my xda mini isn;t booting o starting up, im gettin continues beep..pls guys tell me wat to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :?:

Try it again

still da same...same continues beep even wen i connect it to da other solutions????? :roll:

I pulling at straws here but is the battery charged? I had that problem with a palm once.

ya battery is charged..i duno wats going on here dude.. :?:

how about just hardreseting it??

did all resets i can do..nothin workin here

My iMate JAM was going perfectly fine, it also had the latest WWE ROM, no issues. Now for some reason, I download from and install the trial version of "Pocket Mechanic" which also installs "Pocket Hack Master 2005". While trying out Pocket Mechanic, I use something called "registry cleaner" which is supposed to cleanup any incorrect/unused registry entries. After this I try "Pocket Hack Master 2005" which is a software to test the CPU speeds. As soon as I run this program, the screen freezes and my phone is dead. I try and reboot the device, but it is stuck at the blue boot-up screen. I am unsure whether my PPC died because of registry cleanup or because of "Pocket Hack Master 2005" software.
Anyways, now, I decide to re-install the WWE 1.12 ROM and start using the device. But, no luck, on the PPC - the blue boot-up screen does not go away and on the installer screen - "Checking information on your device... Please wait...." and is stuck.
I think the device is not booting up and hence is being not recognised by the PC as a USB device.
Please help... I am dead...!!!! Any safe boot options, anything at all?

At least ur gettin sumthin on ur ppc...b happy ranjanrishi...nothin on mine..just da continues beep :roll: if u found a solution plz share it wid me....thanx in advance dude..

check in the "upgrading" section of the Magician forum, there might be more answers there.


Success! Fixed gsm-error in bootloader and 1%-error XDA

because my posting in this forum wasn'n answered i tried to fix together with Mr. Wolf from Wolfsoft ( - also great for fast XDA RAM-Upgrades) with the informations i found.
Everytime i write the i did something - i mean - we did it! We worked hard together for this solution.
Maybe, surely you can destroy you XDA-ROM more than it was destroyed before. I not guarrante or take responibility for any errors or damages occuring while trying the next steps.
I upgraded my german O2-XDA in the wrong way. After this I had the following problem:
- The O2-bubbles appearing after soft- or hard resetting the XDA are displayed for 3 or 4 minutes. In the right bottom corner of the display the Version of WinCE ist dissplayed (3.14), after some times someting more was shown but that seemes to be from a crashed source.
- After the "pling" a white screen with a blue bar on the top is displayed. The screen-light doensn't turn off. Nothing more happened, after 20 or 30 Minutes the XDA performs a soft reset automatically - after this the same problems occuring
Requrements I needed to fix my problem:
- 1 (better 2 SD-Cards with minimum 32MB Capacity)
- XDA Cradle connected to the PC and Power
- in some cases 1 Charging cable (USB or Power) with a connector for the XDA
- The Program A and Program B - Files provided by german O2 website
- The provided by XDA-Developers
- A second XDA or a SD-Card-Reader connected with your PC
- many time
- Your XDA must have a working bootloader (mine was Version 5.15), try it by holding the Power-button while performing a soft-reset.
What I did:
- After entering the Wallaby-Bootloader an "gsm-error" - message appears after 1 minute of "wait"
- I entered the SD-Card-Menu by pressing the Contacts-Button on the left-top of the XDA
- I choosed Write CE to SD in order to save my original CE in order to avoid unuseful Questions in case of repair-fail by O2-Support
- After this I performed a soft reset an waited for 1 or 2 Minutes after the white screen appeared
- While tis time write the contents of the unzipped to the SD-Card using the SD-Card-Reader or the second XDA
- Now i pressed the "Volume" - Button on the left side for many times, after some trys (if it is not working perform a soft reset and try new) I saw a non-working Today-Screen
- Now insert the SD-Card on you have written the files from
- There are 2 possibel reactions:
First: You get a message to format your SD - DO NOT!!!! In this case remove your SD-Card, connect your XDA with the Charging Cable and perform a soft reset. It is okay that there is no charging light. After you entered the Today-Screen insert the SD - do not remove the Charging-Cable! Then it will work.
Second: Installing beginns without any problems
Now your Radio Stack-Module will beginn to be updated. In my case I got the 1% Error discussed in the forum.
- Remove the Power cable, connect your cradle with the PC and the Power, perform a soft reset and wait what is happening. After the error occurs don't push the ok-button. Simply press the start-tab (or anywhere other excluding the message). Now take the XDA out of the cradle and after this put it in again, still with the error message on the screen. Now an active sync connection will be shown on both, your XDA and the PC! If you have this case, it looks good.
- If this doesn't work, replace the from the with the same named File, whats included in the program_B.exe (extract first, you will find the result in <Harddisk-Device:\Programme\Programm B) and writhe both on your SD
- Soft reset the XDA, ignore all errors, do not put the new written SD-Card in - open the Active sync-connection and delete the both newest files in the Windows-Directory of your XDA. If you can't delete, rename the file. After this perform a new soft reset.
- You will get a "file not found error". Try to temove and insert your XDA in the cradle to get an active sync-cennection. If this doesn't work insert the new written SD
- Try new flashing again again, maybe it works. If not try to push on the screen and remove and reinsert your XDA in the cradle to get a Connection.
- If there is no possibility to get a connection - i do not know any futher solutions - sorry.
If you get the connection, perform the normal Flashing with Program A provided by your Provider. After this is successfully completed you will see the loading-LED again! Congratulations!
If this is completed charge your Battery to at least 70% - be patient, it will take up to 1 Hour!
After this perform Programm B provided by your Provider. If this successfully completes - Congratulations - you are up and running!
I don't know, if I had happy circumstances, but this worked to gat my working XDA back!
If it do not work, use the first SD-Card containing your old CE to copy back your old ROM in order to not loose your support by your Provider. Simply insert the card into your XDA and perform a soft-reset while holding the Power-Button. Everything looks broken but original!
Please feedback in the XDA-Forum-Thread, if it worked at your XDA or if you have any hints for improvements this steps. Thank you!
Best regards from Berlin/Germany to all XDA-Fans like I am!
Very detail.....thanks a lot ! :lol:
Tried your solution but i don't know which files i should delete cause when i delete the latest two files i get no error message...
When trying to install Programm a anywway i get a Connect Power Message and the installation stops.
I managed to get the file not found error by renaming the RsUpgrade executable but still get the Power Adapter not plugged in Error...
So it would be very important to know which Programm A you used.
Have you been able to get an active sync connection as I described?
You have to delete the file causing the Radio-Stack-Update after restart, I think they are located in the Windows directory of your XDA. If you let your XDA order the files by date the 2 newest files are the ones for updating the Radio Stack and causing the 1%-error. In deleting these files you can get your XDA booting without starting the gsm and getting the Active-Sync-connection. To break up the Installation you must delete these files (i remenber that on (the one that must be renamed) was only 35k or in this area, the other one was much larger).
After deleting and restarting by soft reset you don´t get the 1%-error-message, but another one like "The file can´t be found). But if you see this message (do not press okay!!!!!) you can use your Active-Sync-Connection to flash with Programm A and after this programm B.
The files (germen version) are located here.
Klick at the link "Download Software-Update" and accept the conditions by clicking "Akzeptieren". After this a new window is displayed for downloading the Software. The versions are:
CE: Version 3.19.01 -
Radio Stack Version 4.21
"Teil 1" means Programm A
"Teil 2" means Programm B.
Remember, it is the german version with some german specials like the "Homezone". But you can turn it off and while I see, that you are from Austria, I think you won´t have any problem with the language...
Isn´t it very strange, that 2 german speaking people trying find solutions in english??? :?
Best regards from Berlin!
I have no problem starting an Active Sync Connection, my problem is, that i get this odd Error Message which tells me to plug in the Power Adapter, which is obviously connected...
There is a much easier way of getting rid of the Flash Prog bei simply deleting the RsUpgrade link in the Auto Start Folder in the wwindows directory and its also possible to start an Connection via AS.
My real problem is the battery charge check before the real flashing of the RSU.
I tried it with the mentioned O2 files and also with files.
A solution may be to "crack" the installation file or to write a small prog wich tells PPC that the battery is chraged.
Many thanks for your help, but it didnt solve the problem for me.
PS: Well its an English Forum so i think we should stay in that language
Oh, I forgot to write that one.
The charging light, wich may be an indicator for the XDA-OS for the supplied Power came back as we installed the O2 Radio Stack via the Active Sync-Connection bevor performing Programm A - Upgrade. Try to perform Program B - Update first, in our case we got our lovely orange light back and then performed the Programm A and Programm B - Update again!
Regards again!
Didn't work for me either.
The BIG question is how the hell did you get your XDA charging his battery again ? I believe that this will help many people to get their 1% Flash failed problem solved.
Hi !
I will try this method tomorrow.
I do not know why, but after (failed) installing Programm B after connecting via Active Sync first it worked . Maybe because of the working version-combination of Radio Stack and CE.
@Sebi Please post if it is working!
Hi !
Don't work for me.
My problem is same this:
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 19:26 Post subject:
I have no problem starting an Active Sync Connection, my problem is, that i get this odd Error Message which tells me to plug in the Power Adapter, which is obviously connected...
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Best regards
I followed your steps and got the following message on my device:
The file "\Windows\RSUpgrade.exe" is in use or is in ROM. If the file is not in ROM, please close the application using the file.
Please advise
if this messege appears then rename the file "\Windows\RSUpgrade.exe" with an new name like "\Windows\RSUpgrade_used.exe" restart the device and follow the further instructions.
Hope that helps
I cannot rename it, nor can I delete it, I think because it is in ROM. Please keep in mide that the I have not closed the error message after the 1% halt.
I reached the point were I can access my device and can sync with my PC. If I try the Programme A install, I get the message " WARNING 001: POWER ADAPTER NOT PLUGGED IN, Please plug the power adapter into your Pocket PC". Every time I try the RSU upgrade I get the 1 % error. Any suggestions will be appreciated
Hi anaq8i,
please try to rename the file by using the Active-Sync-Connection an the Explorer of your big Desktop-PC. The file cannot be in the rom, it is located in the ram of your device in order to get deleted after upgrading. Try to rename the file this way, then perform a soft-reset (not a hard one) then you will get an error-message that sonds like "the file ... cannot be fount", then put your device in the crade for active sync and try to install the original Programm B of your Provider (not the file from That worked at my XDA.
Please answer how it worked.
Regards this time from Hamburg/Germany
thanx a lot, have the same error, now all worx fine!
czeky thanks for answer. I am glad that my description was helpful Doe it work for other users?
@ czeky
would you also please be so kind and tell us if u tried any other steps than mentioned by miwu ?
If i treally worked with your XDA there you must have done something different then anaq8i, Sebi and i did...
I reached the point that I can boot my XDA and can sync with my PC. But I still cannot install /upgrade the RSU software, I still get the 1% error. If I try to install Porgramme A, I get the "POWER ADAPTER NOT PLUGGED IN" error message. I never reached the orange light stage on the XDA.
Anything else I should do?
Did you try to rename the described file via Active Sync? I posted it some day ago ...

please help meeeeee / i want back to orginal rom

i upgrade my mobile (Qtek 1010) to new rom but now i have many of problimes and i want back to my origenal rom----how???
please in steps
every time when i am trying to make upgrade for rom give me message
error 011: execute remot communication programe error
cannot rxrcute the remot communication programe please make sure the usb-serial cable is properly connected
put every thing connected and work well why give me this message just when i want make upgrade
please help me
Ever tried searching in the forum?
Some ROMs (especially the T-Mobile) prohibit flashing via exe file. You have to flash your device via sd-card...
but my mobile work and
i am trying to click in the screen but didnt do any thing click 9 give me 0 there is something happend
Go to settings/system/screen. Run the screen alignment procedure.
i cant go to setting or any where
If this problem still exists after a hard reset, then i would say, is the digitizer malfunctioning.
I think you have to rpelace the device.....
Try that and see if you can align from there.

ActiveStync won;t work

Please help:
AS - simply reports a sync error - thats it nothing else, I have reboot ed mt desktop and latpo several times.
Any ideas??
don't u think that ur problem needs a little bit more explanation than u offered,like what's ur device(obviously it's a himalaya,but what brand),what's ur OS,what version of AS are u using,what type of synchronization are u trying to establish(bt or USB),what happened,or it's the first time u try synchronizing,etc....!!!!!
plz explain more,then i'll be glad to help...if I can :wink:
RAGO :lol:
It's an iMate - it was working yesterday (Connected via USB) - today when connecting it tries to connect then just says 'Syncrhonisation Error' on Activesync main screen. That's it.
Tried a different cradle, and rebooting both DPC and PPC. still the same thing.
It has thre original ROM with WM2003.
Hi icarusbop...
try downloading AS 4.0 from the ftp or,or even from M$ website,then make sure that "allow USB connection" is selected in "connection settings,it should work smoothly unless u have some hardware issue...
Note that to install AS 4.0 or 4.1,u need a windows XP OS with SP2 on ur desktop/laptop...
Good luck...
RAGO :lol:

WM6k on Magician - Your Attansion needed

For a start - i am a fresh newbie and dot have any experience at all in ROMS.
I have read all threads on this tree but decided to do it anyway - just for the fun and experience...
I DIDN'T succeeded on upgrading my jam to wm6 but maybe you will be able to tell me why.
I have download a JasJAR wm6 update and started to play with it a little.
For a start , i have put the Last 113 update(MA_TMNL_11300_132_11200_Ship) and the new wm6 Nk.nbf file together in the same folder - and started the NOid upgrade, for my (very hough )surprise - the upgrade process went exactly like from 112 to 113 meaning all 3 stages from 113 to 2.25 - my heart pumped up for about 30 min until the upgrade completed(64M) - after that all i got is the USB\Serial boot loader.
Is this a stage someone have reached?
If the image could uploaded but couldn't boot - can this be fixed via hack ?
PS - all this started when i wanted the new SPB shell application since it is a very cool looking but works only on WM5...
That's realy interestig... =) Did you tried to upgrade to WM5?
Nope - i didn't reach this stage in WM5....
this thing started when i download the WM6 from mininova...wanted to play with it a little bit.
i tried the original ROMUpgradeUt.exe and it gave me a JAS JAR picture with model number - then i tried the NOid.exe and it gave me a Magician picture with its model number!!! -from there the road was short to try what i did in the above..
what link of file you've been downloaded?
...for O2 Xda Exec [HTC Universal]
pickiki said:
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Have you read Comments....?
same problem sort of
ive got the same phone and when i tried upgrading to wm5 i incountered the same problem, it now wont do anything no matter what i do soft reset, hard reset, take the battery out for an hour. it is stuck in a boot loader screen so i think it might be salageable. but cant find original 2003 windows ver. and cant get it to connect with activesync. although when i do connect it, i do get a connection via usb and get the sound confirmation and pop up. if anyone could help or give me any suggestions it would be great.
Hello!!! =) I've tryed to upgrade to WM6...=) So now it's a brick.. -) I've bootloader screen with word "Serial" and i can't get usb connection.. -(
If someone know how i can resurrect it? =)
=)... 2 hors later it came back! IT'S ALIVE!!! =)
No.. it was jast glitch... -( When i connect my mda to PC and make reset, it shows Usb, but when i disconnect my device, it still shows usb... -(
Your "english" just reveals that you're unable to comprehend what has been written so many times before. It's a shame.
Well if it’s any constellation at least you can use your phone to hold down important papers on a desk.
! why are you putting a JASJAR rom on a JAM?
Of course you'l brick it!
And there is NO WM5 OR WM6 COMING EVER FOR THE MAGICIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go and flash the original ROM and never come back on XDAdev
omg im laughing so hard i can hardly post.
st3v3 said:
omg im laughing so hard i can hardly post.
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Same with me (except for these few words)

WM6 upgrade fails,need help,will donate if problem is solved (please help)

After I read
It says The WM6 does not work on PH20A2 (Harrier) (Audiovox PPC-6600 / PPC-6601 / XV6600)/ CDMA device! <-- that is my mistake
My mistake steps:
1. upgrade 2003 2nd edition to WM6 (I see 4 color strip with "NO GSM" at the bottom, stuck in there. The PPC will stop if I remove the battery for a few seconds and put battery back)
2. use mytt <-- may not hurt (I see 4 color strip with "NO GSM" at the bottom, stuck in there. The PPC will stop if I remove the battery for a few seconds and put battery back)
3. Do hard reset, format the PPC (stuck in white screen, then do soft reset. The PPC will ""NOT"" stop if I remove the battery for a few seconds and put battery back)
Have you tried re-flashing with the original ROM?
AbuGWM5 said:
Have you tried re-flashing with the original ROM?
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What do you mean reflash?
Does it mean that Reinstall the WM6, or install other OS like WM5?
However,Without activesync how can I do that?
OR reflash mean formart?
I try to fomart my ppc, but stuck in the white screen
You got to revert back to WM 2003 SE with your original OS.
April 1 said:
You got to revert back to WM 2003 SE with your original OS.
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I try to connect my phone under bootloader mode. However, both my computer and my notebook can not detect my Pocket PC.
king2004c said:
I try to connect my phone under bootloader mode. However, both my computer and my notebook can not detect my Pocket PC.
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put you ppc into bootloader mode then put it into the craidle then go to startmenu on you computer
then go to computer then right ckick youll see properties click it
then system properties sould show click hardware then device manager
do you see windows CE USB Devices if you do then click it then you sould see microsoft USB Sync
if it dose then go here
rickwyatt said:
put you ppc into bootloader mode then put it into the craidle then go to startmenu on you computer
then go to computer then right ckick youll see properties click it
then system properties sould show click hardware then device manager
do you see windows CE USB Devices if you do then click it then you sould see microsoft USB Sync
if it dose then go here
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I tried to upgrade my win2003 2nd edition in ppc 6600 to WM6, but it seems that WM6 won't work with ppc 6600. Then,
1. I download the WM5 rom from
2. Try to reflash the PPC
3. I see that the PPC response
4. Try to do the reset after finished upload rom
5. Four color strip screen & "NO gps" and "5.02... WWE"
6. Try to restart again, and wait, result is the same
7. Try to go to bootloader mode, use mtty, do "set 14 0", "task 28", "task 0", PPC still keep the same. I have tried all reset, hard reset, etc
8. *** Try to reflash the PPC again, I find out that there is no current ROM when the ROM upload program try to read my current PPC condition.
Btw, I post the question to the FAQ too
try to take out first SD Card and SIM CARD from your BA first before connect to your notebook/PC
king2004c said:
I tried to upgrade my win2003 2nd edition in ppc 6600 to WM6, but it seems that WM6 won't work with ppc 6600. Then,
1. I download the WM5 rom from
2. Try to reflash the PPC
3. I see that the PPC response
4. Try to do the reset after finished upload rom
5. Four color strip screen & "NO gps" and "5.02... WWE"
6. Try to restart again, and wait, result is the same
7. Try to go to bootloader mode, use mtty, do "set 14 0", "task 28", "task 0", PPC still keep the same. I have tried all reset, hard reset, etc
8. *** Try to reflash the PPC again, I find out that there is no current ROM when the ROM upload program try to read my current PPC condition.
Btw, I post the question to the FAQ too
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You did very stupid thing, you have flashed GSM based rom to a CDMA device, the only thing you can do is to use WM2003SE, flash your device with its original or any CDMA (Harrier) based WM2003SE rom
Quick Howto:
Put your device in bootloader mode, put it on the cradle, start the upgrade including radio (the same version can be flashed on top of the previous one), this will fix your device, if it does not then after successful WM2003SE upgrade do the MTTY "set 14 0", "task 28", "task 0".
Keep me posted if you have problem
WM5 and WM6 does not work on Harrier (CDMA Blueangel) device, i hope my instructions to help you to have at least usable device
xplode said:
You did very stupid thing, you have flashed GSM based rom to a CDMA device, the only thing you can do is to use WM2003SE, flash your device with its original or any CDMA (Harrier) based WM2003SE rom
Quick Howto:
Put your device in bootloader mode, put it on the cradle, start the upgrade including radio (the same version can be flashed on top of the previous one), this will fix your device, if it does not then after successful WM2003SE upgrade do the MTTY "set 14 0", "task 28", "task 0".
Keep me posted if you have problem
WM5 and WM6 does not work on Harrier (CDMA Blueangel) device, i hope my instructions to help you to have at least usable device
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I can reboot my device now, but the bluetooth does not work (all other main function seem works OK). I hope there is some solution that help me to fix the bluetooth becuase I have a external bluetooth gps receiver which I need to use it with my ppc all the time. Please help
king2004c said:
I can reboot my device now, but the bluetooth does not work (all other main function seem works OK). I hope there is some solution that help me to fix the bluetooth becuase I have a external bluetooth gps receiver which I need to use it with my ppc all the time. Please help
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Please understand what xplode wrote to you, you can not use the GSM ROM on your device, so dont try to check bluetooth etc, go back and reflash your device with the original ROM following what explode said above. Dont you want to save your device?
April 1 said:
Please understand what xplode wrote to you, you can not use the GSM ROM on your device, so dont try to check bluetooth etc, go back and reflash your device with the original ROM following what explode said above. Dont you want to save your device?
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I have already find a CDMA rom. Now the only problem in my phone is bluetooth
Well describe the exact problem, BT does not turn on at all, or maybe it returns error of some kind?
Please be more specific
xplode said:
Well describe the exact problem, BT does not turn on at all, or maybe it returns error of some kind?
Please be more specific
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So far, I can use the phone without any problem. Previously, I tried to upgrade my phone because I want to use bluetooth headset to listen music. That can only be done in WM5 or later. Now I reinstall my CDMA version of WM2003. I find out that the bluetooth does not work due to expire of lincese key. Does anyone have any suggestion how I can over come it? I just want my phone back to exact a few day ago. Thanks
Someone has posted the attached file and said that it can fix BT license expired error. I have not tried it myself since I dont face such prob, so use it on your own risk.
To use it - extract archive to your PocketPC and run EXE file.
meehaa said:
Someone has posted the attached file and said that it can fix BT license expired error. I have not tried it myself since I dont face such prob, so use it on your own risk.
To use it - extract archive to your PocketPC and run EXE file.
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Thanks, but does not work on my PPC6600

