Suunto 7 users? - Wear OS Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there!
Is there anyone using this:
I have have used wear os watches since 2014 and now have been using Suunto 7 for some time, it feels solid and snappy.
Also battery life is pretty good.

Just got mine. Not to sure on battery life though, looks like I may have to give up sleep monitoring.

mjposner1 said:
Just got mine. Not to sure on battery life though, looks like I may have to give up sleep monitoring.
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What sleeping app you are using?

Haven't even tried one yet, will download and report back, but if I use one I am afraid I won't make a full day even if I charge after I wake-up and before I got to work.

Let me know your results and used app, can test same here then =)

I gave up, tried one night and did not register with app. Also, battery life won't really handle this well, so I am now charging while sleeping so I can use all day instead.

Since this is the only thread i see regarding the Suunto 7 maybe it is best i ask my question here .
Suunto 7 does not support external sensors and probably it will support but when will that be who knows, so i will try to develop an wear os app that will connect to footpod (Stryd) and try to read the data from it.
I will not wait for Suunto to do this and already existing third party app does not do this job very well.
So, since i am a complete newbie, can anybody point me how to start, is there already something connecting to BLE devices...pairing and so on, I need from you guys some pointers.

I have suunto 7. But these $500 watches not have internal speaker. You unable to answer phonecalls, get answers from google assistent, listen voice navigation instructions, listen podcast/music on this watches. Even getting notification is problem, without sound I found what I lost many notifications. These suunto guys saved one-two bucks on these $500 watches, but made it totally unusable for wearos users.
What about battery life, near 30 hours when paired with android phone (bluetooth).

Can any of you Suunto 7 owners grab these APKs for us?

afsafsafs said:
But these $500 watches not have internal speaker.
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Maybe due having waterproofing deeper than others?

Bushrod said:
Can any of you Suunto 7 owners grab these APKs for us?
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Please tell commands how to do it?

jesi said:
Please tell commands how to do it?
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Hello, here you have the steps from
A) Make sure that your running (emulator/real Device). To check use this command
adb devices
B) Select all the available package list installed in your device. You can use grep command to select the specific package you intend to download.
adb shell pm list packages
adb shell pm list packages -f -3
Output (List of available packages )
C) Copy the package (which you like to download) from the above link. Form our case I choose this (com.example.myapplication) package
Syntax : adb shell pm path [your_package_name]
Command: adb shell pm path com.example.myapplication
D) Finally, To download APK from your (emulator/real device)
Syntax : adb pull /data/app/[your_package_name]-1/base.apk [your_destination_path]
Command: adb pull /data/app/com.example.myapplication-3j4CVk0Tb2gysElgjz5O6A==/base.apk /Users/$(whoami)/Documents/your_apk.apk
Example: Trying to pull this CertInstaller.apk file in your local machine ( Mac )
adb pull /system/app/CertInstaller/CertInstaller.apk /Users/$(whoami)/Documents/APK/download_apk/
E) Confirm in your local directory
ls -la /Users/$(whoami)/Documents/
These packages looks like suunto apps.
We will have to sign the apks once you extract it to get them functional, could be this a good tutorial? Even though if you upload the app we could get help from users to do that.
Thanks a lot!! and please reply me if you need any help.

Beaut357 said:
Hello, here you have the steps from
A) Make sure that your running (emulator/real Device). To check use this command
adb devices
B) Select all the available package list installed in your device. You can use grep command to select the specific package you intend to download.
adb shell pm list packages
adb shell pm list packages -f -3
Output (List of available packages )
C) Copy the package (which you like to download) from the above link. Form our case I choose this (com.example.myapplication) package
Syntax : adb shell pm path [your_package_name]
Command: adb shell pm path com.example.myapplication
D) Finally, To download APK from your (emulator/real device)
Syntax : adb pull /data/app/[your_package_name]-1/base.apk [your_destination_path]
Command: adb pull /data/app/com.example.myapplication-3j4CVk0Tb2gysElgjz5O6A==/base.apk /Users/$(whoami)/Documents/your_apk.apk
Example: Trying to pull this CertInstaller.apk file in your local machine ( Mac )
adb pull /system/app/CertInstaller/CertInstaller.apk /Users/$(whoami)/Documents/APK/download_apk/
E) Confirm in your local directory
ls -la /Users/$(whoami)/Documents/
These packages looks like suunto apps.
We will have to sign the apks once you extract it to get them functional, could be this a good tutorial? Even though if you upload the app we could get help from users to do that.
Thanks a lot!! and please reply me if you need any help.
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Has some news?


[GUIDE] How to Set Up ADB & Build Android with Fedora KDE

Hello all. I have written a guide to setting up & using Android ADB, & building Android, with Fedora KDE. Almost every guide that I've ever seen for setting up ADB, & a build environment for building Android, is always written for Ubuntu, & ONLY Ubuntu. But I choose to work with Fedora KDE. Why Fedora with KDE??? Because I hate Ubuntu. !!!HATE!!! I also can't stand gnome 3.X. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way, so that's why I'm writing this guide. I've tried different linux distros, & I've found Fedora to be the best of all. It is my favorite now. They also seem to be one of the few distros that stays on top of the linux kernel updates. As of 03/20/13, they're already on kernel 3.8.3!!! Other distros stay way behind. Also, with KDE, you can keep the "windoze" traditional desktop look & feel, especially when you use the "folder view" activity. It's great!!! Well, let's get started.
!!!WARNING!!! Before anything else, I will mention this right now. The Dolphin file manager can destroy your Android build with hidden ".directory" files. Please keep this in mind. I will explain this at the end of the guide.
-I guess I'll mention this 1st, since this can actually be one of the most painful & confusing parts of all. You'll need to install the java jdk6. As far as I know, Android stuff won't work with the newer jdk7. You can find it on oracle's page here:
-Scroll down & you'll see it. Get the "rpm.bin" version. If your working with 64bit, it should look like this:
-Someone by the name of JR already made a very good guide on how to do this. It is what I followed, & you should too. You can find it here:
NOTE: When following this guide, be sure to go through only steps 3a & 4a when you reach them. Steps 3b & 4b are for the "non-jdk" jre.
NOTE: The "alternatives" listed in step 4 seems to be some kind of program that creates symlinks for whatever you want, & labels them. When you install, or create the symlinks, you can then use "alternatives" to switch back & forth between the different programs that you make the symlinks for. For example, you can make links for java in jdk6 & jdk7, & then switch to either one or the other, as you please. That way, you can have them both installed, while using only one at a time. You can type "alternatives --config java" to switch, or whatever name you used for the link. For help, type "alternatives --help".
-You can follow these:
-Download the sdk & unpack it somewhere in your home directory. For example, I like to put mine in "~/Android-Development/sdk" (the ~ symbol is short for your Home folder).
-cd to your sdk tools location. For example, from my Home folder, I would type this:
$ cd Android-Development/sdk/tools
-NOTE: DON'T TYPE THE DOLLAR SIGN!!! I put it there because that's what you see in the terminal. It's only there for reference.
-NOTE: At any time, you can type "ls", or "ls -l" to see everything in the folder you're currently in.
-Now, execute the android program.
$ ./android
-Install Android SDK Tools & Platform-tools.
-Install 32bit packages. Since Android is a 32bit OS, you must install the 32bit packages regardless if whether your computer is 64bit or not.
$ sudo yum install glibc.i686 glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++.i686 zlib-devel.i686 ncurses-devel.i686 libX11-devel.i686 libXrender.i686 libXrandr.i686
NOTE: In order to install packages with yum, you must do it as su. You can either type sudo before the command, or you can just type "su" & enter your password to become superuser. If you're new to the command line, it's probably better to use "sudo" instead, that way you won't stay logged in as superuser & potentially mess things up.
-Now, it's time to install the udev rules. Basically, they are the rules that govern whatever device you plug in with USB. You can find all the info on this page:
-Create an empty file named 51-android.rules to write in. We will create it in /etc/udev/rules.d/
$ sudo touch /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
NOTE: "Touch" is a linux command that you can use to create a new, empty file. To see more info on it, type "touch --help", or "man touch" to see the manual page for it. Of course, you can always google it, & anything else as well. Google "linux commands touch".
NOTE: Since this file is in the root user's directories, you will need to enter commands as superuser, or else it won't save. Either type "sudo" before the command, or, if you're comfortable with the command line, log in as superuser by typing "su" & entering your password.
-Now, you can use any text editor to write inside that file you just created. I like to use nano from the command line, so let's use that. ("nano --help", "man nano", google "linux commands nano")
$ sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
NOTE: In linux, you can copy & paste without even "right-clicking" & selecting copy or paste from the menu. Instead, you can just highlight some text, & go somewhere else & press the mouse middle button to paste it. Highlighting text will automatically copy it, & pressing the mouse middle button will automatically paste whatever you highlighted. No need for "right-clicking" anything. You can do this for the next step.
-Now, from the webpage listed above, just copy & paste the lines with the USB Vendor IDs that you want to use. For example, for Asus, HTC, & Samsung, write these:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0b05", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
-Save & exit the file.
NOTE: In nano, you can always see important commands at the bottom of the screen. For example, to exit, you hold in the "control" button & press "x".
-Now, check the permissions of the file & make sure everyone can read it.
$ ls -l /etc/udev/rules.d/
-You should see something like this:
$ -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 639 Feb 5 14:08 51-android.rules
NOTE: The 1st line indicates whether it's a directory or not. The next 3 lines indicate Read, Write, & eXecute permissions for the user. The next 3 lines indicate Read, Write, & eXecute permissions for the group. The last 3 lines indicate Read, Write, & eXecute permissions for others. The 1st "root" means that root is the user. Root owns that file. The 2nd "root" means that the file belongs to the group root.
-If for some reason you don't see the "r" letters (meaning that it's readable) to the left of the file name, then just change the permissions. Add "read" permissions for all.
$ sudo chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
-Finally, if you didn't do it earlier, now's a good time to do this. Make sure the ADB folders are in your global PATH. This is so that you can use the ADB commands anywhere in the system, no matter what folder you're currently in.
-Return to your home folder.
$ cd
NOTE: In the linux command line, simply typing "cd" & pressing enter will bring you right back to your Home folder.
-There's a hidden file called ".bash_profile" in your home folder. You can see it if you LIST ALL:
$ ls -a
-Your global PATH is defined in there. Let's edit it to add the ADB folders.
$ nano .bash_profile
-You'll see that there's already one line in there with 2 entries that look like this:
You can use that as your example as to what the format should look like. The line begins with
Then there are 2 entries, with each entry separated by a colon. Each entry must be separated by a colon and NO space.
is one entry, &
is the other entry. Now, we want to add our 2 ADB folders to the list. You can either add each path to your folder separated by a colon & no space, like the example, or you can start your own line. I always like to start my own line underneath that one. So, for example, here's what my new line looks like:
-Everyone likes to use different folder names. Remember to use the proper path of where you put your folders in.
-Save & exit the file. That's it. Now, reboot your computer, plug in your android device, & test it out. You should be able to type "adb devices" from any folder, & the computer should be able to see it now.
-For me, this was the hardest part of the whole process, as there wasn't a lot of help on how to do this for Fedora with KDE. Whatever few guides for Fedora I found out there were usually missing something here & there. My goal is to change that & help everyone. I've gone through this multiple times now, including multiple reinstalls of Fedora 18 from scratch.
-You'll need to install lots of drivers & libraries.
NOTE: Use Apper, the software management program, to look up drivers & libs. Apper will show you many different files that have the name that you typed in, whereas yum won't. Personally, I like to look things up with Apper so I can get lots of hits, & then actually download them by typing them in manually with yum. Yum shows you what it's actually doing behind the scenes while it's downloading things, whereas Apper doesn't. If yum gets stuck & hangs, you can actually see what's going on, whereas Apper won't show you anything & will just leave you wondering what's going on.
NOTE: I have found it to be a good idea to always look for the development (-devel) version of anything that you have to install. Not everything has a development version, but some do. For example, if you look up "flex" in Apper, you'll see that there's also a "flex-devel". Be sure to download them both.
-Here is what I went by:
-I used the lists on the fedora page, & I also used the lists of required packages for Ubuntu 10.04 & 12.04. I chose to try a build for Samsung Galaxy Nexus, since that's what I have. While going through the Ubuntu lists, you must keep in mind that some of these packages don't exist for Fedora, & many others do exist with slightly different names. It is best to spend some time & look them up 1 at a time using Apper. For example, typing "libxml2-utils" into Apper shows nothing, but typing in "libxml2" shows results. Finally, whatever you still can't find, you must google search it. For example, google search = "fedora libxml2-utils" You'll get clues & answers from what other people have already found about them. I mainly used the Ubuntu lists of necessary libs to download. So, without further ado, here's everything that I did that works for me...
$ sudo yum install git gnupg gnupg2 flex flex-devel bison bison-devel gperf gcc gcc-c++ make automake kernel-devel zip curl zlib zlib-devel glibc glibc-devel ncurses ncurses-devel xulrunner xulrunner-devel libX11 libX11-common libX11-devel xorg-x11-proto-devel readline readline-devel mesa-libGL mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libGLU
NOTE: You won't need mingw32 & tofrodos.
$ sudo yum install python-markdown libxml2 libxml2-devel libxslt libxslt-devel perl perl-devel perl-Switch SDL SDL-devel wxGTK wxGTK-devel squashfs-tools pngcrush schedtool
NOTE: If you installed Fedora with the options for development programs, than some of these will be installed already. This list may be a slight bit of overkill, but I purposely wrote down everything anyway, so that way nobody misses anything. I went through hell when figuring this out, so it's better to be safe than sorry.
NOTE: If you've been doing everything logged in as superuser, be sure to exit su when you're not installing things anymore. If you create directories as root user, you won't have permissions to access them under your own name, unless you manually change the permissions. Other permissions issues can arise too.
-After all this, it's just a matter of installing the directories & repo, & following the remaining directions on the CyanogenMod Wiki build guide page. I wanted to sync up with the Jellybean branch, so as an example, I set my directories up like this:
mkdir Android-Development/Builds/bin
mkdir Android-Development/Builds/CM10.1_Jellybean
-Whenever I download the repo command, I do it like this:
curl > ~/Android-Development/Builds/bin/repo
-You'll need to add this to your global PATH as well, so be sure to do that, then log out & back in again, or reboot to make it active. Do that, & then continue.
-Then, I go inside the CM10.1_Jellybean folder to do the repo init. (Get ready for repo sync. That takes hours!!!)
-That's pretty much it. : ) Be sure to read through the sites & all their instructions & guides to help you understand everything.
!!!WARNING!!! Here is what I mentioned all the way at the beginning. Please don't forget the most important thing of all: those damn hidden ".directory" files. Any time you change the folder views in Dolphin File Manager, it places a hidden ".directory" file in that folder. THESE HIDDEN FILES WILL DESTROY YOUR BUILD!!! I went through hell with this, trying to figure out what was going on. I always set up the Android folders to show in "details" view mode, so that they're easier to see. Every time I tried to build, it would build for 5 or 10 minutes, & then fail, citing errors in java. I eventually realized that the ".directory" files were the cause of all the problems.
If you change the folder views, you need to get rid of those hidden ".directory" files. You'll have to do it in terminal. A good way to do it is by using the "find" command to find them all, & then pipe the output of that into the "rm" command to remove (delete) them all. ("find --help", "man find", google "linux commands find")
The "find" command can find whatever you're looking for in the current directory, & in all of its sub-directories as well. With the "rm" command, you can also use the "v" option. "V" stands for "verbose". It will show you everything that is being done, as it's being done. As an example, here's how I do it on my computer:
$ cd ~/Android-Development/Builds/CM10.1_Jellybean
$ find -name .directory -exec rm -v '{}' \;
That will find all of the ".directory" files & delete them all. It works pretty fast too. With the "v" option, it will show you what's going, while it's happening, as well. So, if you're like me & think that it's much easier to see huge lists of folders in "details" view mode, feel free to set it for the current directory & all sub-directories as well. However, DON'T FORGET TO DELETE all of the ".directory" files before you start building, or your build WILL FAIL!!!
Well, as you can see, you can customize some things to your liking. There's plenty of learning involved, so be ready to spend lots of time with everything. Good luck, & have fun!!!
Now, I'd like to add a personal note. After all this, I'm able to build Android from source with no problem now. However, I tried porting CyanogenMod & building ClockworkMod recovery for some Ainol Tab that I have. Long story short, in the end, it didn't work. I learned about having to build your own device tree, & I found myself completely lost in a sea of xml & java that I didn't understand at all. That's when I realized how much I don't know. It's also when I quickly realized the good advice of cyanogen himself...
"... Here's my advice for those looking to make their own Android ROMs.. Stop. Write an app or two first, learn how the system works from a developer standpoint. Learn some Java. ..."
His advice is dead on accurate. Now I know why he says the things he said. I have no previous experience with java, or any other programming language. In trying to do these things, I found myself completely lost in code that I didn't understand at all. How can I possibly mess around with entire ROMs when I don't even know what's going on under the hood???
Since then, I've been concentrating most of my spare time learning java. It's a bit overwhelming to say the least, but I am getting it now. Recently, I took a peek back at all the code that confused me before, & I'm actually starting to understand it all now. I'm no longer lost. Studying java (& xml) is actually working, & quite well too. I can personally confirm cyanogen's advice to be spot on, & well worth listening to.
So, in conclusion, if you're wanting to get into messing around with ROMs & stuff, but you have no programming experience, I think it would be best to take cyanogen's advice & start at the higher levels first. Learn some java (& xml), & learn to build a simple app or two for Android. You'll better learn how the system works that way. That's what I'm doing now, & it's really working for me. Doing this should help you out with ROMs, & app development too. Well, I hope this is helpful to everybody looking to get into all this stuff. Good luck, & have fun!!!
Glad I'm not the only Fedora user building android around here. I admit, I'm no good at java, but I have really only been focusing on kernel stuff for my device. Good luck to anyone using this.
XirXes said:
Glad I'm not the only Fedora user building android around here. I admit, I'm no good at java, but I have really only been focusing on kernel stuff for my device. Good luck to anyone using this.
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I guess different people will have different experiences depending on what kind of knowledge they have. For me, I ran into trouble when I tried to port CyanogenMod to a different device on my own. I found that my knowledge was not quite up to par. Studying java is helping me in regards to both ROM development, & app development as well. It's just what I need because I also want to make games.
Very nice guide. I can tell you spent a lot of time putting this together. thank you!
I already had a mostly working Android SDK, and was successfully building kernels for my Ainol Elf2. However, I was never able to build the Elf2 ported version (by Christian Troy) of Cyanogen 10. Perhaps after starting over with my Java installs, this will work now. I have had the Android SDK installed for quite some time, but after v4.2, it would no longer update itself. Now it does.
Not that I want to use 4.2 on my Elf2. I hate they dropped Bluez and now USB Bluetooth dongles no longer work. That is a show stopper for my Elf2. However, my newly purchased Samsung GS3 might benefit nicely. I plan on starting to build a new kernel for this tonight.
BTW, I am still on Fedora 14 32bit, because I also hate Gnome 3 and the latest KDE's as well. My F14 is still kicking along just fine, with updates manually compiled by me.
Nice Job!
Thanks for sharing!! Good job!!
lexridge said:
Very nice guide. I can tell you spent a lot of time putting this together. thank you!
I already had a mostly working Android SDK, and was successfully building kernels for my Ainol Elf2. However, I was never able to build the Elf2 ported version (by Christian Troy) of Cyanogen 10. Perhaps after starting over with my Java installs, this will work now. I have had the Android SDK installed for quite some time, but after v4.2, it would no longer update itself. Now it does.
Not that I want to use 4.2 on my Elf2. I hate they dropped Bluez and now USB Bluetooth dongles no longer work. That is a show stopper for my Elf2. However, my newly purchased Samsung GS3 might benefit nicely. I plan on starting to build a new kernel for this tonight.
BTW, I am still on Fedora 14 32bit, because I also hate Gnome 3 and the latest KDE's as well. My F14 is still kicking along just fine, with updates manually compiled by me.
Nice Job!
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Thanks!!! Yes, I did spend quite a bit of time on it. I always try to do everything as perfect as I can.
What a coincidence... It was messing around with my Ainol Novo7 Crystal tab that really pushed me into this journey of learning. I think that one & the Elfii are almost the same. That Christian Troy guy seems to be an absolute Linux master. I hope I can be as good as him someday.
I think many people should use Fedora. It may not be so easy for beginners, but the more people that help by writing helpful guides for different things, the easier it will be to transition to. It's really great. I even run it on my little Acer Aspire One A522 netbook with no problems.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
PotatotreeSoft said:
Thanks for sharing!! Good job!!
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Thank you!!! I hope it helps many people.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Thanks for "going the extra mile" (x10!) and taking the time to lay out such a well-organized procedure. Describing potential pitfalls is quite valuable as well. Sharing learning experiences helps everyone. And good luck with Java.
!!!WARNING!!! Here is what I mentioned all the way at the beginning. Please don't forget the most important thing of all: those damn hidden ".directory" files. Any time you change the folder views in Dolphin File Manager, it places a hidden ".directory" file in that folder. THESE HIDDEN FILES WILL DESTROY YOUR BUILD!!! I went through hell with this, trying to figure out what was going on. I always set up the Android folders to show in "details" view mode, so that they're easier to see. Every time I tried to build, it would build for 5 or 10 minutes, & then fail, citing errors in java. I eventually realized that the ".directory" files were the cause of all the problems.
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You can disable this via:
Menu: Settings > Configure Dolphin > General > Behaviour and set it to common view for all folders. Found here
hi, im stuck ins this step
curl > ~/Android-Development/Builds/bin/repo
how can i make this work??
what im missing??
sorry and thanks
plmosqueda said:
hi, im stuck ins this step
curl > ~/Android-Development/Builds/bin/repo
how can i make this work??
what im missing??
sorry and thanks
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Oh, hello. Sorry, I've been away for a very long time. It's cause I'm so busy trying to fix my screwed up life.
Were you still having trouble with this??? Does anything happen at all when you type the command??? I haven't done this in quite a long time now, but if I remember right, I think that this command looks like it doesn't do anything, but it really does. Be sure to check your folders for the repo command afterwards. Curl is a program you can use for downloading things. As long as you have it installed, it should at least tell you something when you type it in. By the way, nice Gameboy.
3ndymion218 said:
Oh, hello. Sorry, I've been away for a very long time. It's cause I'm so busy trying to fix my screwed up life.
Were you still having trouble with this??? Does anything happen at all when you type the command??? I haven't done this in quite a long time now, but if I remember right, I think that this command looks like it doesn't do anything, but it really does. Be sure to check your folders for the repo command afterwards. Curl is a program you can use for downloading things. As long as you have it installed, it should at least tell you something when you type it in. By the way, nice Gameboy.
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Done XD, i was having ṕroblems with the global path. Well in now in Arch. All works fine, im trying to make a custon recovery for alcatel Ot 983
A bit late to the party but just found this great guide , too bad I didnt find it one year ago It took me almost a full day to figure all this out using Eclipse Kepler to dl the sdk and Nano to write new rules (had to find the rules...) ...
But all in all once you have done it one time seems to me the process is more straitfoward than with a comparable ubuntu system
this well written guide deserves more publicity!


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THIS GUIDE HAS BEEN FEATURED ON XDA-PORTAL :highfive: .....still any doubt about this Mind blowing guide ?? ​​
Whenever you create an android app or when you develop an Rom , it is important that you must deliver GOOD QUALITY APP or ROM , that are rid of Bugs ..Eventually you might come across a situation when your APP or ROM isn't working or it is bricking the device or some things are not working .These situation can be tackled only with a proper debugging tools ..So ADB ( android debug bridge) is a powerful Debugging tool and a tool which allows us to step through each line of code and examine the value of each variable.It offers us some of the powerful tools ..Debugging is not a big deal for the people who come from a JAVA programming background .Dalvik VM in android supports java debug wire protocol to attach to the device over ADB
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ADB​ADB or ANDROID DEBUG BRIDGE is a command-line utility that is often used to communicate over the debug channel with a connected phone or virtual device (emulator). ADB can control your device over USB from a computer, copy files back and forth, install and uninstall apps, run shell commands, and more...
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1) Install Java JDK :-​Before installing the Android SDK, you’ll have to install Oracle’s Java development kit. You can download it from here...(click me !!)
Even if you already have the Java runtime (JRE) installed, you’ll need to install the JDK as well.
After installing Java JDK , you can now download the Android SDK from Google .
NOTE:- If you see a any type of Java-related error during installation, then download and install the x86 version of the JDK, not the x64 one ..
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2) Installing android SDK:-​Download Android SDK from here...(click me !!!)
After clicking on "DOWNLOAD FOR OTHER PLATFORMS" , you will get an extended menu ..
After downloading the .exe file , then Double click on the .exe file and install it in C:\ Drive or on whichever drive you wanna install .
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3) Android SDK Setup
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Once the Android SDK is downloaded and installed, launch the SDK Manager application from your Start menu.
Enable the Android SDK tools and SDK Platform-tools checkbox and click the Install button. This downloads and installs the platform-tools package, which contains ADB and other utilities.
After installing these packages , Go to the place where you installed ANDROID SDK . IN MY CASE , IT IS :-
C:\Program files(x86)l\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools
If you used a different install location, you’ll find ADB in the platform-tools directory,inside your ANDROID-SDK directory .
Browse to platform tools and hold Shift and right-click inside it, and select Open command window here...
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Note :- To use ADB with your Android device
1) you must enable USB debugging on it. You’ll find this option under Developer Options on your device’s Settings screen
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2)You must install your device drivers :- Individual OEM USB drivers for windows are available for each manufacturer and are listed in the official document ..
After you have downloaded you device drivers, then we have to install on our pc. for that :-
a) connect the device to the computer
b) right click on MY COMPUTER and click manage
c) go to devices > other devices and right click on device and select update driver software.
d) you should see an option to " BROWSE MY COMPUTER FOR DRIVER SOFTWARE" , which you nedd to click on and point to the location of your device driver installation file..​
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To test whether ADB is working properly, connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable and run the following command:
adb devices
Now it will show the devices connected
Now you have sucessfully installed ADB and now we are good to go further..​
Logcat is the command to view the internal logs of the Android system. Viewing logs is often the best way to diagnose a problem, and is required for many issues. This way you'll find out what apps are doing in the background without you noticing.
Now type this in the terminal
adb logcat -v long > logcat.txt
adb logcat > logcat.txt
you shall have a log file called name of logcat.txt inside your ADB folder.
adb install C:\package.apk
– Installs the package located at C:\package.apk on your computer on your device.
EG -adb install G:\xda.apk
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adb uninstall
– Uninstalls the package with from your device.
EG :- you’d use the name com.quoordy.xdadevelopers to uninstall the Xda developers app.
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adb push C:\file /sdcard/file
– Pushes a file from your computer to your device. the command here pushes the file located at C:\file on your computer to /sdcard/file on your device .
EG :-adb push G:\system\framework\framework-res.apk /system/framework
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adb pull /sdcard/file C:\file
– Pulls a file from your device to your computer – works like adb push, but in reverse. EG :-adb pull /system/app G:\rom\system\app\
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adb logcat
– View your Android device’s log. Can be useful for debugging apps.
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adb shell
– Gives you an interactive Linux command-line shell on your device.
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adb shell command
– Runs the specified shell command on your device.
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doctor_droid said:
When you guys are experimenting on a custom rom (i.e. nightlies, betas, RC's, "just cooked", etc.), it's very likely that your phone might not boot correctly, fear not and instead, try using ADB there are loads of guides regarding how to properly set-up your PC for using ADB, starting by the Android SDK's page itself lol
Now, to do the said logcat, open a command window and do:
C:\Users\Dark> cd \\sdk\platform-tools [Hit ENTER!]
C:\\sdk\plarform-tools> adb.exe devices (just to make sure your computer detected your phone lol)
C:\\sdk\plarform-tools> adb.exe logcat -v long > somefile.txt (the "-v long" part creates a nicely formatted file )
That's it!! Remember to zip the file if it's too big
Another tip: Some phones are very catchy when under heavy issues (like mine ) in those cases, timing is essential between rebooting and getting your log, however!!! The adb logcat command makes sure to wait for the device to get detected
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2. Enable USB debugging.
3. Install Wireless ADB from the play store
4. Activate it .
5. In your computer, open a command line (cmd.exe for windows), go to ADB's directory and type:
adb connect
Keep in mind that the port (the :5555 part) is optional, the 5555 is the default one, usually you don't need to change it, unless you're using it
6. That's it ..!!
credits: @El_Dark
The Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDMS) as it is known is one of the application debugging tools that must be a part of every ANDROID app developers's toolkit..This is very very useful to the app developers.Its is a very powerful debugging tool environment and offers various unparalleled debugging features like heap information , logcat monitoring , file manager.It is available by default in ECLIPSE IDE environment or even in the ANDROID SDK.It works on top of ADB for device communication..
DDMS can be stated as a standalone application as part of ANDROID DEVICE MONITOR.The Android Device Monitor is a standalone which can be used in case you do not use the eclipse development environment , though the integration with Eclipse is something that other IDE'S could be envious of.​
Now let's learn about its components and it's use's
DDMS offers a set of view components , each of which show relevant information related to the connected Emulator.
The device panel shows the details of each process that are running in the connected device.There are various operations that can be performed from this panel.
Each of the icons present in this panel performs the functions as follow's :
Debug Process Icon :- It show's the state of connection of the debugger.
Update Heap :-Clicking on this enables Heap information for the process so that we do not have to do memory deallocation manually.
Dump HPROF :- Generates a Heap Dump , useful for tracing memory leaks in your app.
Cause GC :-Invokes the Garbage collector to collect heap data.
Update thread :-Show's the information about the running thread in the thread tad for selected process
Start Method Profiling :- Tracks the metric's related a method. It collects information like the amount of time taken to execute a method,number of calls.
Stop Process :-Stops the currently selected process.
Screen Capture :- Takes a screenshot of whatever is displayed on the screen.
Reset ADB :- Ast he name suggets,it resets ADB.
THREAD'S :-​The thread tab on the right of devices view shows informatiom related to the thread for each process selected in the devices view.The information shown can described as follows.
ID :- A unique ID assigned to each thread dby Dalvik V,, which are only odd numbers that start from 3 .
Tid :-The linux thread associated with each thread , ehich matches the process ID for each main thread in a process.
Status :- Status of the thread in VM , out of daemons are marked with an asterix.other values can be among running?sleeping/init/starting.
HEAP​ :-
the heap view show a information and statistics about memory heap .To view heap usage,follow these below steps
From the devices view,select the process for heap usage which has to be examined.
click on update heap
From heap Tab , select Cause GC to enable collecting heap data
Everytime you need to update your heap statistics.This will show you the amount of memory allocated to each
ALLOCATION TRACKER​The allocation Tracker show a real time information about allocation happening in the application over a certain period of time.To enable allocation Tracking.
[*]select the process to be tracked from device panel
[*]click on start tracking from allocation tracker tab.
[*]perform any actions on the devices or emulator that you want to be tracked.
[*]click on Get Allocations objects, since tracking was enabled .
The network tab allows you to track and optimize the amount of network data your app is using.It even allows you to tag network sockets so that you can differentiate between types of data .It will indicate the speed and amount of data received /transmitted ..
EMULATOR CONTROL :-​One problem with testing Android devices using an emulator or developer device is the fact that it is unable to examine the performance of the app in the reak world conditions . like call or SMS is received/sent or when a particular location is reached.To be specific the emulator Tab allows you to to emulate the following real world conditions :
Telephony Status :- the following options are available to set the status of phones network.
Voice :- unregistered,home,roaming,searching,denied.
Data :- unregistered,home,roaming,searching,denied.
Latency :- GPRS,UMTS
Telephony Actions :- Telephony actions allow you to spoof the network.
Location Settings ;- Emulator control allows you to sppof the location
FILE EXPLORER :-​As the name says it lets you view the directory and file structure if the device and lso easily copy files to and from the emulator so as to enable easy data transfer in a manner similiar to ADB or ADB pull command.
SYSTEM INFORMATION :-​As the name says , it give's us the particular information about the GPU load , CPU load....
Happy Developing and learning ​
Google inc.
@Nabs Zains
if i forgot you , just PM me .. i will be very glad to add it ..
How to Remount system partition as R/W
Go into Platform tools which can be found in your Android folder..
Hold shift button and right click ..Select "open cmd window here" in the pop-up window ...
first type
adb shell
Get Root Privileges ..
then type
mount grep system
and then you'll get
mount grep system
Usage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
Here fill the above command with neccesary system partition,appropriate device path and mount point ..Like
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs /dev/block/stl12 /system
This is how it looks :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb shell
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
$ su
# mount grep system
mount grep system
Usage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
nice one added to Guide Ride
Excellent guide! :good:
:laugh: COOL finnaly i found some tutorial
thx :good:
Nice guide. But you may wanna fix the problem.txt bit in the logcat part. It should be logcat.txt.
Thank you to you all ,for showering me with you best wishes.
sgt. meow said:
Nice guide. But you may wanna fix the problem.txt bit in the logcat part. It should be logcat.txt.
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i will edit , just a second .thnk you for you little help.
nice guide bro...very good work...:good:
That's weird I posted a reply but it didn't actually post it on the forums, this should help a lot of new comers that have never really had a tut that explain ADB , even the more advanced users miss simple things.
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
can make a guide for Wireless ADB?
My device doesnt show up in the list....i do flashing on this system and everything else
Excellent guide. thank you. I was always under the impression that eclispe needs to be install to get ddms coz I saw ddms when I installed eclipse 2 yrs back. Good to know we can do it without eclispe.
Thanks alot.
shift + right click
ok when i click shift + right click i dont get to open a cmd window help.
My computer
Microsoft windows xp
media center edtition, version 2002, service pack 3.
I was reading this but i got no where.
ravvio said:
My device doesnt show up in the list....i do flashing on this system and everything else
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please reinstall the drivers... and restart the computer.
if it still doen't work . follow this thread : - click me ..!!
don't download any firware from there,they aren't for your device .. just try what it is said there .. !!
mattoaida said:
ok when i click shift + right click i dont get to open a cmd window help.
My computer
Microsoft windows xp
media center edtition, version 2002, service pack 3.
I was reading this but i got no where.
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Are you sure.. ??
please reinstall the drivers... and restart the computer.
if it still doen't work . follow this thread : - click me ..!!
don't download any firware from there,they aren't for your device .. just try what it is said there .. !!
Are you sure.. ??
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Yes I am 100% sure, even read that article and can someone else running windows xp try shift right click
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
mattoaida said:
Yes I am 100% sure, even read that article and can someone else running windows xp try shift right click
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
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Same here
EXCELLENT POST! This will come in very handy. Thank you.
mattoaida said:
Yes I am 100% sure, even read that article and can someone else running windows xp try shift right click
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
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vladimirheroj said:
Same here
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Sorry guys i can't help you ...i don't know what's with that WINDOWS XP ..Please wait for some time,i will see if i can get some help for you both guys .
Thank you,

[Guide]Suggestion For S-off On 1.55 HBoot Using Ubuntu---Step by step with pictures

I see so many having problems trying to get S-off on the 1.55 HBoot. Some have had none but I've posted this response so many times I thought I'd make my own post and hopefully people's searches will direct them here and it helps them.
I am no developer or coder or anything but a techno junkie. I have no linux experience except what I've taught myself so be sure if this 47 year old, self taught mother can do this then anyone can.
Just take your time, pay attention to what you're doing, and read everything before you hit go.
I had no luck with rumrunner on Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. Drivers were never right. Couldn't get rid of HTC one sync. So I finally got myself
(1) a copy of 32bit Ubuntu. NOT 64!!
(2) no need to install-boot into it as if trying it (IMAGE 3)
(3) grab rumrunner for Ubuntu (linux)
(4) drivers NOT needed
(5) turn off fastboot (IMAGE 2) You should also turn off any lockscreen security....
(6) turn on USB debugging in development settings (IMAGE 1) You should also turn off any lockscreen securtiy
(7) run rumrunner (instructions are on the rumrunner site) paying attention in case extra permissions are required by superuser (See Ubuntu section below)
(8) sat back and watched the magic. Worked the first time.
I know others have had zero issues but some of us have had nothing but nightmares. This is who I'm sharing this for.
I hope it helps... Even just one!
Have fun all!
Image 3- Boot into Ubuntu
Image 4- Download Linux version of rumrunner
Image 5- Extract Rumrunner (Right click on the zip and select extract here...I left it in the Downloads folder)
Image 6- Inside the extracted Rumrunner file
Image 7- Open Terminal in Ubuntu (Top left gear like symbol, click it and a search bar will appear, start typing terminal, it will appear below the bar, just select it)
Image 8- You need to install adb fastboot these are the instructions you need to type in the terminal you just opened. Type one line at a time and press enter after each. Allow Ubuntu to do it's stuff.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
Image 9-12 Shows how the terminal should look as it finds, downloads and install the appropriate files.
Image 13- After the downloads are finish you can check to make sure things were installed correctly. Type “adb” and your screen should look like this
Image 14- Type “fastboot” and this is the information that should appear.
Image 15- To make sure your device is seen type “adb devices” and it should show devices with a serial number.
Image 16- Now make your way in the terminal to your downloads folder and into the rumrunner folder by typing the following BOLDED commands in the terminal
[email protected]:~$ cd Downloads
[email protected]:~/Downloads$ cd rumrunner_HTC_0.5.0
[email protected]:~/Downloads/rumrunner_HTC_0.5.0$
(This line simply indicates you are in the rumrunner folder)
Image 17- Now you need to run the command to get the party is in bold
[email protected]:~/Downloads/rumrunner_HTC_0.5.0$ sudo ./soju
Image 18- Confirm you understand what it is you're doing or at the very least you are willing and accept the risks by typing “Yes”. It must be “Yes”. It will not accept yes, y, ok or anything else. The Y must be a captial.
Image 19- After you type Yes the second time things get under way. Be patient. It may take a bit of time. Just pay attention in case you are asked for extra permissions.
Image 20- S-Off verification
After the second Yes rumrunner does it's can take a while. Be patient. Pay attention in case you need to give permission. DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE until you either get the ok or are told it failed.
This is as clear as I can be and I hope it makes it even easier....
Suggested by @chp , you may need to go into software centre (selected by opening the search bar again and typing software centre), edit tab, software resources and making sure that "Community-maintained free and open-source software (universe)" is selected.
tobesedated said:
I see so many having problems trying to get S-off on the 1.55 HBoot.
Some have had none but I've posted this response so many times I thought I'd make my own post and hopefully people's searches will direct them here and it helps them.
I had no luck with rumrunner on Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. Drivers were never right. Couldn't get rid of HTC one sync. So I finally got myself
(1) a copy of 32bit Ubuntu. NOT 64!!
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I like what your doing here
the instructions on the rumrunner site are very vague and it took me quit sometime just to figure those things out when you know very little about linux.
original post updated with more concise instructions and pictures.....the easiest way to show the steps i took​
Removed an extra picture that may have caused confusion
tobesedated said:
Removed an extra picture that may have caused confusion
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nice work :good:
just a question, you didnt even need to install adb & fastboot?
nkk71 said:
nice work :good:
just a question, you didnt even need to install adb & fastboot?
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OMG!! Yes I did...and now I shall update for that as well...Thank you so much for ponting that out
tobesedated said:
OMG!! Yes I did...and now I shall update for that as well...Thank you so much for ponting that out
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Keep up the good work , and thanks for helping!!!
in case this helps save you some time:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
nkk71 said:
Keep up the good work , and thanks for helping!!!
in case this helps save you some time:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
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Awesome thanks and I just went through a partial run of rumrunner's so I could get the screenshots lol
And it's my pleasure
Op updated!!
Original post has been updated. Added instructions to download and install adb and fastboot in Ubuntu. More pics too LOL YAY!!
Good luck everyone...feel free to hit thanks if you get anything out of this​
[email protected]:~/Downloads/rumrunner_HTC_0.5.0$ sudo ./sujo
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you have mistyped command, the right is: sudo ./soju
janda said:
you have mistyped command, the right is: sudo ./soju
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Thank you for pointing that out... Correcting it now
Sent from my LG-D803 using xda app-developers app
Nice work on this guide and thanks for taking the time to write it up
By the way, I've moved this into General as it's more suited there and won't get buried within the forum quite as quickly
- KidCarter93
Forum Moderator
KidCarter93 said:
Nice work on this guide and thanks for taking the time to write it up
By the way, I've moved this into General as it's more suited there and won't get buried within the forum quite as quickly
- KidCarter93
Forum Moderator
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Thank you... I wondered where it went lol
Sent from my LG-D803 using xda app-developers app
Fixed the incorrect soju command
Sent from my LG-D803 using xda app-developers app
how is this working on 64b ubuntu as im all ready rocking 13.10 on my laptop and dont want to reinstall just for this
skedone said:
how is this working on 64b ubuntu as im all ready rocking 13.10 on my laptop and dont want to reinstall just for this
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You don't have to install... You select try from a disc. You can try on 64 but according to rumrunner site it isn't supported. Doesn't mean it won't work just that if it doesn't they can't help you
Sent from my LG-D803 using xda app-developers app
I just ran through this myself, after having no luck in Windows. One thing that's missing... you need to enable 'universe' in Software Center.
Open dash and type software center
On the Edit menu, select Software Sources and enable "Community-maintained free and open-source software (universe)"
Then, you'll be able to install the android tools.
chp said:
I just ran through this myself, after having no luck in Windows. One thing that's missing... you need to enable 'universe' in Software Center.
Open dash and type software center
On the Edit menu, select Software Sources and enable "Community-maintained free and open-source software (universe)"
Then, you'll be able to install the android tools.
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Thanks for that in case anyone needs to do this... I didn't. I followed exactly as in my OP but this is a good to know in case someone runs into issues.
Sent from my LG-D803 using xda app-developers app
Original Post updated to include a suggestion by @chp ...thank you. And a little rant by me lol
Have a good one all!!​
chp said:
I just ran through this myself, after having no luck in Windows. One thing that's missing... you need to enable 'universe' in Software Center.
Open dash and type software center
On the Edit menu, select Software Sources and enable "Community-maintained free and open-source software (universe)"
Then, you'll be able to install the android tools.
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tobesedated said:
Original Post updated to include a suggestion by @chp ...thank you. And a little rant by me lol
Have a good one all!!​
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I think that's needed for 13.10 right? on 12.04 LTS, the other repository should work fine. (at least it does for me)

CUSPTECH Android Headunit

Hi All
I thought I'd open up an new Thread regarding the Cusptech Android head units that are very similar to the S150 units but fundamentally different.
Here is the link to download firmware for the units.
Official Firmware
Unofficial Android 4 Firmware.
Please let me know if you want any more added about this unit
Well, I'm a little bit sad that this unit doesn't have a unique CPU like the others. That was really the easiest differentiator. I guess we'll need more information about this one in comparison with the S150 to make it easy to differentiate between the two.
Do you actually have this unit? Because if you do, I'd like for you to run a few apps to verify specifications and make it easier to create a dedicate wiki page for it.
donaldta said:
Well, I'm a little bit sad that this unit doesn't have a unique CPU like the others. That was really the easiest differentiator. I guess we'll need more information about this one in comparison with the S150 to make it easy to differentiate between the two.
Do you actually have this unit? Because if you do, I'd like for you to run a few apps to verify specifications and make it easier to create a dedicate wiki page for it.
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Yes I do, which apps you want me to run?
donaldta said:
Well, I'm a little bit sad that this unit doesn't have a unique CPU like the others. That was really the easiest differentiator. I guess we'll need more information about this one in comparison with the S150 to make it easy to differentiate between the two.
Do you actually have this unit? Because if you do, I'd like for you to run a few apps to verify specifications and make it easier to create a dedicate wiki page for it.
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This is my unit.
ryrager said:
Yes I do, which apps you want me to run?
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Please install Android System Info. Click on the "System" tab, click on the application (overflow) menu and export results to file. Go through it, its a simple html file in /mnt/sdcard directory and censor any information that want to hide like accounts names and SSID then upload it as an attachment.
Also, if you can install CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier and check the CPU discovered. If it is unspecific or seems misidentified the please sent the report back to Davy Bartoloni. He's very good at identifying the exact processor and can usually give you feedback within 48 hours. A screenshot would also be nice.
donaldta said:
Please install Android System Info. Click on the "System" tab, click on the application (overflow) menu and export results to file. Go through it, its a simple html file in /mnt/sdcard directory and censor any information that want to hide like accounts names and SSID then upload it as an attachment.
Also, if you can install CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier and check the CPU discovered. If it is unspecific or seems misidentified the please sent the report back to Davy Bartoloni. He's very good at identifying the exact processor and can usually give you feedback within 48 hours. A screenshot would also be nice.
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Sorry how do I get to the overflow menu?
donaldta said:
Please install Android System Info. Click on the "System" tab, click on the application (overflow) menu and export results to file. Go through it, its a simple html file in /mnt/sdcard directory and censor any information that want to hide like accounts names and SSID then upload it as an attachment.
Also, if you can install CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier and check the CPU discovered. If it is unspecific or seems misidentified the please sent the report back to Davy Bartoloni. He's very good at identifying the exact processor and can usually give you feedback within 48 hours. A screenshot would also be nice.
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I installed a virtual button app.. and found the overflow menu.... however I cannot see the html file that it creates in that folder.... so I am at a loss. It says it saved the file but I am unable to find it. Thoughts?
ryrager said:
I installed a virtual button app.. and found the overflow menu.... however I cannot see the html file that it creates in that folder.... so I am at a loss. It says it saved the file but I am unable to find it. Thoughts?
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Excellent. I was trying to figure out how you're supposed to be able to trigger it with an app. But, all the ones I found required root and I wasn't sure if you had this access yet.
Anyways, the default file location is the /mnt/sdcard/AndroidSystemInfo directory. The nomencalture of the file should be something like "asi-system-infos-{year#}-{mo#da#}-{pid#}.html"
As for the CPU / RAM / DEVICE Identifier, I noticed that it required detection to be improved. Can you please hit the evaluate button and once it is over there should be a "Send Info" button. This will use your email client to attach a report to the developer, Davy Bartoloni. He'll be able to determine the correct information specific to your unit with 48 hours.
ryrager said:
I installed a virtual button app.. and found the overflow menu.... however I cannot see the html file that it creates in that folder.... so I am at a loss. It says it saved the file but I am unable to find it. Thoughts?
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I haven't seen anything from you in a few days. Were you able to find the file or get confirmation from the Davy?
donaldta said:
I haven't seen anything from you in a few days. Were you able to find the file or get confirmation from the Davy?
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I just rolled back to 2.3.4 to try use those apps because for some reason I couldn't see anywhere where the files were written. so couldn't upload the html file
ryrager said:
I just rolled back to 2.3.4 to try use those apps because for some reason I couldn't see anywhere where the files were written. so couldn't upload the html file
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I wish you would have been more vocal. I could have given you a command to use to find the file with a terminal app, like Terminal Emulator.
$ [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]find /mnt -name asi*[/B][/COLOR]
find: /mnt/secure: Permission denied
find: /mnt/sdcard-ext: Permission denied
As you see above, I use the find "find" command to search for any file or directory name that starts with "asi" from all the subdirectories of /mnt. Because of its id, it cannot traverse through secure or sdcard-ext but it still found the exact path and filename. If you have root access you bypass the permission problems of any subdirectory.
$ [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]su[/B][/COLOR]
# [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]find /mnt -name asi*[/B][/COLOR]
donaldta said:
I wish you would have been more vocal. I could have given you a command to use to find the file with a terminal app, like Terminal Emulator.
$ [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]find /mnt -name asi*[/B][/COLOR]
find: /mnt/secure: Permission denied
find: /mnt/sdcard-ext: Permission denied
As you see above, I use the find "find" command to search for any file or directory name that starts with "asi" from all the subdirectories of /mnt. Because of its id, it cannot traverse through secure or sdcard-ext but it still found the exact path and filename. If you have root access you bypass the permission problems of any subdirectory.
$ [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]su[/B][/COLOR]
# [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]find /mnt -name asi*[/B][/COLOR]
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Yes AndroidSystemInfo folder gets created ... just no content is placed inside it.
ryrager said:
Yes AndroidSystemInfo folder gets created ... just no content is placed inside it.
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Can you maybe try it again but use the terminal emulator to find the file? Maybe show me the output of "ls -l -d /mnt/sdcard/AndroidSystemInfo/" and "ls -l /mnt/sdcard/AndroidSystemInfo/" commands? Btw, do you have root access on this device? Sometimes you cannot see the file because of the app's ID is different from the one that you are using to locate it.
Hi all,
finally a thread for the Cusptech Navigation devices, YAY
I own one that i purchased mid last year. Unfortunately I must say it is really buggy. I would love to get CN MOD on them instead of stock "garbage".
As I am a little bit techy, I already gathered some Infos about the Navi:
The devices are based on Mainboards created by cusptech and sntron ( The Mainboard incorporates different Modules/Interfaces for Bluetooth, FM-Radio, DVB-T Television and DVD. The Modules are controlled through Android Apps (SNT-FM, SNT-BT and so on). There is a main hardware audioswitch on the Mainboard that switches the sound between the different Interfaces(from BT to FM to Android Media...). Unfortunately the Output levels are not all equal. For example in my case, the BT and FM-Radio is way louder than Android Media. I already tried to access the Volume Control through Tasker, sadly Tasker has only control of the Android Media Sound. The BT-Module is not as usually found on android devices, it is fully controlled by the SNT Software and is not accessible through android itself in the settings nor can one send files through it for example. The sound quality of the BT-Interface is not really good and the Software itself is buggy and often crashes. I don't use it anymore.
I will install Android System Info and if i can find the files I put them here. Btw. I am using 2.3.4 because android 4 is still in early beta. As I know the device is rooted, at least that's what Root-Checker tells me. Although sometimes, some apps are complaining about missing root rights, like Tasker. I don't know why.
tobias.s said:
I will install Android System Info and if i can find the files I put them here.
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Thanks, I appreciate it.
tobias.s said:
Btw. I am using 2.3.4 because android 4 is still in early beta. As I know the device is rooted, at least that's what Root-Checker tells me. Although sometimes, some apps are complaining about missing root rights, like Tasker. I don't know why.
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Well, if you can install a terminal app; like Terminal Emulator, then type "su" and the command prompt changes from "$" to "#" then you have root.
As for your other programs telling you that it cannot access root, that is usually with a problem with mismatched_uid symlinks in the app's /data/data/{}/* directories. The symptom is often caused by an incomplete update where package manager saw a uid mismatch in the settings and file system. So, you may see symlink references like the following.
lib -> /mismatched_uid/settings_10037/fs_1000
The above is showing that PM has found a user id mismatch from the settings "10037" with the apps user files "1000". However, since the /mismatched_uid/settings_10037/fs_1000 directory path doesn't actually exist the app isn't able to use its files. If you have busybox AND a terminal app installed. You can run the following command to see if this is the case with any of the currently installed apps.
$ [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]su[/COLOR][/B]
# [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]find /data/data -type l -exec busybox ls -l {} \; | grep mismatch[/B][/COLOR]
The above command uses find to search through all the apps symlinks and uses long listing to show you their links. Grep is used to filter out for the word "mismatch" to make the list smaller. If the command shows nothing at all then try removing the " | grep mismatch" to get the full output. The fix is pretty easy. Uninstall the program make sure its directory in /data/data/{} is gone then reinstall.
Wow thank you for the Input. Will try it tomorrow and keep you informed.
Today my Tasker crashed after using Google Maps. Unfortunately Maps is not quit stable on the device. Seems that Android is trying to close Tasker and ban it from the status bar. Even with correct Configuration in Tasker. Must check this because I created a Profile which controls the Backlight of the unit based on Sunset/Sunrise and location. Anyway.
Attached is the file that I found in /sdcard/AndroidSystemInfo/ . Just black labled the IMEI and MAC.
tobias.s said:
Attached is the file that I found in /sdcard/AndroidSystemInfo/ . Just black labled the IMEI and MAC.
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Excellent. But, you might have to post it on a file sharing host; like Dropbox, Skydrive or Google Drive. I think you need to have at least 10 posts before you can post attachments and linkable URLs. You can get around the URL parser by just surrounding the URL with underscores; like _ which will allow you to post an non-clickable link that can be copy & pasted into the URL bar of a browser.
(or you can copy and paste the context of the file into a post)
Is the attachment now viewable? I reattached it to the post. If not, I would upload it elsewhere.
tobias.s said:
Is the attachment now viewable? I reattached it to the post. If not, I would upload it elsewhere.
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Yes, it is. Thank you very much.
donaldta said:
Yes, it is. Thank you very much.
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Beat me to it...Thanks Tobia.s. I just got latest firmware from Lucy at Cusptech ... think its the same as the one that leaked earlier 20131125

(wakeblocks) to improve battery life

I just want a list of wakeblocks which i should block.....
Nd plz don't give me any link...coz im tired of that all thing....nd don't tell there's already a thread. Bcoz i've read all the thread about battery optimization and wakblocks...........i just want the list...which i should block......bcoz im getting just 4 hour of sot in any stock nougat.......custom roms sot are worse than I'm there any one...who would like to help me.....its my humble request......
Harshseth said:
I just want a list of wakeblocks which i should block.....
Nd plz don't give me any link...coz im tired of that all thing....nd don't tell there's already a thread. Bcoz i've read all the thread about battery optimization and wakblocks...........i just want the list...which i should block......bcoz im getting just 4 hour of sot in any stock nougat.......custom roms sot are worse than I'm there any one...who would like to help me.....its my humble request......
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Every user has different apps, hence different wakelock situation. Every user has different usage behavior, hence different apps to block or not.
Your request isn't really good to answer. And if you really read the big battery guide here on xda, you know what to do.
strongst said:
Every user has different apps, hence different wakelock situation. Every user has different usage behavior, hence different apps to block or not.
Your request isn't really good to answer. And if you really read the big battery guide here on xda, you know what to do.
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1st of all Thnx for the reply......
I tried everything..i thought i can get the list...but unfortunately it is not possible
Harshseth said:
I just want a list of wakeblocks which i should block.....
Nd plz don't give me any link...coz im tired of that all thing....nd don't tell there's already a thread. Bcoz i've read all the thread about battery optimization and wakblocks...........i just want the list...which i should block......bcoz im getting just 4 hour of sot in any stock nougat.......custom roms sot are worse than I'm there any one...who would like to help me.....its my humble request......
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try this shell script.. third party applications installed are stopped from running in background..
copy the provided script into internal storage then
type this commands in adb terminal
step 1: we have first disable all third party applications running in background.. so type this commands..
adb shell
cd /storage/emulated/0
step 2: dump the third party packages list into a txt file into c directory of windows so that we can add exceptions for to allow the app to run in background...
adb shell pm list packages -f > c:\app_list.txt
step 3: Now we have to give access to apps like whatsapp to run in background.. so as to receive notification.
adb shell
cmd appops set com.whatsapp RUN_IN_BACKGROUND allow
com.whatsapp was an example of a package you have replace this package name with whatever apps you wanna allow to run in background..
you can get the package name from the generated app_list.txt file..
***** rename the to
ajaikumarnadar said:
try this shell script.. third party applications installed are stopped from running in background..
copy the provided script into internal storage then
type this commands in adb terminal
step 1: we have first disable all third party applications running in background.. so type this commands..
adb shell
cd /storage/emulated/0
step 2: dump the third party packages list into a txt file into c directory of windows so that we can add exceptions for to allow the app to run in background...
adb shell pm list packages -f > c:\app_list.txt
step 3: Now we have to give access to apps like whatsapp to run in background.. so as to receive notification.
adb shell
cmd appops set com.whatsapp RUN_IN_BACKGROUND allow
com.whatsapp was an example of a package you have replace this package name with whatever apps you wanna allow to run in background..
you can get the package name from the generated app_list.txt file..
***** rename the to
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Can't download the script....tried in uc and chrome everywhere
Harshseth said:
Can't download the script....tried in uc and chrome everywhere
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for pkg in $( pm list packages -3 | cut -d: -f2); do
appops set $pkg RUN_IN_BACKGROUND deny
copy the above and create a txt file and rename it as

