Newbie on the move! - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Good day to all!
First of all let me introduce myself. I'm David and I'm an executive in a transcription company in the Philippines. I recently bought a Dopod 838 Pro to aid me in organizing myself and to keep my productivity up. So far, it's doing a marvelous job! Totally worth the investment, I might add.
Now on to my issues (don't we all have them? ). I'm very keen on keeping myself updated with the latest software especially when it comes to bug fixes and patches. I've read through almost half the Hermes threads on the boards and I have several questions that the threads have not answered.
1. I'm very curious regarding WM6, my Dopod has WM5 on it and I'm wondering if its worth upgrading to 6. Would you experienced users recommend me upgrading?
2. I also heavily use my Dopod as a media center, I access the internet through wifi, hsdpa, edge and even 3g. I even play movies on it while I'm out of town on business using TCPMP. Oh, lets not forget MP3s. I also can't go through the day without using Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Will upgrading my phone's ROM and consequently its OS cause problems in this regard?
3. If you do recommend me updating my ROM, Which ROM would you choose for me knowing how I use my Dopod.
4. I've read through the warnings regarding flashing ROMs. I've flashed a few hardware before, DVD-writers, PC BIOS and even modems and routers, they were all successful. Now, since it represents a significant amount of cash, and I dont want to "brick" my Dopod, is the risk of changing ROMS worth it?
5. I am a control freak (if you did not already notice reading this exceptionally long intro to a thread), I want to be able to control all if not most of the aspects of my Dopod. Again, which ROM/program would you recommend.
That's just about it. I would really appreciate your answers guys. Thank you in advance and allow me to say that your work on this thread is highly appreciated! Blessings to all!

If you depend on your PDA for work then I'd recommend to play it safe and wait with the upgrade to WM6 until HTC/Dopod releases the official version.
I use my PDA at least fifty percent for work. I tried WM6 but had a few issues, the most serious one with Bluetooth and loosing connection to my headset and then the phone refusing to reconnect unless I soft reset it! (Not very nice when this happens in the middle of a phone call with a customer.)

1. yes
3.check the latest LVSW, or one of it's derivatives, like elf, sleuth or V3pg long as you follow MrVanx's guide you'll be fine.
5.Sleuth's LVSW derivative, but that's just my opninion. Any of the above ROMs would work

davidlleno said:
Good day to all!
1. I'm very curious regarding WM6, my Dopod has WM5 on it and I'm wondering if its worth upgrading to 6. Would you experienced users recommend me upgrading?
I have seen this question posted 2-3 times in the last couple weeks. You might wanna try saerching through the threads for more opinions.
2. I also heavily use my Dopod as a media center, I access the internet through wifi, hsdpa, edge and even 3g. I even play movies on it while I'm out of town on business using TCPMP. Oh, lets not forget MP3s. I also can't go through the day without using Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Will upgrading my phone's ROM and consequently its OS cause problems in this regard?
Media issues are generally uncommon in "these" (custom) ROM upgrades. Its usually communication bugs that you have to deal with.
3. If you do recommend me updating my ROM, Which ROM would you choose for me knowing how I use my Dopod.
Black2.5 is stable, so is Sleuths Derivative. If you new to flashing choose a rom that has already been around and has had the bugs worked out.
4. I've read through the warnings regarding flashing ROMs. I've flashed a few hardware before, DVD-writers, PC BIOS and even modems and routers, they were all successful. Now, since it represents a significant amount of cash, and I dont want to "brick" my Dopod, is the risk of changing ROMS worth it?
5 months ago, yes. Now, not as much. Make SURE you read up on HardSPL before you flash, and use the mrvanxguide
5. I am a control freak (if you did not already notice reading this exceptionally long intro to a thread), I want to be able to control all if not most of the aspects of my Dopod. Again, which ROM/program would you recommend.
Same as before. Theres lots of little cool customizations that you can do, but a ROM upgrade is not going to be more customizable than WM5.
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Hope that helps. Good Luck!

Great replies guys. Thanks.
I've already flashed my device with the ELF WM6 LVSW derivative. Works great. just has a few refresh problems. Today screen does not apply changes I've made without restarting the device, also contacts on the sim card remain visible even after checking the "show contacts only".


Things that make my JasJar USELESS

If you read my posts you'll see that I'm truly a proponent of working thro issues before lambasting a new product, and in fact you'll see that most issues raised are perfectly solvable with PocketPlus 3's close button and a few more apps. However, I'm now down to a few unresolved issues, and quite frankly I HAVE to tell the world NOT to buy this device until these issues are solved - probably by HTC. The bottom line is that there are not yet enough users to provide the critical mass to solve these issues, and one desperaely checks all the JJ forums daily only to find so few new posts it looks like it'll be many many months before the device is usable. What makes matters worse is that HTC don't seem to give a damn - we don't see them on the forums helping us early adopters AT ALL, their own forums do not even have a JJ/universal section - and you get fewer replies on there than you do here! It's shocking!:
1) BT unreliable: Turns itself off. Even when on, a call can come in and you cannot answer. Highly unpredictable so U generally miss the call whilst driving using your knees to steer, battling to open the JJ with one hand, and pumping your BT button with the other. I've battled with Gtec and Jabra BT devices - this IS a JJ issue!
2) GPRS/UMTS not always-on: The whole principle of GPRS was always-on, and UMTS brought us always-on broadband. Instead we have a situation where every app that wants to go on-line establishes a connection, does its thing, and drops the carrier when finishes. The best way to explain is how dial-up used to feel; too much hassle to bother booking those movie tickets on-line, yet once you had always-on broadband you didn't EVER queue at the moveis again! Broadband and wireless has always been more about always-on than about the access. Anton Tomov's GPRS Keep Alive does not solve this on the JJ.
3) No decent PIM: This is a 3-function convergent device; phone, on-line and PIM. The built-in PIM is SO awfully BAD that it defies comprehension. Psion Series 3's were way better than this! Yes, 1998 P3's! On WM2003 devices one merely used PI, AF or PB - or any other apps for that matter. Now none work on the JJ! NONE! You heard me - not a single @#$#@%one! The PI dev/CEO blames the JJ blank screens on a ROM bug and is not prepared to put any more effort into it. AF guys are not even starting to promise beta dates yet - and when they do they'll probably battle with the JJ too. All other calendar apps are blank or unusably slow (ie 2 mins to populate the screen).
4) Notification queue management: We ARE getting dups again! Pocket Mechanic is the only app that removes the sddeamon dup, and it does not have a feature to scan and clean up at midnight. This is going to build up to be an issue over time; we'll hit alarm failures, memory and speed issues, and general applicaiton problems all as per our old XDA's. For non-techie geeks, this alone is a reason to run away screaming!
5) No backup: OMG OMG OMG! This is such an appauling situation, that it is beyond my comprehension that M$ didn't run out to rectify it within 1 day of releasing WM5 over FOUR months ago!!!!! Now we have a device that we CANNOT back up. 1 hard reset and you start over. If you're faint-hearted you're simply not going to test new apps. If ur and early-adopter, then get ready for some hard resets (I've done 3 to date). Non-techie-hardcore-geeks will NOT NOT NOT tolerate this. Not for a single nano-second!
I am not a developer/experts on the PPC, but I have been on the bleading edge for some time. I had a perfectly smooth XDA, then XDAII from the day each came out, and I have used forums like this to solve ALL my problems. I also put hours and hours into it. ie I am not a housewife complaining cos I can;t find a menu item - the above issues are serious and a challenge for anyone with less capability than Buzz.
1) Can't help you there
2) Get the GPRS Always on application that can be found here if you search
3) 2 words for you. Pocket Informant
4) Can't believe this is still an issue
5) Use Sprite backup (best) or use the Backup feature of ACTIVESYNC.
2) Anton Tomov's "GPRS always on" does not work fo this
3) PI fails on JJ within 2 days; blank calendar views which Alex (PI CEO) says is a ROM bug. Honestly if PI worked I would forgive ALL the rest; When it does work PI in VGA is AWESOME.
4) Queue dups definite - but I do concede that it may be a result of PocketPlus301, aeRepeatAlarms, TotalOmmander, or spb GPRS monitor. Havn't had time 2 test 1x1
5) Sprite themselves say it does not work on wm5, and you can find out the hard way by trying to restore. Ditto for sunnysoft. I agree that AS managed contacts etc, BUT I want to backup a state so I can debug apps
<submitted from my JJ - ClubiMate forums do NOT work from a JJ!!>
3, 4 and 5 are Windows Mobile 5 issues, not i-mate issues, so it's a little unfair IMO to reject the JasJar based on just issues 1 and 2. All WM5 devices have these problems. Two of those issues might be solved in future device releases by inlcuding Pocket Informant and a backup util (once one compatible with WM5 is released - there is none yet), but for now, there's not much that can be done while we wait for solutions.
Also, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for MS to fix the duplicates issues. This has been a problem for a long time now. The JasJar is a great device, but we have to accept the fact that it will be a while before we can start using it (and other WM5 devices) to the level we had gotten used to with WM 2003 and 2003 SE.
You buy a new device AND a new OS.
A little patience please.
But the GPRS always on (MSN) is also urgent for me.

2 quick questions

I have a TmobileUS MDA on the shipping OS.
IPL 1.08
SPL 1.08
GSM 01.09.10
1) Anyone know which cab from the Tmo-US ext rom has the hotspot app? Its possible I'm being dense but I don't see anything thats obviously it, and dont' really care to reinstall the entire Ext ROM after I upgrade to 2.17
2) I have issues on my wizard accessing lots of google sites over gprs/edge. GLM won't load... google search loads main page (any of them... pda/xhtml/standard html) just fine, and one word/short searches work great; however if the search is long (I've not yet identified the 'bad' length) or contains a space, the page times out. e.g.- "bluetooth" comes back fast with results, but "blue tooth" (and all variations there-of) time out. Accordingly, Smart411 google searches also suceed/fail under the same circumstances. Oddly, local search and images work fine.
So far I can find no other pages/sites/services on the web which have this affliction. I've seen reference to this on the web from a smattering of tmobile customers, but wanted to ask here if you guys have seen this issue. Rather hoping it will disappear with the ROM update but not holding my breath. As an aside, all google pages (mostly used xhtml) worked phenomenally on my BB7100t, so I'm hesitant to blame this on the tmobile wap, but at the same time, all this functionality works beautifully over wifi, so its hard to blame the phone. As a PC tech I'm want to be looking at a problem specific to the GPRS connection, but I don't really know where to start on this device. Got my MDA 2 weeks ago, been playing with software, about to hard reset, backup, and try the 2.17 image.
Thanks for any tips you may have to offer.

Newbie needs your help in choosing a phone

first of all let me thank you for a brilliant forum. I was looking for a forum with loads of information on pocket pc phones and i guess i found you guys.
Okay I'm a total newbie and I need help with choosing between three phones and i'm extremely confused as to what i should choose.
I'm with orange and they are offering me:-
1. NOKIA N95 (Not the black edition, but does come with 8gb) - Has all the features, but i've heard these are very buggy and slow
2. TYTN II - Has all the features that i need, except the keypad is eithier virtual or i have to pull out the keyboard to make calls, which is a NO NO
3. TOUCH DUAL - Now this phone is the dream i was wishing for..i.e there is a keypad which exists, allowing me to quickly make calls, but then it has NO GPS and NO WI-FI .
My problem is that all phones have their advantages and disadvantages and therefore make it difficult for me to choose. Here is what i'm looking for:-
1. The phone must have a hard keypad (Not a keyboard or virtual keypad) to make immediate calls.
2. GPS is not immediately needed, but i hope that i can add it in the near future
3. WI-FI again is not urgently needed, but i hope that it can be added later in future
4. The phone software must be very adaptable software wise
5. Must be unlockable to all networks
6. Needs to have a decent battery life
I especially want to know about the Touch Dual..can this give me what i need?
2 & 3, u'd better assume a "no" in touch dual forever. if finally a brilliant brain solves it, it's a bonus. better not assume you can get it in "near future". meanwhile, you may have interest on this thread
4. Windows Mobile is an open platform that allows installation of the millions of programs in the market. meanwhile, pls be prepared that "soft reset" is unavoidable for the M$ product, just like reboot upon "blue screen" in win98.
5. see this
6. it's very dependent on personal habit. e.g. how many phone calls a day? how much data connection? how much online/offline content browsing? how much game playing? the word "decent" is very subjective as well. in general, if you work in office for most of time, it's not a worry at all, as you can easily recharge your WM devices from a pc using a standard usb cable.
hope this helps
many thanks pp18 your reply has been very helpful.
I use the phone 90% of the time to make outgoing battery life is fairly important
Regarding GPS...for the time being, can Touch dual work with a GPS receiver?
if you're very worried about the battery life, you can always bring a spare battery with you. can't share much on this, as it's always easy for me to find a usb cable to charge up my device even i forget to do it the night before.
re gps, yes you can use an external gps module and let it communicate with touch dual through bluetooth. you may have interest on this.
hi pp18.
I rang orange yesterday and after having a long chat with them, they backed off the n95 and tytn II as they said that the person who offered the mobiles made a mistake. I only had a choice between a nokia 6500 classic/slide or the Touch Dual II. Hope i made the right choice as i chose the Touch Dual II.
I thank you for helping me with all these questions and definately have interest in using an external gps receiver.
As a total newbie and after reading your links, can you clarify the following questions i have please? :-
1. If i use the recommended GPS receiver with the t-dual, is it as accurate and speedy & reliable as a general tomtom device would be? What i'm trying to say is that are there any known issues with GPS receivers and a phone? For example does the phone regularly lose signal and can't tell where i'm going.
2. Can i install tomtom software on it?
3. From your experience, has the guy who charges £5 to unlock this mobile, messed up anyone's phone?
4. I live in an urban area...Is it true that this phone has serious signal issues?
5. Lastly i have heard that the orange installed software is slow, drains the battery and unreliable. How difficult is it for a novice like myself to install a new rom that is faster and better than orange? Also what is the best/reliable rom going at the moment?
Many thanks for your very helpful info.
in general, bluetooth communication between an external gps module and a WM device shouldn't be a problem. for details and specific to your area, i suggest you ask in the Niki Accessories forum so that your neighbours can offer better help.
for flashing cooked rom, i personally not recommend it to newbies, as the worst case for a wrong operation is "brick" the device. and, a device with cooked rom will void the warranty as well. you'd better find a friend to help. for choice of rom, suggest you read the great articles in the Niki Upgrading forum.
i had pretty much the same options as you. and i went with the touch dual. it kind of puts a dampner on it not having gps or wifi inbuilt like the other 2, but wifi isnt really that big of a deal, internet surfing on a phone screen is pretty worthless - if need be i just use gprs, its fine for my needs (i bearly ever used wifi on my old tornado). i already had a bluetooth gps reciver so gps isnt a problem, i just leave it in my car.
the touch dual is by far the most attractive out of the 3. the only thing i dislike is the camera, its not as good as the n95s. and i'd love tv out like the n95 has. i wouldnt want a tytn ii though. they're bulky and heavy and there is no need for all the extra weight just for gps and wifi.
thanks pp18 and ducamie.
From what you guys have told me so far, it sounds like i've made the right choice. Would you kindly help me with my remaining questions:-
2. Can i install tomtom software on it?
3. From your experience, has the guy who charges £5 to unlock this mobile, messed up anyone's phone?
4. I live in an urban area...Is it true that this phone has serious signal issues?
Thanks So Much!!!
tomtom installs great.. version 6 is pretty awesome with touch screen.
if you need it unlocking, i'd deffinatley use olipro's simunlock, its £5, its very safe, and your only other option is to pay £20 at imei check. with olipro's it cid unlocks your phone too. i wish he'd brought it out sooner.
ive never had problems with signal, its always been fine, if youre living in an urban area i wouldnt worry about it.
thanks so much ducamie!!! i look forward to seeing my phone.
Btw, do you have an orange dual? If so, have you updated it with another rom or have you left it as it is?
hey. yeah, got an orange branded niki.
i flashed tom_codon's rom after flashing the hardspl to get rid of the orange stuff on the phone more than anything but its a good rom generally, i'd upgrade it if i were you (once youre familiar with what youre doing ofcourse). might aswell.

WM6 (Helmi) -- Lost Internet Ability

I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
DebbieNY13 said:
I see there are a few versions of WM6 here and, not being very technical myself, I quickly became confused about which OS I should try next...
I loaded the WM6 Helmi upgrade and, while the system is running quite well, I am no longer able to connect to the Internet on my SX66. My AT&T bill says otherwise, but I continue to get the following error no matter what settings or CABs I try:
"The answering modem has disconnected. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings."
I spent an hour or so on the phone with AT&T (US). Spoke/conducted tests with their tech support and then their advanced tech support and the only thing they could determine is that I may have corrupted the connectivity ability with the new OS.
Is there another WM6 upgrade on the site that may be better suited to my situation/phone/service than the one I already used? Also, I have Vista at home & XP at work. Which PC should I attempt the suggested upgrade from? (I've been seeing mention of only using XP and want to be sure I am correct.)
Thanks so much for the help, everyone. I really love my SX66 and would hate to have to buy a new phone just to regain the Internet.
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Try this one ( I have been using it for almost a month now without too many problems (internet connectivity seems ok, but then again I do not have GPRS/EDGE). Other than that, this rom seems to do pretty well.
One other tip that I may have for you, if you truly want blazing fast internet on your phone, look in the "development and hacking" forums for a browser called NetFront CF3.5. I believe that it is in beta stage, but I have been using it for about 2 weeks and it is unbelievably fast. It renders the pages really fast, downloading files is a lot faster than PIE, and the best thing is that it renders full pages (kinda like opera, but not as heavy on system resources). The best part is that you can install it in your SD card (if you have one), so you can save some precious rom space...
I hope this helps and good Luck!

Some issues with Jasjam

All help is well come.
I brought a Jasjam and there are some issues that I need to solve.
- Screen goes white sometimes, but I figured to turn it off and turn back on and it fixes it. Is there a better way of doing it? Upgrading?
- I run windows 7 and it says that driver failed when connecting Jasjam to windows 7 to sync, unless i connect and restart the phone, then it works.
- I wanna upgrade to WM6, but all the articles I read has too much info, which is just not user friendly. What are the best roms out there, or you think is the good?
Microsoft does have an official Windows 7 RC Support Forum located here . It is supported by product specialists as well as engineers and support teams. You may want to check the threads available there for additional assitance and feedback.
Microsoft Windows Client Team
xdesdx said:
All help is well come.
I brought a Jasjam and there are some issues that I need to solve.
- Screen goes white sometimes, but I figured to turn it off and turn back on and it fixes it. Is there a better way of doing it? Upgrading?
- I run windows 7 and it says that driver failed when connecting Jasjam to windows 7 to sync, unless i connect and restart the phone, then it works.
- I wanna upgrade to WM6, but all the articles I read has too much info, which is just not user friendly. What are the best roms out there, or you think is the good?
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I run Windows 7 as well and my Jasjam synced just fine. It was on WM5, and it worked fine even after upgrading to WM6.1. I think you should try hard-resetting the device and/or upgrading to a newer ROM and see if that fixes it (and your other problems)
I haven't had too much experience with the Jasjam as well, but as far as I can see, the CRCinAU ROMs are one of the best in terms of speed and stability. There are also other good ROMs out there, like DarkVision's and Schap's, and some older ones like Pays, but I prefer CRC's as it simply is the fastest there is (If someone can prove me wrong, please be my guest!)
To start off with, first look in the wiki. Now in the Wiki, the first thing you should read is "Hermes for beginners". Keep the Hermes Wikitionary open incase you come across an unknown term.
Next step is to upgrade the SPL on your device to Hard-SPL. Go through all the steps, and if it fails, recheck if you'd done everything right, and if its still failing, you might need to CID Unlock it. (Once again, let me remind you of the Wikitionary page that you've kept open in the background which you can use to refer when you come across unknown terms!)
I highly recommend upgrading the Radio as well, especially if you want to use 3G. Radio updates affect battery life, call quality and network connectivity in general. I personally had good experiences with but some prefer Check the stickies in the Hermes forums to help you decide which radio might suit you, and try out which one works the best for you. Newer isn't necessarily better, it also depends on your network provider so use a version that works best for *you*.
Finally, check the Hermes Upgrade Guide for details on how to upgrade the ROM. (There are also guides for the Radio and SPL)
Whenever you flash a new ROM don't forget to hard-reset afterwards. If you're upgrading from a cooked ROM to a different one, flash the OEM ROM first (links usually present in the thread of the cooked ROM) before you flash the new cooked ROM.
Also, for any type of flashing (OS/RADIO/SPL etc) I highly recommend the SD Card method as chances of failure are lesser.
Good luck!
cheers guys, im going to use some of the things that you have mentioned, and I will let you know of the outcome.
hii there..i am recently running 6.1 pn9b1 rom on my imate jasjam.i want to know if any 6.5 version is available for imate jasjam??
Yes, just look in the Hermes forums under "Hermes Mobile 6". Infact, nearly all the ROMs in the first page you see will be for WM6.5.
Personally though I'm going to stick to WM6.1 as its performance is much better on the Hermes.

