Can't connect to Active Sync - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

IPL: XX.000
OS 5.2.19214
machine can't connect to active sync, orange light constant on. When check under power, it indicates that machine is under charge however, machine is not connected to any usb source.
I've been trying for @ least 10 hrs combined trying to fix it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. -Thanks

Ur have you checked whether ur firewall is blocking the connection?

Try unchecking start>settings>connections>usb to pc.

WM5 or WM6 Software ?

notify service
if you set the automatic starting of notify.dll to manual, then activesync wont start

Uninstall and install again Activesync
Try uninstalling activesync and installing it again. It worked for me.

do you mean your led constantly orange even if it's not connected to usb/power? try this: take the batery out for few minutes & put it back it & turn it on. could be a battery problem.

Are you using the original USB cable?
I had the same problem until I realize I was using an old cable of an external usb disk. You need one with the small cylinder near the phone side or it won't sync (but it will charge without any problem).


Active Sync Probs

I have set my ActiveSync in options that it should only snyc on connection and set schedule to manual. But when my XDAII is in its cradle and the PC is running, the device turns on and performs a sync about every 15 minutes. How can this be avoided?
Thanks for help.
there is such an option
i just cant recall if it's in activesync on the pc
or activesync on the xda
Try this:
On activ sync on the pc
open up options go to shedule and set server also to manually. see if this work
I have already set server option to manual, but that doesnt help.
The problem is, that the XDAII turns on, syncs and doesnt turn off after 5 minutes like I told it to do in the xda settings. It just turns off the backlight, keeps on and starts to sync again after 15 minutes.
Are there any Active Sync options on the XDA itself anyway?
Thanks for help
I have the same problem like you.
XDA2 syncronize and then, after about 1 minute it disconnect.
and you are using the 3.7.1 version ?
the older ones are kinda strange
I use the 3.7 which came with my XDAII.
Any differences to 3.7.1?
If so, where can I get it?
Best regards
Yes, I'm using 3.7.1
I performed a full reset and my PC runs WinXP.
You can find ActSync 3.7.1 at
When I try to make a backup during this process the connection shut down and show following msg "Connection to device was broken during backup. The operation was canceled. Your backup file has been returned to its previous state."
I don't know what I do?
I forgot. I'm using a XDA usb cable on my XDA2 maybe this is the problem. What do you think?
When I'm using the cradle everything is perfect.
I bought the XDA usb cable in order to charge XDA2 while on the road with usb cigarret lighter adapter.
I have updated to 3.7.1, but the non-scheduled regular syncs problem remains.
I think this may also be caused by WinXP because when I deinstalled Active Sync, Windows kept checking the connected XDAII every now and then, trying to establish a connection. As I have set ActiveSync to "sync at connect", this regular connect may be what Windows does.
What do you think?
Are you using the original cradle/cable? I think the XDA usb cable doesn't works with XDA2 except as a charger.
Original cables for me.

ActiveSync 4.0 or 4.1 refuses USB connection to EXEC

Dear All,
Please help, my new O2 EXEC is sitting here almost totally useless without ActiveSync.
I did a very stupid thing:
I plugged in the Exec via the USB cable before installing ActiveSync 4.0.
What used to happen (back inthe day 2001 etc) would be that windows would install its own driver for the portable device and then when you subsequently installed ActiveSync its drivers would not go in and hence ActiveSync would not recognise your device.
What is happening now seems like the same sort of issue in that now having installed ActveSync it is just sitting there saying no connection.
For ActiveSync 3.6 and below this is a documented problem and here is the fix
BUT for me this does not work (well because there is no yellow unknown device in Device managers other devices).
In AUDIBLE terms
a) I get a du-duh sound when I plug in EXEC (like if you plugged in a USB key for example)
b) It shows up in the Device Manager-> Network Adapters as "Windows Mobile-based Device"
c) ActiveSync 4.0 or 4.1 does NOT give me the dulde-de-dah sound
d) ActiveSync shows no connections
Anybody any bright ideas? Surely I am not the only twonk to have inadvertently plugged in the EXEC first
Answers greatly appreciated.
PS: Have also looked at ActiveSync trouble shooter 2001, the ActiveSync 4.0 troubleshooting article from Msoft, tried switching off firewall, no result. Have tried deleting the Mobile-based Device, uninstalling AS 4.0, rebooting, reinstalling AS 4.0 or 4.1 then plugging EXEC,no good.
PPS: I convinced a friend to let me install AS 4.1 on his computer and then plugged in the EXEC and all was fine, so the EXEC itself is sound.
Maybe this will help:
Sorry, didn't read your message good.
Just see now you already did looked at the link....
But another idea: if your device works on your friend PC, then why not
do a clean install for the OS on your own PC?
Maybe this will solve your problem.
Thanks for the thoughts. Well actually thinking about a reinstall of my computer due a moments lapse of concentration is a difficult undertaking. With the backup of the on computer databases as well as over 100 applications installed, I think this would take me several person days.
Currently my thoughts are to clone the partition and then do a windows "over install" onthe clone, but logically that will not work because <of course> the whole point of an over install is that the registry and all applications are preserved.
I spent over 3 solid hours of googling, installing, uninstalling drivers yesterday trying to fix and can't believe I am the only one who has had this problem!
Perhaps somebody with a working ActiveSync can elaborate how does the EXEC show up in device manager (when its plugged in and synced), and also what device driver XP and /or Windows 2003 server would be using.
Thanks mb.
I was facing similar issue. Solution? Yes, uninstall my firewall, connect and sync with my JasjAr and then install the Firewall with Jasjar already connected !
This may help:
Open network connections on ur PC so u can see all connections.
Make sure AS (PC side) is enabled for USB
turn off JJ and plug it in to USB
Turn on JJ whilst watching the window of netwrok connections on ur PC
A new connection icon should pop up, then MAYBE dissapear again
Right click this icon, before it dissapears, and check it's enabled, then select properties
Now check the following items:
- does top box say "windows mobile based device"
- click "configure"
- under configure, is there a button somewhere (mine's working so I can't recall exactly where) that says something like "enable mobile device". If so, then you need to click this.
If this all fails, then repeat but with another USB port. The reason for this seeming waste of time is that you will get a DIFFERENT "Local area connection nn" icon, which may work for you.
I cant believe there hasnt been one mention of rebooting your PC - Which I can assume you already have done?
What OS are you running on your PC?
I have only just got my MDA PRO but this may help! as I did the same thing and for a while XP Pro wouldnt recognise the device.
Uninstall ActiveSync
Reboot PC
Install Activesync V4.0
Plug in USB Device
If there is still a problem connecting you shoudl see a USB device not recognised in your deviuce manager.
It almost seems like there is a time you have to wait before XP will respond normally to you unplugging and replugging in the USB.
Failing this you may have to uninstall Activesync and tehn remove all activesync registry keys it may have left behind! Then reboot and start again!
Just having tisproblem now, this is pïss poor of MS to still be foisting off onto us this Activesync package in such a terible state.
I've just had activesync stop working on me. It would connect but then refuse to sync anything even though it previously worked fine. I think it got upset after I booted up the PC with the Exec connected.
Anyway an uninstall and reinstall of Activesync on the PC cured the problem. Not the most robust software though.
Moandal said:
I've just had activesync stop working on me. It would connect but then refuse to sync anything even though it previously worked fine. I think it got upset after I booted up the PC with the Exec connected.
Anyway an uninstall and reinstall of Activesync on the PC cured the problem. Not the most robust software though.
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What works for me is to turn off the handheld, and connect the cable after that. Then turn on the device if needed. Works mot of the time then.... no excuse for MS though....

Big ActiveSync Problem

I've bought today a Qtek S200.
IPL/SPL: 2.09.0000
GSM: 2.07.20
The first I did was a Hard Reset to the Qtek S200 and then...
Because of the problems with some application and antivirus I did a complete format to my computer. I just installed WinXP PRO SP2, all the updates from Microsoft Update, .Net Framework 3, Outlook 2002 and ActiveSync 4.1 (both came in the CD from Qtek). (I have also disabled Windows Firewall).
Then I think, I've done all the steps right (I think):
1) I connected the USB cable to de PC
2) I tried to plug the USB cable to the Qtek S200 when te PPC was OFF and nothing happened. Then with the Qtek S200 ON (in today's screen) I plug the other side of the USB cable and ActiveSync does not recognize my S200.
I dunno what to do to make ActiveSync syncronize with my Qtek S200, could you please help me???? I've been trying to syncronize for more then 6 hours (doing all the stuff...)
Try this:
remove your activesync (de-install the software)
reboot your pc
turn on your qtek without the usb cable attached
plugin your qtek on the usb cable.
Does you pc find the device ?? (ding dong sound)
yes ? good, your pc finds it.
take out the usb again
install activesync 4.2
try again, and see if it works.
My PC does nothing when I connect the S200...
If the USB cable connection does not work, it is possible to update ROM via Bluetooth ActiveSync syncronization????
Annita said:
If the USB cable connection does not work, it is possible to update ROM via Bluetooth ActiveSync syncronization????
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It might work, however I would first look into why you usb doesn't work
when you plugin the usb cable, do you see the phone charge ? (led ontop change to orange) you might have a bad cable or you pc has a problem with the usb port (have your tried another usb port ? or removing all usb devices and only using the phone cable ?)
Yes to all.
When I connect the USB cable, the Qtek begins to charge the battery, and the orange led flicks.
I have tried on my PC and on my Laptop and didn't work in any of both.
I have tried with only he USB phone cable and did not work either.
Anyone has tried to update ROM via Bluetooth???
Annita, make sure you have DHCP turned on on your PC. The virtual USB NIC should come up as, I believe. I was never able to get it to work without using DHCP on the PC side.
What is the virtual USB NIC????
When you plug in the USB cable, the PC creates a "fake" network adapter for the PPC and adds that to your list of network connections.
Just make sure DHCP service is started. Right-click My Computer -> Manage -> Services and Applications -> Services -> DHCP Client.
OK, the service was and is ON.
The thing is that I can syncronize via Bluetooth, but not with the USB cable (and I have the original cable and another mini-USB cable).
Bluetooth Activesync Sycronization will not work b'coz while upgrading, the phone resets itself, N it powers on in the upgrade process therefore, bluetooth of the phone will not be available then.
So, I dont its possible 2upgrade via bluetooth Activesync.
OK, thnx.
anita and the usb
anita, go to start setting control pannel, go to phones and modems and see the modems are installed there. windows (sh***t) store all the garbadge possible. can be that it identfy usb device like usb modem and put it on com 1 not that active sync works auto on com1. so check connection settings on activesync. + which use port you use? fron pannel or the rear of the PC?
is that a laptop if yes what model.
i'll try to help as much as i can
ok, i have the same problem as you do, or at least a similar. i cant get my sync to work...
active sync 4.2
active sync says "critical communication error, try restarting your device", the active sync troubleshoot tells me that i dont have a ip adress (the link to microsoft does not work), although i have a network connection that my pc created ( the active sync even appears in green.
my firewall and the win firewall does not interfere with this. switching off the firewalls does not improve this at all.
does anyone know a solution to this? thanks
I'll try what xmanmaster says, but I'm not at home until sunday...
Did this problem ever get resolved? I have the same issues, tried a wizard and a hermes. Not detected as a usb device, the charging light comes on. Both phones work on another PC. I have tried uninstalling activesync and rebooting phone/PC in every order I can think of.
UPNP (Universal Plug 'n Play) service is required
Hi all,
please make sure that the UPNP service is running on the desktop.
It's required for device detection as well as synchronisation with the WCE device.
A quite detailed description of all potential problems with ActiveSync can be found at Chris De Herrera's website.

Trinity/DoPod Issues

Anyone-Please try to help me with these issues:
1. When the unit is in STBY (no screen output) and i connect any USB cable the PDA "wakes-up" and if connected to a PC will start doing a Sync, is there anyway to stop the "wake-up" when connecting a USB cable (-or installing Mini-SD card).......all i want to do is charge the unit while it's in STBY mode. In my old Mio 168RS this could be done in Settings. Maybe someone has a small application that can do this?
2. Sometimes when i innitiate Active Sync i get this Error "To Sync this device you must install ActiveSync 4.0 or higher on your Desktop computer"....but actually i'm running ActiveSync 4.5 already on my PC!!??
Then i need to remove the ActiveSync from my PC and re-install it again until the next time.
Not in stb mode you can switch off the 3600 it still charging etc. only it is off
I don't know if this could help because I never tried it. However, I tried to disable the usb connection from Active Sync for other purposes. In Active Sync program, you can actuallly choose to turn off the usb detection (which can be turned back on anytime). That way, Active Sync will not automatically update your device, hence, turning your device on. In that case, you can just plug in your device for charging purpose.
Thanks for your inputs but this is not what i'm looking for.
In my old Mio168RS there was the possibility in "Settings" that the unit did not come out of STBY mode when connecting to a USB input or when inserting an external SD card.
By the way turning the unit "OFF" will also turn off the phone!!
One additional question that someone might be able to help is if there any way to increase the Speaker Phone volume above and beyond what can be done within the settings.???

Big Problems :((

I have the following problem with my HTC Touch HD. Since yesterday after i transfered 2 video files and a few pictures, when i connect it through USB, the computer doesn''t detect HTC anymore (nor syncing nor file transfer). Even the Bluetooth syncing does not work. I performed several soft and hard resets, and it seems it;s getting worse after every reset.
I bought the phone 2 weeks ago, after i sold my Apple iPhone 3G 8GB. As we speak, i kind of regret i did that...any advise for me ?
I forgot to mention: when i plug the uSB cable, the device goes recharging.
Have you tried booting your pc ?
Also try unchecking Settings/connections/Usb to Pc/ "enable faster data synchronization"
What cable do you use? I had similar problems with non original (asus) usb cable.
greetings everybody..
1) i tried what you said several times, no result.
2) i get same results with the original and the other cables..
3) i noticed one thing . . . if i connect the device to a computer that i never conected before the device, it launches active sync....and Active Sync just wont interact with my device.
Did you try reinstalling ActiveSync on your PC?
yes i tried....same result. Do you think a change of ROM would solve that ?
Now, even a syncronisation using bluetooth is almost impossible, since i cant pair the computer and the device. Damn, it's like a virus or something.
stupid thought:
Do you think a change of ROM would solve that ?
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Impossible since i cannot connect using USB. Sorry !
I too had problems with my PC not recognizing the HD. Found out that it was a problem with my firewall and anti-virus. I adjusted anti-virus settings to allow active sync to pass through and have had no problems after that.
HTC also recommends going to Start --> Settings --> Connection tab --> USB to PC and deselect the checkbox for "Enable faster data sync"
For device recharging when plugged in to USB : go to Start --> Settings --> System tab --> Power. here below the battery charge indicator, there is a checkbox. Read the message and check/uncheck as desired.
Hope this helps !!
i thought one potential source for my problem would be the antivirus, but i disabled firewall (eset at work and symantec end point protection at home) and no result what so ever.
I cand figure a way to sync the device even with the bluetooth since i cannot pair the device and the computer.
I am starting to regret i bought HTC...
Try click the Activesync icon on HD Program, there is a "Option" on the menu, click and see if you could delete all the old connect. If yes, re-establish the connection again to see.....good luck
Option menu item is disabled (i performed several hard resets)...(
Another thing i noticed. I unchecked the box (when connected to USB charge), so now when i plug the usb cable, it wont charge. But, if the device is in stand by (black screen), and i plug the usb cable, it wakes the device up. So, in my mind, i think it is something wrong with the OS, it still "feels" the USB cable, but cannot (for an unknown reason) take the necesary action.
For 4 hrs i try to sync the device with the computer using bluetooth, and i cannot manage to do so.
Is there any way to reinstall ActiveSync on my HTC device ?
daemonus said:
Option menu item is disabled. For 4 hrs i try to sync the device with the computer using bluetooth, and i cannot manage to do so. Is there any way to reinstall ActiveSync on my HTC device ?
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My sync problem with HD and my PC with Vista, was solved as follows:
- Uninstall Windows Mobile Device Center
- Reboot and reinstall WMDC
Ton V
NLBeev said:
My sync problem with HD and my PC with Vista, was solved as follows:
- Uninstall Windows Mobile Device Center
- Reboot and reinstall WMDC
Ton V
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Tonight i will try to install at home Windows VIsta (at work and at home right now i have XP). I cannot use my phone - no phone number in agenda and it's driving me mad. The phone rings and there are quite a few persons i dont want to talk with.. HEEEEEELP
nobody there to help me ?
If you did a hard reset, and you can connect in drive mode, but can not sync, then I am 99.9% sure that there is nothing wrong with your phone, but that your computer is messed up.
Uninstall all your antiviruses, firewalls, and other bloatware, and see if it works then.
Just a possible solution, but did you try plugging in your phone into other USB slots on your PC? Are you perhaps trying to sync it through an USB extension cord, or maybe USB hub? I had problems with my PC recognizing the THD if I tried syncing that way. Best results were plugging it directly into the back side of the casing.
The reason I'm asking this is that if you have too many USB devices plugged in, it's possible that the USB voltage drops too low and devices won't connect to the computer.
I tried on 5 different computers, all available USB ports.
On a new computer, sometimes on the device screen it shows up Active Sync but that is all, no sync occurs. If i try again on that computer, i get the same result as i get using the computer at home or work.
The device cannot conect as a Disk Drive
Is there a way to reinstall Active Sync on HTC ? My guess is that this software is all gone with the wind (even i performed a hard reset). The big question is what the hell happened ? Could be a ROM fault ? I mention i never tried to change ROM, the only software i installed was S2U2 and Core Player.
If by monday it wont work, then i'll send it into service (i have warranty). But i hate service
all out of ideas...
Any ideas ?
Which items are checked when you go to Settings/connections/Usb to Pc/ on youre phone?
Have you tried to use another memory card (because youre problems started with copying)?

