Touchscreen leaking? - Touch Dual, MDA Touch Plus General

I had my Touch Dual for about 1 year... now it's time to say goodbye
It started with a small stain on the touchscreen... It was about 1mm in diameter when i recognized it. Back then the touchscreen was still working. This stain was since then growing and one day the touch screen didn't work anymore... it behaves like if I had my finger always pressed on the screen in that area. The rest of the area is still responsive, but it is impossible to control where it detects the tap.
Also it is extremely slow. When a call comes in, it takes about 20 seconds from the screen switching on till I can start to talk... so I'm missing most calls.
Just try using the phone while never releasing a specific point on the screen
The stain is still growing... Its now 9.6mm. I think the liquid inside is leaking at the border of the screen.
See the picture I attached!
Now I got myself the Touch HD which is a really great device! (I made that picture with the Touch HD 5Mpx camera)
I only hope this one will not start leaking after 1 year!
best regards!


Just sent off a "faulty" Touch HD.

I think I may have made a mistake, but was wondering if anyone else has / has not had a similar experience.
I got my Touch HD a couple of weeks ago, and although I was completely knocked out with its amazingness ( new word, patented by me! ), something bothered me about the amount of pressure I was having to use, particularly in the centre of the screen when touching.
I know there have been tweaks and hacks posted and the pressure required on the touchscreen is variable, so I fiddled and tweaked and carried on. It was only after I started using FingerKeyboard2 (which also warrants "amazingness" status.) that I noticed that when holding keys down and releasing for special characters and numbers, my HD was registering a second press upon release. So when holding for number "5" I got a letter "t" too when I released. This really annoyed me.
I've had a look from a varry shallow angle at the screen, with the device turned off and pressed in the middle and compared to the edges, and it seems as though the digitizer "domes" over the screen. There's a large void in the middle that's not present at the edges, which means that to register touches in the middle, I have to press the digitizer against the screen. I think this is causing the double presses, and having to apply extra pressure in the middle.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I've taken it to CPW today and they've sent off for a replacement, which will arrive on Monday
Has anyone else noticed this, is it normal and I've sent a perfectly good Touch HD away? Have a look for me please, and spare an old(ish) man his sanity!
I can only speak for myself but, specially after tweaking, the hd screen is VERY sensible to touch, no need for hard presses at all. I think you actually had a faulty machine...
My touch screen is very good, shame the wifi has died on it and it's doing strange things. Mine will be back to CPW as well
My touchscreen works very well, without tweaking I think it does the job and recognizes my presses easily and accurately. However, my problem is that I can see the touch sensors even when the screen is turned on... I see small green-coloured dots, in a regular grid, specially when I have a white background. Annoying, but I think I can live with it... Better than send it to the service and wait a long time, with the risk of getting a new screen which may have dead pixels (I don't have any now).
Thanks for your replies everyone, makes me feel better about not having my Touch HD over the weekend. I pick up my replacement tomorrow and I think I'm suffering from withdrawal already.

Weird Touchscreen behavour - Video Doku.

Hi, I'm a big fan of the HD2 but in the last two weeks, since i own this device, i'm getting confused by some screen imput behavour that i will present you.
I want to figure out if this "screenbugs" i have to fight with every day, are normal or a hardwaredefect. To make you guys an imagine of what i mean, i uploaded some youtube videos for each bug.
1. The first one i call: The painting edge
This bug is only present if i not have installed the less sensitive CAB from this forum.
Many of you have notice that the glass of the screen doesn't fit exactly in the case of the device. The right bottom of the glass protrude a very little. Then i lightly press on this position, the screen notice a press on the right you can see in notes on my youtube video:
Video 1:
Beforce you device doesn't having any of the following bugs, REMEMBER, This bugs are not present every second. Sometimes i can use the device for 30min without having some of this.
2. The Electrocardiography
This bug, i think could be the reason for the following bugs.
Explaination: Trying to draw a straight line an you think you device will get a heart attack soon.
On the half of my second try you can see how the device suddenly works normal again.
3. The shaking Screen
I have notice that some other guys have this bug too. You can see this on every scrollable screen, like opera, IE, zoomed pictures, the manila tab, startmenu...etc. etc.
Best seen on minute 0:54 in my video.
4.The non pressed key
You are cofused about keyboard reaction while writing a text message? You type an "a" and getting a "t"? Than you have "the non pressed key" bug how i call it.
you have to watch on some key input where my finger is totally out of range. I don't mean the fault input next to the key i pressed...
There is a fifth bug i didn't get on video yet because it is very rarely.
I had have this bug only 5-6 times since i own this device, but it sucks realy hard.
I call it
5. The self-typing keyboard
Then i'm typing some text sometimes the keyboard begins to typing without having the finger one the touchscreen. it can be have a duration of 5-10 seconds or 20 letters/numbers.
It can also be watched, without keyboardaction. Then the screen scrolls wild in any direction without any finger on screen.
Video: from htcracer211
If someone can tell me if i can embed the youtube videos in this forum...
Go get a replacement, the screen is perfect. Although I admit it does not fit correctly but it is great. I only need the earpiece fix
please watch the videos before you comment anything...
...You're too much electrostatically charged...
...Or something of electrostatic is in the range of your device...
But it's like your touch panel is faulty. Get a replacement (warranty rules)
Have brought it back today...but couldn't get a devices
tryed all your test and get no errors on screen, electro worked perfecly, keyboard keeps presing same key without leaving the range, and i cant notice any shaking effect.
So probably your screen is faulty , change your device as fast as you can matte
I have brought it already back, but it seems to be that others have all my listed bugs too. take a look at the poll results. On another forum a guy has tested the "painting edge" on 3 devices after he saw my video and all devices have this bug!!!!
Hey Guys,
I have the first 3 bugs on my HD2, too. But with BSB Tweaks 1.31 i solved the first 2 one by activating the option "Screen Sensitivity".
If you look in the sticky thread here somewhere in the LEO section about tweaks and registry changes there is a topic on reducing the sensitivity of the screen.
I think what's happening here is the electric current in your fingers is playing havoc with the screen when your fingers are either close to or on the screen.
Let us know if this helps you.
whow, that's a lot of problems for one device.
I have the "non pressed key issue" : (that's annoying as hell, typing a message is a heavy burden now) and the shakey screen. should i bring my handset back or try the tweaks... I didn't expect this from an 600€ handset
wacky.banana said:
I think what's happening here is the electric current in your fingers is playing havoc with the screen when your fingers are either close to or on the screen.
Let us know if this helps you.
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When i was made this video my finger was always with the same pressure on the touchscreen. It was not close...and not weak on screen...normal pressure. And you can see at the middle of my second try where i'm drawing lines in notes that the screen suddenly works normal.
I also wrote in my first thread, that this bug is not every second present...but then it's present its also the reason for some other input errors, like the "non pressed key" i think.
Quick question: How much pressure do you apply to the display (what is "normal"?)? Scince your display is reacting weird to pressure on the bottom right corner, any pressure might be linked to erroreous behavior. Do the shaking related errors remain when you don't press at allk?
to the OP: what ROM are you on ? have you tried 1.48 ?
I can recommende you to use screenprotector film and install cab for less sensitive.
But even without this all I had not this problem Looks like your sreen very sensitive for electrocharging and not have normal ground contact. This is way to warranty service.
lmao >.< sorry mate but get a replacement NOW!! I've never got these problems, everything works smooth and properly, sorry about that...
do u have a screen protector? i am wondering if the screen protector does anything bad to it...
You have the exact same problems I had when I first got my device, the main concern was the device having its own mind and making random key presses, even without you touching it or even being near it. I got my unit replaced and the new one works like a charm.
I noticed today that MY PERFECT SCREEN starting acting weird !!!! Its jittering !!! Damnnnn !!!!
I'm totally spooked by your video's!!!
I personally never experienced these bugs so I spend the last half our replicating your bugs.
The only thing I noticed was that Electrocardiography but I think you have your finger too flat on the screen (it has a too large surface area) because when I write on the screen as if my finger where a pencil (straight up instead of flat) the screen is working as it should!
I think you must have a faulty device. Perhaps try to flash it with 1.48 if you haven't done that already.
spaanplaat said:
The only thing I noticed was that Electrocardiography but I think you have your finger too flat on the screen (it has a too large surface area) because when I write on the screen as if my finger where a pencil (straight up instead of flat) the screen is working as it should!
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On iPhone with exactly the same finger it draws almost a precise straight line. This problem comes directly from HD2's screen, not from fingers, weather, humidity and so on.

*POSSIBLE* fix for Newton Rings

Okay, so lately my screen's becoming more and more out of alignment. I've basically had to use the black frame on the right hand side of the phone to click anything on the right that needed to be clicked.
Then last night my phone froze while rebooting, wouldn't show the boot animation, just the welcomehead image and froze there. Needless to say I thought something's up. Long story short I checked everything that there is to check and ended up having to hard-reset.
While flipping my phone around through all possible dimensions, i noticed the oily looking stain that is the well-known Newtons Rings problem.
I wasn't willing to be without my beloved Blackstone for a warranty repair and was about to jump on eBay to look for a replacement screen and digitizer, when I remembered something that fixed the touch screen in my old Sony Ericsson P900. So here's what I did that has so far fixed my newtons rings and returned the more soft-touch feel of the screen.
WARNING do the following at your own risk!!! I will not be held responsible for you killing your already dead, Newton Ringed screen
* First, be sure you have a screen protector on. I have a feeling that not having the protector on will damage the screen further.
* Grab your trusty $2 Bic cigarette lighter.
* Hold your phone on such an angle that the oily-looking Newtons Rings are visible. The right amount of light, from the right angle will show them up like the dog's proverbials.
* Ignite the lighter and hold it so the flame is lightly touching the area that has the problem.
--You won't see the rings disappear, more like they will start moving--
* Move the ignited lighter until you have moved, or removed, the oily looking problem areas.
EDIT 29-07-2010:
* Try not to hold the lighter too close for too long, otherwise you may end up needing a new screen protector
NOTE: I do NOT guarantee this will work for you, however, in my particular case, the rings appear to have gone, the screen is now once again soft to touch and the alignment seems MUCH better. It has now been approximately 12 hours since I did this, and so far, so good. All problems are still gone, no visible rings, and the screen is still far more responsive, almost like new.
Newton Rings
So did it fix the issue permanently?
Well, it sort of has succeeded. While my screen still has a huge patch of Newtons Rings (approximately an inch and a half long, by about three quarters of an inch across, they came back after about a month or two) the screen is still functioning, the "soft touch" I mentioned in my first post has nearly dicipated, but it still works. Every now and then the screen will act as if it's stuck down towards the bottom of the screen, but simply rubbing it with a cloth and some mild pressure (just like when I clean it) is enough to bring the screen back to working.
At the very least, it has given me time to save up for a new screen. But I won't be replacing it until such time as the next big change pops up in WM6.5 builds and I cook a new ROM. At this point I'll be completely disassmbling the whole phone for a thorough cleaning. While I'm at it I might as well replace the screen and keep the N.R one for a backup.
To put it simply, the screen is still working and I have no need to replace it as yet.
P.S I'm no longer using a screen protector, I don't care if it gets scratched up now, because it will be replaced, but not until it 100% needs it. I will however put a new screen protector on, if I have to do the lighter trick again.
Thanks Swarvey, got newton rings and helped remove the with the lighter, however i will hav to replace the screen protector.
Cool, glad to hear it wasn't just a once-off that it worked.
I never burned/melted my protector by doing it, but you might have different results with the much higher temperature you subjected yours to.
Keep us posted as to how well it works for you.
In fact I know a less dangerous way to eliminate those rings. I was exactly in the same situation with my HTC Touch HD. I just used some Scotch tapes on the screen, pull the screen to me , and with a lot of patience, everything as desapeared.
It works again !!
Satyan said:
Thanks Swarvey, got newton rings and helped remove the with the lighter, however i will hav to replace the screen protector.
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Satyan, can you be more specific on how to do it....i have tried duct tape method at least 10 times and it has not worked....
1. how far shud i hold the lighter
2. how do i know, if its working - will the oily patch disaapeear as the area is heated
3. Is it confirmed that oily patch is completely gone n doesn;t return within 1-2 days

Touch screen issues after removing screen protector

So I removed the included screen protector since it had a deep scratch on it. I read on the forums that you don't need the protector and that it actually works better without it.
Well my experience has been the complete opposite. Ever since I removed the protector I'm ready to smash this bloody phone. It's next to impossible to use due to the humidity in my area or something. The SMALLEST amount of moisture on my finger tips or even in the air will cause the screen to go haywire and register touches all by itself. Apps will open by themselves...i can barely type anything as it keeps typing multiple characters on it's own or other silly stuff. If I wipe down the display it will work fine for the first little bit until it gets that tiny bit of moisture from my fingers on the screen again and it starts going haywire again. It's a hassle just to try and unlock the phone from the lock screen at times.
So is my phone defective or is just the suffering I must incur by living in a humid area. I can't use the phone like this so I guess I'll have to look at buying a new screen protector. But if this is not normal and is a fault in my hardware then i would like to return it and get a different phone. I didn't really have issues with the screen protector on.
Ive kept my screen protector on my phone, works fine until i have moisture or (rain drops) on the screen, then my phone doesnt respond and also misfunctions the position of where i touch on the screen not sure if this is normaly as its the rain drops on the screen..
Tested witht he iphone 4 in the rain and works brilliant, why doesnt the X10 do the same !! :/
duffy1807 said:
Ive kept my screen protector on my phone, works fine until i have moisture or (rain drops) on the screen, then my phone doesnt respond and also misfunctions the position of where i touch on the screen not sure if this is normaly as its the rain drops on the screen..
Tested witht he iphone 4 in the rain and works brilliant, why doesnt the X10 do the same !! :/
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As you may know, those screens are capacitive displays, that means they're activated by sending (very) small amounts of electricity and are kinda "looking for a conductive material" in order to register an input.
The conductive material can be your finger, or something like... a raindrop or your screen, so that's why it thinks you're pressing that part of the screen...
Now it's even more obvious without the screen protector since it's directly on the screen.
As for why the iphone doesn't have issues with that, it does, but the screen being multitouch it's not as bad...
thanks for the info.good to know.
I didn't like the thick screen protector as my thumb/finger seemed to drag and not slide smoothly. I took it off and replaced it with a slightly thinner protector. I'm much happier with the feel now.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
@smok3yjk - probably best if you do as Angelahp - get another screen protector on there.

Tattoo: digitizer (touch screen) broken for the 2nd time

Hello there,
I bought my Tattoo in January this year. It went to the service centre once already, because the touch screen did not work anymore. It came back with a new one.
Today it got broken again. The symptoms; it was getting more and more difficult to get a long press, for instance to move an icon or remove a widget from the desktop. After it stopped working, I could see a dot matrix on the screen, and when the screen is off, it looks like there is some oil, diffracting the light, a bit like a rainbow.
Am I the only unlucky Tattoo owner with this kind of recursive issue? Is the life span of a Tattoo digitizer only 4 months?
What about capacitive screens - are they less fragile?
Is there any particular Android phone with a good / strong build and quality reputation?
I have similar problems with the screen. It's hardly usable. I get those rainbow-like spots on the screen, there is a big white mark at the top of the screen that fortunately I can see through when screen is on. Also the screen sometimes thinks I've pressed in places where I haven't, so it's impossible to use until I reboot. There are many other problems, and the only reason why I don't send it back to get fixed is that they keep it for weeks, and I need it.
I live in Taiwan, Taipei, so HTC support / service is not bad here. They can come and pick my cellphone at my office, and I can hope to get it back 3 days after.
I'll ask them if it's a common problem, will update this thread later.
_david_94 said:
I have similar problems with the screen. It's hardly usable. I get those rainbow-like spots on the screen, there is a big white mark at the top of the screen that fortunately I can see through when screen is on. Also the screen sometimes thinks I've pressed in places where I haven't, so it's impossible to use until I reboot. There are many other problems, and the only reason why I don't send it back to get fixed is that they keep it for weeks, and I need it.
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I had same problems with digitizer.. But I fixed it :] This can happen when the screen is pressed for a longtime in pocket or the phone is dropped. But I fixed it :]
I turned the phone off, removed mask and tried to lift up digitizer little bit on side where was rainbow-like spots. When they gone, I put digitizer down and press on the side that I lifted up. Now everithing works like a charm
Yeh I have one of the rainbow spots..too i wanna know how can it be removed....cause i cant get rid of it.
that oil spot or Newton ring can be easily fixed by removing top mask and inserting sharp object between LCD and digitizer couple millimeters and then pull the digitizer up so it detaches LCD and newton ring disapears, then while you removing sharp object, used to pull digitizer up, press with finger from center outwards to pump out air and place it back firmly .. I`ve successfully fixed two HTC tattoo`s and one HTC HD display with that technique ....
Nisam najbolje razumeo sta je digitajzer i proces uklanjanja mrlje na ekranu, pa ako mozes odjesni mi na srpskom, poz!!!

