Unable to use built in apps in Google glass EE2 - Glass General

Hello everyone,
I have google glass EE2. My problem is all pre-installed apps are at disabled state like, voice assistant, calculator, calendar, camera and many more almost 30. I find this info by navigating to setting -> App & Notification -> Show all apps. They reserved space on my google glass storage but I am unable to use them, since google glass shows no app installed message on home screen card. How to use those build in apps??
Waiting for your response.
Thank you.


[Q] Relaunching the "once off" Market app in HyperDroidGBXv7

Hi, when launching Android Market on HyperDroidGBXv7 for the first time, it comes up with a "once off" menu to install some predefined apps based on category.
I screwed that up by accedently pressing the OK button, and want to get it back so that I can choose some of the predefined categories.
Is it possible? Don't wanna reset the phone to get to it again...
Many thanks,
The apps you select at the first screen are all google apps. Use MarketEnabler if you can't find them on the market.
These apps include, Youtube, Facebook, Gmail, Google Maps, Voice Search, Google search, and apps like talkback/kickback. No real need for the screen, it only helps to download the google apps that you like at once.
OK, thanks for that. I thought it would download the top rated free apps for that category - would have been nice

GPS working intermittently

I have a rooted Galaxy S4 with 4.4.2 Android installed. I installed the app "Uninstaller" and have uninstalled LOADS of crapware off my phone. Everything was working great until I started using the GPS. It was working and then while I was driving it just said that the GPS signal was lost and no matter how long I waited it wouldn't get a signal again. After rebooting the phone the GPS worked again but only for a little bit.
I have the following apps left on my phone according to the Uninstaller app:
Application Installer
Calendar Storage
Exchange services
External storage
Fused location
HTML viewer
KLMS Agent
MTP application
MyScript Resource Manager
OM customise
S Planner
Security storage
Security mode RIL
SetDefault Launcher
Task Manager
Tasks provider
Tethering Automation
USB settings
User dictionary
As you can see I am a minimalist kind of person and have obviously deleted something I shouldn't have! Therefore, does anyone know what apps I need to restore to get the GPS to work 100% again? I have kept a backup of all the apps I deleted in Uninstaller so I can restore them...once I know which ones need restoring.
Can anyone assist please?
Provide a list of all the apps you removed, as it may be easier to pinpoint which app needs to be replaced.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Provide a list of all the apps you removed, as it may be easier to pinpoint which app needs to be replaced.
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Theres 230 of them, is there an easy way to get a list of them?
If on Windows, open a command prompt. Navigate using the CD command to the directory where the apps are stored. Type "dir /b > filelist.txt" and post as an attachment here.
For example, if the apps were stored on external drive G, in the directory Android/Apps, you would type the following commands:
cd android
cd apps
dir /b > filelist.txt
If the apps are stored on your MicroSD card, you'll need to transfer them to the computer, as the command prompt doesn't understand the media transfer protocol used for the connection between the computer and the S4.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
If on Windows, open a command prompt. Navigate using the CD command to the directory where the apps are stored. Type "dir /b > filelist.txt" and post as an attachment here.
For example, if the apps were stored on external drive G, in the directory Android/Apps, you would type the following commands:
cd android
cd apps
dir /b > filelist.txt
If the apps are stored on your MicroSD card, you'll need to transfer them to the computer, as the command prompt doesn't understand the media transfer protocol used for the connection between the computer and the S4.
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Very helpful, thank you! I have attached the file list.
Odd that you removed the Play Store (Phonesky.apk), Google Services Framework (GMS_Core.apk), and Google Search (Velvet.apk) from the device. I personally would recommend restoring all three to /system, even if you have updated versions in /data/app. Many device functions are routed through the Google Services Framework or the Google Search app, or both. And having a version of the Play Store to fall back upon in case an update becomes corrupt is never a bad thing.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Odd that you removed the Play Store (Phonesky.apk), Google Services Framework (GMS_Core.apk), and Google Search (Velvet.apk) from the device. I personally would recommend restoring all three to /system, even if you have updated versions in /data/app. Many device functions are routed through the Google Services Framework or the Google Search app, or both. And having a version of the Play Store to fall back upon in case an update becomes corrupt is never a bad thing.
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I don't use any Google services and all my apps are installed manually by installing the APK file. I don't even use Google Maps for GPS. Currently I use CoPilot for my GPS stuff. Surely these Google apps wouldn't affect CoPilot from functioning correctly? I'd really like to keep this a Google app free phone (oh the irony considering Android is Google!)
My guess is that I have uninstalled a core system app that the GPS software needs. Its just weird how CoPilot will be happily working away giving me directions and then BAM...it doesn't have a GPS fix to the satellite anymore and the directions stop!
Well, unless you try them you won't know. You can always take them back out.
I'd have to take a look at my list of apps and see what I kept that you didn't, as I don't have problems with the GPS suddenly up and quitting.
EDIT: I've posted mine below, which is based on FailoFAX's debloat list. There's way too many files you removed that I didn't to make a judgment call here. So I'm going to recommend two ROMs for you to solve your problem.
1. Install a Google Play Edition ROM and take the time to remove the Google Apps. This is good if you want dead stock Android without any added customization whatsoever.
2. Install CyanogenMod or another AOSP ROM, and don't download or install the Google Apps package. You get some custom features not found in the GPE ROM, but also don't have to pick through the system and remove the Google Apps.
I'm recommending either of these above because the ROMs are essentially barebones as is, and need little or no customization to be useful.
Thanks for the helpful reply. I'll try restoring the Google apps this evening when I get home from work.
Appreciate the ROM recommendations but I (shock horror) like TouchWiz (I like the interface) so thats why I use the official Samsung ROM and the remove all the crapware.
I've had a look at quite a few of those debloat lists and some are quite useful but theres always apps that no-one knows what they do.
I think if I reset my phone again I shouldn't remove so many system apps!
There are plenty of things to like about Touchwiz. The launcher isn't one of them, which is why I use Google Now or Apex.
The debloat lists here in the forums tend to provide the right balance between functionality and size. For example, my list above netted me a 700MB savings. Especially as much of it is bloatware.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
There are plenty of things to like about Touchwiz. The launcher isn't one of them, which is why I use Google Now or Apex.
The debloat lists here in the forums tend to provide the right balance between functionality and size. For example, my list above netted me a 700MB savings. Especially as much of it is bloatware.
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Yeah, after deleting all the bloat on my phone it came to about 950MB!
So I restored Google Play Store, Services Framework and Search and I have done two trips today with the GPS working 100% (ie: it didn't stop working while giving me directions).
Now I am going to start removing the Google apps one at a time and then test the GPS again after uninstalling it to see what is causing the GPS to fail.
One issue though. After reinstalling the 3 Google apps I get this error message after I have entered the SIM PIN and the home screen appears:
Unfortunately, Google Services Framework has stopped.
All I can do it tap ok a few times and it then goes away.
After uninstalling Googe Play the GPS stopped working again halfway to my destination today. I think I am going to have to reset the phone again as there are other strange things that are happening on the phone (phone calls sometimes don't connect).
What is the best way to reset the phone back to the factory ROM? Do I just do a reset from settings? Or should I rather use TWRP?
You can do a factory reset through TWRP, but starting from scratch with a ROM flashed via Odin might be best. Of course you'd have to debloat again.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
You can do a factory reset through TWRP, but starting from scratch with a ROM flashed via Odin might be best. Of course you'd have to debloat again.
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Ok, so last night I did a complete factory reset and reflashed the original ROM. I've used the GPS twice today and so far it has been fine. I'll test it some more this weekend. I have uninstalled about 174 apps.
One thing I noticed today. Usually when I would receive a call I didn't want to take I would turn the phone upside down and the phone would stop vibrating. Now when I turn the phone upside down it continues to vibrate. Is there a setting I need to change to enable this feature? Or have I uninstalled an APK I shouldn't have? I have attached the most recent list of apps I have uninstalled using Uninstaller.
Thanks for any help!
In this case it seems you don't have the mute or pause turned on in settings. Go to Settings > My Device > Motions and gestures > Motion > Turn Over > Mute/Pause to enable it. If that's not working, try replacing SensorService2_5.apk.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
In this case it seems you don't have the mute or pause turned on in settings. Go to Settings > My Device > Motions and gestures > Motion > Turn Over > Mute/Pause to enable it. If that's not working, try replacing SensorService2_5.apk.
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That did the trick (ie: going in to settings and enabling...I didn't restore the APK)! Strange, I have never set that before when I was using Jellybean!
I went for a long drive today with the GPS turned on all the time and it worked all the way.
When first running Uninstaller on KitKat/Galaxy S4 there are 283 apps. I currently have 110 apps installed (so I have uninstalled 173) so its looking good so far. Time will tell though! I would like to delete another 20 or so apps but I want to do it in a more controlled manner! The next batch I would like to uninstall are:
Automation Test
Beaming Service
Camera Test
Face Unlock
Screen Mirroring
Any of these a bad idea to uninstall?

Android Wear Newbie - some (probably simple) questions

So... just got me a Huawei watch and while I love the look and feel, I have some issues/questions/hopes that i figure you guys will know
Just for detail, I'm using my watch with a Xperia Z5
1. Is it possible to hide notifications on watch face so that they only appear on swipe up? Failing that, is it possible to at least hide them on the 'deactivated' watch face, only to show when i 'activate it'?
2. When using voice I quite frequently get offline errors, despite being connected according to the phone and main screen - anything I can do here??
Related to this:
How can I stop the phone waking in my pocket when voice does connect? Leads to things happening in my pocket​
3. Google Maps
- Can i get Google maps to default to walking?
- Frequently Google maps doesn't navigate properly at all - sticks on recalculating or just fails
- Can I get Google maps voice directions on watch not on phone?
4. I would like to set notifications on my phone to the watch - i've seen this option - but i still want to get the apps I've blocked notifications on the phone... possible?
5. App questions
- Is it possible to hide apps from the list at all? I tried a few of the other launchers but I keep getting Screen Overlay errors so have had to delete...
- Is there a better Agenda app that shows more than just today? (found Agenda Wear but can hardly read anything on that!)
- There seems to be a built in find my phone, but it doesnt work. Downloaded a separate app and it does does - any ideas?
- I seem to have three fitness apps on my writs... Google Fit vs Daily Tracking vs Fitness Tracking - do i need them all? Is one the core in which others are reliant?
- I seem to get a reboot when removing and often adding an app - is this usual?
6. How can I change contacts shown? Seems to be most recent except I alse get the first phonbook entry alphabetically who I rarely contact for some reason
A lot of questions I know - thanks in advance for any insight!!
vaderag said:
So... just got me a Huawei watch and while I love the look and feel, I have some issues/questions/hopes that i figure you guys will know
Just for detail, I'm using my watch with a Xperia Z5
1. Is it possible to hide notifications on watch face so that they only appear on swipe up? Failing that, is it possible to at least hide them on the 'deactivated' watch face, only to show when i 'activate it'?
2. When using voice I quite frequently get offline errors, despite being connected according to the phone and main screen - anything I can do here??
Related to this:
How can I stop the phone waking in my pocket when voice does connect? Leads to things happening in my pocket​
3. Google Maps
- Can i get Google maps to default to walking?
- Frequently Google maps doesn't navigate properly at all - sticks on recalculating or just fails
- Can I get Google maps voice directions on watch not on phone?
4. I would like to set notifications on my phone to the watch - i've seen this option - but i still want to get the apps I've blocked notifications on the phone... possible?
5. App questions
- Is it possible to hide apps from the list at all? I tried a few of the other launchers but I keep getting Screen Overlay errors so have had to delete...
- Is there a better Agenda app that shows more than just today? (found Agenda Wear but can hardly read anything on that!)
- There seems to be a built in find my phone, but it doesnt work. Downloaded a separate app and it does does - any ideas?
- I seem to have three fitness apps on my writs... Google Fit vs Daily Tracking vs Fitness Tracking - do i need them all? Is one the core in which others are reliant?
- I seem to get a reboot when removing and often adding an app - is this usual?
6. How can I change contacts shown? Seems to be most recent except I alse get the first phonbook entry alphabetically who I rarely contact for some reason
A lot of questions I know - thanks in advance for any insight!!
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Hi vaderag, i answer the first question:
Yes, you can set this from:
Phone -> Android wear app -> configuration -> moto 360 (established connection) -> cards preview

Galaxy J727p removable debloating list

Putting this here in hopes of helping other J7 perx users pull the most from their battery . Thanks to Ashyx we have root on our device!! Wich makes this possible. Recovery atm is still being worked on so bootloops are no fun, figured id help everyone out, took quite the number of bootloops and several hours to come up with rebooting after every single uninstall to pin point certain apks, hopefully it is useful.
First make a backup with titanium backup!!
(The list does not rob the os of many features, but if theres something here you dont want taken out then simply look over it or restore it)
68-70 apks removed with titanium backup, lets get goin.
All Amazon related apps
App stack
All Facebook related apps
Basic daydreams
Beacon manager
Boost featured apps
Boost hub
Caller id
Device protection manager
Google Drive
Easy setup
Gadget guardian
All Galaxy related apps
Game optimizing service
Google calander sync
Google videos
Google music
Google tts
Hancom office viewer
Health service
All Knox related apps
Quick connect
Link sharing
Live wallpaper picker
Market feedback agent
Mobile id
My boost launcher
My interests
Nearby service
Photo editor
Photo screensaver
Prime videos
Prime photos
Print service
Quick connect
S health
Safety assistance
Samsung location
Samsung notes
Samsung push
Samsung theme
Samsung tts
Samsung plus
Secure folder
Sound alive
Sound picker
Smart switch
Touchwiz easy home
Universal switch
Voice assistant
All weather apps
Wifi direct
Do not remove dictionary.apk or device maintanance.apk, as both result in bootloops. Make sure to run the sd maid app from the playstore afterwards to clean things up!
Also feel free to adventure and add to this list!!
any news my friend about more apps that can be uninstalled?
Note of advice while debloating Stock Oreo ROM for SM-J727P
All the listed apps in here just apply fine except you have to keep in place the native Email and Message apps because if you uninstall any of those the Camera app stop working properly right away https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=77722457&postcount=29
Ragazzza said:
any news my friend about more apps that can be uninstalled?
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I have an Oreo debloat script in my Spacesung thread. Everything without a # sign in front of it in my script is safe to remove. Additionally, it's also safe to remove Samsung experience, the theme store, and Touchwiz launcher, if you have another launcher to replace it. You can remove google videos as well, I just forgot about it. The native Samsung video player will kick in from the gallery if you do. I prefer it myself.
For those who still rock with this warrior phone.
As of this writing and latest ROM version J727PVPU7BTH1 do not uninstall the included Chrome web browser apk as it would prevent you from signing in to the Play Store account.

prevent block remove Google Playservices for INSTANT Apps

HOW I DISABLED Google Playservices for INSTANT Apps
DISCLAIMER: Tweaking these apps and services can leave you with a broken, non-functional, steaming, smoking, screaming device; proceed at your own 
risk. Just because I got it to work, doesn't mean it will work for you. I am not responsible for your PEBKAC errors. All Google stuff on my devices is extensively neutered, if it's not on your this may not work. I prevent updates to Play Store and Play services and the brunt of services run by those apps are disabled there's too much there to be covered in a simple guide but this instruction is what FINALLY clipped INSTANT APP'S wings.
 I thought I'd found a way to prevent it from re-installing itself, but after two days it did, but at least this turns it off and keeps it from hogging battery and as much memory. As many have pointed out, freezing doesn't, but but turning off the SERVICES as outlined here, it slows it down a lot.
ROOT IS REQUIRED, the only way to block it without root I know of is disable the Play Store, go someplace else for that and don't hijack this information, it's not about using 3C, facebook, Play store, relationship problems or political unrest, it's about STOPPING Google's Apps: Play Store & Play Services from installing "Playservices for INSTANT Apps"
I think the PLAY STORE downloads and installs “Playservices for INSTANT Apps” under control of services run by PLAY Services
RECOMMENDATION: Every release of Play Store and Play services potentinally includes NEW services that might affect this solution. I recommend each time they are updated you check for NEW items that might trigger installation of Instant apps.
Using 3C All-in-One Toolbox" from 3c71 dot com
"Manage">"Application manager">"Apps">"Google Play store">"Manage">"Permissions">"Activities">search (with magnifying glass on toolbar)
input package name "instantapps to filter and uncheck items. Do the same for "Providers", "Receivers" and "Services"
"Application manager">
"Google Play services">
"Activities">search (with magnifying glass on toolbar)
input package name "instantapps to filter and uncheck items. Do the same for "Providers", "Receivers" and "Services"
NOW, UNINSTALL/DELETE/REMOVE the app: Google Playservices for INSTANT Apps.
"Application manager">
"Google Play store">
This is working for me on Samsung Galaxy S5 (G900V Lollipop), Core Prime (G360T), Core Prime G360V, J1 (J100M), LG VS810P and MemuPlay Emulator.
Call it what you want, Malware, Spyware, Shovelware, Vaporware, Bloatware to me Google Playservices for INSTANT Apps is all those things. I saw Google Playservices for INSTANT Apps on my phone December 2018 and cringed. It's taken me almost 4 months to come up with this working solution. When I say WORKING, I mean it prevents Google Playservices for INSTANT Apps from reinstalling and still leaves Google Play Store functional.
THANK YOU! to the dev of 3C All-in-One Toolbox for providing their awesome tools.

