Thinking about buying the G1 - G1 General

Hi I'm thinking about buying this phone, but I noticed it doesn't run on Windows Mobile, is the Android software rich as the WM? I mean, I usually like the small games, Skyfire browser and applications that allow me to silent incoming calls.
Also I've noticed that reviews keep saying it's not comfortable when holding it, could you guys please comment? thanks!
Oh I would also like to ask about it's compatibility , I've had a HTC s620 which broke rather fast, problem was unknown, so this time I need to be really carefull

Are you aware of linux, my friend. This is a different operating system that runs different but somewhat simialiar.
Well android is linux based with a java front end
Is the software as rich as wm, well it depends on what you are looking for.
For most yes, but not all wm has had years in the market and some big companiesmaking software for it, android is still a baby but gets better on a daily basis
Back to os the os, linux is open source while windows and mac are closed source
What this means is that every one has access to the program codes and can modify or advance the os or software, which is why linux moves so fast and advances so quickly.
As for comfort and hardware, I personally at first didn't like it but it did not take long to get used to, now I prefer it

Yonatanl2 said:
Hi I'm thinking about buying this phone, but I noticed it doesn't run on Windows Mobile, is the Android software rich as the WM? I mean, I usually like the small games, Skyfire browser and applications that allow me to silent incoming calls.
Also I've noticed that reviews keep saying it's not comfortable when holding it, could you guys please comment? thanks!
Oh I would also like to ask about it's compatibility , I've had a HTC s620 which broke rather fast, problem was unknown, so this time I need to be really carefull
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well.. android definitely is more fun to play with and have than windows mobile. but wm is such a powerhouse dude... if u want a WM device then get the touch pro 2.
as far as skyfire go.. there is no skyfire for android. there might be plans for a port of skyfire tho. i really miss skyfire, and also vtap only searches for youtube on android. vtap for WM searches a good handful of other video streaming sites.
adobe plans to release flash 10 for android as early as october,but i really doubt flash content will be displayed as well as skyfire.

I've had my G1 for about 2 months now. I absolutely love it.
I have large hands, able to palm a basketball, and I could not find
a comfortable phone. They are getting smaller....
The only issue I ever had with use and comfort was with the the
on-screen keyboard. I had trouble using the keys on the edge of the screen.
I paid a tiny, reasonable fee for an app call 'Better Keyboard' and that solved it all.
The apps/games available for free and purchase is wide with variety.
I discover new things everyday.
This community was recently discovered as well, and a nice inclusion with ownership.
I'm not real savvy outside of a windows desktop, but I was able to root
the phone and enjoy advanced features thanks to this community.
There's my 2 pennies.

well sir i love the g1 i dont find it that award to hold. but they seem to break a lot i have one broken buy my cat and another the microphone went out on randomly. but ti think stuff like this is true with any cell phone oh and one more thing the screen gets kind of floppy after a bit of use.
but you can bet the os its much more user friendly than wm and if ur in the us and have t mobile wait a month till the cliq comes out its has the same os basically with a few tweaks and it looks like it might hold up a bit better but yeah thats my 2 cents .

jmon777 said:
well sir i love the g1 i dont find it that award to hold. but they seem to break a lot i have one broken buy my cat and another the microphone went out on randomly. but ti think stuff like this is true with any cell phone oh and one more thing the screen gets kind of floppy after a bit of use.
but you can bet the os its much more user friendly than wm and if ur in the us and have t mobile wait a month till the cliq comes out its has the same os basically with a few tweaks and it looks like it might hold up a bit better but yeah thats my 2 cents .
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yeah, the cliq seems built similar to that new samsung rogue phone for verizon, pretty nice interface, good for the phone's design. especially designed it seems for people like me, like a 14-year-old, maybe for 12-16, although it's in a way more for adults cuz it's got a bigger keyboard than the G1. But in Android as long as you have auto-rotate you have the bigger touch landscape keyboard... i would suggest getting the mytouch, although it seems a slight harder to root, because it has double the RAM of the G1, and that means alot faster apps opening, overall response. But if you want the physical keyboard go for the G1, it's a lot better than the cupcake touch keyboard if you ask me...


Jumping ship to the new iPhone?

You don't have to read this, you can just vote.
Ok, we have all heard about OS 3.0.
Faster, multi - tasking, A2DP, other bluetooth improvements such as file transfer, MMS, video capture, onboard video editing software included, etc..
The new iPhone to be released end of June is also going to have a few hardware changes. Have heard that it is 16 to 32 gb, that there is a 5mp autofocus camera with a quality lens on back, and a 3mp on the front (compared to our VGA), thinner (of course, pretty much a guarantee), possible bigger and sharper screen, etc...
It seems to me as if Apple has really (unlike MS) done what a company should...analyze the competition (primarily Android but also webOS and RIM), and redesign and improve their product accordingly. They have gotten rid of pretty muh all of the stupid annoyances, made it faster and smaller, and given developers much more access to different system level things for their apps, along with about a million other changes and improvements that you can and probably have read about. I am also really thinking that they will have good integration with things such as facebook, gmail, and outlook.
I really think there will be no question and that it truly will be the #1 device really without any competition. The only competition I can see is maybe something such as the HTC Magic that is thinner, has a larger, higher res screen, and comes stock with unbranded Android 1.5 (such as some of the HTC line up we have seen).
I just DESPERATELY hope that Apple isn't so stupid and naiive as to not put on MORE BUTTONS! Buttons are always better...always having to quit what you're doing and go back to the home screen to do ANYTHING would drive me insane...I love texting on my HD, then pulling up the phone and calling someone, sticking it on speaker, then going back to texting...that's not too much to ask I don't think.
So vote!
As for what I'm doing. I am jumping ship to the new iPhone. If I find it doesn't satisfy me, I will sell it and get the best Android handset I can find. Hopefully something like the Magic, but thinner, having a bigger, more high res screen, and comes stock with unbranded Android 1.5. If no new non - keyboard Anroid handsets are out by that time...Magic it is! (if it is ever released)
im gonna have to see the official specs and the actual device before i decide anything,if what is mentioned is true then perhaps. but im looking more at the Palm Pre than the iPhone, we will see
Ok, firstly MS is doing something about it, they are working on two new OSs at the moment, secondly its not MS that makes the phone, this is the problem and the holy grail with WM phones, firstly its a problem because MS has no say what hardware is used with its OS, this means like its desktop cousin it needs to support many things well and i believe to an extent it achieves this, but it doesnt excel at any of them. Its the holy grail because with the Iphone, you get 1 phone, 1 set of gear, 1 design for every possible usage, with WM devices you get exactly what you want because you have the choice to choose different phones, different specs and design for your needs.
Im leaving out Android here for 1 reason, it sucks, no no hear me out, apple has a HUGH following with its iPods which translate in to potential iPhone sales, android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good but its an alternative to the evil of Microsoft and ties of Apple which makes then appeal to others and thats fair enough, its a market as good as any.
But here is the reason ill be sticking with my Microsoft Windows Mobile based PDA, it works, it works fairly quick, it looks as good as an iPhone and i can install pretty much anything i want on it. Weres Tomtom for android or the Iphone? where is memory Map? where is the ease of use when syncing with Outlook? wheres Igo8? core player? world card mobile? the various language programs? all my security and tracking programs, the million and 1 apps available on the net, free or paid that have a propper support base if it all goes wrong, data retrivel?
some of those i use every day, i use many others every day, and yes there may be alternatives for some, but unless i can get them ALL working on one of the other two devices ill not change because i need them all and thats as simple as it gets.
With a desktop OS you can dual boot or virtual PC it, an thats fine if thats your thng, but you cant do that at the moment on the PDA and even if you could i doubt i would because its a hassle i can do without, WM works and works well enough and im sure its only going to get better.
And what will be the screen resolution of new iPhone?
Current iPhone is a no go for me - with such low screen resolution reading eBooks and surfing the internet is really, really bad.
Waiting eagerly for the new iPhone so definitely jumping ship...
I've got a Mac and syncing is nearly impossible. I've tried all sort of apps but none worked perfectly. I really need to sync address book and calendar and I've had enough of transferring mp3 files one by one, artwork not working etc etc.
the mp3 function is very important for me and the iPhone is perfect for that.
only problem I've got is I don't like the iPhone's current design. It's so 2 years ago. Hopefully they'll come up with a nice sleek design.
Why are Windows Mobile Apps falling behind IPhone ones?
One of the things that has always interest me when making such a decision is: What do developers think? How do they view developing for iPhone versus for winmo platform?
To gain insight into the thinking of developers, including some rather big names in winmo application development, you guys might want to read these extremely interesting threads:
dazza9075 said:
Ok, firstly MS is doing something about it, they are working on two new OSs at the moment, secondly its not MS that makes the phone, this is the problem and the holy grail with WM phones, firstly its a problem because MS has no say what hardware is used with its OS, this means like its desktop cousin it needs to support many things well and i believe to an extent it achieves this, but it doesnt excel at any of them. Its the holy grail because with the Iphone, you get 1 phone, 1 set of gear, 1 design for every possible usage, with WM devices you get exactly what you want because you have the choice to choose different phones, different specs and design for your needs.
Im leaving out Android here for 1 reason, it sucks, no no hear me out, apple has a HUGH following with its iPods which translate in to potential iPhone sales, android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good but its an alternative to the evil of Microsoft and ties of Apple which makes then appeal to others and thats fair enough, its a market as good as any.
But here is the reason ill be sticking with my Microsoft Windows Mobile based PDA, it works, it works fairly quick, it looks as good as an iPhone and i can install pretty much anything i want on it. Weres Tomtom for android or the Iphone? where is memory Map? where is the ease of use when syncing with Outlook? wheres Igo8? core player? world card mobile? the various language programs? all my security and tracking programs, the million and 1 apps available on the net, free or paid that have a propper support base if it all goes wrong, data retrivel?
some of those i use every day, i use many others every day, and yes there may be alternatives for some, but unless i can get them ALL working on one of the other two devices ill not change because i need them all and thats as simple as it gets.
With a desktop OS you can dual boot or virtual PC it, an thats fine if thats your thng, but you cant do that at the moment on the PDA and even if you could i doubt i would because its a hassle i can do without, WM works and works well enough and im sure its only going to get better.
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1. We all know MS is doing something about it. But we also all know that virtually all MS products suck. We also all know that MS is SLOOOW...therefore (like I said), by the time winmo 7 is released, it will already be behind. It will be released around 3rd quarter 2010...that's ridiculous. Another year from now Android will no longer be so new, and Apple will have put out something entirely new as they know ppl will be getting tired of iPhone by then. Not to mention what RIM and Nokia will be doing.
2. Where is the basis that Android sucks? It is faster than WM, that much is for sure. It is also more customizable. It is more modern. 3rd party app support does not make an OS good or bad....your argument that they suck cuz they don't have apps is no good to me. Sure it can make or break the success of the OS but...that's got nothing to do with the OS itself. Android has a LOT on WM and WM has...virtually nothing on Android. It looks ancient, it runs ancient, and it's that simple. I think we can all agree on that last line there.
3. "android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good"
- Gotta admit that you really lost me there.
4. Windows Mobile is in fact rather slow, even on good hardware with good drivers.
5. Windows Mobile crashes all the time even fresh after a hard reset, no apps installed, on an official ROM (just like the desktop Windows!)
6. iPhone has better syncing solutions that ActiveSync and Outlook.
7. Just FYI to all reading this...I am a Windows user and have been for years (all my life). I am not an outsider looking in and criticizing Windows w/o due reason and experience. I recently installed OSX86 on my PC however truly is really nice. MS sucks. Bottom line, and there is really no avoiding it.
8. All OS's have pro's and cons. There are just as many if not more arguments against all your arguments for Windows Mobile. My point is simply that the new iPhone truly is a lot better than any Windows Mobile device running the latest WM 6.5.
MrYdude said:
And what will be the screen resolution of new iPhone?
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No kidding. Couldn't agree more. Coming from a Touch HD and having looked at a lot of friends iPhones...their screens look terrible when reading text (altho they do have 16 million colors compared to our 65,000. Side note: Android also has 16 million colors).
Sadly though I have read that they plan not to change the resolution in order to keep all apps usable. I reallly hope not.
It's true, MS does not have any influence on the phone hardware.
However, an operating system's success is not about hardware potential or software potential or about a combination of both: it's about a tangible offer of potentially attractive software which can be easily obtained via a single entry point, i.e. an APP STORE. That's currently the BIGGEST drawback of the WM platform. I love the customization part of WM but it took me ages to get there. Many users won't take that road and therefore go for the iphone.
There's also a lock-in effect to this -> More users to an OS platform means that developing for that platform gets attractive, thus attracting developers and making the apps offer even more powerful. That in turn increases the chances of attracting new users to the platform, etc.
Honestly, considering all this, do you really a 50 megapixel camera or a nVidia Geforce 8800 GTX in your phone ?? What about all the already hidden potential in your phones which never gets explored because developers and users do not get a realistic chance to discover all of its limitations ?
I'm pretty sure that the new iPhone does not support multi-tasking, you're still stuck to doing one thing at a time. I believe Apples official unofficial stand on it is that they spent way too much time and money on their failed push notifications, and they're not going to allow multi-tasking. (Apple does not like to say it's wrong...and if they would release multi-tasking, I'm sure they'll call it something else, and put a patent on it for no reason).
You know what...
I just love the WM and WM based devices.
They have ALL i need
They are fully customizable and have fully multitasking support.
With iPhone, you will get what it is, and you will get stucked with iTunes and online store
Many iPhone apps (though looks amazing) are not so usable
I just need functionality much more then a great user interface
Peace all
Well i won't go for the Iphone i have my HD and i'm stuck on it to change something that good you need to buy something "special" and from the looks of it the new Iphone will be a bit better than the last one so why do i give a great amount of money to switch to something "a bit" better.Let's see Palm Pre and other Android devices now the market will be devided not only for WM an Iphone but Android and Palm OS also so i won't hurry to go for the new stuff as you can never know which one is better until you try them for at lesat 4-6 months maybe even let's wait and see "newer" is not the same as "better" .
andes83 said:
Well i won't go for the Iphone i have my HD and i'm stuck on it to change something that good you need to buy something "special" and from the looks of it the new Iphone will be a bit better than the last one so why do i give a great amount of money to switch to something "a bit" better.Let's see Palm Pre and other Android devices now the market will be devided not only for WM an Iphone but Android and Palm OS also so i won't hurry to go for the new stuff as you can never know which one is better until you try them for at lesat 4-6 months maybe even let's wait and see "newer" is not the same as "better" .
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I really think it is going to be more than "a bit better".
As you saw there are hundreds of features and fixes in the new OS, plus new hardware changes such has considerably better CPU, double the RAM, better camera, thinner etc..
iori said:
You know what...
I just love the WM and WM based devices.
They have ALL i need
They are fully customizable and have fully multitasking support.
With iPhone, you will get what it is, and you will get stucked with iTunes and online store
Many iPhone apps (though looks amazing) are not so usable
I just need functionality much more then a great user interface
Peace all
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There are lots of misconceptions about iPhone, so I don't blame you for having incomplete or wrong information.
iPhone is extremley customizable too, and you too can have multitasking once jailbroken. Therefore, you do not get what it is - you get what you want it to be. You don't get stucked with iTunes and online store. You get the benefit but you can also get things outside iTune and online store.
Whoever gives you the idea that the iPhone aplls are not useable does not know what he is talking about. When app store was first available, many low quality applications did get listed. Not anymore. Whether you're an advanced IT network adminstrator, sales executives, finance director, web site marketer, shipping agent, there are really nice applications for you. Trust me on this one. Don't just anyhow believe people who tells you that iPhone is just a toy and winmo is for corporate use. iPhone can be as corporate as you want it to be.
Anyway, iPhone is still quite poor on the GPS domain.
6 or 7 apps (park lane, radar, around me, traffic, etc) to do all that my iGO can natively do... and still no turn-by-turn soft buyable on the iPhone.
I want a real all in one, and neither the actual iPhone or the next one won't be a real one. My friends who own an iphone have all get a specific GPS, and well, everything's said...
Roupette said:
Anyway, iPhone is still quite poor on the GPS domain.
6 or 7 apps (park lane, radar, around me, traffic, etc) to do all that my iGO can natively do... and still no turn-by-turn soft buyable on the iPhone.
I want a real all in one, and neither the actual iPhone or the next one won't be a real one. My friends who own an iphone have all get a specific GPS, and well, everything's said...
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Yes, that's tue still. If you're in US, there is an application called G-Map, which on the surface looks quite decent, but nothing outside US yet. However, this is expected to change with Firmware 3.0. The reason why there was none in the past was because Apple did not allow any such application, thanks to their stupid policy. Respectable company like Tom Tom would of course refuse to release it into the "underground" cydia store. With the policy change by Apple, TomTom is expected there soon.
I'm all for having everything in one device too, and GPS has been a sore point for me. The other sore point is the fixed battery, but that I can accept because iPHone's battery life is not bad.
1, im sorry but your statment about everything MS produces are rubbish, is in fact rubbish, i cant comment what you do with your PC / Mobile but i rarely have system crashes, on my mobile i cant even remember the last time i was forced to do a hard reset, on my desktop im using one of the most stable OSs ive ever used and its BETA! I do agree it takes them time to produce the software and i do agree that in the past SOME of their projects are flakey but not all.
"2. Where is the basis that Android sucks?"
You miss the point of an OS here, if nothing good works on an OS NO ONE will use it, its that simple, If i cant use the programs i need then that OS is useless to me, it may have a place in the linux following groups who challenge everything MS and claim to be better than everything else but in the real world if i cant use what i want to use its useless. MS also has a massive software base including various distribution sites, some free some not, everything is cated for. Android looks no better than my WM device with Touch flo, its no quicker, i know this because i have both of them sitting in front of me.
Because something is more modern doesnt make it good, take the Pentium 4 over Pentium 3 as an example. but i agree android IS more customizable
"Android has a LOT on WM and WM has...virtually nothing on Android"
Really? a LOT is a big statement that i bet you cant quantify with factual information and not hand back subjective reviews and "feelings" about things.
"It looks ancient,"
The core OS does yes, but tell me, is android not a Shell over a command line? i believe it is, So technically the core OS on android looks crap too but thats just nit picking!
"it runs ancient"
that makes no sence, only and new programs work on it fine, quick and responsive so what makes an OS ancient?
3. "android has a "bunch of Hippies" style of following, they are not classy, they are not even that good"
- Gotta admit that you really lost me there.
Ah yes i was refering to Linux and its intresting cult of followers but i retract that statement as it was below the belt.
"4. Windows Mobile is in fact rather slow, even on good hardware with good drivers."
nope, it isnt to me, graphics wise its slow compared to hardware excelerated devices, whats bizzar is that the phone can still pump out ok graphics on its CPU and still multi task, if qualcomm released graphics drivers for many of the 7xxx based chipsets i think you will find a near perfect device. but even without that it works....just!
"5. Windows Mobile crashes all the time even fresh after a hard reset, no apps installed, on an official ROM (just like the desktop Windows!)"
I really cant comment, since WM2002 ive not had that on a multitude of different devices. and Windows doesnt do that either, perhaps the common denominator here is the user.
"6. iPhone has better syncing solutions that ActiveSync and Outlook."
quantify please?
"7. Just FYI to all reading this...I am a Windows user and have been for years (all my life). I am not an outsider looking in and criticizing Windows w/o due reason and experience. I recently installed OSX86 on my PC however truly is really nice"
I too have used Linux, OSX and all the different versions of Windows and they have there places i do agree that in different markets different OS's suit different people. but tell me which one of those is the best for all markets all be it perhaps not as good as the other OS's designed for those markets?
"MS sucks. "
you lose all credibility with that statment attact a spacific product if you choose but to say Apple sucks or MS sucks is crazy and wrong.
"Bottom line, and there is really no avoiding it.
8. All OS's have pro's and cons. There are just as many if not more arguments against all your arguments for Windows Mobile. My point is simply that the new iPhone truly is a lot better than any Windows Mobile device running the latest WM 6.5."
You started off well there, but lost it at the end, PROVE to me that the new OS is better on the Iphone? without using speculation and subjective views an opinions.
I believe MS will be increasing the colour depth on the new devices but i doubt it will make any significate difference, except in its speed. what the WM based devices need is some new tech that uses resistive screens without the 70% (about that) loss of light, that in turn would increase battery life. Dont say capacitive screens, a stylus can be very useful, but definitely a combination of the two somehow.
there are 3 killers for me with the iphone
1. no gps (it has a chip but nothing other than gimmickey apps for it)
2. resolution too small
3. no multi tasking - if I can't listen to mp3's while driving on my bluetooth stereo whilst having TomTom tell me where to go its no good.
Now we know that the new iPhone is gonna ship with TomTom but unless they sort the other 2 issues I wont even be looking at it, let alone ditching my beloved HD.
lancemate said:
there are 3 killers for me with the iphone
1. no gps (it has a chip but nothing other than gimmickey apps for it)
2. resolution too small
3. no multi tasking - if I can't listen to mp3's while driving on my bluetooth stereo whilst having TomTom tell me where to go its no good.
Now we know that the new iPhone is gonna ship with TomTom but unless they sort the other 2 issues I wont even be looking at it, let alone ditching my beloved HD.
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Hi Lancemate,
How do we know that the new iPhone is gonna ship with Tom Tom? I must have missed that information somewhere.
I'm too disappointed with Steve Jobs for not providing multitasking. So, looks like we still have to jailbreak to get that.
HD's resolution is very nice. No doubt about it. Although vast majority of the applications (phone, weather, music player for example) would not really miss this. Web surfing is in my mind a leading exception, as it would be nice to be able to clearly read the font without zooming in. It is for me a compromise, although an acceptable one for myself. I guess one has to take everything into account (multitouch vs resistive, number of applications available, speed, smoothness, stability, user interface, etc) and decide for oneself if such a compromise is worth it.
its all over the internet mate and has been for a while
lancemate said:
its all over the internet mate and has been for a while
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I'm aware Tom Tom and Navigon will be available, but as separate purchase rather than being shipped with the phone. Guess I misunderstood what you said. Thanks anyway.

Can someone please explain what is wrong with Windows Mobile 6.5

Okay here I am setting myself up to be flamed - you see I don't understand what the beef is with Windows Mobile 6.5? I know it is a bit of a gloss job and that there is room for improvement but what is so intrinsically wrong with it that so many people are screaming about it so unusable, or unstable - I know it is not the Apple OS and that I have to say may have its upsides. But what is the big problem.
So go for it shout at me - call me ignorant - but if you can enlighten me please do.
I am about to get an HD2 and am looking forward to the whole experience.
It looks kinda ugly (not fingerfriendly, no animations), misses APIs for the hardware in modern devices and the UI controls provided by Visual studio are ugly as well, making software development for WM sometimes difficult.
That's it. The list of good things about WM is a lot longer.
All in all, there's nothing wrong with WM except for its reputation in the blogosphere.
It has its pros and cons like every other phone OS. None of them is perfect and iPhone OS or Android are not better than WM at all. They're just different, less powerful but easier to use.
freyberry said:
It looks kinda ugly (not fingerfriendly, no animations), misses APIs for the hardware in modern devices and the UI controls provided by Visual studio are ugly as well, making software development for WM sometimes difficult.
That's it. The list of good things about WM is a lot longer.
All in all, there's nothing wrong with WM except for its reputation in the blogosphere.
It has its pros and cons like every other phone OS. None of them is perfect and iPhone OS or Android are not better than WM at all. They're just different, less powerful but easier to use.
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and alot more popular. iPhone has the famous app store, with about 1000 quality games and 5000 quality apps.
I had no difficulties finding equivalents for every application when I switched away from the iPhone. WM has 30.000 applications as well.
But popularity is a problem.
I for one am so bored of the apple lovers saying get an Iphone over the hd2. If you want an iphone just get one, its a decent phone if thats what you want. WM6.5 isnt the most finger friendly OS but i think the big/only limitation for the hd2 is the fact it doesnt support our hardware very well in the kernel (which hasnt been updated since WM5 really), so to that end our device is only as slick as it is due to the massive overspec of the processor.
Yes WM7 will be better, but its certainly not a reason to wait and not buy a HD2. This forum has hundreds of threads in the leo section talking about iphone this and that, and frankly i am pretty sure i am not the only one sick of it.
I for one think WM6.5 on the HD2 is more than a decent OS, yes i dont interact with it directly that often but if i need to then i can at least get to the guts easily (file explorer/reg edit etc) which is way more difficult on other mobile platforms.
It isnt perfect but certianly isnt worth all of the chat thats going around atm.
I don't want an iphone and too am tired of the iphone zealots - I have been following the Leo since it was leaked it is the phone for me I just wanted to know what the big beef with WM 6.5 is.
I am currently using a BlackBerry Bold and it is a nice device but feel so limited beyond texting and emailing. But the HD2 that is a whole new ballgame.
Thanks for the feedback - I am looking forward to getting the phone in February.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with 6.5 except its lack of finger friendlyness, which depending on what you use the phone for could be a positive or a negative. Its biggest drawback is the poor quality of the original phones gave it a bad press which certain tech websites have never let go.
Personally I have had WM phones since the Wizard and have used a number of different ones since. I also have a Hero and found Android very good but ultimately not as usable as WM6.1 or WM6.5. My current phone is a HD2 which beats the the Hero and the iPhone at virtually every everyday task it has been given. (even the Hero stood up very well against the iPhone).
As for apps, yet again the media seem to think the only way to get an app on your phone is through an app store - carefully ignoring the fact that WM has had apps since day 1, just not all available from one place.
borgqueenx said:
and alot more popular. iPhone has the famous app store, with about 1000 quality games and 5000 quality apps.
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Well, there might really be 6000 quality apps among those 110000.
That's 5.5%. If 20% of all WM applications are quality ones, then there's already more quality applications for WM than for the iPhone. Especially if you add PSX games that all work great on WM now
Don't take this too serious, I'm just having a bit of fun. There's lots of good applications for the iPhone, but I never missed anything when I switched (back) to WM.
While I have all of you to talk to - what is the best registry editor to get for my HD2? I also want to look at a task manager as well...
Any feedback much appreciated.
freyberry said:
Well, there might really be 6000 quality apps among those 110000.
That's 5.5%. If 20% of all WM applications are quality ones, then there's already more quality applications for WM than for the iPhone. Especially if you add PSX games that all work great on WM now
Don't take this too serious, I'm just having a bit of fun. There's lots of good applications for the iPhone, but I never missed anything when I switched (back) to WM.
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One thing I can not get about Iphone apps is fact they take normal app and call it something new and wonderful.
There is this app for iphone that splits the restaurant bill on to as many people as you want.
I thin on all other phones it is called a calculator and it can do so much more as well as is free.
Another example of stupid paid app is Ducati history app. Why pay I think £2.99 for it (BTW it still only works if you are online) when you can get the same at Only reason I can think off is because Ducati site is flash based?!
UberScooter said:
While I have all of you to talk to - what is the best registry editor to get for my HD2? I also want to look at a task manager as well...
Any feedback much appreciated.
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Get resco explorer with regedit plugin. However I think full one you have to pay. For a free app there is PHM Registry editor:
to edit registry of your winmo device via your laptop you will need active sync and CeRegeditor by mdSoft. It allows you to export keys you want and convert them in to cab installs so if you need to hard reset it is just click and go for all your registry tweaks.

Windows fanboy has committed a crime

Right I want to be honest here and admit to my crime. I have been the biggest winmo fan for as many years as I can remember. In fact since the Compaq Ipaq first product. Prior to that I was a dedicated Psion fan from the Psion Organiser 2 so I have been round the block a bit. I have also owned probably more than 100 devices! I have always purchased the next best device on the first day you could get it paying over the odds. I think you get the picture.
Now people in my office are Mac fans and I have listened to them bleating on about their IPhones and have spent my life making fun of their choice of toy smartphones. At first it was easy with all the silly faults the IPhone clearly had. Crap camera, No cut and paste, No MMS, No video, No Exchange email
Recently my wife has gone over the the dark side against my advice. I have spent years telling her just how crap the IPhone is because I love(d) winmo but.............
After days of playing with my wifes IPhone 3gs I realised just how wrong I possibly was. Yes there was faults still with the OS but frankly they were much less than I thought. I started comparing it to my clunky, totally unreliable, buggy and frankly pathetically over responsive screen of my Touch HD2 and had to decide to buy myself and IPhone an give it a try (I mean I could always go back couldnt I) so.........
I went out and purchased an IPhone 3gs last week and I am sorry to say that it is simply head shoulders, body and tail better than any windows device I have ever tried.
I have spent the last week chuckling to myself about how stupid and ignorant I have been and how lucky I am to have made the move. The IPhone is awesome. Its operating system is unflappable and never crashes or falters or slows down.
The apps (and there is a ridiculously massive choice) just work flawlessly. Some of the things I thought were faults are not so bad (background apps not working) and although it would be nice if it had a camera as good as the HD2 (it doesn't), I wouldnt sell my Iphone for any windows device. In fact I cannot believe anyone wouldnt feel exactly the same if they tried one.
I know its a cop out having enjoyed installing new roms etc for years but seriously I urge every one of you to try one. You may feel just like me if you do. It would take something special to get me back to windows mobile and HTC should be ashamed of themselves for releasing the HD2 with so many bugs. Having had so many HTC devices I feel a little betrayed that they didnt get this one right and it made me switch to the DARK SIDE!!!
For me I doubt there is ever any going back now. I am writing this just so other can experience the pure OS and hardware pleasure that is the IPhone.
I have had iPhone 3g and still own a 3gs along with a blackstone and a leo.
You are right about the fast & stable system of the iphone os & its hard to decide to leave the iphone once you fell in love with it (Thats why i still have the 3gs, cant decide )
The problem lies within the operating system and not the device. Its the Microsoft windows which is the culprit and not the htc device. Have you ever used a mac. It is way more faster, stable & safe than the Windows PC even mac having lower specs as compared to windows pc.
HD2 has great specs but the same damn system running behind it.
I wonder if there is a way to run iphone os on htc hd2 ?????
I've read somewhere on the net that people had tried to run mac os on windows pc with success. Have my fingers crossed.
Best of luck with your 3gs
Hm...i have to wonder if you seriously played / configured / flashed your HD2 or if you just judge by the stock rom experience?
With an up to date 6.5.3 rom, i don't see any problems with the HD2. You praise the iphone OS, yet compared to WM, there is hardly any accessible OS. The iPhone is a grid of shortcuts that each launch a program. Nothing else to do there, nothing much to tweak, to setup. It's perfect for your wife i am sure, but you as a former WM user,... are you sure you will not get bored? The greatest pleasure of my HD2 is flashing new roms and trying new tweaks, hacks and themes. I can personalize it more than any iPhone user could personalize their iPhone! That's what makes it great. In terms of performance, again, an up to date WM6.5.3 rom does neither lag nor run slow in any way. On top of that you have a screen with a vastly higher resolution. I would not want to downgrade from WVGA any longer.
Bottom line: Yes the iPhone has lots of apps, no they are not all useful, and yes you can do similar things on WM. It just requires more knowledge and work, which us XDA users do have, i think!
i have both the 3gs and HD2 .. both are great but the 3gs has the EDGE-
Yes I agree but the hardware is some part of the problem. I had a HTC Touch Pro2 previous the the HD2 and could type perfectly on the screen without using the hardware keyboard. Switching to the Touch HD2 I expected it to be great with the new capacitive screen but it wasnt. Despite various patches and having the knowledge to be able to try various roms I still couldnt get it to type reliably at a decent speed. It was just rubbish. That was the same Winmo version I had on my Touch Pro2!
I agree the form factor on a HD2 is great but spoiled by some dodgy hardware and s**te software in hindsight. The Iphone OS is great and it makes me wonder if I have been as wrong about Macs as I have about Iphones. I am going to have a play on the Mac in our office now!
Yes in fact I tried about 5 different roms. I did also try ones with 6.5.3 but they were no better. I also tried two different HD2's as I purchased a second on a contract for my wife then sold it and purchased her the Iphone.
I know what you mean about getting bored and I also agree about the grid. Its a shame you cant organise it better but they are tiny faults I feel to the incredible ownership experience. Its early days having it only a week but my HD2 was driving me mad at this point. I found myself verbally complimenting the Iphone while I was out in the garden listing to music today. I know I must be going a bit mad but I am deleriously delighted about the Iphone so far.
stuartforrest said:
Yes I agree but the hardware is some part of the problem. I had a HTC Touch Pro2 previous the the HD2 and could type perfectly on the screen without using the hardware keyboard. Switching to the Touch HD2 I expected it to be great with the new capacitive screen but it wasnt. Despite various patches and having the knowledge to be able to try various roms I still couldnt get it to type reliably at a decent speed. It was just rubbish. That was the same Winmo version I had on my Touch Pro2!
I agree the form factor on a HD2 is great but spoiled by some dodgy hardware and s**te software in hindsight. The Iphone OS is great and it makes me wonder if I have been as wrong about Macs as I have about Iphones. I am going to have a play on the Mac in our office now!
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did steve jobs need to create 4 screen names to say the same thing?
Yawn. Good for you. Whatever.
So how is this a general HD2 thread? Please let this drivel die now, rather than later when it turns into a slanging match, because that is clearly what the OP intends.
Have fun kids.
and in fact I have to say that when my iphone arrived I was still very unsure if I had done the right thing but once you play with one for a few days its then you realise. There are little things everywhere that make you smile. Type a url that is longer than the box and the font reduces to fit it on screen, try selecting something and the magnifying glass pops up to make it easy etc etc. The list goes on and on and I expect that Apple will keep adding to rom's. Microsoft have done next to nothing with theirs in ten years!
I was only trying to let others know my experience. I have been a member on here for years and contributing so this is no flash in the pan posting. Anyway think what you like. I have been totally honest but you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink!
stuartforrest said:
I was only trying to let others know my experience. I have been a member on here for years and contributing so this is no flash in the pan posting. Anyway think what you like. I have been totally honest but you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink!
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I'm not getting into it mate. Say whatever you like.
my local prison has an excellent reputation for good food, brilliant sporting facilities and cable tv in every cell, but I'm not moving in!
johncmolyneux said:
I'm not getting into it mate. Say whatever you like.
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Well, let's be perfectly honest here : there is not a single Windows Mobile device on the market that can match and the general responsiveness, consistency and easy of use of an iPhone 3GS. Nor the consistent UI experience or simplicity - sure, Windows Mobile may have more options and abilities to tweak and mess with, but to dismiss the iPhone would be a stupid thing to do.
It's got very nice hardware, with and extremely well written OS underneath - it lakcs things yes, but what it does have, it usually out performs that of Windows Mobile, avaliable on the market today, and for many people iPhone 3GS would be a much better choice than any Windows Mobile phone, there's no getting around that whether you like it or not. As much as I dislike the saying, "it just works". It's something that you can apply far more easily to an iPhone than a WinMo device.
Still though, it's not fore everyone, and I'm quite happy to have a device with an inconsistent UI, spats of Lag and random freezes, as long as it does it's job as a phone. Am I satisfied with my HTC HD2? Not really. Would I be more satisfied with the experience of an iPhone. Probably. Would I buy one? Hell no
I know it's a difficult one but then typing my reply and watching the screen scroll around while I type is just class.
I felt exactly the same for a while. I am not totally trying to put down the HD2. I have spent weeks telling everyone in my office that it was an IPhone but without all the faults but I was wrong. Actually it's like an Iphone but with a really poor os. The screen isn't as good on the iPhone but it just used more cleverly. The lack of background apps is just stupid on the iPhone but mostly its just great.
Just out of interest I also purchased a motorola milestone (droid) expecting android to be good but frankly it was truly awful. Windows mobile was a breath of fresh air after using that horror for a single day!
Closing this as relevant points now made.

Why we love our HD2? Guys, share with me

These days, I've seen way too many threads like "Goodbye HD2, hello Iphone", "Htc Hd2 bye bye" or "Wtf with this phone". I cant stand it. So I want to have a praise thread for our HD2, our beloved and best one, also want to share my opinions on the HD2 and Winmo generally for everyone to see and think.
Here are some type of opinions quite popular these days:
"Windows mobile 6.5 is a dead os for lack of a better term and also know that the development for apps for it is going to taper and die off at some point"
"HD2 is too buggy, laggy, errors"
"Winmo is a waste for HD2"
"Where are the games and apps?"
"Not work out of the box?"
To answer, first of all, I dont care about apps that Iphone or Android has.
I dont play games much now so that's a second point. Although they do have some very interesting like Tunewiki or Layar, that's the only thing I miss from my old 3GS and Hero. And if u paid so many money for games on iphone, why dont paid a 5 Euro more for Fpsece, to have the best experience about PS1 games on a mobile device so far.
Secondly, about basic apps, Winmo wins.
For videos: I dont have to spend hours to find a good convert program and hours to config and wait for the converted file to transfer to my phone, Coreplayer and TCPMP serve them right.
For ebooks: the most popular format is prc, Mobipocket reader wins again, I dont have to convert either.
For office: what can win over office mobile, please show me, I have no idea about this.
And u know what, Winmo has these basic things and apps for free!!!
Third, the true multitask:
Winmo has been a winner since the start. I agree that Iphone can be jailbreak then install e.g Proswitcher, but that's not so convenient like Winmo. The basic thing about Android is it never really closes an app, keeping it running in the background for quick response, but that only makes Android become slower and laggy just like Winmo. But for convenient, and with a power specs like HD2, it's so great in terms of multitask for me.
Fourth, the screen:
HD2 has a great and super beautiful 4.3 inch screen. I can never go back to a 3.2 (Hero) or 3.5(Iphone) now, I will consider for a 3.7 one. Watching photos, videos, viewing documents, surfing. It's superb with HD2. And please dont expect a device with great screen like that to have a good battery life. More than a day with normal usage is so enough. I got 1.5 days or even more than 2 days with my HD2.
Fifth, and the best one imo, CUSTOMIZATIONS
Winmo is the best world for customizations, for devs and chefs. It got history, and it's truly popular, right? I love to tweak my phone, customize it the way I one, change every weeks or even every days, so I cannot get bored with it. And look at this forum, so many manila mods have been built and definitely going on and on. From maxmanilla, cookie home tabs, GTX, all are wonderful and amazing. I cant thank them and all the chefs here enough.
Now, look at Iphone, what can u do with this easy to get bored home screen, except for changing icons?
And even android, it's not easy to customize it without rooting. And things to customize so far? Not much, I see.
For all that has errors, bugs, laggy, I think it's just u to make the phone like that, not the phone itself (if it's not a defective one). Too many report shows the phone works out of the box, count me in for that. I went with stock rom for a month at first with nothing went wrong.
Winmo to me is never a dead OS like it seems now. It's still growing strong in the world thanks to xda, yes, xda is the one that makes it strong, imo. We love to tweak, we love to customize, we love to share our knowledge and stuffs, so we are here. If u just dont feel like to tweak, u better not be here, xda is not some place where u can just complain and complain everyday for ur own faults.
Finally, HD2 is not a waste to me to run Winmo, it's best with Winmo.
Whew, my longest post so far. Guys, dont leave me alone, come and praise our HD2, I know u will.
List the best things u ever had with HD2 and show the world
P.S: it's just my opinion, but we all have private and personal purposes for using mobile in our life, so that we have personal choices on mobile, so please dont flame on me so hard, haha
1. big screen - can see web pages better than my x1a 3" screen
2. software options (still compatible with the software i use on my old phone) tomtom 7 - no need to have a data connection to use gps, slick im - use this when im on the move, option of using several different types of web browsers (ie, opera, opera mini, skyfire)
3. phone is unlocked and can use it as a prepaid phone.
Exactly mate, should have mentioned the chasing game between apple and devs, it's really annoying sometimes. And the price for an unlock iphone is really ridiculous.
You know, I have both the Nexus one and HD2, but I am really thinking of selling my HD2. I love all the things you have mentioned, but texting is kind of a big deal to me. With an HD2, the keyboard so choppy, no matter the rom I try. If I can somehow fix it, bye bye nexus. If not, well...
Just thinking would there be a phone that has a screen larger than 4.3" in the future or this is the biggest already? By the way 4.3" wide is a common size for GPS device.
gtb5 said:
Just thinking would there be a phone that has a screen larger than 4.3" in the future or this is the biggest already? By the way 4.3" wide is a common size for GPS device.
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The athena had a 5inch screen.... but you couldn't use it as a regular handset. You needed to use either bluetooth headsets or speakerphone. It was a cool phone, though.
You guys covered it
I agree with everything you guys said, except texting prob, I use swype, love it!! By far best phone I've ever had!! Just added, msvc, love it, just made perfect, better!!
My main reason for choosing HD2 over iphone or android devices is privacy!
I don't have to have apple and google knowing everything about me!
fantasytozi said:
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exactly my thoughts.
I love it because the great hardware I saw this as a newstep after the qualcomm 528 mhz. Wich was used for 3 or more years. This was a newstep for 2 years this will be a fast phone. And the freedom of windows mobile is also great.
Simply the best phone I ever had! Does everything I need and more!
I love my HD2 because it's big, it's strong, it's fast and give me the possibility to customize everything like I want.
I love my HD2 even because makes me different from all the mass of sheeps that walk around with an Iphone and use their phono to simulate a beer drinking and s**t like this.
Having an HD2, like my good old HTC Topaz, makes me feel different and like a pro.
I have always been a win mobile user. love the ability to anything! can send files bluetooth, COMPLETELY change the theme of the phone, and modify the software ANY way you see fit. suck on that iphone.
The only thing I would change would be camera hardware button
They say the HD2 will be the last in windows mobile 6.5. what a way to go out with a bang!!!
windows mobile+huge screen+fast processor= one sick device
I could probably be classified as a (very) dull business user and I have never before cared over what device was put into my hands..
I have used SE, Nokia, HTC, you name it, and even a iPhone for a while, and all worked okay and I did type an occasional e-mail on them but in reality they all fell short, some with clunky e-mail integration other with unsuitable screens for reading long texts.
With the HD2 I have hit "home", I have become truly freed from my office - I can access and work with my e-mails, read trough and review extensive attachment, surf the web, get online with my laptop without hassle trough the WiFi router. First phone I ever used that work seamless with bluetooth both in the car and with headsets.
It's a serious device and not a toy with downloaded flashlight applications.
afive720 said:
You know, I have both the Nexus one and HD2, but I am really thinking of selling my HD2. I love all the things you have mentioned, but texting is kind of a big deal to me. With an HD2, the keyboard so choppy, no matter the rom I try. If I can somehow fix it, bye bye nexus. If not, well...
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Ah well, I agree that this is a let down thing at first, but after few months usage, I'm quite amazed at my typing speed right now
Did u try fingerkeyboard or swype?
uswe said:
I can access and work with my e-mails, read trough and review extensive attachment, get online with my laptop without hassle trough the WiFi router.
It's a serious device and not a toy with downloaded flashlight applications.
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These are the things that I never bother or want to do with my old 3GS and Hero
I like:
1) Screen (come on 4.3 inch MAMA MYA that’s nice step for mobile phones. I will never buy IPhone 4G if it’s less than 4.3 inch screen)
2) Design (Very slim very sexy)
3) Speed (yeah it’s really speedy)
4) Freedom (WOW the best thing. No more F jailbreak)
I don't like:
1) SMS messaging interface (Please anyone know other messaging interfaces? or at least to tell me how to disable the loading of messages as once. I rather like IPhone messaging where it loads small amount of sms in the chat area and load more history sms on request if needed)
2) Battery life (To bad to be in such great device)
zoombay78 said:
I like:
1) Screen (come on 4.3 inch MAMA MYA that’s nice step for mobile phones. I will never buy IPhone 4G if it’s less than 4.3 inch screen)
2) Design (Very slim very sexy)
3) Speed (yeah it’s really speedy)
4) Freedom (WOW the best thing. No more F jailbreak)
I don't like:
1) SMS messaging interface (Please anyone know other messaging interfaces? or at least to tell me how to disable the loading of messages as once. I rather like IPhone messaging where it loads small amount of sms in the chat area and load more history sms on request if needed)
2) Battery life (To bad to be in such great device)
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I always have over 400 sms in my inbox, and it loads quite quickly, I think. No problem for me. Why dont u try the old style thread messaging from Energy rom or some other roms?
Thank you for starting this post. I was reluctant to upgrade from my Touch Pro to the HD2 for the lack of a hardware keyboard, which I used constantly. The big, beautiful screen won me over and I'm happy to report that I'm typing as fast as ever now that I'm used to my HD2.
I love the huge screen, HTC Sense (Thanks to Cookie and averyone else, not enough room in this thread), one touch dialing, programs etc, etc.
Every, and I mean EVERY challenge that I had with my phone when I first bought it has been solved by using these forums.
Every, and I mean EVERY modification that I could have dreamed of has been supplied by using these forums.
This has been the case since I started using WinMo and with every device I've owned.
These sour grapes posts by individuals who refuse to take the time to use this fine provision in order to make full use of their HD2 are a slap in the face to the hardworking developers who have brought countless hours of joy to the rest of us who deeply appreciate their work.
To the developers and contributors of this forum: I salute you.
To the individuals who are posting their "Bye, Bye" threads. Please leave quietly, and don't let the door hit you in the iphone.
Oh finally some positive thread for HD2.
So what i love about my HD2.
Speed - lighting fast
Customization - Thanks Winmo 6.5
Usefull Programs - Programs that really matters. Like Resco explorer and image viewer, FPSEce,iGO with multitouch and compass
BIG screen - The Biggest!
Open platform (flashing ROMs) - Can be really fun
Loud speakers - Well maybe too much =)
Capacitive screen with multitouch - Say yes to best gaming experience
How the phone feels in pocket (comfortable) - You dont even know it's in your pocket
But there are few bad things =(
Development - The newest games looks like ripped of java with touch support
Really old core of OS - Winmo 6.5 is quite ugly too
Reset button under Battery cover - lol at this one
KowboyBebop said:
Oh finally some positive thread for HD2.
So what i love about my HD2.
Speed - lighting fast
Customization - Thanks Winmo 6.5
Usefull Programs - Programs that really matters. Like Resco explorer and image viewer, FPSEce,iGO with multitouch and compass
BIG screen - The Biggest!
Open platform (flashing ROMs) - Can be really fun
Loud speakers - Well maybe too much =)
Capacitive screen with multitouch - Say yes to best gaming experience
How the phone feels in pocket (comfortable) - You dont even know it's in your pocket
But there are few bad things =(
Development - The newest games looks like ripped of java with touch support
Really old core of OS - Winmo 6.5 is quite ugly too
Reset button under Battery cover - lol at this one
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Thanks for support at fpsece, KB
About reset button, why dont u try to install the Long Press End Key Reset? That saves me a lot from opening the battery cover

I think I miss Windows Mobile 6! Tell me I'm crazy...

I'm a former user of an HTC Touch Diamond. Thanks to these forums, I was able to customize nearly anything and everything on that device. I retired my Diamond about a month ago when I got my Xperia X10, and I found myself missing my Diamond.
Xperia Pros:
The Screen! The display is huge and amazing!
Android market. So many great apps to choose from.
Android OS. The stock apps and launchers seem really great to use. Lots of features and eye candy out of the box.
Xperia Cons:
Micro-USB / Connector Cover. It has made my 6 mini-usb cables and charger useless, and the cover is annoying to open.
Touch Screen. I found myself annoyed by the capacitive screen. I'm a guy, and I don't feel the need to have soft moist hands. The capacitive screen has given me so much grief, while I never had any problems with any resistive screens in the past.
Battery. I know every complains about battery life, but it was pretty much the same as my Diamond. The only difference is that my Diamond has a huge extended battery available for purchase.
Android market. Tons of "little" apps, but no real powerhouse apps that fit my own needs. I found I needed to download/buy 3 different apps that did the job of one Windows Mobile app.
Voice Dialing. Where is it? My city just enforced some crazy cellphone laws, and I really need this. It sucks on the Xperia. Big time.
Diamond Pros:
Fantastic Apps! S2U2 is amazing. It's a lockscreen that gives you so much access to viewing info (email, sms, etc) without a risk of unlocking your phone accidentally. Magicall let me have push email without the battery use, as well as many other fantastic calling and SMS features.
OpnMarket. Tons of great apps available from FreewarePPC.
Resistive screen. So much better for me than the capacitive screen.
Amazing customizability. Not just the ROMs, since I'm sure the X10 will get a few soon, but everything seemed to be easier to customize and change in Windows. Maybe I just need to learn more about Android.
Diamond Cons:
Tiny tiny tiny screen. This is the only reason I didn't go back.
Windows Mobile stock OS really sucks, and needs all the apps to add the eye candy and features.
Sometimes sluggish with all the hacks, patches, and customizations.
Strangely enough, I find myself sorely missing Windows Mobile. I really wish I could at least find an app exactly like S2U2 on Android. I've tried a few lockscreens, and they don't even lock the device properly. They seem to be just homescreen replacements. Lack of a proper voicedial app on the Xperia is also a huge con. Any other recent Windows Mobile converts feel the same way?
Go put Android 2.2 Froyo onto your HTC Diamond, this might help you to kill some time while waiting for Android 2.1
phuangk said:
Go put Android 2.2 Froyo onto your HTC Diamond, this might help you to kill some time while waiting for Android 2.1
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Well, I tried 1.6 awhile back on my Diamond, and it was unbearably slow. Besides, that would be the opposite of what I want right now. I think I'd prefer Windows Mobile on my Xperia.
You are crazy.
iphonepimp said:
You are crazy.
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i agree!!! you're CRAZY!!!!
as someone who has come over from windows mobile 6.5 and owning a touch diamond 2 and htc 2, i can tell you, you are crazy.
i have a xperia x1
and yes one more vote for "you are crazy"=..=
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
No you're not CRAZY!
100,000 Apps for Android? I think that smartphone users today don't understand that App is short for Application and they're being pretty liberal calling most of what's available an Application.
The simple fact that Google doesn't offer a fast and easy solution for Outlook sync is plain stupid. Even the iPhone will sync with Outlook. The Google "Cloud" sync takes far more user input than WinMo does so it's far from effective.
When WinMo 7 is up and running I'll be putting this Android fiasco behind me.
P.S. if you're a teenage girl then Android should be right for you.
Battery life on the diamond with extended battery and latest stock rom was total and utter **** if you ask me, it was the most useless batterylife of any device i've ever experienced and the diamond overall... ok i did like it when i first got it but that phone felt outdated within 3 months, i love my new x10 and my battery is great, even amazing compared to diamonds. In fact i could drain both the original and the extended on diamond within 32h and the x10 battery ticks way over 48h now with normal useage
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I want my baby back baby back baby back, I want my baby back baby back baby back,I want my baby back baby back baby back. Your delusional dude.
big_raji said:
I'm a former user of an HTC Touch Diamond. Thanks to these forums, I was able to customize nearly anything and everything on that device. I retired my Diamond about a month ago when I got my Xperia X10, and I found myself missing my Diamond.
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I agree to some of it. The lousy not so touch friendly UI of WM never really bothered me as we get to use it less. I love the level of customization that can be done to WM like Panels, Today screen, smart dialer, etc.
I think most of the current generation mobile OS got the luxury of faster processors, more memory to feel more fluid. Each never version is basically trying to catch up with WM capability but with touch friendly UI.
I think the failure story of WM wouldn't have been this bad if only Microsoft invested time to improve their default browser years back and made the menu's, buttons, etc more bigger so they are more user friendly.
I played with my friends HD2 and like it a lot except for the browser.
First of all I bought an Android device because I never thought they were that great but felt it was unfair to criticise without having used one a for a period of time.
Now that I am an owner of several WinMo devices and one Android device I feel I can point out the differences fairly – Sorry in advance to the Android Fanboys.
For someone that is more interested in a useful device for business applications and uses a Windows based PC’s then WinMo is the clear winner. For someone that wants to have a toy for social networking then Android is the clear winner.
I’m sure there are many people on the planet that are so important that they need to Facebook and Twitter/Buzz every single move they make during the day and hopefully they use Latitude so everyone knows exactly where this tremdously important event took place.
Bottom line is that they are 2 different platforms that cater to 2 different groups of people. One isn’t better than the other, they’re just different. WinMo users read newspapers, Android users read comic books. Neither is better than the other, they’re just different.
I’ve spent 2 weeks looking at “Top 10” and “Must have Android Apps” blogs as well as spending time on AppBrain. I’m not saying there aren’t any useful Android Apps but they certainly don’t number in the thousands or even the hundreds. Below is what I found to be somewhat useful but I can still do better on a WinMo device running 6.1 pro.
Astro File Manager
Imap Weather
IP Cam Viewer
K-9 Mail
Quick Reboot
Remote VNC
TD Bank
Titanium Backup
Weather Bug
Wikidroid for Wikipedia
P.S. Using Remote VNC on the Android is like torture. On the WinMo device I can login, do a few quick things and logout while sitting at a red light. To do the same thing with the Android VNC viewer it would be faster to drive home and use the keyboard.
I agree with you, I had omnia(on offense love my x10 as well) with custom rom running wm 6.5. I think android is not quite there yet and application is not the professional like spb apps...
I miss my mobiler controlling the phone from pc and syncing contacts with outlook instead google and then third party app to sync with outlook which does half ass job of it
GPdhillon said:
I agree with you, I had omnia(on offense love my x10 as well) with custom rom running wm 6.5. I think android is not quite there yet and application is not the professional like spb apps...
I miss my mobiler controlling the phone from pc and syncing contacts with outlook instead google and then third party app to sync with outlook which does half ass job of it
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My point exactly
Just enter the discussion, I still own my HD2 with custom ROM. As Izzy said, if you are a business person WM is the best for you, Even after I purchased Moxier with Widget and stuff its not anywhere close to WM even 6.1. WM is more solid and it is because it has been around for longer and android might be there one day. But reason I chose Android was to go with a different approach and I still like it and not regretting it. As you start developing more things and gets updated to higher Android Version you may become more satisfied.
Part of our problem is SE by locking the phone with their junk which is not useful to all of us. In WM phone you have option to go either with WM solid or their customized UI.
At the end, I am not a person stick to my phone for any longer than 6 to 10 months so in case I need to move to another platform then no problem. Right now, I don't want to go back to 6.5 even with missing option on Android.
Nimche said:
At the end, I am not a person stick to my phone for any longer than 6 to 10 months so in case I need to move to another platform then no problem. Right now, I don't want to go back to 6.5 even with missing option on Android.
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I change a lot too so I'm looking forward to WinMo 7. It may be a nice solution that helps out the business users and still has the social networking aspect that the others are interested in. That Dell Lightning looks pretty dam hot!
I wouldn't be so down on Android if they had out of the box support for Outlook sync.
I'm so sick of ALL of these guys drawing a line in the sand and refusing to support any other features from other suppliers. It's the user that suffers.
Winmo7 is the reason I mo
ved to android I think wm7 is going to start where android was year ago. Breaking the compatibility with wm6.5 stupid thing Microsoft did also taking out copy paste, multitasking the last stra
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
GPdhillon said:
I agree with you, I had omnia(on offense love my x10 as well) with custom rom running wm 6.5. I think android is not quite there yet and application is not the professional like spb apps...
I miss my mobiler controlling the phone from pc and syncing contacts with outlook instead google and then third party app to sync with outlook which does half ass job of it
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I feel the same too. I used to have a HTC Universal, and there were so many power apps/applications (Whatever you want to call them), that Android doesn't have yet. I didn't even use most of them, as I didn't have a need for them, but at least there was a choice available.
I think Android may soon have this 'choice' that I'm talking about, but I do understand what you mean (@ big_raji).
I share your sentiments regarding winmo 6.1/6.5. Winmo is such a mature platform just like symbian and palmOS. These bad boys of the old gen were not pretty to look at, but they got stuff done.
What boggles my mind is how Android failed to support system wide copy/paste; especially in their native gmail app. Only recently did they start to address this (2.2 update).
Another annoyance I have with Android is its connectivity capabilities. Why can't it do things like tether, bluetooth file transfer, and sync with local storage out of the box?
I know that some of my complaints can be solved with apps in the market, but the thing is many of these features should be standard. That's my problem with the new gen of mobile OS's. They don't look to the past to see what made phones "smart".
I'm in no way downplaying what innovations have been brought to smartphones. I just think that phones these days are more just multimedia consumption devices rather than the productivity assistants they grew up from. That is why I am so nervous about windows phone 7. If microsoft screws that up, all that will be left of the old guard that "just works" as a work tool will be blackberry and symbian^3.
I know I've said a lot. I'm sure people will disagree and take offense, but know that my definition of a smartphone is a device which lets me be productive while being mobile. If it has decent multimedia capabilities, that's also good.
needmoregigs said:
Another annoyance I have with Android is its connectivity capabilities. Why can't it do things like tether, bluetooth file transfer, and sync with local storage out of the box?
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Tell me about it. The first day I started with Android I paired my Bluetooth earpiece, pressed the call button and waited for the X10 to come alive and wait for a voice dial command. After pressing it several times, reconnecting, I googled to discover that Android doesn't do that. Are you freaking kidding me? My 5 year old RAZR does voice dial! Maybe they should have focused on the tools before the toys?
needmoregigs said:
That is why I am so nervous about windows phone 7. If microsoft screws that up, all that will be left of the old guard that "just works" as a work tool will be blackberry and symbian^3.
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Well at very least it will sync with Outlook
I also hope there's a decent VNC version out for it.

