Suggestion: Provide a long-time official support for few selected devices - LineageOS News & Discussion

I am again, after just 2 years, in a phase of searching for a new mobile device with a good official LineageOS support. And hopefully long support. But somehow I do not know on what my decision should be based. Maintainers are picking up support and dropping it by their own choice and for users there is no predictability.
I find this very problematic, specially if you are determined to use only official LineageOS and you base you purchase merely on that.
Official LineageOS wants to be a trusted, long-lasting system and also available on many devices. But this picking up and dropping of support for an individual phone models is sadly making LineageOS just one of many costum ROMs.
In my opinion, they (stuff, leadership,..) should (maybe even with contributions to few specific developers) "commit" to support FEW devices for a LONG PERIOD. Maybe even just for 1 device in a budget range, 1 in a middle class and 1 a in high class. I would be even prepared to pay for such support. On the other hand, other devices could be further supported in a way that are now - someone picks it up and supports it until the support is dropped. Developer's choice, their kindness, their time, their device choice. But for few devices, more predictable support would be very welcome.
This right there, an insurance of a long-time support (maybe at least 3 or 4 years (?)) for just few devices, would in my opinion rise LineageOS above all other costum ROMs.
In my case, 2 years ago I picked myself a device based merely on a LineageOS statistics website. I wanted to degoogle myself, so official LineageOS (more specifically, LineageOS for microg, which is dependent on official LineageOS, because I needed push messages for 1 specific app) was the best or even only choice. But how to select a device. On a FIRST place on a website has been Mido (Xiaomi Redmi Note 4), so I selected it, of course, in a hope for a good, long term support. It was the device with most official LineageOS installs, good specifications and good P/P value. Even now, it is still very high at 14th place, but support has been dropped 2 times until now. But sure, I cannot complain about developers, they are doing it for free. I am truly grateful for their time, I have even donated to Lineage few times.
I hope the leadership of LineageOS will read this. In my opinion, they will be only able to expand and to exist for a long time, if they provided "guaranteed" long time support for few selected devices. Right now, I am searching for such device, but do not know, which one to pick. Because now, it is just a question "Which device do you think has good and long support?".
Now most of users say Pocophone F1 (or Xiaomi Mi A1) is best budget choice for great support, but hey, this model is from 2018 and in 1 year support could be questionable, just like it was with Mido, even thou it was on the first place as the most used device. I do not want to look again for a new device in 1 year. I could, but would rather have one for as many years, until it breaks. I have small needs, I do not care, how device looks, I do not need new flagship every 2 years (it is a consumerist idiocy), I just need a working, safe, updated, private, deegoogled phone, few specific trusted apps and a case. And a long, official Lineage support, because I trust you guys.
Please consider my suggestion, I am sure it is not a new one. I am sure it would be good for everyone.
Thank you for all good work and greetings!

Full ACK! I have the same problem.

Maybe, the "e Foundation" is a solution? (Google after "e Foundation")

I think exactly the same. Something like 3 phones in 3 three different price ranges but with long LineageOS support. Possible payed version of LOS.


will project treble successed

As seen here
LineageOS team state that project treble is in its baby shoes and completely dependant on google to optimize it even more since as of now gsi rom requires certain adjustments for each device, so will project treble successed?
any1 has an insight please share.
I think it needs more adjustment. The kernel should be universal and updateable along with the OS, it's pretty universal as it is at the moment. Drivers should also be standard and updateable, at least for standard items. There should be a driver model where possible to support other devices, and any phone specific changes could be done through manufacturer supplied drivers. There's really no reason why it can't be done, it would be along the lines of how Windows works. Of course, it can be tailored to suit phones.
System updates should realistically come from Google, it would mean all phones and devices would be up to date with the latest security updates. The phone can also check with the manufacturer for specific updates. If Google keeps them apprised of any changes they can update their specific updates in time. This model would mean individual service testing for a new OS update etc wouldn't be a problem since it should at least be compliant with the base model.
Don't forget Google tracks down security leaks in other OS like Windows, which isn't even a direct competitor, and releases the security leak information if it isn't patched within 30? days. How many Android devices are updated with security patches within 30 days by the manufacturer? It's very much a double standard. Google really needs to think of an even more universal model like I just depicted for Android 10 Quinoa Slice (or whatever they call it).
Will Treble succeed? It's a step in the right direction, but needs more work. Not only should something like I just described be done, it should be made mandatory for all new devices. It doesn't mean custom versions are out, but custom versions would have to have OTA updates and be updated quickly along with the standard OS.
To say whether it succeeded or not, I think you'd first need to define what's its goal.
I still don't even know the answer as of today.
Some people say that the goal is to have a system image controlled and updated by Google.
But I don't see this happening any time soon. Google would need to test their GSIs on many devices, and they didn't even test P GSI over O-MR1 Pixels!
It seems to me that their goal was simply to make updates easier to OEMs. Considering Essential PH-1 getting Pie day-one, this might seem a success.
But we'll need to compare Oreo adoption rate to Pie's to confirm.
Oooh someone made a thread so i can moan cheers
The main problem with treble for me is that it's splintered between a plethora of devices, so one dev will release a treble rom and a multitude of device owners will flash it, each with their own subjective problems and issues, requests and wants.
And there lies the problem, it's difficult even when it's a dedicated rom thread for a particular device to get help at times.
So when you have a bunch of users talking about completely different devices you haven't got a hope in hell.
I think there should be branches to each thread for each specific device, that way help threads can be more linear rather than the chaos that it is at the moment.
Least that's my thoughts
My only rom i've flashed is RR and besides a few missing features, Fingerprint, Stereo and NFC i think it's brilliant.

Security updates over?

I guess we are done for security updates. It has been right at 2 years. Sad thing is, this is still a great little phone. I am not in the mood to root and tinker with issues. I wished there was a stable ROM out there to use. I wished that LineageOS would pick this little jewel up. Oh, well. It has been a good 2 years of a small, but very informative community of X Compact users.
I am still searching for a small phone replacement since Sony does not make small phones anymore. Post here if you have any recommendations.
I feel you. I think I've said it before on this forum, but I really don't get why there isn't a lineageos build for this phone. Lots of sony xperia phones have official lineageos builds and there even is an unofficial build for this device (so it's not exactly impossible to build).
That being said, I generally prefer omnirom and luckily they are supporting this device. I've been on omnirom 8.1 for ages and haven't encountered a bug yet, so imho it can definitely be considered stable. Right now I'm using a self-built omnirom 9.0 (security patch level 5 november 2018) as a daily driver and for a pre-official build it is already pretty stable. Sony's 'Pie' software binaries (which thankfully they still provide) are still in beta, so coupled with the omnirom team efforts the stability will only increase.
Bottom line for smartphone manufacturers: Just provide what is needed for the open source community to flourish, it'll cost you next to nothing and will pay you back in goodwill many times over.
Next upcoming problem is the lack of support for the Project Treble in Xperia X series devices which at least may cause significant delay in releasing ROMs based the newer Android versions or in the worst case might result in stopping their development as the successor - XZ1 series - supports it. I hope developers will follow the Z5 series path as there already is LineageOS for these. And hopefully some Xiaomi devices path as there are devices which now have unofficial support of the Project Treble.
BTW, we should also thank to the Google for an unwise cycle of releasing new Android version every year which accelerates fragmentation significantly as its main reason seems to be to persuade people to buy newer devices with latest version of Andoid OS on board.
harryharryharry said:
Lots of sony xperia phones have official lineageos builds and there even is an unofficial build for this device (so it's not exactly impossible to build).
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I suppose more recent Sony smartphones have been sold in significantly lower quantities than older ones (I read many times about Sony's smartphones poor sales numbers) and it might be the reason of a smaller community gathered around those newer devices.
Software security updates stopped?
If Sony stops providing software updates after 2y, it means those of us with a Sony Xperia X Compact (F5321) are unable to add Work e-mail accounts as the Microsoft Intune app requires an Android software update dated May 2019.
This silly policy by Sony is preventing me from adding my work O365 account to the device and means I am very unlikely to buy another Sony mobile phone ever again as its usable life is 2 years max. I am actually quite raging because I like the phone -this is beyond stupid from Sony.
RTV_1974 said:
If Sony stops providing software updates after 2y, it means those of us with a Sony Xperia X Compact (F5321) are unable to add Work e-mail accounts as the Microsoft Intune app requires an Android software update dated May 2019.
This silly policy by Sony is preventing me from adding my work O365 account to the device and means I am very unlikely to buy another Sony mobile phone ever again as its usable life is 2 years max. I am actually quite raging because I like the phone -this is beyond stupid from Sony.
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use browser.
intune sucks anyway.
RTV_1974 said:
If Sony stops providing software updates after 2y, it means those of us with a Sony Xperia X Compact (F5321) are unable to add Work e-mail accounts as the Microsoft Intune app requires an Android software update dated May 2019.
This silly policy by Sony is preventing me from adding my work O365 account to the device and means I am very unlikely to buy another Sony mobile phone ever again as its usable life is 2 years max. I am actually quite raging because I like the phone -this is beyond stupid from Sony.
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This device has pretty lackluster support even in the dev community as well. All it's really got going for it atm but fortunately we have Lineage 17.1 and Project Treble. I recommend flashing a new rom if you don't want to switch phones.

LuneOS (WebOS) Request

Maybe I'm the only one, but I am a long-time fan of the now-dead WebOS, (formerly PalmOS). Back in 2011-2013, I probably had 6 or 7 different WebOS phones, and found the hardware and the software to be superior in user experience than any others. The problem was that that was the big explosion era for Android and IOS, so WebOS got pretty overshadowed, and HP, (the new owners at the time), decided to axe any further development, and ended up selling the OS to LG, who has developed it further for TVs and stuff, (I don't have all of the technical details straight, but that's a superficial summary). Anyway, recently, out of nostalgia, I pulled out an old Veer, and bought a new Pre 2, and went back into the WebOS forums realm to get a fix of my old favorite, and I was pleasantly surprised to see the work of the community to keep WebOS alive. There is an archive of hundreds of app files available on ftp, (all abandonware available for free - even the paid apps from HP catalog), ongoing development of apps and patches to keep WebOS working with all of the changes in technology, (including updates to Preware - the unofficial dev app catalog, started way back then), and LuneOS, an open developers version of WebOS, which can be built for modern phones, and which was just updated -
I think the XC is a perfect candidate for LuneOS, being small, currently affordable, (one upside to the short lifespan of official support), and having pretty good specs. Plus, there's already plenty of foundational development needed for supporting porting, (Lineage, AOSP, and even a partly-working Halium - For anyone familiar with building/porting, the work needed to be done to build LuneOS for XC is minimal.
My problem(s): I am not familiar with building/porting. I am happy to test and learn, but I also currently don't have any regular access to a Linux computer, and even if I did, it would take me a looonng time to figure out from scratch what someone else could probably do in no time, since all of the elements are in place, (I checked with WebOS devs, and they said with what's available, building for XC is '... mostly a matter of configuration').
So, anybody out there with an XC want to do a build for us?
@harryharryharry @oshmoun ...?
Sorry, I'm not even remotely close to having the capabilities to pull a stunt like this, I think I'm currently in the same boat as you (minus the linux part)
Having said that, here's hoping someone more knowledgeable jumps in and picks up this interesting project. I'm willing and able to test and provide feedback as well of course.

Really unprofessional support and a dodgy vibe

I was pretty hyped every since this device got announced. Saving up my money and arranging for shipping beforehand so I could snatch it ASAP but actually no, I won't be getting this device at all.
I'll tell you the experience I went through when I tried asking their support if they'll release 16gb version of the device so I don't end up regretting jumping the gun on the 12gb one.
Whole experience was dodgy af from support not being able to speaking proper English at all to constantly being asked for personal data that I'd later realise wasn't being user to better answer my questions at all.
For example I asked if there's a trade in program and they reply asking what device I'm using. I take that as OK there is but maybe not every device is elegible so I reply with my current device only to be then told that there's no program at all??? ( Why did they ask what device I'm using then idk and they haven't bothered answering when I questioned them... )
I was also asked where I currently live when I asked if there's a 16gb version on the way and what it would cost. That was before I asked for trade in program, so I thought they might be asking in order to tell me the price for my region but no. Once again, they have no idea if 16gb version is in production and they just inquired for my info again for no reason.
Mind you, the English is completely broken and the reply turnaround is few days to a week per response at best, so I really didn't feel like dragging the conversation around asking why they want to know all of that beforehand.
After all of that I don't feel like I can trust a company like this not to be looking into my personal data during my use of the device. Paying 700$ or maybe upwards of 800$ if 16gb version ever gets released is way too much for not having an ease of mind of what might be going on in the background.
I understand that their reasoning for where I live might be justified but never in the conversation did they inform me ahead of time on what the purpose is for all the data collection is. They haven't answered why they want to know what device I'm using if there's no program in the first place so I'll assume that previous reasoning was also an excuse thought up to justify their inquiry.
I'm pretty bummed to see that as a company they haven't changed much from their early days. They might have improved the OS, introduced better hardware and all but the core of the company is still both shady af and completely non organised.
This all plays a major factor in why I won't be getting this device, just thought I'd let others know too if they are thinking of going for it.
Picture is below, you will have to read from the bottom to the top to follow the conversation.
I don't want to nit pick. you are right in some points. but I'd like to point out a few things.
you're giving them questions in English, which they need to translate then organize into a response then re translate it back for you to understand.
They are based in Hong Kong, So I would assume the number of local English speaking people a small sub section of an already crippled tech giant (due to US sanctions of ZTE) have the space to employ customer service agents in English. when their main market is China.
They tell you to look at the site for information on the sale of the devices in question.
After your question of If a device with 16gb of ram would be available. if the site says no, there is no plan.
so you had your answer to your original Question. they asked what region so they could confirm what devices where available to you. because some parts of the world cannot receive their devices.
your question on the 12gb to 16gb upgrade must have been a mis-understanding.
you can read that in their response. they said there would be no way to upgrade a 12gb to 16gb. to them thats a technical impossibility.
they didn't understand that you meant trade back your 12gb RM5S for a 16GB version.
they though that you were asking if you could upgrade the hardware of your 12gb model.
at least thats how I understood their answer of your question.
they may have asked you what device you where using because they honestly though you were contacting support for a Nubia device. when you said you had a different phone altogether, they were trying to tell you that they did not support your device. as in Nubia don't do customer support for Huawei.
after that you blew up at them for general question to find out what market you were in to see if you would be able to even buy any model.
you took that way out of bounds dude. they are still trying to do their best. with awful translation programs.
your questions were understandable to an English person but you got to understand WHO you're chatting with. and how they will see and understand your messages.
even putting some some of your messages into google translate. going to Chinese simplified then translating it back to English what do you get? because that's only half of about what they will understand from your questions.
I think they did a professional job of explaining to you that you needed to look at the information on the market site of your location. and that they couldn't give you support with your Huawei because its not a supported model of their Nubia support team.
Also you should Hide your personal Email address when posting things online.
Patrick Morgan said:
I don't want to nit pick. you are right in some points. but I'd like to point out a few things.
you're giving them questions in English, which they need to translate then organize into a response then re translate it back for you to understand.
They are based in Hong Kong, So I would assume the number of local English speaking people a small sub section of an already crippled tech giant (due to US sanctions of ZTE) have the space to employ customer service agents in English. when their main market is China.
They tell you to look at the site for information on the sale of the devices in question.
After your question of If a device with 16gb of ram would be available. if the site says no, there is no plan.
so you had your answer to your original Question. they asked what region so they could confirm what devices where available to you. because some parts of the world cannot receive their devices.
your question on the 12gb to 16gb upgrade must have been a mis-understanding.
you can read that in their response. they said there would be no way to upgrade a 12gb to 16gb. to them thats a technical impossibility.
they didn't understand that you meant trade back your 12gb RM5S for a 16GB version.
they though that you were asking if you could upgrade the hardware of your 12gb model.
at least thats how I understood their answer of your question.
they may have asked you what device you where using because they honestly though you were contacting support for a Nubia device. when you said you had a different phone altogether, they were trying to tell you that they did not support your device. as in Nubia don't do customer support for Huawei.
after that you blew up at them for general question to find out what market you were in to see if you would be able to even buy any model.
you took that way out of bounds dude. they are still trying to do their best. with awful translation programs.
your questions were understandable to an English person but you got to understand WHO you're chatting with. and how they will see and understand your messages.
even putting some some of your messages into google translate. going to Chinese simplified then translating it back to English what do you get? because that's only half of about what they will understand from your questions.
I think they did a professional job of explaining to you that you needed to look at the information on the market site of your location. and that they couldn't give you support with your Huawei because its not a supported model of their Nubia support team.
Also you should Hide your personal Email address when posting things online.
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I wish I could give you a hundred likes for this.
As a matter of fact, I was equally thinking along the same lines as your response when I was reading his post.
To OP: I think it's time for you to do a little research on your own first rather than immediately looking for ways to point a finger.
Just my 2 cents
I gotta agree with Patrick, but at the same time I got hosed by Nubia with my RM5G and had a completely different yet still terrible experience. My phone arrived uncalibrated, I talked with Nubia Admin's and they agreed my phone was not calibrated correctly because the camera will switch from 16mp to 64mp, but the image quality is exactly the same, so the camera app is showing it's 64mp, but it can't produce it because it was never calibrated before it left the factory. Which means there's a whole batch of RM5G's out there that don't actually take 64mp photo's. I contacted Nubia countless times, they only actually responded twice, the first time they were really nice, apologized for the phone not working and gladly offered to take it back for an exchange. and after giving them all of my info, just like stated above where they're data hungry. They ghosted me. I tried again about a month later because the finger print sensor also stopped working and again, same process, ,they were nice, offered to take it back and exchange for a new unit, gave them all of my info again for the return label, and just like clock work, ghosted me.. fast forward 8 MONTHS LATER, I got an email (this was only a few weeks ago now) where they actually followed up asking if I still needed a return request for my phone. I said yes, they then asked for all of my info.. again.. even though it was literally in the previous email they responded to.. but sure, play by their game, gave it all again.. and ghosted.. it's been a few weeks now, probably going on about a month actually and I still haven't heard back from them lol.
To put it simply, they do not care about customers, Nubia is about making money, they just want their product in your hand, once it is, peace, later, seeya, goodbye.
So I gave up on them. I have all of it documented, made a few youtube videos, people hated me for bad mouthing Nubia but in all reality they're a terrible company. The RM5G is actually a deadly phone now that everything is fixed, but you gotta remember this is a phone that on launch showed up to my door unable to make a phone call because the software was so broken the microphone would turn off if you made a call, it only worked on speaker phone lol. It couldn't send MMS messages, and mine specifically doesn't even have a calibrated 64mp camera. It's complete junk. It looks cool, ,the idea is there, the platform is there, the software is trash, and the company should probably be stripped of rights to sell uncompleted products.
It was as later confirmed that the launch software was Beta because they didn't have it done for their launch day, so like I said earlier, clearly shows that rather than delaying launch to fix bugs, they cared more about getting their phones in our hands rather than actually having a good product.
I mean, it's great now, basically everything is fixed but the soiled taste in my mouth from this company makes this phone look good on my desk, I don't daily it, and if anyone asks about it I tell them it was almost cool but the company ruined it and I don't recommend people buy them because of Nubia's practices.
Kinda like what they did here with the 5S lol, lets just change the logo on the glass.. add a little piece of metal to the centre.. .boom, new phone, new software that actually works.. no we won't fix the 5G yet.. we'll make a new phone for $10 more instead of fixing the actually identical phone already in the wild that's riddled with issues.
Nubia cares more about making money, than they do making a good product. It's been working for them this long, why would they change? Sure it's shady but it's business, it sucks but that's the world we live in, if we don't like it, then we just won't buy their products again. I'm one of those. I still play with the 5G from time to time but I wouldn't daily this thing if my life depended on it.. Which not as life threatening as suggested, but I soft bricked my S20 ultra while playing around with One UI 3.0 flashes, and instead of putting my SIM into the RM5G, I just decided it was better to go without a phone for 3 days until I fixed my S20 Ultra than it was to deal with the bugs and headaches that follow with the RM5G.
Which is why I'm back, 8.11 came out and it's suppose to be good so I'm giving it another shot, maybe I could use it as an Android game console to toss in my bag or something if it's stable enough.
Anyway, kind of went off on a rant there. Nubia is trash, the phones are cool, but if you buy one, just pretend you're buying something without warranty, no customer support, and you're entirely on your own once you get it. You buy these phones AS-IS because Nubia doesn't give an F about you after the sale is completed lol
bencozzy said:
This is the redmagic 5s forum I think you posted on the wrong place.
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It's still the same phone, they both even officially use the same firmware now. 5G and 5S are the same phone, they just have a different piece of glass on the back.
However, I was just responding in coordinate to the OP having a bad experience with the company Nubia, as I also had a bad experience with the company, it's still relevant as the device doesn't matter when we're addressing the customer support we received.
Guys I need some help. If I am posting in the wrong place I apologize and please redirect me. My less than a month old 5S pulse (Christmas present we got both his and hers) literally just died while I was scrolling through my WeChat! I really loved the phone though up to that point. No the phone was not abused....I baby it! It had more than 90% charge at the time, was not running any apps so no stress, laying on the table beside me so not in my pocket or being charged. Literally just watching a photo on the screen and it suddenly dimmed black and died. No sign, no drama. Power button and volume buttons dont do anything....any ideas as to what to do are welcome :-(
I don't see a support thread for 5S here ...only 5G hence my above post
Phew thank God I saw this thread. Was really interested in the redmagic 6 pro, at £600 but stories like these freak me right out, I guess I'll be staying away.
Patrick Morgan said:
I don't want to nit pick. you are right in some points. but I'd like to point out a few things.
you're giving them questions in English, which they need to translate then organize into a response then re translate it back for you to understand.
They are based in Hong Kong, So I would assume the number of local English speaking people a small sub section of an already crippled tech giant (due to US sanctions of ZTE) have the space to employ customer service agents in English. when their main market is China.
you took that way out of bounds dude. they are still trying to do their best. with awful translation programs.
your questions were understandable to an English person but you got to understand WHO you're chatting with. and how they will see and understand your messages.
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Hi, I'll jump into the conversation as it's similarly relevant to my case.
I agree with the rest of your arguments, but including the part where you, yourself mentioned possible nitpicking & in a limited context, will side with the OP.
I have a feeling you try to see the best in people & also in this case, focus on the "human being".
That's noble of you, but let's keep in mind that at the end of a day, we're (as client) making a financial transaction & expecting/owed reliable support. It's not the client's worry how the supplier (in this case, Nubia) sorts out his support structures, but the supplier, needs to manage client expectations & deliver a service of relevant quality.
1: I'd agree with the OP, that Nubia has terrible support.
- being fully aware that they are providing a global service (assuming OP reached out via the global or EU portal), should provide adequate support - meaning service desk agents or support staff with adequate command of the English language.
- responsiveness - my particular case has echoed OP's experience - terrible response times. To the extent of "some benefit", they did follow up on some questions with a week's/week & a half, delay.
- knowledge & eagerness to provide client satisfaction - they will never tell you that they don't know something but will consult internally & come back to the client with a satisfactory response (I was asking about the reason behind the differences in power adapters in the different regions - global/china).
- misc - not following their legal obligations & releasing adequate GPL code within required timelines (example: kernel).
- the device is crippled on unlocking the bootloader (fingerprint scanner stops working). Understandably, any activity AFTER unlocking a bootloader (example: messing with system files) is not RedMagic's worry, but the sole fact of just unlocking the bootloader should not cripple functionality. Relevant behaviour in other OEMs (Sony Xperia - the camera stopped working after unlocking the BL, but they fixed their approach in time).
2: they will not take ownership for blunders & do their best endeavours to make it up to the client.
Case: I ordered my phone on the 10th of April, it was stuck in processing for 2 weeks (their shipment policy mentions a maximum of 4 days for processing). It's still not here (major city in the EU). Even in the most pessimistic variant, the device should have been at my doorstep, yesterday at the latest & I'm looking at a delivery near the end of the week.
They cancelled the first FedEx shipment, were not forthcoming/(fully) transparent regarding the cause.
Mistakes happen, but if I were a supplier who's keen on building brand loyalty & focused on the quality of my service, I'd go miles to try to make it up to the client - in this case, I would have at least expected the fastest shipping & maybe a gesture of reparation (some accessories, or at the very least discounts for purchases in the future).
The only thing which kept me from going for the Black Shark 4 Pro was the absence of an under-display fingerprint scanner. I admit that RedMagic seems to be the current leader of the gaming phone niche, but other OEMs have caught onto this segment & in a year or two, should RM keep their current approach/practices, will start losing relevancy, as at the end of the day, client satisfaction is all that matters & this should be the foremost priority of any business owner.
adwinp said:
Hi, I'll jump into the conversation as it's similarly relevant to my case.
I agree with the rest of your arguments, but including the part where you, yourself mentioned possible nitpicking & in a limited context, will side with the OP.
I have a feeling you try to see the best in people & also in this case, focus on the "human being".
That's noble of you, but let's keep in mind that at the end of a day, we're (as client) making a financial transaction & expecting/owed reliable support. It's not the client's worry how the supplier (in this case, Nubia) sorts out his support structures, but the supplier, needs to manage client expectations & deliver a service of relevant quality.
1: I'd agree with the OP, that Nubia has terrible support.
- being fully aware that they are providing a global service (assuming OP reached out via the global or EU portal), should provide adequate support - meaning service desk agents or support staff with adequate command of the English language.
- responsiveness - my particular case has echoed OP's experience - terrible response times. To the extent of "some benefit", they did follow up on some questions with a week's/week & a half, delay.
- knowledge & eagerness to provide client satisfaction - they will never tell you that they don't know something but will consult internally & come back to the client with a satisfactory response (I was asking about the reason behind the differences in power adapters in the different regions - global/china).
- misc - not following their legal obligations & releasing adequate GPL code within required timelines (example: kernel).
- the device is crippled on unlocking the bootloader (fingerprint scanner stops working). Understandably, any activity AFTER unlocking a bootloader (example: messing with system files) is not RedMagic's worry, but the sole fact of just unlocking the bootloader should not cripple functionality. Relevant behaviour in other OEMs (Sony Xperia - the camera stopped working after unlocking the BL, but they fixed their approach in time).
2: they will not take ownership for blunders & do their best endeavours to make it up to the client.
Case: I ordered my phone on the 10th of April, it was stuck in processing for 2 weeks (their shipment policy mentions a maximum of 4 days for processing). It's still not here (major city in the EU). Even in the most pessimistic variant, the device should have been at my doorstep, yesterday at the latest & I'm looking at a delivery near the end of the week.
They cancelled the first FedEx shipment, were not forthcoming/(fully) transparent regarding the cause.
Mistakes happen, but if I were a supplier who's keen on building brand loyalty & focused on the quality of my service, I'd go miles to try to make it up to the client - in this case, I would have at least expected the fastest shipping & maybe a gesture of reparation (some accessories, or at the very least discounts for purchases in the future).
The only thing which kept me from going for the Black Shark 4 Pro was the absence of an under-display fingerprint scanner. I admit that RedMagic seems to be the current leader of the gaming phone niche, but other OEMs have caught onto this segment & in a year or two, should RM keep their current approach/practices, will start losing relevancy, as at the end of the day, client satisfaction is all that matters & this should be the foremost priority of any business owner.
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- Nit picking, in terms of what device to buy, its a personal call. if you prefer to side with another that is totally OK and is not my problem.
- For seeing the best in people, you've not read my posts on Nubia support and their lack of actual support I've written a few times here on XDA.
in a basic manner, if the phone turns on, and the basic features advertised and (mentioned in the small print) is working as described, all other features and options are of a personal preference.
Features like - what do you mean I can't enable and disable the fan from the dropdown notification menu? or why is NFC not a togglable tile in the drop down menu either? ( both options have been added by custom app developer on our Telegram group) but Nubia have stated it was not intended and wont be added. (but they added those options in the 6 series devices {oh did they now?}) - strange how those that have already paid them money have been left behind on features that would be very easy to add) ( the code is freely available on github)
- Global service to sell devices. support its a toss up based on warranty ownership. (its why they only support devices that are bought directly from them) all stock is shipped from Hong Kong. its a Chinese business selling stuff from china. they use a translation app / program to communicate with most customers. there is a few people like Jerry here, that have decent enough command of the english language, but still fails to understand some things. their staff are all ... ALL Chinese. English is not the only Language in the world so they have to adapt to all other languages too. (redmagic Phones are actually sold more in the Indian / Arab regions of the world outside of the Asian / Chinese markets. so English customer services is actually a few steps below any kind of priority before their other more paying customer regions. which covers their response time. I usually get a 3-5 day time line. (maybe I'm more polite about my messages to ?? ) maybeI dont know.
- My last message to them was about the current bug-list for the 8.59/7.60 roms all I got was. thanks we will forward to the department responsible. .. some 5 or so weeks ago. Go team red for that awesomely fast R&D department - Not.
- GPL source codes. ? what GPL source? were does it say they need to provide adequate sources? does this mean Nubia as well as almost every other OEM have broken the law?? OMgosh we need to bring all the peoples to court.
almost all OEM release old broken non up to date sources. even Nubia, Sony, Samsung, Xiaomi, IQOO, POCO phone, Mediatek, Qualcomm, Etc you will always find a few devcies that quite literally have no source at all published anywhere, and then you'll find sources that are so broken, with base drivers and other stuff that even making hardly boots on the required hardware. needin additional work to get booting, then bug fixed to get stable. nothing like the stock kernels that the oems release with up to date roms. for Nubia for example - the current A11 kernel they released is a almost direct copy of the base Android 11 kernel. just without some needed things to actually compile and boot. (even the triggers) you gotta make those yourself. - kernel source is provided as required by law. take Nubia to court if you need any more sources I'm sure google will help with that eventually in about 40 years.
fingerprint sensor being corrupted when unlocking bootloader is not a bug. Its actually a feature added to the device by Qualcomm. According to Jerry it was done on purpose and is not a bug.
Shipping and processing, sometimes can literally be out of their hands. with covid now some companies are required by law to close for 2 weeks. at their own loss, instead of advertising that their shipping processing center was closed or limited, its possible it was on hold for 2 weeks due to something they couldn't deal with.
but as customer processes like these are common, writing to them to find out what's going on with a 3 days delay before writing once again with the order number and a request for a refund usually gets them to contact you pretty fast.
client satisfaction at point of sale is all that matters. once they have your money, you don't get it back.
to be honest though. Jerry has, every time I've put someone in his direction for a genuine warranty service he has been on point and helped everyone he could. his estimates are rubbish though and he should stop telling people update will be out on X day because it nearly never true and never his fault (his fault he got the date wrong, but not his fault its delayed)
he's not in charge of software development but he can give suggestions and push requests that are demanded ALOT.
So if 3 people (in my current experience here on XDA and the some 700+ people on the telegram group) there is 3 people I have personally seen report the hz refresh rate issue on youtube and instagram and other common apps like this on the new Android 11. so unless there is a big. like a few thousand people getting in Nubia's faces about this on their twitter, facebook, and other social media sites and talking about the lack of support for updates etc like myself and few other members did back in January this year to get Android 11 for the global customers Nubia will sweep most of these things under the rug until its a big pile of crap they need to clean by dealing with it.
thats the only option for companies that don't respond or help. hurt their marketing image and they'll jump to help you.
privately request, or even publicly post here on XDA where most Chinese people wouldn't even know what this site is at a first glance and you're not getting the message to the right people.
contact support. when that does not work, go social and go big. its the only way to get the message through.

Help with Lineage MicroG phone recommendation?

Long story short, I went and bought a OP7T, thinking it's bootloader unlock capability would land me my choice of ROM.
I wanted to install Lineage and it's the only model that is not supported on the 7 family and it has problems with TWRP.
I need a phone that is well supported and can run Lineage microG. From my reading something like the Xiaomi F1 is well supported, tons of ROMS but a bit old. the X3 is not on the Lineage list I think.
My goal is a simple, plain google less phone, with decent camera. I'd go for the Asus ROG 3, but again don't need the gaming. just a plain googleless phone, under 2 years old. Android 10 is ok. don't want anything less.
I'm in the same boat as you and have done a fair amount of research. I'm likely going to buy a recent OnePlus or a Pixel phone, but waiting until these devices are officially supported (or well supported unofficially).
There is a list of devices that are currently supported by Lineage with microG
Linext - a list of LineageOS devices
But a ROM with signature spoofing may work with microG
Signature Spoofing
Free implementation of Play Services. Contribute to microg/GmsCore development by creating an account on GitHub.
The Pixel 4a with 5G is likely to be supported by Lineage within a few months, that phone seems like a good value and so could work for you.
mycorrado said:
Long story short, I went and bought a OP7T, thinking it's bootloader unlock capability would land me my choice of ROM.
I wanted to install Lineage and it's the only model that is not supported on the 7 family and it has problems with TWRP.
I need a phone that is well supported and can run Lineage microG. From my reading something like the Xiaomi F1 is well supported, tons of ROMS but a bit old. the X3 is not on the Lineage list I think.
My goal is a simple, plain google less phone, with decent camera. I'd go for the Asus ROG 3, but again don't need the gaming. just a plain googleless phone, under 2 years old. Android 10 is ok. don't want anything less.
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I can confirm you that the Xiaomi Poco F1 is working extremely well with Lineage OS 18.1 (our maintainer is very active and has done a ton of work on the device).
The phone is so fast and so smooth, I never feel like getting any newer phone.
Also, Gcam ports are working near perfection on the device, and people cannot believe the quality of the shots taken with the F1 (easily compares with recent iPhones for example and can produce great pictures even in bad situations).

