Instant Dropped calls on Cingular? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I keep getting calls that drop the second I hit the answer key. I'm using the latest Cingular based firmware for my 8525. Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm trying to determine if it is one of my installed apps or a problem with the phone itself. Thing is I have no apps that are meant to handle calls or VM so if other users are experiencing this please post.

I am not having this problem, 1st I've heard of anyone dropping calls instantly.
Were you located, I'm in chicago and know 4 other with the 8525 without any dropped calls.

NJ. I've been on the Cingular network for a few years now. I had an MPX220 before this.

In my opinion it may come from the magnet of the default case; give some try without it.

yeah, I've had it happen to me too. Interesdtingly, it didn't seem limited to my TyTN either. I had it on my 8125. Seems to happen most often when I answer using the softkeys instead of just pressing the green phone icon.

hmm. im not really sure which i answer the phone, both if im not wrong. I'll have to keep my eye out for that.

I was having a similar problem that turned out to be my case hitting the buttons as I pulled the phone out. I switched to a seidio clip case and it hasn't happened since.
there was a slight delay, so it actually disconnected about the time I hit the button. sometimes the call would answer instead of dropping, depending on which button was hit.

Same Problem on Vodafone
I bought 2 V1605s (tytn) 2 months ago for my business. I seem to have the exact same problem on both phones - about 20-30% of calls have this issue. Scenario is as follows:
Phone rings, after any amount of time Answer with either the green button or the soft keys and the call dies. The other party is routed to Voicemail at that time. While this problem is present I sometimes get a problem where I can't initiate a call - get an error that Cannont make an outgoing call due to lack of signal.
I have seen some suggestions that this (or similar problems) can happen when you are going into and out of coverage blackspots. My work and home areas both have blackspots, so it seems to fit with this.
Only solution I have found is a soft reset. I have tried the following:
- Set band selection to Manual - didn't work
- Set UMTS/GSM to GSM only - didn't work
- Do a hard reset (wiping data and other installed programs) - didn't work
- Make sure that all other applications are closed properly through task Manager (especially data-using ones) - Trying now - no results.
I'd appreciate any suggestions as I need this sorted - no matter how good this phone is as a PDA, I can't tolerate losing 30% of my incoming calls!

I've had similar issues. Last couple of days have been worse than others.
I am beginning to consider an alternate carrier -- the big V is better in and around NYC from what I understand


Phone application (radio?) not responding!

On my XDAII (1.72) I sometimes experience a not responding phone/SMS application or radio stack.
People trying to call me are instantly redirected to the voicemail, and if I try to make eiter a call or send a text message, respectively the phone application is stalling or the SMS 'Send' button stays in the 'pressed' state.
Soft-resetting the phone or toggling the 'turn off radio' function re-establishes the radio.
Does anyone knows of a solution?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated and possibly rewarded with a 6-pack Heineken beer
weird, mines just done the same thing. I sent an sms and nothing. I was then taken to the phone screen and it said something like invalid sim something.
I'm wondering if the sim card is not locked in place. I was fiddling around with mine yesterday and maybe forgot to lock the sim card in place.
Just a thought but maybe worth checking :wink:
what radio version do you have ? I recently have the problem that when people call me, the ringtone goes for about 2 seconds, then restarts, etc.
Meanwhile I can do nothing ( green button don't work) . When the caller hangs up my phone returns to the normal state.
I use radio 1.18. Thinking of downgrading to 1.17 which people say is more stable.
pleun said:
what radio version do you have ? I recently have the problem that when people call me, the ringtone goes for about 2 seconds, then restarts, etc.
Meanwhile I can do nothing ( green button don't work) . When the caller hangs up my phone returns to the normal state.
I use radio 1.18. Thinking of downgrading to 1.17 which people say is more stable.
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I'm using Radio version 1.17, ROM version 1.72.00WWE
The SIM is firmly locked into place
ah..... :shock:
Hello folks,
I have the same problem now for a week... It's driving me crazy... At
some point in time during the night or the day my Qtek2020 gets weird.
The result is that people trying to call me can't connect but to viocemail,
and I can't receive SMS. The only way I can see that I am having this
problem is that whenever I try to send a SMS I get a message "your SMS
cannot be sent", and if I try to make a call, the phone seems to dial out
normally the first second, but then the DIAL-button (which is color-less)
becomes green again...
Please, if someone knows what's wrong or if someone had the same
problem and solved without having to default the whole thing, please
let me know what is the solution.. It is really annoying, so I now have
to randomly reset my phone throughout the day.
PS: my battery is now on 4% so I have to look for my charger, and
after that I can supply with info about radio-version etc. I am running
WM2003 by the way, and I've had no problems like this before, this
unit has been working fine until now. I guess it's a sw-bug? And I
am also wondering if this problem occurs whenever I pass a place
with low signal.. hmm, it's so annoying..
Thanks for any help!
I've been having problems similar to the OP for 2-3 weeks now (found this thread in a search before posting). It's damned annoying, as it means you can't really trust your phone - am I meant to reset every morning, or more frequently? It seems an intermittent problem, in so far as I've been receiving and making calls as normal, and then you someone asks 'did you get my text?'. Gritting teeth, you call the phone from a landline to find that calls are going straight to voicemail. After a soft reset all missing texts are received immediately, and calls can again be received.
When in this state other PDA functions seem to work as normal. However, I suspect that the power display is "suspended" too. On performing a soft reset after experiencing this problem today, I immediately got "your battery is extremely low", whereas before the reset I recall it was around 50% (vBar image). As others have stated, one clue that not all is well is that sent texts do not get a "Message sent" confirmation.
I've been racking my brains as to what's changed recently on my PDA. For family reasons I've been making a lot more calls than usual, but I also added TomTom Navigator 5 a couple of months ago, and so have started intermittently using BT. But I don't use Sat Nav that frequently, and this problem seems more prevalent.
I'm conscious that I don't have latest and greatest ROM, etc, but am vary about attempting upgrades without strong reasons.
Has anyone seen and solved this issue?
Have you tried cleaning the contacts on the sim card? After a while dust and general wear and tear can mess them up. Also as it's obviously(?) a phone problem it might be beneficial to call your service provider for a new sim card.
That's what I had to do last week. Wish you the best anyway.
It can't have anything to with the sim card as I'm having this problem with a brand new sim card.

calls over 8 to 10 minutes disconnect

I am having this issue when calls get to the 8 minute mark I loose signal and the call disconnects then I get the signal back in 15 seconds. this tends to happen in every 2 out of 3 calls and in between the 8 to 10 min mark. any body else having similar issues.
I have the following upgrades
tmobile rom 2.17
agile messenger
gprs alwas connect tweak
Same problem experienced !
Is that a BUG ??...
I have started having this problem as well, but did not notice if the occurrances are at the 8 minute mark.
I assumed it was the Cingular network. Maybe not???
i had the same problem, however since i upgraded my rom the problem seems to have resolved itself (i dont regularly make 8min+ calls though so cant guarantee this will fix the problem)
are u guys using direct push. i am thinking it is when the data part of the radio tries to download while during the call. it causes it to crash. if i turn off direct push i no longer have the problem. how about u guys.
darcwun said:
I am having this issue when calls get to the 8 minute mark I loose signal and the call disconnects then I get the signal back in 15 seconds. this tends to happen in every 2 out of 3 calls and in between the 8 to 10 min mark. any body else having similar issues.
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I don't have this problem but I have a thought that it might be due to heat. Do you have the screen on while making the call? I always turn mine off as I hit the send key.
As I say its just a thought, but the heat from your face added to the the device plus the display on may be over heating it causing it to cut out?
I had this problem after upgrading to the first AKU2.2 ROM that summiter put out.
After upgrading to the most recent version (the one he's calling the BETA), the problem has resolved itself.
this is getting to be a persistent and irritating problem . I have uninstalled all third party software but problem continues . my screen turns off at 30 sec so that should be ok. I will try to upgrade or degrade the rom. also switching of push sounds like a good idea but I was hopping the phone would be smart enough to do that on its own I like push.
Ignore my previous message - the newest beta from Summiter is even worse.
I'm going back to 2.17
When I saw this post, I at least felt that I was not losing my mind. I have had the 8 - 10 minute disconnect/drop for a couple of months. Luckily, most of the folks on the other end thought it was their phone. Now I'm a bit concerned since it appears others are experiencing the same issue. I am also on the ROM version, and have the EDGE service pulling all the time.
grinny11 might be on to it. The autd heartbeat timeout for direct push is 8 minutes IIRC. Anybody not using direct push having this issue? Those who do: does turning off direct push before a long call correct this?
I haven't noticed the issue, but I'm rarely (if ever) on my cellphone > 8 minutes.
i have resolved my problem. Agile was the culprit. it was able to connect to the edge network even when a call was in process leading to a disconnect. now i just stop agile before making a call.
i really wish they would resolve this issue. i downgraded the radio rom once to 1.8 and i had less problems with dropped calls but still had a few. hopefully they will figure it out.
just realized that I have the same problem. Official Vodafone Germany 2.21 ROM, lotsa Software installed. though I don't know if it's 8min when it drops. What I noticed: I've been sitting in an area with 4 bars reception, had the call, then the call dropped with a silent "krk", and when I looked at the phone I had zero reception, the blinking LED was off also. After a few secs the LED would start to blink again, and reception went up to 4 bars again.
Very weird...
Another one with the same problem!
I have started having the problem after overclocking my phone, so maybe this could be the cause?
I have no Agile, nor any GPRS active at any time.
What about the others who have the problem?
Have you overclocked your phone?
Recently i have started using 4smarthone push service. This happens with me too, though i am not sure of the time mark. But isnt there any other way where we can set the Wizard NOT to connect to EDGE while a call is in progress? While turning off these sevices is ok before making acall, but what happens when we receive a call?
Same Problem
I lose all service when it happens, so for me it is not trying to dial out, just ... for service.

Consistent dropped calls after 10-15 min on phone

I posted this a while back and never really received many responses so I am trying again....
I have a QTEK 9100 with the 2.4x ROM w/Cingular as my provider (I have tried many ROMS) and I can't seem to keep a phone conversation over 10 min. It just drops the call and the signal status icon shows an x.. like it is restarting or searching for a valid signal after the call drops. This is VERY consistent and happens no matter what my location is. If I put the SIM card in a Nokia phone I never have this issue so I know it is not the carrier. It is definately the QTEK. This is very frustrating and I was wondering if anyone has experienced this issue or if anyone has any suggestions on the cause. I have hard reset my device with so many ROM versions from the original 1.x to the latest 2.5 and everywhere in between and above including a beta 2.87 with the same result.
Also... I get many complaints that when people call me, their call goes right to voice mail when I never turn the phone off and I don't receive a missed call notification. I get a voice mail notification later if they leave one when the call never came through.
Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated.
The only similar issue that I can recall is the one we are discussing at
It's different in a number of respects though - in that you can keep calls past the 4 minute mark, and that it seems to be happening for you even with ROMS before 2.2. My thought is that you may have a defective unit - and you may want to consider returning it under warranty.
If you do a hard reset and don't install any applications at all - does it still reset after 10-15 minutes?
Thanks for the reply. That is a very good suggestion and I will try it once I get the battery level above 50%. That is another thing... My battery drain is very severe and even with a replacement battery, I can't get one day use even without talking on the phone without recharging.
Thanks again for the response and suggestion.
BTW: If it is an application that is causing this, I must blame Microsoft for not protecting the phone portion of the device in some way.

Microphone stops when I hit a numberkey if I'm calling an interactive menu system!

Ok, this is a real doozy.
This happened on my original Hermes, and now it's happening on my (three day old!) new one too (just tried to Ring Areti Internet to speak to someone on behalf of one of my clients, and the moment I pressed 0 to speak to someone the microphone seems to just cut out).
The root of the problem is: I can ring a number, whatever, and if I get to a menu system, I tap in the appropriate number to navigate through the system. However, the moment I do so, when I do eventually get through to someone they can't hear me. I can hear them fine, but my microphone has totally cut out - and even trying things like hitting mute / unmute makes no difference.
If I don't press a button, and either hang on until the menu system just puts me through to someone, the mic works fine. The worst thing about this problem is that it's unpredictable; it can happen all the time or it can just happen every so often, and there's no visual or audio indicators to say otherwise that the problem is occurring.
My two Hermes models are quite vastly different in model: the old one was an HT634 and this one is a 643, so the question of the problem being a hardware one spread across several models doesn't apply. This is REALLY ANNOYING, not only does it piss off the person on the other end but if you're stuck in a queue waiting to speak to someone for 20+ minutes, finally getting through and finding that you can't be heard is TOTALLY ANNOYING!
What's even more confusing is this: I thought it might be a permanent problem, so I tried ringing my home phone, then getting my friend to make like an interactive menu system and just say "press 1 to test this, press 2 to confirm that this is a really stupid thing I'm having to do for you, press 3 to confirm that you don't mind me hitting you after we're done testing this idea of yours"... You get the idea. I pressed a button (more than one in fact, the second time I tried it), waited the appopriate length of time that it would take in the real world to get connected, and started speaking - and the person on the landline could hear me fine.
The problem was also present (and intermittent) on my first Hermes, but it was unpredictable. I'm not in a great 3G signal area, and as I look at my phone at the moment it's gone back to GPRS. I also noticed on the MoDaCo forums that some people in London were suffering from problems where they couldn't hear callers, but the person at the other end could hear them fine (they suppose, as they weren't hung up on even though they couldn't hear their caller) - they had to force their phone back to 2G to resolve the problem. However, my microphone doesn't cut out during normal phone usage, so it's just really bugging me that I can't figure out why the hell this is happening!
My Hermes is pretty much stock: T-Mobile ROM, nothing cooked or patched, I just have the odd little bunch of harmless utilities installed: a screen cap application, Map24 Mobile, Microsoft Reader, Media Metrics Meter (usage tracker, you get paid £5 a month for submitting your stats to them so it pays for the Web 'n Walk), Opera Mobile, TCPMP, SMSDRFix, Vibra Switch, WM5NewMenu and Total Commander... They're the only significant additions.
This is driving me nuts! I never had this problem on my old Alpine, though granted it was on O2. I've even had this problem when calling the T-Mobile support line! Which as you can imagine is MOST frustrating.
Anybody have even the faintest idea as to how to solve this problem? It SEVERELY hinders my ability to ring any kind of helpline or support / sales line... And until I found an alternative (direct dial) number to get through to T-Mobile Customer Services, I wasn't even able to ring them!
had exactly the same problem with a Vario II. I couldn't set up my voicemail!
Exchanged unit for a new one and now works fine. No problems so far
flashflash said:
had exactly the same problem with a Vario II. I couldn't set up my voicemail!
Exchanged unit for a new one and now works fine. No problems so far
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Argh... It took me long enough to get this replacement!!! Vario 2s are like golddust at the moment.
What model number is your new unit? Mine is an HT643 (first one was a 634)...

Phone freezing

I have a big problem with my Tytn (sorry if this is already been posted). Quite often the phone freezes, making it impossible to turn on again. The only thing that works is a soft-reset. What is worse, is that when the phone is in this state, although the green light is regularly flashing, it is unable to get phone calls even if the caller gets the normal ringing signal. No trace is left of the call, neither in calls list! This is a really serious issue: please, let me know if you have an idea of how to solve the problem.
I am having the same issue. I haven't been able to isolate it. I was havign to0 restart 1-2 times a day. Same systems press the power button nothing. Lights blinking everything looks ok. but nothing on the screen. and i miss calls. really pain in the ass. I loaded mobile secretary and it hasn;t locked in a day or two which is odd.
I also sometimes have to rpess the power button two times for it to wake
me too
It's happening to me too. I will lose service and the phone doesn't go out and poll automatically when service should be good. It may show 1, 2, 3 bars then when I try to make a call it hangs, and then get an x and a Y!, then searches for service. I have the GSM only hack installed and the activesync workaround and it still does this. It is not useable as a phone.
do a search in this forum.
one relevant thread here:
With all due respect, there is no solution where the link leads to.
I am having the GSM problem also. Just from time to time I am noticing an exclamation mark near the 'antennae' icon in the top bar. When I tap it, I read 'Service unavailable' in the balloon. From that point I may either soft-reset, or switch GSM flight mode on and off, which brings the PIN code keyboard and the phone works again.
I really don't think it is related to power saving, as it happened a few times in the car with TyTN on external power.
mnez said:
With all due respect, there is no solution where the link leads to.
I am having the GSM problem also. Just from time to time I am noticing an exclamation mark near the 'antennae' icon in the top bar. When I tap it, I read 'Service unavailable' in the balloon. From that point I may either soft-reset, or switch GSM flight mode on and off, which brings the PIN code keyboard and the phone works again.
I really don't think it is related to power saving, as it happened a few times in the car with TyTN on external power.
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I think warmkiwi's link may be relevant to jimwormold's original post, which may not be related to your and angled1's problem of failing to poll correctly after dropping it's signal.
yes, it was. sorry, i should have quoted the original author (jimwormold)
well, sorry for being so picky on you :|
Now when we have defragmented the conversation I wonder if the GSM problem is reported more widely? and what is supposed to do in order to isolate the problem and fix it...?
jimwormold said:
Quite often the phone freezes, making it impossible to turn on again. The only thing that works is a soft-reset. What is worse, is that when the phone is in this state, although the green light is regularly flashing, it is unable to get phone calls
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Sorry to do a "me too" posting, but I experience the exact same symptoms. There is no obvious pattern to when this happens, but it is a major problem, as there is no way (other than trying to switch it on) to distinguish whether the phone is working or not at any given moment.
I am running the latest (South African) ROM on my Vario II.
Philip said:
Sorry to do a "me too" posting, but I experience the exact same symptoms. There is no obvious pattern to when this happens, but it is a major problem, as there is no way (other than trying to switch it on) to distinguish whether the phone is working or not at any given moment.
I am running the latest (South African) ROM on my Vario II.
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Given this thread now appears to have two distinct issues running together I better be clear that I am referring to the lock-up/freezing issue not the dropped GSM signal issue!!
To be honest there are quite a few possible causes for the freezing issue(s). I would suggest searches and the wiki on such things as (and you may or may not have tried some already):
1. Use of a Task Manager to properly shut running programmes otherwise they contiue to run in the background
2. Proper shutting down of Active Sync in addition to any task manager you may have, as it can re-start itself automatically (particularly overnight. Look for the "Fake Server Trick")
3. Always shut down Wifi when not in use (vital particularly overnight but also good practice to avoid lock ups)
4 For overnight and possibly other quiet times you can consider having your device automatically perform a soft reset to clear any running programmes that may block alarms/receipt of mail etc. Look for such things as xbar or SK schema
mikechannon said:
Given this thread now appears to have two distinct issues running together I better be clear that I am referring to the lock-up/freezing issue not the dropped GSM signal issue!!
1. Use of a Task Manager to properly shut running programmes otherwise they contiue to run in the background
2. Proper shutting down of Active Sync in addition to any task manager you may have, as it can re-start itself automatically (particularly overnight. Look for the "Fake Server Trick")
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Yes indeed, although I think that both: a Phone App problem, and a GSM signal problem, are indeed the same, maybe only differently percepted and described by users affected.
I need ActiveSync to be running in order for DirectPush to work. If it conflicts with the phone, it makes the device unusable concerning push email functionality.
mnez said:
Yes indeed, although I think that both: a Phone App problem, and a GSM signal problem, are indeed the same, maybe only differently percepted and described by users affected.
I need ActiveSync to be running in order to DirectPush work. If it conflicts with the phone, it makes the device unusable concerning push email functionality.
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I agree they may be cause and effect for some folks. Although I don't believe we can say that all the freezing and lock-ups are due to dropped GSM signal and freezing when failing to re-establish it. The items I list either taken together or individually have been found by others to work in some cases.
I appreciate that if you require Active Sync running then this is not a solution for you. I think the issue of crashing on loss of signal requires more analysis and I'm not aware of much discussion of it - though I could be wrong!!
I was fiddling with the phone yesterday and today, and I have a hypothesis that my problem is related to PIN entry screen that won't pop up but is silently awaiting a PIN underneath.
I was trying to ucheck the "Require PIN when phone is used" box in Settings but with no luck, my PIN is then refused with "Unknown SIM Error" message. Maybe it wants a PUK but I don't have it on hand to try.
My plan now is to:
- uninstall all Phone-related applications (PhonePlus, Dark_Blue Buttons, EZDial),
- request PUK from my office and try to uncheck the box,
- try prepaid SIM card which has no PIN
To observe symptoms I need two-three days, so I will rather not be posting until solid data is collected.
ps Mike, it is a pleasure to be on a board with people like you.
mnez said:
I was fiddling with the phone yesterday and today, and I have a hypothesis that my problem is related to PIN entry screen that won't pop up but is silently awaiting a PIN underneath.
I was trying to ucheck the "Require PIN when phone is used" box in Settings but with no luck, my PIN is then refused with "Unknown SIM Error" message. Maybe it wants a PUK but I don't have it on hand to try.
My plan now is to:
- uninstall all Phone-related applications (PhonePlus, Dark_Blue Buttons, EZDial),
- request PUK from my office and try to uncheck the box,
- try prepaid SIM card which has no PIN
To observe symptoms I need two-three days, so I will rather not be posting until solid data is collected.
ps Mike, it is a pleasure to be on a board with people like you.
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Very kind of you to say so
Look forward to seeing your findings.
new phone
I'm on day 2 of my replacement phone from Cingular and the problem with losing gsm signal is non existent. The problem was hardware and fixed by calling and getting a warranty replacement phone. I'll let you know if the problem returns. Oh, and I have not been using the gsm only hack. I'm trying to see if the phone will work as designed first.
angled1 said:
I'm on day 2 of my replacement phone from Cingular and the problem with losing gsm signal is non existent. The problem was hardware and fixed by calling and getting a warranty replacement phone. I'll let you know if the problem returns. Oh, and I have not been using the gsm only hack. I'm trying to see if the phone will work as designed first.
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Good news - hope it continues to work well.
I am reporting from the test field that my problem persists, despite uninstalling all phone-related extenders.
I have noticed that freezing is paired with disabling Bluetooth. So after switching the phone off (flight mode on) and back on (flight mode off), I also have to turn on Bluetooth.
EDIT: I was grounded for last few days at home and freezing problem was not occuring. I am now thinking that it may be related to switching band between GPRS and UMTS. My next step will be disabling UMTS for good. It saves a whole lotta battery, by the way. I am for the third day mostly on standby, with a few calls made, and I am still on 70%! (no 3G in the area)
I have contacted my vendor and asked about replacement policy, they are "checking this with the importer". It's a beauty of living in not-so-western country. Poland is the name.
mnez said:
EDIT: I was grounded for last few days at home and freezing problem was not occuring. I am now thinking that it may be related to switching band between GPRS and UMTS. My next step will be disabling UMTS for good. It saves a whole lotta battery, by the way. I am for the third day mostly on standby, with a few calls made, and I am still on 70%! (no 3G in the area)
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I'm having exactly the same problem, very annoying because the staus LEDs keep blinking as normal. I too think the problem is UMST-GPRS switching related, as I also have problems when phoning while I drive with my car from a UMTS enabled into a GPRS only zone. The voice call is interupted and I get a loud noise, sounding like a scrambled voice, on both sides of the connection. At home my UMTS signal is very weak, so I think it happens when I move around the house to a place where the TyTN switches to GPRS.
I've put my TyTN to "GSM network" only now to see if this helps, but I use UMTS frequently so this is no long term solution for me.
same problem here, only gsm wil not help, new sim cards wont help either even other provider wont help
treid several different roms nothing will help
good luck
mine was siffering of freezing issue, I sent a mail to HTC support, they don't know about it but the guy said me that I must to hard reset my device. Then no more freezes, I will keep testing it.
BTW: I changed my old and almost destroyed SIM card by a new one.

