[Release] Today plugin for dual sim holders - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Here it is a Today Screen software plugin that displays the IMSI code (or a custom label for it) of the current active Sim. Works with all dual Sim hardware solutions allowing to always know which is the SIM in use.
From my personal experience I prefer the use of simple power on-off solutions because they consume the same amount of energy of a normal SIM. The digital solutions provide a nice STK application but the resource consumption is not acceptable (especially for HTC Hermes). This plugin solve the main problem of the simple power on off Dual Sim holders: knowing which is the active Sim.
For the power on-off sim holders there's a version of the plugin that allows the single click switch of the active sim through a popup menu activated by the stilo or the scroll wheel.
Configure your custom labels in the Today option dialog for the specific item.
Help me improve the plugin with your feedbacks and feel free to
if the program is useful for you.

Some screenshot
Some screenshot for the plugin:


Prepaid Card status checking (USSD codes)

I'm about finishing a plugin for Today Screen and Home Screen, where the latest status of prepaid SIM Card (account) is displayed.
As you know, to get this status, you have to send a special code. Mostly, it is *101# and a green phone button. In reply, cellular network responses with a special message. As I could check that replies in a few networks, messages depend from the cellular network. And the language too. Because of that, my plugin just displays a whole message without changes.
My question is: how that reply messages look like in various networks? Could you please post here message you get?
I want to get answer, what is maximum length of such messages, to save the space of screen. Or maybe to use its content and reformat the display style finally (what's - I'm afraid - impossible due to many languages used). Correct me.
If you use prepaid card, please send *101# code (or maybe in some other networks it is different code?), and give the answer you got from cellular network in reply.
"Creditul tau de xxx.xx EURcenti este activ inclusiv pana la dd/mm/yy"
this is how it looks on Orange romania.
hope it helps.
but there is a catch... if i have extra options(like bonus free minutes) when i dial the check credit number(*133#) i also receive a separate sms(from a different number(333) )showing me the free minutes left...
i also have a small question... do you know a good USSD program that is compatible with mio?
In Belgium with provider PROXIMUS, dial code is #121# and result is formatted as Credit: nnn.nn EUR Validite dd/mm/yyyy
Vodafone Germany
Dail code for Vodafone Germany is *100#. The reply is: Ihr Kontostand betraegt xx.xx Euro.
Looking forward to check out the plug-in.
I use another prog - dciBalance - and get a relult ot Today like:
"Balanse: xx$ (-0,5$) 7:34, 07.12.2007 "
where xx$ - balance, (-0,5$) changes by per day, and time\date of cheching
is dciBalance also available in english?
no dciBalance available only on Russian....
But it is not very hard to understand "how to"
Thank for comments.
I don't know the above other program with similar funtions, and I even did not tried it.
That's why my concept is stay as: to leave an original reply message in original language. This will run independently from particular country or cellular network. Certainly, I added options to change the default code *101# to whatever some user will need in some localization or situation.
Have anybody heard, that any network charges for USSD questions?
Currently, my program checks the status: on every wake up, on every midnite, and if user will check the option: on every hour. I can add more options like: after every phone call finished, or after every message sent. But... it consumes battery. I'm already under deeper tests how it works relative to battery reasonably discharging.
User can force the checking any time manually, by selecting this plugin and press Action or Enter button.
when will we see the app?
sounds very interesting. yeah, when can we see this app?
anybody know the ussd code for vodafone nz??
beta version is here
Ok. Here it is a Beta Version. It will expire on the end of year.
This is a version for PPC only (incl. VGA), Smartphone HomeScreen plugin is upcoming... Please, users of Smartphones: give your comments what you see after *101# code and how it is displayed, or similar...
After installation:
- in PPC please check, if it is marked on system Today items list
- in SP please select one of new Home SCreen style with "prepaid..." in name
or build your own Home Screen, this plugin you get with:
<plugin clsid="{6A59C93A-4B8A-46c1-873B-269E93A8CE27}" name="prepaidstatus" height="25"><background><format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/></background></plugin>
- added delay of 10sec. in first checking since activate
- added delay of 5 sec. after wake up
- added icon of Settings... in default Programs folder (for future SP version)
- added destroying default notification icons (not sure if it works well in all devices, yet)
- added breaking each sentence for new line
- added "red alert", when your value is below specified limit (background becomes red and text white, do you want sounds?)
- added text "awaiting notification" while the request is running...
- added text "unresponsived" while network did not replied correctly
- reply message length limited do 200 characters
Some possible problems:
- in some devices I observe that after checking the status the phone line is not active till I use default Phone dialog next time. Not sure about it.
- in some devices I still cannot destroy the default notification icon of USSD reply, it is generated after every checking and collect together in status bar. If you use automatically checking, it will become a huge number of icons.
If you uncheck all available options for automatically requesting the status, you can always force it manually by pressing Action or tap the screen on this Today Item.
All comments are welcome and awating...
Files updated on 11 Dec. 2007
i tested it for a short while and here are first impressions.
Looks amaising, with a minor bug check the pic.
is it normal to show a red background?
A small sugestion....(from my little programing skills...) i believe it is possible to make the program search the ussd for the first set of numbers and display it, so that it will only show the credit. don't you think this will be a nice improvement?
thanks for comments. looks like the problem with "red alert". I will check and fix very soon.
I'm not sure about the concept of "first digit" because I don't know if this rule works in all languages and all network codes. I use this idea to define/determine "red alert" and maybe this is wrong.
there is also a small bug with the settings window... if you open the settings and pop up the keyboard the whole settings moves up, out of the window(first pic)
on Tele2 Sweden its *111#
gives you:
SALDO: xxx.xx Prisplan: Comviq Kontant Kompis. Kortet F n giltigt till 6/12-2008.
that is Prisplan = what sort of card you have
F n giltigt = expires day
I just updated the .cab file, small bug with "red alert" fixed.
If someone will get problem with red background and alert, please set 0 value for its limits. In this case it will not run.
To correctly upload the new version:
- uncheck this item from the list
- remove from default Remove Programs
- make a soft-reset
- re-install the new one
Strange with the Settings dialog. It's not in all my devices already.
Certainly, "last reported..." displays Today's time, and the date if it was not today.
Extend the USSD code
Is it possible to set the program for a longer USSD code?.
Meteor IE is using *#100# for their credit balance USSD code. I have tried inputing the code but it kept cutting of the last #.
ps:- nice work btw
I will try to fix. Thanks for comments.
hmm... after rechecking the settings tab, it seems that sometimes when i open settings the top bar vanishes and the whole settings prog moves up and after a couple of seconds the top bar reapears... that's what happens in the above pic....
unfortunetly i can't test the version very much because, as i told you, at every check i also receive a second sms, showing me the remaining free minutes and it is very annoing to delete them from my sms inbox...
btw, will the next version have the ussd send message balloon hidden?
Thanks for all this great work!
le: seems that most forum folks don't have prepay cards... 3 downloads so far... 2 by me
Both PPC and SP versions are now.
I just updated installation files, PPC and SP versions are available from now.
Several fixes included, also about automaticaly updating.
I'm not sure 100% about SP version, because such devices are very sensive for background proccess while the screen is going black (suspend, not like in PPC turns off). Next days will give answers if I thought correctly.

Development stopped: [APP][15-7-2011] TouchLockPro 2.12.9 Final release

PayPal > USD / EUR
All the details and downloads of TouchLockPro you can find here: http://touchlockpro.sourceforge.net
Youtube video
Version 2.12.9 (15-7-2011) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones
- Added Czech translations, thanks to oldasuk
- Updated translations provided by BattClock users, including Greek, Hebrew and Polish
Version 2.12.8 (1-4-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* Proximity sensor support for Samsung and HTC having proximity sensor
- Updated Russian translations, thanks to Vadim Bogaiskov
Version 2.12.7 (30-3-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* Proximity sensor support for Samsung and HTC having proximity sensor
- Fixed problem that the Proximity Lock command was not always executed due to screen off
Version 2.12.6 (25-3-2010) Updated translations
- Translations updated with new Excel spreadsheet containing all translations Russian translations, thanks to Vadim Bogaiskov
- Chinese Simplified translations, thanks to zhongzw
- Chinese Traditional translations, thanks to victorchen101
- Spanish translation, thanks to animalote
- French translations, thanks to YoLoLo
- Italian translations, thanks to tigro11 and ephestione
- Norwegian translations, thanks to longice
- Dutch translation, thanks to myself ;-)
Version 2.12.5 (15-3-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* Proximity sensor support for Samsung and HTC having proximity sensor
- Updated Chinese Traditional (thanks to victorchen101)
- Updated Chinese Simplified (thanks to zhongzw)
- Do not use HTCLockAPIWhenBluetoothActive when no call
- Added option to disable Zoombar
Version 2.12.4 (7-3-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* Proximity sensor support for Samsung and HTC having proximity sensor
- Updated Russian (thanks to Vadim Bogaiskov) and Dutch translations (thanks to myself ;-) for BattConfig and TouchLockAction.
- Visual feedback if a button is pressed
- Do not do !SCREENON at end call when lock(suspend) command or bluetooth is active
- Some commands are now also executed when not power on/screen on (lockscreen, locksuspend, suspend) to achieve the previous point
- When multiple commands are specified, make sure to execute them via a request,so events related to a previous command are effected already (e.g. screen off).
- Fixed problem that multiple commands where only executed the first time (e.g. Proximity disable/ignore problems)
- Fixed possible problem that multiple commands could mean that an earlier one was not executed/overwritten
Version 2.12.3 (25-2-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* Proximity sensor support for Samsung and HTC having proximity sensor
- Added command !PROXIMITYIGNORE, so the Proximity sensor keeps in the state it was, for other applications. TouchLockPro wil not react anymore, till !PROXIMITYACCEPT command is used.
- Added command !PROXIMITYACCEPT, so Proximity commands are accepted from then on.
Changed the defaults for better use of Proximity (note that those will only be overruled if not already set or by reset to defaults):
- Proximity Sensor Time (ProximitySensorTime = 700)
- Near (CmdProximityNear = "!SUSPEND")
- Not Near (CmdProximityNotNear = "!UNLOCK")
New settings:
- Lock (CmdLock = "!PROXIMITYACCEPT")
- Unlock Call (CmdUnlockCall = "!PROXIMITYIGNORE")
- Unlock No Call (CmdUnlockNoCall = "!PROXIMITYDISABLE")
Incorporated BattClock 1.9 improvements:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Show Battery percentage, temperature and Current above the top bar.
- Possibly to show the info in columns instead of rows (option Divide Horizontally)
- Added option to show Battery Temperature (updated once per minute)
- Added option to show Battery Current in mA (updated once per second), great to see power consumption
- Show CPU also if it getidletime is greater than 100
Version 2.12.2 (20-2-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* Proximity sensor support for Samsung and HTC having proximity sensor
Do not do !SCREENON at end call, when (lock)suspend is configured as command at end call
InCallTweak: do also for landscape, for right handed people
Proximity changes:
CmdProximityNear, default !IDLE
CmdProximityNotNear, default !UNLOCK
CmdProximityOnBluetooth, default empty
Time proximity change configurable (ProximitySensorTime)
Taken over BattClock 1.8.1 improvements:
Added option to show CPU usage percentage
Color of CPU info configurable
CPU indicator configurable (default %)
Thresholds for Battery and Free memory separate configurable
Extra commands:
Added !HOME command: add option to automatically go to the home screen when locked (Security)
Added !SOFTRESET command
Added !POWEROFF command
Added !UP command
Added !DOWN command
Added !LEFT command
Added !RIGHT command
Version 2.12.1 (14-2-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* Proximity sensor support for Samsung and HTC having proximity sensor
Note that I could only test myself by simulating the Proximity Sensor via Stylus Sensor and Capacitive NavSensor. Please report if it is working!
Add support for proximity sensor
Proximity sensor Unlock when no object is nearby for approximate a second.
Proximity sensor option to do ScreenOff when detecting an object nearby for approximate one second
Proximity sensor option to disable proximity sensor when not locked
Proximity sensor option to disable proximity sensor when bluetooth is active
Version 2.11 (7-2-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones
Fix: Do not do InCallTweak when not on battery or Bluetooth is active
Take over BattClock 1.6 and 1.7 standalone features in TouchLockPro
Added option to show info divided into 3 lines
Added option to see free memory
Date and Time color separate configurable
Option font color to be dependent on the battery/memory status
Add icon possibility as background and draw info on top of it, good for people having not a solid color or nicer looking icon alike
Added settings BattClockInfo1, BattClockInfo2, BattClockInfo3, BattClockVersion, MemoryIndicator, LowThreshold, MediumThreshold, LowColor, MediumColor, HighColor
Fontsize per info line configurable, text room is divided dependent on fontsize settings.
Option to show free memory in MB instead of %
Make BattConfig more finger friendly
Version 2.10.5 (2-2-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* with Samsung SDK compatible Light Sensor and GSensor support
Added Chinese Simplified translations, thanks to zhongzw
Version 2.10.4 (29-1-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* with Samsung SDK compatible Light Sensor and GSensor support
Removed automatic disabling of GSENSOR when no GSENSOR commands are configured, because InCallTweak also uses the GSENSOR
Do not do InCallTweak when not on battery or Bluetooth is active
Make sure the power state is reported as on, when a call is still connected or just ended, so the sensors keep working
Do no longer a !SCREENON part of power on or unlock to avoid side effects
Updated Russian translations, thanks to Vadim Bogaiskov
Added Norwegian translations, thanks to longice
Added Chinese Traditional translations, thanks to victorchen101
Version 2.10.3 (10-1-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* with Samsung SDK compatible Light Sensor and GSensor support
Fixed problem that PhoneType could get the wrong value, locking up TouchLockAction
Delete debug log files if they exists when no debug logging is enabled. So make sure to copy the debug log files, before disabling debugging.
Merged BattClock 1.4 improvements into TouchLockPro
Version 2.10.2 (4-1-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* with Samsung SDK compatible Light Sensor and GSensor support
Solved bug that FaceUp and FaceDown were reversed for Samsung SDK GSensor. Z-axis is positive going into the screen, while HTC has this negative
Change % into ~ when on (USB) power, to indicate in the BattClock when it is charging
Added Italian translations
Let the default minimum light be 9 lux for Samsung phones, otherwise it unlocks too easy
Version 2.10.1 (3-1-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* with Samsung SDK compatible Light Sensor and GSensor support
Solved bug that light sensor was not working on Samsung SDK compatible phones
Version 2.10 (1-1-2010) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* with Samsung SDK compatible Light Sensor and GSensor support
Added support for Samsung SDK compatible phones, G-Sensor and Light Sensor. Samsung Windows Mobile SDK 1.2.1 or 2.1.0 are now supported! Just install also the appropriate Samsung SDK (see downloads)
Samsung SDK compatible (SGH-i900 Omnia, SCH-i910 Omnia, GT-I8000 Omnia 2, SCH-m490/m495 T*Omnia, Omnia Pro, GT-B7620 Armani, GT-I8000 Omnia II, SCH-i920 Omnia II), Sensors: Light Sensor, GSensor
TouchLockPro tries to identify your phone type now automatically and disables not available sensors
I discovered that the HTCSmartTouchDll window is also available on Diamond and Touch Pro, so now I only subclass for ZoomBar when PhoneType is Diamond2 or Touch Pro2
Added PhoneType configuration possibility in Index Settings screen, best is to first select your PhoneType before changing other settings and soft reset after changing your phone type and settings.
Added BootDelay registry key, if you want to change it, you need to do that via the registry, but be sure to know what you are doing. Default it is 60000 (60 seconds)
Version 2.9 (17-12-2009) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones, *NEW* ZoomBar unlock
Thanks to Cobaltikus for providing the solution!
Added ZoomBar unlock for Touch Diamond 2 and Touch Pro 2
Slide the Zoombar left or right to unlock
Triple touch the Zoombar to unlock, if you want different behaviour, change CapacitiveTouchesSequence (CapacitiveTouchesSequence = 222)
Version 2.8.2 (09-11-2009) for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones
Solved InCallTweak related bug
Create new log file, when no debug logging, instead of appending
Solved problem of screen off after call ended (InCallTweak related)
Lock already at power off when AutoLockOnPowerOn = 1 and HTCLOCKAPI = 0 is used
Reintroduce and fixed Screen Off to Screen On, which was disabled in 2.8.1
Delayed Power On to Screen On when possible, so when the phone awakes without screen on (e.g. checking mail), no extra CPU is used by TouchLockPro which saves a bit power
Made it possible to use HTCLOCKAPI = 1 in general and only at incoming call lock keys only with the general keyboard hook
Improved HTCLockAPIWhenBluetoothActive
Made Bluetooth status detection event driven instead of polling on need and added debug logging for state changes
Version 2.8.1 (28-10-2009) now with improved GSENSOR and for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones
Made HTCLockAPIWhenBluetoothActive = 0 the default, so only the people who want to answer with the bluetooth answer button can enable it.
Disabled feature, till further investigated: change from screen off to screen on as power on and lock appropriate
Version 2.8 (27-10-2009) now with improved GSENSOR and for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones
Also see change from screen off to screen on as power on and lock appropriate, so when not going into a deep sleep and screen goes on, it will lock appropriate.
InCallTweak: also screenoff when reverselandscape is detected
Added setting HTCLockAPIWhenBluetoothActive to use HTCLockAPI when bluetooth is active, so you can use the general keyboard hook locking method when no bluetooth is active.
Improved GSENSOR
Compute orientation instead of using the HTC orientation field for better accuracy
Poll GSENSOR now once per 100 ms for greater sensitivity
At boot also open GSENSOR (only after first power off GSENSOR was activated)
Closing the GSENSOR when going to deep sleep (and setting the orientation to unknown)
Start/stop the GSENSOR service
added GSENSOR debug logging to GSENSOR Settings screen when debug is on
Version 2.7.6 (06-10-2009) now with InCallTweak and for all Windows Mobile touchscreen phones
Added !IDLE command
SUSPEND problem: request immediately deep sleep (POWER_STATE_SUSPEND) instead of screen off (POWER_STATE_IDLE)
Added InCallTweak option instead of ScreenOffWhenConnected: GSENSOR portrait: screen off, otherwise screen on
Redo screen off with above option, when backlight goes on again
!BACKLIGHTOFF and !SCREENOFF do no longer by default !KEEPALIVEON, to avoid unintended battery drainage
Changed NavSensor settings to execute !KEEPALIVEON with !BACKLIGHTOFF and !SCREENON (old behaviour, to correct above change)
More detailed info of the changes can be found here.
See here for QuickStart and Features
Number of AppToDate Users:
Many thanks to Dennis van de Sande, alias MR_Q, who has sponsored/donated for more than a year zuinigerijder.com website and domain. New location: touchlockpro.sourceforge.net
PayPal > USD / EUR
See my new website for the screenshots
Overrule Settings
See my new website for the settings
For future use
another one for future use.
Version History
See new website for the version history
Great job!
My only (stupid?) concern is that by using your (otherwise nice) "BattClock" we miss custom battery indicators.
You will say that, then we should disable this. But then (a) you still get it when device is locked (why we HAVE to see the valid taps after we get used to them?) and (b) you have one less method to lock the device from the very few: just two - i.e. one left.
This comes to the second thing. Why not also lock it with other method?
I can think of: (a) Touching the capacitive area one right, one middle (action button), one left.... in fact you could even UNLOCK by doing the opposite. (b) Using some program shortcut (for some of us is enough to lock the device by running a shortcut in TF3D or some today manager like SPB Pocket Plus or even changing a default action in TF3D via SSMaPa)...
The best way would be to still use the area of the battclock but WITHOUT changing whatever the user has there (is there such a thing like a transparent window?)...
Another way would be to auto-lock after some timeout (which in fact is also the most common method among smartphones too) or configurable if the power button is pressed.
For example in my case pressing the power button to sleep the device exactly means I don't want the screen functioning (so lock it if something else turns it on - like a call), while if I leave the device to sleep by timeout, I probably mean I have it on my desk and don't care or need to lock it.
Sorry for the brainstorm, I hope it gives you some ideas.
Seems to be working fine so far....but I have one problem;
I'm using wisbar so your battery indicator does not show on the screen when the phone is unlocked. This means I have to lock the phone by using the stylus. The indicator does however appear when the phone is locked.
Is there no way to correct this, or make a shortcut for locking instead?
can i set this app to only lock the screen on incomming phone call and unlock it by tapping 3 times on the capacitive area?
something like the answerkeys disabler did before uninstalling...
NLS said:
Great job!
My only (stupid?) concern is that by using your (otherwise nice) "BattClock" we miss custom battery indicators.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can position the BattClock over the Windows Start logo, at the left side of the Start bar. You can still go to Programs, just by pressing the Start text then.
NLS said:
You will say that, then we should disable this. But then (a) you still get it when device is locked (why we HAVE to see the valid taps after we get used to them?) and (b) you have one less method to lock the device from the very few: just two - i.e. one left.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, the BattClock must be visible AND have focus to get the capacitive touches. So moving to another position is the only option, if you want to use the triple touches approach to unlock.
NLS said:
This comes to the second thing. Why not also lock it with other method?
I can think of: (a) Touching the capacitive area one right, one middle (action button), one left.... in fact you could even UNLOCK by doing the opposite. (b) Using some program shortcut (for some of us is enough to lock the device by running a shortcut in TF3D or some today manager like SPB Pocket Plus or even changing a default action in TF3D via SSMaPa)...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I can only get keyboard/sensitive touches when my battClock has focus. And when there is another program in front, I cannot get them.
I am working on an Action screen addin for TouchLockPro. It will be activated by pressing the BattClock OR you can start the program by a shortcut, because it is a separate program. But be patient, working on that......I even want it possible by other programs to lock the device, just by writing some registry key.
NLS said:
The best way would be to still use the area of the battclock but WITHOUT changing whatever the user has there (is there such a thing like a transparent window?)...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
To my knowledge, there is no real transparant window possible, you can just not draw the background. But the underlying windows will not update. Or does someone know this is possible?
NLS said:
Another way would be to auto-lock after some timeout (which in fact is also the most common method among smartphones too) or configurable if the power button is pressed.
For example in my case pressing the power button to sleep the device exactly means I don't want the screen functioning (so lock it if something else turns it on - like a call), while if I leave the device to sleep by timeout, I probably mean I have it on my desk and don't care or need to lock it.
Sorry for the brainstorm, I hope it gives you some ideas.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That would be something for my new Action screen program. I will think about your suggestions. Thansk for the ideas and comments.
flickering clock white/black
Hey ZuinigeRijder!!
thanxx again for your new app TouchLockPro 1.0!!
so far I have it on my diamond it's working ok, but I noticed one thing...when my screen is on standby f.e. see my clock etc...I saw that the clock/batt indicator is contantly flickering white/black....just like it's locked...unlocked....locked...unlocked...
Do you know what I mean or do I have to be more specific??
Maybe you did it on purpose....
Just wanted to report it to you...neways... thanxx man!!
You rule!
Greetzz Jeroen
fl4r3 said:
Seems to be working fine so far....but I have one problem;
I'm using wisbar so your battery indicator does not show on the screen when the phone is unlocked. This means I have to lock the phone by using the stylus. The indicator does however appear when the phone is locked.
Is there no way to correct this, or make a shortcut for locking instead?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I do not know wisbar, but apparently this is a FullScreen app, so the BattClock will not be visible.
As written as answer in my previous post:
I can only get keyboard/sensitive touches when my battClock has focus. And when there is another program in front, I cannot get them. This cause me also some serious thinking, how to solve this. I found a method, as described here:
I am working on an Action screen addin for TouchLockPro. It will be activated by pressing the BattClock OR you can start the program by a shortcut, because it is a separate program. But be patient, working on that......I even want it possible by other programs to lock the device, just by writing some registry key.
Pietje_1985 said:
Hey ZuinigeRijder!!
thanxx again for your new app TouchLockPro 1.0!!
so far I have it on my diamond it's working ok, but I noticed one thing...when my screen is on standby f.e. see my clock etc...I saw that the clock/batt indicator is contantly flickering white/black....just like it's locked...unlocked....locked...unlocked...
Do you know what I mean or do I have to be more specific??
Maybe you did it on purpose....
Just wanted to report it to you...neways... thanxx man!!
You rule!
Greetzz Jeroen
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That is one of the magic tricks I needed to do, to get the focus to the BattClock, for getting the capacitive touches. I will only get those events, when a Form is in the foreground. And that is normally another application
When e.g. an incoming call is coming in, it will get the focus, because that is the foreground application. Or if you have a Full Screen application, the BattClock will even not be visible. But I discovered, when I make a Child Window at the start-bar as WS_POPUP, it will get focus, when created.
But damned, it will not keep focus, if another application regains focus
So how to solve this problem
The only solution, I could think of, was regularly recreate the WS_POPUP child window, and in between I switch back to another BattClock. At the same time, this 'flashing' indicates the system is accepting capacitive touches. So 4 seconds we have the WS_POPUP BattClock and 1 second the 'normal' BattClock. So actually I switch between 2 clocks.
More background info you can find here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=436671&page=5
at10ti0n said:
can i set this app to only lock the screen on incomming phone call and unlock it by tapping 3 times on the capacitive area?
something like the answerkeys disabler did before uninstalling...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unfortunately not (yet).
I did not yet included specific code for detecting incoming calls, I just made a generic solution. But it might be something for the future.......
I think more people would like a general solution to distinguish when they press themselves the power button to awake the phone and when this is done by an application. For the latter, they would like it locked, on their initiative, they would like it automatically unlocked.
But still, in your pocket you can also accidently press the Power button, although less likely. But of sure you never want missed calls!
So I will think about it......
ZuinigeRijder said:
That is one of the magic tricks I needed to do, to get the focus to the BattClock, for getting the capacitive touches. I will only get those events, when a Form is in the foreground. And that is normally another application
When e.g. an incoming call is coming in, it will get the focus, because that is the foreground application. Or if you have a Full Screen application, the BattClock will even not be visible. But I discovered, when I make a Child Window at the start-bar as WS_POPUP, it will get focus, when created.
But damned, it will not keep focus, if another application regains focus
So how to solve this problem
The only solution, I could think of, was regularly recreate the WS_POPUP child window, and in between I switch back to another BattClock. At the same time, this 'flashing' indicates the system is accepting capacitive touches. So 4 seconds we have the WS_POPUP BattClock and 1 second the 'normal' BattClock. So actually I switch between 2 clocks.
More background info you can find here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=436671&page=5
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Right! Well....I also see that actually the device itself stays locked, so I'm not so worried.....
on the other hand...I can imagine you would like to solve tis problem just like it was on StylusLock v1.6, because that one didn't had that issue...
To be honest...I really would like to help you, but I don't know how...I don't have any programming experience, so i'm sorry man
n e way...if I can help you with something else...please let me know!
ok something else then
since this small window is the trick to make it work, I wonder (sorry I could probably find my self, but haven't installed yet) if we could just move the whole rectangle to... the BOTTOM bar (!), just left of the keyboard icon!
also change the battclock to a small lock (locked and unlocked) now THAT would make great sense AND not mess with our customisations
this looks nice, stylus lock 1.6 was impressive, i cant wait to try this!!
flashing a new rom tonight, ill be sure to install this first!!
Thanks for this great app!
One thing: When phone goes to suspend, approximately in the next 20 seconds i cant turn the screen on by pressing the power button. Only stylus-out turns the screen on. After 20 seconds everything runs fine.
Furthermore an option to also lock the phone when the screen switches off by pressing the power button would be very nice.
schluff1 said:
Furthermore an option to also lock the phone when the screen switches off by pressing the power button would be very nice.
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I second That
seems like a good alternative to S2U2. although i dont know what this does that is better than S2U2.

[APP] [25/3/09] [0.9 Beta] Cell Broadcast as Operator Name (Manila+Dialer)

Hey guys, my first real contribution here. I was using the Cell Broadcast solution with a today plugin posted here.
I had two major issues:
1. With Manila, can not use another today plugin
2. Need to use S2U2 because waking up of device, otherwise device stays on for sometime and screen touches are registered.
I played a bit with the registry and found out that setting two keys will reliably set a string which would be used for the operator name hence changing the string in Manila, dialer, etc.
I intercepted the messages coming from "Network" and extracted the CB body, if the device has been on for less than 5 seconds, then I assume that the cause of wake up was the CB, hence I suspend the device, its working quite nicely for now, will need your feedback for a probable general working release this weekend.
To do / Known Issues:
- FIXED: One key is hard coded as 41006 (my operator code), need to get it from phone. Otherwise ask user for it.
- Configurable from field, "Network*" is hard coded for now.
- Autostart using Init registry
- Hide / Remove UI
- For now UI shows incoming CB messages, power events, time difference between power on and message incoming for deciding to suspend or not.
Hello. I did search on this topic too. but did not find anything else that you do. but exactly what does not work. I got a newer version? thanks

Dual SIM support APP?

Hi there,
I find it a little "complicated" to always pick the right SIM card before I make a call. I know I can save favourites, but I find the handling that Samsung has applied to their phones much more inspiring: You just set the "active" SIM, which means this SIM will be used for calls/texts until you change it. It's added to the notification bar. I would very much love to do the same here. Is there any APP or hack (I have xposed installed) you can recommend?
Its directly in the settings bro... SIM Cards -> Calls
You can set it to SIM 1 , SIM 2 or to be asked everytime (which is the default). You can do the same for SMS.
Yo bro, I know. But that means I have to press two additional buttons ("remember selection") and the SIM card to use before each call. With the way this is implemented by Samsung, I just set my active SIm and it's being used until I switch. The good thing is it's in the notification bar and not hidden somewhere in the settings.
Hence my question... Is there any hack that will make this more comfortable or accessible?
Try the app truedialer,it has these active sim feature plus ask everytime! no modules required for this simple task
Found something that does it for me: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.pixelrush.dualsimselector

New official update PLK-TL01HC01B352 file

Hello all,
I just got an update notification to update from PLK-TL01HC01B201 to PLK-TL01HC01B352 but really I don't know if it's a beta or stable version .
At all I will write the change log as I could to translate from Chinese to English.
Change log
1- B201 to B352 update information log:
Dear user, this upgrade is based on the Android 6.0 version of EMUI 4.0 system upgrade, will give you a better experience, I recommend that you upgrade.
[Recommended] new intelligent timer switch timer switch Auxiliary add new business card scanning feature that allows you to quickly create and save contacts to add Smart SMS service, turned on intelligence to identify the content of messages, public service messaging session interface Tip common functions menu, to more easily manage the new compass, compass use new tools, with compass and level function
[Gallery] to add blur effects, highlight color photographs focus on new reservations, allowing you to make one-click color photos add annotation diversification, support modify the text size, color and location of the new text notes, add notes custom photo information, and presents new data on the lock screen motion pictures, add watermark function supports the steps in the picture, calories, position data as watermark optimization album, after the new album directly add photos, make photo management more simple, fast and optimized print multiple images, support for multiple pictures to print, simply multiple photos at once to complete the synthesis PDF and print i.e. can
[Contact] new secondary index, you can quickly find a contact new intelligent packet, you can view the contact information added two-dimensional code by company name, city, or contact the nearest time, share contacts more easily new business card scanning feature that allows you to quickly create and save new contacts yellow pages, yellow pages application of new contacts, to provide you with food, service life, etc. - series inquiry and ordering service
[SMS] to cancel the new message sent within 4 seconds, quickly canceled SMS sending new intelligence to identify the content of messages, public service messaging session intelligent SMS interface prompt to open frequently used functions menu, make management easier for
[application] new compass, compass use new tools, with a compass and a level of new functionality increase service life applications, phone recharge, balance inquiries, express queries, payment of life applications get a new driving mode, the new tool driving mode applications, voice control liberate your hands and eyes when new alarm length, gives you the freedom choose a long ring profile optimization intelligence, push e-mail destination boutique Raiders optimization, reading the text can be set to support the overall theme and press send reminders status
[fingerprint] lifted a finger when the new fingerprint authentication strategy, "every fingerprint authentication must be carried out after the next verification lift your finger, to avoid a fingerprint authentication to unlock multiple applications to improve verification (such as a fingerprint payment)
[security] optimization task Manager task Manager, transverse card read, clearer
[Setup] new timer switch machines, aided by new intelligent timer switch new notification bar and status bar settings, easy to find the settings to optimize ring setting, increasing the screenshots tone management settings to optimize battery, original battery and power management settings combined two optimization settings interface more concise layout of the menu directory level adjustment, allowing the operator more convenient
[update Notes]
1, to reduce not compatible with Android 6.0, it is recommended Huawei application market will update to the latest versions of third-party applications 2, may exist after upgrading your desktop layout space, manually adjust the layout.
3, due EMUI4.0 "video optimization application upgrades, the upgrade can not be reserved before the video collection and cache video files will HOTA upgrade.
4, this version can fall back EMUI 3.1 version rollback if necessary, refer to the pollen club rollback guidance rollback process will remove all your personal data.
5, before the update, make sure the phone is not ROOTo update process, if you encounter any problems, you can access the phone service application or pollen Club For support.
2.B350 to B352 version upgrade information:
[System] -
repair phone housekeeper task bar display of the available memory is inconsistent
optimize the phone's performance, machine stability, give the user a better experience
fixes press fingerprint sensor stop the alarm function of low probability does not take effect
lock screen immediately after the repair bright screen, fingerprint to unlock low probability does not take effect
optimized press fingerprint sensor to return to the desktop functional sensitivity
repair preset browser flash back a low probability
[application management]
repair applications move to SD card low probability unsuccessful
optimization "Parkour everyday" game performance
optimized file system exception insert a memory card, prompt notification bar shows abnormal
repair after upgrading to SMS can not EMUI4.0 particular scene See question
[scenario] smart
repair SMS a particular scene can not generate smart card scenarios question
[weather] clock
repair some locations display "my position", targeting the city in question deviation
new safety input, protection your password security
the rom is compatible with the AL-10 version?
No, it isn't.
My phone is pl01 is the same than plt01? Can I install? Thx
Also got it, i was on B330 on a german Honor 7.
mdys said:
the rom is compatible with the AL-10 version?
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fizeus said:
No, it isn't.
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Flamenawer said:
My phone is pl01 is the same than plt01? Can I install? Thx
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cars10k said:
Also got it, i was on B330 on a german Honor 7.
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Fit models:
Glory 7 full version Netcom (PLK- AL10)
Glory Version 7 pairs 4G (PLK- UL00) mobile 4G version glory 7 (PLK- TL01 H / TL00)
Glory 7 Telecom Edition 4G (PLK- CL00)
upgrade :
1, a version for users of the stable version B201 can register by mobile phone service, after the application is successful push to upgrade to B352.
2, has been upgraded to B321 / B322 / B325 / B326 / B350 users, we are currently in batches push B352, recent versions will receive a push)
Reference :
translation of an post in huawei clup fourm
I found a good option in this version but I don't know if it was in the previous versions or not.
the option is to keep any app you want keep running in background and not be closed even if you cleared the ram memory . :good:
run the application you want to keep running and go to the recent apps by pressing the square button and slide the application you want down side and you will find there is an closed locker icon attached to this application prevent this app from closing when you click on the trash icon to clear the memory. :good: :good:
Note: if you slide the app down side again you will find that the locker icon changed to an open locker icon and now will be closed if you clear the memory.
** this option will be useful for the social and chatting apps to keep running and receive notification all the time (facebook, whatsapp, viber, ....)
meshoo00oo said:
I found a good option in this version but I don't know if it was in the previous versions or not.
the option is to keep any app you want keep running in background and not be closed even if you cleared the ram memory . :good:
run the application you want to keep running and go to the recent apps by pressing the square button and slide the application you want down side and you will find there is an closed locker icon attached to this application prevent this app from closing when you click on the trash icon to clear the memory. :good: :good:
Note: if you slide the app down side again you will find that the locker icon changed to an open locker icon and now will be closed if you clear the memory.[emoji14]
** this option will be useful for the social and chatting apps to keep running and receive notification all the time (facebook, whatsapp, viber, ....)
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It was there even on 180...
Just slide down and it's locked. Slide down again and it's free...
merlin21 said:
It was there even on 180...
Just slide down and it's locked. Slide down again and it's free...
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thanks but really I didn't know it before
merlin21 said:
It was there even on 180...
Just slide down and it's locked. Slide down again and it's free...
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do you know how to make a gust profile for app lock assigned with finger print in marshmallow like it was in B190 ?
Sorry I'm still on lollipop and waiting urgently for mm update [emoji4]
merlin21 said:
Sorry I'm still on lollipop and waiting urgently for mm update [emoji4]
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What version is your phone on?
Because this option was in B190 lollipop but it wasn't in B210 lollipop also
I think huawei want to remove this option
I'm on b180 ..
I read a change log that in b341
the guest mode finally be deleted...
Can I install this in plk-tl00 with b201?
DimTag said:
Can I install this in plk-tl00 with b201?
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Really I don't know but you can try if it complete without error, so it will be good and if not ,so your phone will keep as it is on b201

