A way to cure 'Memory Leak' - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'd been experiencing memory leak problem for months. Atleast 1-3 soft-resets were a must within each day. I'd tried out many way to resolve and now I think I've found a way to get over it.
But first, the memory leak in my sense is the decreasing of program's free RAM after each soft reset. Even you are not touching your ppc, your free RAM still going down and hang up at the end.
In my case I primaryly noticed the service.exe size was becoming bigger and bigger from 200KB to 16+MB within few hours (possibly). The problem caused by windows live service. I still do not know any technical reasons behind but after I deleted some Windows Live registry keys, the problem has gone. Now is after my 2 days test, the services.exe has never gone beyond 1.6 MB. System is now very stable no reset required for days.
This might help some system having same problem, so I come here and share this. BUT USE IT AS YOUR OWN RISK.
Go into registry,
HKLM\Services\Windows Live
Delete the keys inside EXCEPT following,
Also, delete keys inside 'Plugins' EXCEPT following,

nice I will test!

Ill try it out... Hope it doesn't create any issues... Those changes seem ok :\

I don't think many other people are experiencing memory leaks like you, perhaps you should look at your ROM version and what software you have on your device.

LowDef said:
I'd been experiencing memory leak problem for months. Atleast 1-3 soft-resets were a must within each day. I'd tried out many way to resolve and now I think I've found a way to get over it.
But first, the memory leak in my sense is the decreasing of program's free RAM after each soft reset. Even you are not touching your ppc, your free RAM still going down and hang up at the end.
In my case I primaryly noticed the service.exe size was becoming bigger and bigger from 200KB to 16+MB within few hours (possibly). The problem caused by windows live service. I still do not know any technical reasons behind but after I deleted some Windows Live registry keys, the problem has gone. Now is after my 2 days test, the services.exe has never gone beyond 1.6 MB. System is now very stable no reset required for days.
This might help some system having same problem, so I come here and share this. BUT USE IT AS YOUR OWN RISK.
Go into registry,
HKLM\Services\Windows Live
Delete the keys inside EXCEPT following,
Also, delete keys inside 'Plugins' EXCEPT following,
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16MB+ for your services.exe?!?!? Jeez...
Which build are you using and on which device? I have refrained from cooking WL applications in my Vogue and if what you are saying is true, then I might just start cooking it in (or not at all, depending on your answer )

egzthunder1 said:
16MB+ for your services.exe?!?!? Jeez...
Which build are you using and on which device? I have refrained from cooking WL applications in my Vogue and if what you are saying is true, then I might just start cooking it in (or not at all, depending on your answer )
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A way to completely restore the Windows Live registry tree is uninstall and then re-install WLM cab file.
I used WLM versions Windows Live 10.6.0034.0800 (Fixed).cab and WindowsLive_0409.PPC2005_arm.cab. Both versions generated memory leak on my Mitac mio A-702.
There's no new ROM available from the manufacturer nor any cooked ROM available so far.
And most important is I'm just a cute end-user lol.
Anyway hope this post might help somebody.


I wish I could find a way to get Pocket CM Contacts v.29 to run without memory leak. It's unusable for me. My Kaiser will be running at 55%, I get a few text messages with PCM running, and suddenly it climbs up to 80% till I close it out completely.
Damn shame.


Wizard Memory Management and slow-down over time.

Hi guys,
I got my wizard a couple of days ago, and was initially pleased by how snappy it was compared to my magician.
Since then, I've noticed that my wizard progressively slows down through the day. Initially I thought, no big deal, I'll just stop all running programs and it should speed up again. When I do this though, the amount of Free Program space does not increase by much. After a reset, I usually have 30-35MB free. and after a day's use, I'm down to 3MB. When I stop all programs it only goes back up to 5-6MB! It's like there is a memory leak or something.
I also got a "low memory" pop-up at one time, which gave me a list of applications I could close. That list had a lot more items than the list of running programs in the Setting Menu! There were also multiple instances of some processes, such as 'Phone'.
Anyone know what is going on?
Get Clearnotify and Check Notifications from Scarybearsoftware. make sure to check remove duplicates in advanced settings
Aren't these applications only for WM 2003? it says on their website that these applications are not needed in WM 2003 SE.
Those programs fix a problem in WM 2003. They are not anymore necessary in WM2003 SE and of course on WM2005, as the problem has been fixed by Microsoft.
The slowdown problem is elsewhere...
sirox said:
Those programs fix a problem in WM 2003. They are not anymore necessary in WM2003 SE and of course on WM2005, as the problem has been fixed by Microsoft.
The slowdown problem is elsewhere...
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Problem is not fixed by Microsoft. Just run this programm and see it yourself
Memory leak?
It may be that one of your programs is leaking memory (due to poor design or to incompetability to WM5).
I suggest to run a binary search elimenation:
First run the Wizard for a full day without any 3rd party programs.
The next day add several program and run full day again.
And so on, until you may find a program that causes the leakage.
If one of these program resposable, you'll find it that way.
Good luck :-((((
And report back since this is interesting for the rest of the Wizard-to-be users.
ID64 said:
sirox said:
Those programs fix a problem in WM 2003. They are not anymore necessary in WM2003 SE and of course on WM2005, as the problem has been fixed by Microsoft.
The slowdown problem is elsewhere...
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Problem is not fixed by Microsoft. Just run this programm and see it yourself
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I had this program from Scarybear running on my previous HP4150, so I know what you are talking about.
When I moved to the Jam (with WM2003SE) it became useless, as there were no duplicate notifications anymore. This is confirmed also by the excellent SKTools.
I do not have a K-Jam yet, but your theory that this bug has come back in WM2005 after it was fixed on 2003SE, sounds a bit difficult to believe...
I confirm.
This is the come back of the famous bug.
For me I get multiple lines of
I am not sure what it does exactly but I know that if I don't clean it regularly I have many problems (like the phone soft reseting alone!!!).
If I keep it clean with scarybear soft then no more trouble.
They probably didn't take the latest windows mobile 2003 version to start building windows mobile 5.
I didn't see many posts on this.
We should give it some ups so that it will be fixed in a future rom upgrade.
Come on all the people complaining about this phone check if you do not have duplicates. Just in case...
verified. I have multiple run instances for various apps after a day of use. according to this there's more than 4 instances of clock, calendar, ssdaemon, replog etc etc. pretty much just the apps that I've launched multiple times then later shut down.
I had 28 ssdaemon duplicates on my kjam
did you have stability problems or slowdowns with 28 sddaemons?
how i can discovered its?¿?
I guess the other question I have is that why there's zero notification showing from MemMaid?
with Check Notifications i detect 256 events, and many repeat, but i can´t deleted
sclui56 said:
I guess the other question I have is that why there's zero notification showing from MemMaid?
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Or zero duplicate notifications from SKTools??? I had 114 events with about 78 of them repeated sddaemons with Clear Notifications.
Thanks for the hint about this.
imposible sincronize after install check notifications and clear all the notifications... it´s imposible
anyone more...
sddaemon is in the start up folder in windows . I believe it is linked to the Voice software on the device.
wardy said:
sddaemon is in the start up folder in windows . I believe it is linked to the Voice software on the device.
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That's correct.
I ended up deleting sddaemon.exe out completely with clear notifications and it doesn't return. Or pull it from the rom before you hard reset. I use voicecommand anyway.
...however, I have some good news. I just saved a bunch of cpu cycles by running clear notifications...
I removed sddaemon from startup as well. Voicedialing still works though, so what does sddaemon really do?

Re:Best software for WM5.0 to date...by far!!

Re:Best software for WM5.0 to date...by far!!
Hi all. I cannot take credit for the best bit of software I have come across since purchasing my Jasjar. All credit most deservedly goes to sub69 for pointing me in the right direction. 8)
Read this thread to understand why:
Like most people on this forum, I joined xda-developers to solve my own problems whilst trying to help others solve theirs if I am able. I've been cursing left right and center for 3 weeks now about the performance of the Jasjar even though i still love the device. However one of my big complaints related to memory usage/leakage as I believed it affected the jasjars performance and through many trials and errors and lows, I almost sold it due to feeling I was not getting what I paid for. I felt that the jasjar was slow and underperformed.
I retract all former negative comments I made in relation to it being slow. Whilst looking for a simple application (with a small memory footprint) that would close all running apps without the rigmaroll of hunting down the 'settings' tab .I tried several different programs and all fell short in one way or another...till now (including Wisbar Advance 2.4.1..., Spb 3.0.1 and MagicButton (small footprint))!
Sub69 pointed me in the direction of GSPocketMagic and claimed it was the most stable program he had tried. Thought I'd give it a go too. Am I over the moon that I did.
This software does EXACTLY what it says it does.....well for me anyhow. :lol: Even better, it very much appears to have ironed out alot of my performance/speed issues with the jasjar! It has sped up browsing of the O/S and access to applications and gives me greater control of navigation in a simple manner. For me it has been Rock solid. I've only been testing it for about 5 hours+, but it hasn't slowed down once and has not dropped below 12MB of Program memory (I started with 27MB) & it maintains its speed whilst I upurposely ran 12 programs simulatneously (including video, music, photo slide show, word mobile, powerpoint, resco radio etc..)and then connected to wi-fi, surfed the net (faster I might add -not the loading of new web pages, but of cached ones) and posted on this forum. Almost Everything has improved by at least 30% or more (speed gain) and whilst I still get some jerking in high res 640x480 vid playback, it too seems more stable.
I don't understand how this has happened. All I had previously installed was TCPMP and Resco radio ! :?
Bearing in mind I had even overclocked my jasjar (no longer needed) with PocketHackMaster 2005, which, for me, did not yield results as favourable as this has.
The only logical conclusion I have been able to come up with is that GSPocketMagic has overridden some default settings/application that was somehow holding my Jasjar back! Overridden a bug in other words & this seems possible as it loads first after a soft reset, therefore taking precedence over anything else that may have usually performed some of its functions. Anyway that's just a theory.
For anyone like sub69 who have experienced relatively few problems with their universal, you might not notice any difference, but for anyone who is still suffering performance issues, I urge you to try this. You have nothing to loose & no of course I don't work for the company. I've just had to wait 3 weeks to start seeing the manifestation of the beast I believed the Jasjar was supposed to be. :lol:
Sorry about the long post people, but I've shared in alot of the misery many of you have been complaining about & at £700 it's about time we got some positive results.
thanks again to sub69. 8)
I can confirm that this programme is small and perfectly funcitonal for closing apps. If you're battling with PocketPlus for some reason, then this is definitely the way to go.
So do you have a URL where I can download it from?
Just have a look in the original thread he mentioned ;-) it´s
- SUperbowl
Joe you could have opened the topic that was suggested
good luck
Hi, is it possible to use it without replacing the current Today page and Start Menu?
Which CAB file do I install?
Yes, there's an option to set the 'click' to open the "Start Menu" (the default is "Menu") You could then set "Tap & Hold" to close all tasks or maybe to open the GSPM++ Menu.
I use "GSPMagic.xscaleE.cab" for the english version.
Here you go. A bitmap to use instead of he built in WM2002 windows flag.
CJSnet said:
Which CAB file do I install?
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GSPMagic.xscaleE.CAB for english on JJ
Sub69, nice start button, now the flawless look sets it off
sub69 said:
Here you go. A bitmap to use instead of he built in WM2002 wibdows flag.
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Where do I put this? The current program's bitmaps are all together in one file.
Are other people finding this program somehow magically overrides some settings or bugs?
Do I have to keep closing tasks to keep up good performance?
This is the only button you can change as far as I know. Put it anywhere, and on the Basic tab of the GSPM++ settings screem, choose Bitmap as the Image, and browse to the saved .bmp
I don't have to keep closing tasks, but mackaby may have a different opinion on this, as he was having more problems with the JasJar's performance in the first place?
CJSnet said:
sub69 said:
Here you go. A bitmap to use instead of he built in WM2002 wibdows flag.
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Where do I put this? The current program's bitmaps are all together in one file.
Are other people finding this program somehow magically overrides some settings or bugs?
Do I have to keep closing tasks to keep up good performance?
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Put in anywhere you like, then go to the menu: start-option-setting. Change to Bitmap and point to your new start menu bitmap.
The less programs you keep in memory, the better the performance, so close your apps instead of building up in mem.
Ok Sub69, you where there just before me.......tnx for the nice bitmap!
WM 2005 was supposed to deal with this issue. But I find that the build in close button of WM 2005 does not close at all. Amazing MS didn't find a solution for this problem yet.
The great thing about GSPM is that it also closes the phone application, where Magic button cannot deal with this properly.
sub69 said:
I don't have to keep closing tasks, but mackaby may have a different opinion on this, as he was having more problems with the JasJar's performance in the first place?
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Quite true, that was the case for me, but no more. It doesn't really matter wether I close down applications or not, my speed is always up, unless I run videos at the same time in windows media player and TCPMC (that was accidental by the way).
Like I said, it's worked for me, and I had performance issues. If you don't have any, maybe you you won't see any improvement in performance, but it is still a very useful and stable application.
Oh, don't get me wrong it definitely speeds things up a bit for me too. It's only when you mentioned it that I really noticed though. I've been installing and uninstalling so many different things it's hard to keep track of what might be making a difference!!
Anyway, it's the best task manager I've used on my JasJar, and the performance boost is a welcome bonus!
Two Soft keys issue is back!
Small problem, some of us have noticed that the 2 soft keys keep dissapearing and reappearing after soft-resets. I thought I had this sussed last night, but I was wrong. It's my only issue with this software but not enough to put me off it.
mig31 suggested we might contact the developers of the software, as they would more than likely be able to fix this quicker than we could. I second that.
Gotta work at the mo, but unless someone else is willing to get in touch with the developers of GSPocketMagic, I'll get around to it in the week and post the outcome of our communications. Otherwise, all's well with this app. :wink:
I just wish I cud understand why (and if) it speeds up the device, even if u dont close apps. I'm a bit dubious if it's actually doing anything otherwise, without some benchmarks :S
if anyone finds gs++'s source code, please pm me.
I noticed that the 2 bottom soft keys disappear when you click "Close all". May be there is a way to add this in the "Exlude task Close" somehow

++++ We are solving Universal's memory leak problem... ++++

Bigface title to a not sure method, but with hoping success for the object.
I think everybody is fighting with this nerve-racking memory bug in wm5+vga+universal thing.
Me too.
Very very hard.
I'm very angry with this statement.
I bought the newest, most professional PDA with the oldest, most amateur speed.
It is not new for anybody, I'm sure.
I've opened this topic to solve this *******, because I think ROMupgrade is coming very slow.
I tried hundreds of different things to keep my RAM's free memory and get my Jasjar/MDApro/Exec more speed.
I'd like to share my experience to you and I'd like you to share your experience to us, to understand why does it happen.
1) My first and biggest remark in this theme:
gwes.exe (this is a system process, which is runnig continously with the system to let us using functions of our device)
It is runnig with the following modules: (on my device, it is not sure all on yours too, but I think almost)
So...this gwes.exe starts with the system after a soft reset taking about 6MB RAM memory.
If you are watching carefully, when your RAM is getting less this gwes.exe is getting bigger.
In one of my examples after a soft reset I had 24MB free memory, and when I had just something like 4MB I checked the running services.
And you know what???
gwes.exe was using by then 19.5MB from the memory!!!!!!!!!!!
So I think when you start an application, system files are using more memory with applications, but when you close the application you have just more with the memory using by this application but less with the memory using by the system with this application.
I'm not sure with this, but i'm sure there is a big problem with this gwes.exe service.
I found more processes (device.exe, filesys.exe, cprog.exe, shell32.exe, repllog.exe) which are doing something the same but not that much than gwes.exe.
So if somebody has some reflections about this write it down to us!
2) A lot of people say there is a hack in the registry / storage manager cache keys which we increase, system will operate with higher speed.
I'm not sure now.
I tried a lot with different keys, and my suggestion is totally the opposite than that: when I set different cache keys (glyphcache, storage cahes...) to zero the system eats less memory and something the same with the speed.
I don't have exact results in these points, but thinking about somewhere here the answers.
Please help us to find the solution together to solve this irritating bug!
Sorry for my english, I'm hungarian.
Tuningszöcske (It is in english something like Tuning-Grasshoper)
Here are my results ...
After Reset
gwes 6.49 MB
filesys 1.86 MB
shell32 1.95 MB
cprog 2.12 MB
device 1.46 MB
services 215 KB
connmgr 91 KB
After Bloating
gwes 12.7 MB
filesys 2.7 MB
shell32 2.39 MB
cprog 2.12 MB
device 2.3 MB
repllog 555 KB
services 407 KB
connmgr 111 KB
GWES really does bloat up a lot over time. Did a search on the net and it appears to be graphics related ...
It's good to see other's same results.
I'm searching for the answers countinously too...
I never have a memory issue with my dopod900, even after a week of usage with various games and application, the memory still remain around 22++M. Will try to check up the result and post it here.
I also want to know why........
After the reset, my machine has around 20M left and after a while, only 11M left and that's last for quite a long time. I have no experience that the memory is only around 4M....
chtan said:
I never have a memory issue with my dopod900, even after a week of usage with various games and application, the memory still remain around 22++M. Will try to check up the result and post it here.
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Are you using the stock machine without all the tweaks ? I mean have you applied optimizations like cache settings, etc ?
I'm just wondering if it might have something to do with some of the changes we made to improve performance :?
The issue is partially duie to Microsoft, but also partially due to 3rd party developers. I know for a fact that a lot of developers do not bother to have their applications issue defragment or compact instructions to the operating system after closing. They take up place and resources in the memory heap but do not "give them back" after they close.
You can blame the Universal as much as you want, but in my opinion it's one hell of a machine that had the misfortune to be the first officially released WM5 machine out there. Microsoft is indeed working on speed, stability and other issues form their end (the latest O2 Exec rom is by far the fastest and most stable ROM there is), but the developers need to do their bit as well and start working on their program's behaviour.
"If a kid does not tidy up his room, it's likely it will start losing things"
Wiz said:
The issue is partially duie to Microsoft, but also partially due to 3rd party developers. I know for a fact that a lot of developers do not bother to have their applications issue defragment or compact instructions to the operating system after closing. They take up place and resources in the memory heap but do not "give them back" after they close.
You can blame the Universal as much as you want, but in my opinion it's one hell of a machine that had the misfortune to be the first officially released WM5 machine out there. Microsoft is indeed working on speed, stability and other issues form their end (the latest O2 Exec rom is by far the fastest and most stable ROM there is), but the developers need to do their bit as well and start working on their program's behaviour.
"If a kid does not tidy up his room, it's likely it will start losing things"
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Hmmm, you would think that Microsoft would be smart enough to put in some checks to automatically release the memory used by a an application after it closes :?
I don't blame the universal, the hardware is fine and I'm quite happy with it. I do however blame Microsoft. WM5 is just soooo slow. If I didn't do all the performance tweaks that's been discussed here, I don't think I can live with this device. You have to understand that I come from using 3 generations of Palm devices previously, and even though they are using much slower processors, they are waaay more responsive than WM5.
The last Palm I used was the Sony Clie NX70. I used it for 2 years without having to do ROM upgrades, etc. and it worked just fine. One would think that given the number of years that Microsoft had to improve WM, that they would be able to do a better job. As it is now, I'm finding all kinds of weird bugs all over.
Well, I'm just frustrated, sorry for ranting :lol:
christan said:
The last Palm I used was the Sony Clie NX70. I used it for 2 years without having to do ROM upgrades, etc. and it worked just fine. One would think that given the number of years that Microsoft had to improve WM, that they would be able to do a better job. As it is now, I'm finding all kinds of weird bugs all over.
Well, I'm just frustrated, sorry for ranting :lol:
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I have been making the same point - M$ should know better and memory management is not bleeding egde tech. My Symbian devices have rock solid memory management, they just keep running for weeks and months without the need for a reset. For a US$1000 we should expect better quality all round. Lets hope in te next 6 months we finally get what we paid for.
jah said:
christan said:
The last Palm I used was the Sony Clie NX70. I used it for 2 years without having to do ROM upgrades, etc. and it worked just fine. One would think that given the number of years that Microsoft had to improve WM, that they would be able to do a better job. As it is now, I'm finding all kinds of weird bugs all over.
Well, I'm just frustrated, sorry for ranting :lol:
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I have been making the same point - M$ should know better and memory management is not bleeding egde tech. My Symbian devices have rock solid memory management, they just keep running for weeks and months without the need for a reset. For a US$1000 we should expect better quality all round. Lets hope in te next 6 months we finally get what we paid for.
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I sure hope someone here can figure out a hack to fix this soon, cause as it is now, I'm having to soft reset at least once a day, quite often more.
Can any users here who are NOT experiencing the memory leak issues come forward ? I think we would all like to know what we're doing differently that might be causing the memory leaks ...
chtan said:
I never have a memory issue with my dopod900, even after a week of usage with various games and application, the memory still remain around 22++M. Will try to check up the result and post it here.
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Hi chtan!
Is it possible to ask you to backup your registry to a file and upload here?
Just to see what is different in your system than ours.
And which is your ROM and ExtendedROM version?
Hi Guys,
The above phenomenon is due to the reason that now we all have data in the flash memory.I was using earlier Nokia Symbian phones, viz 6600,9500...in all these the same used to happen and I had to restart the device...but there are 3rd party softwares, which compress the RAM if the above thing happens and we are at the initital full RAM memory w/o restarting the device...like Stacker, Switcher etc...similarly we also have "Place Maker" for Smart Phones...to do the same...someone can try this app...or someone can make an app to do the same...I hope this gives some light to solve this problem..
Re: Hint
hdubli said:
Hi Guys,
The above phenomenon is due to the reason that now we all have data in the flash memory.I was using earlier Nokia Symbian phones, viz 6600,9500...in all these the same used to happen and I had to restart the device...but there are 3rd party softwares, which compress the RAM if the above thing happens and we are at the initital full RAM memory w/o restarting the device...like Stacker, Switcher etc...similarly we also have "Place Maker" for Smart Phones...to do the same...someone can try this app...or someone can make an app to do the same...I hope this gives some light to solve this problem..
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Yes, you are right.
This is a secondary option to solve this problem.
But I don't know any application for pocket pc which does RAM-compression.
Do you know one?
Re: Hint
Tuningszocske said:
hdubli said:
Hi Guys,
The above phenomenon is due to the reason that now we all have data in the flash memory.I was using earlier Nokia Symbian phones, viz 6600,9500...in all these the same used to happen and I had to restart the device...but there are 3rd party softwares, which compress the RAM if the above thing happens and we are at the initital full RAM memory w/o restarting the device...like Stacker, Switcher etc...similarly we also have "Place Maker" for Smart Phones...to do the same...someone can try this app...or someone can make an app to do the same...I hope this gives some light to solve this problem..
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Yes, you are right.
This is a secondary option to solve this problem.
But I don't know any application for pocket pc which does RAM-compression.
Do you know one?
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By RAM compression, do you mean an active app that runs in the background to automatically compress stuff in RAM then decompress stuff in the RAM on-the-fly when used ?
If it is what I think it is, I don't think RAM compression is the way to go unless there is absolutely no other solution, cause compression-decompression will have a significant performance impact.
I think it's more important to get to the root of the problem
There are many applications for PC which make the RAM free from unused services, applications, files...
Using this method, you don't need to restart your machine.
It worth it for me to push a button or a shortcut to free the memory without a softreset.
Tuningszocske said:
There are many applications for PC which make the RAM free from unused services, applications, files...
Using this method, you don't need to restart your machine.
It worth it for me to push a button or a shortcut to free the memory without a softreset.
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Opps, I misunderstood the use of the term "Compression" there ...
Yes, if someone can come up with an app that can "clean" up the RAM, that would be good too
Wiz said:
The issue is partially duie to Microsoft, but also partially due to 3rd party developers. I know for a fact that a lot of developers do not bother to have their applications issue defragment or compact instructions to the operating system after closing. They take up place and resources in the memory heap but do not "give them back" after they close.
You can blame the Universal as much as you want, but in my opinion it's one hell of a machine that had the misfortune to be the first officially released WM5 machine out there. Microsoft is indeed working on speed, stability and other issues form their end (the latest O2 Exec rom is by far the fastest and most stable ROM there is), but the developers need to do their bit as well and start working on their program's behaviour.
"If a kid does not tidy up his room, it's likely it will start losing things"
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No hack or tweak applied, everything in stock condition. This confirmed my suspicious that Exec and I-mate only having this problem and this is due to their highly customized rom set.
That is strange.. I also have Dopod 900 and suffer from the same problem of memory leaks. The first time I got my Dopod 900 with factory default settings and applications, I played with it for 2 days and noticed that the memory went down to 15++ M.
So I would assume that without any 3rd party applications installed, memory leaks problem is there..
Then you could be a magician, because - i think - we all use the ROM with factory settings after a hard reset, and then - same as you -, when we install a lot of different applications and games, we have the memory leak.
So, what about this registry backup for us?
Or can you write it here the apps and games you use?
I have not performed a soft reset for 5 days. I am performing a test on how long my EXEC can last without having to perform a soft reset. I use mine regularly everyday, about an hour on phone calls, 2 hours on browsing using PIE, the usual opening and closing of applications, and I leave it at night charging while playing a DVD on a continuous loop for non-stop movie playback. I do admit the only time I notice slow downs (4 seconds to open an application) is if I leave about 10 open applications at the same time running in the background. That is why I make sure I close all open applications after use using Handy Menu's option to close all. As of now here is my memory allocations:
Total: 43.72 MB
In use: 14.52 MB
Free: 29.19 MB
Total: 49.93 MB
In use: 30.94 MB
Free : 18.99 MB (with active sync open and running attached to my computer) If I unplugged my EXEC and close active sync, it goes back to 20.19 MB
These are all my open applications and memory usage without any slow downs:
gwes.exe: 7.48 MB
filesys.exe: 2.72 MB
device.exe: 2.43 MB
cprog.exe: 2.33 MB
shell32.exe: 1.43 MB
repllog.exe: 499.69 KB
services.exe: 227.76 KB
tmail.exe: 163.62 KB
connmgr.exe: 131.81 KB
HandyMenu.exe: 123.81 KB
rapiclnt: 115.90 KB
poutlook.exe: 47.90 KB
SDDaemon.exe: 47.90 KB
MemMaid.exe: 23.90 KB
shfind.exe: 19.90 KB
srvtrust.exe: 7.90 KB
NK.EXE: 0 Bytes
Even with these applications open. My EXEC runs fine with no slow downs.
I am happy with my EXEC. Even after 12 hours of continuous Movie playback at night, I don't feel my EXEC over heating. This thing is amazing!

Warning Memory Low: Memory filled with garbage files

I'm having a problem with my PPC 6700. I can use it for about 2 weeks until I get a warning that memory is low. Using Total Commander to look in what I would call the "\root directory", there are new files with garbage symbols in the titles. I am unable to delete them. The only recourse is a hard reset.
Additionally, sometimes pushing only the power button does a soft reset.
I've tried using Helmi's AKU 3.5, Helmi's 6.1, and Lenny's 6.1 -- with various combinations of programmes. This problem eventually occurs, and does not seem to be linked to any combination of programs -- at least that I can discern.
I'm wondering if there is a problem with corrupted memory. If this were a PC, I'd do a scandisk and mark certain hard drive sectors "bad". Is there a way to do this on the Apache?
Any other suggestions?
Memory Problems?
Anyone ... ?
have you tried oxios hibernate ..??? ..its pretty good for freeing up memory
Thank you SwiftWizdom
Thanks, SwiftWizdom. I have used Oxios, but this problem isn't so much the volatile memory, it's the file memory that gets filled up.
As far as I know, Oxios helps reclaim ram memory, not rom.
Interestingly enough, I haven't had that problem in quite a while now. I do, however, need to hard reset regularly. Today I was taking notes at a meeting using my pda and PocketWord. I also tried to take a photo, but the camera wouldn't work (the screen showed what I was aiming at, but the camera wouldn't actually record the photo). I had to hard-reset 3 times today!
Either the file area is somehow corrupt, or there are lots of problems with the various versions of WM 6.1 I've tried. Because at least 3 versions now have given me somewhat similar problems, I suspect that there is some defect with the file system which causes problems from time to time.
If there were a way to checkdisk and repair, or at least mark the bad sectors, I might be able to rely on my pda more ....
Thanks for your suggestion,

[Q] How can I force OneNote 2007 to save to the SD card directly?

Hi everybody,
I have been grappling with this damned issue with OneNote 2007 on my HD2 forever. I have extensively searched the net and also the XDA for a work around but to no avail and so I decided to come out with it. It’d be nice if some of the top dogs here at the XDA took a minute or two out of their busy schedules to fix us up with a way to force OneNote to SD card. I mean come on people, don’t you leave us at the mercy of windows unpredictable array of hangs, crashes and total system annihilations, give us a way out.
I have personally wormed around the registry and found a way for one note to save its bulky attachments, wave voice files and pics to the SD card but that’s half the story. HD2 being a windows phone is prone to crashes and halts and since I am using the OneNote as an invaluable tool for my office duties and personal note taking on the go, I don’t plan to be left high and dry in case of OS crashes, which happened a few times and did indeed left me with no way to access my invaluable OneNote files.
I would appreciate any help from the masters of the XDA
Thanks in advance
I have also figured out the location on the main memory where one note actually saves its files to and already set up regular and scheduled back ups to my SD from the folder, but since my note taking happens at very short intervals and high quantities, my back up scheme is hardly adequate.
I'd hazard a guess and say you're half way there in the registry if you can change paths of saving other files, maybe not under the same sub index but elsewhere there'd be something, sorry to sound so vague but haven't used Windows since about July time!
I don't think save location is in registry key as such, it is within application itself.
a workaround may be possible with mortscript for moving them from device to storage card on a daily basis scheduled automagically.
Not a perfect option but better than no option. Also may be worth looking into a better ROM build upgrade to improve reliability. My current 23699 build is very reliable, not soft reset in over 3 months & never hard reset yet !
Will be doing some registry fiddling this evening so will browse around & post again should I find anything relevent.
bates_1974 said:
I'd hazard a guess and say you're half way there in the registry if you can change paths of saving other files, maybe not under the same sub index but elsewhere there'd be something
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Thanks for the reply
I am indeed and believe you me when I say I did look a lot around the registry trying to find a way for it and all that I got in return was bricking my phone 4 times in a row , when you play with fire eh!!
It might still be buried deep down there but with my limited knowledge of windows mobile registry I'm afraid someone else has to pick up where I left off
Mister B said:
I don't think save location is in registry key as such, it is within application itself.
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I second that opinion but quite much like much else in HD2 it should have been hidden by the HTC for some wicked reason and the key to make it appear again has to reside under registry
Mister B said:
a workaround may be possible with mortscript for moving them from device to storage card on a daily basis scheduled automagically.
Not a perfect option but better than no option.
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I have, as I mentioned previously, already set up a backing up scheme via sprite which backs up my files twice a day. But I am still not satisfied due to the nature of my note keeping and my job. Maybe I am over reacting but I just can't feel safe until I figure this out
Mister B said:
My current 23699 build is very reliable, not soft reset in over 3 months & never hard reset yet !
Will be doing some registry fiddling this evening so will browse around & post again should I find anything relevent.
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I forgot to mention but I have the unlocked HD2 and already upgraded my ROM to the most updated version on the HTC site as part of my attempts to get around this bug. My system has been stable for the past four months with only one serious bricking episode, other than the times I did it myself trying to fix the damn thing of course

