Prepaid Card status checking (USSD codes) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm about finishing a plugin for Today Screen and Home Screen, where the latest status of prepaid SIM Card (account) is displayed.
As you know, to get this status, you have to send a special code. Mostly, it is *101# and a green phone button. In reply, cellular network responses with a special message. As I could check that replies in a few networks, messages depend from the cellular network. And the language too. Because of that, my plugin just displays a whole message without changes.
My question is: how that reply messages look like in various networks? Could you please post here message you get?
I want to get answer, what is maximum length of such messages, to save the space of screen. Or maybe to use its content and reformat the display style finally (what's - I'm afraid - impossible due to many languages used). Correct me.
If you use prepaid card, please send *101# code (or maybe in some other networks it is different code?), and give the answer you got from cellular network in reply.

"Creditul tau de xxx.xx EURcenti este activ inclusiv pana la dd/mm/yy"
this is how it looks on Orange romania.
hope it helps.
but there is a catch... if i have extra options(like bonus free minutes) when i dial the check credit number(*133#) i also receive a separate sms(from a different number(333) )showing me the free minutes left...
i also have a small question... do you know a good USSD program that is compatible with mio?

In Belgium with provider PROXIMUS, dial code is #121# and result is formatted as Credit: nnn.nn EUR Validite dd/mm/yyyy

Vodafone Germany
Dail code for Vodafone Germany is *100#. The reply is: Ihr Kontostand betraegt xx.xx Euro.
Looking forward to check out the plug-in.

I use another prog - dciBalance - and get a relult ot Today like:
"Balanse: xx$ (-0,5$) 7:34, 07.12.2007 "
where xx$ - balance, (-0,5$) changes by per day, and time\date of cheching

is dciBalance also available in english?

no dciBalance available only on Russian....
But it is not very hard to understand "how to"

Thank for comments.
I don't know the above other program with similar funtions, and I even did not tried it.
That's why my concept is stay as: to leave an original reply message in original language. This will run independently from particular country or cellular network. Certainly, I added options to change the default code *101# to whatever some user will need in some localization or situation.
Have anybody heard, that any network charges for USSD questions?
Currently, my program checks the status: on every wake up, on every midnite, and if user will check the option: on every hour. I can add more options like: after every phone call finished, or after every message sent. But... it consumes battery. I'm already under deeper tests how it works relative to battery reasonably discharging.
User can force the checking any time manually, by selecting this plugin and press Action or Enter button.

when will we see the app?

sounds very interesting. yeah, when can we see this app?
anybody know the ussd code for vodafone nz??

beta version is here
Ok. Here it is a Beta Version. It will expire on the end of year.
This is a version for PPC only (incl. VGA), Smartphone HomeScreen plugin is upcoming... Please, users of Smartphones: give your comments what you see after *101# code and how it is displayed, or similar...
After installation:
- in PPC please check, if it is marked on system Today items list
- in SP please select one of new Home SCreen style with "prepaid..." in name
or build your own Home Screen, this plugin you get with:
<plugin clsid="{6A59C93A-4B8A-46c1-873B-269E93A8CE27}" name="prepaidstatus" height="25"><background><format state="selected" bgcolor="COLOR_HOMEHIGHLIGHT"/></background></plugin>
- added delay of 10sec. in first checking since activate
- added delay of 5 sec. after wake up
- added icon of Settings... in default Programs folder (for future SP version)
- added destroying default notification icons (not sure if it works well in all devices, yet)
- added breaking each sentence for new line
- added "red alert", when your value is below specified limit (background becomes red and text white, do you want sounds?)
- added text "awaiting notification" while the request is running...
- added text "unresponsived" while network did not replied correctly
- reply message length limited do 200 characters
Some possible problems:
- in some devices I observe that after checking the status the phone line is not active till I use default Phone dialog next time. Not sure about it.
- in some devices I still cannot destroy the default notification icon of USSD reply, it is generated after every checking and collect together in status bar. If you use automatically checking, it will become a huge number of icons.
If you uncheck all available options for automatically requesting the status, you can always force it manually by pressing Action or tap the screen on this Today Item.
All comments are welcome and awating...
Files updated on 11 Dec. 2007

i tested it for a short while and here are first impressions.
Looks amaising, with a minor bug check the pic.
is it normal to show a red background?
A small sugestion....(from my little programing skills...) i believe it is possible to make the program search the ussd for the first set of numbers and display it, so that it will only show the credit. don't you think this will be a nice improvement?

thanks for comments. looks like the problem with "red alert". I will check and fix very soon.
I'm not sure about the concept of "first digit" because I don't know if this rule works in all languages and all network codes. I use this idea to define/determine "red alert" and maybe this is wrong.

there is also a small bug with the settings window... if you open the settings and pop up the keyboard the whole settings moves up, out of the window(first pic)

on Tele2 Sweden its *111#
gives you:
SALDO: xxx.xx Prisplan: Comviq Kontant Kompis. Kortet F n giltigt till 6/12-2008.
that is Prisplan = what sort of card you have
F n giltigt = expires day

I just updated the .cab file, small bug with "red alert" fixed.
If someone will get problem with red background and alert, please set 0 value for its limits. In this case it will not run.
To correctly upload the new version:
- uncheck this item from the list
- remove from default Remove Programs
- make a soft-reset
- re-install the new one
Strange with the Settings dialog. It's not in all my devices already.
Certainly, "last reported..." displays Today's time, and the date if it was not today.

Extend the USSD code
Is it possible to set the program for a longer USSD code?.
Meteor IE is using *#100# for their credit balance USSD code. I have tried inputing the code but it kept cutting of the last #.
ps:- nice work btw

I will try to fix. Thanks for comments.

hmm... after rechecking the settings tab, it seems that sometimes when i open settings the top bar vanishes and the whole settings prog moves up and after a couple of seconds the top bar reapears... that's what happens in the above pic....
unfortunetly i can't test the version very much because, as i told you, at every check i also receive a second sms, showing me the remaining free minutes and it is very annoing to delete them from my sms inbox...
btw, will the next version have the ussd send message balloon hidden?
Thanks for all this great work!
le: seems that most forum folks don't have prepay cards... 3 downloads so far... 2 by me

Both PPC and SP versions are now.
I just updated installation files, PPC and SP versions are available from now.
Several fixes included, also about automaticaly updating.
I'm not sure 100% about SP version, because such devices are very sensive for background proccess while the screen is going black (suspend, not like in PPC turns off). Next days will give answers if I thought correctly.


Multiple icons mode

Hello fellows,
When there's more than one "pending" icon near the clock, such as: new message arrived, phone call missed, speakerphone ON, etc. -- they are (expectedly) replaced by one icon that looks like a bubble with some lines in it.
It's great way to see there are many notifications waiting for you. When clicked, this icon displays another row with all the constituent icons.
However, with O2 1.72.187 image (without Blackberry support as I don't need it) there is a permanent O2 icon displayed. And the worst about it is -- it is treated just like it IS one of "pending notice" icons! So if you get a text message, you don't have cute envelope icon, but you have a BUBBLE already!
Previous versions allowed to move the O2 icon (centre or left), and it didn't count as notice, so "new message", or "Missed call" icon displayed as is - and only when you had let's say "new message" AND "missed call" you used to get the "composite" bubble icon. Now you can not do anything with O2 icon (it used to display connections menu), and it's just a piece of ****e sitting there for no reason.
That issue really ticks me off as I can't instantly see on the screen - what exactly has my XDA II received! The red LED on the top right corner is very helpful to indicate waiting things, and if I could somehow make that O2 icon to NOT count into pending icons -- or may be just bump up +1 the wrap limit for that place, so it would accomodate one more icon before wrapping into bubble icon, -- I'd be a happy camper.
Can it be done via registry?
Thank you for your attention!
Speach Bubble
I have the same frustration. Hoping that some wiszzard out there will be able to help
Speach Bubble
I have the same frustration. Hoping that some wiszzard out there will be able to help
Speach Bubble
I have the same frustration. Hoping that some wiszzard out there will be able to help
I looked into this thing with the O2 icon. Before the 1.72 release it used to allow selection of connection and to disconnect. It was also possible to position it elsewhere. Now all that is possible is to tap it and it brings up O2 Active. It sucks. :evil:.
I found the registry entry that specifies the position of the icon, but altering it is useless because when ever O2 Active starts it changes the registry entry back to its 'middle' position setting. Sort of defeats the object of having the data in the registry in the first place! Even deleting the entry in the registry is no good as O2 Active re-creates it! :roll:.
I dont have the O2 Active burtton no more, i deleted it from the startup folder in windows and it doesnt load it up at start up, but if you click O2 Active then it shows up and you have to restart the xda2 again to get rid of it...
Thank you guys for your involvement.
I tried to just stop O2 app; it only could be cancelled with End Task, and the bloody icon still sat there, only this time doing nothing.
Seeing not much practical use in that "newfangled" O2 icon -- I thought I'll rather give up that interface at all.
Thank you dcs, it looks like they really deliberately locked things up to make it linger -- breaking the good thing and achieving the opposite effect. The old O2 app icon was a) useful; b) moveable between left corner & centre and c) didn't spoil the notifications count, so I didn't mind.
So I just went to add/remove programs and scrapped both O2 apps.
Then had to change background, as even after reboot there was ugly leftover on the screen (I think the right part remained transparent, ugh :evil. Finally it is all working fine now and I see what comes to my XDA2.
Enough time spent, mine and yours. It better be changed in next versions, or will be permanently kept out of my XDA-2.
<rant>Whoever designed that change just drove me off using the O2 app. (Talk about luring new customers?) I sincerely hope someone from O2 reads all the bitter words in this thread, and passes them to people responsible for packaging new OS versions. I like O2 as company, but the current state of O2 app is an abomination. (Also lots of referenced to paid services from the menu, but lack of free services)
By losing this app, there is no way I can subscribe to any of O2 "value-added" services. I have TomTom for realtime voice "satnav" and AvantGo for my news -- all with no rolling subscription fees.</rant>
EastExpert said:
So I just went to add/remove programs and scrapped both O2 apps.
Then had to change background, as even after reboot there was ugly leftover on the screen (I think the right part remained transparent, ugh :evil. Finally it is all working fine now.
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Out of interest, just selecting a different theme in the Today settings clears the display problem (after uninstall) or prevents it from happening if done before uninstalling.
dcs said:
Out of interest, just selecting a different theme in the Today settings clears the display problem (after uninstall) or prevents it from happening if done before uninstalling.
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May be I had selected a wrong theme, (or may be the same theme and didn't realise it), but I had to also [x] "change background" checkbox. Then I selected the bright blue Default and that was it
Edit: "Change background" has nothing to do with background problem it's actually related to adjacent Browse button.
In fact there were only 4 Today themes that had this problem, all the rest of them worked fine. I presume they were old version or something.
Glad that you managed to solve the problem. However, mine continues as I use CommonTime mNotes to interface to Lotus Notes.
So whereas I has the speach bubble permanently on the today screen (sharing the frustration that I didn't know when I had received a missed call/SMS, revceived a new note etc), I now have a permanent 'M' symbol where the speach bubble originally was.
I really just want it blank and only to come up with a speach bubble where there is something new.
How do I get rid of the 'M'?
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

iPhone App for Windows Mobile

Version 1.0 Released :
Features :
1. All the icons can be customized in a simple Configx.txt File.
2. All the Text under the Icons is also in the Configx.txt File
3. All Applications thats executed can be customized in the Configx.txt file
Lemme Explain about the Configx.txt files
Its in the Following Format :
1.It first has the 16 icons paths as in \Icons\*.bmp
2.Then 16 Names for the icons
3.The then 16 application paths that will run for the apps as in \Windows\calendar.exe for example to launch the calendar
4. BottomDockVisible=0 0 is to hide and 1 is to show th bottom dock
Installation : Insal the CAB file. (It will ceate the folder and the Start Menu Item then :
1. Extract the file into this folder
\Progrm Files\IPhone\Iphone.exe
\Progrm Files\IPhone\Config1.txt up to config5.txt - Configuration Files
\Progrm Files\IPhone\Signal.txt - App to run when clicking on Signal Indicator or centre button on navi pad (I use slider for this)
\Progrm Files\IPhone\Icons - All Icon Files
\Progrm Files\iphone.txt - Other settings
Final Notes :
Clicking on the battery will quit the app or return to page 1 if on another page
Version History :
0.90 Signal Strength, Operator Inidicator, Battery Level not Live
0.91 Signal Strength Working, Operator Name Working, Battery Level Still not Working
0.92 Battery, Signal Strength, Operator Name Live, added Wiki Icon.
0.93 Battery, Signal Strentgh, Operator Name now revoers after wakeup and added iphone ringtone
0.94 Automatically centres text for icon descriptions, has .lnk support including parameters.
0.95 Few changes, the second icon in the bottom row is now used for missed calls, sms and email notification. If upgrading from older version please go to and refer to post 148.
0.96 All known issues have been resolved. sms, email, missed call notification. Also shows number of unread mails and missed call count.
0.97Four extra Pages added, to use them enter either page1 or page2 or page3 or page4 instead of the .exe file name
If you dont wanna make use of the notification please add a ,9 after the images eg \icons\phone.bmp,\icons\phone-alert.bmp,9
To hide an Image and its text add a ,0 after the image eg \icons\comm.bmp,0
0.99 After about 7 months. I think all the bugs have been resolved and added some popping away function when switching pages as well as running apps.x Popping away animationis set in the iphone.txt file. 0 disabled and any number will set the pop away speed
- Making all pages accessable from any page.
- WM2003 background fixed
- 12/24 hour clock support
- Animation added
- Only one form but multiple pages - one instance
1.0 All bugs removed, link files updated. Can hide any icon by adding a ,0 after it and can isable any of the three bottom notifition icons by addin a ,9 after it
One last thing: I explained the .lnk files format but some people cant read through the pages. pp9939068 explains it in datail on page 41 post 408 please look at it
When Upgrading u guys please read th readme file in the zip file, I changed a lot in the format.
If you like this app Click Here to make a donation
Some people dont wanna use the bottm 3 icons as notification icons so to disable it add a ,9 after the one you want disabled, u can also hide the bottom 4 icons by adding a ,0 after all of them and to hide the complete bottob dock change the 1 on the last line in the specific config file to a 0.
If the .Cab file wont install, just unzip the file into the \Program Files\iPhone\ folder
I fixed the bug for at & T and moved everything up and smaller to make space for the blue tooth icons coming soon
Inphy release the new iconfig for iphone 1.0 please find it at
Development stopped!!
There is a new iphone out there that seems much better please have a look :
yes. Good job and wow it is surely a long time ago, i wasnt even on xda by that time,
will this version work on qvga (240x240)? i remember the last version wasn't soo......? lol
missing link
The program looks good and it feels good. Maybe I'll make a mistake but (MDA TOUCH, WM6) The phone button responds with a error (File not found \windows\vtkey.exe). Same error when trying to use the battery button, \windows\power.exe.
Is there a solution ?
Now all we need is an iphone like photo viewer, what you can navigate with your fingertips..
Any idea?
Now all we need is an iphone like photo viewer what you can navigate with your fingertpis
any idea?
ejansen said:
The program looks good and it feels good. Maybe I'll make a mistake but (MDA TOUCH, WM6) The phone button responds with a error (File not found \windows\vtkey.exe). Same error when trying to use the battery button, \windows\power.exe.
Is there a solution ?
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Yes its different for most devices/Os's so go into the \windows folder and find out which files do what and simply change the config1.txt file
typhoone said:
will this version work on qvga (240x240)? i remember the last version wasn't soo......? lol
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I really wish I could help but its very difficult to change stuff without having a 240x240 device. Mine is a TYTN2 240x320 so i cant help sorry man. Ill have a look on the weekend and see if i can try and make a plan
justcruising said:
Now all we need is an iphone like photo viewer what you can navigate with your fingertpis
any idea?
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I dont know what it looks like. Try and get a video or something and im sure i can try and develop it
Grumps said:
I dont know what it looks like. Try and get a video or something and im sure i can try and develop it
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the "HTC Photo Album" is good and so is ImageViewer from . Both free.
qvga only ?
VERY NICE APP. I am using it and it is great. Works well with S2U2 version too. My input for cometics only:
a. Can we put the operator name closer to the signal bar? This will allow room for other indicators such as Wifi and BT.
b. Can we have BT and Wifi indicator on the top bar? These two will make the SW going from COOL to WHOA!!!!!
Thanks and cant wait for your next release.
HaiLe512 said:
VERY NICE APP. I am using it and it is great. Works well with S2U2 version too. My input for cometics only:
a. Can we put the operator name closer to the signal bar? This will allow room for other indicators such as Wifi and BT.
b. Can we have BT and Wifi indicator on the top bar? These two will make the SW going from COOL to WHOA!!!!!
Thanks and cant wait for your next release.
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I can the only problem is what do we do if the operator name is too long mine is HSDPA Vodacom SA and I made it so its just fits??
If i make it smaller it might say HSDPA Vodaco or something and ill hear more people crying? Any suggestions
And yes only QVGA, I dont have a VGA device to develop with sorry
This is a great app except...
There's no animation when you launch something. Or highlight. So sometimes you press again while waiting for something to start up.
Can we please get some sort of feedback when it's accepted the fact you pressed a button? Not sure how this works on the fruit based phone but I'm sure there should be some feedback.
ok just want to say great app.
here are some suggestion for you on the next version.
add scrolling to the app so if you want to add more icons on one page you can.
let it pick up default icons from the programs so you don't have to waste anytime on picking an icon for it. (but you can if you want too.)
scroll with finger to go right or left to go to the next page.
i have some other ideas and i would like to share it with you. if you are interested please P.m.
the changelog says it has animations now. I just can't see any. What is meant by "animation added"?
Great work anyways.
BTW: Being able to scroll only one of the horizontal lines from left to right would be great, for, let's say, less important apps. So you have 3 rows of static buttons and just one row that can be scrolled by finger gestures... Saw that on iPhone, looked amazing...
I Concur
IMO, it would be great to have a scrolling launch page. Either horizontal or vertical. Also, annimation and vibrate with icon color change to reflect program choice.
Does the calendar icon keep up with the actual date??
Thanks for such a GREAT app - assigned a button to it and it works like a charm. I do have one question \ request: is it possible to move the title bar elements up a bit? I use an app to hide the Windows Start bar and the softkeys (it is one of Vijay's tools) and your app then acts as my home page for most running applications (there are a few exceptions but overall it works great). The only issue is that the elements on your app (clock, battery, signal indicator, etc.) are a little low (2 pixels or so) so things look a little "off". I was hoping it was or could be a user changable setting.
Please don't take this as a complaint! Your app, combined with S2U2 provide an excellent UI experience. Thanks again for such excellent work.
kenlewisesq said:
Thanks for such a GREAT app - assigned a button to it and it works like a charm. I do have one question \ request: is it possible to move the title bar elements up a bit? I use an app to hide the Windows Start bar and the softkeys (it is one of Vijay's tools) and your app then acts as my home page for most running applications (there are a few exceptions but overall it works great). The only issue is that the elements on your app (clock, battery, signal indicator, etc.) are a little low (2 pixels or so) so things look a little "off". I was hoping it was or could be a user changable setting.
Please don't take this as a complaint! Your app, combined with S2U2 provide an excellent UI experience. Thanks again for such excellent work.
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Good idea to assign it to a button, I was trying to figure out how to integrate it better as a complete solution. Only problem is that on the Touch there is only really one button I can use and I was using it for the Full Screen Keyboard and to hold it down to get voice dial. I'm sure I'll work something out though.
I saw the link in the first post talking about how to get the .lnk files right and I assume that means for the Phone/Calc/etc which do not have .exes that I can easily find. I'll do some research to get that working.
Thanks for a great app!
Thanks for the info
Grumps said:
I can the only problem is what do we do if the operator name is too long mine is HSDPA Vodacom SA and I made it so its just fits??
If i make it smaller it might say HSDPA Vodaco or something and ill hear more people crying? Any suggestions
And yes only QVGA, I dont have a VGA device to develop with sorry
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Thanks for the info. I can see the name is an issue. If it is moved left align one space right after the signal strength then it will be good even with the longer operator name. If it is done that way, then if the BT and WiFi indicators are needed, that is when they are turned on, then they can be arranged to the left of the clock. These will cover the last portion of the long operator name but I think it will be acceptable because many things operate in the same manner due to the fact that there is not enough space for everything.
Thanks again for this VERY NICE APP. IT ROCKS!

[6.19Update]Mini Weather 1.4

Mini Weather 1.4
[6.19 Update]
Fix follow bugs:
a.Weather data displays without spaces
b.The "day" use Weekday instead of date
c.Add a default picture when the Condition had not defined
What's new?
1.Support weather Icon on WM6.1 CHome, Normal theme(SmartPhone 2003,05,06 PPC 03/05/06);
2.Free software; Mini,needn't run in background,use system resource;
3.Could be get Weather by user define
4.Support weather background
How to use?
If you use old version, please start Mini Weather->Setting->Clean Notify->Yes->Exit,and delete the Mini Weather folder. Then setup Mini Weather 1.4 English.CAB to you phone.
2.How to use?
a.Start Mini Weather,go to Setting->Normal setting, select your connect,Src(you can add a data src, and named as MiniConfigX.ini(X can be 1 to 8),City(you can add your city by modify miniconfigX.ini), Save and try "Update to home", if return right info, check if it show on the home. if return error info, please check you network setting or you data source.if succeed, to update to CHome, it will change to a invalid theme, then it will change to last theme.
b.Automatic Update. Go to Setting->Advanced Setting, select the time you want to update, such as 07:30, then add, you can add 12 update times, Save and exit, you needn't keep it run in background,it will update on time. if you select DateChan and add a time(such as 00:01), Mini Weather will change the second day's weather to today, but no connect to network to update. you can also set a eary update time(such as 06:15), it also update weather on Home
c.About some options
(1)When you select Normal theme show as icon or PPC show as icon:
t1,t2,t3,mean item of the line 1,2,3 to show
x1,y1: First icon's position, x2,y2: Second icon's position
R,G,B: Text Color Size: Text font size
Zoom1,Zoom2: First,Second icon size, between 16 to 40
if you want to use you themeļ¼Œplease change you backgroud to "\new.bmp", SPO3 is "\storage\new.bmp"
(2)When you select SlidingPanel:
t1,t2,mean item of the line 1,2 to show when you select the weather panel
t3,Item to show when you unselect the weather panel
Go to Setting->Main display->select your theme->Save, start Mini Weather->Setting->Clean Notify->Yes->Exit, and delete the Mini Weather folder.
4.Advanced application
a.Update after synchronization
If you use this funtion, Mini Weather will update after you phone synch with PC, it will use PC's network. Attention, please may sure you want to use this funtion. If you delete or move this software, may be it well have a Notify Error when your phone synchron,Smartphone 2003 may not have tools to clear.
b.How to modify the ini file? How to add another webpage data?
Please read "data source.txt"
c.Add/Modify Icon
Icon define in Iconcfg.ini, you can modify it to add other icon. Now it doesn't full, because my english is so poor, and i don't know the all weather string. I hope some one add more string to it, and share.
here is the iconcfg.ini, i exp something:
;Icons number
;first icon file name,
;first weather background picture file name,
;if the weather include string "Clear", it will use first icon micon\1.png in Chome, Normal theme will use micon\1.bmp/png/jpg
;as same as can use "," between two string,like "Cloudy,Rain", means use the icon while the weather include both of two string
"-AutoGet" Update weather to home then exit;
"-GetTime" Get network time and save to system time;
Thanks. Just installed and enjoying it.
In the Data source.txt , it's mentioned:
;how many days in the weather info,if RealTime is 1,please add 1;
So,does Days=5?
I get update failed all the time
loe84 said:
1.Support weather Icon on WM6.1 CHome, text on Normal theme(SmartPhone 2003,05,06 PPC 03/05/06);
2.Free software; Mini,Just 160KB(include icon); needn't run in background,use system resource;
3.Could be get Weather by user define
Please read the Readme.txt in the zip file.
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How about releasing the source code for it ?
sorry, i make mistake, i didn't config realtime weather in miniconfig1.ini, it just have 3 days weather, so Days=3,
I haven't think releasing the all source code
Nice program
But just wonder, is this for Smartphone.............sorry for my stupid question..
queer~dude said:
But just wonder, is this for Smartphone.............sorry for my stupid question..
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smartphone and ppc,
come from Hong Hong?
I come from GuangZhou,China,
you can try chinese version
hey man
loe84 said:
smartphone and ppc,
come from Hong Hong?
I come from GuangZhou,China,
you can try chinese version
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yea i am from hong kong.....good to see you man and thanks for the information....i prefer english version...hehe...will try tonight when get back home...
xfaith said:
I get update failed all the time
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Check and correct your settings under "Connect"
Sorry! Double post.See next post.
Why cant the date follow my "Regional Settings"?
Why is the "Humidity" and "Wind" condition not displayed?
I find the display from the previous version better with more info.
And any chance of having the temperature in C instead of in F? Yes I can change to C but the value is still in F!
What's this for:
what is this theme for?
I got it to work, me stupid.
1. I forgot to put %20 for spaces on the ini.
2. I had to add back the plugin order back on the sliding panel.cpr file (organics doesn't use that). For some reason this one needs it.
3. I am creating a cab file, it should be done tonight, just need to verify the updates, need to add in the reg settings for the CWeather, and the Sliding Panel, everything else looks great.
This is a major improvement over the last one. I do miss Wind Speed/Humidity, but I might play with the Ini file to see if that would work.
Also it gives more then one page worth of info, with icons on all the pages.
see my pm on humidity and wind.
Why cant the date follow my Regional Settings?
What is this for? how is it implemented?
Nice, but did not see any Current Temp display? a must have for me...
I dont think I'll be having this installed for long unless the date format is according to my Regional Settings and the readings is in Celcius.
After fiddling with the ini files and understanding it better, I find this apps suites my requirement perfectly. Its light weight and user configureable to choose which weather report provider. Update times are also very flexible.
So MiniWeather stays on my device.
Display "Current" & "Forecast" conditions
How do I get both the "Current" & the "Forecast" conditions be displayed like the previous version?
How to convert to and display in Celsius?
<condition data="Haze"/>
<temp_f data="86"/>
<temp_c data="30"/>
<humidity data="Humidity: 49%"/>
<icon data="/images/weather/haze.gif"/>
<wind_condition data="Wind: mph"/>
<day_of_week data="Today"/>
<low data="77"/>
<high data="89"/>
<icon data="/images/weather/chance_of_storm.gif"/>
<condition data="Chance of Storm"/>
I managed to get the Current and day forecast displayed except that the time is not correctly displayed:
Currently 9:0
when it should be:
Currently 09:00
Currently I am using one of the following url to sync my device time. It would be great if you can incorporate this too:
Can you explain more on the offset values. How do you determine the offset position and numbers?
MiniWeather on CClock
Please tell how do you put the MiniWeather on the CClock slide??

Speaking Clock with Chime & Signal Strength detector

## TamerSpClock v1.4 ##
Last update 13 Dec 2008
"TamerSpClock" is a Windows Mobile 2003/5/6 software which lets you take hand over your time to the max. It is a fully customizable speaking clock & a chimer.
- you can choose a THEME of time intervals of 1 ,5 ,15 ,30 or 60 minutes ,Then you can choose actions to be done on these choosen theme intervals.
- you can adjust when to speak time or chime and when to mute in a way that differs from other programs by means that you can set multi portions (intervals) of time that mute the program automatically for daily use. you can access the file "Validity.ini" found in the folder named "settings" inside the program installation path. this file can be edited by any notepad or word (pocket or pc word) then you can specify at what hours to work on and what to mute (just Change validity = 0 corresponding to hours that needed to be muted & Change validity = 1 to the rest of the hours).
- The program can wake up the device without waking up your screen conserving your battery life and will chime even if the ppc is sleeping or in a deep sleep, The software have a feature that can force the screen not to wakeup (BlackMe feature) at chiming times or (if you choose to) to leave it to the current windows mobile configurations (settings) to decide ,this is useful for some ppc that wakeup the display on every chime which may have negative results on battery life.
- you can put your own wav files to be chimed ,just insert them in folder "Wav" found inside installation directory but use the same names of course.
- This software differs from other similar products in that if you choose for example 15 minute iterval for speaking the clock ,it wll activate itself and speak time on whole miute numbers like 15-30-45-60 and will not just repeat the choosen interval starting from the time you switched it on which results in speaking times like 4:52 and 7:27 etc.
- you can choose or omit salutations like "the time is" & "Am ,Pm" & saying "Oclock" at the whole number hours. this can be customized using the provided links to enable and disable the action features.
- you can choose whether to use vibration or no with the chiming process.
- you can stop all software processing events by one finger click.
- Software will automaticaly activate itself and work again after any restart of the device.
- you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%.
- you can set an action like Zekr which can help Muslims remember their Lord every 5 minutes with a low volume sound saying God is the most Great. This option acts solely without dependency of the choosen theme interval since it have a fixed firing every 5 minutes (take it or leave it).
# How to install Cab file of TamerSpClock:
1- For versions prior to v1.4 you must download MortScript from the following link
(Version v1.4 & above already have it embedded inside software)
This software acts like an environment for "TamerSpClock" to work. please note that "TamerSpClock" cannot run without installing this software.
2- Transfer cab to any place on your ppc using active sync or any other communicating software.
3- Choose whether to install to Device or to MemoryCard ,It is very important to choose the installation target location during the setup process corresponding to the version you downloaded whether it is on memory card or on phone. Note that program is hard coded ,this is why this point is very important for the program to work.
4-For Version v1.4 & above before running program ,press the icon named "RunFirst" prior to run the program (This acts as if MortScript Cab is installed)
This software had been tested on HTC Tytn & found stable ,Also can work on any windows mobile device.
I have been looking for an hourly chimer that does not wake up the screen. The disappointing thing about this one it it is hard coded to run from the storage card. Can this be modified to use variable paths?
One issue I have with installing to the storage card is Windows Mobile unmounts the card to save power on some devices. I also change my card based on what I am doing. I keep my maps on one card and my MP3s on another.
painter_ said:
I have been looking for an hourly chimer that does not wake up the screen. The disappointing thing about this one it it is hard coded to run from the storage card. Can this be modified to use variable paths?
One issue I have with installing to the storage card is Windows Mobile unmounts the card to save power on some devices. I also change my card based on what I am doing. I keep my maps on one card and my MP3s on another.
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Added 2 versions ,one if you want to setup on the Phone Main Memory & the other for Storage Card.
This really sounds great - but how to use it?
I am no expert in programming or in mort scripting.......
I would like to use this feature: "you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%."
But no speaking clock, only those alert, when signal drops.
It should check every minute.
What do I have to enable/disable for that?
And how to let it run, when my touch is sleeping?
I'm using a TyTN II. Great software.
Like to feedback that when I was using my bluetooth headset, when the phone is off (no display), announcing (audio) could be heard and vibration. When I don't use the bluetooth headset (bluetooth is off), and phone is off (no display), I don't hear any announcement and there is vibration only. If I turn on the phone now, I will hear the end part of the time announcement.
Is this normal?
zard said:
I'm using a TyTN II. Great software.
Like to feedback that when I was using my bluetooth headset, when the phone is off (no display), announcing (audio) could be heard and vibration. When I don't use the bluetooth headset (bluetooth is off), and phone is off (no display), I don't hear any announcement and there is vibration only. If I turn on the phone now, I will hear the end part of the time announcement.
Is this normal?
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Zard .. if you enable the black me feature the speaking clock can be capable of walking up the device to say time at chosen theme points without walking up the screen. So i advice you to enable the blackme feature as long as the phone is in your pocket. if you are using the phone for an instance or a period of time you can disable the blackme feature since when you are using the phone the feature will be annoying.
in some devices (devices differ in reaction to wakeup) the phone cannot wake up to say the time if it is sleeping ,this is why i made the blackme feature. So the solution is to enable it.
Also if you go to programs menu in the start button you will see a pack on enable & diable features. you can choose what ever you like to enable and what to diable.this features can be clicked (enabled or disabled) & once confirmed you will notice that it will be active wherever any theme is choosen. iam sure that the blackme feature is able to walking up the device to say the time whether your device is in sleep or deep sleep.
kino-kino said:
This really sounds great - but how to use it?
I am no expert in programming or in mort scripting.......
I would like to use this feature: "you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%."
But no speaking clock, only those alert, when signal drops.
It should check every minute.
What do I have to enable/disable for that?
And how to let it run, when my touch is sleeping?
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Kino-Kino .. first of all open the start menu programs ,you will find 2 folders ,one is named enable & the other named disable. now you are ready to open each and click what ever features you like to be enabled and whatever to be disabled.
At this time you are ready to go for the Theme selection which means at what intervals you want the choosen features to fire ,you can try the "01M" which means that the software will fire every 1 minute to execute the selected feature (or features if you choose others).
For example ,if you want only the signal detection feature ,go to disable folder and click all features to disable them all ,then go to enable and only click the shortcut named "Signal".
Once done .. every 1 minutes (since we choosed "01M") the phone will execute the selected feature (or features). in some phones the system cannot walkeup itself to execute the so called notification tasks at given times if it was in "Sleep" or "Deep Sleep Mode". So you can check your phone reaction to such notification tasks.
To make sure we are ready to go ,you must check first that your phone registry key when the phone is on and receiving signal looks like this :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Phone] the value of "Cellular System Available" must be 65
to do this test just download Fred Taskmanager free from this link
once downloaded install it ,open it and go to RegEdit tab and go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Phone] & check for "Cellular System Available" number .. it must be (65) i mean the number between brackets.
If this is the case ,the program will correctly do the job. but if it isnt (may vary from phone to another) ,then this number must be modified in the software to read correctly ,Go to program installation folder " \Program Files\TamerSpClock\Data\Signal.mscr " rename the file "Signal.mscr" to "Signal.txt" then open it by any notepad or word ,then check the line "if(%PhoneActive% = 65)" and change the 65 to be like the number that you found for your phone in the normal signal state. Do not forget to rename it back once finished to "Signal.mscr".
Thanks going to test on my lovly hima.
Thank You for Your reply!
I think, there could be a problem:
The reg key, You mentoned, does have different values.
If I am connected to a "GPRS" network, it is "1".
If I am connected to an "EDGE" network, it is "8".
And if only phone is active, but no internet-connection, it is "1".
So what should I take?
Thank You!
EDIT: There is another key called "Radio ready state" with the value "31".
And all value are "0" when radio is off.
kino-kino said:
Thank You for Your reply!
I think, there could be a problem:
The reg key, You mentoned, does have different values.
If I am connected to a "GPRS" network, it is "1".
If I am connected to an "EDGE" network, it is "8".
And if only phone is active, but no internet-connection, it is "1".
So what should I take?
Thank You!
EDIT: There is another key called "Radio ready state" with the value "31".
And all value are "0" when radio is off.
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The reply is that you take the number between brackets on the idle state without conecting to any network ,because the idea as you can see from the code that there is 2 conditions must be fullfilled to fire the signal alarm which is 1- if the signal in the idle state be so and so and 2- in the same time signal drops to so and so ... Bingo ... fire
So ,now you got the idea of the code & can now modify it to fullfils your needs ,and you are ready to put your constants that reflects the state where you want spclock to fire. wishing this could help .....
timoz73 said:
Zard .. if you enable the black me feature the speaking clock can be capable of walking up the device to say time at chosen theme points without walking up the screen. So i advice you to enable the blackme feature as long as the phone is in your pocket. if you are using the phone for an instance or a period of time you can disable the blackme feature since when you are using the phone the feature will be annoying.
in some devices (devices differ in reaction to wakeup) the phone cannot wake up to say the time if it is sleeping ,this is why i made the blackme feature. So the solution is to enable it.
Also if you go to programs menu in the start button you will see a pack on enable & diable features. you can choose what ever you like to enable and what to diable.this features can be clicked (enabled or disabled) & once confirmed you will notice that it will be active wherever any theme is choosen. iam sure that the blackme feature is able to walking up the device to say the time whether your device is in sleep or deep sleep.
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Thanks, with Blackme, it works now.
dont work with my diamond
great sharing.
Dynomite232 said:
dont work with my diamond
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Dynomite232 ,Kindly feedback whether the mortscript program didnt run on diamond or the TamerSpClock itself. i didnt expect this to happen from the Diamond of a VGA screen since my software didnt realy have a User Interface Menu ,its only shortcuts. In addition that Mort do support any windows mobile device.
Thanks again helping me, I think, I start to understand what Your mortscripts are able to do!
But I have to ask once more:
So I have three different scenarios, when I would get that signal-alert:
1 If Cellular Systam Available is "8" AND signal drops to less than 40%
2 If Cellular System Available is "1" AND signal drops to less than 40%
3 If Cellular System Available is "0" WITHOUT checking the signal strength
So would it be possible to edit the Mortscript this way?
Thank You!!
Reply to Kino-Kino
kino-kino said:
Thanks again helping me, I think, I start to understand what Your mortscripts are able to do!
But I have to ask once more:
So I have three different scenarios, when I would get that signal-alert:
1 If Cellular Systam Available is "8" AND signal drops to less than 40%
2 If Cellular System Available is "1" AND signal drops to less than 40%
3 If Cellular System Available is "0" WITHOUT checking the signal strength
So would it be possible to edit the Mortscript this way?
Thank You!!
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Kinio-Kino for your described situation the case will be as follows (copy & paste what is below between the # signs to replace what is inside Signal.mscr ,you can find this file inside a folder called Data inside the program folder inside Program Files)
ErrorLevel ("syntax")
SignalStrength = RegRead("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Signal Strength" )
PhoneActive = RegRead("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Cellular System Available" )
if(%PhoneActive% = 0)
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
if(%PhoneActive% = 8)
if (%SignalStrength% < 40 )
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
if(%PhoneActive% = 1)
if (%SignalStrength% < 40 )
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
You can now Download the latest version v1.03 ,I build a new user interface for this software instead of the icons .Before Uninstalling Do the process of "StopingAll" feature then make a new Install to v1.03.
first, thank You again, its working now as expected, great!!
The new Version 1.3: Both cabs get installed to the main memory, maybe something went wrong with one of them?
And one more question:
When my phone is sleeping, I dont get those signal-alerts.
So You have Your blackme-feature:
How could I handle that, to get the hardware-buttons locked, when blackme is active? I have a HTC Touch.
Thank You!
kino-kino said:
first, thank You again, its working now as expected, great!!
The new Version 1.3: Both cabs get installed to the main memory, maybe something went wrong with one of them?
And one more question:
When my phone is sleeping, I dont get those signal-alerts.
So You have Your blackme-feature:
How could I handle that, to get the hardware-buttons locked, when blackme is active? I have a HTC Touch.
Thank You!
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kino-kino ,Welcome again & thank you for your feedback. The Cab file targeting the storage card have been updated in the main thread page.
you are asking now about 2 subjects ,the first one concerning the signal alert didnt fire during deep sleep of the phone ,i think you might try to make the speaking clock feature active along with the signal alert feature ,maybe it will wakeup your device to fire at the specified times, of course if its voice is annoying to you can try deleting the clock wav files but leave of course the signal.wav without deleting. I wonder this happens to you although my Htc Tytn wakeup and fire Signal Alerts at specified times.
The second question can be solved simply by downloading "HomeScreenPluPlus" from the following link:
This software is free and have a feature in the second UI page of options that lock your device when the screen is off and vice versa ,see this pic for explanation.
Thanks for your great app, but I have troubles with BlackMe feature. If this feature is disable, my phone doesn't speak, vibrate only. But if it's enable, it turn off the phone screen when speaking time. That's annoy when I'm doing something on my phone, especially while downloading a large file, it interrupts the wifi connection and I have to re-download from beginning. Any solution for that?
hung_ng said:
Thanks for your great app, but I have troubles with BlackMe feature. If this feature is disable, my phone doesn't speak, vibrate only. But if it's enable, it turn off the phone screen when speaking time. That's annoy when I'm doing something on my phone, especially while downloading a large file, it interrupts the wifi connection and I have to re-download from beginning. Any solution for that?
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yes i know hung_ng ,i made the blackme feature as a separate item in folder links so that you can assign its icon to a hardware button to be easily accessed so that when you are using your phone you can easily deactivate BlackMe.
This annoying feature (from my point of view as you eaxactly) is essential in many phones ,as the system cannot wakeup the device from a deep sleep to do the choosed actions. the blackme feature (also known as "ToggleDisplay=1") force the phone to wakeup to fire the action. if it is disabled many devices will fall in deepsleep without being able to wakeup. the last version 1.3 have this separate shortcut that i explained.
Another idea i made in my Tytn and made me feel comfortable is that i made my telephone sense when a specific window is open ,the blackme is disabled automatically and when i close this window it reverts automatically to be enabled. for example i made RescoExplorer2007 window when it is opened the blackme is disabled & serving me while i work ,and once i finish i close Resco and automatically blackme returns active and conserving my battery life.
Sorry for being long in my explanation but if you are interested in the idea ,i can make a version for you that is capable of deactivating BlackMe once a specific window is opened. i am not a programer ,i am an Architectural Engineer that once upon a time needed this software and didnt find a really satisfying one available all over the internet ,so i decided to learn Mort Script and i write a one satisfiying my needs and by the way i think that it might help other people who might need it as me.

[APP] [25/3/09] [0.9 Beta] Cell Broadcast as Operator Name (Manila+Dialer)

Hey guys, my first real contribution here. I was using the Cell Broadcast solution with a today plugin posted here.
I had two major issues:
1. With Manila, can not use another today plugin
2. Need to use S2U2 because waking up of device, otherwise device stays on for sometime and screen touches are registered.
I played a bit with the registry and found out that setting two keys will reliably set a string which would be used for the operator name hence changing the string in Manila, dialer, etc.
I intercepted the messages coming from "Network" and extracted the CB body, if the device has been on for less than 5 seconds, then I assume that the cause of wake up was the CB, hence I suspend the device, its working quite nicely for now, will need your feedback for a probable general working release this weekend.
To do / Known Issues:
- FIXED: One key is hard coded as 41006 (my operator code), need to get it from phone. Otherwise ask user for it.
- Configurable from field, "Network*" is hard coded for now.
- Autostart using Init registry
- Hide / Remove UI
- For now UI shows incoming CB messages, power events, time difference between power on and message incoming for deciding to suspend or not.
Hello. I did search on this topic too. but did not find anything else that you do. but exactly what does not work. I got a newer version? thanks

