problem with HTC tytn hermes 200 - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I bought an unlocked HTC TYTN Hermes 200 from a private party. He lives about 40 miles away from where I live and he used it with T-Mobile in California (I live in California also). Before I bought it, I tried it out (while I was in the same city that he lives in) with my T-Mobile SIM and made a phone call and the reception was clear.
Since I got home, I've had problems in 2 places (home and work which are about 5 miles apart) where I have 1 bar of reception and if someone tries calling me, it doesn't even show an incoming call on my phone, it goes straight to voice mail and if I try to call someone, it doesn't ring even once, it just says call ended. When I am at other places, I usually get decent reception (but not always).
I have tried flashing all of the recent radio firmware but nothing has made a difference. I also tried inserting another T-Mobile SIM and had the same problem. My previous phone (unlocked Treo 650) had really weak reception in those same areas but not this bad. The phone is not warrantied, according to HTC. I have made sure all my network settings are correct. It's running Windows Mobile 6. I think it might be a problem where the HTC antenna doesn't pick up a signal as well as weak T-Mobile reception.
Any ideas of what I can do about my problem ?

have you tried upgrading the Radio?

yes I have and I've tried all the different versions from 1.38 to 1.48

Update: I upgraded to 1.50 radio firmware. The phone doesnt show better reception but maybe 1 in 10 times the call will go through.


HERM 200 Reception Issues

I have two HERM 200s. One is an HTC and the other is an unlocked Vodafone model.
The Vodafone model has worked pretty well for phone reception in my area. However, the HTC has not.
I have upgraded the radio several times on the HTC and now to one of the most recent, I think 1.43. This has not helped reception. I can use both TyTNs at the same location standing at the same point and the Vodafone doesn't have any problems but the HTC will drop the call generally while trying to make a call or answer a call.
Has anyone see this issue or have suggestions on how to resolve the reception problem?

Another phone bites the dust...

Well, I've had my phone for about 8 months, and so its first major fault has developed. As of last Friday, it will no longer connect to the 3G network, and barely hold a 2G connection. Wifi/GPS radios are fine, so I'm guessing something with the internal aerial has gone screwy. Reflashed with original t-mob roms which have had no effect, back to WM5 (eugh) and still the same.
Had to laugh at T-mob though, they wanted me to hunt out another 3g t-mob subscriber to try their sim, and try my sim in their phone. Either that, or visit a T-Mob store. Grrr.. Managed to loan a Tytn off the boss for a couple of days, my sim goes straight to HSDPA so deffo the ameo. So T-Mob are having it back for a few days to try and resuccitate it back to life, fingers x'd its back to a state where it looks like its not been furkled with too much.
I could have taken it to a t-mob shop for them to send off, and helpfully they would have sent me a txt when it was ready for collection - as I then pointed out to the nice lady on the phone, how would I receive said message when my phone is AT YOUR FRIGGING SERVICE DEPARTMENT. Poor show from T-Mob, but what was expected. Still, at least I'm not completly off the grid at the mo.
Oh, and I had Radio 1.5 and WM 6.1 image on the phone at the time, and it was during a voice call the phone rebooted and then wouldn't work, so i'm guessing somethings maybe overheated and gone pop...
Digital.Diablo said:
Well, I've had my phone for about 8 months, and so its first major fault has developed. As of last Friday, it will no longer connect to the 3G network, and barely hold a 2G connection. Wifi/GPS radios are fine, so I'm guessing something with the internal aerial has gone screwy. Reflashed with original t-mob roms which have had no effect, back to WM5 (eugh) and still the same.
Had to laugh at T-mob though, they wanted me to hunt out another 3g t-mob subscriber to try their sim, and try my sim in their phone. Either that, or visit a T-Mob store. Grrr.. Managed to loan a Tytn off the boss for a couple of days, my sim goes straight to HSDPA so deffo the ameo. So T-Mob are having it back for a few days to try and resuccitate it back to life, fingers x'd its back to a state where it looks like its not been furkled with too much.
I could have taken it to a t-mob shop for them to send off, and helpfully they would have sent me a txt when it was ready for collection - as I then pointed out to the nice lady on the phone, how would I receive said message when my phone is AT YOUR FRIGGING SERVICE DEPARTMENT. Poor show from T-Mob, but what was expected. Still, at least I'm not completly off the grid at the mo.
Oh, and I had Radio 1.5 and WM 6.1 image on the phone at the time, and it was during a voice call the phone rebooted and then wouldn't work, so i'm guessing somethings maybe overheated and gone pop...
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Let's hope they give you a new replacement since it is still under warranty. Who knows, may be even a 7510?
Digital.Diablo said:
Well, I've had my phone for about 8 months, and so its first major fault has developed. As of last Friday, it will no longer connect to the 3G network, and barely hold a 2G connection. Wifi/GPS radios are fine, so I'm guessing something with the internal aerial has gone screwy. Reflashed with original t-mob roms which have had no effect, back to WM5 (eugh) and still the same.
Had to laugh at T-mob though, they wanted me to hunt out another 3g t-mob subscriber to try their sim, and try my sim in their phone. Either that, or visit a T-Mob store. Grrr.. Managed to loan a Tytn off the boss for a couple of days, my sim goes straight to HSDPA so deffo the ameo. So T-Mob are having it back for a few days to try and resuccitate it back to life, fingers x'd its back to a state where it looks like its not been furkled with too much.
I could have taken it to a t-mob shop for them to send off, and helpfully they would have sent me a txt when it was ready for collection - as I then pointed out to the nice lady on the phone, how would I receive said message when my phone is AT YOUR FRIGGING SERVICE DEPARTMENT. Poor show from T-Mob, but what was expected. Still, at least I'm not completly off the grid at the mo.
Oh, and I had Radio 1.5 and WM 6.1 image on the phone at the time, and it was during a voice call the phone rebooted and then wouldn't work, so i'm guessing somethings maybe overheated and gone pop...
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I had the same problem. It turns out that t-mobile's signal strength is not up to much in many areas. I was about to return my ameo for the third time (they insisted that it was the ameo at fault) but when I learned that it was t-mobiles' rubbish comms, I held on to it for a few weeks. Yesterday, I tried to make it sim-free and bricked it. Makes a lovely paperweight until someone can come to the rescue!!
Hi I have a x7501 so how do you get 3g to work and what plan from t-mo do you need?...Thanks...TJ
TrekkerJmm said:
Hi I have a x7501 so how do you get 3g to work and what plan from t-mo do you need?...Thanks...TJ
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If you're talking about 3g for T-mo in America and not Europe, I don't think they have 3G as yet but they do have EDGE which is 19,99 unlimited. And now they carry a 99.99 unlimeted voice, text and sms, plan. Hope this information helps. Oh and you posted the question in the wrong thread.
Well, it would appear that the mobo or a radio chip has been replaced on it. Its due back tomorrow I think, but the repair companies website indicates what whilst the serial number is the same, the IMEI is different.
@ Bishee, I was pretty certain it wasn't the network at fault, as it was the same wherever I used it, and at home and work, I get a good HSDPA signal (sometimes dropping back to 3G when the networks congested). And it didn't change for the 3 or 4 days before it got sent back to t-mob.
@ Trekkerjim - If your not in the US (although given the model number you quote, seems to indicate this) it should work with 3G from the off, however you must have a 3g capable sim card (I've seen this a few times) and you must make sure the radio is set to the correct frequency (or auto). For people in the UK on t-mob that don't have the settings, I posted up a cab somewhere on the ftp xda site which configures the settings correctly.
Anyway, fingers x'd its all sorted now, so I'll let you know how it looks once I've gone through the fix process (olipro unlocker, WM 6.1 e.t.c. )
I got my 7501 up and running on Rogers 3G with the help
of one of their techie sales type,it's working fine with a
pay-as-you-go simcard.
Phone's back, and I'm not sure if its a replace or refurb - the job notes say a mobo swap and also unit swap. I can confirm that the case is all new and shiny and the screen printing on the case is all back to 'new' condition.
Came back with Radio
O/S Build: 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2).
If anyone wants this version (UK T-Mob), send me the distructions on how to extract the rom from the phone and I'll sort it out - you have until PK4 arrives

Could the UK Touch HD people on the O2 network please read this and test something?

I'm starting to lose the will to live at the moment as i've got a bit of an issue with using my phone on the o2 network at the moment.
I'd be really grateful, therefore, if the folks with a Touch HD on O2 could do a quick test for me to see if it is just a handset problem or an O2 issue. The full story is outlined below, but you don't have to read it and can skip straight to the test at the end if you want!
My phone worked fine for 2 weeks and hasn't worked since there was a local network outage on o2 on Thursday of last week. After this, the phone will only work when i'm in a 3G enabled area and won't work when i'm in a 2G area (a bit of a pain as i live in a 2G area).
I've been trying to track this issue down.
Here are the tests that i've done so far
An old but still active o2 account works fine in k750 (2g only phone) at home location
Sim card from old O2 account doesn't work in touch HD at home location
New sim card hasn't worked in home location (2G area) since last Thursday
New sim card seems to work elsewhere in 3G locations (although some dropped calls)
If you put phone in GSM only mode when you are in a 3G area you get a signal but can't make or receive any calls
new sim card works in k750 (2G only phone) at home location
Sim card from wife's orange phone works fine at home location (although it is an orange 3g area).
1) Phone is broken
2) O2 local transmitter is broken or no longer will 'speak' to the touch HD since the network outage on Thursday
However, i've come across other people on the O2 network with the same phone (see in another part of the country and they are having the same issue, so this has got me thinking of 1 final test before I return my phone.
The test bit starts here
If you are in a 3G area can you switch your phone band to GSM only. After doing so can you still make and receive calls/texts?
If you are in a 2G area can you make and receive calls/texts?
Really appreciate any help you can offer here guys, as this is taking over my life at the moment.
I've got an Orange Touch HD, unlocked by "Unlock Now", and being used with a 3G o2 contract sim.
Switching to GSM leaves the phone entirely operational, and is generally advised anyway to save battery from band switching in marginal signal areas.
I can't test the 2g only problem as I am swamped by 3g where I live.
I very much expect that the phone WILL work in a 2g area as it has to have the 2g fallback if 3g fails.
I live in a 3G area and work in a 2G area and my phone works just fine in both, albeit the slow downloads you would expect in 2G. I'm on O2 with an HD that I bought independently of the contract.
Mine works just fine in non 3G areas on O2 with a recent O2 SIM, can even go from 3G to 2G and back again mid call without any problems. Haven't tried switching 3G off (bit late to be calling anyone tonight) but don't see any reason for it to fail. Have you tried a hard reset?
Thanks guys, really appreciate your input.
I've done all the hard resets and everything and the situation remains the same, the phone will work in 3G areas but not 2G ones, so it will be returned and hopefully the replacement phone will be okay
I live in an area where i'm just on the edge of 3g reception and for the last couple of weeks or so I have been getting calls dropped whenever my phone switches from 3G. I can sometimes get a few seconds of talk time before it drops but if I switch to GSM instead of auto I can't connect at all.
I've had this HD on O2 since December, from, and have only recently started experiencing this problem.
My replacement phone has arrived and now works as it should.
Murph1 - seems like your phone has developed the same fault as mine, so it will need to go back to HTC or get it fixed via CPW
HD TOUCH very dissapointing....any results after repair anyone?
i can tell you that i have purchased a hd touch (around a month ago) and to be honest im not impressed at all….no matter where i am i do not get full signal, i was told that this may be the lack of 3g in my area, so i took it to carphone warehouse, they changed a setting…..and i still have no signal……….i have around 20 photos and 10 songs on the memory card, and already the phone is “lagging” and glitching……….the battery life is pants, it has to be charged every night……also when starting the phone its takes at least 3-4 mins until i can touch a key and the hd touch will recognise it! really is rubbish, so much that ive returned it today for repair, hopefully it will be sorted, but i cant see how they can make the battery life longer, the software faster and the signal better???? my advice is get an iphone (the exact comment i got off of a carphone warehouse employee when i took it in for repair today) but ofcourse apparntly i cant do that as im outside of my 28 day return period….hope this helps,
joe.....oh im on o2 aswell : ( my postcode is s81 (worksop, notts area)
Same problem - PLEASE HELP!?
I have a Touch HD on O2 - through
It was working fine originally for 2 weeks - then suddenly I have very low "H" reception in my house (my old phone shows loads of reception with same sim card). If it switches to E or G receptions - even if I have loads of reception, I can't sent a text or call, or receive calls. I've even sat there at work, with 4 or 5 bands on E, and then tried to call myself from my work phone - it goes straight to voicemail.
So it seems that my phone will only work on "H" band/reception. Is this the same problem? I have tried contacting HTC support and hard resets..
Please can someone help?!
Does anyone have any idea? Please!! It's doing my head in!
When I first received the phone I found it to be laggy and not very responsive.
I am currently using Dutty's Extreme 2.6 ROM and Radio and the phone runs like a dream.
The device is very fast and responsive. The reception is very good and the GPS fixes in about 10-15 secs. The best thing is that I used the phone for 5 days without charging and it still had 20% charge left at the end (i did not use TomTom in this period).
I am in the UK and I am on the O2 network.
Hope this helps.
The 5 days test came from Dutty's Extreme 2.5 ROM not 2.6.
So how does a radio really work? I think mine is actually faulty though, as it won't connect via E or G bands. Did you have this problem before you upgraded the radio and rom?
nhudgell, your error seems the same as mine. I would be able to make/receive calls in a 3G/H area, but it would go straight to voicemail in a E/G area.
If you are within 28 days of your purchase, return it for a replacement, if not, you'll have to go to a carphonewarehouse to send it off for repair.
P.S. i updated my radio on the phone that had the error and it made no difference at all, so i assume that it was a faulty GSM module in the phone
Sounds like I need to return it then (I'm over 28 days) - so I need to go to Carphone Warehouse? Can I not go straight to HTC and use their warranty?
Another one to get unlucky
Hi all
I have a touch HD which I bought off ebay(oh dear I hear you cry !). I love the phone, but like you had the 2g 3g prob. On 2g I can make calls (if I try and try again and am patient with the long connect time )but cannot receive calls they go straight to answerphone.
I found that with a virgin sim(I had an old one that still works) the prob vanishes and phone works fine in 2g or 3g.
But with any O2 card: mine or a new sim I got(to try and fix this) and my wifes I get the same prob.
Did your phone replacement solve the prob.
I spoke to O2 and they think its a software vs phone software issue, and said that they dont sell/support that handset and I checked its not on their website.
Did the replacement phones solve the issue is all now OK??
Any feed back gratefully received !
The Story continues....
OK here is the latest.
I spoke to Spud_work & Nhudgell who had this prob and they both confirmed that
A) They had replaced the handset
B) Problem had gone and so far had not come back.
(thanks very much for the prompt response and help guys)
So I called HTC and told them this - I found someone that was interested.
He said that he will look into what the repair people say and then I can update on here.
Just keeping fingers crossed that they CAN fox this as they did for others !
Final Update
Spoke to HTC and they agreed to fix. This required me explaining about the postings on here and what other people had done. I sent the phone back and it was back with me within one week the prob was fixed. I believe that they changed the main-board. They said that they had never heard of this prob, but I pointed them here !
Anyway if anyone else gets this same prob - send the phone back ! That worked for me !
Having said all that I now have a new and even more unusual prob - with the back light - looks like the phone might be going "home" again !

Terrible connection strength

Since I took advantage of the orange ****-up and moved to O2, i just cant make phone calls from home.
From other places its fine, but at home its awful.
I have tried the O2 sim in another phone and its perfect, so I dont think its the phone masts.
I have spoken to O2 and they tell me the account is provisioned but unavailable to send my HTC the settings as they dont support the phone at all.
Is there anything I can do?
Sometimes it happens, you can always try a different radio. Some radios will improve reception in different areas. As an extra quirk, some can even improve battery life!
Take a look here for more info:
Just a word of caution however, you might want to get your HD Security unlocked first before flashing a new radio.
Can you list what ROM/loader/radio version you're using (I assume that you've unlocked an Orange handset)? Sometimes if you've got mixed up versions, the signal quality will suffer - see for someone with a similar problem after flashing their phone.
Different phones will always show some variation in connectivity; it's just a fact of life - but at most about 30% variation. If your other handset has 5 bars and the HD has one or zero, something is wrong with it. Also, since your handset is unlocked it might help to try a payg SIM from another operator (getting a free SIM is easy, and if you don't make calls it won't cost you to stick it in and look at the signal). We carry one from every operator, just in case we're stuck in a region with bad coverage and need to call someone urgently.
More info
I have tried a few different ROMs but currently using Duttys 6.5 R12 revised rom.
Radio is currently 1.14 but I have tried 1.16 in the past with no improvement.
My handset is unlocked (using the link on this forum).
In the other phone (an old Nokia) its perfect signal, 5 bars, but in the HD it ranges from 4 bars to none and all inbetween, quickly changing all the time too.
I might try and get hold of a PAYG O2 sim and see if thats any different.
c_lee said:
Can you list what ROM/loader/radio version you're using (I assume that you've unlocked an Orange handset)? Sometimes if you've got mixed up versions, the signal quality will suffer - see for someone with a similar problem after flashing their phone.
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Read through that and my bootloader screen is fine and shows SPL 1.56 Olinex security unlocked.
So I dont think thats the problem.
I have the same problem!
Got the HD yesterday, and reception goes from 0 to 4 bars all the time. When sim is in my other pdas it fine. I have an unlocked HD on o2.
My bootloader screen shows SPL-1.54.0000
Tried an orange sim and got 4 bars
Telephone connectin strength
I have the same problem.
At home impossible to call. On the road connection is regularly lost (when moving from one ground station to the next I suspect). This feels like the coverage problems in de mid 90s.
ROM 1.56.404.1
Provider Proximus
New sim did not help
onverbe said:
I have the same problem.
At home impossible to call. On the road connection is regularly lost (when moving from one ground station to the next I suspect). This feels like the coverage problems in de mid 90s.
ROM 1.56.404.1
Provider Proximus
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19/10 I asked for a new sim card from my provider but that has made no difference.

[Q] Wildfire / Vodafone signal problem

Some weeks ago I bought my wife a Wildfire from Ebay. It seems to work fine and picks up a great signal on every network except Vodafone. I tried the HTC helpline and took it to a Vodafone store but neither could help.
Now I've bought another for myself and, would you believe it, the exact same problem with this one.
If I take out the Vodafone sim and put it into an HTC Magic it immediately picks up a strong signal. As soon as I put the sim back into either of the Wildfires it gets either nothing or a very limited signal.
I've tried taking the phones out and about and occasionally get a weak signal but more often than not I get nothing.
Can anyone help.
I should possibly have added that both these phones were originally locked to one network, one to Tmobile and the other I believe was to 3, and have been unlocked using a code.
chance you oprator maybe? or update firmware
Is it the death grip perhaps? Which Apple claims other devices have aswell...?
I don't think it's anything to do with the grip because I've tried it so many times in different places and positions. I find it very strange that it's only the Vodafone signal. Every other network gets a strong signal.
MY Vodafone signal isn't good either, but then again it wasn't great with my Touch Pro 2.
stunno said:
MY Vodafone signal isn't good either, but then again it wasn't great with my Touch Pro 2.
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try the new 1.37 firmware
I've tried updating the firmware but it tells me that the phone is up to date.
It currently has Version 2.1 update 1 and the software number is
I'm no expert so if anyone can tell me how to make it do an update I'd be grateful.
download this

