our website. My name is John, and I am happy to assist you.
Currently, Verizon Wireless does not offer Windows Mobile 6.1. I am unable to provide information regarding which soft is being considered or approximate release dates, as this may raise expectations that may not be met."
Another reason I am moving accounts over the Sprint. They have the GPS ROM released and have announced upgrades to 6.1 the middle of this year.
Of course, this doesn't really matter but it's the principle that counts.
Yeah I called Verizon yesterday and all I got was, "Sir, unfortunately I don't have knowledge pertaining to that". Followed by the famous, "Is there anything else I can help you with sir?" NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Thanks for choosing VZWhave a great day!
I don't like VZW much because they charge you for everything...they suck IMHO.
now available wm6.1
if you guys already know about this update to windows mobile 6.1, ignore this link:
I wanted to update my info.

