Galaxy Tab E 9.6 Screen flickering / funny colors problem - Samsung Galaxy Tab E Questions & Answers

Some days ago my tablet started malfunctioning. My family member was uses it regularly. One day when the battery was at 25%, they disconnected the earphone from the tablet, and the tablet died immediately. After few days of charging it. I found out that the screen is malfunctioning.
It mostly happens when I apply pressure on the top area of the tablet, the screen glitches out, looks like a ribbon is loose, but I opened the tablet and reconnected the top ribbon cables. But still the problem occurs.
It works for maybe 1 or 2 minutes and then glitches out.
Anyone please help me to solve this problem.
Please watch this video
I have taken video of the tablet :-

Galaxy tab e funny colors and gliches on screen.
I have two galaxy tab e's (smt560) one black and white and the white one has the same issue. My mum used to use it regulary until one day when she was using it it crashed and now it has the same issue. I don't know if the white ones are faulty because the black one was abused and it works just fine. I flashed the stock rom once again but it didn't fix it i think the screen is faulty but i'm not sure


my touch shows only white screen

hay from today morning my htc touch shows a white screen and a crack on the bottom corner of the screen.i am sure that it dint fell down.
then what may be the problem?
anyone knows pls tell me...
white screen?
When you turn on your phone, there is no smart mobility.
Is that an LCD problem?
i have the same problem with the WHITE SCREEN. bought my ELF 3450 second hand over the net. i am from the Philippines by the way and HTC units are not yet very common here and also the parts/accessories. it worked fine for about 3 months with minor problems such as Auto-Restart/Auto Power On/OFf which was solved using the "plastic on the OMAP chip method" - tnx for the forum for the info by the way and charging problems which was also solved by buying me a aftermarket charger. but recently the problem of AUTO OFF occurred again until it did not work at all. so, i tried to check the Plastic over my chip but to no avail the fone was dead. so, i decided to head to one of our local cellphone repair shops and have my OMAP heated thinking that maybe there are just contact points inside who became loose. when we tried to power on it was good for a few minutes then i noticed the screen went darker and darker and then it was all WHITE. we restarted it but it's just WHITE. tried to send messages and call it but there is no response from the fone. i'm afraid i toast it bad or may be it's just the LCD who got toasted, i am clueless.
Generally white screen problem are caused by defects in flex connecting the LCD to the mainboard or the connector itself. Try to disconnect and reconnect the LCD, if doesn't work - replace the LCD.
kimberhunt said:
i have the same problem with the WHITE SCREEN. bought my ELF 3450 second hand over the net. i am from the Philippines by the way and HTC units are not yet very common here and also the parts/accessories. it worked fine for about 3 months with minor problems such as Auto-Restart/Auto Power On/OFf which was solved using the "plastic on the OMAP chip method" - tnx for the forum for the info by the way and charging problems which was also solved by buying me a aftermarket charger. but recently the problem of AUTO OFF occurred again until it did not work at all. so, i tried to check the Plastic over my chip but to no avail the fone was dead. so, i decided to head to one of our local cellphone repair shops and have my OMAP heated thinking that maybe there are just contact points inside who became loose. when we tried to power on it was good for a few minutes then i noticed the screen went darker and darker and then it was all WHITE. we restarted it but it's just WHITE. tried to send messages and call it but there is no response from the fone. i'm afraid i toast it bad or may be it's just the LCD who got toasted, i am clueless.
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You warmed the OMAP? Interesting....
This problem sounds really complicated.
And im quite surprised of your 'warming' method.
I've had the exact same problem combined with the fact that my touch was resetting constantly. I was about a minute away from throwing it out of the window when I tried the plastic-piece-on-omap processor-technique described in one of the threads here. It solved the rebooting problem, but not the white screen issue. After a very frustrating couple of days where the screen started to blink and shake and then eventually turned to white alltogether, I lowered my brightness to the second stop from start, and since then I haven't experienced the white screen anymore. I believe it is heatrelated.
Whilst not being a full solution to the problem, at least it renders the phone usable.
Hope this helps anyone.
Heating the device very seldomly solves anything, but causes more problems that you originally started with.
iam using htc touch (p 3450) for nearly 18 months . (bought & using it in india ) my hand set fell two times in water and about 15 times fell on the floor (from shirt pocket) . still its working fine .
and iam using "opera mini " for browsing the internet . for some sites iam using "opera mobile " . when iam on opera mini , continueously for long ours , suddenly it turns white . never come to normal screen unless restarted . but it happens sometimes , may be because of memory or heating up of some H/W .
Hi hotchamo,
my htc touch elf hat a similary issue, and my father just "wringed" it gently until the white screen disappeared. You should try it carefully, since it may help and it won't harm. Just take in in both hands and turn them in the opposite direction, so that the case gets slightly twisted.
If that doesn't help you should open it and check the LCD flat cable connector...
Best regards,
Again - flex connector problem. 'Wringing' it gently will eventually result in your LCD cracking, by all means - go for it, it will solve your white screen problem. Permanently.

Screen going gray?

My friend has recently started having problems with his G2. The problem is that the screen goes gray (you know, like old tv's when they didnt have any signal) when waking the phone up and couple of smacks against the wall seems to fix the problem mostly. The interesting thing is that the phone works perfectly while the screen is gray, he connected it to his laptop and was able to use it with somekinda program. But this is getting really annoying because its happening more and more often. What could be the problem? Broken screen, bad connection? Any help will be appreciated.
I have also been having this issue recently with my G2. I disassembled the phone and tried re-seating the video connectors. The phone did not exhibit the behavior for the remainder of that day, which was nice... but it started doing it again the next morning. My guess is the connectors are working themselves loose over time. Anybody have a suggestion on how to make the connections a little more stable?

left side screen glitched

The left side of the screen shows some Missingno type glitching (I've attached some pics)
Does anyone know where this type of problem comes from?
I had the screen replaced and it worked beautifully afterwards for a couple of days...
I also installed system updates.. so I'm wondering; is this a hardware or software issue?
Thanks for your time and interest
Happened to my wife. Needed to be returned and fixed, hardware glitch not software. I am not sure if it was a screen issue or some other hardware.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Did you have the screen replaced because of the screen flashing, or did the flashes start only after you had the screen replaced?
If the problem has been consistent over the course of two different screens, it would point towards a hardware fault on the sending end of the display connector, right where the ribbons leave the motherboard.
If this problem is brand-new, it might just be that the display connector was not fully secured when the new screen was installed.
Mine is doing the exact same thing. Left side goes all grey and static looking.
I took it apart and reseated the screen ribbon connector and at first I thought it made a difference, but now it continues to glitch out. I took it apart a second time and it has the half screen right at boot up. Sometimes it goes away just setting on the desk but seems to come back regularly. Its only the visual part of the screen, the touch points are still all in the same locations. And when I took a screen shot while it was glitching, the screen shot came out normal. So I am hoping its only the screen/digitizer that is going bad.
I am going to buy a new screen and see if that fixes it. Its only $60 on eBay and its pretty simple to take apart. I will post back if it fixes the problem. That way if someone else has the issue they will know.
Moto x style display problem
I have got the similar problems with display and I will return for warranty repair. I will tell you later what happened.
Downgrade to Lollipop , It worked for me.!
(This is the tip for everyone)
I replaced the screen and that seems to have fixed it for now. I haven't had much chance to use it since the screen replacement though. I will update in the next week or so and let everyone know how the screen replacement holds up.
The replacement screen only lasted about a week and now the righthand side has glitched out. I am going to take it apart and put it back together but i think its time for a new phone.
These phone are getting cheap and I really like it so I may just get another. Although the lure of a dual sim version is attractive.

S5 Screen glitches, flickers, duplicates parts

My dad has S5 G900F for about 3 years and never really had a problem with it. But now the screen sometimes glitches, bottom half of the screen goes black
when he's in the browser and once he moves the screen it disappears. The upper quarter sometimes duplicates itself, screen splits into 4 parts, other parts duplicate as well,
the phone freezes and then when he reboots it the screen turns into these old TV glitching errors. Once it boots up, it slowly goes down while the upper half is blacked out and his
wallpaper is showing. Photos in links.
Once it's fully rebooted and he gets through the lock screen which freezes for a moment it works just fine.
Do you have any idea what it could be? We're guessing that there could be a motherboard problem but we don't really know. It's an old phone and replacing motherboard would
literally cost more than the phone now so we're just curious.
Hiya, guess what, I had exactly the same problem with mine. Ended up replacing the screen... But before I did so, not only did I notice the screen glitching and having "snowstorms" and suddenly rebooting, parts of the screen ended up having black squares (loading animation for instance) which went away soon after but kept coming back. So now I've got a new display (got it about a week ago) everything's been fine until I noticed that black square appearing again (only briefly while the loading animation was displayed when shutting the phone down). So I think it must be a motherboard issue... Hasn't gotten as bad as it used to be though, not having any other problems... I know this isn't exactly helpful, just felt the need to post this.
James160103 said:
Hiya, guess what, I had exactly the same problem with mine. Ended up replacing the screen... But before I did so, not only did I notice the screen glitching and having "snowstorms" and suddenly rebooting, parts of the screen ended up having black squares (loading animation for instance) which went away soon after but kept coming back. So now I've got a new display (got it about a week ago) everything's been fine until I noticed that black square appearing again (only briefly while the loading animation was displayed when shutting the phone down). So I think it must be a motherboard issue... Hasn't gotten as bad as it used to be though, not having any other problems... I know this isn't exactly helpful, just felt the need to post this.
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It actually helped in knowing that he's not alone who had this issue. It sucks that the motherboard is slowly giving up after 3 years of use but I'll definitely tell him about replacing the screen. It's kinda cheap after years. Although he's looking for an upgrade now. But seriously thank you Hopefully it won't get worse for you.
Update 2 Dec:
The screen no longer works. It just shows TV like error although it works in the background .

LeEco Pro 3 Display

I have this beautiful and powerful phone LeEco Pro 3 that i`ve been using for half an year or so with AOSIP ROM. Its a wonderful phone with an amazing performance.
The thing is my display started a problem history that has become a long history i will try to resume in a few words.
It started in one day i pressed the power button in order to light the display on and check something in an APP i needed. I found out that before the display lighted on some weird colors and artifacts appeared on screen. But indeed the display worked fine.I thought it was just a temporary thing and just kept using it until In the second day that the weird colors and artifacts became permanent, so i realized i was in trouble. :crying:
Tried sending the phone to technical assistance.
The first one - Told me that they could get a new display for testing but indeed the results were the same and they were seeing oxidation in the display connector on the board, not the display flex cable but the main board connection. They said they would not go further into it and they decided to give the phone back to me. Weird thing is that when i turned the phone one it worked for one day without issues. He said the phone was in the same condition, but that is not what i saw. The problem indeed happened again one day later , but it was less worse as i could at least see the screen, but almost half the screen was horribly shaking, trembling.
The second one - Once the tech guy looked the phone he said he didnt see any sign of the phone getting opened. He said he would be seeing signs of glues or anything like that but in his opinion it was definitely not opened. But he warned me the display could physically brake once he opens it as the phone got contact with oxidation in the toilet(I used to left it in the toiled while i take bath). So i was afraid and decided to back off.
The third one - Said he could not find any display so he sent the phone back to me. Didnt open it at all as he was trying to wait for the new display to arrive in order to be safe. They said they are 90% sure its display replacement would do the job. The thing is - if i used in hot environments the issues seems to slowly disappear . If i use it in cold environments the problems seems to get worse
So here i am. I CAN buy another screen over the internet. But i am afraid if it will work or not. Have anyone there faced same issue? What do you recommend me to do? What would you do
Thanks in advance
VicPereira said:
I have this beautiful and powerful phone LeEco Pro 3 that i`ve been using for half an year or so with AOSIP ROM. Its a wonderful phone with an amazing performance.
The thing is my display started a problem history that has become a long history i will try to resume in a few words.
It started in one day i pressed the power button in order to light the display on and check something in an APP i needed. I found out that before the display lighted on some weird colors and artifacts appeared on screen. But indeed the display worked fine.I thought it was just a temporary thing and just kept using it until In the second day that the weird colors and artifacts became permanent, so i realized i was in trouble. :crying:
Tried sending the phone to technical assistance.
The first one - Told me that they could get a new display for testing but indeed the results were the same and they were seeing oxidation in the display connector on the board, not the display flex cable but the main board connection. They said they would not go further into it and they decided to give the phone back to me. Weird thing is that when i turned the phone one it worked for one day without issues. He said the phone was in the same condition, but that is not what i saw. The problem indeed happened again one day later , but it was less worse as i could at least see the screen, but almost half the screen was horribly shaking, trembling.
The second one - Once the tech guy looked the phone he said he didnt see any sign of the phone getting opened. He said he would be seeing signs of glues or anything like that but in his opinion it was definitely not opened. But he warned me the display could physically brake once he opens it as the phone got contact with oxidation in the toilet(I used to left it in the toiled while i take bath). So i was afraid and decided to back off.
The third one - Said he could not find any display so he sent the phone back to me. Didnt open it at all as he was trying to wait for the new display to arrive in order to be safe. They said they are 90% sure its display replacement would do the job. The thing is - if i used in hot environments the issues seems to slowly disappear . If i use it in cold environments the problems seems to get worse
So here i am. I CAN buy another screen over the internet. But i am afraid if it will work or not. Have anyone there faced same issue? What do you recommend me to do? What would you do
Thanks in advance
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There are many many post on this subject, recently in fact. That has links. In fact, you can find them on Alibaba that are all black and made specifically for the Le Pro 3. Here is a link of a guy who used the cool s1 display
Yes it sounds like the display or the flex cables.
Link 1
Here you go cheap and they have the black one
tsongming said:
There are many many post on this subject, recently in fact. That has links. In fact, you can find them on Alibaba that are all black and made specifically for the Le Pro 3. Here is a link of a guy who used the cool s1 display
Yes it sounds like the display or the flex cables.
Link 1
Here you go cheap and they have the black one
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Thank you!
So i can go on and buy another display . Would you do it without worrying?
In the country i live in the display costs 189. The phone costs 900 or 1000.

