Stop Push Email over GPRS when WiFi ON ? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hello there folks,
After much reconfiguring of our exchange server, i have push email working!
However, i have found that occasionally when WiFi is on, the phone will still sometimes try to establish a GPRS data connection.
Does anyone know of a way to stop it doing this? I would prefer WiFi to be the prefered data path.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks In Advance

push mail doesn't work over wifi. You need to keep the GPRS connected for this. You can still activesync over Wifi, but push mail is depending on a cellular network.

ahhhhhhhh, of course.
what an idiot i am..... thank you

That doesn't make sense to me. Push should work better over WiFi.

Although I don't know for sure, I wonder if the fact your GPRS IP address and WiFi one will necessarily be different makes the Wizard hop back onto GPRS if that's where the push session was established.
If you cancel push, then establish WiFi and then re-establish push, does it still try jump to GPRS?
Out of interest, what tweaking did you have to do to the server? Our IS guys applied the service pack, and for a brief period, I tested push and it worked, now it seems to have stopped working. I can establish the session, but nothing gets "pushed". If I log in to Outlook, OWA and push, I can see my test messages land on the first two, but nothing on the Wizard until I manually sync it...

I'm not bothered by the fact that DP tried to re-establish my GPRS connection as much as the 8125 locking up whenever I enable WiFi while already in Direct Push mode. If I can figure out why that happens and stop it I can stop messing with my Wizard and actually enjoy it more.

M$ says that they can't support direct push over WiFi because the device turns off WiFi when in powersave mode which disables direct push.
I thought that was a lame reason and told them that at MEDC. We should be allowed to make that decision and direct push should adapt to whatever network connection we're using IMO.

This is not an issue of whether Direct Push should work over WiFi, this is an issue of not being able to use the device at all when WiFi is enabled while Direct Push is enabled.
If Direct Push wants to use a GPRS connection, fine, I don't mind. But I should be able to enable WiFi as well with no consequences, and Direct Push can still use the GPRS connection while the WiFi radio is on.
I have successfully tested this and it works. I was able to send my device an e-mail and have it notify me while WiFi is on, and when I browse the internet it uses the WiFi connection, not the GPRS one. But after a while of having both connections enabled, through some kind of bug or glitch the device will slow down till it eventually comes to a screeching halt.
There is no way that this is like this by design. If you can't enable WiFi with Direct Push enabled, then the system should force you to disable Direct Push before enabling WiFi or vice versa. But I believe it's a bug because even the WiFi icon has the ActiveSync animated connection when both connections are enabled, which leads me to believe that Microsoft had anticipated a WiFi connection being active while Direct Push is doing its business over GPRS.
Now, if you could please give all of that to MS, and maybe get some kind of reply I would be forever in your debt!

If you're getting lockups with WiFi/DirectPush then take a look here:


Problem : Push Email + WiFi = Wizard frozen

After upgrading my SPVM3000 to ROM FRE (Orange), I set up a push email account at 4smartphone and all work fine.
But while Push Email is activated, if I activate WiFi and browse internet with PIE, Wizard freeze as soon as the first page is dowloaded.
If I switch Push Email and Edge connection off in Comm Manager before switching on WiFi, I can browse internet without problem.
Have anybody noticed/resolved this problem ?
Do I have to think I'm the only one with this problem ?
I believe your problem is because push email always uses the GPRS connection regardless of the state of wiFi. When WiFi is activated and the push email heartbeat kicks in, Gprs is brought back up and your WiFi connection is trashed. YMMV on the end results I guess. On mine, PIE can't connect.
This is a bug IMO but I understand the issue. Consquently, you must disable push email in connection manager before enabling WiFi. Fortunately, the two buttons are right next to each other
I'm a little surprise that it's a bug, as nobody speak about it in this great forum.
Problem with disabling push mail is that if you want to not have push mail during the night for exemple, when enabling push mail this is lost and push mail is always on at all hours.
Other thing is, I'm using VJVolubilis to toggle WiFi (via a hard button) and not connection manager.
I suspect more a bad parameter somewhere...
PS : Bad english I know, I'm french. I expect you understand me.
hmmm... your WiFi handler most likely explains your lockup complaint that I don't experience. Believe me, the GPRS downgrade caused by the push email heartbeat is a bug. However, it's very possible that this hasn't been explored much here due to the low number of AKU2 upgraders who also run push email. Also, my experience shows that sometimes you don't even notice that the WiFi connection "downgrades" to GPRS when the heartbeat kicks in again. This because the wifi tower icon is still shown and the only real way to spot it is to run a thruput test like
M$ really needs to make the direct push driver WiFi aware, however there may be something to do with the conflicting requirement to leave our Wizards in standby mode during email reception that makes this a difficult feat. Perhaps a better (read "more possible") implementation would be for it to open a seperate hidden GPRS connection that's not tied to your ISP or Work network connection settings.
I didn't want to admit it
I have the same problem. I am running WWE, 2/10/06, 02.07.10, 413.1.03.
Can anyone confirm that they are able to use GPRS/WiFi simultaneously with no issues on any ROM? Preferrably, with Direct Push enabled.
Look here for a possible fix:
GliTCH82 said:
Look here for a possible fix:
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hi ,
Page not found ????!!!

To those of you using Direct Push...

Can anyone using Direct Push please confirm or deny that you experience lockups whenever you turn on WiFi at the same time? I am really scratching my head over this one.
Confirmed !
Can't confirm: I've tried this at MEDC because phone coverage sux in places.
However, when GPRS is available and direct push kicks in, my connection gets downgraded to GPRS speed even though I have the WiFi tower displayed.
My solution has been to stop Direct Push and Phone in Conn Mgr and then enable WiFi. I then manually sync email periodically using send/receive.

Direct Push registry settings?

I'm trying to see if there's some kind of registry setting that would allow Direct Push to use an available WiFi connection as opposed to forcing a GPRS connection. While searching for relevant keys, I came across these:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"User"= <Exchange User Name Here>
"Name"="Exchange Server"
Assuming Microsoft was kind enough to include a registry setting to allow this (maybe they did it during testing), what names and values do you guys think could hold relevance to what we're looking for?
I spotted some of these keys when digging around. When I first implemented direct push I found that it has transmitting some traffic every 8 mins (there was also a problem with our ISA server dropping the https connection after 2 mins but that is another story).
Any I have changed one of those settings and from 8 mins to about 28 and the traffic count has dropped. Although I did hear that the settings are automatically updated as the system is used.
I find I need to turn off direct push if I want to use wi-fi which is a pain .
I suspect the ISA server drops the connection every 2mins because that is the default timeout value on the web listener.
Change that to 30mins (18000ms) as per the KB article (can't be arsed looking up the number).
mobileadam said:
I find I need to turn off direct push if I want to use wi-fi which is a pain .
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I wholeheartedly agree. To quote what I said in another thread:
This is not an issue of whether Direct Push should work over WiFi, this is an issue of not being able to use the device at all when WiFi is enabled while Direct Push is enabled.
If Direct Push wants to use a GPRS connection, fine, I don't mind. But I should be able to enable WiFi as well with no consequences, and Direct Push can still use the GPRS connection while the WiFi radio is on.
I have successfully tested this and it works. I was able to send my device an e-mail and have it notify me while WiFi is on, and when I browse the internet it uses the WiFi connection, not the GPRS one. But after a while of having both connections enabled, through some kind of bug or glitch the device will slow down till it eventually comes to a screeching halt.
There is no way that this is like this by design. If you can't enable WiFi with Direct Push enabled, then the system should force you to disable Direct Push before enabling WiFi or vice versa. But I believe it's a bug because even the WiFi icon has the ActiveSync animated connection graphic when both connections are enabled, which leads me to believe that Microsoft had anticipated a WiFi connection being active while Direct Push is doing its business over GPRS.

Network selection hierachy - Wifi vs GPRS (Kaiser)

When I'm in the house (and assuming I've got the wifi switched on on the Tytn 2), how do I get it to use the Wifi to access the Web as a first option?
Even when its connected to my wireless LAN (which it does with no problems at all - much better than my old Wizzard), if I launch Explorer it automatically makes a GPRS connection. The only way to force it to use the Wifi seems to be to turn the Phone off in the comm manager - which then means I can't receive any calls.
I can't find any setting that dicates the network hierachy i.e. that says if there is a Wireless LAN connection then don't bother with GPRS, or if there isn't, then use GPRS.
I seem to recall there was something similar on desktop Windoze where you could have it automatically use a dial up connection if there was no LAN available.
Can anyone help?
Iain.m said:
When I'm in the house (and assuming I've got the wifi switched on on the Tytn 2), how do I get it to use the Wifi to access the Web as a first option?
Even when its connected to my wireless LAN (which it does with no problems at all - much better than my old Wizzard), if I launch Explorer it automatically makes a GPRS connection. The only way to force it to use the Wifi seems to be to turn the Phone off in the comm manager - which then means I can't receive any calls.
I can't find any setting that dicates the network hierachy i.e. that says if there is a Wireless LAN connection then don't bother with GPRS, or if there isn't, then use GPRS.
I seem to recall there was something similar on desktop Windoze where you could have it automatically use a dial up connection if there was no LAN available.
Can anyone help?
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I'm now getting the same thing using Emoze - the thing is sitting here connected to the Wifi & will sync mail & contacts etc over the wifi quite happily - but as soon as I try & send mail from the handheld it starts up not one but two GPRS connections (!) Much the same as if I try & get a web page up - it automatically goes to GPRS as its default route to the internet despite that fact that its already connected via wifi & the only way to stop this behaviour seems to be to switch the phone off in Comm Manager.
Seems to be something inherrantly odd about the way the Tytn 2 is deciding what network connection is available & which it should use. It looks like it needs a little control application to sit between the IP stack & the hardware so that when a request comes it can be routed according to user preference - i.e. Use WIfi if available, Only use GPRS etc The Wifi doesn't seem to fire up a connection when it feels like it - only the GPRS. Do all the HTC devices with WIfi behave this way?
In the meantime, does anyone know of a simple way to turn off/disable GPRS without disabling the phone?
WHile I have plenty of GPRS data allowance in my package when I'm in the house at my desk (or anywhere else I can get a wifi connection) I'd rather it just used the Wifi to sync itself or if I decided call up a web page.
Besides, it interferes with the hi-fi speakers in my study with that annoying buzzing noise everytime the GPRS gets busy.
Hi guys,
I use 3 different wifi networks during the course of a day, well 2 a day, 3 through out the week probably. Home/Work/Friends house
I have a very small data package (5mb) so i am very choosy about when I use my data connection!
Anyways, did some testing.
I already know that if I have no wifi, no data connection on, then I try and start outlook or Internet Explorer, then my data connection starts up (as it should)
now if i have my data connection on, then i turn on wifi on the phone, the wifi connection takes over and the data connection is not being used, even though it's on.
I also have no problems with when wifi is on and data is off, and if i goto outlook or IE, that gprs decides to go on. this does not happen tome (unless for some strange reason wifi cuts out, gprs tries to take over)
So i dont know if its something with your settings or not, maybe your phone goes to sleep and wifi turns off then gprs takes over, or i could be misunderstanding your question, because now that I think about it, perhaps you are asking something like..
- at home no wifi or data connection is active at that moment
- you navigate to a page in IE and instead of gprs turning on, wifi turns on/scans for lan and uses that
Yeah, that's probably waht you are asking.. haha yahoo for long winded useless post
If you figure it out, i want to know! lol
Iain.m said:
I'm now getting the same thing using Emoze - the thing is sitting here connected to the Wifi & will sync mail & contacts etc over the wifi quite happily - but as soon as I try & send mail from the handheld it starts up not one but two GPRS connections (!) Much the same as if I try & get a web page up - it automatically goes to GPRS as its default route to the internet despite that fact that its already connected via wifi & the only way to stop this behaviour seems to be to switch the phone off in Comm Manager.
Seems to be something inherrantly odd about the way the Tytn 2 is deciding what network connection is available & which it should use. It looks like it needs a little control application to sit between the IP stack & the hardware so that when a request comes it can be routed according to user preference - i.e. Use WIfi if available, Only use GPRS etc The Wifi doesn't seem to fire up a connection when it feels like it - only the GPRS. Do all the HTC devices with WIfi behave this way?
In the meantime, does anyone know of a simple way to turn off/disable GPRS without disabling the phone?
WHile I have plenty of GPRS data allowance in my package when I'm in the house at my desk (or anywhere else I can get a wifi connection) I'd rather it just used the Wifi to sync itself or if I decided call up a web page.
Besides, it interferes with the hi-fi speakers in my study with that annoying buzzing noise everytime the GPRS gets busy.
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You should be able to use the comm manager to turn off the data connection, but as for keeping it off permanently, until you decide you want it to be even allowed to be active again maybe you can try this, it should disable your connection until you see fit.
briggs81 said:
You should be able to use the comm manager to turn off the data connection, but as for keeping it off permanently, until you decide you want it to be even allowed to be active again maybe you can try this, it should disable your connection until you see fit.
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Great little utility , thanks very much for pointing that out - it at least allows me to do what I want manually - i.e. use my wifi without having to turn the phone off.
Although I know you can disconnect GPRS from the Comm manager, it also doesn't seem to have an idle time out so once an application (like Emoze) has started it up it keeps running in the background. Also, as soon as you turn it off, inevitably Emoze turns it straight back on! The NoData application gives much more control so thanks for that.
I do go abroad reasonably often so also happy to be able to use it for its primary purpose of disabling GPRS whilst roaming to avoid silly charges
It would be great if HTC could build a bit more intelligence and control into the network side of these things though.
You may want to look into Schaps Advanced Config or KaiserTweak for wifi/gprs settings.
You can set timers and disconnects, etc, with those applications.
Iain.m said:
When I'm in the house (and assuming I've got the wifi switched on on the Tytn 2), how do I get it to use the Wifi to access the Web as a first option?
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The Good News: I fixed this behavior on the phone w/o any 3rd-party utilities, etc.
The Bad News: I'm not 100% sure how. :-/ My apologies. Here is what I think did it:
Make sure your browser is closed and you have no open data connections.
1- Open the Wireless Manager and make sure "WLAN" is on and "Data Connection" is off.
2- Go to Start>Settings and choose the "Connections" tab along the bottom.
3- Open "Wireless LAN," choose your home wireless network, and make sure you're actively connected to it (should see a signal quality meter, device network settings, etc).
4- Close "Wireless LAN" and while "Settings" is still open and on the "Connections" tab, open "Wi-Fi." Your list of known Wi-Fi networks should be showing: make sure your home network says "connected."
5- Close everything back out to your "Today" screen.
When my Tilt is set this way -- and actively connected to my WLAN -- the Wireless Manager grays out "Data Connections" and doesn't even respond if I tap the icon. IE automatically uses my WLAN, although it won't connect to some of its pre-loaded favs b/c, I think, they're on WAP servers and the Wi-Fi/NAT router assigns/negotiates TCP/IP protocols for your phone.
I think now I accomplish all the above by simply opening the keyboard and pressing the FN/Wi-Fi key.
FYI -- In truth, I solved this problem by installing Opera Mobile and setting it as my default browser. Opera Mobile is a full browser, i.e. doesn't use WAP.
Hope this helps. If not, sorry for this 5 minutes of your life you'll never get back. :-/

Email sync via 3G NOT wifi even though available

I have looked and looked, and cant seem to find a solution that works for me. I am with Telstra in Australia (why do Telstra like to make things so difficult??)
My problem is that my Outlook Email will only sync with exchange via 3G even though there is a working wifi connection availalable. I get heaps of mail so I am rapidly going through nearly 1G of data each month - even though I am on a good package this is not ideal!!
From my understanding of this thread ... I updated the Broadcomm Network Adaptors to Internet (they were Work), and then deleted the proxy settings for the Telstra Internet connection.
BUT still my mail is updating over 3G and not wifi. I can access Internet etc over wifi though.
Interestingly, I can only update Bigpond mail over wifi and not 3G. Thats not a big deal as I get minimal mail to that account and I am happy to check it at home - its the Outlook email thats chewing up heaps of data that I worried about.
I hope that I cant be the only one with this problem so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it! (I know it will be one check box deep in the phone settings, I just dont know which one it is!)
That's how it works. Push (Activesync connection) needs a direct connection between the server and device, so that the server can page the device when it's got something for it. This wouldn't work through wifi, because when you're on wifi you're behind a router, which doesn't allow connections from the outside to reach your device. So Activesync will always want to use the data connection.
One thing you can do is NOT to set activesync to receive new mail when it arrives, but only manually or at time intervals, it might work.
Or, simply set it to download only the first 5kB of each message, which is always enough to see what the mail is about , and you can always click "download whole message" for those you need. If you manage to use 1GB with 5kB messages, you're really spending your life on your email box
Thanks so much.
You would think that if Blackberry and Apple have managed to get their email to push over wifi that MS could get Direct Push to work over wifi too!! I've disabled MS Direct Push and changed Active Sync to check every 5 minutes. So, its not quite the same, but its near enough for me!
Thanks again ... I will stop searching for the solution now (and will reduce the download setting too ...)
Sarah, same exact problem here, it really annoyed me, then only way I could have used wifi to sync my outlook, Gmail, etc(which have the same issue) is to set the phone to Airplane mode and then enable wifi, only then it will sync via wifi.
Thank you Kilrah, that was a very spot on answer - it is very apreciated !
Cheers !

