Network Reception Weakened/dead (US996) - LG V20 Questions & Answers

My phone suddenly started having trouble with network reception yesterday. I have relatively poor reception in my area, but I still used to have 2-3/5 bars. Now I have no reception at all. And in other areas it does have reception but I never see it go up to 5 bars. The network bar icon keeps rotating for a while and then just ends with a cross. Today even the mobile networks settings menu option was grayed out until I restarted the phone.
I havent changed anything on the phone. No problems with water or any other hardware damage happened as far as I know. The only recent things that changed were that I got a 4200mah battery (which kinda makes the back cover bulge a bit or pop open easily) and I changed the phone from whatever stock based nougat rom I had been running for the last 1.5 years to a stock based oreo rom. But both these changes happened about a week ago, and everything worked fine until yesterday.
Anyone else had a problem like this or know what this could be? I'm gonna try reinstalling the rom and restoring the previous battery but if these things don't solve it I might have to move on to something else, which I really dont want to do as nothing out there really appeals to me.

Who is your carrier? Which specific model phone do you have?

I also have problems with calling the function on my f800l. At some places, I cant make a phone call but mobile data works just fine. And if i try and keep on calling the network resets.


Network problems or 8525 broken?

I have been having this problem for awhile and thought it would change based on different ROM and radios, but it doesn't.
Strangely I don't remember this happening right when I got the phone, but then again, I might not have noticed, or it might have started after I first reflashed (to the official 8525 update 2.15)
If I leave the phone in the default Auto band select mode, with any ROM and radio (although I never tried going back to the initial shipped one) I get almost every call dropped if I have a 3G signal. It also happens with data. I will be in a call and suddenly the sound both ways will cut out, I look at the phone and the 3G has changed to G. The call won't "end" until I press the end key, but there is no sound either way. The same thing will happen with data like if say I am streaming music. The icon will turn from 3G to G and then eventually reconnect.
If I set it on GSM only, this never (well almost, no dropped calls, but the icon will randomly flash to G now and then... maybe happened like twice) happens and no calls or data connections are dropped.
When I was in Africa I used an Areeba SIM and while the signal was only G (E in Accra, the capital of Ghana) most of the time, I never once had a dropped call.
My phone is in great condition, with a plastic case and what not, and has only been like, really lightly dropped (like fallen out of my pocket when changing or something, maybe a few inches) a couple times, but nothing remotely like bad.
I've noticed that if I set it to WCDMA only, I get only a few dropped calls and data and only if I lose service. Which led me to believe the problem was with switching from 3G to E/G.
I looked around on here and saw that a few other people had dropped calls as well, but can't help but wonder if this is a physical hardware problem or a network problem or a problem with the radio version.
What's weird is that I noticed it happens even in strong 3G areas (I'm in New Jersey) like Long Branch and New York City.
Any ideas?
This is a well documented problem. As you have discovered the solution is to use an application like Danielhererro's Bandswitch application (see commmgrpro) to force it to one band or another. The Hermes is set to constantly swap to strongest band - it does not do this well at all. Even within one room for example the signal can vary from one band being strongest to another. This is not a fault peculiar to your phone!!.

constantly dropping service

I've had my wizard (cingular 8125) for just a little but over a year, but this past month I've had some abnormal issues with it.
I've dropped this phone a few times, but randomly this past month I have noticed a severe amount of service dropping in different forms.
Sometimes I'll be on the phone and it will randomly drop and start searching for a signal, in a well serviced area. Sometimes I'll be texting, and it will have service(2-6bars, enough for texting) but it will refuse to send the message, and when I try to call, it says invalid sim, and I have to reboot.
Sometimes If I am lucky, when the service drops it will pick it up within 20 seconds, it can take up to 5min, and sometimes I have to restart it.
This phone has been stock up untill this problem started (no rom flashing/anything) I tried unlocking it and trying different roms on it recently as a last ditch effort to fix this annoying problem. If anyone knows of a solution to this problem, I'd be really appreciative of it, otherwise im getting a new phone
While my first instinct is to convince you to sell me your otherwise functioning phone on the cheap, I must resort to being the good guy (or else get spanked by the mods...)
There is a registry fix for the kind of signal dropping you're describing. I'm surprised you went for so long without experiencing the problem. I did almost right away when I got mine last year. You should try it first, if you haven't already...
I think this is the one I used:
i don't think its a Rom problem,as signal reception is not depended on the Rom,its an OS,rather its more depended on the Radio Rom (GSM) of the phone.Usually,by upgrading the Radio Rom improves the signal reception quality.Instead of flashing different roms,try to flash different Radio Roms and check if it improves the signal quality.
But,here,I think,perhaps,the problem lies more on the hardware part then the Radio Rom. as you say,it has been dropped a couple of times,it may be the the External Antenna cover has lost proper connection with the Internal antenna connection.Check the fastening clips which snap in to secure the External antenna cover to the internal are properly secured in and have not come off, are not loose or broken,which might be causing it to not having proper connection.
Well i tweaked those settings and tore this baby apart, and honestly the service was dramatically improved for this entire week, untill thursday, when service began dropping and it began to start telling me my sim was invalid. So I'm kinda lost here, it seems no one else has had this type of issue....
And on a sidenote I am unable to connect to gprs or edge to send pictures via mms. I noticed this after I started flashing different roms, so I think its software related. I did however download that .cab package floating around that has all the cingular media net settings. But when I try to send a picture my phone just seems kinda lost lol
I reflashed the rom to the official htc cingular rom, and that fixed the edge/gprs issue, but service is still bad.... Id like to try some different radio roms before totally giving up hope on this thing, but this site has seem to take down its ftp.... anyone have any wizard radio roms uploaded? preferably ones that work well with cingular/ at&t here in the US.... thanks
bump... guess no one has any ideas=(..... but since the ftp is back up ill try some radio roms

Help: Need help figuring if this is a phone issue or carrier issue...

Ok, I've had an 8525 unlocked for about 3 months now... Unlocked and used on t-mobile's network...
Until recently, I've had 0 issues with my phone from what I can remember(now running PDAs v20 windows 6.1 rom)
My problem is, during the day, in my room I recieve any and every phone call that comes in, calls never drop or hang up, BUT the call seems to cut out for about 5-15 seconds and then cut back in.. even though it says I have 4 bars.. in my kitchen with 4 bars, I get all my phone calls, but can't hear people (nor can they hear me at all)... I get emails, and browse the web fine.. but can't use google maps app (can't find my location until I leave lol)
I don't know what's up... at night, when I'm in my room, my phone works fine with no cutting out and in during calls, but during the day, that's when it wants to act all crazy... other t-mobile phones work perfectly fine in my room... my old sidekick also worked fine..
when I'm anywhere else in my city, my phone works fine (even with 2 bars)
I know nothing about how cell phones work when communicating with cell towers so any help someone can give me will be very helpful as I do not want to catch an aneurism calling T-Mobile themselves for help (though I doubt they'll help me since I'm using an unlocked ATT phone on their service lol)
Also... sometimes txt messages come and give me a time like it's in another time-zone... usually this happens when I'm out of state roaming on a different network (Immix in central PA for the most part) but now it seems to be popping up even while I'm home in NY...
any ideas?
seems like some kind of interference near your home...could be a carrier tower or even your TV? You could check with tmob if others in the hood are having day issues...
not sure what radio version u have, but u could try flashing a different one...
I've tried numerous radio's but having the same issues... it's some kind of interference in my house I guess.. I just can't figure out what it is... I called up t-mobile and was embarassed when he said "oh u have an ATT phone" lol he told me to switch sim cards with someone else on t-mobile in my home to see what happened... but.. no progress... I unplugged my wifi router to see if that would help but it didn't
I just find it completely odd that my service craps out on me in my room ONLY during the day... and it never did this when I first got the phone.. I'm completely lost... good news is, it only happens in my house...
Could be someone close by has just invested in a piece of equipment that is causing interference.. Might not be just in your place...
yeah, another thing that MIGHT be causing the interference is that they have been doing a lot of road work in my area... that could also be why it happens during the day but not at night... my kitchen is a different story, but different radio's have gave me different reception... with some radio's... it fades out completely and with others it'll fade out for maybe a second or 2
or it could be my neighbor who recently had a stroke, I guess there might be some machines in there.. who knows
I tried the latest radio and it yielded the best results in my kitchen so far but man oh man does it burn battery when I'm on the phone
I'm having the same problem...well as far as the text msgs go so i called tmobile last night and they took me off the network and placed me back on and since then I havent had any problems
Update: I put my GF's att sim card in my phone and went to all my "dead spots"... even when the signal bars were down to almost 0, the quality of the call was still clear and it wouldn't fade in and out during a call... Does anyone know if there's anything T-Mobile can do? Because I tried my moms sim card in my phone (t-mobile) and gave me the same crappy results (calls fading in and out at full 4 bar signal)

[Q] No Signal, Factory Reset

any of you had any bother with your mobile signal?
I'm on Vodafone and from this morning my signal bars are empty and I have no mobile signal.
I tried selecting Vodafone and Automatically select from the mobile signal menu, never made any difference.
I did a factory reset of the phone and it worked great, logged into google, restored my apps etc and it was all good
Then 5 minutes ago the same happened again, no signal and nothing I do makes it come back on bar another factory reset???
I've tested my sim in another phone and it is fine, no drop outs, no issues, I hope it's not a faulty phone (
Any one else had similar or can think what would be causing this?
Happened again, no signal bars, no connection
so this time rather than a full factory reset I removed the apps I had reinstalled, which were Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, Tapatalk and Whatsapp, rebooted the phone and my signal is back to full strength again???
Could one of the above apps be the problem?, is that even possible?
Its got to be some software problem.. These apps cannot cause such a problem
thats what I thought.
I've left the apps off for now, and if the signal seems ok after a couple of hours I will start putting the apps back on one by one and see if anything obvious happens.
The only App I thought maybe could cause it would be whatsapp as it ties in with your mobile number.....I'll see what happens throughout the day
happened to me once, all I did was put it into airplane mode and then back out of it again, and all was well
Same thingg happened to me. I'm on tmo though. Its defective. Waiting for replacement
I take it you've all changed your SIM cards to be on the safe side?
My experience is that the signal does have a tendency to drop out in weak reception areas and is slow to pick it back up again. I'm on vodafone in the UK.
I'm on orange and today I had nothing but problems. Dropping signal and everything I am not sure if orange is having problems. Had a HTC one s before never lost the little H above the signal bars.
Should I look at getting a replacement sorted.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I'm having the same problem with T-mobile in the US. It seems to mostly be an issue for me in areas of weak coverage. A reboot or any other way of resetting the phone connection fixes it, but still...
Been happening all day. Even now I have no mobile signal and yet I am on here using mobile data.
Usually a full reset would bring the signal back for a while then it would go again. On one occasion putting it into aeroplane mode then back again worked, but only the once. It looks like I'm taking it back this weekend unfortunately.
i had this issue when i first got the handset on o2, but after a while and me putting the o2 sim in, it picked up signal, swapped out for my orange sim and hey presto started working fine. It's been like that for a week now, but last night the battery died when i was asleep and after a charge this morning, no signal again on my orange sim. I'm in work now so cant swap out for my o2 sim as its at home, but will try and borrow somebody elses sim to test when they get in the office later this morning, Very annoying!
same issue discussed here: CLICK
Just tried another sim, o2 this time. Same issue, so back to shop on Saturday. Question is do I get another one or plump for the sIII or an htc

Losing mobile network

I have a stock t-mobile s7 edge device. It's losing the mobile network. I've noticed it a couple of months ago - it happened a few times but recently the problem is getting worse. It already happened 3 times this week.
Seems like completely random. Sometimes I notice it after I go somewhere with weak signal or no signal at all. Sometimes when I get back to an area with good signal it reconnects and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it shows the bars and says it's connected to t-mobile but 4g doesn't show up at all. So you can call but no internet. Sometimes no signal at all.
When it happens the only way to connect is to reboot the phone. Nothing else helps. If you try to connect to network manually - it can find t-mobile but unable to connect. just spins. Changing from lte to 3g or 2g also doesn't work.
I even tried to create a new APN - same thing.
Please heeeeelp...........
Last time this happened to me on another device, it was the sim card that had a problem. Have you tried with another SIM card?
No, but I don't believe it's a sim card related problem. Wife's phone has the same problem although less frequently. But she also travels less.
It looks like a configuration / firmware or maybe hardware issue to me.
I'm experiencing the same issue. It seems to happen when the phone loses signal completely like when deep inside a building. Then it won't reconnect to data or the network by itself.
From the first moment when I got my edge back in April I noticed that the radio performance was weaker than other phones. Then I got the Note 7 and same issue again. Then back to an s7 edge and the problem seems to be worse on this one specially after the latest software update.
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My wife (s7) and me (s7 edge), as well as a co-worker (s7) are having this same issue.
Before it was happening occasionally, but after the last update its happening WAY more often.
Wiping cache seems to help with frequency, but still did not eliminate the problem. Hopefully it gets fixed with an update. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to put up with it.
Edit: I forgot to add a "simple" fix I've found that works almost all the time is to turn off mobile data, turn on airplane mode, turn off airplane mode, wait for signal, then turn on mobile data. Those steps in that exact order work for me most of the time.
So I've been having the same issues as everyone stated. The only fix is to reboot the phone, but who wants to that every time. I even changed the sim card!! I wish T-Mobile would get out of their feelings and start selling more flagship phones.
I have made the decision to jump to LG V20. I hope this issue doesn't exist with the LG.
I've just got my s7 edge and I'm sort of having same problem at home got 2 bars and sometimes goes to 4 bars but also wen I called someone the line was crackling but person said could her me fine so done a wiped cache and think it's sorted it now for the time being
(Edit ~ it's done it again could hardly hear person I was talking to)
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