Bluetooth program for XDAII - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Dear Guys,
Is there any program for configuation of BT in XDAII?
The interface in XDAII is much simpler than other PPC.
It is inconvenient.
Thank you.

I don't know, what exactly are you looking for, but take a look here:


jasjar, wm5 and tomtom5

First post. So a newbie.
Got my (universal) jasjar yesterday. From initial assessment it's a great piece of kit and NOT as big many claim. Only marginally bigger than PDA2K.
However, Tomtom 5 will not install from the CD. Setup just bombs out as soom as I click install.
I have seen similar reports on the Himalaya(?). Has anyone solved the install problem. If yes, is the himalaya solution going to work on the universal?
Would welcome any advice on what to try. Thanks
from where did you get it has the i-mate launched it in dubai please reply as i would like to get one.
I don't have this problem but I have seen a lot of chat about it on I did a search and have included the search page here:
Great site anyway to have a browse on
Hope it helps
Thanks Seal, I'll pop over and hava a looksie. I'll let you know if I succeed.
A little help from you please, I have asked this question on so many sites and forums and no one seems to know so you have the actual device might know, Can you cut/copy/paste on the key board, there doesn't seem to be a Ctrl Key, but maybe the Function key does it. Please any anwser would be awesome.
Yes you can use the keyboard for cut/copy and paste. You use the FN Function+Space keys and this combination brings up editing shortcuts
You have been the final decider, I now must order this device, thankyou heaps, I appreciate your answering.
:lol: :wink:
tomtom5 now working
I have now got tomtom working. I followed the instructions on the Himalaya forum and extracted the cab files to my storage card and installed from there.
Now I just need CheckPOInt to recognise the Great Britain Map.
Re: tomtom5 now working
smb5823 said:
I have now got tomtom working. I followed the instructions on the Himalaya forum and extracted the cab files to my storage card and installed from there.
Now I just need CheckPOInt to recognise the Great Britain Map.
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Hi there just wondering how you got your GPS working. Having a nightmare with this Jasjar Widcom BT stack dont work; Cant get it working with TT5.
Set the GPS to COM0 and tomtom found the GPS
Have anyone setup Jasjar with Destinator and GPS receiver?
Re: tomtom5 now working
smb5823 said:
I have now got tomtom working. I followed the instructions on the Himalaya forum and extracted the cab files to my storage card and installed from there.
Now I just need CheckPOInt to recognise the Great Britain Map.
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Click to collapse
Thank you.
Could you be more specific? TT3 or TT5? Can you describe or link the process?
Thank you!
Re: tomtom5 now working
faisal.husain said:
smb5823 said:
Hi there just wondering how you got your GPS working. Having a nightmare with this Jasjar Widcom BT stack dont work; Cant get it working with TT5.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Isn't it the MS BT stack?
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Click to collapse
officially tt5 doesnt support wm5 yet

a hello and a question! Qtek S110 * o2 * UK

Hello everyone,
I am new to the forum and have been reading threads for information about my product. Firstly, thankyou for that, maybe I can return the help sometime!
I have taken delivery of the very sexy Qtek S110, I know that you are all aware of it ;o) It has just the basic 2003 'build' on it. No specific 'provider bolt ons' This leads me to my questions. I wonder if you can help?
1. I have no way (at the moment) of monitoring my GPRS useage. I'm on the look out for a good working GPRS meter type app, one that you guys know is tested and reliable! ;o)
2. I am also looking out for a 'battery gauge' that sits neatly on the front screen,
3. and finally!! is there a 'one touch' method for 'stopping' all running programs without having to do start>settings>mem... etc.. like a little app?
Thank you all, I look forward to hearing from you!
OK!!! one down!! just found this.. it is perfect!!
powerstatus 1.1 .. it's free and doesnt need installing, which makes my life easy!! ;o)
ok... next.............. *big smile!!*
powerstatus is good,but try spb pocket plus 3.0 with gprs monitor's the best....:wink:
RAGO :lol:
woh!! cool! i'm off there now! THANKU!

HTC Camera

I have got a i-mate PDA2k, a Qtek2020i and a Qtek 2020.
I need implement an application that use the camera.
I find the Neil Cowburn code very interesting but it don't run on the PDA2k.
Can you help me?

HACK! for: Bluetooth Handsfree notification bubble renders left softkey unusable
"found the registry that causes the irritating BT handsfree notification that renders the left softkey unusable"
cab file installer hack on the way ! (sweet)
Awesome...I have wanted to get rid of that notification since day one!
hehe .. s4czech, thanks for posting this. for those who are interested, the version for widcomm-based stack has been released. MS stack is not supported at this moment, but if there's sufficient interest, I will take alook at it.
The hack also works on a hw6915 ! Great improvement when your are calling and want to check your pocketinformant !!
Just installed on a Cingular 6925. Works like a charm.
thanks, work great
Other questions, somebody know how change the volume of bluetooth, sometime i saw it touch the registry
I am bringing this up because I need the cab.
Anybody still have it?
I desperately need one..
please share it with me.... thanks a lot...
I have ipaq 6965 so I am sure this cab will work with mine...
thanks once again to whoever can share it with me...

Trinity as GPS Reciver

Hi Folks,
is it possible to use the HTC Trinity as an external GPS Reciver.
I plan to connect my subnotebook over bluetooth with the HTC and use map and guide or something else on the subnotebook.
is it possible?
Bernd B.
Yes it is, however you need a third party software to accomplish this. I don't remember it's name but I've done that in the past without any problems.
I'll try to find the program name and let you know...
Oh thank you,
I´ll wait for the name of the SW.
Thank You Very Much - Post Closed -
Nice tool.
Thank you.
someone have tryed GPS2Blue on htc p3600 (trinity)?
Does it work with bluetooth redirection?
What parameters did you set?
I have tryed several configurations but it doesn't work.

